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Vipul Kumar Chauhan (05814803114 )
Ashish Bansal (05814803114)

Sentiment analysis (sometimes known as opinion mining or emotion AI) refers to the use of natural language
processing and text analysis to systematically identify, extract, quantify, and study affective states and
subjective information. Sentiment analysis is widely applied to voice of the customer materials such as reviews
and survey responses, online and social media, and healthcare materials for applications that range from
marketing to customer service to clinical medicine. Sentiment analysis aims to determine the attitude of a
speaker, writer, or other subject with respect to some topic or the overall contextual polarity or emotional
reaction to a document, interaction, or event.

The Objective behind the project is to develop an efficient sentiment analysis model with flexibility over the
format of data input. This model can be used to model out sentiment result over the desired data sets and then
can be used accordingly. The future scope of the project can also be highlighted in terms of its usability.


Consumers usually express their sentiments on public forums like the blogs, discussion boards, product reviews
as well as on their private logs Social network sites like Facebook and Twitter. Opinions and feelings are
expressed in different way, with different vocabulary, context of writing, usage of short forms and slang, making
the data huge and disorganized. Manual analysis of sentiment data is virtually impossible. Therefore,
programming languages like Python and R are used to process and analyze the data.
Text preparation is nothing but filtering the extracted data before analysis. It includes identifying and
eliminating non-textual content and content that is irrelevant to the area of study from the data.
At this stage, each sentence of the review and opinion is examined for subjectivity. Sentences with subjective
expressions are retained and that which conveys objective expressions are discarded. Sentiment analysis is done
at different levels using common computational techniques like Unigrams, lemmas, negation and so on.
Sentiments can be broadly classified into two groups, positive and negative. At this stage of sentiment analysis
methodology, each subjective sentence detected is classified into groups-positive, negative, good, bad, like,
The main idea of sentiment analysis is to convert unstructured text into meaningful information. After the
completion of analysis, the text results are displayed on graphs like pie chart, bar chart and line graphs.


Python 3.0 (Base programming Language)
Eclipse and Python IDLE (Development IDE)
Windows and Ubuntu (OS Platform)

Now as the business market is shifting more and more towards the concept of providing the best of the best
products to the customer, it has become important that the companies actually get to know what the public
think about them in terms of their Brand value. Daily new technologies and businesses emerge out, and they
have their own share in the public asset. Now for these Technologies and Businesses to become successful they
need public opinions in terms of numeric figures related to their competitors so that they can make efficient
moves towards delivering a better product. For this they need SA based results from all social networking sites
regarding the particular product and then work upon to develop their image in the market. So in short the
project is indirectly related to the public and works to deliver a better service or product in the end, working in
the loop.


Wikipedia :
Edureka :
Stack Overflow :

Mr. Nitesh Wadhera
Asst. Professor,
Department of Information Technology,
MAIT, GGS Inderprastha University

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