Are You Prepared To Defend What You Know

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Are You Prepared to Defend What You Know?

The Two Calendar Problem of the Last Days

In the last few years, new information has surfaced that may be of importance
to Seventh-Day Adventists, especially for the end time. The information appears to
have had the hand of God covering it for at least two
Caution: thousand years. It is now being studied around the
world with renewed vigor in some Adventist circles, as
Do not believe well as other 7th day Sabbathkeepers. This information
any of what you may have surfaced briefly during the Millerite period,
and during the early years of the SDA church. It was
read here. You studied by a SDA Research Committee in 1938-1939,
must study this but the information was never released to the Adventist
for yourself. public at the time for fear of the impact and the
consequences. It has been buried until recently.

The issue focuses on the calendar that was used to determine October 22, 1844, the
cornerstone of the 2300 day prophecy and the Adventist movement. To fix the correct
date for the Day of Atonement in 1844, the
Millerites discovered they had to use the calendar I have been shown that many
that was in use when the information was given who profess to have knowledge of
present truth know not what
originally. The calendar they found appears to go they believe. They do not
as far back as creation and certainly to the time of understand the evidences of their
the Exodus of the Israelites from Egypt. That faith. They have no just
calendar is outlined in scripture and is different appreciation of the work for the
from the calendar we use today, which is the present time. When the time of
Roman calendar enacted by Pope Gregory, known trial shall come, there are men
as the Gregorian calendar. now preaching to others who will
find, upon examining the
positions they hold, that there
The calendar the Millerites found they had to use are many things for which they
is the one that God set up for the “feasts” or can give no satisfactory reason.
“appointed times.” It is often referred to as a Until thus tested they know not
“lunisolar” calendar, being neither all lunar, nor their great ignorance. And there
all solar. The biblical year began around the time are many in the church who take
of the vernal equinox in the spring (Ex 12:2), and it for granted that they
each month began immediately following the dark understand what they believe;
but, until controversy arises,
or new moon, beginning with the sighting of the they do not know their own
visible crescent moon. weakness. When separated from
those of like faith and compelled
To be consistent with Adventism's spiritual to stand singly and alone to
forefathers, do Seventh-day Adventists of today explain their belief, they will be
need to compute when the true Sabbath surprised to see how confused are
occurs by using the same calendar utilized for their ideas of what they had
accepted as truth . . . .
determining the Day of Atonement in 1844? This Maranatha 45
must be decided before the onset of the time of

The real reason for October 22, 1844 was hidden by the hand of God for a time and
only revealed to those in earnest prayer and study. Could this be the case with the
issue of the calendar?

What caused the SDA church to put this issue in the hands of a Research Committee
to study? It was an effort by the League of Nations to impose a World Calendar
during the 1920's to 1940's, or at least by the early 1950’s. The push to implement a
World Calendar has never died. Once again, there is a move to implement this World
Calendar, this time on January 1, 2012. (See In the first year
of implementation, there appears to be no problem. But in the proposed layout of the
calendar, there is a “blank” day at the end of the year, which if the calendar is
implemented, will begin to displace Saturday as the 7th day Sabbath. The first year,
the last numbered day of the year is Saturday. The blank day following the last
Saturday is suggested to be another Sabbath. (two Sabbaths) The Jewish community
apparently has no problem with this. Because of the blank day, in the second year,
Saturday moves one day from its original spot. It then is no longer in the position of
the 7th day of the week where it was in the first year (2012).

But this is not the real problem with the issue. There may be much more at stake here
than first appears, and that will become clearer as one studies the calendar issue.
Here is one way to look at the crux of the problem. We currently use the Papal
Gregorian Calendar to pinpoint the 7th day Sabbath on Saturday. If one uses the
calendar outlined in scripture to pinpoint the feasts or appointed times, then uses the
Roman calendar to pinpoint the Sabbath, it creates a bind between two calendar
systems. Many scholars attempt to use and interweave these two calendar systems,
but all it does is create confusion. When you study the calendar of scripture, you
begin to see this dilemma.

During the flood described in Genesis, we find evidence of the same biblical calendar
used for pinpointing the feasts. If this calendar was in play to track time during the
flood, is it also possible that Noah was keeping the Sabbath by the same calendar? If
not, which calendar was he using? By the way, Noah looked pretty foolish retreating
to the ark and securing himself away during the 7 days prior to the rain and the flood.
Foolish as he may have appeared, he had the truth for that time.

When the Israelites left Egypt after 400+ years, God had to reestablish their calendar.
They had lost the calendar as well as the Sabbath during their enslavement. The
calendar God reinstituted with them was most certainly the same calendar of
creation. We know from the writings of Ellen White that Adam, Abraham and Noah,
etc kept the Sabbath of creation. The question is what calendar was this and how did
it work. Simply, it was determined by the celestial bodies; the sun, moon, and stars.
(See Genesis 1) At the time of the Exodus, approximately 1446 BC, there was no
Roman calendar, and there was no seven day week as we know it today. So one has to
ask the question; if the 7th day Sabbath was on a different calendar system than the
feasts, what was that calendar system, and how was the 7th day Sabbath kept track of.

The calendar of Rome began to come into view about 700 years after the Israelites left
Egypt. Some records say 753 BC; some say 738 BC. In any case, it was the mid-700’s

BC. If you do even a brief study of the Roman calendar system you will find that even
the first Roman calendar was lunar in nature. It was similar to the calendar the
Israelites were following and was determined by the moon and the sun.

The calendar around 60 BC just prior to the Julian reform was 304 days in length and
had only 10 months, which began in what is now the month of March. The Roman
calendar at this time had 8 days, did not cycle through a 7 day week, and certainly the
7th day was not a 7th day Sabbath.

The Roman Julian calendar was implemented in 46 or 45 BC. This was the first move
of the Roman calendar away from being lunar-based. That was the recommendation
of Sosigenes, the creator of the Julian calendar, to eliminate the lunar based calendar.
Tensions were heating up between the Romans and the Jews, and calculation of the
Jewish calendar was outlawed. Keep in mind there is still no 7 day week at this point
(as we know it today). So where was the 7th day Sabbath pinpointed?

Roman Stick Calendar

The following drawing of a stick calendar found at the Baths of
Titus (constructed A.D. 79 – 81) provides further proof that
neither the Biblical Sabbath nor the day of Christ's resurrection
can ever be found using the Julian calendar. The center circle
contains the 12 signs of the zodiac, corresponding to the 12
months of the year. The Roman numerals in the left and right
columns indicate the days of the month. Across the top of the
stick calendar appear the seven planetary gods of the pagan
Romans. Saturday, (or dies Saturni -- the day of Saturn) was the
very first day of the week, not the seventh.

Jesus chastised the Jewish leaders on many things during his ministry, mostly having
to do with interpretation of the law. What He didn't chastise them about may be just
as important. He did not chastise them about keeping the wrong Sabbath, which
He most certainly would have done. So what calendar were they using to pinpoint the
7th day Sabbath? Which Sabbath were they observing? History shows there was no 7
day week with a Saturday 7th day Sabbath established on the Roman calendar yet.

The seven day week was not fully put into place until 321 AD when it was made law by
Constantine. Here's the dilemma. Did the 7th day Sabbath "magically" align with the
Roman calendar at this time? How was that so? Where is the record? If it didn't show
up on the Roman calendar at this time, when can it be pinpointed on the Roman
calendar? With something as important and significant as the 7th day Sabbath, there
simply has to be a record. Ellen White most certainly would have written about
something of this magnitude. Maybe this explains why the Sabbath becomes of less
importance to Adventists in the end because they haven't thoroughly studied the
doctrine and know not where they stand. It becomes easier to make it of none effect.

If you study the history of the Roman calendar, you will readily see that it is highly
improbable, more likely impossible, that there was any way the original 7th day
Sabbath could have wound up on the Roman calendar. It would not have been in
harmony with the Bible.

Now let us look at current day issues. Over the last few years, there has been renewed
interest in God’s appointed times, otherwise known as the “feasts” There is much
controversy today as to whether we should still be keeping the feasts or not. First,
scripture says that they are to be ordinances “forever.” You decide what forever
means. Secondly, there is evidence in the writings of Ellen White that it is only the
sacrifices and oblations that were done away with, and not the entire feast-keeping

If the feasts are still applicable, then it means

that the original calendar of scripture is The ceremonial system was
probably still applicable; certainly for the feasts. made up of symbols pointing to
This is the calendar that is set by the moon, sun Christ, to His sacrifice and His
and stars. And this is the point at which the priesthood. This ritual law, with
larger question is raised. Is the 7th day Sabbath its sacrifices and ordinances,
supposed to be pinpointed on the same was to be performed by the
calendar? Or is it supposed to be pinpointed as Hebrews until type met
we have done it for 1800 years, on a corrupt antitype in the death of Christ,
calendar devised by a Jesuit, and manipulated, the Lamb of God that taketh
and implemented by pagan pontiffs, and papal away the sin of the world. Then
prelates of the Church of Rome? This is the all the sacrificial offerings
question and dilemma we are faced with today, were to cease. It is this law
as the possible implementation of the World that Christ "took . . . out of
Calendar draws closer. the way, nailing it to His
cross." Colossians 2:14. PP365
There are essentially 4 methods of calendar
reckoning that we are left to grapple with. This can be narrowed to 3, as one of them
leads to another. Let’s take a look at them.

The Jewish calendar is the most likely calendar to be reckoned with today, if one is
attempting to follow scripture. But is it accurate? The Jews were supposed to present
the Messiah; one only needs look at history to see how that turned out. They have
added to the laws that the Messiah laid down for them to the point that Jesus himself
scolded them for what they were doing; literally they have made a mess of the laws.
They have tinkered with the calendar, changed regulations, changed calculations,
added postponements, etc, till no one knows for certain exactly which day is which.
And they have done all this supposedly based on the original calendar of scripture
given to the Jews at the Exodus. Some today think that the Jews have kept the count
of the sabbath from the time of creation. The question is; where is that record?
Eventually the Jews transitioned from the calendar given at the Exodus to the one
that they use today; pinpointing the 7th day Sabbath on the Papal Gregorian calendar.
We should seriously ask; can they be trusted?

The next calendar to arrive on the scene that we would recognize today is the Julian
calendar. This calendar was given to us by “pagan” Rome. What kind of influence
would one expect on a calendar of “pagan” origins. A little study of the Roman
calendar systems will be a real eye opener if you want to venture there.

Following the “pagan” Julian calendar, we move to the “Papal” Gregorian calendar
(Paganism did not magically disappear from the scene; it simply moved into the
Roman church). Eventually we will find that the Roman church is “become the
habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and
hateful bird." EW278. This is the calendar that we are told to trust that the 7th day
Sabbath is on Saturday and has been counted from creation and never lost track of.
Satan has effectively worked through The Church of Rome and the Papacy which
embodies every element of deception and corruption to overturn every law and
doctrine God has given to us. Should we consider that he has done the same thing
with the calendar? You decide.

The only significant calendar system left to reckon with is the calendar of creation,
given by God to Moses at the Exodus to pinpoint the appointed times or “feasts.” Call
it the “feast” calendar, call it the “lunisolar” calendar, call it “the sacred” calendar; or
the “creation” calendar if you choose. But ask the question; Did God intend for the 7th
day Sabbath to be pinpointed on the same calendar? Lets look a little further.
Consider the account of the manna in Exodus 16.

Exodus 16 is the “Rosetta Stone” or the key to examining the true Biblical calendar.
The Israelites arrived in the “wilderness of sin” on the 15th day of the second month,
after they left Egypt. Make note of that; the 15th day of the month. That evening, the
beginning of the 16th, God sent them “flesh” in the form of quail that they
“murmured” for. He told them that in the morning (the day of the 16th) they would
find the manna. He went on to tell them that they would find the manna every day
for 6 days. On the 6th day, he instructed them to gather a double portion. After the 6
days of manna, God further instructed them that the next day after the 6th day was
the 7th day Sabbath. (This is none other than the same Sabbath day of creation). From
the data given, we can extrapolate that the first
7th day Sabbath mentioned, 7 days from the 15th,
And at the
would be the 22nd. From this we can determine
commencement of the
that the 8th, 15th, 22nd, and the 29th days of this
month mentioned would be 7th day Sabbaths. time of trouble, we were
This scenario outlining the 15th day of the month filled with the Holy
as a reference point occurs three times in the Ghost as we went forth
first three months of the Exodus. and proclaimed the
Sabbath more fully. This
The Biblical calendar is the only one left that enraged the churches
man and satan can’t change or corrupt because and nominal Adventists,
it is regulated by nature. Satan can’t alter the as they could not refute
calendar given directly by God. But he can the Sabbath truth. And
confuse and obscure the issue. And he is at this time God's chosen
working hard to do that because his time is all saw clearly that we
short. had the truth, and they
came out and endured
Now for those of you that still contend that all the persecution with us
this calendar stuff applies to the “feasts” and not {CET 93.2 94 95}.
to the Sabbath, look again. This scenario with
the manna in the wilderness has no mention of feasts. There is no feast on God’s

calendar in the 2nd month. But it does mention the 7th day Sabbath. This has to be the
same Sabbath of creation. God would not give them a 7th day Sabbath that was
different from creation. Now we come to the heart of the matter and the real
question; which calendar is this on? If you work this out for yourselves, you will find
that you cannot find a 7th day Sabbath following the 15th of the month that falls on
the Gregorian calendar Saturday, three months in a row. It may come out to one,
possibly two in any given scenario, but it is impossible for it to occur 3 months in a
row. Now we have come to the heart of the dilemma; the calendar of God’s Bible, and
the Papal Gregorian cannot be harmonized.

Here’s a hypothetical situation for you to think about in regard to the calendar issue.

Suppose you awake to find yourself in the middle of a wilderness. You see nothing but
desolation or wilderness in any direction as far as the eye can see. You have lost all
track of time, including days of the week, or the month or year for that matter. You
have no idea when Sabbath is, but you want to return to keeping it to honor God. You
have no technology; no cell phone, no computer, no timepiece, no calendar, nothing.
The only thing you have is a Bible. Using the Bible, reestablish where you are in time,
and begin keeping the Sabbath again. Using God’s word and the instruction given,
you can reestablish the appointed times and keep the feasts. But what about the 7th
day Sabbath? This is the dilemma we are faced with when using two models of
reckoning, or two systems of calendation.

The reason this issue is so important is that it is at the heart of the Three Angels
Message and work of the Fourth Angel right down at the end of this earth’s history.
The Sabbath is the focal point of worship and the Creator. What if we are not
observing the correct 7th day Sabbath of Creation? God help us.

In the time of the end every divine institution is to be

restored. The breach made in the law at the time the Sabbath
was changed by man, is to be repaired. PK 678

“There is a principle which is a bar

against all information, which is proof
against all arguments and which
cannot fail to keep a man in
everlasting ignorance—that principle
is contempt prior to investigation."

Paul W Puckett Herbert Spencer

December 16, 2009

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