Pokemon Learning League Factors

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Pokemon Learning League


Written By
Timothy Whitfield
(Episode opens on an overhead shot of Valencia Island on a
balmy sunny day, with flocks of Pelipper of Swanna and
shadows of the clouds streaking along the ground below. Now,
we cross fade/pan down to the Pokemon Center, and fade in to
the inside, where we find Misty and Kiawe sitting in the dining
area, packing their bags. They put in sandwiches & drinks,
Pokeballs, potions and several cans of Pokemon food. They zip
up their bags.)
Misty: Okay, thats everything we need.
Kiawe: Mmm-hmm. You never know what we might encounter
Misty: So, Kiawe, ready to do this exploration?
Kiawe: Yeah. Lets go.
(They get up from their seats, and we cut to the exterior of the
Center as they exit it. Now, they stroll down the path and into
the forest.)
Kiawe: So, Misty, what are the Pokemon here like?
Misty: Well, they all have different colors to them because of
the climate here, but aside from that, theyre not all that
Kiawe: Ahh, got you.
(They continue trekking through the forest. As they do, they see
a Butterfree feeding on some tree sap, a tanned Nidorina &
Nidorino cuddling with each other, an Alolan Exeggutor basking
in the sunlight, a couple of Bellossom doing a dance and a
Vileplume also basking in the sunlight. Cross-fade to two hours
later, where they see a horde of Passimian sharing their food
with a group of Raticate.)
Misty: Wow! Thats very generous and
Kiawe: yeah. Couldnt have said that better myself.
(Just then, they hear a soft rustling in the bushes.)
Misty (whispering): What do you think it is?
Kiawe (whispering): I dont know. Lets take a look.
(They peek through them and find Professor Ivy lying on the
ground and inconspicuously observes the same Pokemon and
taking down notes.)
Ivy (quietly): Ahh, fascinating.
(She jots down a few more notes, and then silently gets up off
the ground. Misty and kiawe go over to her.)
Misty: Hey, there Prof. Misty.
Ivy: Misty, long time, no see. How are you?
Misty: Im doing great. Id like you to meet Kiawe.
Ivy: Pleased to meet you.
Kiawe: Thanks. Same to you.
(They shake each others hands.)
Ivy: Where are you from, Kiawe?
Kiawe: Paniola Town in Alola.
Ivy: Ahh, thats nice.
Misty: Why were you observing those Pokemon?
Ivy: I was analyzing how the newer ones have adjusted to their
new environments, as well as how theyre getting along with
the local ones.
Kiawe (comprehending): I see.
Ivy: Yep.
Misty: She also takes care and raises of all the Pokemon living
Kiawe: Ahh, thats very noble of you.
(She gives a warm smile to him.)
Ivy: Listen, Im about to head to my lab. Would you like to
Kiawe: Sure, that sounds good.
(They go down the path and out of the forest. Cross-dissolve to
thirty-five minutes later, and theyve arrived at the lab. They
head inside, where they see her assistants, Hope, Faith and
Charity running maintenance on their lab equipment.)
Ivy: Hey, girls. Hows the equipment checking out?
Hope: Theyre all working at tip-top shape, Prof. Ivy.
Ivy: Thats great. Now, come over here. We have company.
(They shut off the equipment and walk over to them.)
Charity, Hope and Faith: Hello.
Kiawe: Hi. My names Kiawe.
Faith: Hey, Im Faith.
Charity: My names Charity.
Hope: And Im Hope.
Misty: How are you all doing?
Faith: Were doing fine.
Misty: Oh, good. (She turns over to prof. Ivy.) So, what are you
going to do now?
Ivy: Oh, were going to give the Pokemon their check-ups.
Kiawe: Ah-ha. Mind if we come and watch?
Ivy (sincerely): No, not at all.
Kiawe: Okay, then.
Ivy: Just let me put in my research data and well get going.
(She goes over to her computer and starts putting in her
research data. Minutes later, they all exit the lab and go out to
the surrounding biotopes. They head down to the beach. Hope
whistles loudly and Gyrados, a Seadra, a Gorebyss, an
Alomomola and a Finneon emerge from below the surface.)
Ivy: All right, everyone. Time to give you your checkups.
(She pulls out her stethoscope and listens to their individual
Ivy: Mmm-hmm, good.
(She takes off her lab coat and steps into the water and inspects
their bodies. She spots a couple of cuts and scrapes on Seadra
and Gorebyss.)
Ivy: Ah-ha. Hope, give me some potions and bandages.
Hope: You got it.
(She gets out a first-aid kit and hands it to Ivy.)
Ivy: Thanks.
(She proceeds to gently spray the potion around the affected
wounds and carefully dresses them with the bandages.)
Ivy: There we are. Now, you two just take it easy now.
(Seadra and Gorebyss give an affirmative expressive. Now, she
steps out of the water, puts her lab coat back on, Charity hands
her two bags of PokeBlocks and Poffins and pulls out two of
Ivy: Here you are.
(She gives Seadra and she and the others go up to the forest
Ivy (calling out): All right, everyone, come on out.
(A Raticate and a Paras comes out from behind the bushes, a
Weepinbell hops over, a Komala climbs down the trees trunk
and a Fomantis jumps off from one of the branches. Prof. Ivy
inspects their physical conditions.)
Ivy (feeling certain): All right. Now, walk around in circles.
(The Pokemon go around in small circles for one minute. Now,
they stop in their tracks, Ivy whips out her stethoscope again
and checks their pulses and heartbeats.)
Ivy: Well, Im happy to say youre all healthy.
(They all give off happy cries and Ivy smiles back at them.)
Ivy: Faith, give out the Poke Puffs and Pokebeans.
Faith: Sure thing.
(She takes out a couple of Pokepuffs and Pokebeans and feeds
them to the Pokemon. Now, they leave the biotope and head
back inside the ride.)
Kiawe: You did a great job out there, Prof. Ivy.
Ivy: Why, thank you Kiawe. Oh, and in case youre wondering, I
like to be sure that theyre all healthy and doing good.
Misty: Well, are there any other tasks need to get done here?
Faith: Oh, just organizing all the Pokemon food in the storage
room is all thats left.
Misty: Ah-ha. Can you use a hand with it?
Charity: Oh, we sure can.
Kiawe: Okay, then.
Ivy: Hey, listen guys. When you guys finish up, I have a new
invention to show you.
Faith: Okay, Prof. Well do a good job on it.
Ivy: Good. See you when you finished.
All: Okay.
(She exits the room. Now, they go into their walk-in food pantry
and are greeted with shelves upon shelves of cans of Pokemon
food and flavor additives. The cans are scattered across the
racks in a disheveled fashion, with some of them holding more
than they should.)
Kiawe: You guys sure make a lot of food.
Hope: Yep. We like to be sure theres plenty to go around.
Misty: Thats good to know. So, when did you last organize in
Charity: Oh, its been a long while. Weve been too busy
helping Prof. Ivys research.
Kiawe: Ah-ha. Lets get to it, then, shall we?
(They nod their heads in agreement and start clearing out the
shelves and place the cans on the tables in the center of the
room or underneath it. Now, they start putting the cans back
one by one on each rack. Cross fade to nineteen minutes, where
theyve finished stocking the first two shelves.)
Misty: All right, thats another shelf taken care of.
Kiawe: How many more shelves do we have to go?
(They look over and see they there are ten more shelves.)
Charity: Its going to take us hours at the rate were going.
Misty: Youre right, Charity. What we need is a more effective
(They all ponder for a brief moment.)
Charity: I got it! We have some unused cases in the other room
we can use.
Hope: Good idea, except for one thing: they wont all hold the
same number.
Faith: Hey, not a problem. Well just put them together on
each shelf.
Hope: Good point there, but how will be sure theyll fill them
up exactly?
Kiawe: Maybe Ada has a suggestion we can use.
Misty: Thats a good idea.
Faith (curiously): You sure this Ada will be able to help?
Misty (with certainty): Oh, sure. Shes very helpful in this area.
(She pulls the Pokepilot out of her pocket, turns it on and
contacts Ada, who is outside HQ with the others, filming their
Pokemon doing crazy things to each other.)
Kiawe: Hey, there Ada.
Ada: Oh, hi guys. Hows it going?
Misty: Were doing well. See that youre filming your
Ada: (chuckles.) Thats right. They love it when they get to act
like this.
Kiawe: I can imagine.
Hope: Hi, there. My names Hope.
Faith: Im Faith.
Charity: And Im Charity.
Ada: Ahh, nice to meet you all. Anyways, whats going been on
with you guys?
Kiawe: We were exploring around Valencia Island and stopped
by Prof. Ivys lab.
Ada: Okay. Anything else happen?
Misty: Sure. Right now, were organizing all the Pokemon food
they have stored, but we need a brisk way to store the shelves
with cases of them, so do you have any suggestions that could
Ada: Of course, I do. What you may want to try is to use
Kiawe (wondering): Okay, but how will that help?
Ada: Its very simple. You use the numbers that will multiply
together to get the figure and use the cases to add up to said
Hope: Ah-ha, but do we figure out those numbers?
Ada: To start off, just select an integer, or a number with no
fractional or decimal components, to go off of. For an example,
lets go with 20.
Kiawe: Okay, now what?
Ada: Next, you look for two other numbers that multiply
together to get the number youre looking for. This can also
include one and the number itself. In this case, 20 has exactly
six factors to it. One important thing to note is that even
numbers are easy to factor, due to having 2 as a factor.
Misty: Well keep that in mind. What else?
Ada: Now, you determine if any of your factors have some of
their own and reduce them as well, but only if you need to.
Faith: All right, whats left?
Ada: Lastly, when it gets down to prime numbers, thats when
you stop factoring. Going any further wouldnt do any good,
since all youd be doing reducing the factor by one and itself.
Charity: Gee, it seems much simpler than it looks.
Ada: Mmm-hmm, but only when you do it correctly, which is
why were going to do some Q&A.
Kiawe: Okay, then.
(Pan down to a lower panel displaying three scenarios either
involving organizing or loading up various items. The numbers
and their respective factors are on display.)
Ada: Well, you guys up for this?
Charity: We sure are.
Ada: Okay, then. First off, Hogarth & Deke are packing four
crates of berries, with each one holding exactly 30 berries each.
Which set of factors would be the most effective here?
Kiawe: 6 and 5.
Ada: You got it, Kiawe. Next, these two, Becky and Marco, are
stocking up on two dozen Pokeballs and to catch a lot of
Pokemon. What factors would work the best in this scene?
Faith: 2 and 12.
Ada: Very good, Faith. Finally, here we have Leni and Lola
trying to rearrange four dozen sets of potions and other
medicines. Which set of factors will help them out here?
Charity: 3 and 16.
Ada: All right, Faith. You did a great job there, guys.
Hope: Thanks a lot, Ada.
Ada: Not a problem, guys.
Diana (calling over, O.S.): Ada, get over here! The Pokemon are
preparing to do the silliest stuff yet!
Ada (responding): Okay! Listen, guys. I got to get going. Good
luck sorting those shelves.
Kiawe: Okay, see you.
(Misty turns the Pokepilot off and puts it back in her pocket.)
Misty: All right. Lets go get those cases.
Others: Okay.
(They go into the other room and pick up as many cases as they
can carry. Then, they head back to the room with them and
place them on the table.)
(Charity counts up the cans on the side and the ones going
Charity: Okay, these ones can hold 120 cans each.
Misty: Okay, but how about the rest of them?
Hope: Dont worry about that. I have an idea.
(She picks up two cans, goes over to the next rack of shelves and
counts them across and sideways, respectively and jots down
the numbers. Then, she does the same thing ten more times.
Cross fade to her minutes later, writing down the numbers for
the last shelf.)
Hope: All right, thats all the shelves accounted for.
Faith: Good. Now, I think were going to need some extra help
with this.
Hope: I agree. Come on out, Turtwig!
Kiawe: You, too Turtonator!
(They both open their Pokeballs and Turtwig & Turtonator
emerge from there.)
Charity: Turtwig, we need you to put these cases up on the
higher shelves.
Kiawe (to Turtornator): Yeah. Can we count on you to do it?
(They nod their heads in an affirmative tone.)
Kiawe: Good. We knew you could.
Hope: Hang on a second, guys.
Misty: What is it, Hope?
Hope: I was just thinking: Before we start, how about we do
another Q&A round before we get going?
Misty: Sure thing, Hope. Lets see if the audience is up to do it.
Kiawe: All right, then. (He turns over to the audience.) You
guys want to do it? (He casually waits for an answer from the
audience for one second.)
(Cross-fade to an overview shot of the shelves and the various
amount they hold. Their respective factors are displayed on the
right-hand corner.)
Faith (V.O.): Okay, these shelves hold about 100 cans. What are
the two factors thatll work here? (She casually waits for an
answer from the audience for one and a half seconds.) 4 and
25. Oh, yeah.
(As she speaks the answer, cases of the cans appear in time to
her words.)
Misty (V.O.): Over here, these ones hold up to 110 cans each.
Which factors do you think will work the best here? (She
casually waits for an answer from the audience for one and a
half seconds.) 5 and 10. Very well, then.
Charity (V.O.): These ones here can hold exactly 90 cans. (She
casually waits for an answer from the audience for one and a
half seconds.) 6 and 15. Sure, why not.
Kiawe (V.O.): Now, the shelves here can store up to 75 cans.
What numbers will be the most efficient? (He casually waits for
an answer from the audience for one and a half seconds.) 3 and
25. Okay.
Hope (V.O.): Finally, these shelves are able to store up to 70
shelves. Which numbers will get them in order? (She casually
waits for an answer from the audience for one and a half
seconds.) 7 and 10. All right.
(Left side wipe back to the room and Misty speaks.)
Misty (to the audience, casually): You guys did a great job. (She
turns over to the others.) O-kay, lets get to it.
(Now, a brief montage commences, with them placing the cans
into each individual case, and then Turtwig and Turtornator pick
them up and places them onto the higher shelves, while the
others get the center and lower shelves. Montage concludes
with Faith putting the last case into place.)
Faith: Phew. Thats the last one.
(They stand back from the shelves and look over the end result
of their work. They shelves are in a neatly and orderly fashion.)
Kiawe: Now, this looks a lot better.
Faith, Charity and Hope: We agree. (calling out.) Prof. Ivy,
were finished!
Ivy (responding, O.S.): All right, Im coming.
(Prof. Ivy walks into the room and glances around the room.)
Ivy: My, you all did a remarkable job in here.
All: Thank you.
Ivy: Ill bet youre all exhausted from doing that.
Hope: Oh, more than you know.
Misty: Well, enough about that. Howd your invention come
Ivy: Glad you brought that up. Its all completed, so please,
come and take a look.
(They exit the storage, them over to Ivys work area and
presents them with a three-way Pokemon food dispenser with
adjustable dispensing amounts.)
All (impressed): Wow!
Kiawe: Prof. Ivy, it looks amazing!
Ivy: Why, thank you Kiawe. Thisll help us with feeding the
(She places a red bowl at the bottom of the chute, pours in a
can of Pokemon food, sets it for a medium dispense, presses a
button and it dispenses the food.)
Charity (concurring): Yeah, I think the Pokemon will agree.
Ivy: Hope, can you please fill up the other two dispensers?
Hope: You bet.
(She gets two cans of food out and fills the dispensers to the
top. Just then, Mistys stomach gurgles and she cups her hands
over them.)
Misty: Oh, all of that work made me hungry.
Ivy: Okay, the girls and I will make the lunch and well have it
Misty: Sounds great.
Ivy: Not a problem at all.
(They all turn to the audience.)
All (casually): Thank you, guys.
(Cross fade to them minutes later outside, having their lunch in
the forest biotope. They have sandwiches, pies, onigaris, fruit
sundaes and smoothies.)
Kiawe: That certainly was an interesting episode. You guys
enjoy it? (He casually waits for an answer from the audience
for one second.) Okay, then. Well see you later.
(They casually wave goodbye to the audience and resume
eating. Now, we pan up and see an overview shot of the ocean
and we fade to black, ending the episode.)

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