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English as a Second Language:

Communication/Educational Strategies for ELL Individuals

3 Credits
Centennial 227
Office Hours:
by appointment

Instructor: Kimberly Cardimona, PhD

Phone: 570-389-4446

This course is designed for pre-service and practicing professionals providing ESL
instruction. Participants will be able to identify, design and implement ESL program
materials to facilitate English proficiency and academic standards and real world
communicative needs. Materials and strategies will be based on educational and language
learning theory to develop appropriate methodology to use with children and adults at
diverse levels of English Proficiency. This course is designed to meet the ESL Program
Specialist certification for instructional materials/development as well as provide
background for individuals in non-educational settings.

Course Goals

1). Design and implement ESL program to assist ELLs in the process of acquiring
English and cognitive academic language skills.
2). Explain methods, strategies, research and resources that address the educational needs of
ELLs in their learning process, including the use of computer technology.
3). Select and design teaching resources for ELLs according to their language
proficiency, native language development and literacy development.
4). Apply a variety of currently accepted, research based ESL instructional methods and
strategies to meet specific instructional needs of Ells.
5). Develop, implement, and evaluate a variety of curricular and instructional activities
for diverse ELLs.
6). Describe instructional adaptations/modifications to assist ELLs in the regular
7). Utilize meaningful instructional strategies that support the ELL/students culture and
acculturation process.
8). Implement teaching strategies and resources that promote multicultural information
though various curricula.
9). Adapt classroom activities, procedures and assessment to maximize second language
acquisition and learning, including working collaboratively in small groups.
Pg. 2
Academic/Class Policies: Pages 2/3

Portfolios- Portfolios are required for this course and counted with the final exam
grade. Failure to submit a portfolio will result in an automatic grade of F for the

Formal Presentations- Formal presentations of research projects are to be presented in a

professional manner.

Attendance Attendance is necessary in order to fulfill course objectives and goals.

Unless presented with a written excuse and/or approved by the instructor, the student will
be subject to grade point deductions for each absence. You are held accountable for all
assignments and material due the day of absence and for the following class which can be
obtained from the class outline and BOLT. You will also be required to post your
assignment on BOLT in the mode and within the time frame presented in the class

Make-up Exams -- Make-up examinations are allowed for students with excused
absences and must be scheduled by the instructor.

Midterm and Final Exams must be taken during the time frame assigned by the

Late Assignments -- All assignments must be completed on the date as scheduled unless
arrangements have been made with the instructor. Failure to complete the assignment on
time will result in a two point deduction for each additional day it is late.

Cell Phones and Electronic Devices- Cell Phones and electronic must be turned off and
out of sight during class. Disruptive behavior contained in PRP 3881 particularly:
Distractive talking
Use of any electronic device not related to class during the class period
Activities not germane to the content and work of the class in session. Examples
include activities such as reading the newspaper, doing homework for other
classes, etc., that are not directly related to/appropriate for the class in session.
will not be tolerated and will result in an immediate grade point reduction.
***Texting, cell phone use, and disruptive talking are not only against academic
policy, but also distracting to others attending class. I expect all cell phones to be placed
out of sight and students to refrain from excessive talking with other students during
lecture. Should I detect any type of distractive behavior; points will automatically be
deducted from your attendance grade. No warning will be issued and no changes made
once the attendance grade for that class (which will be posted within a 48 hour period)
has been completed.
Academic Integrity Bloomsburg Universitys Academic Integrity Policy and
Procedures will be followed for this course. Violation of this policy will result in a
lowered course grade, failure, or expulsion.
You are responsible for all in class as well as out of class assignments. Be aware that you
will be held accountable for the completion of all missed work and assignments due on
the date given by the instructor. Missing or late assignments will result in grade point
deduction. Syllabus is subject to change.
Quizzes and tests will be given throughout the semester: consult the course outline for
dates and times.

Required texts:

Peregoy, S. & Boyle, O. 2008. Reading, writing, and learning in ESL. Pearson, N.Y.

Kim, Youb / Hinchey, Patricia H. 2013. Educating English Language Learners in an

Inclusive Environment. ISBN 978-1-4331-2134-0 pb. (Softcover)

Course Requirements:
In a move to ensure all students achieve the PDE required competencies and skills that
ESL Program Specialists must have in order to teach the discipline of English as a
Second Language, students enrolled are required to maintain a portfolio of all
assignments and activities outlined in this syllabus. Students will submit their portfolios
during various times throughout the semester and at the close of the semester. Failure to
submit portfolio assignments during the semester will result in a reduced overall grade
point average. Failure to complete a final portfolio will result in an incomplete or failing
grade. Candidates pursuing ESL Program Specialist Certification are required to combine
the contents of the portfolio completed in this course with those acquired in the remaining
ELL classes. Upon completion of the five ELL courses, candidates will submit a
culminating portfolio consisting of sub-portfolios from each of the ELL courses. Upon
review of the completed portfolio, candidates will receive a letter of completion to be
submitted to the Pennsylvania Department of Education.

Standards and Competencies Addressed:

Observing, Planning, Implementing, and Managing Instruction
In order to maintain compliance with the Pennsylvania Department of Education English
as a Second language Program Specialist K-12 Guidelines, candidates completing course:
AUDSLP ELL: Communication/Educational Strategies for ELL Individuals, will
demonstrate competency related to the domain of Observing, Planning, Implementing,
and Managing Instruction.

Successful candidates are expected to demonstrate knowledge of their

ELLs and the role of individual characteristics in the process and outcome
of language learning. Drawing upon this knowledge, candidates
demonstrate an ability to observe and plan standards-based ESL and
content instruction for students from Kindergarten through grade 12.
Successful candidates will use performance-based measures to assess
ELLs discrete and integrated ability to use grammar, vocabulary, listening,
speaking, reading, and writing to communicate.
(Pennsylvania Department of Education ESL program Specialist
Framework, 2012)
Candidates completing this course will:
A. Design standards-aligned instruction in English utilizing the Pennsylvania
Academic Standards, the English Language Proficiency Standards, and
Can-Do descriptors in relation to the continuum of proficiency levels.
B. Plan effective lessons in all domains (Reading, Writing, Speaking, and
Listening) using a variety of materials, texts, activities, strategies and
assessments appropriately based on consideration of learners' differing
English language proficiency, L1 literacy and prior knowledge, age and
developmental stages, grade levels, learning styles and sociocultural
C. Plan ESL instruction and assessment specific to the reading and writing
needs of students with limited formal schooling (LFS) or interrupted
formal education (SIFE).
D. Recognize, plan and implement key elements of ESL lesson design, which
a. Content and language objectives;
b. Scaffolding, supports;
c. Activating and building on prior knowledge;
d. Formative and authentic assessments; and
e. Academic and social interaction at the English Language
Proficiency Level of the student, specifically in the domains of
listening, speaking, reading and writing.
E. Differentiate instruction based on formative assessment of student
progress, re- teaching as necessary for students who need additional time
and alternative approaches to meet learning outcomes.
F. Develop and implement communicative activities in K-12 classrooms that
promote authentic interactions for social and academic purposes and that
integrate all language skills, i.e., reading, writing, speaking, and listening.
G. Plan and provide evidence-based reading and writing instruction that
includes various cueing systems (i.e. graphic, syntactic, and semantic
cues) appropriate for ELLs.
H. Select, analyze and adapt a variety of authentic sources and tools to
enhance oralcy and literacy development for ELLs, including but not
limited to:
a. Various popular texts, including fiction, non-fiction, comic-book
style, etc.;
b. Visual and/or original source materials;
c. L1 materials;
d. Music;
e. Media and multi-media, including technological resources and
electronic communication.
I. Explain and model explicit comprehension and learning strategies that
assist students with learning tasks in all subject areas.
J. Collaborate with and provide guidance to content teachers of ELLs related
to using English language proficiency standards (ELPS), appropriate
supports, and adaptations which provide students access to content
instruction, tasks and assessments at their English language proficiency
By completing activities aligned to points A through J, candidates will fulfill
competency requirements for Observing, Planning, Implementing, and Managing
Instruction as outlined in the Pennsylvania Department of Education ESL Program
Specialist Framework.

Class Outline

Module 1

o Overview of syllabus and class outline

o Discuss PDE ESL Standards: Follow powerpoint and I wil direct you
o Review Lesson Plan Template
o Discuss methods of identifying, testing, placement of ELLs.
o Discuss Can Do checklist

o Listen to the first part of the power is narrated and will end
at Part II. You only need to listen to PART I.
o Follow the directions on the power point to complete the
assignment (KWL Chart) Submit to dropbox labeled KWL
Module 2
Ch 1 P & B
Ch 1 Kim & Hinchey
Create a lesson plan for students PRE-K K for each standard (5 total)

Write a brief reaction (1-2 paragraphs) for each chapter. Submit to the
drop boxes labeled Ch 1 P/B & CH 1 K/H
Submit your final version of your lessons on BOLT in the drop box labeled
Listen and follow the directions on PART II of the narrated power point.
Submit to dropbox labeled PART II

Module 3
Peer Review
Chapter 2 P/B
Chapter 2 K/H
Lesson plans
FOCUS: Grades 1-2
o Review prek-k (you will receive a lesson to do a peer review in
which you will return to the drop box labeled PEER REVIEW prek-
o Plan lesson for grades 1-2
Listen to power point 3 and follow the directions
Write a brief reaction (1-2 paragraphs) for each chapter. Submit to the
discussion board.

o Submit lesson plans for grades 1-2 (all levels of ELP and all
standards): in drop box.
Module 4
Peer Review
Chapter 3 P/B
Chapter 3 K/H
Lesson plans
o FOCUS: Plan lesson for grades 3-5
Review grades 1-2
Plan a sample lesson for grades 3-5
Listen to power point 4 and follow the directions
o Write a brief reaction (1-2 paragraphs) for each chapter. Submit to the
drop boxes.
o Submit lesson plans for grades 3-5 (all levels of ELP and all
standards): in drop box.

Module 5
Peer Review
Chapter 4 P/B
Chapter 4 K/H
Lesson plans
o FOCUS: Plan lesson for grades 6-8
Review grades 3-5
Plan a sample lesson for grades 6-8
Listen to power point 5 and follow the directions
o Write a brief reaction (1-2 paragraphs) for each chapter. Submit to the
drop boxes..
o Submit lesson plans for grades 6-8 (all levels of ELP and all
standards): in drop box.

Module 6
Peer Review
Chapter 5 P/B
Chapter 5 K/H
Lesson plans
o FOCUS: Plan lesson for grades 9-12
Review grades 6-8
Plan a sample lesson for grades 9-12
Listen to power point 6 and follow the directions
o Write a brief reaction (1-2 paragraphs) for each chapter. Submit to the
drop boxes.
o Submit lesson plans for grades 9-12 (all levels of ELP and all
standards): in drop box.

Module 7
Peer Review
Chapter 6 P/B
Lesson plans
o FOCUS: Plan lesson for adapted content lesson
Review grades 9-12
Plan a sample lesson for grade of choice with adaptations
(follow Can Do)
Listen to power point 7 and follow the directions
o Write a brief reaction (1-2 paragraphs) for chapter 6. Submit to the
drop box.
o Submit lesson plans for grades content lesson using CAN DO (all
levels of ELP and all standards): in drop box.

MIDTERM: Modules 1-7 and Portfolios are due at
this time


Module 8
Peer Review
Chapter 7 P/B
P/B Ch 8
Lesson plans
o FOCUS: Plan lesson for adults
Review adapted content lesson
Plan a sample lesson adults
Listen to power point 8 and follow the directions
o Write a brief reaction (1-2 paragraphs) for chapter 7 and 8. Submit to
the. Drop boxes.
o Submit lesson plans for adults in drop box.

Module 9
RESEARCH PRESENTATION (SIOP/CALLA) Presented by graduate students
o Create a lesson demonstration using SIOP and CALLA PART I
Listen to power point 9 and follow the directions
II. Research Project I

Graduate Students (CALLA): What is CALLA? How can it be used? Provide a

demonstration of lessons that follow a CALLA format. Grad Students (SIOP)
Research on SIOP: What is SIOP? How can it be used? Create a sample of unit
lessons to present to the class and for them to work on.


submit to drop boxes. If you cannot present to class in
person, please record it so I can send it to them.



Module 10
P/B CH 9
Create a lesson demonstration using SIOP and CALLA
Listen to power point 10 and follow the directions
o Write a brief reaction (1-2 paragraphs) for chapter 9. Submit to the
drop box
o Submit the lessons to the dropboxes SIOP and CALLA

Module 11
P/B CH 10
P/B CH 11
Thematic Units: Discuss and plan
Listen to power point 11 and follow the directions
o Write a brief reaction (1-2 paragraphs) for chapter 10 and one for
chapter 11. Submit to the drop boxes
o Listen to power point 12 and follow the directions


PHOLOSOPHY FOR ELLS. (3-4 page paper describing your teaching
philosophy) Use APA guidelines and use at least 3 peer reviewed journal articles.

Final Exam and Portfolio Review Monday. 8/11

Grading Rubric: Lesson Plans /assignments/Quizzes 20%

UNITS: Thematic Unit/SIOP/CALLA 20%
Midterm exam 20%
Final Exam 25 %
Final Paper 15%
Syllabus is subject to change

Grading Rubric


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