(2007) Ar. Grigorenko - How Can Genomics Inform

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How Can Genomics Inform

Elena L. Grigorenko1

ABSTRACTThis article offers some thoughts on possible con- its inuence in the increasingly distal environments of the
nections between genomics and education. Genomics is already nucleus, cell, organ, organism, family, society, and culture. In
revolutionizing the way medical care is delivered and distribu- turn, all these environments inuence how DNA is regulated,
ted; it will inevitably affect childrens developmental trajectories transcribed, and transmitted from generation to generation.
by introducing more pharmacological and behavioral therapies. These interactions are necessarily multifaceted and therefore
Educators should be prepared to understand the effect of these difcult to study and track. In addition, research on DNA is
changes on children in the classroom, where children around ongoing and producing burgeoning volumes of new genetic
the world spend a large portion of their formative years. information, crystallizing the eld of genomicsthe study of
Educators should also be prepared to understand the current the complex interactions of multiple genes (the genome) with
advances in genomics and be able to discuss them with the par- different environments. It is difcult to stay on top of nd-
ents and health care providers of their students. ings from these studies, even for someone directly involved
in the eld. The rapid ow of new information is often over-
whelming for those outside the elds of biology and medicine.
The completion of the Human Genome Project in 2003 (http:// Hence, it is not surprising that, despite multiple attempts
www.ornl.gov/sci/techresources/Human_Genome/home. at resolution (Sternberg & Grigorenko, 1997), the nature
shtml) and subsequent genetic research have resulted in the nurture controversy has not been put to rest, at least when
discoveries of genes and gene variants associated with typical it comes to education.
and atypical human development. In addition, sequencing the Much of the public, understandably, is reluctant to view
genomes of humans and approximately 180 other organisms DNA as a signicant source of variance in academic achieve-
has provided, to some extent, the detailed characterization of ment, school success, and the development of competencies.
specic genes and their expression patterns (i.e., the transla- People often feel more comfortable attributing school failures
tion of particular DNA sequences into specic proteins). to bad teachers, poor motivation, or concepts of skill. Many
These developments have led to one of the main doctrines of educators and psychologists are also leery of accepting DNA
modern genetics: that DNA is both inherited and sensitive to as a basis for the individual differences observed in school set-
environments. That is, phenotypethe physical and behav- tings; concerns with overstating the role of biology in general,
ioral characteristics that collectively dene a personis and of genes in particular, in schooling are quite prevalent in
determined both by the presence of certain genes (ones geno- the educational literature (Miller, 2000). This attitude has its
type) and by the environment, not one over the other. roots in a general lack of knowledge of genetics in the public,
The idea that behavioral variation is an outcome of genes nave associations of DNA with concepts of biological deter-
and environments coacting and interacting is not new in minism and eugenics, and the mistaken concept that what
the world of biologists. However, the complexity and vol- is genetic is xed and unmodiable. These misconceptions
ume of the research in this area often results in misconcep- must be overcome to make the best use of the latest ndings
tions and misunderstandings of the latest genomic ndings in genomics to the benet of education. Here I will share some
(Rutter, 2006; Rutter & Plomin, 1997). DNA exists and exerts brief comments to show why understanding and incorporat-
ing concepts and recent ndings from genomics are both
Yale University; Moscow State University important and informative for the future of education.
Because schooling is one of the major cultural inventions
Address correspondence to Elena L. Grigorenko, Child Study Center,
Yale University, 230 South Frontage Road, New Haven, CT 06519-1124; of humankind, the school environment has always been and
e-mail: elena.grigorenko@yale.edu. will always be a major player in modifying childrens gene

2007 the Author

20 Journal Compilation 2007 International Mind, Brain, and Education Society and Blackwell Publishing, Inc. Volume 1Number 1
Elena L. Grigorenko

expression. What used to be viewed as the black box of and education might in these cases mean including genom-
childrens individual differences will gradually be replaced ics experts in teams of specialists who are shaping childrens
by a summary of the roughly 24,500 genes carried by these education. In other words, a teacher would not be expected
children and their differential patterns of expression in differ- to master a new eld of knowledge or attempt to be an expert
ent environments (Pennisi, 2003). Genomics is on its way to in it. What would be expected is that a teacher realize the
characterizing every individual in terms of his or her genetic importance of including this knowledge when making deci-
script, but it is environmentsespecially the school envi- sions regarding individualized education and make proper
ronmentthat will determine the realization of this script referrals to educogeneticists (or educational geneticists)
into the performance of a lifetime (Lewis, 1999, p. 1), where professionals whose knowledge of both education and genet-
every individual plays out his or her genetic script in a ics allows them to make informed recommendations to both
unique way. Similar to the way the Human Genome Project schools and families.
has broadened and increased the importance of genetics and To address the larger question of how genomics and edu-
genomics in health care (Epstein, 2005, 2006; Guttmacher, cation can form a viable and useful partnership, I will now
Jenkins, & Uhlmann, 2001; Khoury, 2003; Weston & Hood, discuss three main areas where the two elds intersect. First,
2004; Willard, Angrist, & Ginsburg, 2005), recent advance- there are several widely accepted genetic phenomena that
ments in our understanding of the genetic bases of academic are relevant to education if we understand school as a spe-
abilities and disabilities (for specics, see Plomin, Kovas, & cic environment that can affect gene expression. Second, I
Haworth, this issue) will magnify the role of genetics and will present genomic developments in the eld of medicine,
genomics in education. specically in the context of the emerging eld referred to
Genomics is already revolutionizing the way medical care as genomic medicine (Epstein, 2006), which could serve as
is delivered and distributed; it will inevitably affect childrens a model for a genomicseducation relationship. Third, I will
developmental trajectories by, if nothing else, introducing hypothesize how knowledge of genomics may affect school-
more pharmacological and behavioral therapies. Because the ing in the not-too-distant future. Because the eld of medicine
genome substantially contributes to individual differences in is more rich with relevant examples than either psychology or
abilities and disabilities, and school is one of the major envi- education, I will use medical examples to illustrate various
ronments in which almost all children are immersed for many points where illustrations from psychology and education are
years, many hours per day, it is important to understand the not (yet) available.
role of schooling in general, and different school environ-
ments in particular, in the manifestation of different genetic
predispositions, then translate these ndings into informed GENETIC FINDINGS THAT ESTABLISH A
pedagogical tactics and strategies. In anticipation of this, GENOMICSEDUCATION RELATIONSHIP
I suggest that it would be wise for educators (i.e., broadly
dened, professionals concerned with education) to start Research in the eld of genetics and genomics, broadly
preparing for the infusion of genomic knowledge into their dened, provides some important realizations that are of sig-
everyday practice. They need to be in the vanguard of the dis- nicant relevance to education as a specic environment.
semination and popularization of this knowledge, or they will First, genetic or heritable inuences do not determine
nd themselves in the rearguard of it. In sum, I argue that edu- specic phenotypic outcomes; in the overwhelming majority
cators should pay close attention to developments in genom- of cases, they predispose for a number of phenotypes, each of
ics to (a) enhance their understanding of the dynamics and which might or might not manifest in particular environments.
complexities of human development, (b) discover bases for Second, even the most deterministic genetic variants that
strengthening their attempts to individualize education by are associated with rare, single mutations and lead to severe
capitalizing on every childs strengths and minimizing his/her genetic disorders (e.g., a type of mental retardation called
weaknesses, and (c) prepare themselves for new paradigms of phenylketonuria [PKU] caused by a single mutation in the
child rearing and schooling. gene called PAH) have a statistic of penetrance associated
This, of course, is not to say that genomics should be added with them, indicating that, when a predisposition is inher-
to the already long list of what a teacher needs to know. ited, it often requires specic triggers in the environment to
No single teacher working in a classroom every day can know effect the manifestation of this predisposition. In other words,
everything. The quantity of knowledge in modern society is even when a harmful mutation is inherited, environmental
constantly increasing across multiple domains of our culture. inuence might interfere with the genetic inuences by both
As a result, there is a greater demand for the practicality of changing the probability of the manifestation of a particular
team-based approaches. In school, team-based approaches disorder and moderating the severity of its manifestation.
are chiey targeted at increasing the individualization of Third, specic genetic inuences are strong for the rare
education, especially in special education. Bridging genomics severe conditions that are typically caused by deleterious

Volume 1Number 1 21
How Can Genomics Inform Education?

mutations in a single gene, such as for PKU, but they are hypertension, diabetes, and cardiovascular disordersso
milder and probabilistic for common traits and conditions that individuals at genetic risk for these heritable conditions
such as high blood pressure or learning disabilities. These may benet from various forms of health prevention and
common conditions are assumed to be caused by many genes intervention (Khoury, 2003; Khoury, Burke, & Thomson,
acting simultaneously (i.e., by a polygenetic mechanism), 2000). These prevention measures and interventions include
whose impact is altered by environmental conditions. In other pharmacological prevention and treatment options, behavio-
words, these common conditions are assumed to be multifac- ral modications conditioned on genetic risk, and lifestyle
torial in nature or to be inuenced by both genes and environ- monitoring.
ments. Assuming that two given individuals differ from each Many frameworks have been developed to bridge genomics
other, on average, by about 6 million DNA variants (or poly- and medicine. Here I will briey discuss only one, developed
morphisms), there are many possible combinations of com- by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) (Kardia & Wang,
mon polymorphisms that result in differing combinations of 2005). In this framework, the translation of genomic knowl-
common diseases or conditions (Weston & Hood, 2004). In edge into public benet can occur at various points where sci-
addition, we cannot even imagine the number of environmen- ence and the general public intersect. This intersection can be
tal factors that might differ for any two given individuals. If visualized as the meeting of two axes: one which represents
one considers the possible combinations of genetic and envi- the continuum in medicine from research to practice and the
ronmental risk factors, the number approaches innity. other which represents the range of possible recipients of
Fourth, although the common conditions mentioned above medical care, from individuals (in the case of clinical medi-
appear to be inuenced by many genes coacting with many cine) to society at large (as in the case of public health). The
environments, these common conditions are characterized four resulting quadrants (see Table 1) organize the interface
by substantial heritability coefcients and call for the usage between genomics and medical practice by linking
of methodologies associated with genomics, the study of the
whole genome rather than single isolated genes. 1. individualized medicine and scientic research through risk com-
Fifth, most, if not all, traits and skills tested so far that are munication, informed consent, formulation of health-based
associated with learning and school achievement demon- decisions, and the enhancement of the providers knowl-
strate substantial heritabilities, indicating the importance edge of research;
of genetic inuences for their manifestations (for a detailed 2. individualized medicine and practice through a patients ge-
discussion, see Plomin, Kovas, & Haworth, this issue). These netic education and counseling, behavior modication
inuences, however, are emergent and attributable to the and patient adherence, medical decisions, and the applied
impact of many genes working together in specic settings. training of providers;
All these realizations concerning gene expression and envi- 3. population health and research through the enhancement
ronment collectively form an important basis for understand- of the genetic literacy of the general public, tracking and
ing the role of genetic factors in human development and for studying public responses to direct-to-consumer market-
grasping the forward-thinking ideas linking genomics and ing, the assessment of genetic service needs, and investi-
education. gating and mapping patterns of family dynamics and com-
munication when facing the presence and transmission of
genetic risk; and
4. population health and practice through mass media approach-
WHAT EDUCATORS CAN LEARN FROM MEDICAL es to health education, public health advocacy, increased
PRACTITIONERS awareness of family history as a tool for public health pre-
vention, and the development and installation of social
Although genomic science has been slow, so far, in entering support interventions.
the consciousness of practitioners in educational circles, it
has already had a substantial inuence in the spheres of medi- This framework was rapidly developed with the intention
cine, public health, and public consciousness (Epstein, 2005, of quickly penetrating the networks of major public and pri-
2006). One indication of this is that biotechnology companies vate health providers. At the end of 2005, some 500 genetic
are beginning to market genetic tests directly to the public tests were publicly available, and more tests are being planned,
(Jacobellis et al., 2003). As more data linking the human tested, and commercialized every day. In this atmosphere, it
genome to human conditions and behaviors are accumulated, is crucial to ensure that this knowledge and these techniques
scientists face a very important challenge of the genomics are used to improve peoples lives. Of special importance are
erathe translation of genomic knowledge into public bene- applications of these newly developed approaches to children.
ts. In medicine, this challenge is specically apparent in the Given these current events in medicine and, correspondingly,
prevention and treatment of common conditionssuch as in pediatric and developmental sciences, the importance of

22 Volume 1Number 1
Elena L. Grigorenko

Table 1 Tables 1 and 2 present the analogous relationships between

Framework Relating Genomics and Medicine genomics and medicine, and genomics and education.
Range of effect Research Practice
Individual Individualized medicine Individualized
and research medicine and EDUCATION MIGHT WORK
The main point of introducing genomics into the eld of edu-
Society Population health and Population health
research and practice cation is to nd ways to effectively and efciently use genetic
information to the greatest benet. It is clear even now that
genomic knowledge will be particularly relevant to special
education, especially with regard to nding the best possible
educators participation in the genomics era is clear for at pedagogical interventions for children with special needs and
least a few reasons. reducing the burden that developmental disorders place on
First, educators have intimate knowledge of how indi- society. In other words, the elds steady progress in under-
vidual differences between children manifest themselves standing the genetic etiologies of atypical development (for a
in classrooms. They can contribute to the understanding of review, see Rutter, 2006) will result in the development of
the genetic bases of both disabilities and abilities by provid- more effective interventions, which will likely combine phar-
ing information on how abilities and disabilities, whether in macological and behavioral approaches, initially for special
reading, mathematics, or some other academic domain, mani- education and, possibly, later for general education. Along
fest themselves in classrooms, to what extent they are modi- with expanding our knowledge of genomics, researchers are
able, and, if they are, with what educational techniques. In extending our knowledge of normal variation; intriguingly,
fact, educators input is crucial to understanding phenotypes behavioral indicators of learning-related processes appear to
(observable characteristics), capturing individual differences, be under substantial genetic inuence (Plomin, 2005). Hence,
and explaining their sources, whether genetic or environmen- it is conceivable that soon we will understand, at least par-
tal. They can also speak knowledgeably and authoritatively tially, some of the genetic bases of memory and academic
about the needs of children and are in a position to mediate skills such as language, reading, mathematics, and writing.
the interface of these needs with genomic and educational Identifying genetic pathways involved in the development of
practices. these psychological processes will most likely lead to experi-
Second, the participation of educators in the translation mental manipulations of these pathways and the identica-
of genomics will benet education as well as genomics. tion of pharmacological and environmental interventions
Educators have always been interested in understanding that may enhance them. This will in turn create a variety of
the sources of individual differences among children in their new challenges for educators, ranging from parental demands
classrooms. New and exciting ndings linking individual for specic, individualized educational approaches for their
differences in reading and mathematics to genetic varia- children based on their pattern of genetic variants, to the
tion will, no doubt, be of interest and use to educators. In introduction of pharmacological enhancer tests prior to
addition, deepening our understanding of the etiologies of
individual differences has resulted in many changes in the
Table 2
educational profession, broadly dened. Thus, at the begin-
Framework Relating Genomics and Education
ning of this century, the introduction of abilities testing
resulted in an understanding of the sources of individual Continuum
differences between students and the rise of new profes- Range of effect Research Practice
sions, such as school psychologist. Similarly, the introduc- Individual Sources of and approaches Sources of and
tion of genetic testing into the everyday life of children will to individual differences approaches to
enhance our understanding of why children differ and will in the classroom: individual
also lead to the appearance of new career trajectories in research differences in the
education. classroom: practice
Third, in many instances, at least in those related to policy Society Relationships between Relationships
issues with regard to special education, parents have triggered sources of individual between sources
and promoted major changes in the educational system in the differences and pedagogical of individual
approaches: research differences and
United States. When parents, informed by genetic ndings,
come to educators asking for advice and accommodations for approaches: practice
their children, educators need to be ready to respond.

Volume 1Number 1 23
How Can Genomics Inform Education?

examinations or achievement testing, similar to those admin- moment (Javitt, Stanley, & Hudson, 2004) and it might be
istered in sports for steroids. How can we prepare for these important for the U.S. Department of Education to join these
new challenges? discussions.
First and foremost, education can examine and learn from A third aspect of a genomicseducation merger might be,
the eld of public health. The World Health Organization, with the further development of applied technologies, the
the CDC, and the National Institutes of Health have launched development of preventive developmental and educational
major initiatives aimed at designing and redesigning major tools within genomics. Because, broadly speaking, genetic
approaches to public health. Launching comparable initia- information as it is captured in DNA polymorphisms does
tives suitable for the needs of schooling in the United States not change across the life span, genotyping young children
might be an important step forward. Another important step for genetic variants associated with developmental dis-
might be adapting or redesigning the medical framework dis- abilities (assuming that they can be identied reliably and
cussed above to t the needs of education. The eld of educa- validly!) might be important. In this context, the following
tion need not borrow from medicine to incorporate genomics steps might be considered: (a) predict who is at risk for
into schooling, but it might consider observing what is going developmental disabilities and comorbid conditions, (b)
on there and developing corresponding translational models identify risk factors and intervene to prevent the behavio-
that will enhance the main premises of the educational sys- ral manifestation of developmental disabilities in persons
tem in developed countries. at risk, (c) identify those children who are only in the early
A second strategy for meeting the challenges of a genomics stage of a developmental disability and intervene and reme-
education merger is the use of partnership models that can be diate to prevent later complications, and (d) individualize
developed so that pediatricians/primary care physicians can complex treatment and remediation approaches to improve
work with mental health providers and educators and have outcomes. Globally speaking, these prevention and early
access to regional teams of professionals equipped with the identication techniques would be aimed at minimizing the
necessary expertise in behavioral medicine, genetic coun- trial-and-error approach and maximizing individual differ-
seling, and genomics. This team-based approach to an indi- entiation. If bringing ones gene chip,1 with its exhaustive
vidual child, especially a child who has difculties in school information about genetic polymorphisms, to ones doctor
and might have a variety of the somatic and mental health to optimize ones diet, vitamin supplementation, or medi-
issues associated with these difculties, is crucially impor- cation no longer sounds like a futuristic ideathat is in
tant. These teams of professionals should have access to real- fact expected to be in place by the near future (Epstein,
time databases that merge and systematize online the Health 2006)why cannot we start thinking about the possibility
Insurance Portability and Accountability Actprotected of using individual genetic information to help children in
information generated by all the practitioners working with school settings? It is possible that such anticipatory guid-
a child, as well as the childs education records. The avail- ance, based on genetic information, will not only result in
ability and use of this information should lead to improved more effective pedagogical approaches and benecial out-
individual learning outcomes and the maximization of the comes but also enable the system to avoid the manifesta-
learning potential for every child. Many U.S. schools use a tion of various developmental disorders (e.g., learning
team-based approach for making determinations regard- disabilities).
ing issues related to special educations; few of these teams, And nally, a fourth and most important consideration in
however, include medical professionals. Initial models for an the genomicseducation merger is the education of educators
exchange of information between medical clinicians, schools, on the relevant genetic issues. Most practicing educators have
parents, and other care professionals are being developed in had little, if any, training in genetics and genomics. Plomin
the private sector (e.g., by Raging Knowledge, an educational and Walker (2003), for example, reviewed the major educa-
service in Westport, CT). Of course, it is important to consider tional psychology textbooks and found that these textbooks
the variety of ethical implications of bringing genetic data to did not include any material on genetics, mentioned genetics
school and the possible misuses of these data. One hope for only while discussing specic developmental or learning dis-
this article is that it will trigger a debate regarding these rele- orders (e.g., Attention Decit and Hyperactivity Disorder), or
vant issues. Such a discussion will hopefully receive attention included only a maximum of three pages on genetics. Recent
at both national and international policy levels, as well as in advances in the eld and an explosion of scientic and pop-
academic circles. In fact, the National Institutes of Healths ular reports on genes discovered for this and that make it
Task Force on Genetic Testing and the Department of Health very difcult to keep up. Nevertheless, educators have always
and Human Services Secretary Advisory Committee on been the rst point of reference for concerned parents. If chil-
Genetic Testing are two government bodies currently devel- dren are having learning difculties, it is important that their
oping relevant recommendations. Although none of these rec- teachers know what kinds of referrals to make and to whom
ommendations have yet been implemented, this is a crucial they should be made. Of special value here is the teachers

24 Volume 1Number 1
Elena L. Grigorenko

attention to reports provided by the childs family members, mean that it actually will, or, indeed, should be done. Decisions
both in terms of making inquiries into family history and about testing should be made by informed professionals
making referrals to professionals equipped to design family- (e.g., educogeneticists) who will take into consideration
based prevention. Thus, to be ready to embrace the genomic the childs or the familys needs; the predictive power of the
era in schools, educators need to be informed. specic test with regard to the improvement of educational
At this point, I will reemphasize that there is no expectation practices; and issues related to privacy protection, parental
that front-line classroom teachers become experts in genetics permissions and student consent and who will secure the
and genomics. On the contrary, what is suggested here is (a) compliance of the educational system in delivering the needed
an increased awareness of the relevance of genomic ndings pedagogical strategy. All these issues are new to educators
to both development and education and their use as a further and deserve careful consideration and an open discussion,
source of guidance in maximizing educational outcomes for the time for which is now, before parents start approaching
all students and (b) a realization that access to information the school system with results of genetic proling, asking for
should be moderated by an educogeneticist, an expert who feedback and changes in educational accommodations for
can, in an informed, professional, and ethical manner, inter- their children.
pret the genetic and educational information available on an A second ethical consideration concerns the challenge
individual child and advise both family and teachers on how of molding research ndings into viable and appropriate
to maximize schooling and learning environments for that practices. This warning, of course, is relevant to any edu-
particular child and any siblings who might be at genetic risk cational intervention, with or without a link to genomics.
for the same. The eld has to think deeply about establishing criteria for
sufcient evidence to indicate the need or usefulness of any
intervention, prior to putting this intervention into prac-
ETHICAL CONSIDERATIONS tice. Because genetic research is advancing into the eld of
academic abilities, producing many new and exciting nd-
Yet, no matter how optimistic some of these possibilities ings (Fisher & Francks, 2006; Grigorenko, 2005; McGrath,
sound, it is well known that the genomic era has brought Smith, & Pennington, 2006), it is only a matter of time before
with it many concerns and ethical dilemmas. Here I will these ndings are translated into applications that will
name only a few. First, as is true for any testing, the initiation become a new facet of schooling for children in the devel-
of genetic testing without a full understanding of the preven- oped countries. Medical genetics (and genomics) is gradu-
tion or intervention that should follow is ill-advised. For ally transforming, as pointed out by the 1977 president of the
example, recent reports of genes related to the manifestation American Society of Human Genetics, Dr. Arno Motulsky,
of reading disabilities resulted in a urry of statements by the in his Presidential Address, . . . from a largely research-
mass media about corresponding genetic testing. It is impor- oriented science to a service-oriented specialty.
tant to understand that, although these genetic discoveries A third ethical concern is the various roles different edu-
are very promising and encouraging, they are far from cators, teachers, administrators, and educogeneticists might
accepted as repeatable ndings among scientists and are very play in generating, interpreting, and making decisions about
far from being turned into commercial genetic tests. Besides, the results of such proling. The discussion above touched
given issues of penetrance (see above) and the impact of the on the importance of raising awareness among educators in
environment on the manifestation of genetic risk factors, general, and classroom teachers in particular, with regard to
these genetic tests are meaningful only in conjunction with genetics and genomics. Although raising awareness is impor-
prescribed pedagogies and other relevant interventions. tant, it is also important to realize the expert boundaries of
Nevertheless, from the point of view of the public, as con- such knowledge. Similar to interpreting results of psycho-
veyed by the mass media multiple times, testing is the direc- logical or psychoeducational testing, the interpretation of
tion in which practices are going, at least with regard to the genetic testing, especially at the junction of testing and peda-
emerging reality of genomic medicine (Epstein, 2006). In this gogical practices, should be done by specially trained, and
context, it is vital to reiterate the cautionary points made by a probably licensed, professionals. With the era of genomic
number of scientists and popularizers of science. The predic- medicine approaching and the initial emergence of genom-
tive power of genetic risks, especially for common conditions, ics in education, I believe that new models of incorporating
is meaningful and substantial only when considering many this knowledge and establishing bridges between genomic
genes and many environments (e.g., lifestyle, diet, and pedagog- medicine and education are required. That is why this arti-
ical strategies) simultaneously. And even then, the predictive cle stresses the importance of starting relevant discussions as
power will not be absolute but will remain probabilistic based soon as possible.
on likelihoods of specic outcomes. As Epstein (2006, p. 436) Fourth, given the discussion at the beginning of this arti-
stated: That risk assessment or proling can be done does not cle, it is ethically very important to be mindful of the complex

Volume 1Number 1 25
How Can Genomics Inform Education?

interactions of the genetic script with social variables such NOTE

as socioeconomic status, ethnicity, and culture. The human
genome is neither culture free nor fair; it has been deeply 1 Such chips are based on so-called microarray technologies
marked by human evolution, history, and geographic migra- and allow scientists to analyze the presence/absence of
tions, and all these factors should be taken into account. No multiple (hundred of thousands) genetic polymorphisms or
doubt the merging of genomics and education will result in specic gene products. When considered together, due to
even more heated discussions of gender and ethnic differ- the amount of information collected, these chips provide
ences in achievement and their etiologies. unique identication information for the DNA or RNA pro-
Finally, with respect to ethical considerationsespecially le of a particular individual.
in light of the current fascination with accomplishments of
genome-related researchit is crucial to avoid excessively REFERENCES
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administered by the Institute for Educational Sciences, digm in education. Humanistic Psychologist, 28, 382393.
U.S. Department of Education, and from Grant R21 Pennisi, E. (2003). Gene counters struggle to get the right answer.
Science, 301, 10401041.
TW006764-02 administered by the U.S. National Institutes
Plomin, R. (2005). Finding genes in child psychology and psychiatry:
of Health. I express my gratitude to Robert J. Sternberg and When are we going to be there? Journal of Child Psychology &
my colleagues at PACE Center and EGLab for providing valu- Psychiatry & Allied Disciplines, 46, 10301038.
able feedback on the manuscript and to Ms. Mei Tan for her Plomin, R., & Walker, S. O. (2003). Genetics and educational
editorial assistance. psychology. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 73, 314.

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Volume 1Number 1 27

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