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COPPER SULPHATE VIA SOLVENT EXTRACTION AND CRYSTALIZATION Henry R. Moyer, III Senior Development Enginoor HENKEL CORPORATION ‘Tucson, Arizona ‘hie paper was presented at che AIM AKIUAL MEETING, Mew Orleans, Louisiana, Pebruary 18-23, 1979. Permission ts’ hereby ssiven £0 publish with appropriate deknowledgenents, excerpts oF sumarfes not to exceed one-fourth of the entire text of the Paper. Permission to print in moze extended fora subsequent to Publications by the Institute mst be obtained fron the secretary. Of the Institute If aid when this paper 4s published by the Institutes, ¢ ay enbody certain changes uada by agreenent between the Technical Publications Comnittes and tho authors, so that the form tn which it appears 8 not necessarily that in which it my be published lover. Henkel Corporation 1844 West Grant Road Suite 104 Tucson, AZ 85745-1273 Introduction Four years ago the author collaborated with Militgan (1) in reviewing the industrial nportance of copper sulfate, its solu~ Duley {2 aqueous sulfuric edd, common practices in its produc Cion fron such solutions, and crystallization technology in general, Solvent extraction (6X) was cagually mentioned as @ possible source of relatively pure copper sulfate in aqueous Solfurde acid solutions. Since that review, copper SX has gained industry-wide accep tence. Although it ie commonly married to electrowinning (Bl) to produce cathode copper, it has potential applications whieh pre~ Bene special probiens to EW, Tn soae such cases the production OF cethode would be aade Feasible, or perhaps more economical, by Gheluding copper sulfate crystallization as an intermediate step ora bleed copper recavery-recyele step. Tn other cases, vhere the production rate would be small enough to be accomodated by the market, copper sulfate could be the ond product. The Four Flowsheets presented herein are aimed at denonstra- ting the feasibility and Flexibilicy of crystalltzation when fntegrated with SX or SX-GV i different vays, and vill give the Teader a general feeling for the tenperatures, conpositions and flow rates of interconnecting streans. The Sk processes are not delineated, as these mist be carefully tailored to sndividuat Copper source solutions, bit the SX stripping solutions (barren) ni strip Liquors (pregnant) described are appropriate for the Gutractant reagents indicated. Vacuum evaporative cxystallizers can have significant price tage and steam input requirements. [uerefore, where equipaent of thie type is indicated its eapital fan energy costs are eatinated. The econonies of SICIM have boon reviewed by others. (2-6)- ‘the Flowstieets are not based on new experinents! works but rather on tho straightforward application of data available tn the literature, This data de presented herein in the form of eopirical mithenatical nodels devised by the author, which are faote Teadily useable by readera wishing to further explore Copper sulfate erystallésation processes. sx-Blectrovinaing with Intermediate Crystallization tn copper Sk processes, the copper extracted from the aqueous feed solution into the solvent is replaced by hydrogen ions given up by the solvent. The aqueous therefore becomes snore acidic as it loses copper. To roclain (strip) the copper from the solvent, this reaction 42 reversed by contacting the solvent with a more highly acidic solution, The reversible Feaction is written in the following fora, soncwhat overoimpli- Fied bat descriptive and usoful: 2 . ont Ogg * Rory ——S RoMorg * Mag where R Ss extracting reagent molecule without proton, | and subscripts denote aqueous and organic phases. For a given extracting reagent there are practical linits to the seidity and copper content of a feed solution from which sconosie recovery can be mide. Other conetstuents of the feed Solution can also negatively affect extraction, sich as chloride ons, viich complex cupric ions. These 1inivations on feed solutions are relieved with nore powerfol extractants, but such extractants require sore acidic solutions for offactive stripp- Sng. If cathode copper i2 to he electrowon from these solutions, fan upper Limit on acidity 48 imposed by the corrosive attack of sulfuric acid on the leed alloy anodes conventionally used in EW. This Limit 49 generally conceded to be in the range of 175 to 200 grane free aulfurie acid per liter. LUO Ghi ds a reagent widely used to extract copper From actdic feed golutions of pil 1.7 to 2.5 containing 1 to 5 grans copper per Liter, originating fron dunp leaching or from agitated leaching and couercurrent decantation. This reagent 19 effec tively stripped by solutions containing 100 co 160 gpl free sulfuric acid per Liter. LIX 605 is @ wore acidic reagent ‘and has demonstrated effective extraction from vat leach Liquors in the neighborhood of 10 grans per Liter each copper and free sulfuric acid. However, stripping solutions for such reagents fare at or near the scidity Limit for Bi. LIX 70 4s s very powerful copper extractant capable of econonic recovery from yet wore difficult feed solutions (7). ‘These might include higher teaor vat leach Liquors or Liquors From sulfide concentrate Leaching 1) after roasting, 2) in autociaves with oxygen and sulfuric acid, 3) in ferric sulfate Solutions, or 4) ia ferric chloride solutions. Unfortunately, effective stripping of this reagent requires 300 to 400 grane free sulfuric acid per Liter. Crystallization would provide for the separation of copper sulfate fron the acid present ta the strip Liquor, thus allowing cathode copper production by EV. Figure Land Table I doseribe thie poseibility. Tho flowshoot basis is 20 tone cathode copper per day. ‘The LIK 70 stripping circuit would be run at a controlled 40°C. The strip Iiguor composition indicated is saturated at 35°C, giving 2 $°C safety margin. The copper/iron extraction ratio assumed 15 500/1, which 16 conservative for this extrenely selective reagent but will vary with feed solution couposition ‘and extraction conditions, ‘The crystallizer systen cost has been estinated, by a najor supplier (6) of this type of equipment, at $500,000.” This in~ cludes tho cryetallizer, recireulating Leg vith panp snd heat exchanger, steas Jet ejector, barometric condenser, hot conden Sate well with pump, intercomecting piping, construction of 316 and S16L otainleas steele, and rudimentary tonparature-preasure= density instrumentation, but does not include installation. LIww Ss a registered tradenark of Henkel Corporation pocenneengenaunspessareernsenmrennynnanereiaait Assustag # stean cost of 95.25 por ton, the steam cost per pound ‘of cathode copper is 1.976. The exystellizer temperature and pressure in this system vould be 20°C and 11.6 un lg, respectively. The condenser would operate at 35°C and il-lam fig. Because of the stean input Fequized for the pressure boost, the condensation heat exceeds the evaporation heat required 4i the exystallizer. Excess heat nay be used to partially reheat the stripping solution returaing te S%, although thir circulation aysten and heat axehanger are not show on the flovsheet. This system 1s not necessarily optimal for energy conservation. A freon-cycle heat punp might be considered, operating a refrigerated indirect condenoer at the sane presture az the exystallizer, and again supplying mere heat than required by evaporation in the crystallizer. Very low {ron content in thig electrolyte should allow very high EV current efficiencies and freedon fron cathode banger loop corrosion probleas. ectroutnning with CrystalLizatton of Bleed Connercial copper SK reagents do not exhibit perfect selec— tivity. Fron typical acidic feed solutions, the most significant co-oxtracted impurity Jo forric iron. Tho copper/iron extraction ratio for a given reagent operating in a countercurrent circuit WALL vary significantly with reagent content of the solvent, Conposition of the feed solution, organic/aqueous flow ratio, Eemperaturs, mixor retention tines, mixing intensity, ctcotera. Yor LIX 64M this ratio ranges Fron’ greatar than 200/i (good) © less than 100/1 (bad). These numbers are got always directly conparable with those obtained by batch laboratory contacts of solvent and Feed. Iron extraction, Ike that of copper, is reversible, and the iron reports to EW in the strip Liquor. fn BW, the ferric iron 4io reduced to ferrous tron at cathode ourfaces by 1) direct cathodic reduction, consuning current which vould otherwise Aeposit nore netalite copper, or 2) reaction with previously Soposited metallic copper, oxidizing and dissolving the copper. ‘The net effect of either mechanion ie reduced current efficiency. ‘The secon nochantsn is nore troublesone in that its pronounced occurrence at the solution evel ean result in failure of cathode Inger loops, i.e. cathodes falling to cell bottons. The ferrous zon thus generated {¢ re-oxidized to ferric at the anodes by 4) direct snodie oxidation or 2) reaction vith the nascent oxygea produced there. The cycle repeats itself. To Limit the {11 effects, electrolyte fron content is commonly controled at 3 Tmanageaiile level of about 3 grano yor liter by blecding off epent Glectrolyte and replacing with sulfuric acid and water Spent electrolyte is typically maintained at about 30 grans copper per Liter to provide quality cathode, Copper contained ta electrolyte bleed is then ten times the iron content. IF the copper/iroa extracticn ratio in SX 1s 100/1, then 10 percent of Oeapntee SHAT EE e1e29630 408 a8 sou fau29306 38704 - - ¥0°001 000° - - - A 7 ov ‘ = creer orost ost os oroz. vi - - - - P06U7PI09—esag gotes — °MTEIET —gaaeeg —_FReM0 pera, suede ‘spouses aubufoad x n au ou 6 L = = wre sao e807 : = : 00"7 voz. + worse - ror oroz 000° - eze"t esc" 69a" : oz - = oz were z50t 86 er sreset ¥9e - 680 ore Tite ua ‘acts SunTon Poe sprtos dnoyen —uoyyntos_uorarqos ‘beans ‘2134083 rersdia PRE peer Suyddyaas 70 om pyangins wor 8 aorw 2 as ’ © z wroaae 50 108 (woa8ezp mots *T gunsTa 99°) NOLLV2ITIVESHED SEVIGHNAINE ELIA ONEXNIAOMION'II-XS E > oe Oe Teah20 4 fanoeniae ri sezrite26&:9 ae sofueyoxe Jay oo : eee aeons | GoaoeTe (eoueqeq sseu “Ir a1E¥L 295) GaaTe 40 NOLLVZTTIVESANO HEIN ONENXTAOULOITAA1s 1 manors 168 300 ‘guessed ayfTony = = = = OE = = : : = = a = = : = : or seve : 00" = = oot cert ~ : 20/8 ‘Esrsuep by : at Pe Ye 4 7 D, foanaezediwo3 be oe = tee ety oh tse feu tnots ssw we “ ~ Foo eo - * xa “nor senor Fiebst—_spvtos tone pore oa pmoen Teel eaekzo uot Pe 1 a uw or 16 26 8 smeouae 5008 = CRT COT Ore eee o-OsT OeTT Tae ogee woTy a ee ste ~ o's we ee 162 at woot eae Toe = ore coe “ovo re 00 - ert ort wet eet were war oof steune : : - 7 i" = : 3, sbampredens coor sus uso ste ere Gees reseeo Seaton. sem : ete Bie ard eae S558 ease eB tnots senor yeisoo Ponte ovsator Stage uolatonvataeibe — abatht teens af0al®sndtoxisere eadtomoore “poe “prota unearned 7 Suns “Goode apangyas Poet %8 18 sea L 3 : : i eros 50-08 (avasiesp sors ‘7 munotd 928) Gaetg 20 NOTEVZTTIWISKHO MLIA OATENIHOSIORTENES Tr gv ene total SX copper transfer is dedicated to electrolyte bleed. ‘mis situation 4s generally tolerable in vat leach and agitated leach processes treating oxidized copper ores with net Acid concusptions, he electrolyte blead is input to the leach, the contained acil ts utilized without affecting the acidity of the 8X feed solution, and much of the contained copper is re Rurned in the SX feed eolstion- Oa the other hand, sone dump Seaches and favoitu leach proceesos treating sulfide or mixed copper ores have no net acid consumption or are net acid produc~ ers. If electrolyte bleed ts input te the leach the contained Seid vould aot be utilized, but would be returned in SK feed to approsinotely the sane extent as vould the contained copper. Tis excess acidity vould require substantially increased Si plant ize and/or reagent conceatration in the solvest to achieve The desired recovery. This neane increased capital and/or opera~ ting costsy above aad heyond those Teguired to handle the new and recycled (electrolyte bleed) copper alone. Worse yet, the excess Acidity in the leach system nay destroy bacteria beneficial to the Leaching. ALL of these problane vould be exaggerated with a copper/ iron extraction ratio of Less than 100/1. Figure 2 and Table IE describe the possibility of utilizing copper sulfate crystallization to resolve these problens. The Flowshest baste iz 100 tons cathede copper per day. The SK ‘Stripping solution and strip Liguor compositions are appropriate for a circuit enploying LIX 64M, and the copper/tron extraction ratio aseuted £2 100/1, A “threvavay" iron bleed solvtion ‘a produced, containing only & percent of the total SK copper trans Fer. Toward justifying this loss, £t aust be pointed out that ot all of the otherwise 10 percent copper blood would be recov fred Lf sent te the Leach. An acceptable disposal method for this bleed solution vould be required, such as an alkaline ta‘l~ {ings pond from 2 eulfide Flocation mil. Te will be noted thet spent electrolyte contains the desired 30 grane copper per liter, and aa a bonus, substantially Lese than 3 grams iron per Liter. ‘The crystaLlizer system, oimtlar In all respects except stetng to that deseribed for the firet Flowshacr, has been Goiuated (6) at §700,000. Again agcuning 2 steam cost of $5.25 per ton, the steam cost per pound of cathode copper is 0.59e. ‘the crystallizer temperature and pressure in this systen would be 24°C and 15.6 mm Hg, respectively. The condenser would ‘operate at 39°C and Sl am lig: As explained for the first flow Sheet, other cooling-heating systems might prove to be wore economical. Sk-crystallization for typically Acidic extraction ‘A sual body of acid-leachable copper ore or a emai exist tng stream of copper-bearing acidic mine water 1s often unable to justify a plant £0 produce cathode copper. Flectrowinning ts Eapital intensive, and enali reserves are generally considered igher xiske for financing. Eloctrowinaing de sleo intensive in electric pover and labor, both of vivich are in short supply t0 8 | | | | a = = = we wee eee VT sco : + 7 orn a6e 607 sz : arse : ot ory 09 ort = “ooo'r wet srt aye | THeT agent se sz ~ se - o» , taanaezadues ovzz G6 WRIT corer 9"eT = otzcy La BG ba ‘nots soem ore 86° wo oer set wr09 19°08 1ud8 ‘nots unTos sony, nenen PEMD Gsoqsu —voyantos _voyanroe— SeNBFT ‘aeeaae om See ec pros pate. fupddraas dzaae 7° oe ‘opansine wos xs xs 3ueu L 9 1s ¥ £ z 1 wroaae 30 “ou aS aoe “qusozed ay Tom, eT 5 ape aS D RONIOVUGXE OTGIOY ATIVOTARL Wo ‘NOLLYZETIVESHIO-xs THT RWI 9 € TUNOTE TOOT aS FS snall operations in renote locations. The market for cathode is, Sarde’ one, and swall quantities may not bring the full market. prices Many operators stay with the cenentation process for these reasons, paying high prices for iron and getting low prices for ceneat copper, deopite the feasibLlity and attractiveness of SX on a mall scale Production of copper sulfate ag an end product ts an alter natives SX strip Liquor ie a good feed to crystallization, which may be accomplished in simple vats. Figure 3 aad Table THE Teseribe this possibility. The flowshect basts ia 26 tone per Gay of copper sulfete pentahydrate. The SX stripping solution Gnd strip Liquor are appropriate for LIX 4M, or a somevbat Stronger (wore acidic) extractant if required. The copper/iron Grtraction ratio assumed 1s 150/1- ‘The floweheet asounes SK stripping to be operating at 40°C, producing Liquor saturated at 35°C, and uses a 25°C crystabli~ Gation temperature in the vats. Yats could be {a an evaporative Ty cooled butlding or jacketed with evaporatively cooled vater. The flowsheet could a2 easily be designed for a colder climate (or seston), with SX maintained at 20-25°C and the vats allowed ko approach’@ colder anbient. SXcrystsllization for Ammoniacal Hxtraction Hydronetalturgical seans of separating sctap metals are receiving increased atteacion. igh copper scrap leaches nore Foadtly in snmoniun sulfate oF carbonate solutions than in actd, fad the resulting alkeLine Liquors are advantageous as copper SK Teed solutions. As copper 4s extracted, che protons given up by the selveat are neutzalized by Free ammonia in the aqueous, which Foreerly had complexed the etal. The solucion thus remains Alkaline, allowing nearly complete extraction of copper from a Nery concentrated feed colweien (more than 30 grams copper per [iter te entirely practical) by a very woakly acidic extractant. Avweally seidic extractant, n tura, allows a bixh-copper tow acid strip Liquor. The concentrated feed solution and strip [Gguor allow a sualler SX plant for any given production rate, vdthin limteacions inposed by the useable concentrarions of extractants in solvents. LIK 54 te a weskly acidic copper extractant which 1s useable at very bigh concenteations a the solvent (9), this alloving the operator to take full advantage of the ammoitacal system. [A seal annoniacal Jeach operation, Like « snall scid-Leach operation, might find s copper sulfate end product an sttractive Gieernative to cathode copper. Figure 4 and Table TV describe this possibility. The flowsheet basis and teuperatures exe the Sone as used for the acidic extraction. The Flousheets appear [Geneical, but the flo rates point out the drastic difference in plant size. Tho stripping solution and strip Liquor are appro priate for LIK 54. EOE = = = ws Ooo EET zo - - . wz ore zt - orge cnrsz - sry Dos. oett coor te - eet eet Let sz sz se se - : os ceyt | aetTt get osrez—65r0r erect cect eee eT 0. - 90-T zerez cere sonbptaoren —_PHABIT sys dhoyeu—uozantos uopantos —onbit oekt 7@288ynedzo—reaeds> © prow poeta. Sunidyias— dyaae pousen —“pousex op angTme | ayucue xs x8 1 9 Ts sé 2 £ z x aE aT ASSLT TTR aa | One aE OTE Ee TOTES NOTLOVILKE TWOVINOMY os ‘NOLLYZTTIVESAYO-xS ‘AL IGVL 9 y SuNOTS Ferric iron 42 not soluble in alkaline ammonia solutions, land ferrous ston is not couion due to the oxidizing nature of the Leach, Often the most troublesone covextracted inpurity is the ‘annonie, which miot be controlled at a manageable level in the stripping solution by a bleed-off. This problem 1s mininal for LIK 54, and is further aininized by proper scrubbing of the copper loaded solvent with a near neutral solution before stripp- Sng. the copper/anmonia SX transfer ratio (after scrubbing) assumed in the flowsheet is 1000/1. Compositions of Saturated Solutions ‘A reasonably optimal flowsheet and control scheme for a crystallization eirtuit require @ conventent ecans of predicting the copper contents and densities of saturated solutions. Aw dependent variables these are related nonlinearly to two indepen Gent variables, temperature and acid content. Data are available lin the Literature, but Linear interpolation of nonlinear data in to dinenoions 4s canbersoae end inaccurate. The 1926-1927 data of Agde & Bavkhole as reported in Linke (10) were fitted vith empitieal mazhenatical models by woltiple nonlinear least-squares Tegression (1). The author has devised new models, given in Figure 5, which are iaproved representations of the sumo data. Referring to Figure 5 4t wLlL be noted that copper sulfate solubility, although referred to ag 2 dependent variable, t= an Euplicit Hinction in the sodel. An iterative eechnique is there= fore necessary to evaluate solub{iity. Temperature and acid content are referred to as independent variables, but efther may Likevise be treated se a dependent variable and evaluated by an iterative technique. Such techniques aay be easily programed on a computer, or advanced progranmible calculator. The density nodel may be sncorporatel within the iterative loops, for ope tion of a program in the concentration mode ao opposed to the weight percent mods. Those techniques vare used by the author in developing the Flowsheets presented herein. However, in the interest of conpreheasion of the scope of the models, they are presented graphically in Figurce 6A through 60. The presence of sulfate salts other than copper, although ‘at levels well below their om sacurations, vill depress copper Sulfate solubility in much the same vay as docs the sulfuric Bcid, The chief tapurities ound in copper SX atrip Liquors are forric sulfate (from acidic extractions) and amoniua sulfate (Grom snnoniacal extractions). where either is Indicated on a Elowsheet, its effect on copper solubility is accounted for by. treating it a9 additional sulfurie acd at an equivalent nornal~ ity. Ab the relatively low iapurity concentrations indicated, these should be reasonable approxiaations. Gperaving Pressures and Stean Requitenents of Vacuum Evaporative Crystaliseers In Flowsheats requiring substantial concentration of the exyatallizer feed Liquors to achieve practical yields, vacuum FicuRe 5 MODELS DESCREBING SATURATED SOLUTIONS ‘OF COPPRR SULFATIE 1 AQUEDUS SULFURIC ACID Dependent Varésbles: y = weight percent saturated solute, Cus0,-51,0 P= density, glen? Independent Variables: x = weight percent solubility-depressing solute, 1,50, © = comperaturs, _ 100 ve foe vere a sine vrs (GS) Foam a = Yours + 0.00 (gay)? - 1285 p- ke mane +> 2 wore A = 0.9722 + ashy - atag B= 0.0002198 © = 2,482 + 0.40906 eye Dos 1778 = 307 * T2iF0 2s Valid Range £0. £ € 80, 0.6 x € (50 = S557), x valves above upper Linit may yield trihydrate crystals as well a0 significant error evaporative crystallisere vera indicated. After selecting a Saturation tesperature and composition for the Liquor circulating (ith suspended crystals) within the crystallizer, the water vapor pressure must be predicted in order to select a steam jet ejector (Vacuum source) snd determine steam requiresonts A model for predicting the vater vapor pressure 13 given in Figure 7. Thi vas developed around data fron a CHC handbook (11) and Fairiie (12). Whore sclute iron is indicated on 2 Floweheet, its effect on vapor pressure was accounted for by assigning a copper sulfate equivatency. Staan roquirenents of the steam fot ejector vere then determined with the use of somographe given by Bower (13). Yosty qeoxed aySpoH Tosti suecaed ayfzon oe oe 06 o_o or or Fu ° = i = ort ‘ 240 7 i : 2.00) é pa oF 7 g paaeapayr: z oy B | ecos's 2.09 3 fora] | emrsarrzibe “roped a. 30 woydes prteanr] Rope La g 9,09 g ort , g oS 2.08 ela TE ort = “ouow ef pyres wnrsgriybe hoa Tavou 50 tosses prleaty 0 ey awNOTE +t ‘vo wunDTE os 7WELVN GNY CIOY DreneTNS NI ALWETAS wsAdO9 JO SNOTUNTOS GULVARIVS Yost 18 "oste 18 ot_cos 00s _ oy oF _ ove tote aap one ea eoe cor oot, SE =" ag se t+ ort 7 os e se i 2.0 : & pasesptups Pate : Bo oor #5 PTO, ore | uneigerenbe “repens —— . Dear z Je. sorsex prteawr | 249) eer oct s. | Ex ost ZZ 2 2.0 . foe SEF owe ser 85 prtoe unpaartynbe r~ ‘Taped Jo Woven pELeacy 2.0Py «,. 9 TELE ore eae ove SILYN GRY GTOV oTUNETHS NE BEvETNS wAag0o AO SNOTAMIOS caLYEALYS FIGURE 7 ‘A MODEL POR PREDICTING WATER VAPOR PRESSURE (OVER SOLUTIONS OF COPPER SULFATE AND SULFURIC ACID Dependent Variable: P= vater vapor pressure, mn Re Independent Variables: X = weight porcont #80, = weight percent 645047380 absolute temperature, *K Yodel: 238) 9-2 P= pgp 15231929000) 7 - yy 339 were pag = AJL Ce egy 34 aedtigt e775 Walid Range + Saue as solubiLicy model (Figure 5) The Copper Sulfate Marks ‘The latest compilation (14) of U.S. copper sulfate produe~ tion shoved 35,614 short tons in 1975, with 9,206 tons of con tained copper.” There wae no clear trond in production from 1971. AE this writing, however, the price (15) 1s about $2.00 per pound (of contained copper while refined cathode 19 about $0.70. This premium indicates a atvong demand. Historically (16), 20% to 307 of donestic copper sulfate has been a byzproduct of prinary copper refining, through erystallica~ tion From various discard Liquors, and the remainder has besa produced by dissolving copper scrap oF refined copper shot in Sulfuric acid, followed by crystallization. In 1975 however, only 2,450 tons of copper were recovered as chenical compounds from scrap in the U.S. (14). This means that a large part of the copper sulfate production has been from refined metal. A pro @uction ethod which does not utilize refined metal might econom- ically displace this share of the market. ‘The major uses of donestic copper sulfate are (16) agrieul~ tural G12 Clneluding fungicides, feed supplements, oil mstei- ents), industrial algaecides 27%, mining 10% (Flotation activator for Lead, zinc, cobalt ores), and electroplating 52. Increasing restrictions on the use of toxic organic chemicals might boost the herbicidal uses of copper sulfate. en References Milligan, David A, and Moyer, Henry B. TIT, "Crystallteatton in the Copper Sulfate - Sulfuric Acid ~ Water Systen", Engineering and Mining Journal, October, 1975, pp- 85-89. 2) Wolmes, J.A. and Fisher, J.P.C., "Development of a Process for Extraction of Copper from Tailings and Lov-Crade vatert~ als at the Chingola Division of NChanga Consolidated Copper Mines, Zambia", prasented at the Advances in Extractive Metallurgy and Refining Syeposton, The Institution of Mining and Metallurgy, London, October 4-0, 1971. 3) Sudderth, R.B., "Liquid Ton Exchaage ~ Electrovinning vs. Cenentacion: Aa Ecoaoaic Analysis", presented at the Solution Mining Syaposton, AINE, Dallas, February 25-27, 1974. 4) Wolmes, Jk., "Design, Construction, and Commissioning of tho Nchanga Tailings Leach Plant", Extractive Notalluray of Copper, Volune IT, The Metallurgical Society of AIME, New York, 1976, pp. 907-525. Reynond L., "Cyprus Bagdad"e Solvent Extraction Prom Mining Engineceing, Septenber, 1977, pp. 38-42. Audy, William, "leap Leaching at Cyprus Johnson", presented at the Spring Meeting, Arizona Conference of AIM, Tucson, May 5, 1978. Yatetson, PA{llip, "LIN® 70, a Major Advance 1a Liquid Ion Exchange Technology", presented at the AIME Centennial Annual Meeting, New York, February 26-March é, 1971. Feivate communication with Me. Steven Glasgow, Manager, Evaporator and Crystalliser Deciga Department, Struthers Scientific and International Corporation, Warren, Pa. ‘Technics! Ralletin "LIX® 54, 4 Wow Reagent for Metal Bxteac~ tions from Amoriacal Solutions", Henkel Corporation (formerly General Mil1s Chemicals, Ine.) Linke, W.F., SolubiLities of Inorganic and Motel Organic Coupounds, Fourth Edition, Volune T, American Chemical Society, Washington D.C., 1958, pp. 965-968. Handbook of Cheniotry and Physics, SOth Béition, the Chemical Rubber Company, Cleveland, 1968, p. E40. Fairlie, Sulfuric Acid Manufacture, Reinholt, New York, 1936, p. 47, Power, Robert W., SteancJat Air Bjectors: Speci fteation Evaluation, and Operation, Paper No. 62-Wiel43, Anerican Soctety of Hechanical Engineers, New York, 1963, p. 12+ 1) 45) 18) Minerals Yearbook 1975, Vol. 1, U.S. Dept. of Intertor, U.S. Gove, Printing Offtce, Washington D.C.. 1977, pp. 586-587. “ourrent Prices of Chemicals and Related Materials", Chemical Marketing Reporter, Decesber 11, 1978, p. €l. Lowenheis, FA. ond Moran, M.K., Faith, Keyes, 6 Clark's Industrial Chentcals, 4th’ Edition, Wiley & Sans New York, 1975, pp. 280-285.

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