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6-1-1922 ...

<<>> 24 1950 1 <<

<<>> ( ) 12 1929 13
80 12/12 ,
<<>> ( ) 24 1929 265

<<>> ( ) 6 1929 1
<<>> 1929 130 /
<<>> 1929 130

<<>> 11-1928 404
<<>> ( ) 20 1929 121

. 20

<<>> 1930 186

23 8 1935 183
/ 25 ,


23 8 1935 183
/ 25 ,
1-7-1970 122 6

1-7-1971 143 2

11-1976 5 << >>
<< >> 1972 16
>> 5-5-1972 .
<< >> 1972 10


<<>> 1-11-1980
<<>> 25 1984
26 1996 1170 2 16-2-1996 4

<<>> 21 1987
<< >> 12 1987

<<>> 6-10-1988

11-1976 5 << >>
<<>> 1-11-1980
<<>> 21 1987
<<>> 25 1984
<< >> 12 1987

<<>> 6-10-1988
<<>> 1930 186

<< >> 1925, 4 2012 2 << >>
Shirley Chaplin nurse fired
<< >> 1925, 4 2012 2 <<

Anglican Leader Says the Schools Shouldn't Teach Creationism NY TIMES By SARAH
LYALL Published: March 22, 2006

The Archbishop of Canterbury opposes teaching creationism in school and believes

that portraying the Bible as just another theory devalues it, he said in a
newspaper interview published Tuesday.

''I think creationism is, in a sense, a kind of category mistake, as if the Bible
were a theory like other theories,'' the archbishop, the Most Rev. Rowan Williams,
told The Guardian. ''Whatever the biblical account of creation is, it's not a
theory alongside theories. It's not as if the writer of Genesis or whatever sat
down and said, 'Well, how am I going to explain all this?' ''

The issue of what children should be taught about how the world began has been
sharply divisive in the United States, where many evangelical Christians believe
that creationism -- the belief that the world was created by God as recounted in
the Book of Genesis -- should be on the curriculum, alongside or instead of the
theory of evolution.

Some American Christians -- including, apparently, President Bush, who spoke

approvingly about it last year -- also favor teaching the theory of intelligent
design, which holds that the world is so complicated that its inception could have
been orchestrated only by an intelligent spiritual force. Although the question has
come up in Britain, there is nothing here like the American evangelical movement
and no move to give creationism or intelligent design equal footing with evolution
in schools.

The archbishop, the leader of the Church of England and the worldwide Anglican
Communion, which includes the American Episcopal Church, made it clear that in his
view, science is compatible with religion.

''For most of the history of Christianity, there's been an awareness that a belief
that everything depends on the creative act of God is quite compatible with a
degree of uncertainty or latitude about how precisely that unfolds in creative
time,'' he told The Guardian.

In January the official Vatican newspaper said a decision by a judge in

Pennsylvania that intelligent design should not be taught as a scientific
alternative to evolution was ''correct.''

Asked specifically whether creationism should be taught in schools, the archbishop

responded, ''I don't think it should, actually.'' But he added that opposing
creationism in the curriculum was ''different from discussing, teaching about what
creation means.''

''For that matter,'' he said, ''it's not even the same as saying that Darwinism is
the only thing that ought to be taught. My worry is that creationism can end up
reducing the doctrine of creation rather than enhancing it.''


20 1992 999 4 <<


15 1994 1071 2
25 1994 1064 2 <<
>> 16-2-1994
18 1994 1063 4 <<
>> 10-2-1994

7 1995 1133 2


<<>> 18 2014 << >>

<< >> 2038, 26 2014 6 <<

<< >> 1925, 4 2012 2 << >>

Shirley Chaplin nurse fired
<< >> 1925, 4 2012 2 <<
<< >> 1996, 1 2013 2

OT 1983, 12 2013 = 5 . 1966
<< >> 1997, 8 2013 6
<< >> 2008, 31 2014 2

<< >> 2012, 28 2014 2

<< >> 2018, 11 2014 6

=============================== << >>( )
8 1950 1 <<-- --
-- >> 1939
1-1977 3 .
<<>> 21-8-1986 72

4 1994 1100 4 <<


1-1964 36 4 <<

<< >> 1972 16

>> 5-5-1972
<< >> 1972 10

OT 439 , 9 1981 2 7-11-1980

6-1-1989 820 1 <<
17-2-1989 826 1 <<
<< >> 1996, 1 2013 2

OT 1983, 12 2013 = 5 . 1966
<< >> 1997, 8 2013 6
<< >> 2008, 31 2014 2

<< >> 2012, 28 2014 2

<< >> 2018, 11 2014 6

24 1992 974 2 !
15 1992 976 2 28-3-1992


OT 408 , 9 1980 4 <<

OT 565 ,1 1983 1

OT 633 , 21 1984 1 --

OT 549 , 18 1983 3
OT 617 , 31 1984 1

OT 510 , 28 1982 2

OT 745 , 29 1987 4 <<
OT 2064, 3 2015 8

OT 2054, 23 2015 2

OT 2033, 1 2014 2
, ,
<< >> 2038, 26 2014 6 <<

<<>> 18 2014 << >>

OT 2072, 5 2015 7

OT 2077, 10 2015 2
OT 2098, 25 2015 2

OT 2079, 24 2015 2
OT 2083, 11 2015 6


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