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PAGE. Prepositions & Articles mcsrnemmmernraran fol [U)oae ul Vocabulary Comer ... renee Nouns, Adjectives and Adverbs .. 10 Vocabulary Corner .. 17 nn Comparisons, Stative Verbs 18 Z Vocabulary Corner wun srercer a 23 REVISION LESSON 1 - Modules 1-3 24 Vocabulary Review 27 Present Tenses .. Vocabulary Corner Past Tenses . Vocabulary Corner Future Tenses & Forms Vocabulary Corner REVISION LESSON 2 - Modules 4-6 Vocabulary Review 55 The Infinitive & Gerund sven Vocabulary Corner ... Modal Verbs ..... Vocabulary Corner ... The Passive Voice Vocabulary Corner ... REVISION LESSON 3 - Modules 7-9 Vocabulary Review The Causative Form Vocabulary Corner Conditionals and the Unreal Vocabulary Corner... Reported Speech & The Subjunctive ... io oa§ MODULE 5 ae Un og (ep ee} (VoD [eta 2 Te sUhaa re) pean 106 MODULE 12 Vocabulary Comer nm 7 : : 117 REVISION LESSON 4 - Modules 10-12 118 Vocabulary Review 121 Inversion .. om 122 is 7 aaaaaag Vocabulary Corner 127 Subordinate Clauses Vocabulary Cornel smn Emphasis & Confusing Situations Vocabulary Corner . REVISION LESSON 5 - Modules 13-15 7 152 Vocabulary Review 155 156 160 128 141 snosnanis TAZ MODULE 14 {TeV ane} VOCABULARY [esau Walcm clei) (1 Fillin with the appropriate preposition of place (in, at, on). * BrE: in Albert Street, AME: on Albert Street 1, ened hacer BUT erik onda inte subuts BUT on tea {M, dose to/near nar close by/nearby = Koved MPOZOXH orn xpfon: The bus stop is close to/near the bakery BUT There is @ bus stop close by/nearby. May, 1970, the 70s, an hour, (the) summer, the morning. the 20th century, the mile of, the beginning/the end ‘Sunday, 1st May, mv birthday, (@) Monday moming, Christmas Eve, the weekend (AmE) 60" clock, a young age, noon, midday, midnight, night, Easter, hi Christmas, the beglaning of/the end o, the weekend (BrE) during [the lesson, breakfast, the nicht within [the deadline, a woek, 3 hours around Shout e+ {7 cocks midnight, S minutes after/ i a before ve | thelesson, 8 lack leaving CZ Fiin with the appropriate preposition of time or place (at, In, on) 7 Abert St pain Parsthe pub,| 1. Jays, work today He's WingAS, _bedBecause he as the Tu, the rawer, the idle of i ne ner i, Tethers a themomiaina left the news, campus, the beach +3. Peter tives 65 Rose Street, but he used to live somewhere. Regent 35 Alber Street home, work ete at ‘school, university, college, anes the pub. the fent/backof 4, Don't call Kevin —_~ home knowing him, el prabeby be ving te etween = [Helen sot between Jimend Wary] beach : omg. ['fo art omongite cpt] Wear so ving frst for ofthis owntown artnet Med he a the bowl. find a house. ‘the outskirts of the cit. esti? | evn is iting next talbeside] 6. She suddenly stopped the mide ofthe road an looked atthe red bicycle [beside __| Susan a ‘the display window. ten ‘The bar is across. the road. ‘7. There's a police officer the door. He wants to know if the car ___™__ the. trom) —__ | Thebar is deros from the pr. ; Bierce Aeiveway beans tous, fopposite _| vilsot oppositisher teacher. 8. Kay lives. . farm in York, Dut she'd really ke to ive‘ London, ear [Vv ina town near cog. in ont off | Me es ren front@f/oehnd) (> yin with the appropriate preposition of time (in, at, on) where eeu the are 2> Fill in with the appropriate prep: f it, on) whe ~ necessary. by They vB th et it} 1. Sue'sbirthday is_ March but her name day is __ November Sth. 2. Iwashed the car Sunday morning. played some computer games —=2 theaerncen and night went othe cinema, 3, Wearrived_ —_-sixo'clock__~* _ the moming and spent. ‘tmorning oina household chores \ 4 the endif fst ack the hero and vil Both tr ito werewolves + viet 5. You must tll me what youre planing todo. thishneekend when tall you ~ BeseuniaeanreN 6. We want to goto Eurepe-__-Crstmas. We havent been there 3s the voter ber. 7.1 phoned Jemma. __- Wetheséay merring. she sald she's coming to vs Sis 8. We have a staff meeting. every Monday midday, where necessary. 1, Can’tyousee whatit says that sign? Normal mail goes. the top stot NOTE: after/before Aerroupyaby wat ax xpovino ‘oGvéeapoK We'l eat after/before they arrive \, Odd at, in, on yeta this, last, next, every, all 1 saw him last surmmer. NOT Fare him iost sume "between and / from .to / about » oF "+" The speaker stood before the auence (= impoaré) not the bottom one z 2. Thissongwas— the topo the hit parade the early 1980s. 3. My brother went abroad. ‘Seturday. He should return ‘his veekend, “+ 4, The authors neme is usual displayed the cover ofthe book, not the frst page. 5. They al sat the table the dning-room and started having super. 6. Wie usuely sty the city Christmas Day and celebrate Christmas ry grandparents ome, Isabela was born Rome, but grew up an island the ceribbeon 1. “What ci you do —_ last Saturday?" “We went hiking the mountains snd we swam the ike." 43 O — come yoni mad Le rier rae Teh Tee thin ih ope omnes | oA By LY LY 1 9 open = ee Tapes questonerhe __— Saturday, | decited 1 would visit my aunt who Tes 1. Alo B.Within On Dat (@__— the other side of town, | woke up seven ag on eee ee ¢a___ the morring, had light breakfast and walked to the bus stop ®___ my house. 3. A.within —Bopposite —C.near Dat ile 2s wating forthe no. 7 bus. an erty ndy come anda “MAO feneeeeee (o__me.___a couple of minutes or $0, she looked at me «$+ A.near_—-B.nearto ~ C.cleseB. nearby aod sls se wor fetng wel, Sudden, he fated ard iter 6, besides Bat conet ——Dibesde 1) neod the pavement. Fortunately for me, Mr. Jones, the | reenarocer, was standing his shop and saw what had eee re Poneman happened, He immediately called an ambuiance, which arrived across Bon within Din (60 five minutes and took the poor unconscious lady to 9, Aon Pier etentaseiorg oy ninaEET-OreTPH hospital 10. Boon C.during Di before tas so shocked "this tefying incident that 'wenthome 44, ater —sBeopposite before between and stayed #2|_my room all morning. 12 at B.within Gin Dibefore © complete by coos he cova on fom Thin Bon cat Sede r (Civeteen prety uy atarewort®__—the post fice downto been fer theo for pes) Congratulations! Is that the big building 1@ bank and the parking lot? 3. AL within i” a between ‘C. among D. nearby . aE eee eee eee eee No, that’s where It used to be located. I's moved !____ town naw. 4. A across B. nearby cin D. between ‘one day. Do you think! could? ‘Are youhappy there? tke to drop by © cat D+ (ofcourse you can Bit there's no subway station © ——- How woul you get there? — ia lean close by y (cnt edy digest kw Teyana oon) (Caio oping ec etn en Dreams bas ma yb ei Sm deme Bete dng. ater 10, A. eround —B. Detwaen Cat D. during PREPOSIWQNS OF MOTION or nepuaadtepes npobéaels (prepositions) nou Srixvoww Kivnen uetogpétovrar o¢ cuvEuacus pe to priya nov Mponyefcat, coav pacers (99 into = unciva/get out of = Gyr) ren eC Fill in with the appropriate preposition of motion. Torn goes to work every day 1. Fred has just built 2 fence all Shouse. He wants to keep xs. the neighbor's dos. ‘towards. | The dog ran towards.the robber. 2. The Indian warrior rushed the ten, jumped tis horse into | shettrew the evs into the drawer: | and ode awav. : onto) | che Grew the keys onto fhetable | 3 Tooet. Ais ofice, Mkehad to walk. <_the stairs the way __ ss the top floor : cutof | shetooktheneysout of speboa | a. Don't walk the street without looking. There may be a car speeding i= ‘along | Thay waked along thestreet. = bi across | Thebidran‘geross the road. = | 5 i | wake past | Hewalledpast ns exgiiend. |. scratched the tabla when 1 threw my keys - it and only noticed it when 1 through | The child ran through the fire. picked therm There re no houses beyond the | 7. Mydoughterhas/ust moved __‘a latin the city. t's well located, but the noise forest |S KO coming the street below is unbearable. The vase fell off the table during the | 8 The robbers ummped the roof ofthe bonk off righ 9. | was,tettifog winen saw the bark robber get ‘OTHER PREPOSITIONS OF MOTION: ‘With a gun in is hand, from, (around, under, up/down, 10. “How did these birds get here?” “Beats me; | suppose they few - beyond the dark alley his ear and run the offen door." (7 Fatin with the appropriate preposition of Ce Complete by choosing the correct option. . time, place of motion where necessary. | N 7 Hi Dave, t Se, to get my place, you must drive ®"_ the airport? Eee Easter ard Cirstmes, | Abt one klometre you se the tfc contol tower, youl ee ee | come across « major intersection. Keep going, but when you sez. a cae shopping mal your lef, fur vight ©__Rivey Read and 3. Tum loft _——— Semson Drive, go ——— the hill and | gy t_ the steep hill. five campus. Ask the seowity you wil se the bakery. your right. guard © ‘the entrance to tell you where Beta Black is. That's tay Her mother andtather | the name of my dormitory. W's © the nary if that’s any help. = the weekend, She ran her car. 1. My daughter had an accident — a red light end 2 van crashed. 4, My best fiend comes: emigrated _——— America the 19305. IH be expecting you Saturday morning, Please try to be + '5, The youngenirenhave been cunning and. ‘there "10 am so that we can set off "__ 10.30, te pool_———all morning, You'd think they get eizzy: | See you soon! ; 6. The athlete took three deep breaths diving Joa at ‘at Gin D. towards thewe-erfrom a height of ve metres. Ds sonra eter eee Gs in ann teeeeE 7. You didn't see your wallet because itwas thebook | 3. A. when Batterwards since °D,batore that was iyag the table 4 At Bin Cfom pba 5. Ato 8. trom into . through comin the supermarket ; ‘ania ou 6 Aout!" Bou through D. under carrying twobig bags 7. Ain Bon C.between —D. onto . We thought the principal wanted to speak to us becausehe | 8. at C.among Da of was walking. us. 2 Ain Biclseby Great at one ett area the ast | 10/A'on B. ater Cbeside Dain Seiaceeuraens ncceens 11. A.before within Ca during ater 12, A. for B. to C. past “ his face, OO see “Fa dpa (articles) civai 660: 10 adpiare (indefinite) (a/an) vai to opioems (definite) (the). Oo To a/an ynaiver névea nowy ané pexpiioo ovsraouKd evmod, Stav wAdue abprota vie outs. He wrote successful novel He owns a lovely big mansion. They got married on a cold wintry dy & ‘To the unaiver np ané pexpriaijio/un yexpfioiuo ovoiaouKé eviKod/nknBuvaKos, érov piépe ouyKexpipéva yia aus. The dog looks os if ts sick ‘The lunch we had today was auf ‘The people in my neighborhood ore nt very friendly. Dir vidual mountains & peaks (Everest) > mountain ranges (the Alps) individual Islands (Santorini, Ball) D island complexes (the Bahamas) titles & names (President Smith, Queen Mary) D titles (the President, the Queen) countries, continents, cities, towns, > countries that are composed of ‘states’ (the USA, the UK) villages (Germany, Africa, Madrid, Riverdale) family names (the Simpsoris) ‘ names and surnames (Bart Simpson) P hotels & museums (the Hiton, the British Museum) streets & avenues (Regent Street/Avenue) cinemas & theaters (the Odeon, the Opera House) squares & parks (Trafalgar Square, Hyde Park) > musical instruments (ihe violin) P lessons, sports, colors, meals newspapers (the Dally Mal) (science, baseball bie, dinner) D decades & centuries (the 1950s, the 21% century) days, months & years (Monday, July, 1950} D rivers, seas, oceans & deserts (the Amazon, the Red Sea, lakes (Lake Michigan) ‘the Atlantic, the Sahara) > planets (Venus, Mars, Saturn) the superiative form (the most exciting day) BUT the moon, the sun BUT most of my friends...NOT the most of my friends. 1 speak German BUT I speak the German language. |/._ TIPOZOXH we ta school, university, hospital, bed, church, prison. » - Blind people find it hard to commute. went to university and obtained my degree. The blind find it hard to conmute dae aaa ot eniycom om ep Children should not be punishes (ca aid yew) {went fo the university toreet my gifiend | | 2X the chitaren who broke the window should be punished. (ue dpe Sav BEN avagepduaste orn xphan) (0 ouesxowséva e161) { “ = | + xa Ameo the xpnayonoietas Kt ous 84 nepintdae, |A/ The lion shouldn't be imprisoned. (yews) {went tothe university and obtained my degree ‘OR Lions shouldn't be imprisoned. (yom) {went to the university tomeet my gifrend BUT The fons at this park ar aot imprisoned. (ayrexpnév) (S Filtin the articles @ / an / tennis match we played yesterday was not . ‘est we've ever played. 2. She'dike to be ats to play. musical instrument. 3 money ! gave you this morning shouts last you uni weekend. 4, Hehas hired reliable cleaner who does all housework twice _week 5, most beautiful sights in country can be found in north of Greece 6. Is sahara biggest desert in" world? “7. “Which of two boys s your brother?” nein jeans.” 8 WhileinParis, theyhad— great unchat___— lovely French restaurant. % advice he just gave you was about best\'ve ever heard fom person who hardly knows you. 10, There was manknocking at. _. door this morning, but | drt open it. | wonder what he wanted gpg 0 Fin the articles (a / an / the) where necessary. tonnis isn't such. easy sport afterall 2. She admires her frien, alice, whe plays =" saxophane. 3. My parents always goto church on, Sundays. 4. Richard never goes to— school on. foot, He always goes by bicycle. 5. Are you looking for Mrs Bassett? think youl find her down at —="s.12_ church arranging the flowers 6. Iwent to hospital to see aunt Keren last week. 7. "Soke my leqin three places and had tobe rushed to. hospital for X-Rays. 8. LUSAis_— country with many beautiful raturallardscapes 9. Queen Elzabethis- queen of England. 10, Prime Minister of Cyprus wil vist our country extweek, : 11, Russia was once the biggest countryin. "Union of Soviet Socialist Republi 1. paris fore upinisnot. == Pars of today, my son. times were harder then. 13. Englishis said tobe. — relatively easy language. 14, ~ - German'énguage has, elicit words. rich history and culture, wot [Atlantic Ocean is much bigger than | thought. beauty of. Mediterranean is, something ike to seo, beauty is often behind. success of. ‘many famous personalities. | think we should all cre for. sable as they need ta he integrated into society, rich people do not pay enough oftheir incomes to Intemal Revenue Service, Crete is island Id tke to visit. would also love to visit {onan islands, : happiness. ‘money can't buy ‘ridge of Sighs sin London, is 1 2 3. 4 S. Mypinion is that 6 1 8. 1 think that. Venice, notin Rome. 9, ____Trefelgar Square. in. 10. They live behind Russell Square, which is near cats and dogs canbe kept as pets, place everyone knows. British Museum, 12. rman was only able to travel to ‘moon a few derades ago. 13. elephants are. fascinating animals. 14, most of my fiends ive in western Greece, 15, physics Is very interesting subject. (GB Fin the articles (2 / an / the) where necessary, robbery many years ago, 1. Andy gin prison because he was involved in 2. all ‘small animals in this zo0 are kept in. cages 5 3. real friendship i value that some people don't respect nowadays. 4. iget tere in tine for fight rive at average of 50 miles hour 5. mast people watch reality programs because they enjoy invading ‘other people's privacy. f 6. | think we should all show respect for homeless. They have most of ——— residents in this area are against 2 8. As soon as Fay returned fem F 9, Wnyis your mother in fights too. ‘ew low. bed because she was exhausted work she went to hospital? Did she have. ‘accident again? 10. Besides: encouragement, elderly people need, love and. affection 11. Some people strongly objet to. arias being used in, medical experiments, 12, They visited fel Tower, After that, they took walk along the banks of ‘ver Seine and had. ‘couple cosy café, 3 of rinks in. VOCABULARY CORNER . Many fear that the end of the world is Avstheert B.athand C.atlength D. at random He is a moody person but __ he is actually quite sweet, A.atthetime B.ontime Cattimes D.intime 5. Ifnecessary, we will make you leave the premises. ©. by lick {or minors to be served alcohol. A. by hand B. by force D. by chance 6. His A against the law B. at any rate C.along the lines D. at liberty | 1. Derivatives - Prefixes: Some pref : & 4D. Toperpfora ovcracnn (countable nouns) apoobiopfover ue aprEuod wa cUvdacowtl ue Ev A mMnBuvaKé opBub, (One ciog is running inthe street. Two/'Some cogs are running in the street POZOXH ova napoxsus D criterion criteria person people means - means Die lives data ~ data species species 4D specite amounts + singular verb: wenty minutes, seven hundred dolar, tuo thousend miles thee ters, ete 100 dollars not enough 0 buy tis dress. 2. Topnperosore ovate (uncountable nouns) AEN npootiopZovta He apreyous, Knot od eed uesoora ee nor do10 ue nnduven ov Your luggage sco hea. The police are instigating the murder De vanpoosiopisowye ro un veroriaqia ouotoouKé xpnoponoiabpe AEEEIC Grea: apiece of luggage, a glass of milk, a slice/loaf of broad, a cube of ice, a tube of toothpaste, ete, Caen Coes cary. Her birthday isin October. > How much money is there on the table? Your furniture is very old. You must change It. Sho has taken too much luggage/baggage with her. Does she really need it? D There istoo much iter/rubbish/garbage/trash in here, ' Where does she keep allthis jewellery/jewelry? tim trying to finish all his homework/housework. The police have very ite evidence/proof against him. His knowledge of cars is remarkable English/Math(s)/Gymnastics/Politics is very interesting. > Measles/Mumps is contagious P This news is very bad. 1d lke some information please. Vd lke some/a piece af advice. Lnpecoxi an xprion ov ttle, much © some érav enotoncrebvear ue pn perorowa overaatid D The police haven't arrived yet. All their valuables were stolen in the burglary. > Our belongings were seized by the tax ofc. D The outskirts ofthe city were underdeveloped. The surroundings of the region are fantastic. Their mittary headquarters were blown up. our office premises are very expensive. The cattle/sheep were grazing in the fold The remains ofthe dead are in the morgue. > Your trousers/shorts/tights/scissors are very old. BUT This pair of trousers/shorts is very old D The accommodations were to my satisfaction, (Ame) BUT The accommadation was to my satisfaction, (Br&) Ta napaxio ovsracund éxouv 6iopopcuiki cnpooia aE evKé Kal nANdUVTIKE: D His hair is black. (icAA)VS There were two hairs in the soup. (pikes) > Glass js made from sand. (yuo) VS I can't read without my glasses. (yuaktd) The teacher's look was threatening. (BAéuua) VS Good looks help one when laoking for work, (cjpévien) Being a good teacher requires experience. (neipa) VS | have alot of unforgettable experiences to recall (cpnepieg) This table is made of wood. (Eko) VS The woods are home to many animals. (54co9) The damage caused by the flood was huge. @njid) VS. The damages were paid by the insurance company. (anegleoor) The experiment. based on the premise that metals contract, (aps) VS The company’s premises ate inthe suburbs. (eyxacaotdoeic) D To napardces oustonnd ourtéooovea site ye eva ete pe mANBUVTIKS ovéRoya Ye vO WEnHC: team, staff, audience, class, family, government, crowd, jury, union, committee, etc The government has passed a new law. (os atvoro) BUT The government are (al) voting on a new law today. (ca ytAn Eexcuprord) é de {C= a i i i | a Complete with the verbs be, have, do in the correct form. obviously not your strong point. Mumps been all but eradicated in 10, Patience developed counties. “Two weeks: not long time to wait for the test results, “The restaurant premises to be inspected by ‘the health department before you can start operating, on Excuse me, How much this pair of trousers 3, Five hundred miles. ‘00 long a distance for cost? my grandma to travel an her own. 112, The sight ofthe sun setting over the hills so a the riot police been called aut to deal with ‘beautiful that we stopped to admire it the violence downtown? 13. The crew in disagreement regarding the 5, The glasses she. wearing ‘naw labour contract. said to be very expensive. 14, All the information beprosented atthe general meeting been gathered and wit been grazing in the fel all day. ‘all wearing identical armbands, ‘15+ $500. stolen from the petty cash box @, Palution been blamed forthe increase in ees asthma cases 16, The information you gave me very helpful. ‘The hotel accommodation — just ke you told eens eee e Mark whether the nouns are countable or uncountable and complete with an appropriate word from the box. a of elephants Real of mitk i 5. a. asetaeee 2. ao fish era of soap — bay, Sea ‘of knives: — Ba of seagulls. = —___ bunch» aa ‘ofmoney = 9 a of keys eee carton" 5a ofsting = 1a of bees — @ choose the correct option 1.allhis stil very sal AA sheeps are B. sheep are co sheep is 2 Physics, dificut subject. Aarea Bisa Care 3.Your. very old, Why don't you buy a new pair? A trouser is B. trousers are c.trousersis 4.The underground is ‘Aca convenient mean of transport. ®. convenient means a convenient means 5, ise material that can be recycled. ‘A. The paper B. Paper C.Apaper 6, Some of your filing or they'll decay. A. teeth needs B. teeth need C.tooths need 7.Money, happiness, don't you think? A doesn't always bring ——-B. don't always bring 6. doesn't always brings 8. The police still the fugitive A hasn't arrested B. Isn't arrested Cchaven't arrested 9. eases disease. are contagious contagious is a contagious 10. Palties me. [find itso boring, A. doesi’t really interest B.don'treallyinterest _—_C. aren't really interesting (] Undertine the corect option 1.1 bought some chars, tables, desks, armchairs and sofas, Inowhave at of furnitures/furniture 2, Suidants should do their homeworks/homework without their parents’ assistance. 3. "My new jeans fit/joan fits me very well” “These are/That's good news, isnt 2" 4. My boss tld me who to speak to and how to behave, She gave me some invaluable advices/advice, 5. Tho police has/have foun a few halr/halrs and fingerprints ofthe burl. They havea lot of evidences/evidence 6. Tho tourist ofice gave me addresses, maps and brochures. | was given 8 lt of informations/information. ooo 4 LN ONIN Eee “UNCOUNTABLE much, (4 ttle, abt (of, apiece of, mary, (a) few, several, a (great/large) any, some, enough, lot of, its of, ‘numberof, a couple of, a handtul of plenty of, no ‘2 great deal of, a(n). amount of, 2g. agreat number of people eg enougheggs/time 29. avast emount of information ‘several questions some books/sugar ‘a great deal of money EQ To many na: much xpneiponoiosves kup oF epetnpatés Ka! apes MporéCEIG. aes z [ itn Sade “re there many students in your class? [s there much coffee left? REC See There aren't many students in my class. ‘There's not much coffee tet tt Ta some xa! any xpnoqponcroévearna! ye peipaaiye KL pn Hexphowpa ouatacEK, To some kat napéyayd tou xpnosponotobves oe Katdpaon nal euyevikh napéxhnon. There are some opples on the table. Con Ihave some mare cake? Do youneed something ese? ~ To any Kot 1a napdyeoyé tou xpnayonoladvea! ae epdenan Kat Gpvnan. Dowe have ary apples? There aren't any apples left There isn't anything inthe fridge (& Fin with o mony appropriate determines ws pose Be carta af he hearty need a(n) _______help with 6, Howabout________ assistance ‘my science paper, professor. Could you give me a(n) reorganising my fling cabinet? You don't seem to have minutes of your precious time? —________woricto ao, 2, They are my close friends and they have 7, How_______cashdo youhave on you?! ‘of things to talk about when you get to know them! need — money to buy this dress, 3. How times have told youtoturn @. Weneed: cheese if we want to of the lights when you leave the room? ‘make a fondue (or all those people. - 4, Youhave a(n) lt 9. What a relief Mike doesn't want to borrow experience in matters Ike this, Can you help me? _—______ monay this week : 5. Lonty have ate) -time to spare. 10. Would you like. coffee? Ive just Please hurry up! made a fresh pot £1060) few (yo expos) xa (a) ttle ya yn perp) xpneqonoicvee Kupleog cu Kaxdgaan Npocox auc Siapepés Ea Ee ETUC | have a few eggs sol can make a cake. thave a little sugar so Ican make a cake, ROM eteniea have few oggs sol can't make a cake. "have little sugar so | can't make a cake, NIPOZOXH: Or napaxda exippbaeic SnASvouv ANENAPKEIA. onlyafey — justafew —_toofew so few very few BUT quitea few Snidvouv ENAPKEIA onlyalittle justalitle —toolitle. se litle very litle quite atte (© Fi in with tle/a tie or few/a few. 1 1. think the home side will win the match, but______people agree with me. 2. Since I do have__ extra time on my hans, | think Il get a haircut. 3. Only _ students showed interest in the excursion so it wes cancelled 4. Ihave _ time for people who don't care about other people's feelings, 5. Now that 've gone out with Jim_—____ times tcan tell you things about him. 6. Put____more tomatoes into that salad, and I would suggest putting ole oll oni too. 7. (ve got_____ coins in my pocket. | should have enough for the bus fare. 8, Relax! We've still got__time fat to finish ths letter, 9. Very __ animals can survive in this harsh climate as there is very ______water. 10. I've been to the new mall on—___ occasions. There are quite _______very fashlonable stores there. 638 — Se EE CE EEE EEE HEH EEE @ Choose the correct option. 1. [can't eut the cardboard with ‘A this small scissors B. this small scissor these small scissors 2,2 whieh proves that he committed the erime? there an evidence 1B. Arethere any evidences CIs there any evidence 13, "Where do you keep al 2° "ina safety deposit box Ati jowalry these jewelery these jewelleies {4.There____inthis bin. Tere Isao room for any more. ‘is too much ter B. are too many titers .istoomany iter ie s.thav —to do today, Cant we postpone our meeting for tomorrow? A. many works B. alot of works C.alatof work 6.1 give you that might help you decide what todo, : Aan advice B. aplece of advice some advices T.How ‘are you going to take with you? ‘A.many luggages 1B. much luggage ‘c. many luggage ‘8. There is only left for your bags. [ A.afew rooms B. afew room .alitle room 29, "who wil do al 2°*Don't worry, | will” : A. these houseworks B.this piece of housework _C. this housework 10. Its difeut to find A.awork B. job nowadays, (© complete using sn ppropic word ISSURED FRED - MURDERED OR SACRIFICED? While excavatinga prehistoric met his death. completely preserved remains ; site isa. 9 __ been found in English archaeologists found ______"Fissured peat bogs. Sone of the ancient 2 badly damaged human skull Fred” a human sacrifice? victims had been hanged or ing © evorde, @! shall probably strangled. the noose still speare and tools. Other then never know for certain, but 2 archaeologists claim he may well have been. His remaing ) ___ mixed up with weapone and equipment, vhich 20 had been thrown the eite all together. 20) bones, the There “-_________ come around rest of ‘Fissured Feed’. as indications chat the peoples necks, and ‘\? i ® _____ skeleton became living in present-day Denmark, had had their throats slit. known ty his excavators, Germany and Holland made Archaeologists believe that ( ______ never found, offerings to an aftervorld. these were not murders, but oN so there © no In cextain regions of deliberate, socially accepted concrete evidence of how he _______ countries, killings. LON 8) npodiop(Zouv ouaiaatiKa (nouns): This isa modern house. OR This house is very modem. : RRs kele ve catia |) sumber.onioion size age shape color origin material | purpose ‘NOUN ‘lovely small old squore | brown | Korean | wooden | coffee table LD Ta cOvoera enidcra (compound adjectives) 2D Te prota aicBnans axohovBodvea ané eni@ero. anotehodveat ané Bde fi kat napandves Aéferc nou The perfurme smells (Exer upd) nice. (NOT nicely) vdvovtar pe natia. You lok (pov) great a three-week holiday BUT Icon smell wpe) welt NOT a tree-weeks holiday) ‘Look (nrioge) carefully before you cross. To ~wo1aotHé week Reroupy co eniBexo. LD, Ta lovely, ively friendly, cowardly, sly, ugly, Ta enfdcra asleep, alive, alone, afraid, ashamed, ‘motherly, fatherly civai snidere, OX! enippyaxa. awake AEN axolouBoGvear ané ouaiacuKé, ‘Our neighbours are vey friendly, The baby was asleep. (NOT Fheasteop baby) BUT They behave in a friendly way, LD Ta phnara become, get, grow, keep, remain, seem, Stay, tur exohouBosvees ané ender. Its turing cold outside rn ed ary SD To emipphycra (adverbs) npoaiopizouy pinata (Students con easily solve this exercise), neta (This fs a relatively ensy ‘| exercise) wat enippiyora (He solved the exercise extremely easily). D_Penperigoveor pe env naxéangn ly oxo enidero (careful-carefully), i Npogoxt aug efaipéoti: * He works hard. (hard = ang) BUT I hardly know her. hardly = oxc 6 naBSAOU) > Dadcomehame latelastnight (ate = apy) «BUT We have seen thom lately. ately =rjpazlevaia) Theeagle flew high. (high = und) BUT Mr. Brown is highly respected by hs students. (highly = nah) > Thebeach isnear. (near « noved) BUT —Hemearly dd inthe accident. (recrly = otc66v) Or nopandaes Atgeig elves KAI eni@era KAI enippfyara: | {9 POSITION OF ADVERBS: hourly, daily, wechly, monthly, yearly | + Adverbs of tine: ite oinv APKH foto TENOE ang npécaon. This is a monthly subscription. ‘Yesterday, | visited my in-laws. This subscription is renewed monthly. ‘OR visited my in-laws yesterday. BUT This isa month's subscription (Siapee vo éva vo) at lanehtime, he had his har eut, fast, early, right, inside (OR Hehe his haircut a lunchtime. Hels a fast ramet 7 beara cease + Adverbs of frequency: I 2. META ané wo piya “be” ariy) Wee could al. — Incident, 4. We've decidua to accept your very kind offer to put us up forthe night, as we've had an extremely exhausting Journey. soy, hr ary cae wa so cus al meat ol ages ado place 3. What a shame Sally won't be joining us as I really did think we would all get along marvellousy 4. The diligent sales clerk gave the shady-fooking man wearing the trench coat a suspiciousty look. 5. The astonishing thing about Grant is that he never studies hardly But still gets all the prizes. 6. Nell wasn’t driving on the highway carefully yesterday and he nearly caused an accident. 7. Over the past few decades a numberof disastrous cl spills have polluted the seas surrounding Britain. £8, The alive victim was found wandering around the deserted city streets. © (QB choose the correct option. 1. The negotiations proved____ es neither side was wiling to ‘4, The competitors cid their best to remain___as the winner ive in and runners up were being announced, A. poistlessly €. pointlessness A.calmly ©. calmness Bi pointless . more pointiess B. calmed D.caim 2. Maggle works __ all day without stopping, 5. The____ survivor was found on an uninhabited island three A tong chard ‘months after his ship had sunk, B hardly D. longer lonely sole B, alone D. solely 3. Femina bit of ahurry madam. Isn't there a____flight to Gatwick? 6. | can't go out with Keith on a date because |__. Adirect . directly A.barely dolknow ——_C. him know barely B. short D. shortly B. barely know him D. know him barely his | | ELECTRIC BIKES - PROBLEM OR SOLUTION | | i congested convenient environrentally ordinary _ traditional popular relatively convinced silent unwanted Electric bikes are the latest fadon the streets of Beijing, But not everyone is | They are not only friendly and that » they are the solution to Beijing's © ! o » but city streets. Some experts believe they are a stop-gap form of transport; no more helpful than a(n) © bike for @ car. Some pedestrians complain that the fast, ® electric bikes that now whizz around the city are a menace. 50, while they are bicycles might one day prove as © as the 1%) variety. now, electric — ! think your father is and far too strict. caver] too much ‘overworked, overdo ‘A.hypercritical B. outcrtical —_. precriical D. interertial ‘under | not enough undercooked. underage | 2, Girls hoys inthis class by two to one, exterior ~ [etdoors, ouso0K | Aoverrumber Be outnumber. hypernumber _D. undernumber toa greater degree | outlive, outspoken toa greater degree | cutive, outspoh '3. Some children really have a(n) imagination, inter _[between, among _ | international, interact A.outactive —B.preactve ——_—C. foreactive D. overactive hyper | above, toomuch | hyperactive, hypersensitive Too. [bln under Trypodermig,hypo-funcion | ** Dinosaurs lived anes ype “ Ps vee A.forchistorie B.hypohistoric C.prehistoric —_—D. interhistorie before, infront _| foretell, forelegs pene precondition, preschool | 5: Manis a socal animal, meaning we are all peal aaed infrared inrostucure A infradependent B. interdependent C. underdependent D. hyperdependent. [E-attmeans virtue ‘surprise, chance heart all accounts no means, 1. They met: ‘on the plane. '5. "Can you help me with my project?" 2, He as learned his parti the play —___ Sure, __. " 3. Cara succeeded —____ of her determination. 6. Oh dear, you took me completely 4, This argument is ______over! 7. —____the party was a great success. Complete with the correct proposition. 3, Preposition: 1. Don't take advantage ‘your parents‘ tolerance. They won't put ee 2. Adam Smith is absent. ‘school due __ the fact that his grandmother passed 3, We can't find the solution ____ this complicated math exercise, 4, Some parents take pride ‘everything thelr children do. 5. Bus drivers are strike today because they are protesting ____ thelr low salaries. 4, Phrasal Verbs: Study the following phrasal verbs and then use them to complete the second sentenes Sinazal vec | Heong 1, Benhad a nervous criss when he lst i job. blow over _ | be forgotten (for arguments) ‘Ben —_________when he est his job, Blow up | (ake explode, Tose your terper,| 2 His escape from prison was 2 mystry. enlarge (a picture) ‘No one knows how he —_____.of prison. Siow ok fertinguish with a gisvofair ] 3. There'sno need to get so angry! You don't have to. resi dowa op wotng formachinesy 7] 4 People il son forget ths scandal, Tis con! wl soon Seome upset ormentally it __| S. They ended all trade relations. Altre relotions were Break nila) [enter ahouse legal, interapta | 6. When de the war sta? When a the war conversation 7, He ust started crying in front of me. He st infront of me. [break off [end (relationships) 6. Has anyone ever robbed your house’ Has your house ever been — 2 Greak out ~ [stark suddeny or war disease, | 9, Make sure all the candles are extinguished before leaving. fre) escape tem prison) ake sure yous all the cones before loving Breakup |asperse (a crowd). (vith 30) €04 8] 10, why dont you onlarge this picture? Why don't you get hs picture relationship _~ 11. Sandy ended her relationship with Tom. Sandy —_ with Tom. 5, Words easily confused: Study the following and complete the text with the appropriate word/phrase. break (intermission smash) WS brake (device for stopping metion) | match (go together well) VS ft (be the right size) VS ‘owe (be in debt) VS_own {have sth which belongs to you) ‘suit (look good on sb, be the right one) couple (two, romantic) VS pair (two that match) VS bring up (raise a child) VS grow up (get older) duet (two musicians) borrow (get sth from sb) VS_fend (give sth to sb) slim and Pam have decided to take a(n) from their serious relationship. You see, they hed only been together for & ‘of months, but they were already talking about marriage. Of course everyone agrees that they really ____one another, just ikea). of gloves, butthe thought of _____money fromabanktobuy ahouse. of. ‘0 much money to creditors, and the responsiblity of _____up acid. wel, they may do it someday, but not inthe near future, ooo =O) _ 6 6 Ta povoodAato Kara nionnots GiodAAapa enideca xa emipprivara oxmatZouv to ouynprtiKé (comparative form) ye wav Kardhngh er Kat tov unep@erixé (superlative form) ue tnv KatdAngn -est. Ta xpiadAAoBa Kar noAUaUAAaBa eniDere Kalkic Kata enippfpcta be -ly noipvouv ta more xat most. Enfong undpxouv avopana eniBere Kor enippspote. ‘She's more beautiful than thought. She s the most beautiful woman ofall She lef earlier than me. She let the earliest of ll COMPARISON OF ADVERBS. olde than the oest of SHEMET) harder than the hardest af Tepper => ihe happest of |EGEEMTEE| more uit than | the most quehy of | KE the most/least more/less baring tan EF more/ess easly than the mestleast boring a || easly of more/less beaut | ye mostleast beautl of = ~ s 2 pnd ender, sew rarsupetatve i friendly friendlier / more friendly stupid, clean, simple, friendly, cruel, polite, pleasant eivai Suvexév va oxnuaticowv comparative the friendiest / the mest friendly bad worse than the worst of badly worse than the worst of| ‘good better than the best of _ well better than the best of litte Tess than ‘the least of ite fess than the least of| q rmuch/many ‘more than the most af much | __more than the most of q Ps farther/ the farthest? | 7 farther/ the farthest/ furthor than furthest of further than furthest of Xpnoiponotoiye to elder/eldest avti yo older/oldest érav avapepspacte oe pékn ng oinoyéveras, Myelder brother wasn't atthe party. (xw évav uévo weyarbrepo aBep@6) ‘My eldest brother wasn't atthe pery. (fw 850 F napandves peyatrepour aBsppate nar avapé atov usyakdtepo) (OXI than yeré to elder: My brother is older than me. NOT My brother is elder than’ me. SPECIAL CASES: bb She is very nice (very + positive) ‘She rams very nicely (very + postive) bb The lesson was most interesting. (most = very) He invested his money mast wisely. (mast = very) ® We have more/less money than they do. (less + unc. noun) They have more/fewer children than we do, (fewer + coun! noun) © She iooks happier today than (che aid) yesterday. © This is one of the worst essays I've ever read, > Susanis the tallest git in the class. (in ya réno/etvao) Can't you talk any louder, please? (or epdiunan/épunan) b This test was much/far/even/a lot/a bit/slightly easter. He tried much/far/oven/a lot/a bit/slightly harder. NOTE: She is more/less beautiful than her sister. less + adjective) BUT Any further questions? (further = emngov) ‘There were many more people at the party than | had expected. (mary more + countable noun) ‘There was much more traffic in the centre than ! had expected. © live farther/further away then you think. (much more + uncountable noun) ‘COMPARATIVE DEVICES: He can draw as well as his sister (can), (xaxipaon) Can he draw as well as his sister (can)? fepcinont She's not s0/as bad at math as Danny. (doo) My house Is twice/half as big as his. RENAME > 1b The more you exercise, the more easily youll lese weight. b Tom is getting taler and taller. bb This is by far the best book have (ever) read. & Your T-shirt is similar to / the same as mine, a choose the correct opti tatwes the documentary {have ever seen, ‘more boring cmt ing most bored . more bored 2. Stella responded to the teacher's question tan | di, ‘A. more quickly ©. quickly 'B, more quicker D. quicker 3, He could hear what the teacher was saying so he sat at @ desi in the front row. Acharder chard eB. hardly D. hardest to sey before | continue? . farther . furthest 44, Doyouhave anything A. further B. farthest 5, 1im prov of my students. them succeeded in their university entrance exams. ‘A.Mostly of| Most B, Most of D. The most of 6 a ‘The composition you gave me last week was good. ‘A.more increditty —_€. incredibly - B. incredible D. the most incredible Fay decided to go out with Leon, even though he is than her. A.elder €.s0 older B. much older . much old 3. found last week's lecture interesting. A much the more B.alot D. most . Carrie, my elder sister, is in her class. A. the eldest C. elder Bolder D. the oldest Taday's gasoline burns than that used in the past A.cleanly B, more cleaner C.more cleanly Das clean © sng ne worden, oes he scone erence oa as he same meaning ste sk 1. Youhave far less strength than you think. (as) ia cee er reece REE ee eee eee ee . Te never tasted such a strange flavour before. (ever) prize ee you think. tasted, 5. There were far fewer people at the bistro today than there were yesterday. (as) There. can't you walk any faster than this? (the) yesterday. 's ——. As Fay gets older, she becomes tess sociable. (the) gobs sp asbesessgsnieniensosssesty Cur relationship ts gradually Improving. (getting) ie Hee ee ee Wie didn’t think the exam would be that easy. (dificult) becomes. better. The we thug . Today she looks prettier than ever. (so) Shi’s never = 9. Is this the hardest they can work? (any) Can't ‘mot such a good tennis player as Paula. (as) feat No other teacher has as much knowledge as he does. (knowledgeable) No than eis, . | don't actually have more money than you. (88) today. than this? Paula. actually you. | &D ta stative vers bev éxour xpos Biapelas yo hppsRowy natdoraon (state). Te pata tor > ywwound/avtihnyne: believe, know, doubt understand realise, suppose, think, consider > aio@iiaewv: see, hear, smell taste, feet 4 > apéoxniac/BuaapéoKciag: like, love, enjoy, prefer, want, dislike, hate, detest > naroxig: have, own, possess, belong to > Gita: be, wish, weigh ft. appear, seem, look, cost, owe, agree, need, require, contain, include, depen, keep, mean, cancer ‘He owns abig mansion. ‘how much money does he ove you? | don't understand you. Gas casts lot {have known hr for ten yeors. want to buy this book naw. £9 ino a5 vo noponéve punta dxawv xpBvour Siapueag Stay adAGZe n onpeota vous xa expp&oww npn, bu norbotaon, RES iets Corus Iolo Ui Wes VAI NY A125 B Idon’t see anything. (see=fRéna) He has @headache. (hove=éxw) We have many problems to deal with, The soup tastes delicious (taste=éxea yeian) The fower smells nice (smellséx pups) D Her skin feats soft. fee!=éooie8non) You took funny inthis dress! lock=pafvoya) Tom appears to be naughty. (appear=paivou) | think this isthe best solution. (think=voyi) People consider him to he stingy (consider=Geusec) © Sally weighs 120. (welah=Exas Bipoc) Paul isn’t rude. (besa) > Do you lke pineapples? (ihe=pou apéoe1) > You keep iying despite my warnings! (keep=awvenia) > These jeans don't fit ma. (it=xapéo) What does this word mean? (mean=anaives) twant to tak to you. (want=86le) Unemployment tends to drop during Chistmas, (rend=éxea ew réon) » Slow down! Don't you realise how dangerously you crive? f| b 1m seoing Paul tonight. (see=éxw paveeo6) f| & Heis having breakfest /a bath now, (have=tpiicy/dven) ‘Are you having a good time? (nepsie maki) Sheis tasting the soup. (tste=Sonpudgen) © She is smelling the flower. (smell=yyphta) © Heis feeling the chikts forehead. (ets anyia) } Mike is looking at the lowers in the garden. (looke=xor) Heis appearing on stage tonight. (oppear=eupavicouct) bb What are you thinking about? (think=oxépropar) I'm considering buying a new car. (consider=onégropai) The doctor is weighing the baby. (neigh=

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