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For other senses of this word, see Prophet (disambigua- contacted by a divine being in order to speak on the en-
tion). tity's behalf, serving as an intermediary with humanity
In religion, a prophet is an individual who has been by delivering messages or teachings from the supernatu-
ral source to other people.* [1]* [2] The message that the
prophet conveys is called a prophecy, which transports
at least in Judaism a message beyond mere pagan
soothsaying, augury, divination, or forecasting, and, most
prominently in the neviim of the Tanakh, often comprises
issues of social justice.
Claims of prophethood have existed in many cul-
tures through history, including Judaism, Christianity,
Islam, in Ancient Greek Philosophy, Zoroastrianism,
Manichaeism, and many others. Prophets are tradition-
ally regarded as having a role in society that promotes
change due to their messages and actions which often
convey God's displeasure concerning the behavior of the

1 Abrahamic religions

1.1 Judaism

See also: Nevi'im and Prophets in Judaism

In Hebrew, the word ( nv),spokesperson, tradi-

tionally translates asprophet.* [3] The second subdivi-
sion of the Hebrew Bible, TaNaKh (forTorah, Nevi'im,
Ketuvim), is devoted to the Hebrew prophets. The
meaning of navi is perhaps described in Deuteronomy
18:18,* [4] where God said, "...and I will put My words
in his mouth, and he shall speak unto them all that I shall
command him.Thus, the navi was thought to be the
mouthof God. The root nun-bet-alef (navi) is
based on the two-letter root nun-bet which denotes hol-
lowness or openness; to receive transcendental wisdom,
one must make oneself open. Cf. Rashbam's com-
ment to Genesis 20:7.* [5]
In addition to writing and speaking messages from God,
Israelite or Jewish nevi'im ( spokespersons,prophets
) often acted out prophetic parables in their life.* [7] For
example, in order to contrast the peoples disobedi-
ence with the obedience of the Rechabites, God has
Jeremiah invite the Rechabites to drink wine, in disobe-
dience to their ancestors command. The Rechabites
refuse, wherefore God commends them.* [8]* [9] Other
Prophetic inspiration: Isaiah's Lips Anointed with Fire, by prophetic parables acted out by Jeremiah include bury-
Benjamin West ing a linen belt so that it gets ruined to illustrate how God


that God will smash the nation of Judah and the city of Ju-
dah beyond repair.* [13] God instructs Jeremiah to make
a yoke from wood and leather straps and to put it on his
own neck to demonstrate how God will put the nation un-
der the yoke of Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon.* [14]
In a similar way, the prophet Isaiah had to walk stripped
and barefoot for three years to illustrate the coming cap-
tivity,* [15] and the prophet Ezekiel had to lie on his side
for 390 days and eat measured food to illustrate the com-
ing siege.* [16]
The prophetic assignment is not always portrayed as pos-
itive in the Hebrew Bible,* [17]* [18]* [19] and prophets
were often the target of persecution and opposition.* [20]
Gods personal prediction for Jeremiah, Attack
you they will, overcome you they can't,* [21] was
performed many times in the biblical narrative as
Jeremiah warned of destruction of those who continued
to refuse repentance and accept more moderate conse-
quences.* [20]* [22] In return for his adherence to Gods
discipline and speaking Gods words, Jeremiah was at-
tacked by his own brothers,* [23] beaten and put into the
stocks by a priest and false prophet,* [24]* [25] imprisoned
by the king,* [26] threatened with death,* [27] thrown into
a cistern by Judahs ocials,* [28] and opposed by a
false prophet.* [29] Likewise, Isaiah was told by his hear-
ers who rejected his message, Leave the way! Get o
the path! Let us hear no more about the Holy One of Is-
rael!"* [18]* [30] The life of Moses being threatened by
Pharaoh is another example.* [31]
According to I Samuel 9:9,* [32] the old name for navi is
ro'eh, , which literally means Seer. That could
document an ancient shift, from viewing prophets as seers
for hire to viewing them as moral teachers. Allen (1971)
comments that in the First Temple Era, there were es-
sentially seer-priests, who formed a guild, divined, per-
formed rituals and sacrices, and were scribes, and then
there were canonical prophets, who did none of these (and
were against divination) and had instead a message to de-
liver. The seer-priests were usually attached to a local
shrine or temple, such as Shiloh, and initiated others as
priests in that priesthood: it was a mystical craft-guild
with apprentices and recruitment. Canonical prophets
were not organised this way. The similar term ben-navi (
son of the prophet) means member of a seer-priest
Some examples of prophets in the Tanakh include
Abraham, Moses, Miriam, Isaiah, Samuel, Ezekiel,
Malachi, and Job. In Jewish tradition Daniel is not
Malachi, one of the last prophets of Israel, painting by Duccio
counted in the list of prophets.
di Buoninsegna, c. 1310 (Museo dell'Opera del Duomo, Siena
Cathedral). He [Mashiach] will turn the hearts of the parents A Jewish tradition suggests that there were twice as many
to their children, and the hearts of the children to their parents prophets as the number which left Egypt, which would
(Malachi 4:6)* [6] make 1,200,000 prophets.* [33] The Talmud recognizes
the existence of 48 male prophets who bequeathed per-
manent messages to mankind.* [33] According to the Tal-
* * * *
intends to ruin Judah's pride. [10] [11] [11] [12] Like- mud there were also seven women who are counted as
wise, Jeremiah buys a clay jar and smashes it in the Valley prophets whose message bears relevance for all gener-
of Ben Hinnom in front of elders and priests to illustrate
1.2 Christianity 3

ations: Sarah, Miriam, Devorah, Hannah (mother of to successive generations in two dierent forms, sacred
the prophet Samuel), Abigail (a wife of King David), scripture (the Bible) and sacred tradition.
Huldah (from the time of Jeremiah), and Esther.* [33] Anyone who claims to speak God's words or teach in his
Rashi points out that Rebecca, Rachel, and Leah were name and is not a prophet the Bible terms a false prophet.
also prophets.* [34] One test given in the Old Testament in Deuteronomy* [39]
Prophets in Judaism are not always Jews.* [33] The contains a warning of those who prophecy events which
story of Balaam in Numbers 22 describes a non-Jewish do not come to pass and said they should be put to death.
prophet.* [35] According to the Talmud, Obadiah is said Elsewhere a false prophet may be someone who is pur-
to have been a convert to Judaism. posely trying to deceive, is delusional, under the inuence
The last nevi'im (spokespersons,prophets) men- of Satan or is speaking from his own spirit.* [40]
tioned in the Jewish Bible are Haggai, Zechariah, and
Malachi, all of whom lived at the end of the 70-year
Babylonian exile. The Talmud (Sanhedrin 11a) states that
Haggai, Zachariah, and Malachi were the last prophets,
and nowadays only the "Bath Kol" ( , lit. daughter
of a voice, voice of God) exists.

1.2 Christianity

Main article: Prophets of Christianity

In Christianity a prophet (or seer)* [36] is one inspired

by God through the Holy Spirit to deliver a message for
a specic purpose. God's calling as a prophet is not
to elevate an individual for their own glory, but for the
glory of God and to turn people to him. Some Christian
denominations limit a prophet's message to those only to
the entire church congregation and exclude personal mes-
sages not intended for the body of believers, but in the
Bible on a number of occasions prophets were called to
deliver personal messages.* [37] The reception of a mes-
sage is termed revelation and the delivery of the message
is termed prophecy.
James Jordan argues that the oce of prophet involves
more than delivering the direct revelations of God. He
writes, The full meaning of prophet is council mem- A 1542 painting of John the Baptist by Titian
ber, a member of God's Divine Council . . . Moses,
who is an exemplary prophet of the Old Covenant (Num- Some Christians who believe in dispensationalism believe
bers 12:68) . . . not only received information from prophecy ended along with the rest of the sign gifts shortly
the Counsel and passed its decisions onto the people . . . after the coming of Jesus, who delivered the "fullness of
he also actively argued before the Council when he felt it the law". Within this group, many Protestants believe that
necessary, even 'changing God's mind' on occasion (Exo- prophecy ended with the last of the Hebrew prophets of
dus 32:714, 3035; Numbers 14:1319).* [38] In this the Hebrew Bible, leaving a gap of about 400 years be-
way, Christ is executing a prophetic oce when he inter- tween then and the life of Jesus. The majority, including
cedes for Christians and ordinary Christians are execut- the Eastern Orthodox, allow an exception for John the
ing a prophetic oce when they reason with God on the Baptist as a prophet contemporary with Jesus.
behalf of others in prayer, just as Moses interceded and New Testament passages that explicitly discuss prophets
persuaded God on behalf of Israel as part of his prophetic existing after the death and resurrection of Christ in-
function. clude Revelation 11:10,* [41] Matthew 10:4041 and
The term prophet is applied to those who receive public 23:34,* [42] John 13:20 and 15:20* [43] and Acts 11:25
or private revelation. Public Revelation, in Catholicism, 30, 13:1 and 15:32.* [44] Christians believe that the Holy
is part of the Deposit of faith, the revelation of which was Spirit leads people to faith in Jesus and gives them the
completed by Jesus; whereas Private Revelation does not ability to lead a Christian life and to give gifts (i.e. abil-
add to the Deposit. The term deposit of faithrefers ities) to Christians. These may include the charismatic
to the entirety of Jesus Christ's revelation, and is passed gifts such as prophecy, tongues, miraculous healing abil-

ity, and clairsentience. Christians holding a view known sides Muhammad, this includes prophets such as Ibrahim
as cessationism believe these gifts were given only in New (Abraham), Musa (Moses) and Isa (Jesus).
Testament times and ceased after the last apostle died.
The Didache gives extensive instruction in how to distin-
guish between true and false prophets, as well as com-
mands regarding tithes to prophets in the church.* [45]
Irenaeus, wrote of 2nd-century believers with the gift
of prophecy,* [46] while Justin Martyr argued in his
Dialogue with Trypho that prophets were not found
among the Jews in his time, but that the church had
prophets.* [47] The Shepherd of Hermas describes rev-
elation in a vision regarding the proper operation of
prophecy in the church.* [48] Eusebius mentions that
Quadratus and Ammia of Philadelphia were both promi-
nent prophets following the age of the Twelve Apos-
tles.* [49]* [50] Tertullian, writing of the church meet-
ings of the Montanists (to whom he belonged), described
A depiction of Muhammad receiving his rst revelation from
in detail the practice of prophecy in the 2nd-century
* the angel Gabriel. From the manuscript Jami' al-tawarikh by
church. [51] Rashid-al-Din Hamadani, 1307, Ilkhanate period.
A number of later Christian saints were claimed to have
powers of prophecy, such as Columba of Iona, Saint Although only twenty-ve prophets* [54] are mentioned
Malachy or Padre Pio. Marian apparitions like those at by name in the Qur'an, a hadith (no. 21257 in Musnad
Fatima or Kibeho often included prophecies regarding Ibn Hanbal)* [55] mentions that there were (more or less)
the future of the world as well as of the local areas they 124,000 prophets in total throughout history. Other tra-
occurred in * [52] ditions place the number of prophets at 224,000. Some
scholars hold that there are an even greater number in the
Prophetic movements in particular can be traced
history of mankind, and only God knows. The Qur'an
throughout the Christian Church's history, in expres-
says that God has sent a prophet to every group of peo-
sions such as Montanism, Novatianism, Donatism,
ple throughout time, and that Muhammad is the last of
Franciscanism, Anabaptism, Camisard enthusiasm,
the prophets, sent for the whole of humankind.* [56] The
Puritanism, Quakerism, Quietism, and Pietism. Mod-
message of all the prophets is believed to be the same.
ern Pentecostals and Charismatics, movements which
In Islam, all prophetic messengers are prophets (such as
together make up approximately half a billion people,
Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad)
believe in the contemporary function of the gift of
though not all prophets are prophetic messengers. The
prophecy, and some in these movements allow for idea
primary distinction is that a prophet is required to demon-
that God may continue to gift the church with some
strate God's law through his actions, character, and be-
individuals who are prophets.
havior without necessarily calling people to follow him,
Some Christians also believe that the titlepropheten- while a prophetic messenger is required to pronounce
compasses others than those who receive visions from God's law (i.e. revelation) and call his people to submit
God. A more modern denition of prophet is someone and follow him. Muhammad is distinguished from the
who spreads God's truths. These can be revealed in a rest of the prophetic messengers and prophets in that he
number of ways, not only visions. was commissioned by God to be the prophetic messen-
Some Christian sects recognize the existence of a ger to all of mankind. Many of these prophets are also
modern-dayprophet. One such denomination is found in the texts of Judaism (The Torah, the Prophets,
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS and the Writings; collectively known as the Old Testa-
Church), which teaches that God still communicates with ment to Christians) and Christianity.* [57]
mankind through prophecy.* [53] While Islam shares the Jewish tradition that the rst
prophet is Adem (Adam), it diers in that the last
prophet is Muhammad, who in Islam is called Seal of
1.3 Islam the prophets or Khatam an-Nabiyyin. Muslims often
refer to Muhammad as the prophet, in the form of a
Main article: Prophets and messengers in Islam noun.* [58]* [59]* [60]* [61] Isa (Jesus) is the result of a
virgin birth in Islam as in Christianity, and is regarded as
The Quran identies a number of men as Prophets a prophet. [62]
of Islam(Arabic: nabiyy ;pl. anbiyaa' ). Traditionally, four prophets are believed to have been
Muslims believe such individuals were assigned a special sent holy books: the Tawrat (Torah) to Moses, the Zabur
mission by God (Arabic: Allah) to guide humanity. Be- (Psalms) to David, the Injil (Gospel) to Jesus, and the

Qur'an to Muhammad; those prophets are considered Thus they are seen as an intermediary between God and
messengersor rasul (Ule al A'zm men al Rusul humanity.* [64]
) . Other main prophets are considered The Manifestations of God are not seen as incarnations
messengers or Nabi, even if they didn't receive a Book of God, and are also not seen as ordinary mortals. In-
from God. Examples include the messenger-prophet stead, the Bah' concept of the Manifestation of God
Aaron (Harun), the messenger-prophet Ishmael (Isma'il) emphasizes simultaneously the humanity of that interme-
and the messenger-prophet Yusuf (Joseph). diary and the divinity in the way they show forth the will,
Although it oers many incidents from the lives of many knowledge and attributes of God; thus they have both hu-
prophets, the Qur'an focuses with special narrative and man and divine stations.* [64]
rhetorical emphasis on the careers of the rst four of these In addition to the Manifestations of God, there are also
ve major prophets. Of all the gures before Muham- minor prophets. While the Manifestations of God, or ma-
mad, Moses is referred to most frequently in the Qur'an. jor prophets, are compared to the Sun (which produces
As for the fth, the Qur'an is frequently addressed di- its own heat and light), minor prophets are compared to
rectly to Muhammad, and it often discusses situations en- the Moon (which receives its light from the sun). Moses,
countered by him. Direct use of his name in the text, for example, is taught as having been a Manifestation of
however, is rare. Rarer still is the mention of Muham- God and his brother Aaron a minor prophet. Moses spoke
mad's contemporaries. on behalf of God, and Aaron spoke on behalf of Moses
(Exodus 4:14-17).* [65] Other Jewish prophets are con-
sidered minor prophets, as they are considered to have
1.4 Bah' come in the shadow of the dispensation of Moses to de-
velop and consolidate the process he set in motion.
Main article: Manifestation of God
The Bah' Faith refers to what are commonly called

2 Prophetic claims in movements

deriving from Abrahamic reli-
In modern times the term prophetcan be some-
what controversial. Many Christians with Pentecostal or
charismatic beliefs believe in the continuation of the gift
of prophecy and the continuation of the role of prophet as
taught in Ephesians 4.* [66] The content of prophecies can
vary widely. Prophecies are often spoken as quotes from
God. They may contain quotes from scripture, statements
about the past or current situation, or predictions of the
future. Prophecies can also 'make manifest the secrets'
of the hearts of other people, telling about the details of
their lives. Sometimes, more than one person in a congre-
gation will receive the same message in prophecy, with
one giving it before another.
Other movements claim to have prophets. In France,
Michel Potay says he received a revelation, called The
Revelation of Ars, dictated by Jesus in 1974, then by God
in 1977. He is considered a prophet by his followers, the
Pilgrims of Ars.
Moses with the tablets of the Ten Commandments, painting by
Rembrandt (1659)
2.1 Catholicism
prophets as Manifestations of Godwho are directly
linked with the concept of Progressive revelation. Bah's A number of modern catholic saints have been claimed
believe that God expresses this will at all times and in to have powers of prophecy, such as Padre Pio * [67] and
many ways, including through a series of divine messen- Alexandrina Maria da Costa.* [68]
gers referred to as Manifestations of Godor di- In addition to this many modern Marian apparitions in-
vine educators.* [63] In expressing God's intent, these cluded prophecies in them about the world and about the
Manifestations are seen to establish religion in the world. local areas. The Ftima apparition in 1917 included a

prophecy given by Mary to three children, that on Oc- 2.3 Founders of Christian sects or move-
tober 13, 1917 there would be a great miracle for all to ments
see at Ftima, Portugal, and on that day tens of thousands
of people headed to Ftima to see what would happen 2.3.1 Latter Day Saint
including newspaper journalists. Many witnesses, includ-
ing journalists, claimed to see the sundancein the sky
in the afternoon of that day, exactly as the visionaries had
predicted several months before.* [69] The Kibeho ap-
parition in Rwanda in the 1980s included many prophe-
cies about great violence and destruction that was com-
ing, and the Rwandan genocide only ten years later was
interpreted by the visionaries as the fullment of these
prophecies * [70]
Several miracles and a vision of the identity of the last 112
Popes were attributed to Saint Malachy, the Archbishop
of Armagh (1095 1148).

2.2 Jehovah's Witnesses

See also: Watch Tower Society unfullled predictions

Jehovah's Witnesses do not consider any single person

in their modern-day organization to be a prophet.* [71]
Their literature has referred to their organization collec-
tively as God's propheton earth; this is understood,
however, in the sense of declaring their interpretation of
God's judgments from the Bible along with God's guid-
ance of His Holy Spirit.* [72]* [73] Their publishing com-
pany, Watch Tower, and ocial position magazine, The A portrait of Joseph Smith
Watchtower, have asserted:Ever since The Watchtower
began to be published in July 1879 it has looked ahead Main articles: Prophet, seer, and revelator; President of
into the future... No, The Watchtower is no inspired the Church; and Revelation (Latter Day Saints)
prophet, but it follows and explains a Book of prophecy
the predictions in which have proved to be unerring and
unfailing till now. The Watchtower is therefore under Joseph Smith, who established the Church of Christ in
safe guidance. It may be read with condence, for its 1830, is considered a prophet by members of the Latter
statements may be checked against that prophetic Book. Day Saint movement, of which The Church of Jesus
[74] They also claim that they are God's one and only Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church) is the largest
true channel to mankind on earth, and used by God for denomination. Additionally, many churches within the
this purpose. movement believe in a succession of modern prophets
(accepted by Latter Day Saints as "prophets, seers, and
They have made many eschatological forecasts, some of revelators") since the time of Joseph Smith. Thomas
which have led people (including followers) to incorrect S. Monson is the current president and prophet of The
assumptions. One example is The Watchtower's asser- Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
tions that the end of the "Gentile timesor times of
the nationswould occur in 1914; even prominent Watch
Tower representatives such as A. H. Macmillan incor- 2.3.2 Adventism
rectly concluded and overstated their expectations. As a
result, The Watchtower has acknowledged that Jehovah's Baptist preacher William Miller is credited with begin-
Witnesses have made mistakes in their understanding ning the mid-19th century North American religious
of what would occur at the end of certain time periods. movement now known as Adventism. He announced a
[75] Concurrently with these exceptions, Jehovah's Wit- Second Coming, resulting in the Great Disappointment.
nesses in their literature and assemblies have taught their
leadership was personally chosen by Jesus Christ in 1919
(a prophetic year in Jehovah's Witnesses eschatology) and Seventh-day Adventist Main article: Inspiration of
that they are God's sole channel on earth,and Je- Ellen G. White
hovah's spirit directed organization.

The Seventh-day Adventist Church, established in 1863,

believes Ellen G. White, one of the church's founders,
was given the spiritual gift of prophecy.

Branch Davidians The Branch Davidians sect evolved

from the Seventh-Day Adventists Church. David Koresh,
who died in the well-known Waco Siege in 1993, in 1983
claimed to be their nal prophet and the Son of God,
the Lamb.

2.3.3 Other Christian sects or movements

Montanus, founder of Montanism an early Christian

movement of the 2nd century.

Mani, founder of Manichaeism, a quasi-Gnostic

movement of late antiquity.

Bernhard Mller, also known as Count de Leon, was

a German Christian mystic.

Hong Xiuquan, established the heterodox Christian

sectHeavenly Kingdom of Great Peace(Chinese:
Mirza Ghulam Ahmad
; Chinese: ).

John Alexander Dowie, a faith healer who founded

the city of Zion, Illinois, and the Christian Catholic
Apostolic Church.
3 Other religions
Nona L. Brooks, described as aprophet of modern
mystical Christianity, was a founder of the Church
of Divine Science. 3.1 Hinduism
William M. Branham, Christian minister, usually
credited with founding the post-World War II faith
The Hindu concept of rishis is similar to the concept of
healing movement.* [76]* [77]
prophets. The Sanskrit word rishi is loosely translated
into English as seer(a prophet, a man who can fore-
Gerald Flurry, founder and head of the Philadelphia
see the future). Hinduism recognizes and reveres thou-
Church of God, who claimed he is 'that prophet'
sands of rishis, who can be thought of as the collective
mentioned in John 1:2122.* [78]* [79]
founders of the Hindu religion over many millennia. Of
these, special importance is given to the Saptarshi (the
Seven Sages), widely regarded as patriarchs of the Hindu
2.4 Ahmadiyya religion, whose listing is dierent according to dier-
ent texts. The Saptarshi and their clans are believed to
The Ahmadiyya movement in Islam believes that Mirza have composed the hymns of the four Vedas by entering
Ghulam Ahmad was a non law-bearing Prophet, who into communion with the Supreme Cosmic Spirit through
claimed to be a fulllment of the various Islamic prophe- meditation. For instance, Rigveda 1.1 is attributed to
cies regarding the spiritual second advent of Jesus of Rishi Madhucchand Vaishwmitra (i.e. Madhucchand
Nazareth near the end times.* [80] of the clan of Vishwamitra). Most rishiks were male,
but some were female too. Lopamudra is the author of
one hymn in the Rigveda, and Gargi Vachaknavi is de-
2.5 Judaic messianism scribed in the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad as a highly re-
spected woman in the eld of Brahmajna. Apart from
Nathan of Gaza was a theologian and author who became the Vedas, various rishis are also credited with composing
famous as a prophet for the alleged messiah, Sabbatai the several Smriti texts, like Veda Vyasa who composed
Zevi. the Mahbhrata.

3.2 Ifa and other African traditional reli- in the area of the Great Lakes, occupied essentially to-
gions day's territory of Canada.
20 years later (1832), Wabokieshiek, the "Winnebago
Main article: Traditional African religion, If, Religion in Prophet, after whom Prophetstown has been named,
Africa (also calledWhite Cloud) claimed that British forces
Divination remains an important aspect of the lives of would support the Indians in the Black Hawk War against
the people of contemporary Africa, especially amongst the United States as 20 years earlier (based on visions
the usually rural, socially traditionalistic segments of its ). They did not, and no longer he was considered a
population. In arguably its most inuential manifesta- prophet.
tion, the system of prophecy practiced by the Babalawos In 1869, the Paiute Wodziwob founded the Ghost Dance
and Iyanifas of the historically Yoruba regions of West movement. The dance rituals were an occasion to an-
Africa have bequeathed to the world a corpus of fortune- nounce his visions of an earthquake that would swallow
telling poetic methodologies so intricate that they have the whites. He seems to have died in 1872.
been added by UNESCO to its ocial intangible cultural
heritage of the World list. The Northern Paiute Wovoka claimed he had a vision
during the solar eclipse of January 1, 1889, that the Paiute
dead would come back and the whites would vanish from
3.3 Tenrikyo America, provided the natives performed Ghost Dances.
This idea spread among other Native American peoples.
Tenrikyo's prophet, Nakayama Miki, is believed by Ten- The government were worried about a rebellion and sent
rikyoans to have been a messenger of God.* [81] troops, which lead to the death of Sitting Bull and to the
Wounded Knee massacre in 1890.

3.4 Other
5 Other individuals
Lou de Palingboer, founder and gurehead of a new
religious movement in the Netherlands. Other people throughout history have been described as
prophets in the sense of foretelling the future (as op-
Noble Drew Ali, Prophet and founder of the
posed to relaying a religious message). Examples of such
Moorish Science Temple of America, founder of the
prophets include:
Moorish Divine and National Movement, 1913 AD,
Newark N.J.
Jeane Dixon
Rashad Khalifa, founder of the religious group
United Submitters International (USI). Billy Meier
Marshall Vian Summers, founder of the New Mes-
sage from God religious movement.* [82] Coinneach Odhar

Emanuel Swedenborg, Swedish scientist, philoso- Mother Shipton

pher, theologian, revelator, and mystic.
Pothuluru Veerabrahmendra

4 Native Americans 6 Secular usage

Native American Great Peacemaker (Deganawidah) co- In the late 20th century the appellation of prophet has
founded the Haudenosaunee league in pre-Columbian been used to refer to individuals particularly successful at
times. In retrospect, his prophecy of the boy seer could analysis in the eld of economics, such as in the deroga-
appear to refer to the conict between natives and Euro- tory prophet of greed. Alternatively, social commentators
peans (white serpent). who suggest escalating crisis are often called prophets of
From 1805 until the Battle of Tippecanoe that falsied his doom.* [83]* [84]
predictions in 1811, the "Shawnee prophetTenskwatawa
lead an Indian alliance to stop Europeans to take more
and more land going west. He reported visions he 7 See also
had. He is said to have accurately predicted a solar
eclipse. His brother Tecumseh re-established the alliance Cassandra
for Tecumseh's War, that ended with the latter's death in
1813. Tecumseh fought together with British forces that, Edgar Cayce

Clairvoyance [15] Isaiah 20, The Jewish Study Bible, Oxford University
Press, 2004
[16] Ezekiel 4, The Jewish Study Bible, Oxford University
Elijah List Press, 2004

Major prophet [17] Commentary on Jeremiah, The Jewish Study Bible, Ox-
ford University Press, 2004
[18] Isaiah (Commentary), John Goldingay, Hendrickson,
Nubuwwah 2001
Prophethood (Ahmadiyya) [19] Commentary on Isaiah 6:813, The Jewish Study Bible,
Oxford University Press, 2004
Table of prophets of Abrahamic religions
[20] Jeremiah (Prophet) , The Anchor Bible Dictionary
Twelve Minor Prophets Volume 3, Doubleday, 1992
Vates [21] Jeremiah 1:19, The Anchor Bible, Doubleday, 1984
Vlva [22] Jeremiah, Lamentations, F.B. Huey, Broadman
Press, 1993

[23] Jeremiah 12:6, The Jewish Study Bible, Oxford University

8 Notes Press, 2004

[1] prophet denition of prophet by the Free Online Dic- [24] Jeremiah 20:14, The Jewish Study Bible, Oxford Uni-
tionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia versity Press, 2004

[2] prophet Denition from the Merriam-Webster Online [25] The NIV Study Bible, Zondervan, 1995, p. 1501
[26] Jeremiah 37:18, Jeremiah 38:28, The Jewish Study Bible,
[3] p.1571, Alcalay. A more accepted translation of this He- Oxford University Press, 2004
brew word is derived from an Akkadian word nabu,
[27] Jeremiah 38:4, The Jewish Study Bible, Oxford University
meaning to call. The Hebrew navihas a passive sense
Press, 2004
and meansthe one who has been called(see HALOT,
p.661). [28] Jeremiah 38:6, The Jewish Study Bible, Oxford University
[4] Deuteronomy 18:18 Press, 2004

[5] Genesis 20:7 [29] Jeremiah 28, The Jewish Study Bible, Oxford University
Press, 2004
[6] cf. If anyone comes to me and does not hate father
and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters--yes, [30] Isaiah 30:11, The Jewish Study Bible, Oxford University
even their own life--such a person cannot be my [Christ] Press, 2004
disciple.(Luke 14:26) [31] Exodus 2, Exodus 10:28, The Jewish Study Bible, Oxford
[7] All the Parables of the Bible, Herbert Lockyer, Zonder- University Press, 2004
van, 1963. [32] 1 Samuel 9:9, Hebrew English Bible
[8] Jeremiah 35:1316, The Jewish Study Bible, Oxford Uni-
[33] Prophets and Prophecy
versity Press, 2004
[34] Rashi on Genesis 29:34.
[9] Commentary on Jeremiah 35, The Jewish Study Bible,
Oxford University Press, 2004 [35] Numbers 24:124:18
[10] Jeremiah 13, The Jewish Study Bible, Oxford University [36] 1 Samuel 9:9, King James Bible
Press, 2004
[37] Matthew 14:17, 2 Kings 3:11
[11] Commentary on Jeremiah 13, Jeremiah, The Anchor
Bible, Doubleday, 1984 [38]
[12] Jeremiah, Lamentations, Tremper Longman, Hendrick-
son Publishers, 2008. [39] Deuteronomy 18:2122

[13] Jeremiah 19, The Jewish Study Bible, Oxford University [40] Ezekiel 13:3, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Woe unto the
Press, 2004 foolish prophets, that follow their own spirit, and have seen
[14] Jeremiah 2728, The Jewish Study Bible, Oxford Univer-
sity Press, 2004 [41] Revelation 11:10
10 8 NOTES

[42] Gospel of Matthew 10:4041, 23:34 [64] Cole, Juan (1982).The Concept of Manifestation in the
Bah' Writings. Bah' Studies. monograph 9: 138.
[43] Gospel of John 13:20, 15:20
[65] Exodus 4:14-17
[44] Acts of the Apostles 11:2530, 13:1, 15:32

[45] Early Christian Writings: Didache (Chapters 1115) [66] Ephesians 4

[46] Against Heresies, Book V Chapter 6.1 [67],

retrieved June 10th 2016
[47] Early Christian Writings: Dialogue with Trypho (Chapter
LXXXII) [68]
HTM, retrieved June 10th 2016
[48] Early Christian Writings: Shepherd of Hermas (Eleventh
Commandment) [69]
sixth-apparition-of-our-lady.asp, retrieved June
[49] Ecclesiastical History, Book III, Chapter 37.1
10th 2016
[50] Ecclesiastical History, Book V, Chapter 17.24
[70], retrieved
[51] A Treatise on the Soul, Chapter 9 June 10th 2016

[52] [71] The Watchtower, Number 7, Vol. XCIII. 1972-04-01.

html, retrieved June 10th 2016 Retrieved 2009-09-12.

[53] Whether or not the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day [72] Keep Yourselves in God's Love, 2008 Watch Tower, page
Saints is considered a Christian denomination is subject to 209,Today, prophesying would apply to any Bible-based
dispute, see Mormonism and Christianity. teaching that a Christian minister does.
[54] Wheeler, Brannon M. (2002-06-18). Prophets in the
[73]Would That All Were Prophets!, Awake!, Watch Tower,
Quran: an introduction to the Quran and Muslim exege-
June 8, 1986, page 9, True Christians are prophets in
sis. Comparative Islamic studies. Continuum Interna-
that they teach others Gods Word
tional Publishing Group. p. 8. ISBN 978-0-8264-4957-3.
Retrieved 2011-01-29. There are 25 prophets mentioned [74] The Watchtower 1 January 1969
by name in the Quran [...] Among those mentioned by
name are: Adam (mentioned 25 times by name), Idris (1), [75] Reasoning From the Scriptures p.136
Noah (43), Hud (7), Salih (10), Abraham (69), Ishmael
(12), Isaac (17), Jacob (16), Lot (27), Joseph (27), Shuayb [76] Weaver, C. Douglas (2000). The Healer-Prophet: William
(11), Job (4), Dhu al-Ki (2), Moses (137), Aaron (20), Marrion Branham (A study of the Prophetic in American
David (16), Solomon (17), Elijah (1), Elisha (2), Jonah Pentecostalism). Mercer University Press. p. 173. ISBN
(4), Zechariah (7), John (5), Jesus (25), Muhammad (4). 978-0253202215.
[55] Number Of Prophets & Messengers
[77] Larson, Bob (2004). Larson's Book of World Religions
[56] Quran 16:36 and Alternative Spirituality. Tyndale House Publishers. p.
79. ISBN 0-8423-6417-X.
[57] The Bible; containing both the Old and New Testaments
(see Biblical narratives and the Qur'an) [78] PCG Information, 'That Prophet'

[58] Chambers 21st Century Dictionary. p. 1111 [79] The Riddle of That Prophet

[59] Beyond the Written Word: Oral Aspects of Scripture in [80] My Claim to Promised Messiahship. Review of Re-
the History of Religion, William A. Graham, William Al- ligions.
bert Graham 1993, p93
[81] oyasama
[60] The militia Page 100, James B. Whisker 1992 The
work of Mohammed (569632), commonly called the [82] GodDiscussion.comGod's Latest Prophet to Deliver the
Prophet, the Koran was revealed in a series of visions over New MessageSeptember 7, 2011 Retrieved September
a period of many years beginning in 610 20, 2012
[61] Tafsir Ibn Kathir Juz26 (Part 26): Al-Ahqaf 1 To Az-
[83] Ru sees more rough times ahead MarketWatch.
Zariyat 30, Muhammad Saed Abdul-Rahman 2009
Retrieved 2009-04-09.
[62] Quran 3:45
[84] Rushe, Dominic (2008-10-26). Nouriel Roubini: I fear
[63] Hutter, Manfred (2005). Bah's. In Ed. Lindsay the worst is yet to come Times Online. The Times.
Jones. Encyclopedia of Religion. 2 (2nd ed.). Detroit: London. Retrieved 2009-04-09. ...after making a series
Macmillan Reference USA. pp. 737740. ISBN 0-02- of uncannily accurate predictions about the global melt-
865733-0. down, Roubini has become the prophet of his age...

9 External links
Etymology of the English word prophet

Entry for prophecy, prophet, and prophetess at the

Catholic Encyclopedia on-line edition

Entry for prophecy and prophets at the Jewish En-

Elst, Koenraad: Psychology of Prophetism A Sec-
ular Look at the Bible (1993) ISBN 81-85990-00-X
Prophets, a Mormon Perspective.
Retrieved August 5, 2005.

10 Text and image sources, contributors, and licenses

10.1 Text
Prophet Source: Contributors: 0, Wesley, Zundark, Slrubenstein, Ed Poor, RK,
Danny, PierreAbbat, Deb, SimonP, Zoe, Hephaestos, Olivier, Rickyrab, Stevertigo, Rbrwr, Michael Hardy, Mdupont, Tannin, Ixfd64,
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Joyous!, Klemen Kocjancic, Wadsworth, Kevin Rector, Grm wnr, Pinnerup, Mike Rosoft, Jayjg, Rich Farmbrough, Guanabot, FT2, Ca-
cycle, Vsmith, Freestylefrappe, Dbachmann, Paul August, Stereotek, Bender235, Zencel, Pt, Hootus, Pilatus, Tverbeek, MPS, Thu,
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