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Glenshire Commons and Lake Association Board Meeting March 28, 2017

Present: Clark Ahlden, Susan Johnston, Paul Terrio, Judy Seyb, Pete Fernandes, Sharon Hecht

Recording: Judy Seyb

Call to Order: Clark called the meeting to order at 6:32 pm

Minutes: minutes from the October 4, 2016 and January 4, 2017 meetings were read. Susan motioned to
accept the minutes as presented. Pete seconded the motion. The motion passed.

Lake dues: there are four dues outstanding. Susan has sent out second letters to the four. Susan and Judy
will visit the homeowners of one of the properties, Pete and Paul will visit with two, and Clark will inquire
about the last one, which has been sold, but appears to not yet be occupied.

Geese: Clark and several board members will meet at the south dock April 6, 2017 at 4:30 pm to addle the
goose eggs in the nests around the lake.

Lake Commons Maintenance: Sharon reports Debbie will be available again this year to work on the
commons area. Susan will purchase dye for the lake.

New Neighbors: Clark and Paul visited the new neighbors on Glenshire Drive.

Website: Susan needs to get information about the website from Stephanie Brown.

Docks: the north dock needs some foundation work. This will need to be addressed at some point.

New Business: there may be a beaver or some other type of animal visiting the lake. We will try and
watch for any signs or damage from wildlife. Brown Woods was not able to do the rock work during the
winter because the ground never froze hard enough. We now need to wait for the geese to finish their
nesting. Job should still be $1500 using the power wheelbarrow.

Next Meeting: will be April 25 6:30 pm, 2017 at Sharons home.

Adjournment: Pete motioned to adjourn the meeting. Paul seconded. The motion passed. The meeting
was adjourned at 7:20 pm.

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