Is The Matrix Real?

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Not Just A Movie Is The Matrix Real? |
Les Hewitt
April 17, 2016

Go outside on the next clear night and take a look up at the heavens.
Take a moment to marvel at the sight of scores of stars at a distance of
dozens, hundreds or thousands of light years away and wonder. Wonder
if any of it is real.

The world we call home can be a mysterious place, but when compared
to the Universe as a whole there is very little in the way of competition. In the last two decades or
so, a plethora of exoplanets have been discovered and announced. Some of these defy all current
understanding of physics and logic and only offer more questions than answers. Perhaps that what
science actually is. But what if someones science has engineered a virtual-reality universe for
their own possible amusement.

Image credit: CanStockPhoto

A virtual universe is an idea that some science-fiction productions have entertained. From Jean-
Luc Picards holodeck to the X-Mens Danger Room. Using computer generated interfaces they
have the capabilities of creating any simulation that an imagination can muster. In 1999, this idea
was the basis of a film that revolutionized the industry. It began with the protagonist facing a
simple enough looking proposition: You take the blue pill the story ends, you wake up in your
bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill you stay in Wonderland and
I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes. There are those who firmly believe that this so-called
rabbit-hole is a real concept.

The five senses are by no means perfect and are easily tricked under the right circumstances or
with the right conditions. A talented magician can exploit these deficiencies to create the illusion
that he or she can perform wonders beyond all basic comprehension. Of course much of this is
simple misdirection, fooling the audience into looking in one direction or at one thing while the
distraction covers what is really going on. But trickery goes well beyond the likes of Dynamo or
David Blaine. Even the simple everyday concept of money can have similar effects. All money is
in reality is printed paper. Most of us has a job which earns a wage at the end of the week or
month, but usually we want more than we get. How many people play the lottery and not wish to
win the main prize?
Of course none of this compares to running up and along walls, dodging bullets with physics
defying bullet time skills or impossible acts of human abilities. Imagine if we had a similar choice
between both pills. How can we tell if we really are living inside a Matrix?

In 2001 scientists made their first serious attempt to calculate what resources that a universe sized
simulation would be required. The conclusions made a prospect like this virtually impossible. In
order to replicate the perfect facsimile of known reality to the last atom would require more
energy than the universe itself holds. The computer hardware would have to be larger than the
universe and time would pass slower inside the program than outside of it. MIT scientists decided
it was not worth the effort to construct it. Inspired by the MIT studies, other scientists continued
this study and used a less perfected copy of the universe model that was good enough to satisfy the
virtual inhabitants and didnt need nowhere near as much computational power. Technological
advances over recent years do mean that even todays more modest mobile phone has more
computing power than NASA computers during the 1960s space race. Modern supercomputers
can now accurately design a crude model universe which can chart and monitor infant galaxies
and clusters. It wont be too long before these simulations can include representations of virtual
Image: canstockphoto

In such simulations, the motion of virtual particles has been calculated to be related to the distance
between separate points within the lattice being used. The motion of these particles and therefore
the energy has a direct correlation to the size of the grid being used. The smaller the grid, the
higher the energy these particles have. All of this means is that assuming our universe is a
simulation, a maximum energy amount for the fastest particles can be observed. Incredibly,
astronomers have recorded cosmic rays originating in distant galaxies arrive at Earth at a constant
maximum energy of about 1020 electron volts. Astronomers have also concluded that if deep
space is continuous and with no underlying lattice structure, they should arrive uniformly from
every direction. With the addition of an artificial lattice, then this distribution would be affected
accordingly. If this change can be detected, then it would lend considerable weight to the
theoretical idea of a Matrix-like universe. To get an answer of this magnitude would require more
than just data gathered from incoming cosmic rays.

There is a major flaw behind these studies. If we are located somewhere inside a computer
simulation, then any and all results would be based on the laws of the simulation being run and not
the natural laws of physics. Whatever results that are discovered will already be skewed by the
limitations of the program being run by those outside.

Another question that has to be asked is who is behind all this and what is going on in their world?
Would you risk the red pill to find out more?

Sites pulled 15 April 2016

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