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10th Grade Biology

Syllabus & Expectations

Mrs. Rachel Shior
1) Introduction
Welcome to 10th grade biology. This class will extend the information you learned in Life Science
and prepare you to take the Biology Keystone, which is currently a requirement towards your
Pennsylvania High School Diploma. The Biology Keystone has two modules: Cells and Cell
Processes and Continuity and Unity of Life. The classwork we do will help prepare you for this
exam, as well as help prepare you to be an informed voter, a steward of your environment, and
assist you in understanding your own health and health care choices.

2) Behavior
a) We will follow the EE-ACS norms and discipline process.
b) Students that interrupt the classroom learning environment for their peers will not be allowed to
remain in the classroom and will not be allowed to participate in lab activities. They will still be
responsible for completing the coursework.

3) Be prepared
a) You are expected to bring your work and supplies to class every day. If you do not bring your
supplies you will lose participation points and your work will be counted as late.
b) You are expected to keep a binder in this class. If you take your binder (or papers from your
binder) home, it is your responsibility to bring them back the next class period. If you don't have
your materials you will lose points and your work will be counted as late.
c) If you wear glasses, hearing aids, or have other devices that you need in order to be successful it
is expected that you will bring them every day. If you do not, you will lose points.
d) You are expected to prepare your mind and body for class. This includes getting enough sleep at
night, and eating breakfast and lunch to keep you going during the day.

You will be provided with a Paperback Textbook, a workbook and access to materials online through
Google Classroom.

You will need to provide: 1.5 inch binder Lined notebook paper Pens/pencils/highlighters
I also recommend getting a calculator, just a simple one from the dollar store is fine.

4) Absences:
a) If you are absent from class it is your responsibility to get any notes or materials you missed.
b) A student may have up to 2 unexcused absences per quarter. As of the third unexcused absence
you are no longer able to make up missing work for those days. Each assignment will be counted
as a zero toward your grade (even if it is a test or quiz.)
c) Work that was due the day you were out must be handed in the first day you return. You will
have a one-day extension per excused day for any work assigned while you were out.
d) If you have an absence on a lab, test, or quiz day you will have up to five school days to make it
up or you will receive a zero.

5) Late Work:
a) If you are tardy to class, without a pass, your will lose participation points. If you miss the do
now, you will not be able to make those points up.
b) Work turned in late will receive reduced credit. If you turn in an assignment during class, but
after it has been collected, that is still considered late. Late or absent work will be graded as soon
as possible, but not until after on-time work has been graded.
c) No late work can be turned in after the unit test. The work we do is to prepare us to be
successful on that final assessment.

6) Labs, Tests & Quizzes
a) You are responsible for your own learning. Any material covered in class, said during lecture or
class discussion, given as notes, written on the board, in a lab, or in assigned readings is
considered testable material.
b) You may make corrections to labs, quizzes and tests to earn additional points on the assignment.
c) You WILL have a midterm and a final exam in this class that covers everything for the entire
d) This is a Keystone tested subject. There will be a Biology Keystone at the end of the school year
over the material we cover in this class.

7) Cheating
a) If you are caught cheating, both students will receive a zero for the assignment, test, or quiz.
Cheating includes use of electronic devices when instructed not to, copying another students
work, handing in work that is not your own, and plagiarizing.

8) Grades
a) Grades will be updated on PowerSchool at least once a week. It is your responsibility to keep
track of your grades; extra assignments will not be created to help you bring up your grade.
b) Late assignments and absent work will be graded after on time assignments, therefore it may be
several days before late assignments are updated and grades show an increase.
c) You and your parents have access to grades in PowerSchool, and it is your responsibility to
double check my work and make sure the grades are being entered correctly.
d) If you are failing, you may not be permitted to participate in labs/experiments.

Weighted Grading Breakdown- Final Grade Calculation
5% Participation Quarter 1- 20%
5% Homework Quarter 2- 20%
5% Classwork Midterm- 10%
15% CRQ
20% Quizzes Quarter 3- 20%
40% Tests Quarter 4- 20%
10% Projects/Labs Final Exam- 10%

Grade Scale:
B+ 87-89% C+ 77-79% D+ ___-69%
A 93-100% B 83-86% C 73-76% D F
A- 90-92% B- 80-82% C- 70-72% D-

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