All About Dialogic

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All about...
dialogic reading
Adopting the dialogic approach to reading with a child will help parents, and practitioners,
to advance the childs oral language. Joan Kiely explains the method and its importance
Photographs at The Harlequin Day Nursery, Scarborough, By Guzelian

oung children who can up for a few minutes and focus- Children who are read and phonological awareness (ability
express themselves well ing on a story together, parents and to will mimic reading to differentiate between sounds) in
and have a good store early years practitioners are not only behaviours and see emergent readers and between oral
of oral vocabulary are improving child-adult relationships reading as important vocabulary and comprehension in
stepping into the world but familiarising the child with a type (Campbell, 1999) older readers (Whitehurst and Loni-
of learning with a great of language that is not heard in eve- gan, 2002). This means that good
advantage. They can better under- ryday conversation. This is referred to oral language ability puts a child on
stand themselves and others, they as decontextualised language and is the path to being a good reader.
can better make their needs known, important for a childs development. Unfortunately, not all children are
they can better interpret what is going The limits of in a position to benefit from rich early
on around them and they can better RESEARCH FINDINGS: language experiences. Research indi-
my language
share their experience of the world. ORAL LANGUAGE AND cates that children from disadvan-
One way to develop childrens oral HOME READING
mean the taged socio-economical backgrounds
language is to read stories to them Good oral language skills limits of are behind their more advantaged
and chat about the story as you read develop good readers my world peers in verbal and other cognitive
it. By simply sitting together in a Research shows that there is a rela- (Wittgenstein, abilities by the time they enter school
quiet space with a child, cuddling tionship between oral vocabulary size 1915) (Hart and Risley, 1995; Ramey 24 March-6 April 2014 nursery world 21

eyfs best pr actice

Home reading tone and pitch, to inflect the voice in

routines are the most order to stimulate the babys inter-
important predictor est. Repeated readings of the same
of a childs oral skills book is also recommended because it
helps the baby build language skills
(Biemiller and Boote, 2006).
Research indicates that children
who were read aloud to before they
started school scored higher on
national literacy tests than children
who had not been read to (Mullan
and Darragnova, 2012). It makes
sense, therefore, to encourage parents
to read stories to their children from
an early age.

decontextualised language
is important to a childs
Decontextualised language is a
form of language that is regularly
employed in the learning environ-
ment of school and is important for
childrens academic development. It
is described as language that is not

and Ramey, 2004). It is important, The age that parents

then, that parents and other adults do establish a home reading
what they can early in childrens lives routine predicts their
to support language development. childs oral language skills
Debaryshe (1993) found that the age
Children are influenced that home reading routines begin is
by their parents attitudes the most important predictor of chil-
to reading drens oral language skills. Parents can
Children love to imitate what they begin to read to their child while they
see happening around them. If par- are still in the womb. The child will
ents are seen to read in the home, this get used to the rhythm and pattern
sends a powerful message to children of the mothers voice and will develop
about the importance of reading. early listening skills even though they
Research tells us that home literacy do not comprehend as yet.
behaviours are predictors of various Babies whose parents or carers
developmental and educational out- read to them are likely to feel positive
comes for children (Kassow, 2006). about books and will associate books
Home literacy behaviours include with warm relationships and bonding
activities such as observing parents experiences. In addition to this, they
reading (books, magazines, newspa- will pick up important information
pers, bills), writing (shopping lists, about books for example, how to
menu planning, letters), visiting the turn pages, look at pictures and point Narrative is a critical
library with parents and engaging at them. part of our social
in shared book reading with parents When reading to a baby, it is a and emotional
(Kassow, 2006). good idea for the adult to alter their development

22 nursery world 24 March-6 April 2014

based on the here and now or on the ORAL LANGUAGE AND In dialogic the reading experience, talks about
immediate physical environment, but DIALOGIC STORY READING reading, the the story and asks and answers ques-
is more abstract. Reading stories aloud to children is tions about the story is more effec-
For example, young children might one of the most highly recommend-
adult helps tive in developing oral language than
find it easy to express a need or to talk ed activities for supporting their
the child when adults just read the book to the
about a physical object in front of language and literacy development become the child with little or no interaction (for
them for example, they might say, (Beck and McKeown, 2001). Dialogic storyteller example, Trivette and Dunst, 2007;
Give me that teddy but decontex- story reading is a particular method Hargrave and Senechal, 2000).
tualised language challenges them to of reading to a child that has been Dialogic story reading not only
use extended discourse such as expla- found to be the most effective method develops oral vocabulary but also
nations, narratives and pretend play to develop childrens oral language. more complex language skills such as
(Demir, Meadow, Levine and Rowe, Dialogic reading is the practice grammar, listening comprehension,
2010). whereby a child and an adult share and the ability to form an argument
When an adult is reading a story a picture book, and focus on the pic- and to elaborate (NELP, 2008). These
to a child, there are opportunities ture book and the story through talk complex language skills are what
to discuss characters motives and (Whitehurst and Lonigan, 1998). make a difference to reading skills in
to speculate on developments in the When most adults share a book with the middle grades in school.
plot. These exercises require the use a pre-school child, they read and the Dialogic reading helps children to:
of decontextualised language. child listens. In dialogic reading, the l use more words
Story facilitates the development of adult helps the child become the tell- l speak in longer sentences
decontextualised language because er of the story. The adult becomes the l score higher on vocabulary tests
story is life experience in an abstract listener, the questioner and the audi- l demonstrate overall improvement
form. Narrative fiction offers models ence for the child (Whitehurst, 2002). in expressive language skills
or simulations of the social world via Research studies indicate that a (Doyle and Bramwell, 2006; Hueb-
abstraction, simplification and com- dialogical approach to reading ner and Meltzoff, 2005; Hargrave and
pression (Mar and Oatley, 2008). when the child has an active part in Senechal, 2000; Huebner, 2000).

Dr Grover Whitehurst is an Ameri-
can developmental psychologist who
originally created the dialogic reading
programme in the early 1990s. White-
hurst proposes a reading technique
called the PEER sequence, which is a
way of interacting between the adult
and the child. The PEER sequence is
an acronym for the following.
l Prompts the child to say
something about the book
l Evaluates the childs response
l Expands the childs response
by rephrasing and adding
information to it
l Repeats the prompt to make sure
the child has learned from the
An example of an interaction
between an adult and a two-year-old
child might go something like this.
The parent points to a cat in the
book and says, What is this? (visual
prompt). The child answers A cat.
The adult says, Thats right, (the
evaluation); a black cat (expansion).
What is it again? Its a _____ ___
(repetition) (Whitehurst, 2002).
The adult might go on to enquire,
Who do we know that has a cat? The
child might respond by talking about
a relative or neighbour. This impor-
tant strategy supports the child in
relating the story to their life experi-
ence. Dr Whitehurst calls it a distanc-
ing prompt. 24 March-6 April 2014 nursery world 23

eyfs best pr actice

In all, he describes five prompts or in reading the story of Jack

comments to encourage the child to and the Beanstalk to their
say something, and describes these child.
by using another acronym called It is not intended to be
CROWD: prescriptive because the
l Completion prompts You allow advice is to follow the childs
the child to finish your sentence. interest in the story.
The child understands what to
do by the upward inflection of TRAINING IN
your voice towards the end of the DIALOGIC STORY
sentence and the blank left by you. READING
For example, Molly knew Patch Research tells us that if
was happy because he wagged and parents are given train-
wagged his ______. ing or coaching in dialogic
l Recall prompts These prompts reading strategies, they
happen when you want to re-read tend to continue to use
a book that you have already those strategies. Huebner and
read with the child. You might Dont interrupt the first A dialogic reading Payne (2010) provided the first evi-
ask the child, Can you help me reading of the story too much tip sheet for parents dence that brief instruction in inter-
remember where Molly brought The prompts described here are like- (adapted by Kiely, active reading has an enduring effect
Patch for a walk? This encourages ly to break up the flow of the story, so 2011 from Kelleher, on parents reading style. Parents
children to respond and makes the it is not advisable to use them during 2005) who were taught to use dialogic read-
relationship more egalitarian if the first reading of the story to the ing behaviours when their children
you are recalling together, musing child. Biemiller and Boote (2006) tell were two or three years old continued
and mulling over matters together, us, for example, that children dislike to use this reading style more than
rather than putting the child on the interruptions for word explanations two years later.
spot by asking a direct question. when the story is being read for the Moreover, research tells us that
l Open-ended prompts Dr first time. However, they dont mind giving parents specific literacy coach-
Whitehurst says that these prompts interruptions during subsequent ing advice in relation to how to work
tend to focus on the pictures in readings. with their children works better than
books and they work best if the After several readings and explora- giving general literacy advice to par-
pictures are rich in detail. The tions of the book together over three ents (Senechal and Young, 2008).
idea behind open-ended prompts to five days, the child should begin Dialogic story-reading strategies are
is to encourage a narrative flow to take over the story and the adult an example of specific literacy coach-
from the child. Just like with the reader is often told, Ill say it. ing advice.
recall prompt above, it is better to The repetition of the story is
speculate with the child than to important for younger children (two- CONCLUDING THOUGHTS
ask a direct question (Powell and to six-year-olds) because it builds Research indicates that dialogic
Snow, 2007). So instead of saying, their vocabulary. In fact, research by story reading is an effective way to
What do you see here? it might Childers and Tomasello (2002) tells
be more beneficial or productive to us that a child needs to hear a word
say something like, Mm, I wonder 20 times before it becomes part of
what is going on here... then leave their expressive vocabulary.
a pause. Hopefully the child will fill However, Biemiller and Boote
the gap. (2006) warn that repeated readings
l Wh- prompts These are what, of a story, though beneficial in the
where, when and why case of younger children, bring about
questions. These are not open- a 14 per cent decrease in vocabulary
ended questions, but they serve a for older children (seven- to eight-
good purpose, in that they support year-olds).
children in deepening their focus.
l Distancing prompts These Follow the childs lead
require children to make a link A childs vocabulary is particularly
between the book and the real advanced when parents or other
world. For example, when Hansel adults talk about the focus of the
and Gretel get lost in the woods, childs attention.
the adult might recall with the A corollary finding is that children
child a time they got lost in a learn fewer words when their par-
department store. Story helps to ents try to re-direct their attention to
build identity. By empathising objects and matters not of interest to
with characters and comparing them (Harris, Golinkoff and Hirsh-
their dilemmas with the childs Pasek, 2011).
life experience, it helps to
make the story meaningful for Be guided by the tip sheet
the child and to find resonance Above is an example of a tip sheet
for their life. prepared for parents to assist them

24 nursery world 24 March-6 April 2014

l Beck, I & McKeown, M (2001)
Text talk: Capturing the benefits of
read-aloud experiences for young
children. The Reading Teacher
l Biemiller, A, & Boote, C (2006)
An effective method for building
meaning vocabulary in primary
grades. Journal of Educational
Psychology, 98(1), 44-62.
l Debaryshe, BD (1993). Joint
picture-book reading correlates of
early oral lang uage skill. Journal of
Child Language, 20(02), 455-461.
l Doyle, BG, & Bramwell, W (2006).
Promoting emergent literacy and
socio-emotional learning through
dialogic reading. The Reading
Teacher, 59(6)
l Hargrave, A & Senechal, M (2000).
A book reading intervention with
pre-school children who have
limited vocabularies: The benefits
of regular reading and dialogic
reading. Early Childhood Research
Quarterly, 15(1), 75-90.
l Huebner, CE, & Meltzoff, AN
(2005). Intervention to change
parent-child reading style: A
comparison of instructional
methods. Journal of Applied
Developmental Psychology, 26(3),
l Kassow, DZ (2006). Parent-Child
Shared Book Reading Quality
versus Quantity of Reading
Interactions between Parents and
Young Children. Talaris Research
Institute 1(1)
l Mullan, K, & Daraganova, G (2012).
Reading: The home and family
context. Paper presented at the
Childrens Reading in Australia:
The Home and Family Context.
l Powell, MB, & Snow, PC (2007).
Guide to questioning children
during the free-narrative phase
of an investigative interview.
Australian Psychologist, 42(1),
develop a childs oral language, par- It is of paramount importance It is essential that l Snchal, M & Young, L (2008).
ticularly decontextualised language. that story reading is an enjoyable story reading is an The effect of family literacy
It is important that there is fidelity to experience for the child. Enjoyment enjoyable experience interventions on childrens
the strategies outlined here because of reading generates motivation. If for the child acquisition of reading from
use of the strategies is what makes motivation to read exists, it is likely kindergarten to grade 3: A
story reading dialogic and is there- that children will learn to read with- meta-analytic review. Review
fore what facilitates the development out stress. They will also develop of Educational Research, 78(4),
of childrens oral language. habits of reading that will advan- 880-907
However, in our efforts to do it tage them greatly as learners and l Whitehurst, Grover J (Russ)
properly, we must bear in mind bring both added joy and richness to (2000). Dialogic Reading for
that unless the child is enjoying the their lives. n Preschoolers. Presentation at the
story and the experience of interact- Wisconsin Literacy Showcase.
ing around the story, our struggle to Joan Kiely is a senior lecturer in Early
improve oral language skills will be Childhood Education at Marino For the full list of references, visit:
in vain. Institute of Education, Dublin

24 March-6 April 2014 nursery world 25

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