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Izvinjavamo se mnogo se izvinjavamo soja-A story about prizewinning agriculturist, whose dream is to

find his soul mate who would agree to marry him and live in the countryside. In one of his trips to the
symposium, he's about to share the compartment on a train with nice-looking but hardly approachable

Kako je hari sreo sali (When Harry Met Sally) In 1977, Harry Burns and Sally Albright graduate
from the University of Chicago and share the drive to New York City, where Sally is beginning
journalism school and Harry is starting a career. Harry is dating Sally's friend Amanda. During
the drive, Harry and Sally discuss their differing ideas about relationships; Sally disagrees with
Harry's assertion that men and women cannot be friends, as "the sex part gets in the way". At a
diner, Sally is angered when Harry tells her she is attractive; she accuses him of making a pass at
her. In New York, they part on unfriendly terms.

Five years later, Harry and Sally find themselves on the same flight. Sally is dating Harry's
neighbor Joe, and Harry is engaged, which surprises Sally. Harry suggests they become friends,
forcing him to qualify his previous position about the impossibility of male-female friendships.
They separate, concluding that they will not be friends.

Harry and Sally run into each other again in a bookstore five years later. They have coffee and
talk about their previous relationships; Sally and Joe broke up because she wanted a family and
he did not want to marry, and Harry's fiancee left him for another man. They take a walk and
become friends. They have late-night phone conversations, go to dinner, and spend time
together, discussing their love lives.

During a New Year's Eve party, Harry and Sally find themselves attracted to each other. Though
they remain friends, they set each other up with their respective best friends, Marie and Jess.
When the four go to a restaurant, Marie and Jess become fast friends, and later become engaged.
Over the phone, Sally tearfully tells Harry that her ex is getting married. He rushes to her
apartment to comfort her, and they have sex; Harry leaves the next morning distressed. Their
friendship cools until a heated argument at Jess and Marie's wedding dinner. Harry attempts to
mend his friendship with Sally, but she feels that they cannot be friends.

At a New Year's Eve party that year, Sally feels alone without Harry by her side. Harry spends
New Year's alone, walking around the city. As Sally decides to leave the party early, Harry
appears and declares his love for her. She argues that the only reason he is there is because he is
lonely, but he lists the many things he realized he loves about her. They kiss and marry three
months later.

Prijateljstvo zanat najstariji-oto i moto i zena. Dva prijatelja i zenska. Ima neki song. Prijatelj uvek dobije
nesto a ovaj drugi izvisi. Ljubavni trougao. Komedija. Bio je popularan tekst i dobar je, dopada se
ljudima. Za sada broj 1.

Dundo maroje Marin Drzic Dundo Maroje je poslao sina Mara u Italiju da trguje, davi mu pet hiljada
dukata. Ovaj se, meutim, nije pridravao oevih saveta i umesto da ode iz Jakina (Ankone) u Firencu (pa
u Sofiju), odlazi u Rim. Tu, u Rimu, rasipa oevo blago, kupujui poklone kurtizani Lauri. Dundo Maroje,
saznavi za sinovljevo loe vladanje, odlazi u Rim, i stie pred Laurinu kuu. Namera mu je da spasi bar
neto od svoje imovine. U Rim stie i Marova verenica Pera, preobuena na muku, a tu su i drugi
"naijenci. U Rimu ivi i Marov suparnik Ugo Tudeak, zaljubljen (u Lauru) i uvek pripit. Tu su i Pomet,
Ugov sluga, i Popiva, Marov sluga. Oni su, u stvari, reiseri svih glavnih dogaaja i nadmeu se u tome ko
e bolje ugoditi svome gospodaru. Drugim, reima, ceo komad je jedan duel izmeu njih, duel izmeu
otroumlja i dovitljivosti. Pomet i Popiva su suparnici i to se tie Petrunjele, Laurine slukinje. Maroje i
Maro se (u drugom inu) susreu, ali se sin pravi da ne poznaje oca, koga straari hvataju i hapse.
Meutim, Pomet, vetom igrom, izdejstvuje da Popiva nagovori svoga gospodara da, novcem
pozajmljenim od Laure, privremeno (od Sadija Jevrejina) zakupi magacin sa robom i, preobuen iz
plemikog u trgovako odelo, pokae svom ocu Maroju taj magacin. Sve se ovo deava u treem inu
komedije, koji je, zapravo, njena kulminacija. U etvrtom inu Dundo Maroje osvetniki koristi
novonastalu situaciju i nove mogunosti, uzima svu robu iz magacina i pravi se (sada on!) da ne poznaje
sina. Pomet, konano, preuzima sve niti radnje u svoje ruke. Kurtizana Laura, zapravo, erka bogatog
plemia Ondarda iz Auzburga, to e rei, bogata naslednica. Zbog ovog otkria Pomet dobija i nagradu
od sto kuda. Njemu, dakle, polazi za rukom da pobedi i izbaci mladog ljubavnika i iz milosti oeve i
milosti kurtizane.


Ponoc u parizu

Lover come back 1961

Ljubav zenidba i udadba

Five day lover 1961

La ronde 1950

The love game

Kako vam drago sekspir


Marin drzic-skup

Dafnid i Hloja

Aristid i Natalija, Atanasije Stojakovic

Milovan Vidakovic

Kosta Trifkovic ljubavno pismo (jednocinka 53 strane), Izbiracica,

Brana crncevic devojka sa tri oca.
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