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Bondurant-Farrar Community School District

Artifact Cover and Reflection

Artifact Title: Math Test and Item Analysis

Teaching Standard: 7

Engages in professional growth.

Standard Criteria: E

Provides an analysis of student learning and growth based on teacher created tests and
authentic measures as well as any standardized and district-wide tests.

I choose this artifact to show:

_____ Growth in the standard

___X__ Strength and competency in the standard

Description of the artifact and how it meets the standard and criteria:

This artifact is a copy of my analysis of my students chapter 1 math scores. Analyzing

the results of a math test, when given to my students, help me to analyze their growth
and learning in an authentic way. The tests my team uses were created by us and we
talk about each of them before we give them. They are authentic and teacher created,
based on the information that has been taught. This item analysis provides data for me
and helps me know what needs to be retaught and what has been fully learned.

Reflection on the artifact:

I feel like this artifact really helps me in my teaching because it tells me exactly what
students have learned, and what they havent and I need to reteach. I know if all of my
students get a question correct that is something they have learned and really
internalized. On the other hand, if majority of my students missed a particular question
that is something that needs to be retaught (maybe a mini lesson, or workshops) in
order to help students understand that concept better.

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