System Security Using Mobile Phone

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A Project Report

Submitted for Partial Fulfillment of award of
Bachelor of Technology
Computer Science and Engineering


Aarambh Lawania(1206410001)
Akshay Bhardwaj(1206410009)
Harendra Singh(1206410034)
Alok Kumar Dubey(1206410301)

Under the Guidance of

Mr. Abhishek Toofani
Assistant Professor


May, 2016

The work presented in my dessertation titled SYSTEM SECU-

RITY USING MOBILE PHONE , submitted to the Department
of Computer Science and Engineering, Hindustan College of Sci-
ence and Technology, Mathura, for the award of Bachelor of Tech-
nology, is my original work. I have neither plagiarized nor submitted
the same work for award of any other degree. In case this undertak-
ing is found incorrect, I accept that my degree may be withdrawn.

Aarambh Lawania(1206410001)
Akshay Bhardwaj(1206410009)
Harendra Singh(1206410034)
Alok Kumar Dubey(1206410301)

May, 2016
HCST, Farah, Mathura


Certified that the work contained in the dissertation entitled SYSTEM SECU-

Aarambh Lawania(1206410001)
Akshay Bhardwaj(1206410009)
Harendra Singh(1206410034)
Alok Kumar Dubey(1206410301)
for the award of Bachelor of Technology from APJ ABDUL KALAM TECHNI-
CAL UNIVERSITY,LUCKNOW INDIA has been carried out under my supervi-
sion and this work has not been submitted elsewhere for a degree.

(Mr. Abhishek Toofani )

Mr. Munish Khanna Dr. Hitendra Garg

Head of the Department Project Coordinator


We would like to express my deep gratitude to my supervisor, Mr. Abhishek

Toofani for his valuable advice and encouragement at every step of our project
work. Without his unfailing support and belief in us, this would not have been
possible. We are truly grateful for him.

Finally, We would like to express my sincere and deep gratitude to Mr. Mu-
nish Khanna (HOD) and Dr. Hitendra Garg (Project Coordinator) for their sup-
port and guidance.

Aarambh Lawania
Akshay Bhardwaj
Harendra Singh
Alok Kumar Dubey


Desktop security is primary issue among users when crime is increasing espe-
cially when the administrator is far away from the system. As we all are familiar
to both mobile phones and computers like home PC, laptops etc and also all are
have mobile phones available at high and low budget. We know that a computer
can be controlled by a user by using a client server basis. But in this project
the idea is to control the PC with our own mobile phones. The project involves
interfacing the computer hardware and software and mobile phone so that the
computer could be switched on and off using mobile phone and also to restrict
the guest user to access to particular files into the system .
In this project we are providing the security to our computer system by
controlling system startup ,managing and securing files and folder of the sys-
tem.This window application is provided for the purpose user authentication
,mananing files, making selected folders inaccessible,creating log of the changes
made in all drives of the system etc.,in a very user friendly way. The proposed
work is organized as:

In Chapter 1,window startup and file system security is the appplication

managing and controlling the file,foldetr and window authentications .
It include all directories of the operating system.When a user is login on
the to windows , the startup program is play.In all Dos based versions of
windows,except ME,it is also possible to load windows by booting to a
Dos ,Prompt and Typing "Win". There are some command line switch
is that can be used with the "Win command":with the /d switch ,window
boot to safe mode.

In Chapter 2, we present a literature survey of Desktop Security Using

Mobile Phone. This chapter also discusses the basic requirements of sys-
tem like hardware and software and information about the front end and
back end of the application. Also the need of the project like Why would
any organization need to care about the security of their desktops?

In Chapter 3, In this chapter we analysed the technologies that we are
going to use to develop the desired functionalities of the project. The
technologies that are described are GSM architecture, SIM,AT commands
and serial communication.

In Chapter 4, In this chapter there is discription about the frameworks

that are employed in the development of project. We have used the .Net
framework to develop the frontend of project and for the backend support
we have used the MS-Access of Microsoft Corporation as a database .

In Chapter 5,This chapter contains the infomation about the documenta-

tion standards. What are the features of SRS documentation , what is
risk management and is Feasibilty study and what is the importance of
Feasibilty study for a project to be successful.

In Chapter 6,This is totally devoted to the diagramatic representations

used in our system. Diagrams like UML and Use cases diagrams are fully
and functionally descibed. Along with that DFD diagram is also exolained
in this chapter. Chapter also contains the final DFD of the project.

In Chapter 7, This chapter contains the content which explains the work-
ing procedure of the project.

In Chapter 8,This chapter is dedicated to the software testing and the types
of software testing.

In Chapter 9,In this chapter we decribed the conclusion of the project ,

along with that we have explained the limitations as well as the future
scope of the project.


Acknowledgements iv
Abstract v

1 Introduction 1
1.1 History of System Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 System Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.3 Objective . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.4 Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

2 Literature Analysis 5
2.1 Analysis of Literature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.2 Requirement Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.2.1 Hardware Interfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.2.2 Software Interfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

3 System Description 8
3.1 GSM Modem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
3.2 Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
3.3 AT Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
3.3.1 AT Commands and there Discription . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Basic Commands . . . . . . . . . . 11 Extended Commands . . . . . . . . 11
3.4 Serial Communication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
3.4.1 Baud rate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
3.4.2 Parity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
3.4.3 Stop Bit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
3.4.4 Data Bits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

3.4.5 Port Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

4 Platform Used for Development 13

4.1 .Net . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
4.2 Features of .Net . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
4.2.1 Interoperability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
4.2.2 Common Language Runtime engine . . . . . . . . . . . 14
4.2.3 Language Independence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
4.2.4 Framework Class Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
4.2.5 Simplified deployment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
4.2.6 Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
4.2.7 Portability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
4.3 Microsoft Access . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

5 Documentation Standards 19
5.1 Software Requirment Specification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
5.1.1 Features of SRS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
5.1.2 Inroduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
5.1.3 Purpose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
5.1.4 Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
5.2 The overall Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
5.3 Identification Of Need . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
5.4 Risk Assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
5.4.1 Technical Issues Encountered . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
5.5 Software Development Practices Adopted . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
5.6 Feasibilty Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
5.6.1 Technical Feasibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
5.6.2 Economic Feasibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
5.6.3 Operational Feasibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
5.6.4 Benefits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

6 System Modeling 25
6.1 Software Development Life Cycle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
6.1.1 Requirment Specification and Analysis Phase . . . . . . 26
6.1.2 Design Phase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
6.1.3 Implemention Phase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
6.1.4 Testing Phase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

6.1.5 Delivery and Maintenance Phase . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
6.2 Advantages of Waterfall Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
6.3 Data Flow Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
6.4 Advantages of Data Flow Diagrams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
6.5 level 0-DFD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
6.6 level 1-DFD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
6.7 Unified Modelling Language (UML) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
6.7.1 ACTOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
6.7.2 Association . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
6.7.3 Use Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
6.7.4 Generalization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
6.7.5 Note . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
6.7.6 System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
6.8 Use Case Of The Project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
6.9 Flow Chart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
6.9.1 Flowline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
6.9.2 Terminal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
6.9.3 Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
6.9.4 Decision . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
6.9.5 Input/Output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
6.9.6 Flowchart of the project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Admin flowchart . . . . . . . . . . 37 Guest flowchart . . . . . . . . . . . 37

7 Working Procedure 39
7.1 Module-1(A): Administrator Login . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
7.2 Module-1(B): Guest Login . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
7.3 Module-2: Bluetooth Connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
7.4 Module-3: Folder Creation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
7.5 Module-4(A): Folder And File Restriction . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
7.6 Module-4(B): Restriction Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

8 Software Testing 47
8.1 What is Testing ? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
8.2 Types of software Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
8.2.1 Unit Testing: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
8.2.2 Integration Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

8.2.3 System testing: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
8.2.4 Acceptance Testing: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
8.3 Test Cases And Result . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

9 Future Scope, Conclusion and Limitations 52

9.1 Future Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
9.2 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
9.3 Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

References 54


3.1 GSM- ARCHITECTURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

4.1 Net Framework . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

4.2 Common Language Runtime Engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
4.3 MS Access Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

6.1 Software Development Life Cycle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

6.2 Waterfall model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
6.3 level 0 DFD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
6.4 level 1 DFD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
6.5 Use Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
6.6 Admin Flowchart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
6.7 Guest Flowchart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

7.1 Admin login . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

7.2 Guest login interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
7.3 folder creation interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
7.4 restriction interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
7.5 restriction removal interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

8.1 Testing Strategy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

8.2 Types of software Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49


8.1 Test Case Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51



Computer security is a term which also be known with the name cyber security
or information technology security. It is defined as the protection of informa-
tion systems from damage to the hardware or, software, theft, software, and to
information on them, as well as from disruption or misdirection of the services
they provide.[5]
It includes protecting against harm that may come via network access ,as
well as, controlling physical access to the hardware,data and code injection, and
due to malpractice by operators, whether intentional, accidental, or due to them
being tricked into deviating from secure procedures.[7]

1.1 History of System Security

System Security Using Mobile Phones is the window application managing and
controlling the file and folders and window authentication.
It include all directories of the operating system. When a user is login on to
the windows, the startup program is play. In all Dos based versions of windows,
except ME, it is also possible to load windows by booting to a Dos , Prompt and
Typing "Win". There are some command line switch is that can be used with
the "Win command": with the /d switch ,window boot to safe mode.
Computer security has existed since the end of the 1960s . Since computers
were small and not broadly used by the public, protection of data was easier.
Today, however, most households in developed nations have at least one com-
puter. File sharing and stealing are much more common. Computers are also
interconnected. As a result, information is more easily accessed by predators.

Landwehr (2001) notes that for many years security systems contained the
following functions:

Confidentiality: The ethical duty of confidentiality is defined by the
British Medical Association as the principle of keeping secure and secret
from others, information given by or about an individual in the course of
a professional relationships.

Integrity:Integrity involves maintaining the consistency, accuracy, and

trustworthiness of data over its entire life cycle. Data must not be changed
in transit, and steps must be taken to ensure that data cannot be altered by
unauthorized people .

Availability: Availability is best ensured by rigorously maintaining all

hardware, performing hardware repairs immediately when needed and
maintaining a correctly functioning operating system environment that is
free of software conflicts. Its also important to keep current with all nec-
essary system upgrades. Providing adequate communication bandwidth
and preventing the occurrence of bottlenecks are equally important.

Authentication:Authentication is the act of confirming the truth of an

attribute of a single piece of data (a datum) claimed true by an entity. In
contrast with identification which refers to the act of stating or otherwise
indicating a claim purportedly attesting to a person or things identity,
authentication is the process of actually confirming that identity. In other
words, authentication often involves verifying the validity of at least one
form of identification.

Security is evolution over the years:-

Late 1980s : In 1989, Robert Morris created what is now widely acknowl-
edged as the first computer worm. This self-propagating virus spread so
aggressively and rapidly that it succeeded in closing down much of the

1990 :From here on viruses went, well, viral and dominated the headlines.
The Melissa and ILOVEYOU viruses infected tens of millions of PCs,
causing email systems around the globe to fail, all with little strategic
objective or clear financial motivation.

Modern Days :Today, we have reached the position in which cybercrime

is so sophisticated it seems almost impossible to prevent. The emphasis is
now on how an organization responds once it has been breached. While

we cant prevent every incident, we can control how we manage the after-
math so that we are prepared and practiced in the process of response.

1.2 System Security

System Security is a major issue as if someone tries to access the system in our
absence so everybody wants to take proper measures to prevent the unauthorized
access to the system as well as to files and folders. This project-Secure Desktop
Management Using Mobile Phone represents a model that will provide security
to their desktop via SMS using Mobile Phone and GSM technology.

Keeping in view the rapid growth of wireless communication inspired to

work on this project. There are many real life situations that require control
of different devices remotely and to provide security. There will be instances
where a wired connection between a remote appliance or device and the control
unit might not be feasible due to structural problems. In such cases a wireless
connection is a better option.

Basic idea of the project is to prevent unauthorized user access to the system
even if the owner is away from the system and also to restrict the user from cut,
copy and open the files for which they are not authorized. The USB devices will
be deactivated as they are injected into the system. And in case if the owner
forgot to shutdown the system before leaving, the system will be automatically
shutdown as the mobile phone of the owner goes out of the Bluetooth range of
the system.

This system consist of a GSM modem for sending and receiving the SMS as
if any user other then owner tries to log in to the system, he will required to enter
his username and phone number, an SMS will be send to the Mobile Phone of
the owner and if he want he can shutdown the system remotely restricting user
to log in to the system. And to make sure that the user enter his own mobile
number to login an OTP will be send to the user and only after entering that
OTP, the user can log in to the system.

In this system, the owner will have the entire control and he will decide
which people will he be allowed to login the system, type of restrictions to make
on folders and files of the system. The aim of this project is to provide security

to the desktop even if the owner is anywhere in the world. For this purpose user
can use any type of Mobile.

1.3 Objective

The main objective behind this project are as follows:-

To restrict the unauthorized access to the system from remote place.

To prevent the restricted files and folders to be accessed.

To Deny any USB device to copy restricted files and folders from the

To automatically shutdown the system when the owners mobile phone

goes out of the Bluetooth range of system.

1.4 Scope

The scope this project are as follows:-

It can be Implemented anywhere , where we want to keep our system

For keeping our data secure.
For providing authorization to our system.
For classification of files on the basis of file type .



2.1 Analysis of Literature

Why would any organization need to care about the security of their
desktops? Desktop is the primary access to the organizations re-
sources and business applications. It is the gateway to the organiza-
tions highly valuable and confidential information assets.

In a network computing environment, classification of users for desk-

top access is an effective way of access control. This technique clas-
sifies users into several types, e.g. type 1,2 and 3 to differentiate
them against each other. Type 1 users may obtain standard desktop
applications, approved optional softwares that suit their tasks and
functions, and have access to A and C drives. On the other hand,
type 2 users may only get standard desktop applications and have no
access to A and C drives (all applications and data reside in central
servers). Type 3 may be assigned as mobile users.

Delivering set of toolsets or application access is based on user type.

One of the advantages of user classification is that desktops can be
centrally managed and with this, future growth in terms of delivering
client applications to users will be much easier and simple. Another
advantage is that users access can be controlled by category. For
example, only type 1 users are able to access the Internet. With re-
stricted access, the number of abuse cases are minimized.

To improve the access control and for better security, each of the

application accessible from the desktop must be protected by an ef-
fective password system. This include access to the organizations
network, email application, ERP system, office administration sys-
tem, etc. The purpose is to ensure that access to each application is
granted to the authorized users only.

To further enhance the security, the following features may be incor-

porated in the security baselines and become a mandatory security
settings for each of the application.

a. Password must have a minimum length of 8 characters.

b. Password must be alpha-numeric.
c. Password must not be based on dictionary words.
d. Password must be changed every 30 days.
e. Account will be locked out after 3 consecutive unsuccessful login
f. Multiple concurrent login is not allowed.

2.2 Requirement Analysis

Requirements of our system are :-

2.2.1 Hardware Interfaces

* Processor: DUAL CORE

* Speed : 1.2 GHz
* RAM : 1 GB
* HDD : 5 GB

2.2.2 Software Interfaces


DOW 8,8.1
FRONT END: The designing and coding part has been
done in c using .Net framework.
BACK END: For the database connectivity, we have used
Microsoft Access.



3.1 GSM Modem

The Global System mobile computing for modem is slightly

different from the conventional modem. This utilizes the
Global System mobile standard for cellular technology. The
Global System mobile modem acts like a cellular phone
and transmits text and voice data. It communicates with
the GSM network via the Subscriber Identity Module card.

The Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM: orig-

inally from Groupe Special Mobile) is the most popular
standard for mobile phones in the world. It is considered
as a second generation (2G) mobile phone system. It is
used as medium for transmitting and receiving short mes-
sage service. An Subscriber Identity Module from the user
contains the information of actions to be performed. At the
system side the modem receives the SMS sends it to the
application running into the system which executes the re-
quired action.
A GSM modem is a specialized type of modem which ac-
cepts a Subscriber Identity Module card, and operates over
a subscription to a mobile operator, just like a mobile phone.
From the mobile operator view point, a GSM modem ap-
pers just like a mobile phone.


When a Global System mobile computing modem is con-

nected to a pc, this allows the system to use the GSM mo-
dem to communicate over the mobile network. While these
Global System mobile computing modems are most fre-
quently used to provide mobile internet connectivity, many
of them can also be used for sending and receiving SMS
and MMS messages.

3.2 Subscriber Identity Module (SIM)

One of the key features of Global System mobile comput-

ing is the Subscriber Identity Module , known as Subscriber
Identity Module card. The Subscriber Identity Module is
detachable smart card which contains the users subscrip-
tion information and phone book. It is used with Global
System mobile computing modem to transmit and receive
the short message service to and from the user of the system
so that the required actions can be taken related to access-
ing the system.
A subscriber identity module or subscriber identification
module is an integrated circuit chip that is developed to
securely store the international mobile subscriber identity
number and its related key, which are used to identify and
authenticate subscribers on mobile telephony devices (such
as mobile phones and computers). It is also possible to store
contacts on many SIM cards. Subscriber Identity Module

cards are always used on Global System mobile computing
phones; for CDMA phones, they are only needed for newer
LTE-capable handsets. Subscriber Identity Module cards
can also be used in satellite phones.

The Subscriber Identity Module circuit is part of Univer-

sal Integrated Circuit physical smart card, which is made
of poly vinyl chloride with embedded contacts and semi-
conductors. "SIM cards" are made such that they can be
transferred among various different mobile devices. The
first UICC cards were of the size equal to that of credit and
bank cards, the development of physically smaller mobile
devices has boosted the development of smaller SIM cards,
where the size of the plastic carrier is very small while keep-
ing electrical contacts the same.
Initially the SIM was specified by the European Telecom-
munications Standards Institute in the specification with the
number TS 11.11. This specification tells about the physical
and logical behaviour of the Subscriber Identity Module.
With the development of UMTS the specification work was
a bit transferred to 3GPP. 3GPP is now responsible for the
further development of applications like SIM [1] and USIM
[3] and ETSI for the further development of the physical
card UICC.

3.3 AT Commands

The AT commands are used to control the operation of the

modem. They are called AT commands because the charac-
ters AT must precede or we can say must come first before
each command to get the ATtention of the modem. AT com-
mands can only be issued when the modem is in command
mode or online mode. The modem is in command mode
whenever it is not connected to another modem. The mo-
dem is in data mode whenever that modem is connected to
some other modem and ready to exchange data.

3.3.1 AT Commands and there Discription Basic Commands

ATD: Dial
ATA: Answer
ATH: Hook Control
ATO: Return to Online Data State Extended Commands

AT+CMGR: Read message

AT+CMGS: Send message
AT+CMGD: Delete message

3.4 Serial Communication

In computer science and telecommunication, serial commu-

nication is the process of sending data one bit at a time,
sequentially, over the communication channel or over the
computer bus. This is in contrast to parallel communica-
tion, where several bits are sent fully together, on a link
with several parallel channels.

Serial communication is used for all long-haul communica-

tion and for most of computer networks, where the cost of
cable and synchronization difficulties make parallel com-
munication impractical.
Serial communication is very common protocol for devices
communication that is standard on almost every PC. We
have properties for the following items of the Serial Port:

3.4.1 Baud rate

A measure of speed of serial communication, somewhere

equivalent to bits per second.The baud rate is the rate at

which whole information is transferred in the communi-
cation channel. In context to the serial port, "9600 baud"
means that the serial port is capable of transferring a maxi-
mum of maximum baud rate of 9600 bits per second.

3.4.2 Parity

A parity bit, ( check bit) is that bit added to the end of a

string (in binary) that indicates whether the number of bits
in the string with the value 1 is even or odd. Parity bits are
used for simplest form of error detecting code.

3.4.3 Stop Bit

In serial communications, where each and every bit of the

message is transmitted in sequence, stop bits are the extra
one bit that follow the data and any of bit(parity bit). They
tell the end of a unit of transmission .

3.4.4 Data Bits

A bit is a basic unit of information in digital communica-

tions. A bit can have only one of two values either 0 or 1 .
The bit is a term used to represent binary digit. In informa-
tion theory, a bit is equivalent to the unit "shannon", named
after- Claude Shannon.
In information theory, one single bit is typically defined as
the uncertainty of a binary random variable that is zero or
one with equal chances,[2] or the information that is ob-
tained when the value of such a variable becomes known.[6]

3.4.5 Port Name

The port with which we are communicating , i.e; COM1,

COM2,COM14 etc. For two ports to communicate these
parameters need to match.



4.1 .Net

.NET Framework is a framework developed by Microsoft

corporation that runs primarily on Microsoft Windows. .net
have a large library and facilitates language inter operabil-
ity that is each language can use code written in other lan-
guages among several different programming languages. Pro-
grams written or made for .NET Framework execute in an
environment known as the Common Language Runtime ,is
an application virtual machine like JVM in java that pro-
vides services such as security,exception handling as well
as memory management . The class library and the Com-
mon Language Runtime together forms .NET Framework.

.NET Framework Class Library provides use data access,

interface, web application development, database connec-
tivity, network communications and numeric algorithms.
Programmers make software by combining their own writ-
ten source code with .NET Framework and other libraries
and tools. .NET Framework is supposed to be used by
most new applications created or developed for the Win-
dows platform. Microsoft has also produces(created) an
IDE largely for .NET software known as Visual Studio.

Figure 4.1: Net Framework

4.2 Features of .Net

Features of .Net are :-

4.2.1 Interoperability

since computer systems commonly require interaction be-

tween new and old applications, .NET Framework provides
means to access functionality implemented in new and old
programs that execute outside the .NET environment. Ac-
cess to COM components is provided in the System.

4.2.2 Common Language Runtime engine

The Common Language Runtime (CLR) used and serves as

the execution engine of .NET Framework. All .NET pro-
grams execute under the supervision of the The Common
Language Runtime, guaranteeing certain properties and be-
haviours in the areas of memory management, security, and
exception handling.

Figure 4.2: Common Language Runtime Engine

4.2.3 Language Independence

.NET Framework introduces a Common Type System. The

Common Type System specification defines all possible datatypes
and programming constructs supported by the Common Lan-
guage Runtime and how they may or may not interact with
each other conforming to the Common Language Infras-
tructure specification. Just because of this feature, .NET
Framework supports the exchange or transfer of types and
object instances between libraries and applications written
using any conforming .NET language.

4.2.4 Framework Class Library

The Framework Class Library is a library of functional-

ity available to all languages using .NET Framework. The
Framework Class Library provides classes that encapsulate
or contains a number of common functions, including file
reading and writing,database interaction, graphic rendering,
database interaction, XML document manipulation, and so
on. It consists of classes, interfaces of reusable types that
integrates with Common Language Runtime.

4.2.5 Simplified deployment

.NET Framework contains design features and tools which

helps in managing the installation of computer software to
ensure it does not interfere with previously installed soft-
ware, and it conforms to security requirements.

4.2.6 Security

The design addresses some of the vulnerabilities, such as

buffer overflows, which have been exploited by malicious
software. Additionally, .NET provides a common security
model for all applications.

4.2.7 Portability

While Microsoft has never implemented the full framework

on any system except Microsoft Windows, it has engineered
the framework to be platform-agnostic, and cross-platform
implementations are available for other operating systems.
Microsoft submitted the specifications for the Common Lan-
guage Infrastructure (which includes the core class libraries,
Common Type System, and the Common Intermediate Lan-
guage, the C language, and the C++/CLI language to both
ECMA and the ISO, making them available as official stan-
dards. This makes it possible for third parties to create com-
patible implementations of the framework and its languages
on other platforms.

4.3 Microsoft Access

Microsoft Access, also known as Microsoft Office Access,

is a database management system from Microsoft that com-
bines the relational Microsoft Jet Database Engine with a
graphical user interface (GUI) and software-development
tools. It is a member of the Microsoft Office suite of appli-
cations. Software developers and data architects can use
Microsoft Access to develop application software. Like

other Office applications, Access is supported by Visual Ba-
sic for Applications. Visual objects used in forms and re-
ports expose their methods and properties in the VBA pro-
gramming environment, and VBA code modules may de-
clare and call Windows operating-system functions.

Microsoft Access stores data in its own format based on the

Access Jet Database Engine. It can also import or link di-
rectly to data stored in other applications and databases.gore2012access
Access tables support a variety of standard field types, in-
dices, and referential integrity including cascading updates
and deletes. Access also includes a query interface, forms
to display and enter data, and reports for printing. The
underlying Jet database, which contains these objects, is
multi-user and handles record-locking.

Programmers can create solutions using VBA, which is sim-

ilar to Visual Basic 6.0 (VB6) and used throughout the Mi-
crosoft Office programs such as Excel, Word, Outlook and
PowerPoint. Most VB6 code, including the use of Windows
API calls, can be used in VBA. Power users and developers
can extend basic end-user solutions to a professional solu-
tion with advanced automation, data validation, error trap-
ping, and multi-user support.

If using an Access database solution in a multi-user sce-

nario, the application should be "split". This means that the
tables are in one file called the back end (typically stored
on a shared network folder) and the application components
(forms, reports, queries, code, macros, linked tables) are in
another file called the front end.

Figure 4.3: MS Access Table



5.1 Software Requirment Specification

SRS is software requirement specification ,It contain the

S/w requirement Detail like What is Frontend Technology
(Backend technology), OS and H/w Architecture of the project.

SRS is document of s/w requirement specification prepared

by testing Engineer, Which contains the specification about
the developing of the project ,project detail, project mod-
ules without Bugs ,About test cases to improve the quality
of the project and h/w specification is called SRS.

Software requirements Specification documentation:

SRS stands for Software requirement specification.
It Establishes the basis for agreement between customers
and Contactors or Suppliers on What the software product
is expected to do , as well as what is not expected to do .

5.1.1 Features of SRS

Sets permits Rigorous assessment of requirements before

design can begin.
Sets the basis for software design ,test ,Deployment ,Train-
ing Etc. It Also set pre-request for a good design though it
is not enough.
set basis for software enhancement and maintains.

sets basis for project plans like scheduling and estimation.

5.1.2 Inroduction

We are creating a window application to protect our Pcs.

By the installation of this software , we can provide more
security to the secret data present in our system, What we
have to do is just to install the application to our system.

5.1.3 Purpose

The main purpose for preparing this document to give a

general inside into analysis and requirement of the existing
system of situation and for determine the operating charac-
teristics of the system

5.1.4 Scope

This Document plays a vital role in the development life

cycle (SDLC) as it describe the complete requirement of
the system. It is Meant for use by the developers and will
be the basic during testing phase. Any changes made to
the requirement in the future will have to go through formal
change approval process.

5.2 The overall Description

System analysis will be performed to determine if it is fea-

sible to design an information based on policies and plans
of the organization and on user requirements and eliminate
the weakness of the present system.
General Requirement Are:-
a. The new system should be cost effective.
b. The Augment management, improve productivity and
c. To Enhance user /System Interface.
d. To improve information quality and usability.
e. To Upgrade systems Reliability , Availably ,Flexibility

and growth potential.

5.3 Identification Of Need

a. The former consist of linguistic or language forms of

hidden writing.
b. In resent years , Every thing is trending toward digitiza-
c. Therefore , messages can be secretly carried by digital
media by using and Steganography techniques, and than be
transmitted through the internet rapidly.
d. Show be Prepared this application to make the informa-
tion hiding more simple and user friendly.


Before Commencing the project, we have to be very clear
about what are technology that are to be required for the
development of the new system. Find out whether the orga-
nization Currently posses required technologies:
Is the Required technology available with the organization ?
If so is the capacity sufficient ?
a. Purpose of project .
b. The main Purpose of this project is to give the security
to Window startup and file system security by the use of the
different type of the technique, it can be implemented any-
where, where be want to keep our system secure for keeping
our date secure, for providing user authorization to our sys-
tem. For classification of files in the basis of file type.

5.4 Risk Assessment

Some of the Difficulty we faced was in trying to make the

desire function work .At first the coding seemed to little

complex, So be went back to the users requirement for clar-
ification and we were able to get a more idealized descrip-
tion of the function. After studding the IDE we wanted to
use, the coding became less complex and we were able to
figure out How to go about it.

5.4.1 Technical Issues Encountered

Some of the technical issues and question be encountered

were with the following : 1. How the Program Saves data.
2. How errors are detected and the error messages that
should appear.
3. What happens when be try over writing data and already
exist on the list.
4. Is the Software User Friendly ?
5. Is the Graphic user interface Elegant?
6. The platform the s/w should run on.
We were able to Answer and Resolve these issues after
meetings and discussion with the entire group an mentor.

5.5 Software Development Practices Adopted

1. We used Extreme programming to build the s/w.

2. We adopted the whole team approach in which the men-
tor was involved throughout the s/w development.
3. The used simple design which were as simple as the cur-
rent Functionality allowed by the system.
4. We first begin with very simple design which is in-
clemently improved.
5. Continuous integration was also used where each code
was compiled , run and tested before adding to the system
after which the system must meet all the criteria. The Most
important practices adopted was pair programming.
We paired up with members of the team and each team met
at various time to code. After each pair coded, they made
sure they tested and compiled it, then added it to the main

system which the sent to other group member. We also
made sure that we coded according to coding standards, the
development codes were consistent and had the same style

5.6 Feasibilty Study

This project is developed for hiding information includes

any type of information file and folders where user want to
restrict unauthorized access by any person.
The assessment is based on an outline design of system re-
quirements in terms of inputs, process, output, fields, pro-
cedure and programs. This can be quantified in terms of
volumes of data, trends, frequency of updating etc. in order
to estimate whether the new system will perform adequately
or not. Technological feasibility is carried out to determine
whether the group has the capability , in terms of software
, hardware, personal expertise to handle the completion of
the project.

5.6.1 Technical Feasibility

This assessment is based on an outline design of system

requirements, to determine whether the company has the
technical expertise to handle completion of the project. When
writing a feasibility report, the following should be taken to
brief description of the business to assess more possible fac-
tors which could affect the study
part of the business being examined
human and economic factor
possible solutions to the problem
At this level, the concern is whether the proposal is both
technically and legally feasible (assuming moderate cost).
The technical feasibility assessment is focused on gaining
an understanding of the present technical resources of the
organization and their applicability to the expected needs

of the proposed system. It is an evaluation of the hardware
and software and how it meets the need of the proposed
This project will use the basic hardware configuration as
that used for any windows OS.

5.6.2 Economic Feasibility

The purpose of the economic feasibility assessment is to de-

termine the positive economic benefits to the organization
that the proposed system will provide. It includes quantifi-
cation and identification of all the benefits expected. This
assessment typically involves a cost/ benefits analysis.
This software is economically feasible as the cost estimated
with the budget planned for the software development.

5.6.3 Operational Feasibility

Operational feasibility is a measure of how well a proposed

system solves the problems, and takes advantage of the op-
portunities identified during scope definition and how it sat-
isfies the requirements identified in the requirements analy-
sis phase of system development.[4]
The operational feasibility assessment focuses on the de-
gree to which the proposed development projects fits in with
the existing business environment and objectives with re-
gard to development schedule, delivery date, corporate cul-
ture, and existing business processes.

5.6.4 Benefits




Systems modeling or system modeling is the interdisciplinary

study of the use of models to conceptualize and construct
systems in business and IT development.[8]
A common type of systems modeling is function modeling,
with specific techniques such as the Functional Flow Block
Diagram and IDEF0. These models can be extended us-
ing functional decomposition, and can be linked to require-
ments models for further systems partition.
Contrasting the functional modeling, another type of sys-
tems modeling is architectural modeling which uses the sys-
tems architecture to conceptually model the structure, be-
havior, and more views of a system.

6.1 Software Development Life Cycle

The s/w development life cycle (SDLC), Or s/w develop-

ment process in system engineering, information system
and s/w engineering, is a process of creating or altering
information system, and the models and mythologies that
people used to develop these system. In s/w Engineering,
SDLC concept underpins many kinds of s/w development
mythologies. These mythologies form the frame work for
planning and controlling the creation of an information sys-
tem: The s/w development process.

Figure 6.1: Software Development Life Cycle

6.1.1 Requirment Specification and Analysis Phase

This is the first phase in the waterfall s/w development model.

It is in this phase that all the requirement from the user
are acquired. Analysis of the requirements is carried out to
find out the possibility and the validity of the requirement,
which have in assessing is the requirement can be in cor-
porate in the system. The different Functionality required
along with the constraints are also taken into consideration
in the phase. In this phase it is important that the purpose
of the system an the target audience be taken into consider-
ation .

6.1.2 Design Phase

This is one of the important phase of waterfall s/w develop-

ment life cycle model. In this phase the s/w to be develop
is design according to the requirement gathered in the re-
quirement analysis phase. The specifications of the system
are taken into consideration and on the basis of the study of
the specification the system design is made. Along with the
s/w requirement, the h/w requirement and the other system
requirement are also decided in this phase. In sort ,the en-
tire system architecture is planned out. If this phase has to
be summed up in one line we can say that this phase provide

the answer to the question " HOW" , Which was created af-
ter the answer to the question "WHAT" from the previous

6.1.3 Implemention Phase

The third phase in the waterfall model is the implementa-

tion phase .In this phase the actual s/w is develop i.e. The
code of the s/w to be developed according to the require-
ment gathered in the first phase is developed. In the phase
unit testing is carried out after the particular module has
been develop as well. Carrying out the test in the phase of-
ten proofs to be beneficial, as the problems in the system
are identified early into the s/w development phase.

6.1.4 Testing Phase

After all the modules of the s/w has been developed and
unit tested, system integration phase starts. Once the entire
system has been integrated, system testing is carried out this
test helps in identifying the problem created after the entire
system has been integrated. It is not un common to see
that the a particular module has created a problem for other
module or modules. It is here that the verification is carried
out to know if the system works as per the specification
provided by the stakeholders user. Once the test result are
positive, the process moves to the next phase.

6.1.5 Delivery and Maintenance Phase

After the s/w is working as per the specification of the stake

holders, the system is ready for delivery. s/w is delivered to
the end user. Often there are problems ,which arise after the
end user starts using the system. When the problem arise,
the problem have to be rectified. Some times, the problem
in the system are seen after substantial amount of time. The
s/w development team is liable to rectify the problem in the
system for a certain period of the time , after the system has

Figure 6.2: Waterfall model

been deployed. In some cases, addition features may also

have to be added to the system.

6.2 Advantages of Waterfall Model

Simple and easy to understand.

Easy to manage due to the rigidity of the model -each phase
has specific the deliverables and a review process.
Phases are processed an completed one at a time.
Bugs well for smaller project where requirement are very
well understood.

6.3 Data Flow Diagram

A data-flow diagram (DFD) is a graphical representation of

the "flow" of data through an information system. DEDs
can also be used for the visualization of data processing
(structure design). On a DFD, Data items flow from an ex-
ternal data source or an internal data store to an internal
data store or an external data sink, internal process.
ADFD provides no information about the timing or order-
ing of processes, or about whether processes will operate in
sequence or in parallel. It is therefore quite different from a

flowchart, which shows the flow of control through an algo-
rithm, allowing a reader to determine what operations will
be performed, in what order, and under what circumstances,
but not what kind of data will be input to and output from
the system, nor where the data will come from and go to,
nowhere the data will be stored (all of which are shown on
a DFD). When it comes to conveying how information data
flows through systems (and how that data is transformed in
the process), data flow diagrams (DFDs) are the method of
choice over technical descriptions for three principal rea-
(1) DFDs are easier to understand by technical and non-
technical audiences.
(2) DFDs can provide a high level system overview, com-
plete with boundaries and connections to other systems.
(3) DFDs can provide a detailed representation of system

DFDs help system designers and other during initial anal-

ysis stages visualize a current system or one that may be
necessary to meet new requirements. Systems analysts pre-
fer working with DFDs particularly when they require a
clear understanding of the boundary between existing sys-
tems and postulated system.

DFDs represent the following :

1. External devices sending and receiving data.
2. Processes that change that data.
3. Data flows themselves.
4. Data storage locations.
The hierarchical DFD typically consists of a top-level dia-
gram (Level 0) underline by cascading lower level diagrams
(Level 1, Level 2) that represent different parts of the sys-

PROCESSES : Process transform Data values. A process

is drawn as an ellipse.

DATA FLOW : A data flow connects the output of an ob-
ject or process to the input of another object or process.
Data Flow is drawn as an arrow.
ACTOR : An actor is an active object that drives the data
flow graph by producing values. Actor attached to the input
and output of data flow graph. Actor is drawn as a rectangle.
DATA STORES : A data store is a passive object within
a data flow diagram that store data for later access. A data
store does not generate any operations on its own but merely
responds to requests to store an access data. Data store
drawn as to parallel line containing the name of the store.

6.4 Advantages of Data Flow Diagrams

It gives further understanding of the interestedness of the

system and sub-system.
It is useful from communicating current system knowledge
to the user.
Used as part of the system documentation files.
Dataflow diagram helps to substantiate the logic underlin-
ing the dataflow of the organization.
It gives the summary of the system.
DFD is very easy to find errors and it is also useful for
quick reference to the development team for locating and
controlling errors
The first level DFD shows the main processes within the
system. Each of these processes can be broken into further
processes until you reach pseudo code.

6.5 level 0-DFD

0 level DFD of the project is Figure-6.3

6.6 level 1-DFD

1 level DFD of the project is shown in Figure-6.4

Figure 6.3: level 0 DFD

Figure 6.4: level 1 DFD

6.7 Unified Modelling Language (UML)

The Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a graphical lan-

guage for visualizing, specifying, constructing, and docu-
menting the artifacts of a software-intensive system. The
UML offers a standard way to write a systems blueprints,
including conceptual things such as business processes and
system functions as well as concrete things such as pro-
gramming language statements, database schemas, and reusable
software components.

The important point to note here is that UML is a language

for specifying and not a method or procedure. The UML
is used to define a software system; to detail the artifacts in
the system, to document and construct - it is the language
that the blueprint is written in. The UML may be used in a
variety of ways to support a software development method-
ology (such as the Rational Unified Process) - but in itself
it does not specify that methodology or process.

The Object Management Group (OMG) released the Uni-

fied Modeling Language (UML). One of the purposes of
UML was to provide the development community with a
stable and common design language that could be used to
develop and build computer applications. UML brought
forth a unified standard modeling notation that IT profes-
sionals had been wanting for years. Using UML, IT pro-
fessionals could now read and disseminate system structure
and design plans - just as construction workers have been
doing for years with blueprints of buildings.

It is now the twenty-first century - 2003 to be precise - and

UML has gained traction in our profession. On 75 percent
of the resumes I see, there is a bullet point claiming knowl-
edge of UML. However, after speaking with a majority of
these job candidates, it becomes clear that they do not truly
know UML. Typically, they are either using it as a buzz

word, or they have had a sliver of exposure to UML. This
lack of understanding inspired me to write this quick in-
troduction to UML, focused on the basic diagrams used in
visual modeling. When you are finished reading you will
not have enough knowledge to put UML on your resume,
but you will have a starting point for digging more deeply
into the language.

6.7.1 ACTOR

An actor models a type of role played by an entity that inter-

acts with the subject (eg. By exchanging signals and data),
but which is external to the subject(i.e., in the sense that
an instance of an actor is not a part of the instance of its
corresponding subject). Actors may represent roles played
by human users, external hardware, or other subjects. Note
that an actor does not necessarily represent a specific phys-
ical entity but merely a particular facet (i.e., "role") of some
entity that is relevant to the specification of its associated
use cases. Thus a single physical instance may play the
role of several different actors and, conversely a given ac-
tor may be played by multiple different instances. Since
an actor is external to the subject, it is typically defines in
the same classifier or package that incorporates the subject

6.7.2 Association

An association specifies a semantic relationship that can oc-

cur between typed instances. It has at least two ends rep-
resented by properties, each of which is connected to the
type of the end. More than one end of the association may
have the same type. An end property of an association that
is owned by an end class or that is a navigable owned end
of the association indicates that the association is navigable
from the opposite ends; otherwise, the association is not
navigable from the opposite ends.

6.7.3 Use Case

A use case is the specification of a set of actions performed

by a system, which yields an observable result that is, typ-
ically of value for one or more actors or other stakeholders
of the system.Figure-6.5

6.7.4 Generalization

A generalization is a taxonomic relationship between a more

general classifier and a more specific classifier. Each in-
stance of the specific classifier is also an indirect instance
of the general classifier. Thus, the specific classifier inherits
the features of the more general classifier.

6.7.5 Note

A note (comment) gives the ability to attach various re-

marks to elements. A comment carries no semantic force,
but may contain information that is useful to a modeler.

6.7.6 System

If a subject (or system boundary) is displayed, the use case

ellipse is visually located inside the system boundary rect-
angle. Note that this does not necessarily mean that the
subject classifier owns the contained use cases, but merely
that the use case applies to that classifier.

6.8 Use Case Of The Project

Project use case is shown in figure-6.5

6.9 Flow Chart

Graphical representation of decisions and the results of those

decisions mapped out in individual shapes that was devel-
oped by Herman Goldstein and John Von Neumann in 1940s.
Flowcharts allow for a step- by- step diagram to be drawn

Figure 6.5: Use Case

out. Flowcharts are often used in complex situations such
as the steps in programming code or troubleshooting a com-
puter. A flowchart is a type of diagram that represents an
algorithm, workflow or process, showing the steps as boxes
of various kinds, and their order by connecting them with
arrows. This diagrammatic representation illustrates a so-
lution model to a given problem. Flowcharts are used in
designing and documenting simple processes or programs.
Like other types of diagrams, they help visualize what is go-
ing on and thereby help understand a process, and perhaps
also find flaws, bottlenecks, and other less-obvious features
within it. There are many different types of flowcharts,
and each type has its own repertoire of boxes and nota-
tional conventions. The two most common types of boxes
in a flowchart are: " a processing step, usually called ac-
tivity, and denoted as a rectangular box " a decision, usu-
ally denoted as a diamond. A flowchart is described as
"cross-functional" when the page is divided into different
swimlanes describing the control of different organizational
units. A symbol appearing in a particular "lane" is within
the control of that organizational unit. This technique al-
lows the author to locate the responsibility for performing
an action or making a decision correctly, showing the re-
sponsibility of each organizational unit for different parts
of a single process.

6.9.1 Flowline

An arrow coming from one symbol and ending at another

symbol represent that control passes to the symbol the ar-
row points to. The line for the arrow can be solid or dashed.
The meaning of the arrow with dashed line may differ from
one flowchart to another and can be defined in the legend.

6.9.2 Terminal

Represented as circles, ovals, stadiums or rounded rectan-

gles. They usually contain the word "Start" or "End", or

another phrase signaling the start or end of a process, such
as "submit inquiry" or "receive product".

6.9.3 Process

Represented as rectangles. This is used to show that some-

thing is performed. Examples: "Add 1 to X", "replace iden-
tified part", "save changes", etc.

6.9.4 Decision

Represented as a diamond showing where a decision is nec-

essary, commonly a Yes/No question or True/False test. The
conditional symbol is peculiar in that it has two arrows
coming out of it, usually from the bottom point and right
point, one corresponding to Yes or True, and one corre-
sponding to No of False. More than two arrows can be used,
but this is normally a clear indicator that a complex decision
is being taken, in which case it may need to be broken-down
further or replaced with the "predefined process" symbol.
Decision can also help in the filtering of data.

6.9.5 Input/Output

Represented as a parallelogram. Involves receiving data

and displaying processed data.

6.9.6 Flowchart of the project Admin flowchart

Flowchart for Admin is shown in Figure-6.6 Guest flowchart

Flowchart for Guest is shown in Figure-6.7

Figure 6.6: Admin Flowchart

Figure 6.7: Guest Flowchart



System security is not just a matter of protecting your own

machine and the data on it. When a machine is compro-
mised, one of the most common outcomes is that it is used
to launch attempts to break in to, or disrupt service on,
other systems located at Penn or anywhere on the Inter-
net. Given the automated tools currently available to find
machines that can be compromised and then exploit them,
this is a serious concern. We all are familiar to both mobile
phones and computers like home PC, laptops etc and also
all are having mobile phones with high or low prices. We
know that a computer can be controlled by a user by using a
client server basis. But in this project the idea is to control
the PC with our own mobile phones. The project involves
interfacing the computer hardware and software and mo-
bile phone so that the computer could be switched on and
off using mobile phone and also to restrict the guest user to
access to particular files into the system.

In this project we are providing the security to our com-

puter system by controlling system startup, managing and
securing files and folder of the system. This window ap-
plication is provided for the purpose user authentication,
mananing files, making selected folders inaccessible, creat-
ing log of the changes made in all drives of the system etc.,
in a very user friendly way. System Security is a major is-
sue as if someone tries to access the system in our absence

so everybody wants to take proper measures to prevent the
unauthorized access to the system as well as to files and
folders. This project-Secure Desktop Management Using
Mobile Phone represents a model that will provide security
to their desktop via SMS using Mobile Phone and GSM
technology. Keeping in view the rapid growth of wireless
communication inspired to work on this project. There are
many real life situations that require control of different de-
vices remotely and to provide security. There will be in-
stances where a wired connection between a remote appli-
ance/device and the control unit might not be feasible due
to structural problems. In such cases a wireless connection
is a better option.

Basic idea of the project is to prevent unauthorized user ac-

cess to the system even if the owner is away from the system
and also to restrict the user from cut, copy and open the files
for which they are not authorized. The USB devices will be
deactivated as they are injected into the system. And in case
if the owner forgot to shutdown the system before leaving,
the system will be automatically shutdown as the mobile
phone of the owner goes out of the Bluetooth range of the

This system consist of a GSM modem for sending and re-

ceiving the SMS as if any user other then owner tries to log
in to the system, he will required to enter his username and
phone number, an SMS will be send to the Mobile Phone
of the owner and if he want he can shutdown the system re-
motely restricting user to log in to the system. And to make
sure that the user enter his own mobile number to login an
OTP will be send to the user and only after entering that
OTP, the user can log in to the system.

In this system, the owner will have the entire control and
he will decide which people will he be allowed to login the
system, type of restrictions to make on folders and files of

Figure 7.1: Admin login

the system. The aim of this project is to provide security to

the desktop even if the owner is anywhere in the world. For
this purpose user can use any type of Mobile. So to provide
desktop security to a system, we have divided our project
considering all the possible loopholes of the system into 4

7.1 Module-1(A): Administrator Login

This is the starting module of the windows application which

is divided into two separate modules i.e., one for adminis-
trator login and the second one is for other users login apart
from the administrator as shown in the Figure-7.1.

In administrator login page, an authorized administrator only

can access the system using his/her correct user name and
password. We have given an authorized administrator only
three chances to access the system with his/her correct user-
name and password, if the administrator enter either the
incorrect username or incorrect password on the fourth at-
tempt then the system will automatically shutdown prevent-
ing the unauthorized access of the system. We have also
restricted administrator to access task manager, to use win-
dows explorer key command and alt key command which
can be used either to stop the application or manipulate this

Figure 7.2: Guest login interface

windows application in any unwanted way possible.

7.2 Module-1(B): Guest Login

The next part of the first module is the guest login mod-
ule i.e., a user which is not the authorized user (administra-
tor). In this module the guest user firstly has to enter his/her
name and his/her phone number as depicted. On the very
same phone number entered by the guest an OTP (one time
password) of four digits will be generated which should be
entered on the login page in order to enter into the system
simultaneously another message will be generated contain-
ing the details of the guest user i.e. his/her name and a
phone number delivered to the administrator who can be at
a very far away remote place for the guest users authenti-
cation as an authorized guest user. If the administrator does
not want the guest user to access his/her system, for that
purpose we have provided a facility for the administrator
to remotely send a "shutdown" message which will be re-
ceived by the system and will act as a command for system
to automatically shutdown the system. This facility pro-
vided in the project is also very helpful in case of theft of
your whole system because when the user will try to access

the system then its details will be delivered to the admin-
istrator and the system can then easily be tracked down as
shown in Figure-7.2. For sending and receiving messages
to and from the system we have used AT (ATtention) com-
mands using a GSM module or a dongle and also a SIM
card (subscriber identity module).
7.3 Module-2: Bluetooth Connection

Bluetooth is a wireless technology standard for exchanging

data over short distances (using short-wavelength UHF ra-
dio waves in the ISM band from 2.4 to 2.485 GHz) from
fixed and mobile devices, and building personal area net-
works (PANs). Invented by telecom vendor Ericsson in
1994, it was originally conceived as a wireless alternative
to RS-232 data cables. It can connect several devices, over-
coming problems of synchronization. Bluetooth operates
at frequencies between 2402 and 2480 MHz, or 2400 and
2483.5 MHz including guard bands 2 MHz wide at the bot-
tom end and 3.5 MHz wide at the top. This is in the glob-
ally unlicensed (but not unregulated) Industrial, Scientific
and Medical (ISM) 2.4 GHz short-range radio frequency
band. Bluetooth uses a radio technology called frequency-
hopping spread spectrum. It usually performs 800 hops per
second, with Adaptive Frequency-Hopping (AFH) enabled.
Bluetooth low energy uses 2 MHz spacing, which accom-
modates 40 channels. Bluetooth is a packet-based protocol
with a master-slave structure. One master Bluetooth de-
vice can communicate with a maximum of seven devices
in a piconet (an ad-hoc computer network using Bluetooth
technology), though not all devices reach this maximum.
The devices can switch roles, by agreement, and the slave
can become the master (for example, a headset initiating a
connection to a phone necessarily begins as master-as ini-
tiator of the connection-but may subsequently operate as
slave).The Bluetooth Core Specification provides for the
connection of two or more piconets to form a scatter net, in
which certain devices simultaneously play the master role

Figure 7.3: folder creation interface

in one piconet and the slave role in another.

7.4 Module-3: Folder Creation

This is the third module of the project which is about how

the guest folder will be made and all its working. When the
guest login into the system then a folder of his/her name
is generated on the desktop inside guest folder which they
can utilize to create new files and folders and save in their
folder so as to use the facility of USB and take their work
anywhere in the USB. If the guest tries to create a file or
folder and saves it outside his/her folder then that file will
be automatically be erased from the system. Also the guest
users are barred to access files and folders on which user
have provided restrictions. Hence making all the data of
administrator is secure from unauthorized access as shown
in Figure-7.3.
7.5 Module-4(A): Folder And File Restriction

This module of our project explains that how the adminis-

trator can restrict his/her files and folders from unauthorized

Figure 7.4: restriction interface

Figure 7.5: restriction removal interface

access of the guest user. Restriction to any file or folder can

only be provided by an authorized administrator of the sys-
tem. The administrator will have to go to taskbar and look
for a yellow folder on the taskbar after logging into the sys-
tem as an administrator. Then after clicking on this folder
an option "open" will be shown after clicking on this option
the restriction box will appear Figure-7.4. Now the admin-
istrator will have to browse for the folder or file on which
they want to provide restriction on from the unauthorized
access of the guest user. Then they will have to click on
"apply setting" option to complete the procedure.

7.6 Module-4(B): Restriction Removal

An authorized administrator also has the facility to remove

the restriction. This module guides the way through that
process. Similar to the process of applying restriction to
any file or folder the administrator will have to go to the
taskbar and look for the yellow folder icon. After clicking
on this icon there is another option of removing restriction
from the restricted files and folders. Now a remove restric-
tion box will pop-up on the window screen on clicking that
option. On clicking on the dropdown menu button in the
box we can get all the list of the restricted files and folders.
Then the administrator just have to select the file or folder
from which the administrator wants to remove the restric-
tion and click on "remove restriction" button for completing
the process.Figure-7.5



8.1 What is Testing ?

Testing software is operating the software under controlled

conditions,to verify that it behaves "as specified", to detect
errors,and to validate that what has been specified is what
the user actually wanted.
1. Verification is the checking or testing of items,including
software,for conformance and consistency by evaluating the
results against pre-specified requirements.
2. Error Detection:Testing should intentionally attempt to
make things go wrong determine if things happen when
they shouldnt or things dont happen when they should.
3. Validation looks at the system correctness-i.e. is the pro-
cess of checking that what has been specified is what the
user actually wanted.

In other words ,validation checks to see if we are building

what the customer wants/needs,and verification checks to
see if we are building that system correctly.Both verifica-
tion and validation are necessary,but different somponents
of any testing activity.

The definition of testing according to the ANSI/IEEE 1059

standard is that testing is the process of analyzing a s/w itme
to detect the different between existing and required condi-

Figure 8.1: Testing Strategy

(that is defect/errors/bugs) and to evaluate the feature of the

s/w item.
In well-run project, the mission of the test team is not merely
to perform testing, but to help minimize the risk of project
failure. Testing look for manifest problems in the product,
potential problem,and the absence of problem. They ex-
plore, assess, track and report product quality ,so that oth-
ers in the project can make informed decisions about prod-
uct development. Its important to recognize that testers are
not out to :break the code, "We are not out to embarrass
or complain,just to inform.We are human meters of product

8.2 Types of software Testing

8.2.1 Unit Testing:

Unit Testing is a level of the software testing process where

individual units/components of software /system are tested.
The purpose is to validate that each unit of the software

Figure 8.2: Types of software Testing

performs as designed.

8.2.2 Integration Testing

Integration Testing is a level of the software testing process

where individual units are combined and tested as a group
.The purpose of this level of testing is to expose faults in the
interaction between integrated units.

8.2.3 System testing:

It is a level of the software testing process where a com-

plete,integrated system is tested.the purpose of this test is
to evaluate the systems compliance with the specified re-

8.2.4 Acceptance Testing:

It is level of the software testing process where a system is

tested for acceptability.The purpose of this test is to evaluate

the systems compliance with the business requirement and
assesses whether it is acceptable for delivery.

8.3 Test Cases And Result

Test Result : Hence after going through all the test cases in
table8.1 we conclude that our application passed all the test
cases .

Table 8.1: Test Case Evaluation
Expected Actual Re-
No. Test Cases Module Test Result
Result sult
After entering
On startup we have to enter the
3 invalid
valid login character if not doing In this con-
Window character the
1 so "invalid user" will be shown dition system Pass
startup system should
and system gets automatically shut- gets shutdown
gets shutdown
User id
After the registration the user id is should be
Window User id is gen-
2. automatically entered by using the generated Pass
startup erating
first name of the person. Using the first
In file watcher module on clicking
Log should
start button log of the changes made
be created if Log is creat-
3. in any of the folder of any of drive File Watcher Pass
any changes ing
is created whether it is creation, re-
is made.
naming or deletion.
By the help of folder security mod- folder
ule,the folder secured is saved in Folder Secu- shouldnt be
4. folder cant Pass
database and that folder cant be ac- rity cut or copied
be accessed
cessed,cut or copied. or cant be
The text files
In the compress file module the text should be
files can be compressed up to 1/3rd File Compres- compressed Text files are
5. Pass
of its original size and can be en- sion up to 1/3rd compressed
crypted also. of its original
Only files of
Folder allows
The folder created for a particular the particular
Single Exten- only the given
6. type of files will only Stores the type can be Pass
sion Folder type of files to
files of that type only. saved in the
created folder.
If any re-
movable disk
is found in
Data is not
On clicking on USB locker module ready Sate
showing until
if any removable disk is found in then all the
7. USB Locker the right Pass
ready state then only after providing data of the
password is
the right password one can access disk is super
hidden only
after giving
the right




9.1 Future Scope

As we all know anything is not ideal and perfect in this

world, similarly there are still some work which can be im-
plemented in this project in future like;
OTP which is being generated through an SMS can also be
generated through a mobile phone call.
Send message to admin when he goes out of Bluetooth range.
Recording and tracking of guest user face along with the
activities performed on the system and saving it into unique
folder which can only be accessible to the administrator.
Implantation of GSM module inside the system for better

9.2 Conclusion

System Security Using Mobile Phone is the windows ap-

plication for managing and controlling the files, folders and
windows authentication. Our project is used for providing
security to our computer system with the help of mobile
phones, managing and securing the files and folders of the
system from unauthorized access. This window application
is provided for the purpose of user authentication, manag-
ing files, making selected folders inaccessible etc. , in a

very user friendly and efficient way. As we all know in
todays era of information technology maximum work is
done with the help of computer systems only. So it was
very important and necessary to provide maximum security
to our system, so that anyone who is not authorized to ac-
cess our data using our system will not be able to access our
system without our permission even if we are present at a
very far away remote place. So in this way we can see that
how much useful and important this software is going to be
proved in todays "fast moving computer world".

9.3 Limitations

As we all know nothing in this world is perfect, like two

faces of a coin every system have their advantages and dis-
advantage. So we are going to discuss some of the limita-
tions of the system.
The system should be equipped with verified Bluetooth drivers
and Bluetooth adapter for the proper working of this win-
dow application.
The Bluetooth device and the systems Bluetooth Should
be paired and connect immediately when the administrator
login into the system.
The GSM module/a dongle with a SIM card should be al-
ways connected to the system.
Guest user should enter his/her correct name and Phone
number to get the valid OTP.


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