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By Corban Stone
Published by in 2017


First, I want to thank my mother, Frances Stone, for encouraging me to finish my book;
she has been with me in every edit. I want to thank the Writing Club at BCF, especially
Rachel Miller, for taking the time to sort through the book and giving fresh ideas. Also, I
cannot forget the professor who ignited my appetite for literature, Dr. Geoffrey Reiter.
When first introduced to this English teacher, he had sparked my heart for reading
literature and analyzing books.
Thank you all for purchasing this book! All profits will go towards my tuition at Kananuk

Tables of Contents












The Only Thing Necessary for the Triumph of Evil is that Good
Men Do Nothing -Edmund Burke


Thursday 11:59 pm

The moonlight poked holes through the clouds. The night air was unusually silent and
still. Not a sound was heard, except two girls running in the street. Their tennis shoes
splashing in puddles that idly lay in the street. Hannah and Sheryls hair blew into the
cold night air as they jogged to their destination. They approached a rusty copper tinted
gate which was entangled in odd colored vines and weeds. Heavy short breathing came
from both of them. As Hannah collected her breath, Sheryl opened the gate and it
creaked. Hannah cautiously stepped in. Sheryl pushed her.

Hey! Hannah yelled forgetting where she was.

Shhhhh! Sheryl quickly responded, Youre walking too slow. Bout time we reach the
top of the hill itll be morning, and we wont have time do what we need to do! Sheryl
reminded her.

I know, I know but

I know youre scared, but we have to do this. If you wont do it for you, Sheryl pointed
at Hannah, Then do it for our family. Sheryl started to boldly walk up the hill towards
the house. Hannah reluctantly followed.

The two sisters tiptoed to the door. Sheryl hesitated to reach for the door handle. Hannah
placed her hand on her back to reassure her. Do it.

Sheryl pressed her lips together, closed her eyes tightly and opened the door. A strong
wind blew from the house with a terrible scowl that made the hair on the back of their
neck stand up. Then as quickly it came, it stopped.

A whimper came from a bush, I am scared.

Hannah still wide-eyed, looked in the direction from which the voice came. She
recognized the voiceit was their little sister, Susie. Susie walked into the moonlight.

NO! NO! Hannah screamed while running up and bending down beside Susie. Why
have you followed us?

I wanted to come.

You should have stayed home, Susie, where it is safe! It is dangerous out here. Susie
had never seen so much fear in her sister's eyes before, You should have never come.
Susie bowed her head with embarrassment and shame.

Hannah look at Sheryl, We must take her back home!

We cant Sheryl replied coldly, There is no time.

We have to she is our sister. We have to protect her! Hannah came up with a solution,
We can come back later. How about tomorrow night?

Sheryl shook her head slowly, We are running out of time, Hannah. The curse must end
this week. I am sorry, but this is something that is bigger than all of us. This must be done

Have you no heart? Hannah screamed while pointing to their little sister. She might
get hurt!

Hannah, you do not understand; if we do not do this, something terrible might happen to
all of us!

Hannah put her head down; and accepted the hard reality of the truth, Youre right. She
reached down and grabbed Susies hand.

The three unfortunate sisters slowly walked into the house. The house appeared
incredibly gorgeous from the outside; however, inside, it looked ancient and timeworn.
Inside this old mansion, it reeked with a foul stench of death so strong as if an animal had
died months ago in the ventilation system. Huge cobwebs hung from the ceiling, and the
wood on the floor was rotten causing it to creak with every step.
Cautiously stepping, they felt as if they could fall through at any moment. The walls
were stained with black spots as if black mold had grown over time. The place absolutely
looked awful.

Once they entered the house, Hannah started barking orders. All of sudden, her fear
transform to into valor.

Alright, ladies, let make this this fast. I do want to be here all night. Sheryl go be the
look out. Susie gets a good look at the blueprint. Sheryl dashed up the stairs and each
stair cracked underneath her foot.

Hannah handed Susie a hand drawn map of the house transcribed by their father. Susie
looked up nervously, What are we supposed to do exactly?

We need to locate the key so we can enter into the basement. Sheryl suggested that a key
was hidden in a tunnel, Hannah said as she walked into the living room. The moonlight
dimly lit the room.

Where do you think the tunnel is? Susie asked as she followed in close pursuit.
I dont know, Susie.

Hannah began frantically searching the room. The fireplace was the centerpiece of the
chamberall the furniture of the room oddly faced the fireplace. Hannah ran around the
worn-out couch and flopped onto her hands and knees feeling for an awkward bump in
the rug.

Why are you doing that? Susie questioned.

Susie, stop asking questions and please come help.


Hannah exploded with frustration. The faster we find the key, the faster we can get out
of here!

Susie stayed silent and was quite surprised by her sisters outburst. She slightly pouted
and wondered aimlessly around the room, letting her eyes dance on certain objects in the
room. The little girl walked in front of the oddly shaped fireplace and saw something
shimmer in the moonlight in the powdery ash. She curiously bent down on her hands and
knees and slowly dusted the unidentified object. It was a latch connected to the floor!

I found it! Susie exploded with excitement. Hannah swiftly crawled over and pulled
open the latch; it revealed, a shady enclosed tunnel that led to who knows where. Without
thinking, Hannah hastily attempted to force her thick body in the minute hole.

She let out an anxious sigh, I can't fit!

Let me try.

No, Susie, youre too young!

But I found it! And plus, I am a big girl now. Remember, I turned seven last week.

Hannah protested as she tried to maneuver her body in a different position to fit inside the
hole. Finally, after numerous failed attempts, she realized that she could not fit.

Susie looked deeply into Hannahs eyes, Trust me, I can do this. Let me do this.

Hannah detested the very thought of sending in her youngest sister, but it had to be done.
She bit her lip as she watched her sister slip into the wooden floor with ease. She handed
the map to her along with a flashlight. Be careful, Susie! she whispered intently as she
watched darkness swallow up Susies hands.

Inside the hole was murky and grimy, the air was hard to breathe, and a foul stench
enclosed this place. Once in the hole, the little girl was captured by fear. Anxiety started
to rise within her and tears began to flow. She wanted out now but was afraid to say
something. Plus, she knew her sister depended on her. Click. She turned on the
flashlight. The light comforted her because the darkness was erased by the light in
seconds. She gradually crawled forward noticing the dust particles floating in the air
revealed by her light. The close-quarter tunnel only allowed freedom for Susie to crawl.
She crawled for some time when she came across a gap. She flashed her light in the hole
exposing every nooks and cranny. It appeared safe.

She ventured in more until she unexpectedly ran into a gooey-like substance. Almost
about to let out a loud howl, she drew back in terror. Strands of silk-like material
smothered her face and arms and she quickly ripped off as much she could. As she was
ripping it off, she recognized the silk-like material resembled spider webs. She
cautiously flashed the light everywhere to see if there was any danger, but the tunnel still
remained silent as before. She let out a sigh of relief. At first, she could not see the
webbed threads when she came into the gap, but now she could see thousands of thick
webbed strings reflecting the light of her flashlight. Freaked out by the webbed threads,
the little girl decided it was time for her exodus. As she was making her exit, her
flashlight stumbled upon a black figurea medium sized fury-like ball which nested in
the corner. Her heart began to beat out of her chest, and she started to tremble and
whimper. I wish my dad never left I wish I never came down here I want my
mamma, she thought. The fury-like balls eyes opened all eight of them, and it arose on
its eight legs to the height of a large Chihuahua. SPIDER! Susie screamed. The fangs
glinted in the light as the eight-legged freak scrambled towards her.

Meanwhile, the courageous look out, Sheryl, wandered aimlessly around upstairs and was
amazed by the houses structured. The house seemed to fit the style of an old fashioned
Inn. Timeworn pictures overwhelmed the walls with an occasion of mirrors and chairs
and tables stationed in the hall, and beautiful designs coated the ceiling. Time faded the
color in each of the furnishings into a grayish darkish tint. The hall was dimly lit by the
moonlight coming through the windows. Sheryl rubbed her hand against a small sized
table and dust clung to her hand. She came across a fallen pictured and picked it up; and
through the cracked glass revealed a family portrait: The father dressed in a dashing
tuxedo, the mother, wore a yellow Sunday dress, and the children were dressed in their
best clothing. The family seemed to be cheerful. However, the mother appeared frustrated
or agitated. Sheryl did not notice the mother; she was too focused on the father. This man
reminds her of her own dad. How she missed him! Tears filled her eyes as the memories
of her parents arguing came rushing into her brain. She remembereds her father leaving,

last month, out frustration and never returning. Although her mom hid the truth, she knew
why he left.


She heard a sound come from a door that was half closed. She hesitated, then slowly
walked over and pushed the door openit creaked. She cautiously peered into the
murkiness of the room, she saw nothing. She reached her hand in blindly to find the light
switch. Click. Sheryl was shocked that the electricity was still running in this dump.
But there exposed by the light stood a short aging woman with long raggedy yellow
dressed with faded roses. Sheryl stood there in silence. Her dad told her that the house
was vacant. I-I-I am so sorry; I didnt know someone lived in here! Sheryl said while
backing up. The woman stood there in silence. Please, dont call the cops, lady.

Finally, the old woman broke the silence with a cracking voice, You and your sisters are
never leaving this house! Just then a scream came out of now where. A wild hair man
came around the corner of the hallway screaming as loud as he could and running
towards Sheryl. Sheryl took off running down the hallway the way she came, but she
slipped on the rug and slammed into the wall. Pictures from the wall came showering
down. She quickly got up, but it was too late the wild man gripped his firm hands around

Hannah sat in the darkness as she waited for her sister to return. She thought she heard
some commotion down there in the tunnel, but blamed it on her imagination. She terribly
wished this night was over. The lonely girl stood up and wandered towards the front door.
The door already open, she looked outside, wishing she could leave and return home;
however, she came to the conclusion that she would not return home without her sisters.
In defiance, she turned her back on the door. Just then, the front door shut! She turned
around in shock and tried to open it. But the door would not budge. Hannah put two
hands on the door handle and pulled as hard as she could. It still did not relent. She

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started shaking the door in a fury, but still no budge. Realizing she was trapped inside the
house, Hannah slammed her fist against the hard wooden door in frustration.


Sheryl, managing to escape her perpetrators grasp, screamed from the top of stairs,
Were too late. Get out! Hannah looked up at the staircase to see Sheryl approach the
rail. Get out, Hannah! She hollered at the top of her lungs as a dark figure came up
behind her and wrapped her up then pulled her back into the darkness. Without even
thinking, she ran up the stairs to save her sister. When she got upstairs, a door flung open,
and Sheryl ran out.


The two sisters had collided, and their bodies clumsily rolled down the stairs. They both
hit the bottom floor with high impact, they lay there in pain. A sharp throb shot in
Hannahs gut and she curled into a ball to pacify the agony, but it only made it worse.
Sheryl looked over at Hannah more in a daze than in astonishment. Her body felt numb.

GOD, help us! Hannah whispered.

A deep voice answered, Where is your God now?

Screams echo throughout the whole house.

11 | C u r s e d

Friday 8:00 am

David looked in the mirror as he combed his curly fro and flexed his little muscles. He
was tall, lanky and still is in his awkward stages of coordination. He put his shirt on, and
came down dressed and ready for school, and hungry for breakfast. But something
seemed odd. His mother wore a serious and concerned looked on her face as she was
talking on the phone. Uh, uh yes I can do that. No, no it wont be a problem, his mom
said. She hung up the phone. Honey, your breakfast is over there, she said pointing to
Davids plate.

A black blur flashed into his view and the next thing he knew, he was on the ground,
pinned down by his dad, I guess I won this one! he roared.

Not yet! David screamed back and attempted to flip his dad, but the boy was no match
for the mans strength.

Davids mother looked at them crazy, David, come eat your breakfast; we have to go

Okay, now its over! David moaned. His father slipped off of him.

Indeed. Well, he paused, off to work! He kissed his wife goodbye and rubbed his
sons head.

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Whos was that mom, he asked while getting his breakfast from the counter.

Matts mom, dear. She needs me to pick Matt up for school, she replied after a few
Yes, I am glad she has climbed out of her shell a little. Mr. West had said before he
walked out the side door which led into the garage.

I know. After that one night, she sealed up like a balloon. God is answering our
prayers! She followed her husband out into the garage, and her voiced muffled through
the walls. And then she returned. I wonder how Matt feels. his mom said wondering off
in deep thought.

I bet Matt feels great because he is hanging out with his best friend: me! David pointed
to himself as he poured syrup on his French toast.

Mrs. West looked at her watch. Oh, it's time for us to go! she alerted,Get your book

Mom, I am not done eating.

Eat in the car.

In fifteen minutes, Mrs. West pulled up to the Smiths house. The West watched as the
front door flung open as Mrs. Smith pushed Matt out. Matt appeared angry and resistant
toward his mother. He stopped in the walkway and began to passionately talk to his
mother using the full motions of his arms. Frustration was written all over Mrs. Smiths
face. David could barely hear them because his mom had turned up the radio and politely
rolled up the windows. Mrs. Smith had enough; she firmly grabbed Matts arm and
dragged him to the car. She opened the door and shoved Matt into the back seat and
slammed the door behind him, and then she stopped to compose herself. She pushed a

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curl of hair behind her ear before she talked to Mrs. West. Mrs. West rolled down her
window and turned down the radio.

I am so sorry about this whole thing. We had a rough morning, she sighed, but do not
worry Ill be at school.

I completely understand. Do you want me to give the girls a ride too?

Mrs. Smith froze at the thought. Um, no you ..umdont have to do that.

There was an awkward pause and then Mrs. West blurted out, My husband and I have
been praying for you and your husband.

Mrs. Smith pressed her lips tightly together and whispered, Thank you.

Mrs. West pulled off. More awkward silence filled the car. Never did David see Matt this
upset before.

David broke the tension by asking Matt, Hey man, are you alright?

No, Im not alright, stupid! Do I look alright?

Dag, bro, I was just asking you a question!

It's none of your business h-

Mrs. West interrupted, Boys! She gave a stern look at David.

After that response, more uneasy silence followed. Then Davids mother broke the ice by
turning up the radio.

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The radio pronounced: Good morning, people of Orlando. Welcome to IMP
radio station where we give you critical information and play funky
music that is safe for the little ears in the car.

Davids mind drowned out the voices on the radio. The young boys face crunched in
anger, because he didnt understand why Matt was acting like a brat. He knew the whole
situation with Matts father leaving must have been hard for the entire family, but taking
his frustration out on him was daft. He didnt do anything; Matts father was to blame!
He left a month ago and never came back. It was Matts father who led his own family
through an emotional rollercoaster and then dumped them. David remembered when Mrs.
Smith came to their doorstep at midnight. The banging on the door shook the whole
house. David crept downstairs to see a glimpse of Mrs. Smith weeping before the feet of
his mom and dad. I am so sorry. This burden was too much for me to bear alone, and I
dare not tell the children for they will be crushed. You were the only ones I could think
of. Im sorry. She pleaded.

Mr. West had looked up and saw David's face appear between the rails of the stairs. Go
back to bed, son. He said gently but firmly.

Finally, they approached the school. As soon as Mrs. West put the car in park, Matt
rushed out and slammed the car door. David was about to leave when his mother placed
her hand on his knee. David, I want to speak with you, She said sincerely, You must
understand that Matt is going through a hard situation and as a good friend, you must be
there for himnot against him. Imagine, God forbid, if your father left me. How would
you feel?

Angry, David mumbled.

Thats how Matt feels, darling, so give him time to heal.

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The idea of giving time for his friend to mend caught him off guard; he had not known
Matt for long. The Smith family had moved in recently, and they were not the friendliest
neighbors. The West family by the generosity of their heart and the unction by the love of
God took over a welcoming meal to the Smiths.

The door swung open to reveal a thin man who was dressed in suspenders, a snug bow
tie that accompanied with thick coke bottle glasses and well-groomed hair, slicked to the

Hello! said Mr. West to Mr. Smith.

What do you want? Mr. Smith cranked.

Mr. West stuck out his hand as he said, My family and I wanted to welcome you into our
neighborhood and invite you to our church, Hillside Bou

Thank you, but no thank you. We will not be expected to stay long. Therefore, no church
visitation is required of any sort. Mr. Smith said without noticing Mr. Wests suspended
hand. Furthermore, I do not see you how you came to believe in a god. Certainly, you all
made him up in the frames of your minds to cope with the struggles of the world. It is
rather silly to imagine an old man with an elongated beard sitting in heaven, dont you
think? Mr. West opened his mouth to interject but was immediately cut off. I do believe
so. We might as well tell our children that Santa Clause really does exist if we believe in
the silly notion of a god. Dont tell me you still believe in fairy tales, Mr. Smith
snickered at his own comment. Theyre so primitive. Just as Latin has become a dead
language, so God has reached his expiration date and died. Well, I bid you a good day!

As he began to shut the door, a woman caught the door and said through gritted teeth
with a forced smile, Wow! Hold on, Isaac. We mustnt be so rude to our new neighbors.
There was an awkward pause as a silently concealed struggle for the door took place as it
slightly shook between their grips.

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Fine, then you talk to them! Mr. Smith grunted underneath his breath as he stomped

Hello! Mrs. Smith said, turning to face the Wests. Sorry about that. We have a lot
going on with moving, you know? We just arrived this morning, and things have been
crazy. She forced a smile.

Oh yes! We totally understand. Mrs. West said easing the tension, What is your

Karen. What are your names?

This is my husband, Nick and I am Chelsea.

And who might this little fellow be? All eyes went down in his direction.

David. He shyly whispered.

Nice to meet you all. What brings you to our lovely new home?

Mr. West spoke up, Weve come to invite you and your family to our church

And give you this! Mrs. West said while holding a plate stacked with brownies.

Oh howthoughtful. of you. Butwe are not a religious

Mom, where did you put my games? a young boy about the same age of David
appeared before the door, grasping his mothers arm. Davids eyes lit up with excitement,
and so did the boys when he recognized the company.

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Oh, excuse me, it should be in your room, darling. This is my son, Matt. When David
first met Matt officially, it was in class. They were drawn to each other because they both
were rejected from the circles of other friends at school. David became Matts best friend
and vice versa in the span of two weeks.

Before David said another word the bell rang at the school, signaling classes were about
to begin in five minutes. David kissed his mothers cheek and ran into the school

The hallways were scattered with kids moving quickly to their classes. The hallway was
filled with chatters of how was your weekend, What? That was homework, I hate this
class,' and what are you are doing after school? David hurriedly and politely pushed
passed students who mingled in the hallway. He couldnt afford another demerit, so he
thought it best to avoid going to his locker to drop off his books. The crowed seemed to
slowly diminish as kids disappeared into their classrooms.

This was Davids last year in middle school, and he felt proud of it. No longer would he
be considered a youngster but an adolescent. This very thought made him walk with a
swagger about him. Then he looked at the clock on the wall above a classroom door. 1
minute left! He started to jog as the hallway began to clear up. He turned the corner and
ran into a floating arm. BAM.

His fleet flung up in the air, and he landed unpleasantly on his rear-end.


Did you see how high he flew?

He never saw it coming.

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It was too easy, said Brock as he nonchalantly walked over to David, Need a hand,

While still on the floor David gave him a face of confusion then slapped his hand away,

Hey man, put a small a smile on that face, it was all in the name of fun.

David picked up his body off the floor while checking to see if his nose was bleeding. It
wasnt. Once he stood up, David was filled with rage. Out of resentment and indignation
for Brock, his fists seemed to curl up by themselves. Brock unsuspectingly entertained
his everwatchful crowd, turning his back on David and raising his hands in triumph.

See, Brock continued, these middle-schoolers need to know that we upper classmen
can play around too. We are not too mature to play with them.

His crowd soaked it all in. Most of the Brock groupie were scared of him, so they
became his friend. Better to be on the winning side than the losing one. The small crowd
drifted away with laughter. David wanted to run behind Brock and slug him in the back
of his head, but his fathers voice echoed in his head to turn the other cheek. David
solemnly walked into class.

Youre late, David. Mr. Simpson stated without looking up from his desk.

Lucy quickly and politely stated, Mr. Simpson, you havent taken attendance yet.

Oh, youre right, Ms. Clark! I havent.

Mr. Simpson grabbed the attendance sheet and started to go down the list. David rubbed
his nose as he went to sit behind Lucy Clark, his other best friend. Lucy turned around in
her seat.

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No thank you, David? she said jokingly, I pretty much just saved your life from
another demerit.

I wish you would have saved my nose.

What happened?

Brock he clothes line me in the hall! He thinks he is so funny! David's voice

escalated a little as he poured his frustration out to Lucy.

Mr. Simpson asserted, Class, please dont talk as I am trying to call the roll.

David lowered his voice, I wanted to slug him in the back of his head!

Lucy responded in a whisper, I am sorry, David. Brock is a jerk and immature.

Matt? Mr. Simpson called, Matthew Smith? No reply. Is Matthew Smith here
today? Matt slowly raised his hand from the back of the room. Oh, Mr. Smith I didnt
see you back there.

Lucy waved to get Matts attention and gestured him to come sit with them. But Matt
shook his head no. Lucy was shocked by his answer, then realized that he looked
disheartened. This made her gesture with more emphasis. Matt became annoyed and
powerfully mouthed the word, No!

Lucy became appalled by his attitude. David, she said as she turned towards him,
whats wrong with Matt?

I dont know whats up with him. He wouldnt talk to me. Now both of them were
looking at their friend; he was slouching while staring out the classroom window.

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The class was about to begin when the phone rang. Mr. Simpson picked the phone,
nodded his head then hung up the phone. Mr. Smith, you have been summoned to the
office. Matt dragged himself out the door. Mr. Simpson stood up and walked towards the
board. If you will, class, turn to page 108 in your English Literature book. Today we will
discuss Lewis Carrol; well, that is his pen name. His actual name is Charles L. Dodgson,
and he is the author of the childrens classics Alices Adventure in Wonderland and
Through the Looking-Glass.

David reached into his backpack. Dag! He forgot to get the book from his locker. He
hurriedly raised his hand.

Uh, yes, Mr. West?

May I go get my book from my locker?Mr. Simpson nodded his head signaling
permission granted. After David received the permission slip, he swiftly made his way to
his locker.

He opened up his locker, transferred the books he needed for his classes from his locker
to his backpack and headed back to class. He swallowed and found his throat a little
parched. There was enough time to go quench his thirst, so David went to the closest
water fountain which happen to be next to the principle office. At first, David heard
whispering, then it turn into an intensense firm talk. David looked up from the fountain in
confusion. The voices originated from the principles office, which is Mrs. Smiths office.
Matts mom is the principal of the upper school, while Mrs. Doubtfire is the principal of
the lower school. David heard the door of the office shut quietly. He felt his ears itching
to hear the words that were being laden on his friend. This was his chance to finally know
why Matt was acting so snobbish.

David drew closer to the door, but his foot slipped on the slick tile which made his foot
kick the door. David jumped up and ran instantly to the nearest doorthe female

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teachers bathroom. The bathroom consisted of one stall and was created for teachers use
only. He closed the door and locked it; his heart shot into his throat. A shadow appeared
underneath the door; it was Mrs. Smith on the other side of the door. A sense of
uneasiness flooded his conscious. Her shadow came from the light outside the bathroom.
The doorknob rattle. Paused. Then rattled with more force. David backed away slowly
from the door and into the depths of the bathroom. He heard voices from the other side of
the door. Then a jotted sound came inside the bathroom, and the handle stop rattling. The
sound was so intense he covered his ears, but the unbearable sound still penetrated
through. The sound forced him to his knees, the helpless boy covered his head. Then as
suddenly as it came, it left.

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David quickly ran to his mothers car, glad that school was let out early because of the
strange, absurd sound. He got into the car and hugged his mother, Hi, mother.

Hi, son, I wanted to let you know that Matt is spending the night with us.
David froze. Yeah, so David please be patient with him. Remember what we talked

David shook his head in silence. He became nervous as he saw Mrs. Smith and Matt
approach the car. Why was Mrs. Smith coming towards the car? David asked himself.
Did she know it was him that was eavesdropping on their conversation? His palms
became sweaty, and his heart jumped into his throat again. Mrs. Smith wore a scowl on
her face that frightened David even more. Mrs. West rolled down the window as Mrs.
Smith advanced.

Thank you, Chelsea, for being so understanding in this time of need. A lot of things are
going along the lines of my responsibility at the school, and in my personal life. That god
forsaken sound has the whole town stirred so much that government officials canceled
school for today. This makes me have to do more paperwork. Can you believe that? She
sighed, I am not exactly sure which day Ill be able to pick up Matt, but I will let
you know. Is that okay? she said biting her nail.

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Yes, that is totally okay. I understand, Karen. I want you to know that my husband and I
are keeping you in our prayers.

They dont seem to be working, Matt muttered.

Mrs. Smith gave Matt a firm looked then demanded coldly, Get in the car. Matt entered
the car. They all waved goodbye to Mrs. Smith as Mrs. West pulled off.
David was relieved that the whole conversation was not about him. His mother turned on
the radio:

Welcome to the Florida News station, and we are bringing you the
latest news from the last twenty-four hours. That ear-splitting sound
that occurred this morning has been investigated and was said to be a
testing exercise. According to the government, the sound was to be a
warning sound for a future level five hurricane. The testing exercise
seemed to get out of hand.

Ill say, Catherine, it nearly made my ears bleed.

Haha. I know, Jeff.

Hopefully, they change the warning into something a little softer on

the ears.

I hope so as well. But to many listeners out there do not be afraid this
was not a warning for an alien invasion, but only a simple drill.

The silver Honda minivan pulled into the long driveway. Once the car was in park, they
all unloaded their belongings from the vehicle. Keys jingled in the hands of Mrs. West as
she opened the front door. David rushed passed his mother, dropped his backpack at the

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bottom of the stairs and then climbed the stairs to change his clothes. Matt slowly
dragged himself in the doorway with a sigh. Compassion filled Mrs. Wests heart; she
raised her eyebrows in empathy as she watched Matt come inside and shut the door
behind him.

Listen, dear, She said as she put her arm around him. Just make yourself at home. If
there is anything you need, do not be afraid to ask. Okay? Matt silently shook his head.
Okay. Mrs. West confirmed then she disappeared upstairs.

Matt wandered to the living room and plopped himself on the couch. He did not want to
be there; he wanted to be at home with his own mom. Tears swelled in his eyes. He never
thought something like this would ever happen to his family. He wished everything
would go back to just being normal again. Why did dad leave? Was it my fought? he

Matts mind joggeds back to the last thing his dad said to him. He had been playing video
games all day; it was Saturday. His dad came into his room, Matt, why is the garbage
still in the kitchen? I thought I told you to take it out, sir!

Matt ripped his China-doll eyes from the glowing screen. Uh, yeah, I was going to do it
after I died.

After youre deceased Mr. Smith paused in frustration, Playing this dim-witted
video game has made you cosign to forgetfulness? Has it not registered in your
adolescent hormone raging mind that I am in charge? Or is your egghead scrambled by
this junk? He pushed up his bifocals. Well, since it is such a distraction to you,
prohibiting you from obeying the task I have given you, let me assist you.

No, I was going to do it. Just right after.. Matt whined but was sharply interrupted.

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Mr. Smith stormed into the room and seized the X-box 360. No son of mine will be
swayed and extorted by a game. I told your mother not to buy this for you, but her
passivity as a female led her to this action. Time to live in reality. How are you going to
function as a sturdy participant of the real world? Mr. Smith let the question rattle of his
lips and settle in the uneasy air. How are you going to contribute to your family while
youre still trifling with games? You need to grow upand be a man. Mr. Smith briefly
said as he exited Matts room, carrying the X-box 360.
That was the last time Matt saw his father before he mysteriously disappeared. Did he
leave because I am not a man yet? Matt thought.

David frolicked down the stairs. Hey bro, wanna play some video games? he said with
a huge grin on his face. He continued, I have Burnout, Driver3R, NBA 2K and more but
its up to you.

Matt sat there in silence. Fumes of angered rose up inside of him to the point where he
could not control it. He stood up and yelled, How could you you ask me to play
games? I dont want to play because I am a man! Matt poked his bird chest with his
long finger.

Yikes, man! David said sarcastically. I just asking a question, you didnt have to go
all baby on me.

I am not acting like a baby, stupid.

I am not stupid! Hey, idiot, you are at my house, so you dont have to be here.

I dont want to be here.

David was shocked by his response, but before he could respond Mrs. West ran into the
room. She saw two boys huffing and puffing in anger. Boys! What is going on here?

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Mom, David whined, All I asked was did he want to play video games, and he blew
up at me.

Matt spoke up nippily, He called me a baby!

He called me stupid! David pointed at Matt.

David, Mrs. West chose her words wisely and said them calmly, I um need you to
go to your room

What! Are you serious, Mom?

David West, do not raise your voice with me. I need you to go to your room, and Ill be
up later to talk to you.

David ran up the stairs and slung himself on his bed. He grabbed his Power Rangers
Mighty Morphine pillow and slammed his head into it, then screamed as loud as he
could. How could his own mom turn against him? What a traitor. It is not fair; this was
his house. He heard the front door open, the jingling of keys, and he instantly knew his
daddy was home. Dad! he bellowed from his room.

Marvels Comics posters covered the walls of Davids room. He loved reading comic
books, but he was a huge fan of Spectacular Spiderman. He had a stack of comic books
sitting on top of his dresser beside his bed. The blue painted room was well groomed, no
clothes on the floor or any trash lying around. He barely stayed locked up inside of his
room. His parents didnt entertain the thought of placing a TV in his room, believing it
would somehow lead to division in family quality time. So for David, being sent to his
room was truly a punishment in itself.

Dad! he whined again. In a few minutes, his father came to the door framed and
knocked lightly. David turned around to face his father.

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Mr. West saw tears swelling up in his sons eyes, I heard what happened, David, but I
would like you to tell me what happened? Mr. West slowly sat beside his son and placed
his arms around him.

Well, ever since we picked up Matt from his house. He has been acting weird. Mom told
me to be his friend, cause thats what he needs. But he keeps pushing me away.

Ohhh, Mr. West nodded. You know, David, some people just need time to heal. Matt is
going through a lot right now, and he needs space to heal. We can not expect a broken
arm to be fixed in ten days? Matt is angry and confused, and he is under a lot of
pressure. Mr. West said while embracing his son. Sometimes being a good friend
requires letting a friend take the time to recover from a situation. Can you be that friend,
David nodded.

The smell of good cooking made everyones tummy rumble with excitement as Mrs.
West dished out the plates of food in front of the hungry boys. Once the food was all set
and everyone was comfortably seated at the table, Mr. West said a blessing over the meal
and his family. Then they all began to dig in. Mrs. West made a delicious quesadilla jam-
packed with chicken and Swiss cheese, and the side was a simple salad.

Mr. West hollered while rubbing his stomach, What a great meal, honey!

Oh yeah! Mom, very good. David chimed in.

You sure did stick your foot into that one. Mr. West said as he wiped his mouth.

Mrs. West laughed contagiously, Well, I am glad you guys like it. Oh! Nick, did you
figure out where that terrible sound came from this morning? The radio said it was a
warning, but I do not believe that baloney.

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Mr. Wests occupation is a journalist for the Orlando Sentinel local newspaper. He is
currently writing an article on the Smithsonian controversy. A scientist, Richard
Sternberg, who held two Ph.D.s in evolutionary biology, was fired as the editor of a
Smithsonian science journal after publishing an article written by Stephen Meyer, a
Cambridge alumni. Meyer s article defended intelligent design, a theory that life and the
universe, could not have arisen from an accidental cosmic explosion and random chance
but was designed and created by some intelligent entity. If there is a watch, there must be
a watchmaker.

Mr. West face became serious, Why dont they tell the people the truth? he mumbled.
He leaned on the table putting his hands together. We are not sure where the sound
originated from. I called Bob in the office, and he suggested that the military is testing
another bomb off the coast or there were sonic waves from a new jet they have been
constructing, but thats not a likely story.

Do you think if they found the truth they would release it to the civilians? Mrs. West

I doubt that.

I was in the grocery store when the sound came. People slammed into shelves and carts
ran loose from their pushers. My ears were boiling in discomfort. Once the sound
stopped, everyone looked dazed and puzzled.

Yeah? That sound interrupted my morning drive to work. The highway went into such a
frenzy. Cars darted off the road; some ran into each other, and others flipped over the
median. It was awful. Thats why I came back home early because the roads werent safe
to drive on.

Matt awkwardly looked down, May I be excused?

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Oh. Um, yes, yes you may. Mrs. West said considerately.

There Matt was, being awkward again thought David before Matt got up from the

DING-DONG.' Then followed an abrupt knock on the front door that disturbed all of

Ill get it! Mrs. West announced. She left the table and answered the door, but before
she could announce who it was, David already knew who it was by the voice.

Hey, Bobby, were playing hide and go seek out chere! It was James the only kid in the
neighborhood who called David, Bobby. He strolled in the house, bypassing Davids
mother without waiting for permission. James was a plump young fellow who had no
house training, but David like to hang around him because he was silly. Jamess freedom
to act trivial, led David to act rash. James nonchalantly grabbed a cookie from the glass
jar that sat on the counter top.

Hey, James! David greeted him, Oh yeah, James this is Matt.

Hello, there, boy! James spit out as he choked down the cookie, Nice to meet you.
James stuck out his hand. But Matt didnt bother putting his hand up to greet his. Instead,
he walked past him.
James leans over to David to whisper. Thats a rude friend you got there, Bobby. Not a
very nice one!

Yeah, I know, he has been acting weird lately. He is not usually like this.

Mhmm. Welp, did you wanna come outside and play?

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David looked at both of his parents, Can I? He blurted out excitedly.

I dont see why not.

Take Matt with you, suggested Mrs. West.

Ahhh Mom!

Take Matt with you, demanded Mrs. West.

And be in before dark! Mr. West chimed in while collecting the dishes.

David ran outside to see all the kids on the block outside. They were all playing tag; hide
and go seek; duck, duck, goose; and even manhunt. Laughing and giggling filled the
boulevard as kids ran throughout the streets, in yards, and between houses. All the kids
were excited to be released early from school, and they celebrated the day off by
gameplay. David happened to glance over at Matt; he was sitting on the curb. David
somewhat felt sad for him, but he wasnt going let Matt ruin his fun.

Hey, Bobby, come play b-ball with us! James yelled.

What happened to hide and go seek?

That was so five minutes ago!


Hands down, David was the best basketball player in his grade; whenever he played
basketball he was considered the most wanted. James gave him the ball first; James was
an excellent basketball player himself. He was best known for his odd looking deep
threes. Whenever anybody picked teams, David and James always had to be separated.

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David had selected Lewis and Joseph to be on his team, and James chose Ralph and Rick
to be his squad. The game was afoot!

David shoved the ball into James chest, Check!

Ah, Bobby, we playing like that, are we?

David smiled. James pushed the ball back, and David dribbled the ball underneath his
legs.But his concentration was broken when he heard Matts name being called.

Aww, look at little Matt, Brock pushed Matt to ground, Whats wrong? Cat got your
tongue? Not one word did came out of Matts mouth, but his face said a lot.

What the heck, Brock, leave him alone! David screamed dropping the basketball and
advancing toward Brock.

Calm down; were just playing around!

Go play somewhere else with somebody else like your mom I hear she is quite lonely.
Everybody froze in astonishment at the words that just popped out of Davids mouth. Did
he just say that? Everyone knew Brocks mother was still hospitalized; she had been
diagnosed with cancer. Since Brocks father is an alcoholic and a dead-beat, Brock only
sees his mother on rare occasions with his grandmother. David could not believe he had
let that slip out of his mouth. According to his dad, Christians were not supposed to talk
like that.

Oh, so, youre his guardian now! Huh, Mister tough guy! You think youre all bad,
Brock said while shoving David, Well then come and fight me, tough guy!

Neither were Christians supposed to fight.

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David hesitated to reply, I-I won't fight you. Davids dad always warned him about
fighting and how Jesus taught turn the other cheek.' But surely Jesus knew we had to
protect ourselves, so turning the other cheek wouldnt apply in this situation David

What? Brock spat, This is a perfect example of a pathetic coward, a-a chicken!
Chicken! Chicken! Chicken! Brock friends repeatedly yelled in unison as they began to
surround him. A crowd of curious onlookers encircled the instigators.

David looked around nervously and balled his fist. He wasnt going to deliver the first
punch, but he certainly, would retaliate. If he could walk away without fighting, then he
would be pleased, but if not then best not think about that. Brock and David circled
each other in anticipation. The crowd of kids watched in suspense. Brock raised his fist
and ran full speed to David.

Just then, James stepped in the circle yelling, I HAVE a better idea. I have a better

Brock stopped, What is it, chubby?

Fighting is so overrated nowadays. The kids are not to kids beating each other into a
pulp. Are we kids?

Yeah, we are, someone yelled in the crowd.

Okay, well, thats the Grand Theft Auto speaking. Anyhow, kids are into a-a-a.

Get out of my face, blob, or youll be next, Brock warned James.

Kids are into racing! Instead of you fighting this worthless tooth-picked boy, how about
a race! James grinned excitedly while nodding his head.

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Youre wasting my time! Brock snorted.

Plus, Mr. Jenkins is sitting right outside on his front porch, and it would be real tragic if
he caught you fighting, then reported it back to your dear, sweet grandma, James said
waving to Mr. Jenkins. What did she say about one fight and youre off the football
team? Is that right?

Brocks faced steamed with embarrassment.

If you win, I will freely give you my lunch money for a week, David suggested,
But if I win, then you have to stop picking on Matt and me.

What! said Brock in shocked, Are you serious?

Whos the chicken now? The crowd oohd and awed at Davids comment. Now David
had the upper hand, because Brock was big and slow but David was lean and fast.

I aint no chicken, Brock protested, Yeah well have a race, but youre not going to
race me. You're going to race Mike.

What! David complained, That is not part of the deal.

It is the same deal, but a different person. Take it or leave it, dork. Mike hunged out
with Brocks crew and if there were ranks, then Mike would be second in command; he
earned it. Now Mike was the fastest person in school, plus he ran track. And to make it
worse he was taking off his shoes.

Brock yelled over the crowd, They will race all the way to the park and back!

David's eyes got large, Are you kidding me? Thats too far!

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David looked at James for help. James spoke up, Hold on, sir, my client...

Brock spun around on his heel and hunched over James like an arch ready to crumble,
You said the kids wanted a race, and now it is a race.

O My Goodness! David mumbled underneath his breath. Thats a long way to run. No
way could he run that fast for that long. Mike hopped on his toes like he was a
professional boxer. The track was drawn in chalk on the hard blacktop of the street.

Okay, Greg (also part of Brock crew) said, Youre basically going to run a square. Run
up this road ..What street is this?

Peach Street. Someone said.

Yeah, run up Peach Street and turn left onto Third Street pasts the park. Make another
left on Lime Street. Then finally make another left on this street where you finish right
here. Both racers nodded their head.

David, you dont have to do this! Matt whispered in his ear.

Look, Matt, I am tired of Brock picking on people that are smaller than him. It's about
time someone stood up to him.

For the first time today, Matt smiled. Thanks, David.

Mike went to the starting line that was drawn by chalk. You ready or what! Mike
stated confidently. David shook his head and stepped up to the line. The crowd screamed
with anticipation. Brock stood in front them, he lifted up one arm in the air with a scarf in
his hand and began to wave.

35 | C u r s e d

Everything appeared to happen in slow motion as David looked over to Matt for the last


Matt gave David two thumbs up.


Mike took off like a bullet his long legs stretching to take as many steps as possible,
David was right behind him. The kids roared with excitement. The sound of Mikes feet
patted the hard top with a rhythmic pattern. Mike seemed to pick up speed every time he
placed down his foot. David struggled to keep up. A couple of strides later, they turned
the block corner. Once out of sight of the crowd, Mike darted towards a fence.

What are you doing? David huffed.

Im winning, what does it look like, dork? Mike laughed as he jumped over the fence.

Thats cheating; but if thats the way you wanna play, then two can play that game.

David hesitated, and then he broke into a sprint jumping over the fence and into someone
back yard. Davids shirt ripped. Once he hit the ground, he zoomed towards the next one.
He hurdled fences for quite some time, but he knew could not do this for long. He started
to gradually burnout. David came across an abnormal black unkempt fence that was
bigger in size than the others, but he did not pay any attention to it. He jumped it like any
other fence but once he landed; he dearly regretted it. A deep snarl erupted and there he
saw Mike frozen in fear and a brown pit bull growling before him. David had heard

36 | C u r s e d
stories from the news and stories told by friends and families about pit bulls attacks.
Sweat beating from his head, David was getting ready to jump back over the fence.

Mikes eyes flashed with terror as he anticipated Davids move, Dont you dare!

The dog continued to growl viciously as the two kids stood before it with their knees
knocking. A tag swung below the neck of the dog that read Cujo.' The collar was
attached to a thick heavy chain that was nailed to the ground by a rusted pipe.

Hey, little buddy, Mike whimpered out. The dog started to bark. Shhh! Mike
pleaded, his voice shaking.

A loud, startling voice came from within the house, Hey whats goin on out there?

Shut up, you dumb dog, Mike snapped. At that moment the dog launched for him,
Mike swiftly responded in a back pedal then turned into a high knee sprint. The four-
legged creature snapped at the moving ankles of the young boy. David took off darting
towards the other side of the yard; however, he twisted his ankle on the thick chain in the
middle of the yard. Mike began to scream as he felt the dogs teeth brushing his flesh.
Noticing he was approaching a dead end, Mike made a wide U-turn. He swiveled his
head to see where the dog was located when he stumbled over the body of David. He slid
on the grass, head first.

37 | C u r s e d

Coach Francis had just laid down in his comfortable, relaxing king-size bed. It felt good
to unwind from such a demanding job. Happy as ever that he did not have to work today
in result of that awful sound. That sound actually saved his life. Today, he would have
the elementary for P.E, and those kids got on his last nerve. Uh, mainly Stephen whose
nose seemed to be always leaking with snot. His face scrunched in disgust as he
remembered when Stephen wiped his nose with his hand and then grabbed his pants leg.
Yuck. Just then he heard Cujo barking. No, no, no this was supposed to his day off. His
day was supposed to be a day of peace and serenity. Hopefully, the dumb dog will stop,
Francis thought. However, the dog didnt stop.

Coach Francis finally screamed, Hey whats goin on out there? For Petes sake, I am
trying to rest. Coach Francis continued to place his fluffy pillow over his head.
Everything seemed to fade away as he drifted into the world of sleep when he heard a
scream coming from his backyard. He shot up from his bed, sliding his slippers on and
murmuring, What in the world is going on? He snatched his robe from off the hanger
and angrily put it on. He stomped down the stairs. As he approached his glass door he
heard the screaming become more intensified so he did a light jog. Coach Francis swung
open his back glass door, and his mouth dropped. The scene that revealed in his backyard
was quite shocking. His dog was inches away from ripping one kid's throat apart if it
wasnt for another child holding the chain of the dog.

Teeth gritted, David held on as tightly as his small sweaty hands could allow him and
pulled. Everything seemed to happen so fast; all he knew is that once he rolled his ankle

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on the chain and fell, he was knocked down when he tried to get up. Then he spun around
to see the dog over Mike, teeth reaching for his face. Mike surprisingly held off the dog
with his two hands, pushing against its broad chest and turning his face sideways. Slop
showered Mikes head, this made him scream more fervently. David continued yanking
the chain. The chain felt like thirty-five pounds in his hands, but David was determined to

Then a man in an odd colored robe with wild hair and worn-out slippers appeared in the
backyard. He kept screaming, No, Cujo. No. But his words had no effect on the dog.
He then frantically ran beside David and yanked the chain backward. Cujo felt the pull
but again propelled forward. The man looked at David and yelled. On three! 1..2..3!
They both pulled as hard they could, and the dog was snatched away from Mike. Once
free, Mike took off climbing over the fence. David followed in pursuit.

Coach Francis was astonished to see the boys leave without saying any words, but that
astonishment quickly left and was replaced with anger. And dont come back! He
yelled raising his fist in the air, Stupid kids.

Mike leaned back on the wooden fence huffing and puffing, his heart knocking on his
ribcage. Was this is a dream? He couldnt believe that just happen to him. His hands were
still shaking, and he could barely stand on his own two feet. David leaped down beside
him; he was breathing hard as well. David looked at Mike, Are you alright? Mike
return the look with a blank stare and strangely began to laugh. At first, he started off
quite soft, but then it escalated to a roar. David grinned, then snickered at Mikes
behavior. Next, he was laughing hysterically; he lifted up his head, letting out a loud
chuckle. The boys laughed so hard, their ribs began to ache. Mike clutched his side as he
continued to let out a cackle. Did you see the look on the guys face!

Yeah, he was like, David imitated the mans face. And they both began to laugh
even harder. Mike slapped his knee. And your face was hilarious too! You were like,
David imitated Mikes face. Then roars of laughter erupted again.

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I almost became dog food! Mike blurted out then he froze as if he was thinking, I
almost became dog food He realized. He plopped down and put his face into his
hands. David then realized the depth of the situation, he solemnly sunk his shoulders. He
almost saw Mike, a person he really did not like, be torn into doggy bits. Silence

Thanks. Back thereyou know what you did, thanks, Mike said.

Youre welcome.

More silence followed.

You know if it wasnt for this stupid race this would have never happen, Mike
confessed. A light bulb turned on in both of their heads, they both looked at each other
with wide eyes and said in unison, The race!

Mike shoved David into the fence. In return, David grabbed his arm and pulled him
down. The boys wrestle in the green grass, forcing each other to the ground. Mike
elbowed David in the lip, thus breaking free from his grasp. As Mike broke free, in mid-
sprint, David grabbed the foot of Mike and tripped him. David sprung forth like a bullet
out of a gun. Mike watch as David busted through a gate. BAM! The gate swung forth as
Mike shortly followed. The opening led to a back alley of the neighborhood.

Since David had a brief intermission, his strength was renewed. He increase his speed;
he could hear the footsteps of Mike right behind him. I need to slow him down, David
thought. The idea suddenly hit him. He began throwing down every black trash can he
came across. Trash bags splattered the on the pavement. David turned his head to see if
the garbage cans were accomplishing his intentions. When all of sudden, a car started
pulling out of the driveway and into the alley. David swung his head back around and
swiftly avoided the moving vehicle by running around it and recklessly vaulting a waist-

40 | C u r s e d
length metal fence into someone backyard. He rolled. That was a close one. Running
along the side of the house, he exited the yard by vaulting over the side gate. He turned
right moving up the street. Lungs burning, breathing shorter, and legs aching, he kept
running. He was a couple of houses down from the playground. His side began to ache,
he whence in pain as he trudge along. Dont you dare quit on me! he yelled at himself.
His run slowly decreased into a jog then into reckless stumbling. His body was trained to
run suicides and laps around courts, not miles. He was not physically and mentally stable
to run such a long distance. He, fortunately, made it to the playground and collapsed onto
his hands and knees. He came to the sobering realization, I am not going to make it
back. Just then a person on a bike flew past him. It was Mike!

Cheater! David gasped.

Mike drifted the bike by pressing the brake gear and glided it around to an abrupt halt.
See you at the finish line, dork! By the way, to make sure you stay down, my two
friends will assist you.

David glanced behind him to see two black hooded boys on bikes with titanium bats. Fear
gripped Davids heart. This is just a race! He whined. Youre taking this a little too
serious. Just let me go!

I have never been beaten before, and Im never gonna let some scum of middle schooler
beat me. I will win no matter the cost, Mike yelled. He looked so much like his father
when he yelled in this manner. Mikes father was a divorced drunkard deadbeat dad who
taught and demonstrated to his son that winning was everything. Every time his boy
would return home with a second place medal, he would make him run ten laps around
the track that night. One time, after a track meet his father did not speak a word to him
for a whole day because he lost one race.

41 | C u r s e d
Mike sped off into the distance, leaving David behind. One of the hooded boys got off
from his bike and lightly swung the bat into the palms of his hands. He said, Listen, all
you have to do is stay here and everything will be alright.

Easy for you to say youre not the one being held hostage by two blockheads. David

The hooded boy walked overs to David, while his friend sat and watched. He walked in
front of David and kneeled, so David and his face were leveled. David recognized his
face, it was Jake! Ahh man, David thought, Jake played baseball, and he usually hit
home runs. Why did all of Brocks friends have to be jocks?

Say that again? Jake demanded. David hesitated to answer the question. He repeated
the question, Say that again? Jake pushed him in his chest.

Hey! David yelled.

Oh, now he speaks!

David boiled in anger, he clinched his teethes and balled his fists. Fear lost the grip on his
heart and was replaced with anger. This whole situation made him heated. Get out of my
face! He yelled. David shoved Jake to ground as he snatched the titanium bat from his
hands. David turn around while he whined up and release the bat towards Jakes
companion on the bike. The hooded boy fell off the bike as he clumsily dodges the bat
the bat barely scraped his head. David took this opportunity to escape by jumping on
Jakes bike and speedily peddling off in the street. He heard yelling in the distance behind
him; he glanced back to see Jakes hooded companion retrieve his bike and began pursuit.
Davids feet began to peddle faster, the bike began to swing with the motion of his body
in the result of the increased speed.

Get away. Get away, David grunted under his breath. He smoothly turned the bike into
a tight back alley as his pursuer was gaining on him. Before David knew what had

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happened, the hooded companion was right beside him. The hooded boy raised up his
foot and jammed it into Davids leg. David lost control of the bike and recklessly rubbed
the wooden fence, but he quickly grabbed the handle bars and fought them under control.
Again another kick. It made contact. The bike wobbled. Another kick came. But David
saw it and slowed down just enough for the hooded boy to kick two inches in front of his
bike. David sped up. The boy wobbled out of his way but once in control, he rammed the
back of Davids bike with his front tire. David could hear rubber burning. He had to lose
this guy.

The hooded fiend snatched hold of Davids shirt. David felt a tight tug, but he continued
to press forward. However, the tug became tighter so much that his shirt started to gag
him. Davids breathing became rougher, he reached back to grabbed the hand of the boy,
but couldnt reach. David veered off, setting him free from the clench of the hooded boy.
David turned down a back alley where he recognized the unkempt black fence. In full
speed, he leaped off the bike, stumbled and then scrambled over the fence. David saw a
glimpse of the pursuer ditching his bike as he leaped over the fence. As soon as David's
foot touch the ground, he heard a malicious bark that made him shutter. He quickly
sprinted to the next fence with his eyes tightly closedout of anxiety. At any moment,
teeth could sink into his soft flesh. David escaped and on the other side of the fence, he
heard a whimpering voice, Nice doggy. The dog replied with a loud irritating bark.

Mike had this race in the bag, so he calmly placed down the bike in someones yard. He
was a block away from the eager kids. He wanted to look good as he strolled down the
last block and across the finish line. His legs stretched out as he began to start a slight jog
down the street. The confident looking young man seemed to flaunt his graceful bounds.
The crowd greeted him warmly with screaming and wild cheers. The soon to be victor
could see Brock proudly standing there with a glint of hope in his eyes. I wish dad
would look at me like that, Mike thought. All of a sudden, as was only a hundred feet
from the finish line, a loud scream came from beside him. The crowds face went from
glee to sheer terror.

43 | C u r s e d
Run..everybody get inside! A voice screamed.
That was all Mike had heard before he listened to a peculiar bark that he recognized once
before. Kids went into a wild frenzy as they made their way to their houses; they
scattered as if they were ants who were disturbed. Mike quickly turned his head in the
direction of the abnormal noise and was immediately met by David.

Get down! David screamed as he tackled Mike to the ground. At first, Mike was filled
with angry and bewilderment but then as he saw Cujo fly over his limp body that emotion
rapidly subsided. Get up! David yelled as he yanked Mike up. Cujo swiftly turned
around and met face to snout with the two children.

David did not intend to set loose the wild, untamed beast into the unruffled streets of

After he had jumped over the fence, he leaned against the wooden fence to catch his
breath. David had listened carefully to hear screams of alarm. Ahh ..get away from me
you stupid dog! the hooded fiend yelled. It appeared the hooded fiend tried to climb
back over the fence, but was dragged down with a loud thud. David tightly closed his
eyes as he heard a loud bark then a loud holler of pain. The boys scream of pain was
intermittently interrupted by the sound of gruesome snarls. The cry became unbearable as
the snarling continued.

He wanted to catch up to Mike and win the race, but to leave his unknown pursuer to
defend himself from the wild beast would be wrong. He must admit that he could be
mean at times, but he wasnt sadistic. David reluctantly turned around with a great sigh
and climbed back over the fence. The scene that laid out before him was ghastly. The dog
had managed to snag a hold of the pursuers leg and drag him twenty feet away from the
fence. Davids quickly saw a stick in the corner of his eye; he ran full speed to pick it up
and then he slammed against the dogs back. CRACK. The stick snapped in half. This
made Cujo sink his teeth deeper and the hooded boy screamed louder than ever. It seemed
every vein rushed to the hooded lads neck as he clenched the grass with his fist.

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Get this dog off of me! The hooded rascal bellowed in an offbeat voice, he found the
strength to kick the dog in the face with his free leg. Get (kick) off ( kick)of (kick)
me (kick)! While this was going on David speared and jabbed the beast. It was quite
odd for David to pierce another living organism. The beast slowly released his grip and
turned his massive head with a deep snarl that made Davids spine tingle with angst. Cujo
revealed every teeth in its mouth as if it was wickedly grinning at him. The dog pounced
at David, but he anticipated it and rolled out of the way. He took off running as Cujo
followed right on his heels. He sprinted to the door of the fence, but somehow tripped
over his feet and fell. Sliding to a halt on his belly, he swiveled his head around to see
white flashes of gnashing teeth near his face.

As fast as the teeth approached, they were snatched away. The chain, which had come to
its full extension, reeled back the dogs body and roughly spun the animal around.
However, this did not hinder the dog, Cujo raised his head and started to bark viciously.
Then he started to charge but was wrenched back again. Inches away from Cujos
snarling snout, David realized he was safely secure beyond this measure. He could not
help himself, David West started to gloat in the face of his adversary. In Davids eyes, he
had taken on death and conquered it. He had danced with the devil and outdanced him.
His face beamed with excitement and his muscles flexed with ease like Hercules after he
strangled the two treacherous serpents. He stuck his tongue out Take that you stupid
animal! David could now say he smiled in the face of danger. Cujo continued to yelp
and charged but was once again snatched back.

Cant get me, David mocked. As he turned around to calmly exit the door of the fence,
he quickly glanced to see that his hooded friend took this opportunity to escape and was
nowhere to be seen. The confident young man open the latch of the gate with ease and as
he walked through, he heard an unfamiliar sound; but a sound that could easily be
assumed. SNAP! He knew what happened. However, he did not want to admit the reality.
The stake had just snapped.

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Now in the streets, Cujo finally had Mike and David in the reach of his large sharp
teeth as they sat hopelessly in front of him. The boys could not help but scream for their
lives. Cujo licked his chops then sprang forward. BANG! Cujo massive head fell into the
laps of both children. He laid there motionlessit was dead. David looked up from the
dead dog to see a hard breathing man with wild hair and an oddly colored robe standing
in the middle of the street with a pistolstill smoking from the barrel.

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Later that night, Matt sat by window sill trying to clear his head of the unfortunate events
of the day. He still remembered the tears that rolled down Coach Francis face as he
dragged the dead dog away. The incident would never be reported to the police because
Mr. Francis had not registered the pit bull under the city department or placed the animal
on his insurance. If anyone had found out that his dog terrorized a couple of street kids,
he would have been put in prison. He threatened all the kids to keep their pieholes shut. It
was later discovered that he was into illegal dog fighting.

After that sobering moment, everybody came to a mutual agreement that the race was
dismissed. Mike and David quietly shook hands then departed from each other. Matt
tried to sooth David, but David shrugged him off. I need time to be alone, he said. Matt
understood, he wanted to be alone, too. So he sat at the window, glaring at Plumberry
Hill, which encloses the old Inn.

The Inn, although it was timeworn, was considered a very well-kept house. The hill
consisted of tall century-old cypress trees that encircled an old abandon Inn. The Inn was
built by Henry B. Plant back in the 1800s; it was before his big project the Tampa Bay
Hotel. Plant built a system of roads that made Tampa the southern terminus of Florida.
Tampa became the very heartbeat of Plant's empire, and the Tampa Bay Hotel was
considered the heart of Tampa while railroads branched out like veins and arteries
scattered all over Florida. That hotel became famous for its five hundred and elevens
rooms that stretched to the height of five stories, decorated with exotic furniture and art

47 | C u r s e d
from both the Old World and the New World, and it was topped by Moorish minarets and

The Inn, on the other hand, was never heard of. Rumor had spread around that strange
things happened in the house: A deranged woman had drowned her three kids in the
bathtub and murdered her husband in his sleep. And according to the rumor, that lady still
lived in the Inn No one dared to venture to see if the rumors are true. If they did, a tall
irregular gate guarded the whole estate to out any unwanted guests. In the cul-de-sac, the
West house resided a few houses down from Plumberry Hill.

Matt touched the cold glass with his forehead. Please, come back safely, mother, Matt
whispered as tears flowed down his cheeks. He cried himself to sleep. David walked past
the living room and noticed Matt at the window. He slowly walked behind Matt and
discovered he had fallen asleep. David wondered what Matt was looking at, so he peered
through the foggy window but he couldnt see anything. He wiped his sleeves on the
glass to see more clearly. A flickering floating light bounced widely down the street,
which came from a block down. No way could a light go by itself; it had to be a

The flickering light revealed a mysterious person dressed in all black and shouldering a
black backpack. This person was definitely up to no good. David could not believe this.
He quickly darted upstairs to his room and wildly scrambled through his drawers until he
found his binoculars. He ran to the window, almost running into the edge of his bed, and
peered through the window in his bedroom. There appeared to be a skinny woman, about
in her forties, with black hair and long legs. The brown-skinned woman dropped the bag
in front of the gates of Plumberry Hill. She rummaged through the bag and then brought
something out. Then the gate opened. She had cut the lock to the gate. Before she slipped
between the gates, the woman quickly placed the bag over her shoulder as she shrewdly
glanced back. David only had a few seconds to see a glimpse of her face, when he did
he regretted it. David staggered away in shock; he dropped the binoculars. David could

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not believe what he had seen. Why would she do that? Was this actually happening?
Why would Mrs. Smith go into the yard of Plumberry Hill?

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Friday 11:00 pm

Mrs. Smith shut the metal gate behind her; she took in a deep breath and began to jog
slowly up the path towards the house. She couldnt believe a couple of things that her
husband had persuaded her daughters to believe in this curse that she was actually
doing this and that she left her little boy behind

She didnt believe in the God of the Bible, but she did believe in a higher power. Maybe
some higher source or Great Spirit would hear her prayer and have pity on her. She
mumbled a hasty prayer to the heavens. Please, please, please let my little girls be
alive! she whispered under breath.

The long driveway led her to the house. She stood in awe as she saw how massive the
size of the Inn was. For an abandon Inn, she was pretty amazed how beautiful it looked
up close. She flashed her light on the house. The time-worn structure was nicely still
intact. The wood of the house had not rotten, and the color of the house seemed to be as
bright as if it was newly painted a day ago. The windows of the house were neither
broken nor cracked. It seemed as if the house had a spirit of hospitality. She felt
frightened yet welcomed. However, she did not notice the garden of flowers that
surrounded the front of the house that screamed death. The black petals drooped low as if
they were intentionally pointing to the ground.

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The frightened woman cautiously tip-toed to the door. She raised her shaky hand to
knock, but then remembered that the house was abandoned. Her insecure hand grabbed
the polished door handle and twisted it open with ease. Once she opened the door, her
nostrils were filled with a stench of rotten flesh. Impulsively, she gagged. She clinched
the neck of her shirt and immediately placed it over her nose. She walked in and stood in
dread as she was coldly greeted by decrepit stairs, boarded windows, a raggedy couch,
black marks that inked the walls, and rotten soft wood.

Okay, what is the objective? She asked herself because she had no plan. At first, when
her husband kept rambling on to her about a curse, she thought it was a joke and ignored
the silly myth. But as the weeks went by, her husband started to lose his mind. The poor
fool forced the whole family to move from Missouri to Florida. The madman woke up in
cold sweats chanting kill the witch, kill the witch, and he told scary fairy stories to their
daughters about an evil witch that lived in an old Innthis frightened her. Then the long
nights of arguments were born. She remembered the last argument she had with her
husband Isaac.

Isaac had just another nightmare; he shot up from the covers, slid his feet to the floor and
rest his face in his sweaty palms.

Another bad dream? she whispered. Isaac shook his head. Do you want to talk about

We both know you won't believe me, Karen, even if I told you. He sighed.

What do you want me to say? They are just dreams, Isaacnothing more, nothing less.
She leaned over to rub his back, but Isaac pulled away. While he put on his glasses, he
turned on the lamp that was on the nightstand. Why cant you accept them as dreams?
Yes, I know dreams feel real when youre in them, but when you wake up that is when
you realize something was actually strange. Get it through your thick skull that dreams
are not reality. There only figments of imagination based on your perception on life.

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He rummaged through the nightstands drawer and pleaded, Because of this letter. He
held it up and said, It has changed my perceptiveit has turned me from a skeptic into a
believer. Now you know, Karen, I am not a religious man. For goodness sake, I dont
even believe in Santa Clause or the Easter Bunny. How pointless I think it is, I simply go
along with it to entertain the childrens imagination. But this is no silly story, this is real.
What my father has written to me proves to be true. I must fulfill his wishes; I must keep
his commands we must do this. He stood up and pulled clothes from his dresser.

There you go rambling on about your father. I dont even know if your father can be
trusted. Two reasons: one, he left you when you were a little boy; and two, he went into a
mental institution. What makes you think he wants something to do with you now? This
man has failed you and has forgotten you! And what do you mean by we? I didnt ask to
be part of this! she whined. Isaac put on his clothes.

I know my father has not been the best, but I do believe he has seen a glimpse of the
light which has made me see that very light. It is not him that has change me but the idea.
The idea that motivated him to reach out to me. Though he is dead, his idea burns a hole
in my conscious. Oh, how I wish you would see the light. Youre only thinking of
yourself, not only does it involve you but our kids. You are allowing fear to blind you
from the truth. He breathed in frustration.

The truth? The truth is that you are as insane as your father by following this idea. I am
using my common sense while you are blinded by your stupidity. Whatever happen to
you being rational? Mr. Know-It-All. She paused, letting the words settle in. Then she
boldly said, Isaac, all this funny talk is scaring me. I dont know who you are anymore.
If you keep talking like this. I will be forced to move as far away from this place and you
with my kids.

Isaac slid on his running shoes and looked up with such defeat in his eyes, You will pursue you. Karen, you think I havent tried escaping from this? I tried, but

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it is right at my heel with every step. He was fully clothed, dressed in all black. Karen
had not noticed.

Where are you going at this hour of the night? Karen said with a hint of concern in her

Isaac walked to the door, stopped, and said, To finish what my father has started. Do not
wait up for me. Then he vanished out the door. And that was the last day she saw her

Now, she came to the solemn conclusion that she had to search the house. First starting
downstairs then moving upstairs. She just happened to glance down to see one of her
daughter's hair bows on the ground; Mrs. Smith quickly snatched it and held it close to
her chest, squeezing it as if it was one of her children. Everything inside of her wanted to
scream the names of her baby girls, but fear kept her mouth shut. After a moment of tears,
she found the courage to venture deep into the house, cautiously making her way around
the dusty couch. She walked in front of the oddly shaped fireplace, bouncing her eyes all
around the room. When all of a sudden, her eyes landed on a key in the middle of the
floor. Ah, this is strange. She whispered. The key had a grayish skull on the top that
shimmered mysteriously when it was placed into light. This might come in handy, she
said as she put it in her pocket.

She became uninterested in the oddly shaped living room and discovered the kitchen
behind a large rotten wooden door that swung open. The door creek as it closed behind
her. The kitchen had an unusual setting and an island was placed so nicely in the middle
of the kitchen. Above the island countertop, pots and pans dangled from the ceiling but
those beautiful pans were now concealed in rust and cobwebs. If this place weren't so
bad, I wouldnt mind living here, Mrs. Smith thought. Just then, she heard a little yelp.
She slowly looked around to see where it came from. One part of her believed she heard
something and the other half pleaded with her that it was merely her imagination; but
then there it was again. And this time a little louder. Mrs. Smith cautiously removed her

53 | C u r s e d
backpack and retrieved a revolver. She didnt know what to expect. However, she wanted
to be prepared.

Attempting to be brave, she swung the gun around with both handsone holding the
flashlight, the other holding the gun, as she circled the island in the kitchen. The yelp
came again, but this time it sounded like a little girl crying. Mrs. Smith lowered the
weapon and was filled with hope. That could be one of my baby girls, she prayed. She
turned around to see a door she had not noticed before. Once she touched the door
handle, the scream became intense. It sounded as if it was one of her girls was being
tortured and slung around like a rag doll. Mrs. Smith dropped the gun and then twisted
the door handle, but the door did not budge.

BAM! She slammed her shoulder into the door. BAM! BAM! Short breaths heaved from
her lungs. This door was not budging. But then she remembered the key in her pocket,
she hastily ripped it out of her pocket and jammed into the keyhole and the door unlocks.
A breeze of hot air hit Mrs. Smiths face and pushed back her hair. A long staircase that
seemed to lead into a bottomless pit welcomed her. She hesitated, but the little girl
screamed harder. Mother, save me! the voiced shrieked. Now, she was for certain that it
was her baby girl. Mrs. Smith rushed down the stairs as fast she could. Im coming
baby! But when she reached the bottom of the shady basement, there was no little girl to
be found
She flashed the light around frantically. No, no, no..this cant be happening to me. I
could have sworn, I heard

Mommy! The voiced came from behind her. Mrs. Smiths heart jumped with joy and a
smile settled on her face like a bumble bee settling on a flower. She turned around
expecting to see one of her daughters, but a short wild-haired lady with a faded Sunday
dress stood before her.

I thoughtyou were my daughterSusie! Mrs. Smith said unintentionally while

backing up.

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You thought wrong! the lady said in the voice of her child.

David West ripped the binoculars from his eyes and wiped the sweat off of his lower lip.
Is that why Matt was crying because his mother was a thrill seeker? David thought. He
picked up the binoculars again to try to look for light or anything that could give a trance
of her. Then David heard a thump on the door. David looked behind him and saw Matt
standing tiredly at the door. David jumped. What are you doing in my room, he yelled,
Dont you know how to knock!

The door was open, Matt moaned in a tired voice.

David slides the binoculars behind his back You, he said in rushed voiced, then calmed
his voice, can sleep on the couch.

Matt looked at David with confusion. So I dont sleep in here

Uhhno. Blankets are in the closet. Goodnight! David muttered with a nervous smile.
Matt was too tired to register the information, but he reluctantly turned around and went
downstairs. When Mrs. Smith gets out of the house unhurt and safe, then we can talk.

Two hours went by and still no sign of movement in the house. David began to wonder if
Mrs. Smith was okay. He wiped his eyes to get the dreariness away. He had to keep his
mind sharp, so he started to pace. But the more he paced, the more his eyes became heavy
and before he knew it, he fell to the groundsleep had overwhelmed him. Then suddenly
David heard a slight scream. He wanted to see where it came from, but his mind told him
to rest.

55 | C u r s e d

Saturday 9:00 am

When he woke up, his mom was standing over him. First David saw compassion in her
eyes, then her compassionate eyes burned with irritation. Once she saw his eyes were
open, she started yelling at him. David, why cant you be nice to Matt? You know he had
a rough day, She pointed her stubby finger at him. You know where Matt was sleeping
last night? David nodded his head drowsily like one of those bobbleheads. He had
forgotten what exactly happened last night. On the couchwhy would you do that to
him? Then the events of last night rushed swiftly back into his mind.

Mom, he fell asleep on the couch, cause he wanted to. David lied; he forbade Matt to
come into his room. She looked at him with those immense eyes, and then she grinned
with those pearly white teeth.

Okay, I believe you. At least say youre sorry to him. David nodded his head slowly but
surely. HE HATED LYING TO HIS MOTHER! Nonetheless, nothing in the world would
make him tell her what happened last night. Plus, he wasnt sure if what he saw was an
illusion or real. David got up off the floor, found his binoculars and peered through the
window. He saw no sign of the thrill seeker that he saw last night; he had to go and check
it out for himselfto see if it was actually real. David hastily changed his clothes,
brushed his teeth, and then ran down the stairs almost tripping over his own feet. When
he came downstairs, his mom sternly gave him the eye and he knew what that meant: say
sorry to Matt for last night.

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David immediately walked to the table where Matt was and apologized. Matt just looked
at David with a blank stare. Its okay, dude Wow that was easier than David thought.

Well, okay I guess this conversation over! David said as he darted for the door.

Wait, David, where are you going? his mom shouted

Umm he began. He had to think of an excuse but just then, the house phone rang.
His mother held a finger up while she went to pick up the phone. This gave David time to
think of his great excuse. He thought to himself: I could say that Im going outside, but
she going to counteract that answer with a question What are you going to do? Or I can
say that I am going to the woods behind the house that has a huge sand pit that is
surrounded by the wilderness of shrubs and trees. However, his mother would not allow
him to go there without a friend to accompany him, because of wild dogs that sometimes
roamed the area. And as rumor has it, foxes reside in those pits.

His mother hangs up the phone and says. David, why didnt you tell me Lucy invited
you and Matt to the park? You knew I would have let you go.
Oh yes, mother, I am going to the park to hang out with my friends. I guess I got caught
up in my excitement of hanging out with my friends at the park that I forgot to ask

That quite alright, David! Here, have some breakfast before you go.


BUT nothing breakfast is the most important meal of the day!

Okay. David moaned.

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After David had gulped down his breakfast, he hurried Matt to the door. Come on, were
going to be late! he protested. David was thinking of a way to ditch Matt; it was mean,
but he had to. He had to figure out what happened to Matts mom or else it would bug
him to death.

They reached the park in fifteen minutes, the same park David ran to during the race the
day before. Memories flashed in his head as his memories of the wild bike chase, then his
brain formed the image of Coach Francis dragging his limp, lifeless dog behind him.
David burned with guilt because if it weren't for that stupid race, Coaches Francis dog
would still be alive.

Hey, I see you got my phone call, Lucy said, breaking his train of thought.

Just in time, too! David exaggerated. Lucy placed both her arms around Matt and

So this is what I have in mind I heard about yesterday ... She paused not
really knowing what to say after that.

How David stood up to Brock. It was awesome! Matt said wide-eyed, Then he took
on Mike in a race. Lucy pulled back in surprise at Matts new found energy.

Glad to see someones happy. Lucy noticed. Matt blushed. David puffed out his chest a

Hey, you guys playing or not? someone yelled from across the playground. David
looked over to see a bunch of kids huddled together in a circle. One of the kids waved
them over to join them.

Oh sorry, I forgot to tell you: We are playing hide-and-go-seek! Lucy apologized. The
excited kids gathered around the circle and started the process of selecting the seeker.

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Alright, get those toes in here, ordered James, By the way, great shot, my dear chap
(in a bad English accent) at the race yesterday. Splendid job! Everyone in the circle
nodded their head in agreement. Although David felt terrible about Coach Francis dog,
Cujo, he couldnt help but feel proud of his action by taking a stand against Brock. James
continued, As I said, bring those feet in close. Everyone squeezed in close as James
began the old nursery rhyme of eeny, meeny, miny, moe. He said the rhyme while tapping
the top of everyones shoe, and dismissed his friends out of the circle one by one. David
really wished he wasnt it, he had a creepy house to explore. Hide-and-go-seek was a
perfect cover for David to sneak away without anyone noticing him. He was pretty
confident that he would be back in time before the game ended. Youre it! James
interrupted his thought.

What! Count again. David said.

Okay, James said as he bent down.

Eeny, meeny, miny, mo

Catch a tiger by the toe
If he hollers, let him go
My mamma told me to
Pick the very best one
And you are it

James' hand landed on Davids foot. See, I told you that you were it! James said
standing up and dusting his knees. Okay, start counting! Everybody else scatter!
Before David could object the kids dashed off into a crazy wild frenzy.

Count, someone yelled at him, Count to thirty.

No, fifty. Close your eyes.

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David sighed in frustration, and he counted reluctantly. Once he finished counting, he
turned around to see the playground deserted. For a moment he felt alone, but then
remembered that he had to find them. At first, David struggled to find someone, but then
kids started eagerly popping up and running towards the base. He dashed after them
expecting to catch every player. The players slipped by him as sand falling through his
hands. As far has he could tell all the players were on the base except one, AJ. Davids
eyes squinted in anticipation for his prey to reveal himself. There, in the tunnel! He
dashed and literally bounced upon AJ like a lion pouncing on a gazelle.

Got you, he huffed, Now, youre it.

Okay, sshish, AJ groaned.

David felt guilty for pounding on him, but he was so ready to leave. He waited
impatiently as he made sure AJ counted on the tree and all the kids were out of sight
before he snuck away.

Five minutes later, and he arrived at the gates of Plumberry Hill. He noticed that the gate
was slightly ajar. The boy peeled it open while making sure no one saw him go in. He
was greeted by a long driveway that spiraled upward towards the house. The hike was
pretty steep. It reminded him of the hill that he climbed every morning to go to football
specialty at camp. He did not like those days; he hated football; plus, he wasnt even
good at football. The only the reason he played was because he wanted to try every sport.
During the first week of practice with pads, he got severely injured and sat out for two
months. He did not miss those days.

He made it to the top of the hill where his eyes finally beheld the magnificent Inn. The
house towered over David as he gazed up to look at the features. He had never been this
close. Had it always look this beautiful? He couldnt tell. At the bottom of the hill, it
looked awry. Now at the top, it was breath-taking. His feet cautiously slid through the

60 | C u r s e d
grass as he scanned for any sign of Mrs. Smith. He stumbled upon the porch and tried to
enter the front door, but it was locked. He peered through the window, but he could not
make anything out. Tick. His head turned towards the sound. Tick. There it was
again. Should he follow it? It might be Mrs. Smith, in some weird way, calling for help.
David jumped off the porch and ventured to the side of the house. He was surprised to
see, not Mrs. Smith, but Matt Smith.

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The backyard appeared to be an old garden. A faded green and marble white mermaid
with jolly dolphins splashing from the water stood erect in the middle of the courtyard in
the garden. The beautiful water fountain used to gleam in the sunlight in the mid-day, but
now it was laced with green slime and black mildew. The once attractive flowers that
were neatly planted in a row were now swallowed up in weeds. The garden was sprinkled
with crumbling statues. A white marble head of a man sat at the feet of David. Four
tombs stood off in the distance, they looked out of place in the garden. This was meant to
be a sanctuary for flowers not a bed for the dead.

Matt was throwing little pebbles at the window softly whispering, Mom, you in there?
Once he noticed David standing there, he froze. He stood there in shock waiting for
David to say something, but David was lost for words. Did Matt know about his mother?
Is this why he was throwing a fit yesterday morning when they picked him up for school?

What are you doing here, Matt? was the only thing David manage to get out.

I could ask you the same thing. Matt snapped, Did you follow me? David still
astonished shook his head no. Then how did you know I was here?

I didnt, David said. This startled Matt. David continued, I saw your mom come here
last night and I was curious to see what happened to her. The words awkwardly fell out
David's mouth.

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Well, this is none of your business, Matt said as he crossed his arms firmly.

So you knew. You knew your mom was doing this, didnt you? Matts face flashed with
sadness, but then reflected bitterness. That is why you were crying yesterday! David
blurted out. It all made sense, now. The weird mood swings, the secrecy of the family
lives, the odd disappearance of their dad, and dont forget the sneaking into houses at
night part. Your family are thieves! That idea almost swiped Matt of his feet with
laughter. How he wished that was the case but it was not. Dont deny it, David said,
shaking his little finger at him.

Youre wrong, David! Matt said in disgust, You dont know anything about my
family. Matts voice began to raise. We are not thieves

Then what? Bank robbers, internationals thieves, spies

What? None of things are it! You aint listening!

Then what could it possibly be? Witness protection? Thats the only logical explanation
I can come up with.

We are cursed! Matt paused as the words came out awkwardly. He placed both hands
on his mouth, he could not believe he let those words slip out.

A bang on the window interrupted their intense discussion. Both Matt and David looked
up to see two white glassy frames appear behind the window. The same window that Matt
was throwing rocks at.

The room was so dark that the frames seemed to wear the window as a mask. The boys
froze in fear. The sound of a door slamming open from the side of the house and a deep
snarl and growl erupted in the still air.

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Run! screamed Matt.

The kids darted off into the cover of the woods. David leaped over a fallen log and
ducked a low branch as he trailed Matt. The deep snarls, the snapping of twigs, and
cracking of leaves followed after them. David could hear it gaining on them.

Look, shouted Matt as he pointed to the driveway. They both ran in that direction. Matt
pushed a thick branch out of his way, and it swung back around. Bam! David felt his
muscle aching as his body floated in the air then came crashing down. He cringed waiting
for teeth of some creature to lay hold of him. Instead, hands slammed into his chest, and
he flailed his arms, and kicked. Hands came towards his face. He swiped; he hit
something hard. Blood splattered. A screamed of pain. Before he knew it he was up. The
boys made it to the driveway and continued to run. The gate was in sight. Come, on. We
are almost there! David yelled. He heard bare feet patting on the pavement behind them.
Grunts came even louder now. David hit the gate and slipped through. Matt was half way
between when he was grabbed.

Ahh! Matt screamed. Help me!

David slammed the gate and heard an unbarring sound of bone cracking. A howled of
pain came in response, but Matt was still fastened. David slammed the gate again. The
howled came even louder, but Matt was tightly fastened. Matts sleeve ripped; he fell to
ground and scooted away as fast he could. Once Matt was free, David slammed the gate
closed. As he took steps away from the gate and looked at their pursuer. It was a mana
crazy, wild haired shirtless man. Although he was a man, he oddly appeared inhuman.
The crazed man breathed deeply, exposing his boney rib cage; he was awfully skinny and
his fleshed reveal self-affliction. He grabbed hold of his injured arm, and began pacing
back and forth like an animal in a cage and silently watched the boys. David could see the
mans eyes in between the bars and it reminded him of the look that was in Cujos eyes.
The mans face became distorted and he began knashing his teeth and shaking the gate
aggressively. David jumped back.

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Hey, man, let get out of here. Matt said tugging Davids arm. David backed away
slowly then left.

What the heck was that? David screamed.

Stop it! You are being too loud. Matt whispered in a frustrated voice. He looked around
to see if anyone was paying attention to them, but the neighborhood was undisturbed.

Youre telling me that you are not at least freaked out by what just happened? David
said grabbing hold of him.

Yes, I am. Matt said as he was still shaking, but now it not the time to freak out. Plus,
you shouldnt have not been there in the first place. This is my business.

David released his shirt and walked off.

I didnt ask for you stay at my house or spend the night. It became my business when
you came in my home. Shoot! Whatever this freaky-voodoo-crap is, I dont want to be
apart of it. David continued, This is insane. That man was insane. Wait? Am I insane
and this is world sane or is the world insane and Im sane?

Shut up! Matt insisted.

And those frames. Do you think that was a person? David shuttered. They drilled a
hole into my soul. This is more than thieftype stuff, this is crazytype supernatural
stuff. David paused with gasp, How am I going to explain this to my mom?

Matt swung David around and urged, You are not telling your mom! This must stay a
secret. It has already ruined usI mean my family. And if you tell your mom, it will ruin
your mom and your whole family. You are doomed, now that you have seen the secret.

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What do you mean by ruined? David asked.

Now that you are finally aware of evil and the power of it, it will sit at your door
searching for an opportunity to consume you, David.

David stood there in shock. What had he gotten himself into? Well, how do I save

How do I save my family from this evilness? The answer is: I dont know. Matt sighed.

The walk back to the playground was in silence. David wanted to ask more questions, but
his mind could not form another question nor could he speak after the weightiness of the
conversation. When they returned, the kids were scattered and yelling as if they were
looking for something. There they are! one kid yelled.

Lucy came running up to them with a concerned look on her face. Where have you guys
been? Lucy demanded, And what on earth happened to your sleeve, Matt?
Matt and David looked at each other with raised eye brows. How do you explain to your
friend that you ventured onto Plumberry Hill saw floating glasses in a window, and then
was attacked by a lunatic? And if you tell her these things, she might be ruin by this
secret? The answer isyou dont, David thought. David stared at her, buying time to
think of something.

James came beside her with his arms crossed. Cant you see your mother and I were
worried sick about you both? You could have called us to at least tell us you were going
to be a little late. James said. David couldnt help but smirk at James.

We went back home for a second, lost track of time, and came back. Matt said
smoothly. And I ripped my sleeve when I left him in the dust. You might have outran a

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dog, but you cant outrun me, boy. Matt pushed David in a playful manner. They
believed it.

James stomach shook and rumbled. All three kids looked at him. What? Im hungry.
James protested.

David invited Lucy and James over for lunch. They said goodbye to the all the kids and
soon joined Mrs. West in the kitchen. They helped Mrs. West make delicious baloney
sandwiches. The kids had made a factory line: James spread Mayo on the bread, Lucy
placed the cheese on them, while Matt and David placed the meat on top. Mrs. West
finished it off with love. She wiped her hands on the apron, saying, Theres nothing
better than tender love and care, and kids making their own sandwiches! she giggled.
They sat together and had a wonderful lunch.

James shared his series of funny adventure stories with his older brother, Greg. Greg was
a twenty seven-year-old; who lived in the basement of his parents house and
supplemented his free time with playing Minecraft. My mom always tell me after I hang
with Greg, Dont be like your brother! James said.

I think your mother is right, James.! Mrs. West reconfirmed.

Ahh, Mrs. W! James said shaking his head, You dont gotta worry about me. I can
take care of myself.

They went outside to play catch in the front yard when they came across an ant pile.
James called them over. Look at this! he said. Lucy and David gathered around the ant

Bet, you wont stick your finger in there for five seconds. David coaxed.

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David, dont tell him th Lucy pleaded. Before she could finish, James stuck his
finger in the sand and counted quickly. He pulled his finger out, just in time before the
hole erupted with fire ants.
Did it! he said proudly and then chuckled as an evil villain. Which ant pile is my next
victim? He said while menacingly laughing.

Those poor little ants; they didnt even know what just happen. All they know is that
some part of their home was destroyed by two knuckle heads. They dont know that their
world interacted with the human world. I wonder do they know if we exist?

Ahh, Lucy, its okay really. There are just ants.

Playing with ants, I see. Mr. West said, coming up behind them. David did not hear the
car pull up in the driveway; he guessed it was drowned out by their laughing. You guys,
dont play with them too long. You dont want to have the ant dream.

David hated the ant dream; he would dreamed of a multitude of ants rapidly scattering to
an unknown place and then he would wake up in a sweat slapping himself. We wont.

Mr. West, dont encourage their behavior. Right now, David and James are like gods to
theses ants. They can do whatever they want to them with no consequences, because the
ants cannot stop them.

Come on Lucy, it just for fun. You know? Our entertainment. Plus, if we were gods, I
would be Zeus; and James, you would be Poseidon; Matt, you can be Hades; and dad,
you would be Kronos. David said. Lucy, you can be

I dont want be a god; because if I were, then I would be like and act as you guys
ruthless, starting wars for no reasons, arrogant and selfish. You would be the saddest
gods; I ever laid my eyes upon. Lucy said giving a slight smile.

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Alright, kids, Im going inside to say hi to my sweet wife. Ill catch you all later, Mr.
West said while entering into the house.

The four kids played until Mrs. West said, Time to come in boys. Matt and David said
their goodbyes and entered into the house.

69 | C u r s e d

Although the day begin roughly, it turned out be a relaxing evening. The boys mind lost
the threat of danger that hung over their heads like halos. For the first time, since he
moved in, Matt was finally enjoying himself. Ever since lunch, a smile was glued on his
face. This is life, he thought, I wish life would be like this forever.

Hey Matt, my mom is stickler about washing hands, so you might want to go wash
your hands before she tells you to. You know how mothers are. David said shaking his
hands dry.

Matt nodded and went to the bathroom. Once the bathroom door closed, the doorbell
rang simultaneously. There was a slight pause, then the front door flung open, but nobody
was at the door. David stared at the open door from the living room. What in the worl
hmph He said as gust of wind knock him down. The blow was unexpected, so for a brief
moment it robbed air from his lungs. He heard a petrifying screamed and force himself to
get up. David heard Matt screamed and he hurried to the bathroom. He saw Matt balled
up and on the floor. A high-pitch teeth shattering ringing sound vibrated from the

As soon as David heard it, he weaned underneath the pain. David recognized this sound,
he heard it before. It was the same sound that he heard in the Ladies Restroom at school.
David screamed just to hear himself and to reassure his existence. He buckled to his
knees as the sound grew intense. He close his eyes tightly trying to block out the

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penetrating sound. The windows screech under the sound and then shattered; glass
sprinkled on the floor. All of sudden, the wind pick up and started to blow as if it was a
hurricane. David started sliding out the doorway into the hallway and the door slammed
shut. He flew into the hallway wall. The screech continue to go on, but only inthe
bathroom. To Davids surprise, everything was fine in the hallway. David, help me!,
Matt hollered.

From the hallway David could make out faint words from the gushing wind:
Meaningless, pathetic fool! he heard as the sound the wind uniquely vibrated the air
into words. Worthless, imprudent child. These words were so high pitched for a human
to make sense of it. Nevertheless, David could tell that the sound was mocking Matt.
David stood up and ran to the garage to retrieve the jack hammer that he gotten his dad
for Fathers Day. He knew right where it was in the garage: on the left hand corner, under
the rake. He grabbed it and ran before the bathroom door. Then hesitated. No matter how
much Matt scream his hands wouldnt pick up the hammer. Something held him back.

I could literally sit here and watch my friend die or do something about it, David
thought. No matter the cost I am going to save Matt. He closed his eyes and took a
deep breath.
I cant breathe in.(gasp) Matt bellowed. David couldnt wait any longer; he had to
do it. He swung the hammer over his head and brought it with great force towards doors.
Time froze. There was a moment of silence when he swung the hammer when he could
slightly hear one last sentence before the door and the hammer burst into shreds: You
cannot kill me, but I shall kill you.

David staggered through the shredded door fame; the bathroom was filled with scattered
objects. Matts body was positioned in the bathtub, and blood ran down his lips, ears and
nose. His eyes were barely opened, he lifted his head up bemused. David limped over to
him, and helped him up. Then David led him to a nearby table. Matt slouched in a chair,
and his shoulders heaved up and down as his breathing came out in short, precise
wheezes. He wipe the blood off of his face with a towel that David found lying around in

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the kitchen. They sat in silence, except for the short wheezes that broke the still air. A
familiar voice broke the silence.

Boys, what was that? Davids mom yelled. His eyes shot out of his head and an uneasy
filling rumbled in his stomach. What are we going to do? David thought. His mothers
voice became closer.

Oh my goodness! David said while pushing back his chair. How would I explain this
to my mom? Just then a hand grab his arm, he quickly looked over and it was Matt.

We must run! he whispered.

The kids ran out the front door, darting across the grass into the street. Davids heart
shattered like glass when he heard his mother calling, David come back! That all he
heard before they ran out of hearing distance.

The exhausted kids arrived at Matts house at the dawn of night. They entered through the
house by breaking one of the windows and climbing in. Matt peered out the window to
see if anyone saw them break in while David paced in the living room. I cant believe I
ran away, David thought out loud, My parents are going to kill me. First, therere going
to kill me, resurrect me, then whoop me till I cant sit down. I should have stayed and at
least explained to my mother what happened.

Matt blurted out, And risk the chance of her being in danger? David, pull yourself
together. You are over reacting.

Over reacting? David asked. You cant even explain to me what just happen back
there; you cannot look me dead in my eyes and tell me that you are not a little scared.

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I am scared, Matt admitted bitterly, but being scared wont save my mom, my sisters
and my dad, or help my situation. They are all gone and I am here. Water glistened in his
eyes. There is no escaping it.
Until today, David didnt really think about evil; he knew it existedwell some type of
evil existed. Evil was mostly displayed as a villain fighting the valiant hero, but that
display of evil has been cropped, edited and placed into a box. What is real evil and
where does it come from? And if real evil existed then there has to be some kind of real
good. Right? But all he could see was evil. Evil in the haunted house. Evil in that wild
crazy man. Evil in the lingering voice. Wait a minute now that he thought about it, he
even started to see the evil in Brock. Evil in those boys who wanted to smash his brains
with bats. Evil even the dog. Was there any way to escape evil or is it always with us?
Good always triumphedat least that is what the heroes said to the villains. Who would
save them from this evil? This thought made his head swim in the stream of conscious.
What do we do now?

Matt came to the sobering truth, I have no clue, but we are going to find out. The
determined boy darted off.

Where are you going? David called after him.

To find answers, he shouted back as he climbed the stairs by twos. Once at the top of
the stairs, he made his way towards his parents room. He pushed open the door and
began to frantically search the room. David watched as his friend ransacked socks
drawers, trashed closets, and tossed furniture all for the sake of discovering the truth.

What exactly are you looking for?

I dont know a clue or something that can help me understand, Matt said as he
ventured into the closet. Then his voice became muffled. David felt awkward about being
in Mrs. Smiths room; he was out of place. But he pushed past his uneasiness and started
to search the room. He glanced over a paper that sat on the dresser on Mrs. Smiths side

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of the room. He floated over there, pick it up, and unfolded it. The chicken scratch on the
paper began to form words. Davids brain took some time to decode the message.

Hey, I found somethinga note!

So what?

David scanned down and saw the signature at the bottom. Isaac Smith. Is this your

Matt rushed out of the closet and in one smooth move jumped over the bed and snatched
the paper out of David hand. He studied the paper. No, it is my grandpa. But my father
told me he was dead. Matt clenched the paper with so much force David thought the
paper would tear from so much tension.

So, who is this guy? Why do they have the same name?

Yes, he is my grandpa and my father was named after him. Where did this come from?
Check the address!

There is no envelope. Forget about that. Just read it.

Dear Son,

I apologize for my absence in your life; I apologize for leaving

your mother; and I apologize for not wanting to meet up with you. But
realize son, I couldnt. Evil has conceived a baby inside of me, thus
was born sin. Ohow this sin haunted me, shamed me and taunted me. You
probably wont believe meothers do not believebut you must for this
involves your soul as well. For your soul and your heart centers on the
battle of good and evil. Once you know the deepness of evil, there is no

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escaping it; it is like a deluge that crashes over your head, it is like
a fire that engulfs your body, and it is like gravity that drags your
feet down. My son, I was brought to the knowledge of evil when I first
laid eyes on her. It was about twilight, the day was fading as the dark
of night set in. I casually strolled down to the Inn; the gates of house
warmly greeted me, and then I began my steeped climbed up the dirt road.
At the top of the hill, she met me. She was the most gorgeous girl that
I ever laid eyes upon. She wore clothes that were appealing to the eyes.
Once she saw me, her eyes lit up as if they were fireworks and she
planted a kiss on my lips. My husband is not home; he went on a
business trip and will not be back till tomorrow night. Quickly, come
inside! She led me through the back door of the Inn and I followed her
in like a lamb being led into a slaughter house. What she saw in me, I
do not know. I was a young man with no goals in life, and I worked for
her husband in the service of maintenance; yet I had the daunting
feeling she found an interest in me not because she loved me or was
pleased with the pleasure she received from me. Rather, I later came to
this conclusion: she actually loved no man, she only loved the love of
any man. Her desire is to bewitch him and gain his love, not for the
sake of his love, but that she might be conscious of her own beauty.
This affair went on for weeks, and I even entertained the idea of
marrying her. But she denounced the inkling with, Darling, dont be
silly. After this, I knew this had to stop; our relationship was first
luscious, dangerous, and spicy but now, it became stagnate, dull, and
mild. I found the courage one day to stand up to her. Mary, this
between us must come to an end. I whispered to her hear. I caught her
in the hallway during business hours. I am not your little play thing,
anymore. Please, get your hands off me, sir, she replied. I
pulled back in disgust. She was acting like she did not know me; she
always did this in public. This woman never acknowledged me in public,
only in private. She thinks she is better than me. But then I saw her

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hand gesture me to follow her, I did. I followed her all the way down to
the basement; we made sure no one saw us. You really do not want to
leave me, Isaac? I briefly hesitated then answered, Yeah, I do...
But we had good times, surely you're going to miss those. Yeah, I
am, but this can change, if only you would come with me and marry me!
I pleaded. I belong to another man, Isaac. We talked about this.
But I want you to be mine. I demanded. Darling, you must come to
the truth that I will never be yours, but you will be mine. She smiled
at this, saying. No man has ever left me nor will ever leave me. She
approached a table with a black sheet that covered something underneath.
You see, is better if I show you. The black sheet was
tugged off and revealed a crystal ball that sat in the center of the
table. Oh wow, a crystal ball, I said. Look closely, young man.
Her voiced to seemed to come directly behind me. I examined the ball,
and it appeared that tiny figures were floating in it. You better
rethink your decision, I have power over you, Isaac. I always have.
Since we first met, I wrapped my fingers around you, dug them so deep
into your character, and then squeeze every inch of decency from you.
No, no, no... I told myself. She is lying. I thought we were in this
together. I thought she loved me and wanted to be with me. Now, I am
used. Manipulated. Wasted. All of this...our relationship, our
love...a lie. Our love was based on lust and somehow I knew it all
long. It is like a hand ripped the towel away that covered my naked
body, and a flashlight that shown in every nook and cranny: my sins
exposed. My world came crashing down, and the stones lay at my feet.
Anger boiled inside of my skin and steam hissed out of from my ears. I
turned away in one motion and started to walk away. Where do you think
youre going? she insisted. Im done with you! I said with
clenched teeth. Just then I felt a sharp pull that lifted me off my feet
and brought me twisting in the air into the palm of her hands. Have
you forgotten what I said? she hissed. She forced my head toward the

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glowing globe. You can not escape my grasp! Her hand felt gentle on
the ball as she rubbed it, and thats when I noticed the glowing
figures were not just lifeless floaties...but souls of men. This is
not a crystal ball, it is a holding chamber of every mans soul who
wanted to leave me. The very essence of who you are is mine. Her hand
forced my head closer, I tried to resist the tug, but it was too
staunch. Just give in; it is already over. she taunted. I came full
force to the table and slammed my head into it. The table did not wobble
for it was nailed to the floor but the ball did. Struck with an idea, I
slammed my elbow into her, and the force made her hand skid of the top
of my head and hit the crystal chamber. The chamber shook loose and
shattered on the floor. I wasted no time; I threw myself on the floor
away from her grasp. And was startled by a shocking scene: the ghoulish
souls from the orb were flying around her and entering into her body
through her mouth. I was up on my feet... For this Isaac, you are
cursed,...up the stairs, and I will haunt you and your family until
everyone one of them are dead....and out the door. All I heard behind
me was a scream that I do not wish to talk about. And that was the day I
solemnly came to the disturbing truth that I am as guilty as sin. Son,
it has been thirties years since this happened, but I am still haunted
by this woman who lived in that Inn. She visits me in my dreams, and I
cannot seem to get rid of her. People are calling me a lunatic, I have
been placed in a mental hospital but I have my mind intact. Son, I
charge you, for the sake of our family, to do something I could not
force myself to do: kill that witch, who reside in that Inn. For I know
that dragon still breaths in that dark dungeon. You must kill her before
she kills you.

Sincerely, Your Father, Isaac

Just then, a piece of notebook paper slid from behind the letter and fluttered to the floor.

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Another one? David asked.

Matt bent down, picked it up, and hesitated.

Read it, Matt. Go ahead. David reaffirmed him.

Dear Sheryl,

I know you have seen mommy and daddy fought a lot

in the past few days, but your mother does not want to
accept the truth. The truth is that we are cursed cursed
with an inevitable death. This cursed has been pass down
from your grandfather and now passes to you and your
siblings. For the witch who haunts your grandfather now
will haunt you. It is not fair that we have to pay for the
consequences of the fruit of his error, but this our reality:
that we now stand guilty before the witch who haunted him.
Though his act of transgressions has ruined us all, I come to
the unusual realization that I am no better than he. I stand
guilty because I am guilty. Therefore, I must right the wrong
by slaying this demon that disturbs our peace. I know this
sounds odd, but it is true. I didnt believe it either! You
know, I am was no pious man. I use to spit at the very name
of religion for it was silly to believe in fable tales and
humdrum creation stories. Presently, however, my father
has opened my eyes to the world of evil. And ohow I wish a

78 | C u r s e d
God existed to relinquish me of the turmoil in my soul. Ever
since my father bestowed a letter upon me, nightmares
torture my dreams starring a woman in the Inn. In the
dreams, I was shown a key that opens a basement and there
in the heart of the house stood the old hag. Before I could
lift a finger, I would always awaken. When I discovered the
Inn actually existed, and my dad had not just told me tall
tales to excuse his absence in my life; we packed our bags
and moved here. Now listen, sweetie, I leave this message
with you because I know you will believe. There is
something precious in child-like faith. Can you do me a
favor, honey? If I do not return( know that I did not leave
you guys out of my immaturity but for my sake of duty), I
charge you to kill the witch. You must do this for me. It is a
hard task to ask of a child, but I have full assurance you can
accomplish it.


Your loving father

This explains so much; Matt said staring off into the distance. Both letters dropped to
each side of him. The sudden move, the shouting-matches, the secrecy, and my fathers
disappearance. Matt opened his mouth again but no words came out. Then words rushed
out like Old Faithful spraying forth, He left the note for my sister in case he did not

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return. When my sisters did not return, my mother must have found these letters and was
compelled to go. Matt connected the dots.

Youre saying that your father believed in this myth, moved your whole family down
here, and then straight left you guys to be a witch slayer so that he could fulfill his
fathers wishes? David said puzzled. You actually believe this baloney?

Yes, David, this is proof. Matt held up both the letters, This is proof my father did not
just abandon us to be orphans; he was saving our lives!

From this curse? Bro, your father could be a nut. The apple did not fall too far from the
tree; your grandfather sounded like a nut, too. David said.

Then how do you explain what happen in your house or that crazy dude that chased after
us? Does that make usbetter yetyou a nut? You believe in God, but do not even
believe in spiritual warfare around you? David, this is proof that evil is out there. And not
only does it have me in its scope, but you as well. Matt insisted.
This fight has nothing to do with me; this is about you and your family. Your grandpa
was caught sleeping around, mine wasnt. I am innocent.

No one is innocent, David. Matt said softly.

David ignored him, What are you going to do?

Matt lifted his head, balled his fist and gritted his teeth. Im going to kill this witch.

80 | C u r s e d
Saturday 11:00 pm

When David came up to the gate of Plumberry Hill, he stopped; it seemed like his whole
mind was frozen. But then he shook it off and pushed the gate open as he followed the
long dirt road trail that leads up to the Inn. David tried to see if he could find the footsteps
of Mrs. Smith but he could find no trance of her. He saw a twig cracked off the side of the
path so that might mean she didnt take the dirt road. David concluded: she made her
own path through the trees. David swiftly followed her trail that led to the house. He
briefly hesitated before he walked up to the house. The old creepy house made a shudder
pass through his body. He gulped before he took his next step. Far off in the distance, he
heard somebody gasping for air, and the weird thing about it that was it sounded like him.
It became louder when he came closer to the house. He peeked into the window, ignoring
the gasping voice. He didnt see anything inside the window; David back away to see that
the windows were tinted. Thats weird? David look at the windows on top of the roof,
and they were not tinted last night when he was looking t with his binocular; he could see
perfectly through them. Somethings wrong he thought, as he looked back up at the same
window and this time, he saw someone staring back at him with glasses that glinted in the
moonlight. He blinked, and she was standing right in front of him.

David woke abruptly in a cold sweat Matt was shaking him, Get up, get up! Its time to

Whats going David mumbled half sleep.

81 | C u r s e d
We have visitors! Matt whispered.

David saw flashing lights on the ceiling. Just then, the front door of the house crash in.
David shot up. He grabbed his shoes, slid them on and grabbed his backpack. David
slung the bag over his shoulder. Who could it be?

Matt did not answer, he stood near the door with his back against the wall. With the door
slightly ajar, he peered through. He motioned to David to follow him and then slipped
out. The dark hallway greeted David as he stepped out of the dimly light to room into
pitch black. It took his eyes some time to adjust to the dark. He almost did not see Matt
veer around the corner. A noise rattled downstairs. Both of them froze in their footsteps.
David tried to control his breathing, it was too loud. It was hard attempting to breathe
slowly, while his heart knocked viciously on his chest.

Matt began to move again. He came to the stairs and peered down. Light from the front
door shined through; thus, illuminating the hallway. Our way out! Matt exclaimed.
David knew what he meant; he meant to escape where the light was coming fromthe
front door. David nodded in agreement. They eased down the stairs with no problem, both
using their hands and feet to crawl down the stairs. Once Matts foot hit the bottom floor,
he dashed for the front door. David was right behind him. Suddenly, a shadow appeared
in the doorway, a tall lean bald headed man holding a flashlight. His back turned towards
them. Hey Jim, no sign of them out here. I checked the perimeter. He said as he backed
into the house. The frozen boys in the hallway scattered for a safe place to hide. Matt
swan dived over the couch, while David scurried into the coat closet.

Officer Clark turned around to see nothing, Please boys, come out from hiding. David,
we are here to bring you guys back to your parents, Officer Clark shouted in the quiet
house. David was tempted to step forth and reveal himself. As if Officer Clark read his
mind, David, I know you want to come home. Your mom and dad want you home; they
miss you and are worried about you. Tears welled up in Davids eyes. He wished
everything could return back to normal before the day he met Matt and discovered the

82 | C u r s e d
power of evil Things were simpler back then. David slowly relented, his hand reached
for the door knob and twisted it.

Jim! Did you find anything? Officer Clark shouted as he continued to walk down the
hall. Jim ran from the kitchen and barked in a hushed voice, Shhh. Shut up! Could you
be any louder! We do not want the boys to know our positions.

Considering you busted the door open, I am pretty sure they know we are here. Did you
find anything? Officer Clark repeated.

Precisely. I discovered food wrappings on the kitchen counter, so they are in the area.

Good man! Why havent you turned on the lights? Officer Clark asked.

Jim scooted up close to the other officer, So darkness would be our ally, and we have the
upper hand.

For Petes sake, these our kids not fugitives, officer! He walked over to the switch and
turned it on, We did not want to scare the kids. The light flicker on. All of sudden, Matt
was revealed standing in the middle of living room. He screamed. Jim screamed. The
closet door slammed open and David screamed. All three of them looked at each other
and screamed in unison. Officer Clark out of reaction reached for David. The boy ducked
under his arms and crawled through Jims legs. Matt was already scattering down the
hallway when David joined him. A loud, After them, erupted from behind them. As
David scrambled through house and turned the corner, he could feel a clasped hand on his
shoulder pull tightly. David resisted the pull. Matt opened a door and waited; David ran
in after him and pushed the door shut then locked it. BAM. A loud crashed came from the
other side of the door. It appears they locked the door. I'm gonna shoot the lock.

No duhheyput that gun away. Listen, kids, we do not want to hurt you. We want to
return you back your parents safely.

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While Officer Clark continued to talk, Matt ordered David to unlock the back door. His
hands clumsily fidgeted with the lock. How do I do this?

Pull up then pull. Matt said frantically.

Kids if you do not open this door when I count to three, we are coming in. Officer
Clark warned, One.

Matt rushed to David side, Come, on. Pull up then pull!


I cant. David moaned. Matt shoved him out the way and did it. The glass door slid open
with a loud thud.

Three. The door came crashing down as the two officers came pouring in. A glass
sliding door now stood between them and the boys. Jim ran to the sliding door, How do
you open this contraption?

Pull up then pull! Officer Clark yelled impatiently.

Pull what up? he said in an exasperated voice.

The metal latch! Hurry up, they are escaping. Clark said placing both hands on the

I am pulling up. The door was jammed. Then Jim looked over to see a hard rake
crammed onto the track. The police watched as the two boys dashed across the yard and
ran into the cover of darkness. They flung open the wooden gate and ran through.

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At midnight, the boys rode bikes that they borrowed from a garage to Plumberry Hill.
The Inn waited for their arrival. David couldnt believe he was really doing this; he felt as
if he was disembodied and this was another boy riding the bike. It felt as if this was all a
terrible dream and he would wake up at any moment. He had not known Matt for long,
yet he found himself going to battle with him. Why? He thought. Was it because he was
fond of Matt or was it because his selfish desires to save his own butt from danger?
David could not come to a conclusion.

They came up to the gate that led to the Inn. Lighting flashed across the sky revealing the
faces of two scared little boys. Okay, lets go over the plan again. We go in kill the
witch, and come back out, right? David whispered.


Have you ever killed anyone? David asked hoping Matt would reply with a yes. I have
never killed anything in my life. I did not have the strength to chop off a head of the
snake when it slithered into my grandmother garden. Taking a life from another living
being is difficult. Why cant we kidnap her and just store her up somewhere? Do we
really have to kill? I amI mean...we are only boys.

We must kill her! Lighting flashed across Matt's face and now revealed a wild look
upon his face. David had never seen Matt so stern before. David you read the letter if we
do not kill this evil, it will eventually kill us. I do not think you understand the power of
evil; this power will not rest until it destroys our family, friends, and us. Its main desire to
have us for its will; evil will stop at nothing to have us. Take courage my friend; for
courage means a strong desire to live with a form of a readiness to die, while at the same
time, treasuring your life to value it, but also, disregards it to risk it. So at this moment,
resolve in your heart whether to kill this evil or passively let it dominate your life. Fight
like your life depends on it because it does.

I cant, David whimpered.

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But Matt did not hear him, Were wasting time. He approached the gate when David
heard a scraping sound. He swallowed hard. Something black flash in the moonlight into
the bushes right beside him. He quickly backed away.

Dude, there something in these bushes! David warned.

Just stay away from them, ok? Matt said as he opened the gate quickly.

But it was too late! A vine shot forth grabbing Davids arm. The needle-like thorn
penetrated his skin. Pain shot up through his head, Ouch! He attempted to pull his hand
away, but the roses became tighter around his wrist. What the... Immediately, another
vine shot out and wrapped around his leg. A sharp pull and he was on the ground being
dragged into bushes. Whoa, hey, help me! More vines shot forth, he felt his body being
lifted up in the darkness. David flailed like a fish out of water, but the vines grew tighter
with each move. He could hear Matt blaring his name, but he couldnt answer him. All he
could see was darkness everywhere. A hand grabbed. He was dragged. A glimpse of
white marble, then darkness again.

86 | C u r s e d

Heavy raindrops splattered on the window as if someone was firing a semi-automatic at

it. Thunder echoed as if God clapped his hands. Lighting carved into the sky, drawing an
upside down tree. Cypress trees bent underneath the steam-rolling wind, a low scowling
whistle penetrated the window seal and tickled Davids ear. A storm was brewing. David
woke up to a sharp pain all over his body; he realized that the thorns had made marks on
his body like black stripes on a tiger. He opened his eyes to see that he was in a dark
bitter room. He heard a creaking sound by the foot of the bed he was laying on. David
knew that sound, his grandmother used to rock in her rocking chair in the morning on the
porch. Whenever it stayed with her over the summer, he awoke to this sound. David felt
the bed and he shivered; the whole bed was made out of some type of fur. He looked to
see what was around him in the room, his eyes couldnt see anything to the left of him but
when he turned his head to the other side. A wide-eyed blue faced creature with large
sharp teeth which formed a grim, abnormal smile stared back at him.

David bounced up and down and screamed in the bed, but he found out that he couldnt
move his wrists or his ankles. They were chained to something. This wasnt good. He
closed his eyes tightly to keep his tears from rolling down his cheek. The face unbiasedly
sat there and stared at him, David wanted to cry, he wanted to go home now and act like
none of this ever happened.

Dear, God, he whispered underneath his breath but before he finished his prayer a
voice spoke.

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It came out almost like nails getting drilled into his head, God wont help you here,
little one! David looked at the face that was staring at him, but the voice came from
somewhere else. It was an empty mask that sat on the dresser next to the bed.

Who said that? David commanded. Now tears were rolling down his cheek, he
clutched the fur on the bed.

The creaking of the chair stop like the voice was thinking of a reply which left more
silence that freaked David out more. Then the creaking began again. I am the Mother of
Evil, the voice squeeze out, the nightmare of your dreams, the creator of all that is
evil. A chill flowed right through Davids body. You think God is going to have a say
here? Well your wrong. David could here spit come out of it nasty crusty lips, This is
where it all began! It shown its face in a small amount of moonlight. One look at her
face and he knew he wanted to die. Shiny glasses appeared hiding her eye sockets, old
dry skin loosely hung from her skull, and her teeth were the color of dyed wood. Are
you scared boy? You should be!

What do you want with me? David whimpered.

Divide and conquer. Two are better than one if one falls the other lifts him up. But if one
falls alone no one will help him up. The boy shall suffer alone. It is him I want. David
realized she was talking about Matt. The real question is: why are you here? You could
be at home curling up in your mothers arm about now. What made you come here to risk
your life for your friend?

David for a moment stopped being scared and pondered the question. He did not really
know what made him come. It is what good people do, help others. Matt was his friend, it
is good to help friends in need. Wait. Then David remembered his life was at risk if he did
not help Matt and he would surely die, too. He could not fight the truth any longer. It
wasnt just Matts problem; it was his burden as well. Alright, no more blame games.

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Although they werent in the same boat, they both were heading in the same direction

I came to kill you. The words came out harsher than he expected.

Me? said the witch in an honest voice. What have I done to you? I am innocent. I
allowed you to come into my home without any harm. Is that not good?

You also sent a lunatic after my friend and me. You ruined my friends life by murdering
his family. Is that not bad? Dont try to fool me with your fake kindness I see that you are
trying to manipulate me.

The witch paused, You know kid, the word murder means killing someone that is
innocent. They werent innocent no one is innocent. Each one of you pathetic humans
longs for forbidden fruit. Something that you cannot have is exactly what entices your
flesh. This is a quite amusing thought: although good conquers evil, evil attracts good and
corrupts it. I am not the only place evil resides in, for evil dwells inside of your heart as

David pulled back in shock. No way! Every inkling of pride, every smidge of lustful
thoughts, every hint of selfishness... The list can go on. You see? It is like venom in the
blood system. It circulates in the body until every inch of it is consumed. It can make a
man go mad. So you are no better than me. You see? You are an anarchist like me, boy.
You might deny it on the surface, but deep down in your very nature you wish to abolish
God. Listen, life is not a comic book. There are no perfect victims, villains and heroes.
Human beings are a walking paradoxjust as vibrant as a star but as low as dust

Just then she grabbed her head. Something bulged from the scalp of her forehead. The
witch let out a large scream that rattled the room. The sound pierced through Davids
skull and into his brain. He closed his eyes tightly. The witch fell out of the rocking chair.
David recognized the noise, it was the same sound he heard at school and at his home.

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The soundit came from her. David was surprised to hear that it was a scream of agony
and torment. The lady rolled on the floor still screaming. Then she stopped. The noise
stopped. The lady lifted her fragile body on top of the bed frame. David hesitantly looked
at her at the foot of the bed. The ladys stature appeared to changed; she was no longer
intimidating. Her face no longer displayed disgust, but weariness. She finally looked like
a poor exhausted old woman. When she looked up at him, she was quite surprised to see
him strapped to the bed.
Her words tumbled out of her mouth, Boy, who are you?

Was this all a sick joke? Did she really not know who he was? Where are the cameras?
Surely, a man is coming to tell him that this is a show and he has been punkd. At any
moment he will come now The man never came.

Have they captured you, too, boy? the lady said as she lifted her dry bones to stand.
David was confused. You are not the only one they have captured. They also captured a
man, three girls, and a woman and placed them all in the basement. The lady took off
her glasses and proceeded to clean them. Her eyes had sunken deep inside her skull. She
placed the spectacles back upon her face. I know you are frightened, child. But you can
trust me, I am not them.

What do you mean by them? David finally squeaked out.

I mean them who possessed this body; I mean them who ruined my life; I mean them
who killed my family.

The tombstones in the back yard! David blurted out, Those are your husbands and
childrens graves. The myth is true.

Exactly. I did not mean to kill them. I-I had no control over my limbs. Ever since they
possessed me, I lost control of my body. I tried to get rid of them, but they came ten-
times stronger, the lady said trying to refrain herself from crying. David finally

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understood now, he was no longer talking to the witch but Mary. I have played with fire,
and it has burnt me. Mary whimpered, My corpse longs for death, but they do not

David had an idea, Mary, I can help you if you let me go...

Let you go? Mary almost laughed at the thought, You guys are my meal ticket home. I
am a hostage as you are, kid, though you are in chains and I am in flesh. Once I kill the
Smith family, then I shall be released from my vow.

The door swung opened, and the wild man stepped in. Boy. Here.

Good boy, said Mary, See you, my dear boy. I have a family to kill, you should watch
if you're not too tied up. The door closed behind them.

Loneliness finally settled into David's heart. No one was coming to save him. No one
knew he was here. David tugged his arms a couple of times, but there was no use. How
was he going to escape? If only he had his backpack Look! There it was! It was on the
floor next to the side of the bed. It looked like someone had rummaged through it because
his belongings were scattered all over the ground. Well, that would not come in handy.
David sighed in frustration. Tears again filled his eyes. He started to scream for help until
his voice became horse. There is nothing he could do. He slammed his head back into the
bed impatiently. Just then, a crack came from the window. David raised his head. The
window slid open, and a head popped up. Then the window began to produce a body. The
dark figure climbed in, dripping as wet as a leaking faucet.

Matt? David squeaked out.

David! Matt said excitedly as he hurried to him, I thought you were a goner!

How did you find mewhy do you smell like smoke?

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Matt saw that David was chained to bed, so he produced chain cutters from his bag.
Since you were taken, I thought you were dead. I had to come up with another plan. I set
a fire on the other side of the house.

You set a fire! David interrupted.

Yeah! I didnt know what else to do. I thought if I set a fire, it would do a better job than
me alone.

With me in here! David protested.

I didnt know, I thought you were dead! He left the words in the still air before he
began again, Just as I stoked the fire I heard screaming. Matt grunted as his cut the
chains. I though it was that wretched man screaming again. But that freak showed up
trying to put out my fire, so I snuck around the other side to start another and I still heard
screaming. I figured it must be you. Are you all right? Did that witch hurt you?

Im a little rattled but alive.

Now, we must get out of here before the house burns down.

David sat up rubbing his wrists. We cant leave!

And why not? Matt protested.

Because your family is still alive, David said. Matt's face beamed with glee. They are
in the basement. Silence filled the air after Davids last word. Then Matt took off! He
opened the door and darted in a wild, mad frenzy down the hall. Before he could make it
too far, three husky tarantula spiders stood in his way. These creatures were the size of

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beans-bags. Their chelicerae glistened with venom. Twenty-four beady eyes fixed on
their prey. Matt came to an abrupt stop. Crap!

What is that? David said coming up behind Matt, Are those spiders? Afore Matt
could respond the lead spider rushed towards them. The other two, one on each side,
followed. Instinctively, the boys swirled on their heels, darted down the hall and took a
sharp turn left. Matt tossed down a table with dusty picture frames crashing it to the
ground. The lead spider simply climbed over it. The others climbed the side of the walls
with their retractable claws becoming vertical to floor.

What spiders can do that? Matt yelled surprisingly.

Those can, David grunted as he found a door that was open. The long hallway led to
two double doors that swung open to a ballroom. The boys busted in to be greeted by
stained table cloths, rusty chairs and dead flowers in moldy glass jars. The boys
interweaved between the tables, making their way to the other side. Chairs and tables
crashed as the nimble spiders made their way through the obstacles. Matt got tangled up
in one of the chairs and stumbled to his knees. He swiveled his head to see the spider
charging with its front two legs raised. He could see the fangs more clearly now. It came
like a raging train wobbling on its hind legs. Matt froze like he was icebound. The critter
came closing in for the kill but just in the nick of time, David slammed a chair on top of
the spiders abdomen. WHACK! The arachnid collapsed on Mattdead. Matt scurried
from underneath it, his face wrinkle in disgust. Spider guts had imperceptibly splattered
on his clothes, Matt brushed off his shirt slinging his hands in a hurried manner. He
paused. Matts eyes caught a stage that lay a couple of feet in front of them, his eyes
gradually perused the set. The stage that once held an orchestra was now the home of
nocturnal mammals.

Dare not look up! Matt huffed.

Why? David asked.

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As if on cue, the bats burst into an uncontrolled spasm. Flattering wings and sharp
squeaky pitches filled the air. David raised his hands over his head, and razor-sharp cuts
appeared on his arms. He dived underneath the nearest table. Keep moving. He crawled
on his hands and feet. David ducked under the tables to avoid the whooshing bats, and
Matt had managed to do the same. Finally, they both made it successfully to the other
side. They burst open the door with the spiders still in mad pursuit.

The ballroom led to a room that contained spiraling stairs that stretched to the heavens.
The boys followed the path of the gyre. The two spiders abandoned the stairs and
scrambled on the ceiling. They were gaining on them. The kids reached the top of the
stairs. A long corridor lay in front of them, but Matt and David deviated from the path.
They took a sharp cut into the wooden door that exposed another spiraling staircase, but
this one resembled more of a corkscrew. Round and round and round the kids climbed.
They reached a metal door and, gushed in. It was the attic. Nowhere to run. Matt allowed
David in before he shut the door. The door was mid-way closed when an unyielding force
smashed into the door. The impact made Matt fly away from the door and onto his back.
The spiders rushed in. What happened next was a blur to David. One minute he saw a
spider coming towards him, the next minute he was crashing through glass sliding down
the rooftop while an arachnid pursued him.
In the midst of the confusion, he managed to grab the gutter before he dropped to a
woozy fall. His hand slipped swinging his body to a balcony and crashing it into a table.
No time to recuperate. Gotta move. David saw a glimpse of the spider hastily crawling
towards him, so he staggered up to his feet, stumbled through a door, and collided into a
bookcase. The hall was a library where hundreds of bookcases housed thousands of
novels. David's feet lost traction on the dusty floor and he was like a duck skating on ice.
He slid into a bookcase and it wobbled. David drifted to the center of the library where
was a carpet runner that stretched from a wasted desk to a wall.

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A loud sound of glass crashing behind him erupted the silence. He paused to listen. One
of the bookcases started to teeter and then lean over banging into the other. It started a
domino effect, and books showered from the shelves onto the floor. A spider emerged
hissing and scattering forward. David ran down the aisle as the book shelves continue to
fall down beside him. His legs started to go numb, yet David continued to push on. He
succeeded to get ahead of the toppling bookcases, and followed the left turn of the carpet.
He heard hissing behind him, and it took all the muscles in his neck not to look back. The
carpet led him into the path of the collapsing bookshelves, but there was a door in front of
him. David sprung forth, regaining his strength, losing all sense of fear, pumping his arms
and legs as hard as he could. While the last bookcase leaned towards him, he made it to
the door, immediately opened it, and slid through. Both the spider and the bookcase met
the door at the same time. David fell backward as the door was smashed before his eyes.
He escaped. Alive.

Hard deep breath came from his mouth, and he felt as if he could pass out at any
moment. Exhaustion screamed at his mind for rest, but he had to get moving. He had to
find Matt. Was he okay? Did he make it? David dusted himself as he stood up lazily.
Once on his feet, a massive explosion erupted, shaking the Inn. The quake brought David
to his knees. What else can go wrong, David moaned. Wrong question. The floor
beneath him began to sink, boards of wood slipped away. It started at the base of the
window and began to come his way. No time to think, David had to run. He was running
on clouds; every foot he put down was hastily pulled back up. The sound of wood
cracked beneath him, but he kept pumping his legs. He saw a rail a few feet ahead, and
David had no choice but to hurdle it. He re-adjusted his steps, his heel touching the
expanding hole. He sped up and leaped. In mid-air, he knew he made a huge mistake
but it was too late. Stairs lay below. He closed his eyes tightly and braced for impact.

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One time when David played basketball, he jumped out of bounds to save the ball. He
succeeded to pass the ball to his teammate, but he also managed to bang his head into the
wall. He did not know what was up or down. His head swam in dizziness that left his
thoughts fuzzy. This is how he felt now.

He moaned as he touched his head. It felt wet. His body was recklessly sprawled out on
the floor; all he needed was white chalk drawn around him, and it would be a crime
scene. But he wasnt dead yet. Pain notified him he was alive as ever. He rolled over to
his belly. Splinters of wood lay scattered all around him; the place was in shambles.
David stole himself from the floor. His left ankle ached with tear-jerking pain and he
screamed. Did he break it? He hobbled before he could put slight pressure on itmust be
a sprain. He put pressure on it again. He winced. An atrocious sprain.

He surveyed the room. The rail he had jumped anchored into a staircase. The staircase
split in the middle then united into one lane. He must have clipped the last few stairs.

He limped to a nearby door. He had to keep moving. He had to find Matt. David opened
the door and to his surprise, he saw Matt standing in front of him. Matt appeared as
botched as David; his body was marked up with little scratches as if he gotten into a fight
with a headless chicken. Matts back faced him. David wobbled slowly to see what Matt
was looking at. A red glow seemed to illuminate the dark room. Hot smoke now hovered
in the ceiling and clogged the air with sulfur. The boys somehow managed to make it to
the front of the house.

And what awaited them was nothing to be joyful over. They peered down over the stair
rail to see the fire. The living room was in a blaze. Were too late, Matt gasped
helplessly glaring at the flames. It was like little red flowers flickering across the timber
floor; the red flower rapidly consumed the rotten wood burning everything it touched.
Fire crackled as it scaled the wall and covered the ceiling.

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Come on, David screamed over the intense fire. They scurried down the stairs, David
using the wall as a crutch.

Are you okay, David? Matt said helping David down the last few steps.

Just a slight sprain. Dont worry about it. We have to keep moving your family.
David huffed. Matt solemnly shook his head. The heat was unbearable! The boys dodge
the red flower as they made their way to the kitchen. Once in the kitchen, the boys took a
breath of relief. The fire had not spread into the kitchen yet.

Where is the basement? Matt shouted.

I dont know! David said while gasping for air. If the fire would not scorch them, the
smoke would surely suffocate them. Matt coughed as if he would throw up his lungs.
Here it is! David coughed. He had found it. The boys rushed down the stairs. The scene
that awaited them was a mixed feeling betwixt love and hate. It was love because Matt
was rejoined with his family. It was hate because the lady and the wild man were also

Now the whole family is back together again, Mary said with a sneer. I have waited
years for this moment. Mrs. Smith and the three girls were standing up while chained to
the pipes that connected to the wall. Matt darted over to them and embraced them.

Matt noticed that everyone was here except his father. Where is dad? Matt said looking
up at his mother. Mrs. Smith hesitantly looked up at the wild man. Matt was confused.

Oh my dear, have you not noticed this whole time? Mary mocked. This is your dad.
Matt froze. Thats impossible. That couldnt be him. Cant you tell? Mary slowly
walked over to the man and forcefully pulled his jaw down to her level. She pushed his
fuzzy hair back from his face. See? It was him, but he looked terrible.

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Veins bulged from his neck as Matt yelled, What did you to my dad?

Eh, like father, like son. I simply bewitch him, Mary said plainly as she let go of his
jaw. The brute raised his head in a beastly manner and his face remained blank. It was
like he was an animal. A slave in his own body. The creature was still holding his
dismantled arm and it was starting to change a black-blueish color.

Dad, this is not like you, Matt said as he walked toward his father. As Matt continue
talking, David's eyes wandered toward the three girls. They were in awful conditions:
dried blood caked their hair, their clothes were ripped, and their bodies were bruised. But
they were alive. They were in a weak state, David guessed from the lack of nutrients.

No! Mrs. Smith retorted. But Matt ignored his mothers warning. Matt cautiously went
up to the savage like he was approaching an undomesticated tiger.

It is me. Your son. Matt said reassuringly. The man slightly turned his head. Mary
watched in amusement. Matt stretched out his hand to touch him. SMACK! In one swift
move, the man slapped Matts hand away and picked him up by the throat. The son could
not breathe, he squirmed and kicked his legs. The father reared back and then tossed him
with ease. Matt hit the floor with a thud and slid to a stop. David ran to his side.

The reason I brought you all here and kept you alive was for this very reason. For Isaac
to see his family die by his hand as I have seen my family die by my hand. These cursed
souls have tormented my body, and I shall be released once every last breath is ripped
from each one of your lungs. Mary yelled losing her composure. She held up a knife and
gave it to the brute. The single bulb in the room flickered as the man stepped closer to his
terrified family.

This is insane! Please, dont do this. Mrs. Smith whined, We dont deserve this!
Dont tell me what you do not deserve! Mary insisted, Start with the kids as I did.

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The wild man shoved David out of the way then grabbed Matt and pulled him up. The
little boy froze like he was a statue. The animal paced around taking deep breaths. Matt
could not force his eyes to look into his former fathers eyes. He blankly stared at the
floor, Dad, I know you are still in are weak now but you must fight. Fight
with everything you have. The beast lurched at him, and the blade came inches from
his neck. Now eye to eye, Matt observed his fathers eyes and they were filled with pain.
Matts lower lip shivered. He felt the cold metal pierce his soft skin. He closed his eyes.

His ears picked up David shouting, You cannot do this, Mr. Smith. Wake up! Strengthen
what little remains, for even what is left is almost dead. Kill the witch before she kills
you! The blade stopped.

What did you say? the man said in long deep breaths drawing out the words in a raspy

David hurriedly repeated, Kill the witch before she kills you.

What are you doing? Mary interrupted, Kill the boy!

Do what your father could never do, David said stubbornly.

Matt opened his eyes, and he now saw a different look in his father eyes. It was as if he
saw the light once again. I am so sorry, son, Isaac whispered to his son. Immediately he
turned around and threw the knife with his good arm with force and accuracy. It landed in
Marys stomach. Get your mom and your sister out of here. Ill handle her.and David,
thank you!

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The hag screamed an ear-piercing scowl that shook the roof. Pieces of firewood rained
from above. Matt and David moved quickly as they swiftly cut the chains from Mrs.
Smith. She instinctively embraced her son as David set the girls free.

Meanwhile, the hag had pulled the knife out, raised it high and charged Isaac. Isaac
managed to grab the hand with the knife with his good arm. They struggled like that for
some seconds. The witch placed two hands on the butt of the knife and forced it down.
The tip of blade rested into the chest of Isaac. For an old lady, she was terribly strong!

There is the cellar door right there. It leads outside. Mrs. Smith yelled over the roaring
sound of the fire. They ran towards the door, Mrs. Smith and Matt each carried one girl
on their backs while David carried Susie in his arms. As they ran past Isaac and the witch,
Matt and Isaacs eyes locked. Isaac mouthed the words, I love you. The blade slipped
from his hand and the knife slithered into his chest cavity.

The ceiling caved in, shattering the air with fire flurries and splinterings of wood. A huff
of smoke blasted from the basement along with Mrs. Smith, Matt, David, Hannah,
Sheryl, and Susie. They made it out alive, and now the curse was forever broken because
of one mans deatha ransom for many.


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