Tecnlogías Claves.-Expansion Reservas

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SPE 94915

Key High-Quality Technologies as Pivots for Hydrocarbon-Reserves Expansion

J.B. Navarro, Delta Are & Capillary Services Ltd.

Copyright 2005, Society of Petroleum Engineers

productivity in many scenarios and reservoirs in Mexico and
This paper was prepared for presentation at the SPE Latin American and Caribbean Petroleum worldwide.
Engineering Conference held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 20 23 June 2005.

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Within intelligent drilling and completions, the industry is
using now multidisciplinary technology such as 3D and 4D
Abstract seismic, high propped hydraulic fracturing, tubingless well
The digital technology trends to transform the hydrocarbons designs, multiple completions, high resolutions logging tools,
production dynamic and can potentially increase world oil reservoir numerical simulation, expert systems, and optimized
reserves. Several inherents systems and techniques are right multiple perforating systems for hard rock, etc.
now commercially availables, although the support of Just in Mexico North Region wells, the tubingless
specialized hardware is required for completing truly completion integers advanced stimulation practices with
integrated projects. reservoir analysis to improve production results from low
Five key and high quality technologies-remote sensing, permeability formations. Stimulation procedures still depend
visualization, intelligent drilling and completions, automation on the well completion method utilized.
and data integration- are a set of tremendous new tools that Propellants use incorporates better results on early
will enable energy companies see reserves more clearly, plan production of the treated wells and improve the benefits before
optimal drilling and production strategies, and manage and after propped frac jobs. The concept of combining the
operations more efficiently. propellant into a sleeve with the perforating gun is unique and
The Inter-well seismic imaging, 4D optimized seismic and this technology shows promise of solving many of the inherent
other key technologies in coherence cubes are the most recent perforating problems for which solutions have been needed.
advances speciality with great value for reservoir Gun perforating and well stimulation have been inseparably
management. entwined from the beginning. Shaped charges have been
Crosswell seismic imaging is the first technology that fills established as the most efficient method of obtaining
the information gap between surface seismic and well logs and communication between a cased borehole and the formation of
enhances the profitable management of subsurface an oil or gas well.
hydrocarbon resources. The most significant problem encountered in high propped
Reservoir dynamic simulation models, running in frac jobs has been the presence of fracture entry restrictions
conjunction with real time sensors and automated controls, arising from perforation friction, flow tortuosity and fracture
provide high importance information, and the operators can friction. The combination perforating/propellant systems have
visualizate efficiently subsurface conditions to maximize met with encouraging results both as a perforation breakdown
production and manage efficiently field development. method, and as a tortuosity/near-wellbore damage stimulation
Scalable 3D visualization technology combined with method before a propped frac operation.
massive data management capabilities and high-speed The industry will employ these excellent technologies to
networks are drastically reducing cycle times for prospect improve the prospects of locating new reservoirs and then to
generation, field development planning, well design, drilling enhance the capabilities to produce them most efficiently.
and completion.
This paper shows examples of high resolution crosswell Technology Makes the Difference 4D Seismic
seismic visualization, downhole sensors systems, massive data As drilling, completion and workover technology expands the
capture with integral systems, and other technologies boundaries of conventional well design, accessibility and
supported with digital resources as intelligent drilling and intervention costs become primary factors in effective
completions, which are generating an increase in the reservoir management.1
2 SPE 94915

Advances in well engineering and completion technology very important when costs are being driven down by
represent another area of technological development with liberalized gas markets.
major impact on field development capabilities.
The energy industry today faces tough challenges, including Interwell ( Crosswell ) Imaging
recovering more hydrocarbons from mature reservoirs; The availability, resolution, and overall quality of interwell
accesing more difficult resources; achieving higher operating information can significantly impact reservoir management
standards; profiting in highly competitive markets; finding and/or optimization, as well as the accuracy of reserves
new opportunities to squeeze costs; meeting the environmental assessment. Standard reservoir mapping methods are limited
challenge, and coping with volatile prices. Technology will be by a lack of data falling between surface and wellbore
the prime means of meeting these challenges and of achieving measurements.3
competitive advantage and seizing new openings. Recent While 3D seismic interrogates large subsurface volumes, it
advances in several key technologies illustrate this point. Fig. does not provide sufficient resolution for determining
1 shows the concept. reservoir characterization or for monitoring of fluids within
Technology is about innovation. A successful technology the reservoir.
company must be able to constantly innovate. Having Applied in a wide range of environments, crosswell
advanced technologies is just the start. Disseminating new seismic enhance the profitable management of subsurface
technologies and new techniques and sharing learning remain hydrocarbon resources.
fundamental to upstream success. Its necessary to develop By imaging from the reservoir, a number of practical
new processes to use technology more effectively in advantages and improvements results especially in the
worldwide operations. Technology is not a passive actor in following events:
society. Practical, High-Resolution Reservoir Imaging
We need to show that that developing and applying Reservoir Description
technology in the energy industry offers and exciting and Production Monitoring
stimulating way while contributing to the society that relies on Surface Seismic Support
the energy and looks for solutions.
Seismic imaging continues to be driven by technology Fig. 2 ilustrates this technology.
advances in migration. Prestack imaging and prestack depth
migration are now applied routinely to entire 3D data sets to Perforating/Propellants Systems
provide much clearer definition. Improving the resolution and The primary objective of a perforating program design is to
accuracy of seismic images optimizes data quality, helps remove or minimize any impediment to fluid movement from
ensure that wells dont miss targets, and reveals new and the reservoir to the cased wellbore. Damage from drilling fluid
previously unseen reservoirs. contacting the formation is one of the problems that must be
The evolution of 4D, or time-lapse seismic, is a key enabler addressed in selecting a perforation technique.
to maximizing production from maturing formations. Multiple Using propellant-assisted perforation its possible achieve
seismic surveys over time not intentionally designed for 4D three to six feet of penetration into formation and obtain zero
evaluation can be used for imaging fluid. skin or less. For this reason, the system is very effective to
The potential benefits of time-lapse ( or 4D ) seismic stimulate wells with nearby water or gas. The system is an
monitoring are well recognized. The emphasis toward excellent substitution for a clean-up stimulation in carbonates
permanent monitoring of the reservoir and the concept of the and dolomites formations.4
instrumented oilfield show the potential of 4D as a tool for By combining completion and stimulation into one
reservoir management. However, many fields began producing operation, the well comes on line more quickly with less
before the recognition of the benefits of 4D. The key elements expenses, resulting in quicker and greater profits. Case
consist of feasibility, acquisition, processing, and histories will show the success of this process when used as a
interpretation.2 near wellbore clean up tool, for pre-frac preparation, and to
An excellent example of the benefit of using 4D seismic to eliminate other service needs. Where available, pressure
track the effects of production on the reservoir is the Draugen transient data will be supplied in addition to offset well
field, where an operator updated a 3D survey that had been productivity information.
done just before production started. The update revealed that The system could be an excellent alternative for special
the expected water displacement process had been disturbed completions and the benefits would be advantageous in a wide
by a fault. So the planned location was changed and the new range of reservoirs, especially naturally micro-fractured
well rewarded by record production of more than 77,000 formations.
BOPD. Also, the ability to connect natural micro-fractures of the
Integrated subsurface modeling, which combines static reservoir with artificial conductivity generated for the system,
geological and dynamic flow models, is another key enabler to achieved the damage penetration, will provide an optimal
be considered. The Leman field began producing in 1968 and productive performance.
was expected to remain productive for 20 years. However, Combining the propellant in a sleeve form with the
after applying the latest integrated modeling technologies, the perforating gun is unique and promising technology recently
operator expects it to keep producing until at least 2020. introduced to the oil field. When the gun detonates, the heat,
Integration is also being extended from the subsurface to and shock associated with the event ignite the propellant
surface facilities, from reservoir to point of sale. This ability is sleeve creating tremendous amounts of gas. A fluid tamp
SPE 94915 3

focuses this gas pressure in the perforations and as the along the well, and controlling fluid entry into the well by
pressure builds, eventual formation breakdown occurs. The downhole flow-controls devices. The flow-control system was
assembly can be run with wireline, TCP and coil tubing. the first to be fully electrical.7
The propellant/perforating technique has been applied in The fully electrical system can establish a secure link
both extreme over-as well as underbalanced well conditions in between multiple downhole sensing and flow-control
approximately 1,000 wells. Fig. 3 shows the assembly. components, the surface data-acquisition system, and remote
control locations where reservoir engineers and production
Reservoir Numerical Simulation specialists can monitor and control well operations ( Fig. 6 )
Reservoir characterization is the building of a geologic and
engineering model that describes the reservoirs internal Other Permanent Downhole Monitoring Applications
architecture and the distribution of hydrocarbons. Thermal operations
The new approach to identifying and modeling reservoir Water influx detection in gas reservoirs
characteristics involves several important steps, (Fig.4). These Monitor well skin changes in real time
steps are interrelated although determining geologic reservoir Identify boundaries and interference
architecture is the logical starting point. These steps are Detect fault barrier and drainage limits
general, and the level of depth to which they can be Analize pressure losses
implemented is heavily dependent on both the time and data Optimize well tubulars
available. The characterization methodology is an iterative Develop accurate production profiles
expert process, relying on testing multiple working hypotheses Determine reservoir size and properties
to determine the most probable reservoir model.5 Reservoir model development
Fracture operation real-time monitoring
High Propped Hydraulics Fracs Optimize jet pumps
A unique feature of fracture treatments is the ability to modify Pump performance control
flow conditions and place proppant a significant distance away Underbalanced drilling
from, but in communication with, the wellbore. In this
instance, hydraulic fracturing becomes a reservoir Conclusions
management tool to enhance production.6 1. Having advanced technologies is just the start.
Primary factors governing the choice of a perforating system Disseminating new technologies and techniques and sharing
for frature stimulation are proppant transport, perforation learning remain fundamental to upstream success.
friction, and near-wellbore multiple fractures. Production from 2. With crosswell seismic, critical reservoir characteristics
the fracture is dominated by the high conductivity of the are directly imaged, not statiscally estimated.
proppant pack in the formation and is relatively insensitive to 3. The use of propellant assisted perforating was effective in
the damage in the formation immediately adjacent to it. enhancing near wellbore flow conditions in low pressure
Computer-based numerical simulation can be used as a tool reservoirs.
for analysis of fracturing treatments and prediction of post- 4. Multilayer option in fracture conductivity is the better
fracturing well performance. way to achieve the mayor production expectatives from a
In Mexico, the development of low-permeability gas fraced reservoir.
reserves is especially dependent on successful and economical 5. Interpretation of the continuous and production data
application of frac technology. The low-permeability gas provides more accurate information about reservoir
sands often have permeability below 1 md and discontinuous permeability, size, boundaries, and drive mechanism as well as
( lenticular ) or dual porosity structure. interwell communication and other reservoir management
Many low permeability gas completions have been made applications.
economical through hydraulic fracs. The depth range of these 6. Analysis of pressure losses in the completion system,
completions varies from 7,200 to 9,300 ( 2,200 to 2,800 m ) such as drawdown pressure between the reservoir and
using tubingless option, with 3 as production casing. wellbore, and tubing pressure losses provide information to
Aggressive proppant placement can be achieved by optimize well production.
increasing the proppant concentration in the fluid. The 7. The flow-control system provides a robust means of
hydraulic width before closure would be only slightly larger monitoring and measuring fluid flow and reservoir
than the propped width after closure with multilayer option. characteristics during testing.
Conceptually, the optimally sized job is the point where the
incremental benefit of the last unit of proppant placed is equal Acknowledgements
to the cost of placing that unit. This optimal point is also the We acknowledge the support and permission of Delta Are &
same size job where the net present value ( NPV ) is Capillary Services Ltd. to publish this paper.
maximum, often reaching multilayer condition within the
proppant pumping schedule. ( Fig. 5 ). Nomenclature
3D = Tridimensional
Intelligent Completion using Permanent Monitoring 4D = Fourdimensional
A project started in 1997 developed an intelligent completion BOPD = Barrels oil per day
system capable of measuring downhole multiphase flow rates, md = permeability unit, milidarcy
pressure and temperature conditions at two or more points NPV = Net present value
4 SPE 94915


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Fig. 1 Technology Meeting Challenges

Fig. 3 Perforating / Propellant Option

SPE 94915 5

Fig. 5 High Propped Hydraulic Frac

Fig. 4 Modeling Reservoir Plattform

Fig. 6 Permanent Monitoring

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