Guidelines Quantitative Research

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Guidelines for Authors of Quantitative Research Manuscripts Indicate if the study is based on theory or model. A
theoretical framework is not required, however, so
this heading can be deleted as appropriate.

Detail the informed consent process.
Discuss maintenance of confidentiality and subject
Guidelines for Authors of anonymity.
Cite source of ethics approval.
Quantitative Research
Sample Selection
Manuscripts Describe the target population for the study. Include
These are general guidelines. Some areas may be the determination of appropriate sample size (e.g.,
handled differently within different methods. power analysis: effect size, significance level, power).
Explain and justify eligibility criteria for selecting the
Manuscript Preparation study participants. Include how recruitment was con-
Manuscripts must be typewritten, double-spaced; ducted and by whom.
maximum length is 15 pages (3,750 words; not includ- Describe the setting and location of data collection
ing tables, reference list). References, photographs, (e.g., academic teaching hospital in the northwestern
tables, and all other details of style must conform to the United States).
Publication Manual of the American Psychological Describe the specific sampling design.
Association (6th ed.) (2010).
Design and Method
Structured Abstract Describe study design with adequate detail and justi-
A structured abstract not exceeding 250 words (not fy the choice of method.
counted in manuscript word total) must include the fol- For an RCT or other type of experiment, describe
lowing: interventions for each group in sufficient detail to
Background: Previous research and/or rationale for allow replication; include how and when they were
performing the study administered.
Aims: Hypotheses to be tested, or purpose of study Provide appropriate citations about the methodology
Method: Description of type of study, interventions, if new or innovative.
number and nature of experimental units (e.g., peo- Outline methods of data collection and define out-
ple, teams, etc.), experimental design, outcome comes, including primary and secondary outcomes.
being measured Describe measurement for each outcome.
Results: Outcome values, level of significance Describe specific instruments or biological measure-
Limitations and Implications: Study limitations, impli- ments.
cations of results Provide reliability and validity (precision and accura-
Conclusion: Summary of study, statement regarding cy) data for each instrument.
further work Describe procedures in sufficient detail to demon-
strate their consistency with the purpose of the study.
Title For RCTs, describe the method of randomization
along with participant enrollment and assignment to
When the study is a randomized controlled trial interventions.
(RCT), include this design in the manuscript title. If blinding was used for RCTs, include the procedures
For all studies, include main variables and population for blinding.
in the title. Describe statistical methods concisely, with justifica-
tion as needed (e.g., their power to answer the
Introduction research question). Use appropriate references if the
Establish the significance of the problem/relevance of statistical method is unusual or new to nursing.
the study to health care in general (e.g., cited statis- Describe how intervention fidelity was maintained, as
tics related to disease prevalence, healthcare costs, applicable for the study.
etc.). Identify confounding variables and describe how they
Establish the significance of the problem/relevance of were controlled.
the study to medical-surgical nurses.
Purpose/Research Question/Hypothesis For RCTS, describe participant flow (diagram is rec-
Clearly state the purpose of the research, or the ommended) to include number of participants who
research question or hypothesis. Only one of these were assigned randomly, received intended treat-
generally is needed, and it should be linked to the ment, and were analyzed for the primary outcome.
existing knowledge base. Include details of who chose not to participate and
If the study is experimental, provide only the hypoth- why (if information is available).
esis. Provide information about statistical significance.
Outline findings in the narrative, and use charts and
Review of the literature tables when appropriate.
Review and synthesize the appropriate literature for For RCTS and when appropriate, provide a table
the topic and methodology. showing baseline demographics and clinical charac-
Use the literature review to identify clearly the exis- teristics for each group.
tence of a gap in the literature/research the study Provide effect size and precision of estimate (confi-
purports to address. dence intervals) if appropriate to the study.
Discussion Conclusion
Guidelines for Authors of Quantitative Research Manuscripts Summarize findings in terms understandable to clini- Provide a summary of the study findings and rele-
cal nurses. vance in at least one fully-developed paragraph.
Relate findings to the literature on the topic
Interpret findings consistently with the results, bal- Other
ancing strengths and weaknesses and considering all Include any funding source in acknowledgements.
relevant evidence (e.g., other literature).
Discuss generalizability of the findings. Writing
Limitations Follow author guidelines (e.g., format, word count).
Write clearly. Use a second reader to provide feed-
Outline limitations of the study, addressing sources of back on the manuscripts clarity and flow as needed.
potential bias, imprecision, and the multiplicity of
analyses (if relevant; e.g., instrument, sample size) in
at least one fully-developed paragraph.
Recommendations for Future Research
Pandis, N., Flemming, P.S., Hopewell, S., & Altman, D.G. (2015).
Provide recommendations for future research in at The CONSORT Statement: Application within and adap-
least one fully-developed paragraph. tions for orthodontic trials. American Journal of Orthodontics
and Dentofacial Orthopedics, 147(6), 663-679.
Nursing Implications
Identify implications of study findings/relevance to
medical-surgical nursing practice.
Avoid repeating the study results in this section.
Include at least two fully-developed paragraphs.

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