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The Solar System

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 1 Find Amy. What is she
looking at?

 2 What is at the centre of the

Solar System?

 3 Who is not being a good

pupil? Circle.

 4 Listen and tick the objects you hear.

Moon rocket Sun

telescope Earth stars

 5 Sing the song and do the actions!

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Which planet?

1 Listen, look and point.

1 2

3 4

2 Listen and tick the correct picture.

What is Sam describing?

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The planets

The Sun is a star and it is at the centre of the Solar

System. There are eight planets in the Solar System.
All the planets move around the Sun. This movement is
called revolution. What is Amy pointing at?

1 Listen and label the planets.

Earth Venus Mars Uranus

Mercury Neptune Jupiter Saturn

2 Tick the correct picture.

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The planets move around the Sun

1 Write the sentences.

The Sun is a star. The Earth is a planet.

We live on the Earth. The planets move around the Sun.
The Sun is at the centre of the Solar System.

The Earth takes 365 days, or one year, to complete one

revolution around the Sun. Mercury, the closest planet
to the Sun, takes only 88 days. Look at Sams chart. How
long does it take Neptune to revolve around the Sun?

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The Moon moves around the Earth

A satellite is an object that moves around a planet or

a star. The Moon is a satellite because it moves around
the Earth. The Sun lights up the Moon, which looks as
if it is changing shape. These different shapes are called
the phases of the Moon.

1 Listen. Find the stickers.

new moon

third quarter first quarter

full moon

2 Draw the phases of the Moon.

new moon first quarter full moon third quarter

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Day and night

The Earth is always turning on its axis. This movement

is called rotation and is the reason we have day and
night. On the side of the Earth facing the Sun it is
day, and on the other side it is night. How long does
the Earth take to rotate once?

1 Colour the Earth light and dark. Write day and night.

2 Listen to the Time chant. Write the numbers.

There are hours in a day.

There are minutes in an hour.
A day has parts: morning,
afternoon, evening and night.

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Seasons and years

1 Listen and write the seasons.

autumn spring winter summer

[13_01_107573] [13_02_107573] [13_03_107573] [13_04_107573]

Primavera Verano Otoo Invierno

2 Look
 at the photos and complete the sentences. Write when its hot or
when its cold.

I build a sandcastle .

I build a snowman .

I wear gloves and a hat .

I eat ice cream .

The Earth takes one year to complete one revolution

around the Sun. There are twelve months in a year
and four seasons: spring, summer, autumn and
winter. When is Amys birthday?

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LETS INVESTIGATE: The Sun, Earth and Moon

Make a model
of the Sun, Earth
and Moon.

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3
Colour and cut out Assemble your model
Cut out two strips
the Sun, Earth and and see how
of card.
Moon. everything moves.

1 Circle.

The Earth moves around the Moon / the Sun.

The Moon moves around the Earth / Venus.
It takes the Earth 24 hours / 365 days to revolve What time is it
around the Sun. now? Is it mornin
It takes the Earth 24 hours / 365 days to rotate or afternoon?
on its axis.

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MAKE A DIFFERENCE: Look after your planet

1 Listen and colour. Use the code.

good for the environment bad for the environment

2 Do a class survey.

1 Think of questions for

your survey.
2 Ask your classmates.
3 Draw a chart of your results.

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Lets remember

1 Look and find the words.

s a t e l l i t e u
u j k l q w e r h s
n g h c b n j l z t
c p l a n e t d g a
z b n t g i s r g r
a s d f m o o n g s
j e a r t h k l r h
d f g j k i o d g a
a s d f g h j k l q
w e y u j i o f h l

2 Label the planets.

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3 Label the diagram.

Moon Earth Sun day night

4 Draw the phases of the Moon.

new moon first quarter full moon third quarter

Well done!
a sticker.
Name the planets in order.

Explain why we have day and night.

Show how the Earth and the Moon move.

Name the seasons.

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Where we live

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 1 Circle three people
who help us.

 2 Find Amy. Who do you

think she is talking to?

 3 Which places can you

name in the town?

 4 Listen and circle the things you hear.

bus stop bank school

supermarket post box park

 5 Sing the song and do the actions!

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Different jobs in your town

1 Listen, look and point.

1 2

3 4

2 Look at the pictures. Look at the letters. Write the words.

_____ rnues

_________ brilairna

___________ rheiffrgtei

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Public services

Your neighbourhood is part of a town. All towns

have public services. Public services are for everyone
to use. Many different people work in public services.
They help everyone in the town and look after all the
neighbourhoods. Who is helping Sam?

1 Listen and number.

2 Complete the sentences.

postal worker rubbish collector police officer mayor firefighter

A helps to keep the town safe.

A puts out fires.

A keeps the town clean.

A delivers letters.

The looks after the town.

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My town

The people who work in different public services work

at different places. For example, postal workers work
at the post office, librarians work at the library and the
mayor works at the town hall. Do you know where
these places are in your town?

1 Who works where? Find the stickers.

police station hospital town hall fire station

2 Listen and colour.

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My local government

Our town is part of a province. Spain has 50 provinces. In

every province there is a local government with a mayor
and local politicians who organise public services. We
choose these people by voting for them in local elections.
What is Sams dad doing?

1 Listen to the Local government chant. Match.

A town is part of a The local government

is made up of
The mayor and
In each province there is a politicians work at the

a mayor
and local local
politicians town hall province government

2 Listen and number.

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My province

Provinces around Spain celebrate different traditions

and festivals. Although most people in Spain speak
Spanish, in some provinces people speak a different
language or dialect. Each province has a capital city.
What is the capital city of your province?

1 Listen and write. Colour the flag.

San Jorge Cceres red cheese jota yellow Cceres

Capital city: 
Local festival: festival
(22-23 April)
Local food: Torta del Casar
Local dance: 
Flag: Blue and
castle on red and a

lion on white.

2 Write about your province.


Capital city:

Local festival:

Local food:

Local dance:

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My autonomous community

Our province is part of a larger region called an

autonomous community. Spain has 17 autonomous
communities and two autonomous cities: Ceuta and
Melilla. Each autonomous community has a capital city
and its own government. What is Sam pointing at?

1 Find your autonomous community. Circle.

2 Complete the sentences. Colour the flag.

My town is .

I live in the province of .

I live in the autonomous community of .

The capital city is .

This is the flag. It is .


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Make flap books
about your

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3
Fold a sheet of card. Stick pictures and Stick the flap books
Make a cover for write words inside on a display.
your flap book. your flap book. Write a title.

1 Complete the sentences.

My town is .

My province is .
Which autonom
My autonomous community is . communities are
to the autonomo
My country is . us
community whe
you live?
The local dance is .

70 seventy

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MAKE A DIFFERENCE: The Spanish population

1 Read and match.

countries move million multi-cultural

Nearly fifty
people live in Spain.

Spain is a

People from other
come to live in Spain.

Some people born in Spain
to other countries.

2 What nationalities are there in your class? Make a poster.

1 Find out the different nationalities

in your class.
2 Investigate and draw the flags for
the different countries.
3 Stick the flags on your poster.

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Lets remember

1 Listen and number. Write.

bank bus stop hospital cinema library park school supermarket

2 What do they use at work? Match.

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3 Complete the sentences.

mayor neighbourhoods cities 50 live language public 17

1 Towns and cities have different .

2 Teachers, doctors and police officers work in services.

3 We choose a and local politicians by voting for them

in local elections.

4 Spain has provinces.

5 In some provinces, people speak a different .

6 Spain has autonomous communities.

7 Ceuta and Melilla are autonomous .

8 Nearly fifty million people in Spain.

Well done!
Identify different places in a town. Choose
a sticker.
Name four public service workers.

Explain the difference between

provinces and autonomous

Identify where I live in Spain.

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