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Benjamin Gallimore

September 10, 2017

Spanish Reflection

Chapter 1

This is my reflection for the first chapter in my Spanish course. I will discuss how it went

for me and what I did for studying and learning the material as well as my strengths and

weaknesses in the class as of right now.

My strengths for this chapter in the course were probably already having a sense of what

some of the concepts meant. Last year in my Spanish class I did very well and some of what was

in this chapter I had already learned and knew what some of the conjugations for the verbs in

present tense and stem changers. I can conjugate the verbs pretty easily in most tenses and for

this chapter we had to conjugate in the present tense and that is textbook for me now. I am also

pretty good at ser and estar. They both have similar meanings but used for different situations

and when used in a sentence it can mean something different.

My weaknesses in this chapter were probably understanding the professor. My old

professor spoke slower for the class but mostly in Spanish which is good and helps me get the

meanings of the words but I have to be able to understand what the professor is saying in order to

learn the language. I also had a tough time learning the verbs. If we did some more class

exercises to learn verbs and go over them more than once that would help me become better at

I learn better when I go over things more than once. For me it is easier to retain

information when it comes at me multiple class periods. I am going to try and pound the verbs

and grammar in to my head for next chapter in order to be better and to do better on the

assignments. My ultimate goal is an A at the end of the semester. I believe I can do it I will just

need to work harder and practice what we go over in class multiple times a day.

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