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Material Vs Immaterial Misstatements

OBJECTIVE OF CONDUCTING AN AUDIT OF Misstatements are usually considered
FINANCIAL STATEMENTS material if the combined uncorrected errors and
The purpose of an audit is to provide fraud in the financial statements would likely
financial statement users with an opinion by the have changed or influenced the decisions of a
auditor on whether the financial statements are reasonable person using the statements.
presented fairly, in all material respects, in Although it is difficult to quantify a measure of
accordance with the applicable financial materiality, auditors are responsible for obtaining
accounting framework. reasonable assurance that this materiality
Auditors accumulate evidence in order to threshold has been satisfied.
reach conclusions about whether the financial
statements are fairly stated and to determine the Reasonable Assurance
effectiveness of internal control, after which they Assurance is a measure of the level of
issue the appropriate audit report. certainty that the auditor has obtained at the
completion of the audit. Auditing standards
indicate reasonable assurance is a high, but not
absolute, level of assurance that the financial
statements are free of material misstatements.
The concept of reasonable, but not absolute,
assurance indicates that the auditor is not an
insurer or guarantor of the correctness of the
financial statements. Thus, an audit that is
conducted in accordance with auditing
standards may fail to detect a material

Errors Vs Fraud
Auditing standards distinguish between
two types of misstatements: errors and fraud.
Either type of misstatement can be material or
immaterial. An error is an unintentional
misstatement of the financial statements,
whereas fraud is intentional. Two examples of
AUDITORS RESPONSIBILITIES errors are a mistake in extending price times
The overall objectives of the auditor are: quantity on a sales invoice and overlooking older
(a) To obtain reasonable assurance about raw materials in determining the lower of cost or
whether the financial statements as a whole are market for inventory.
free from material misstatement, whether due to For fraud, there is a distinction between
fraud or error, thereby enabling the auditor to misappropriation of assets, often called
express an opinion whether the financial defalcation or employee fraud, and fraudulent
statements are prepared, in all material respects, financial reporting, often called management
in accordance with an applicable financial fraud. An example of misappropriation of assets
reporting framework; and is a clerk taking cash at the time a sale is made
(b) To report on the financial statements, and and not entering the sale in the cash register.
communicate as required by auditing standards,
in accordance with the auditors findings.
Professional Skepticism immaterial. However, there are well-known
Auditing standards require that an audit examples of extremely material misappropriation
be designed to provide reasonable assurance of of assets by employees and management,
detecting both material errors and fraud in the similar to the Adelphia fraud described in the
financial statements. To accomplish this, the shaded box at the top of this page.
audit must be planned and performed with an
attitude of professional skepticism in all aspects There is an important distinction between
of the engagement. Professional skepticism is the theft of assets and misstatements arising
an attitude that includes a questioning mind and from the theft of assets. Consider the following
a critical assessment of audit evidence. three situations:
1. Assets were taken and the theft was covered
Auditors Responsibilities for Detecting by misstating assets. For example, cash
Material Errors collected from a customer was stolen before it
Auditors spend a great portion of their was recorded as a cash receipt, and the account
time planning and performing audits to detect receivable for the customers account was not
unintentional mistakes made by management credited. The misstatement has not been
and employees. Auditors find a variety of errors discovered.
resulting from such things as mistakes in 2. Assets were taken and the theft was covered
calculations, omissions, misunderstanding and by understating revenues or overstating
misapplication of accounting standards, and expenses. For example, cash from a cash sale
incorrect summarizations and descriptions. was stolen, and the transaction was not recorded.
Or, an unauthorized disbursement to an
Auditors Responsibilities for Detecting employee was recorded as a miscellaneous
Material Fraud expense. The misstatement has not been
Auditing standards make no distinction discovered.
between the auditors responsibilities for 3. Assets were taken, but the misappropriation
searching for errors and fraud. In either case, the was discovered. The income statement and
auditor must obtain reasonable assurance about related footnotes clearly describe the
whether the statements are free of material misappropriation.
In all three situations, there has been a
Fraud Resulting from Fraudulent Financial misappropriation of assets, but the financial
Reporting Versus Misappropriation of Assets statements are misstated only in situations 1 and
Both fraudulent financial reporting and 2. In situation 1, the balance sheet is misstated,
misappropriation of assets are potentially whereas in situation 2, revenues or expenses
harmful to financial statement users, but there is are misstated.
an important difference between them.
Fraudulent financial reporting harms users by Auditors Responsibilities for Discovering
providing them incorrect financial statement Illegal Acts
information for their decision making. When Illegal acts are defined as violations of
assets are misappropriated, stockholders, laws or government regulations other than fraud.
creditors, and others are harmed because Two examples of illegal acts are a violation of
assets are no longer available to their rightful federal tax laws and a violation of the federal
owners. environmental protection laws.
Usually, but not always, theft of assets is
perpetrated by employees and not by
management, and the amounts are often
Direct-Effect Illegal Acts necessary to determine whether the suspected
Certain violations of laws and regulations illegal act actually exists:
have a direct financial effect on specific account 1. The auditor should first inquire of
balances in the financial statements. For management at a level above those likely to be
example, a violation of federal tax laws directly involved in the potential illegal act.
affects income tax expense and income taxes 2. The auditor should consult with the clients
payable. legal counsel or other specialist who is
knowledgeable about the potential illegal act.
Indirect-Effect Illegal Acts 3. The auditor should consider accumulating
Most illegal acts affect the financial additional evidence to determine whether there
statements only indirectly. For example, if the actually is an illegal act.
company violates environmental protection laws,
financial statements are affected only if there is Actions When the Auditor Knows of an Illegal
a fine or sanction. Potential material fines and Act
sanctions indirectly affect financial statements The first course of action when an illegal
by creating the need to disclose a contingent act has been identified is to consider the effects
liability for the potential amount that might on the financial statements, including the
ultimately be paid. adequacy of disclosures. These effects may be
complex and difficult to resolve.
Evidence Accumulation When There Is No
Reason to Believe Indirect-Effect FINANCIAL STATEMENT CYCLES
Illegal Acts Exist Audits are performed by dividing the
Many audit procedures normally financial statements into smaller segments or
performed on audits to search for errors and components. The division makes the audit more
fraud may also uncover illegal acts. Examples manageable and aids in the assignment of tasks
include reading the minutes of the board of to different members of the audit team.
directors and inquiring of the clients attorneys
about litigation. The auditor should also inquire
of management about policies they have
established to prevent illegal acts and whether
management knows of any laws or regulations
that the company has violated.

Evidence Accumulation and Other Actions

When There Is Reason to Believe
Direct- or Indirect-Effect Illegal Acts May
The auditor may find indications of
possible illegal acts in a variety of ways. For
example, the minutes may indicate that an
investigation by a government agency is in
process or the auditor may have identified
unusually large payments to consultants or
government officials.
When the auditor believes that an illegal
act may have occurred, several actions are
Cycle Approach to Segmenting an Audit Completeness All assets, liabilities, and
A common way to divide an audit is to equity interests that should have been recorded
keep closely related types (or classes) of have been recorded.
transactions and account balances in the same Valuation and allocation Assets, liabilities,
segment. This is called the cycle approach. and equity interests are included in the financial
statements at appropriate amounts and any
MANAGEMENT ASSERTIONS resulting valuation adjustments are appropriately
Management assertions are implied or recorded.
expressed representations by management Assertions about Presentation and
about classes of transactions and the related Disclosure
accounts and disclosures in the financial Occurrence and rights and obligations
statements. In most cases they are implied. Disclosed events and transactions have
Management assertions are directly related to occurred and pertain to the entity.
the financial reporting framework used by the Completeness All disclosures that should
company (usually U.S. GAAP or IFRS), as they have been included in the financial statements
are part of the criteria that management uses to have been included.
record and disclose accounting information in Accuracy and valuation Financial and other
financial statements. information are disclosed appropriately and at
International auditing standards and U.S. appropriate amounts.
GAAS classify assertions into three categories: Classification and understandability Financial
1. Assertions about classes of transactions and and other information is appropriately presented
events for the period under audit and described and disclosures are clearly
2. Assertions about account balances at period expressed.
3. Assertions about presentation and disclosure CHAPTER 7

(Table 6-2) Management Assertions for Each NATURE OF EVIDENCE

Category of Assertions Evidence was defined as any information
used by the auditor to determine whether the
Assertions about Classes of Transactions information being audited is stated in
and Events accordance with the established criteria. The
Occurrence Transactions and events that information varies greatly in the extent to which
have been recorded have occurred and pertain it persuades the auditor whether financial
to the entity. statements are fairly stated. Evidence includes
Completeness All transactions and events information that is highly persuasive, such as the
that should have been recorded have been auditors count of marketable securities, and less
recorded. persuasive information, such as responses to
Accuracy Amounts and other data relating to questions of client employees.
recorded transactions and events have been
recorded appropriately. Audit Evidence Contrasted with Legal and
Classification Transactions and events have Scientific Evidence
been recorded in the proper accounts. Evidence is also used extensively by scientists,
Cutoff Transactions and events have been lawyers, and historians. In legal cases, there are
recorded in the correct accounting period. well-defined rules of evidence enforced by the
Assertions about Account Balances judge for the protection of the innocent. Similarly,
Existence Assets, liabilities, and equity gathering evidence is a large part of what
interests exist. auditors do.
Items to Select
After determining the sample size for an
audit procedure, the auditor must decide which
items in the population to test.

An audit of financial statements usually
covers a period such as a year. Normally an
audit is not completed until several weeks or
months after the end of the period. The timing of
audit procedures can therefore vary from early in
the accounting period to long after it has ended.

Audit Program
The list of audit procedures for an audit
area or an entire audit is called an audit
program. The audit program always includes a
list of the audit procedures, and it usually
includes sample sizes, items to select, and the
timing of the tests. Normally, there is an audit
program, including several audit procedures, for
AUDIT EVIDENCE DECISIONS each component of the audit. Therefore, there
A major decision facing every auditor is will be an audit program for accounts receivable,
determining the appropriate types and amounts one for sales, and so on.
of evidence needed to be satisfied that the
clients financial statements are fairly stated. Reliability, and therefore
There are four decisions about what evidence to appropriateness, depends on the following six
gather and how much of it to accumulate: characteristics of reliable evidence:
1. Which audit procedures to use
2. What sample size to select for a given 1. Independence of provider.
procedure Evidence obtained from a source outside
3. Which items to select from the population the entity is more reliable than that obtained from
4. When to perform the procedures within. Documents that originate from outside the
clients organization, such as an insurance policy,
Audit Procedures are considered more reliable than are those that
An audit procedure is the detailed originate within the company and have never left
instruction that explains the audit evidence to be the clients organization, such as a purchase
obtained during the audit. It is common to spell requisition.
out these procedures in sufficiently specific 2. Effectiveness of clients internal controls.
terms so an auditor may follow these instructions When a clients internal controls are
during the audit. effective, evidence obtained is more reliable than
when they are weak.
Sample Size 3. Auditors direct knowledge.
Once an audit procedure is selected, Evidence obtained directly by the auditor
auditors can vary the sample size from one to all through physical examination, observation,
the items in the population being tested. recalculation, and inspection is more reliable
than information obtained indirectly.
4. Qualifications of individuals providing the 1. Physical Examination
information. Physical examination is the inspection or
Although the source of information is count by the auditor of a tangible asset. This type
independent, the evidence will not be reliable of evidence is most often associated with
unless the individual providing it is qualified to do inventory and cash, but it is also applicable to the
so. verification of securities, notes receivable, and
5. Degree of objectivity. tangible fixed assets. There is a distinction in
Objective evidence is more reliable than auditing between the physical examination of
evidence that requires considerable judgment to assets, such as market able securities and cash,
determine whether it is correct. and the examination of documents, such as
6. Timeliness. cancelled checks and sales documents.
The timeliness of audit evidence can
refer either to when it is accumulated or to the 2. Confirmation
period covered by the audit. Evidence is usually Confirmation describes the receipt of a
more reliable for balance sheet accounts when it direct written response from a third party
is obtained as close to the balance sheet date as verifying the accuracy of information that was
possible. requested by the auditor. The response may be
in electronic or paper form. The request is made
TYPES OF AUDIT EVIDENCE to the client, and the client asks the third party to
In deciding which audit procedures to use, respond directly to the auditor.
the auditor can choose from eight broad
categories of evidence, which are called types of 3. Documentation
evidence. Every audit procedure obtains one or Documentation is the auditors inspection
more of the following types of evidence: of the clients documents and records to
substantiate the information that is, or should be,
included in the financial statements. The
documents examined by the auditor are the
records used by the client to provide information
for conducting its business in an organized
manner, and may be in paper form, electronic
form, or other media.

4. Analytical Procedures
Analytical procedures use comparisons
and relationships to assess whether account
balances or other data appear reasonable
compared to the auditors expectations.
Analytical procedures are used extensively in
practice, and are required during the planning
and completion phases on all audits.

5. Inquiries of the Client

Inquiry is the obtaining of written or oral
information from the client in response to
questions from the auditor. Although
considerable evidence is obtained from the client
through inquiry, it usually cannot be regarded as
conclusive because it is not from an independent Purposes of Audit Documentation
source and may be biased in the clients favor. The overall objective of audit
documentation is to aid the auditor in providing
6. Recalculation reasonable assurance that an adequate audit
Recalculation involves rechecking a was conducted in accordance with auditing
sample of calculations made by the client. standards. More specifically, audit
Rechecking client calculations consists of testing documentation, as it pertains to the current
the clients arithmetical accuracy and includes years audit, provides:
such procedures as extending sales invoices
and inventory, adding journals and subsidiary A Basis for Planning the Audit. If the auditor
records, and checking the calculation of is to plan an audit adequately, the necessary
depreciation expense and prepaid expenses. A reference information must be available in the
considerable portion of auditors recalculation is audit files.
done by computer assisted audit software.
A Record of the Evidence Accumulated and
7. Re-performance the Results of the Tests. Audit documentation
Re-performance is the auditors is the primary means of documenting that an
independent tests of client accounting adequate audit was conducted in accordance
procedures or controls that were originally done with auditing standards.
as part of the entitys accounting and internal
control system. Whereas recalculation involves Data for Determining the Proper Type of
rechecking a computation, re-performance Audit Report. Audit documentation provides an
involves checking other procedures. important source of information to assist the
auditor in deciding whether sufficient appropriate
8. Observation evidence was accumulated to justify the audit
Observation is the use of the senses to report in a given set of circumstances.
assess client activities. Throughout the
engagement with a client, auditors have many A Basis for Review by Supervisors and
opportunities to use their sensessight, hearing, Partners. The audit files are the primary frame
touch, and smellto evaluate a wide range of of reference used by supervisory personnel to
items. review the work of assistants.

AUDIT DOCUMENTATION Supporting Schedules

Auditing standards state that audit The largest portion of audit
documentation is the principal record of documentation includes the detailed supporting
auditing procedures applied, evidence obtained, schedules prepared by the client or the auditors
and conclusions reached by the auditor in the in support of specific amounts on the financial
engagement. Audit documentation should statements.
include all the information the auditor considers
necessary to adequately conduct the audit and Here are the major types of supporting
to provide support for the audit report. Audit schedules:
documentation may also be referred to as
working papers, although audit documentation is Analysis. An analysis is designed to show the
often maintained in computerized files. activity in a general ledger account during the
entire period under audit, tying together the
beginning and ending balances. This type of
schedule is normally used for accounts such as Outside documentation. Much of the content
marketable securities; notes receivable; of the audit files consists of outside
allowance for doubtful accounts; property, plant, documentation gathered by auditors, such as
and equipment; long-term debt; and all equity confirmation replies and copies of client
accounts. agreements.

Trial balance or list. This type of schedule CHAPTER 8

consists of the details that make up a year-end
balance of a general ledger account. It differs PLANNING
from an analysis in that it includes only those The first generally accepted auditing
items making up the end-of-the-period balance. standard of field work requires adequate
planning. The auditor must adequately plan the
Reconciliation of amounts. A reconciliation work and must properly supervise any assistants.
supports a specific amount and is normally
expected to tie the amount recorded in the There are three main reasons why the
clients records to another source of information. auditor should properly plan engagements:
to enable the auditor to obtain sufficient
Tests of reasonableness. A test of appropriate evidence for the circumstances, to
reasonableness schedule, as the name implies, help keep audit costs reasonable, and to avoid
contains information that enables the auditor to misunderstandings with the client.
evaluate whether the clients balance appears to Obtaining sufficient appropriate evidence
include a misstatement considering the is essential if the CPA firm is to minimize legal
circumstances in the engagement. liability and maintain a good reputation in the
business community. Keeping costs reasonable
Summary of procedures. Another type of helps the firm remain competitive. Avoiding
schedule summarizes the results of a specific misunderstandings with the client is necessary
audit procedure. A summary schedule for good client relations and for facilitating high-
documents the extent of testing, the quality work at reasonable cost.
misstatements found, and the auditors
conclusion based on the testing.

Examination of supporting documents. A

number of special-purpose schedules are
designed to show detailed tests performed, such
documents examined during tests of controls
and substantive tests of transactions.

Informational. This type of schedule contains

information as opposed to audit evidence. These
schedules include information for tax returns and
SEC Form 10-K and data such as time budgets
and the clients working hours, which are helpful
in administration of the engagement.

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