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Pearson Edexcel BTEC Level 3 National in Operations and Maintenance Engineering (QCF)

Course Title: Pearson Edexcel BTEC Level 3 National in Electrical/Electronic Engineering (QCF)
Pearson Edexcel BTEC Level 3 90 Credit Diploma in Engineering (QCF)

Unit Number and Title: Unit 50: Industrial Process Controllers

Unit Code: Y/600/0339

Assignment Number and Title: 1: Control Systems and their applications

Learner Name:

Assessor Name : Mike Betts Date: 12/12/14

Verifier Name: Bob Beard Date:

Date Issued Submission Date Date First Submitted Signed By Tutor

13/2/15 27/2/15

Date Handed Back To Student Re-Submission Date Date Of Re-Submission Signed By Tutor

Learning outcomes being

LO 1: Know about control system types and their applications

Criteria being assessed P1, P2 and P3

Criteria achieved

Learner declaration

I certify the following: -

The work submitted for this assignment is my own and ALL research sources are clearly shown on the script.
I acknowledge that any plagiarised work will be returned to me unmarked and that plagiarism may lead to
disciplinary action.
I understand that the assignment must be handed in by the stated submission date and that the assignment
will not be marked if submitted after this date.
I understand that if the submitted work does meet the set criteria, that I must obtain an extension from the
Section Manager. The corrected work must then be handed in by the new submission date. No further
extension is then permitted to the submission date, nor ability to re-work the work.

Learner signature: Date:

Assessment Criteria
In this assessment you will have opportunities to provide evidence against the following criteria.

Criteria To achieve the criteria the evidence must show that

Task no. Criteria Met
reference the student is able to:

P1 Describe control loops in terms of their individual elements 1 Yes/No


Determine transfer functions and values for steady state error from
P2 2 Yes/No
closed loop signal flow diagrams


Describe the three different control system types and identify an

P3 3 Yes/No
application for each type



Assessment Feedback

Assessors Feedback

Name: ________________________ Signed: ________________________ Date: ________________

Learners Comments

Name: _________________________ Signed: ________________________ Date: ________________

Internal Verifier Comments on Assessment

Name: _________________________ Signed: ________________________ Date: ________________

Background Scenario.
You are an apprentice technician working for Acme Engineering reporting to the Engineering Manager. Acme
Engineering is a specialist controls company.

You have been requested by your manager to investigate the different types of control system and how they work
and write a short report to explain the different types of controller available and applications that they can be used

Task 1 There are 3 parts to this task, ALL of them must be completed to achieve P1

Part A Control system types

Control systems are usually one of three possible types: -

i. Open-loop, or
ii. Closed-loop bang-bang, or
iii. Closed-loop proportional

Using suitable examples, briefly describe what these three terms mean and for
each give one major advantage and one major disadvantage of using each of
the three type of control system.

Part B Elements of a closed loop control loop

Figure 1: Simple speed control system

Using the block diagram of a simple speed control system in Fig. 1, describe clearly in
your own words, the purpose of elements A, B, C, D, E, F and G in the block

[Task 1 provides evidence for grading criterion P1]

Task 2 Calculate the Steady state error for a closed loop system

Figure 2: Closed loop control of a motor

The table below contains data for the variables in the closed loop motor control system
(figure 2). Use the data against your name in Table 1 to calculate the following:

a) The feedback Amplifier/ Attenuator transfer function required to produce a 0 to 10V

feedback signal to correspond to 0 to maximum motor speed output form the
b) Show that this transfer function produces 5V at 50% of maximum speed.
c) If the demand input is set to 5V (50% maximum speed) calculate the following
i. The actual motor speed
ii. The steady state error
iii. The percentage speed error

You calculations for this for this task should be neatly and clearly set out with
each step in the process clearly explained

You should provide all final answers correctly rounded to ONE DECIMAL PLACE

[Task 2 provides evidence for grading criterion P2]

Table 1: Table of data for Task 2

Letter Motor Motor Tacho Error Power

Maximum Transfer Transfer Amplifier Amplifier
Speed Function Function Gain Gain
Units RPM RPM/Volt Volts/RPM
Brandon 3,000 80 0.02 40 2
Jackson 3,000 80 0.02 25 2.5
Paul 3,000 100 0.025 25 3
Eliot Bird 2,000 80 0.02 40 2
Matthew 2,000 80 0.02 25 2.5
James 2,000 100 0.025 30 2
Alex Boulter 1,500 85 0.025 30 2
Kieran Butler 1,500 100 0.02 40 2
Luke Carter 1,500 80 0.025 40 2
Harrisson 1,500 85 0.03 30 2
Brent 2000 85 0.03 30 2
Alex Hall 2,500 85 0.03 30 2
Sam Harker 2,500 80 0.025 40 2
James 1,500 80 0.02 25 2.5
Jake Lockey 1,500 80 0.02 40 2
George 1,500 80 0.03 25 2
Courtney 1,500 100 0.03 35 2.5
Tom Shilling 2500 80 0.02 40 2
Jordan Smith 2500 80 0.02 25 2.5
Vialli Tozer 2500 100 0.025 25 3

[Task 2 provides evidence for grading criterion P2]

Task 3 Part A
Briefly describe the following three types of control system:
i. Sequential control
ii. Continuous control
iii. Batch Control
Part B
For each the control system types in Part A, give at least one example of an industrial application
[Task 3 provides evidence for grading criterion P3]

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