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SIGHT-SOUND SPRING 1965 4/6 18° LIBRAIRIE DU SPECTACLE contacts FRENCH AND FOREIGN BOOKS AND MAGAZINES ABOUT THE CINEMA, * CATALOGUE ON REQUEST * FOREIGN ORDERS WELCOMED. * 24, RUE DU COLISEE - PARIS (Vill*) TEL. : ALMA 17-71 The Barrymores HOLLIS ALPERT The complete story of Ethel, Lionel, and John —the ‘Royal Family’ of the American stage and screen. Drawing on a woalth of previously un- used material, the author presents a colourful yet unvarnished portrait of the three great stars. 416 pages. 75 photographs. 36s. Film: the Creative Process JOHN HOWARD LAWSON Mr Lawson is often a surprisingly penetrating critic... Moreover, threaded through the theo- retical considerations of film history and art are some fascinating observations fromthe author's long experience as a writer in Hollywood.” —Times Literary Supplement. 400 pages, 62 photographs. 42s, W. H. ALLEN - INSTITUT FRANCAIS DU ROYAUME-UNI Film Library An up to date selection of over 500 documentary films available for hire. ‘Commentaries in English or French. (Distribution in the United Kingdom only) Please apply for free catalogue to : Institut Francais du Royaume-Uni, Service du Cinéma, Queensberry Place, London, S.W.7 Tel, KENsingion 6211 The Cinema of Orson Welles by Peter Cowie author of ‘ Antonioni—Bergman—Resnals* This isthe fist study in English of the films, as ‘opposed to the life, of Orson Welles. Each film is discussed and analysed, and there is. an ‘adaltional chaptar on Welles’ abilties as an actor. There are script extracts from Citizen Kane and The Magnificent Ambersons. AA very full lmography, together with dotals of Welles’ work in and theatre, stile on art paper. April (plus 15. postage) Zwemmer 72 Charing Cross Road, London, W.C.2. THE FINEST FILMS FROM THE NETHERLANDS (You know that means the World’s finest) Now Exclusively from CONTEMPORARY Winner of six major Festival Awards, ‘Faja Lobbi’ by Herman van der Horst. ‘The Human Dutch’ by Bert Haanstra. Two exceptional feature-length films that top a brilliant display of Netherlands talent, exclusively dis- tributed in Great Britain by Contemporary Films. Short Films: Bert Haanstra’s ‘Rembrandt’, 20 minutes, “Glass’ I! minutes, *Zoo', 12 minutes. Herman van der Horst's ‘Pan’, 22 minutes. Rob Houwer's ‘The Key’, I! minutes, ‘Application’, 10 minutes. Charles van der Linden’s “Big City Blues’, 21 minutes, “Incerlude by ‘Candlelight’, 14 minutes. Frans Dupont's ‘Frans Hale, 17 minutes, ‘Promise of Heaven’, |0 minutes. Jan Schefer’s ‘Destination Future’, 20 minutes. Jan van der Hooven’s ‘Sunday Sun’, |5 minutes. Boud Smit’s ‘Acqua di Roma’, 12 minutes. Jan Veijman’s ‘Karel Appel’, [5 minutes Jan Hulsker's ‘Vincent van Gogh’, 25 minutes, “The Building Game’, 17 minutes, ‘The Chrysalis’, 12 minutes, ‘Amsterdam’, 21 minutes, ‘The Feast’, 25 minutes. See them at the Festival of Dutch Films this summer at the National Film Theatre Further details, and bookings—35/16 mm. Contemporary Films Ltd. 14 SOHO SQUARE, LONDON, W.! Tel: GER 9392/3/4 a

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