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Personality Test

You can expect few personality test questions in interview. Kindly refer below examples for
better understanding.

The personality test is designed to find out what you are like as a person and your work-
related personality. It asks you about the way in which you react in different situations and how you
deal with other people in the workplace. In this test, there are no right or wrong answers. Simply
answer in a way that is most like you.

In each of the 25 questions, you will be presented with a statement about a personal attribute. You are
asked to consider the extent to which the statement is relevant to you.

For example:

'I enjoy making detailed plans.'

You are required to respond to this statement by selecting how strongly you agree with it on a five-
point scale:

a) Strongly Disagree b) Disagree c) Neutral d) Agree e) Strongly Agree


1. My goals in life are clear

a) Strongly Disagree b) Disagree c) Neutral d) Agree e) Strongly Agree

2. If people are rude to me I just shrug it off

a) Strongly Disagree b) Disagree c) Neutral d) Agree e) Strongly Agree

3. I am confident in what I do
a) Strongly Disagree b) Disagree c) Neutral d) Agree e) Strongly Agree

4. I can work even when things are disorganised

a) Strongly Disagree b) Disagree c) Neutral d) Agree e) Strongly Agree

5. I consistently put full time and effort into everything I do

a) Strongly Disagree b) Disagree c) Neutral d) Agree e) Strongly Agree

6. I prefer achieving my goals than assisting others to achieve their goals

a) Strongly Disagree b) Disagree c) Neutral d) Agree e) Strongly Agree

7. I would describe myself as an extremely competent person

a) Strongly Disagree b) Disagree c) Neutral d) Agree e) Strongly Agree

8. I prefer working within a stable rather than flexible environment

a) Strongly Disagree b) Disagree c) Neutral d) Agree e) Strongly Agree

9. I am ambitious
a) Strongly Disagree b) Disagree c) Neutral d) Agree e) Strongly Agree
10. It's better to get a job done than aim for perfection
a) Strongly Disagree b) Disagree c) Neutral d) Agree e) Strongly Agree

11. I am able to complete tasks as well as, or better than other people
a) Strongly Disagree b) Disagree c) Neutral d) Agree e) Strongly Agree

12. I like to be in charge of other people

a) Strongly Disagree b) Disagree c) Neutral d) Agree e) Strongly Agree

13. I strive to do the best I can

a) Strongly Disagree b) Disagree c) Neutral d) Agree e) Strongly Agree

14. I feel uneasy if I'm the centre of attention

a) Strongly Disagree b) Disagree c) Neutral d) Agree e) Strongly Agree

15. I am confident in my abilities to complete difficult tasks at work

a) Strongly Disagree b) Disagree c) Neutral d) Agree e) Strongly Agree

16. I am happy to make speeches in public

a) Strongly Disagree b) Disagree c) Neutral d) Agree e) Strongly Agree

17. It is very important for me to achieve my goals

a) Strongly Disagree b) Disagree c) Neutral d) Agree e) Strongly Agree

18. I like to react to things on the spur of the moment

a) Strongly Disagree b) Disagree c) Neutral d) Agree e) Strongly Agree

19. I believe I am more intelligent than most

a) Strongly Disagree b) Disagree c) Neutral d) Agree e) Strongly Agree

20. I don't like unexpected responsibilities

a) Strongly Disagree b) Disagree c) Neutral d) Agree e) Strongly Agree

21. I approach life in an easy-going manner

a) Strongly Disagree b) Disagree c) Neutral d) Agree e) Strongly Agree

22. I tend to take on other peoples problems

a) Strongly Disagree b) Disagree c) Neutral d) Agree e) Strongly Agree

23. I feel like a failure compared to my friends and co-workers

a) Strongly Disagree b) Disagree c) Neutral d) Agree e) Strongly Agree

24. I like to have plenty of time to myself

a) Strongly Disagree b) Disagree c) Neutral d) Agree e) Strongly Agree

25. People often comment on how comfortable I am in giving orders

a) Strongly Disagree b) Disagree c) Neutral d) Agree e) Strongly Agree

This test measures the ability to make sound judgements and apply effective decision-making in
workplace relevant settings.

You will be presented with an overall scenario, and several potential actions based on that scenario.
For each action, you will need to rate the effectiveness of that action in addressing that scenario. For
each action, you must select one of the following ratings:

1) Very Ineffective : An action that is likely to make the situation worse.

2) Ineffective : An action that will not help the situation.
3) Fairly Ineffective : An action that is somewhat unlikely to improve the situation.
4) Fairly Effective : An action that somewhat likely to improve the situation.
5) Effective : An action that will help the situation.
6) Very Effective : An action that will significantly improve the situation.

Scenario 1:
Your organisation has recently dismissed several staff members due to poor performance. Most of
these staff members were recommended by a specific recruitment agency that the organisation works
with. Your organisation has worked with this agency for many years, and until now they have been
providing high quality candidates. However, now it seems that the quality of their work has dropped
and it is negatively impacting your organisation. Vetting a new consultancy would be a lengthy and
expensive process, as strict official procedures must be followed.

1. Arrange a meeting with the recruitment agency, express your concerns and work together to
find a solution.
a) Very Ineffective b) Ineffective c)Fairly Ineffective
d) Fairly Effective e) Effective f)Very Effective

2. Immediately discontinue working with the recruitment consultancy and demand a refund for
their fees.
a) Very Ineffective b) Ineffective c)Fairly Ineffective
d) Fairly Effective e) Effective f)Very Effective

3. Inform the recruitment agency of the recent drop in candidate quality, stating that you will
search for a new agency should the trend continue.
a) Very Ineffective b) Ineffective c)Fairly Ineffective
d) Fairly Effective e) Effective f)Very Effective

4. Ignore the reduction in candidate quality, continue working with the agency and do not raise
your concerns with them.
a) Very Ineffective b) Ineffective c)Fairly Ineffective
d) Fairly Effective e) Effective f)Very Effective

5. Make early preparations for vetting new agencies, move forward with choosing a new agency
if the issue continues.
a) Very Ineffective b) Ineffective c)Fairly Ineffective
d) Fairly Effective e) Effective f)Very Effective

6. Discontinue working with recruitment agencies in general, avoiding the need to find and vet a
new agency.
a) Very Ineffective b) Ineffective c)Fairly Ineffective
d) Fairly Effective e) Effective f)Very Effective
Scenario 2:

You are due to give annual performance appraisals to the staff you manage and one member of staff,
Julie, is receiving a promotion. Although Julie is a high performing member of the team, Carol is the
teams highest performer and has worked at the company longer than Julie. Senior management
decided that Julie should receive the promotion, as they feel the organisation needs Carol in her
existing role. Both Carol and the team are aware that Carol is the teams highest performer, and Carol
suspects that she will be awarded the promotion after her appraisal.

1. Recommend that Carol protest the decision and complain to the senior management team.
a) Very Ineffective b) Ineffective c)Fairly Ineffective
d) Fairly Effective e) Effective f)Very Effective

2. Avoid the subject of promotion during the review and praise Carol on her high performance.
a) Very Ineffective b) Ineffective c)Fairly Ineffective
d) Fairly Effective e) Effective f)Very Effective

3. Explain to Carol why she was not offered the promotion and that you will be recommending
her for promotion at the earliest opportunity.
a) Very Ineffective b) Ineffective c)Fairly Ineffective
d) Fairly Effective e) Effective f)Very Effective

4. Give Carol a bad performance review, ensuring that she does not feel surprised about missing
the promotion
a) Very Ineffective b) Ineffective c)Fairly Ineffective
d) Fairly Effective e) Effective f)Very Effective

5. Apologise to Carol about the promotion and discuss ways to appropriately reward her high
a) Very Ineffective b) Ineffective c)Fairly Ineffective
d) Fairly Effective e) Effective f)Very Effective

6. Offer Carol a pay increase and a discretionary bonus in recognition of her performance.
a) Very Ineffective b) Ineffective c)Fairly Ineffective
d) Fairly Effective e) Effective f)Very Effective

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