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Conditional Sentences

Supply the correct form of the verb in parentheses for each of the following
sentences! Review the formulas if you have trouble!

1. If I finish the dress before Saturday, I _______ (give) it to my sister for her
2. If I had seen the movie, ____________ (tell) you about it last night.
3. Had bob not interfered in his sisters marital problems, there ____ (be) peace
between them.
4. He would give you the money if he ____________ (have) it.
5. She would call you immediately if she ___________ (need) help.
6. Had they arrived at the sale early, they ___________ (find) a better selection.
7. If you have enough time, please _________ (paint) the chair before you leave.
8. We could go for a drive if today __________ (be) Saturday.
9. I _________ (accept) if they invite me to the party.
10. If he __________ (decide) earlier, he could have left on the afternoon flight.
11. Had we known your address, we _________ (write) you a letter.
12. If the roofer doesnt come soon, the rain _________ (leak) inside.
13. Because Rose did so poorly on the exam, she wishes that she ____ (study) harder
last night.
14. My dog always wakes up me if he ________ (hear) strange noises.
15. If you ________ (see) Mary today, please ask her to call me.
16. The teacher will not accept our work if we _______ (turn) it in late.
17. I he had left already, he _________ (call) us.
18. If they had known him, they _______ (talk) to him.
19. He would understand it if you ________ (explain) it to him more slowly.
20. I could understand the French teacher if she ________ (speak) more slowly.

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