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The Director of The Exorcist Saw a Real Exorcism and

Its Far More Terrifying Than the Movie

Father Amorth was a soldier during the 2nd World War, after that he became the
Father Candidos assistant. When he died, Father Amorth was designed like his

Father Amorth ask a meet with the Director of The Exorcist. He is a fan of the

On May 1, William Fried witness the last Father Amorth exorcist. The possessed
person was Rosa, Father Amorth said it was the ninth exorcist she had taken. Its
like a therapy he said.

Rosa lost consciousness and she began to thrash violently while Father Amourth
prayed and the assistants tried to hold to Rosa.

Rosa slowly awoke, she told us She cant remember anything about the exorcist,
but she was sure that it was working. I felt more free she said.

The Director look for a scientific opinion, so he shows his video to Neil Martin,
chairman of Neuroscience. He said it was really weird, he could explain it very well,
also he had a similar experience before.

Rosa tenth exorcism was a mistake, she canceled it, after that she ask to meet with
Father Amorth and the Director, when the meet arrives, Rosa was possessed.

Rosas mother wanted the directors exorcism video, and Giulianno threated to
the Director. if he didnt do it he would kill Directors family. The director rejected
anything and went out.

Father Amorth died a year after that, the director felt sad about it. Although he
thought he would be ok, because he keeps working even after his death like he
always said.

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