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Writing: Your Imagination Starts Here

Why is writing important?

An unknown policeman said that In 20 years, I have shot my gun twice. I use my pen
every day. If you want to be a cop, you have to learn to write. So, writing really plays a key
role in learning something because we can gather and organize our knowledge and explore
and refine our ideas (Harris, Graham, Friedlander, & Laud, 2013). Even when someday we
want to be a policeman, healthcare providers, artist or actor still writing skills important to
learned because writing is one of ways to communicate with people.I conclude that every
words in your writing are alive because writing is like communicating with people.

Principles of essay writing

Essayis apieces of writing that force writer to hone a number of skills such as reading
deeply about something, analysis, comparison and contrast, persuasion, conciseness, clarity,
and exposition, so it can make us develop and concepts our ideas
( Therefore, the writing must be delivered with some
structures or principles so it can inform our thought.

1. Selecting an essay topic that suits you. You can research around your interest and
something you know about, but becareful dont be overly ambitious
( Selecting a topic also must be specific because it seem
impossible to cover general topic in essay ( Example:
General topic: healthcare provider
Narrowed topic: nurse
Specific topic: nurses role in emotional rehabilitation
2. Title of essay. Sometimes writers feel stuck and give up on generating title or other
writer omit about making a good title whereas it can catch readers attention and help
readers to predicts content.Before decide what title of your essay:(1) think carefully
about your audience; (2) titles must reveal topic of essay and idea of your specific
approach, argument, and area of discussion; (3) clear, readable, and avoid clichs at
all costs; (4) independentand self-explanatory; (5) never state the obvious nor apply a
generic label to an essay; (6) center your title at the top of first page; (7) use same font
and size as the rest of your essay; (8) catchy (Morris).
3. Developing thesis statement. A good thesis cant be answered with a simple yes or
no, it is not a topic, fact, or opinion, example: (Rodburg,, 1999)
Reasons for the fall of communism (topic)
Communism collapsed in Eastern Europe (fact)
The fall of communism is the best thing that ever happened in Europe (opinion)
Some requirements of thesis are: (Rodburg,, 1999)
A thesis is never a question: Why did communism collapse in Eastern
A thesis is never a list: Political, economic, social and cultural are the reasons
for the fall of communism collapsed in Eastern Europe. It may good for
telegraphing readers what will discuss in your essay, but it will lacks tension
and doesn't advance an argument.
A thesis should never be vague, combative or confrontational: Communism
is evil so it collapsed in Eastern Europe.
A thesis has a definable, arguable claim: While cultural forces contributed to
the collapse of communism in Eastern Europe, the disintegration of economies
played the key role in driving its decline".
A thesis should clear and specific, so avoid overused, general terms, and
Some steps to developing a thesis are: (Rodburg,, 1999)
Analyze your primary sources: look for tension, interest, ambiguity, and/or
complication such as contradictive. You have to figuring out the why or
related questions to your source, so you dont only come up with an
Write it down while you have a working thesis. By writing down you dont
have to frustate if you forget your ideas, also you will be forced to think it
clearly, logically, and concisely.
Stand out your thesis in introduction. A good place for your thesis statement is
at the end (last sentence) of an introductory paragraph, so readers are paying
more attention there.
Anticipate the counterarguments, so you should think about what might be
said against it and refine your thesis. You dont have to avoid
counterarguments because every arguments have it and if it doesnt have, it
may a fact or an opinion not argument.
4. Essay outlining can help you to make sure your ideas come across in a clear and
logical order, save you time in revision process, and decrease possibility that your
contents will need to be rearranged (Kornhaber, 2000). The steps to make an effective
outline are: (Kornhaber, 2000)
Have a sense of what you will argue in essay, so you must have notes, ideas,
and possible quotes to cite as evidence.
Generalizing: look over each piece of information and assign it to a general
category. Then, examine all categories and look for common general themes,
but the categories no more than three or four for a seven until ten page essay.
Ordering: look at your most general categories, order them until they can
support your argument, and arrange the labels in one/two sentence.
Put it all together. You can choose the most general ideas and place it in
essays section. It can followed by the smaller categories that indicates the
order of the paragraphs within each section. Last, you can put your specific
notes in last set of sentences.
5. The introduction is like mapping your essay by covering: (1) what the question is
about, explain your interpretation, and what it is asking you to do; (2) why the
question is important; (3) how you are going to answer it, implies what you are going
to cover in your essay (
6. The main body: consist of your ideas and arguments development which have
outlined in introduction. You have to integrate your own ideas with primary source
evidence and other research, and critical analysis (
7. The conclusions: summarise the main point of your reasonable argument (doesnt
have to be a straight agreement or disagreement) related to your question before and
show the answer ( is also good if in conclusion there is
no new information because the main task here is to close framework that should be
clear and leave feeling positive ideas to your readers.Things not to do in your
conclusion are: (
Dont make an apology or a sentence that dwells on the incompleteness of
your argument, example: If I had more time, I would also have covered more
about. You may better write like this It has clearly been explained that
Dont leave a rhetorical question because it will make readers unsatisfied.

Your imagination starts here

So, practice writing isnt simple as those theories or isnt difficult as you thought before.
Writing is like imagine something. You explore more feeling, dig deeply your imagination,
and you write it. Enjoy your imagination in writing and you feel like those inspiration come
out like a flow. You start writing, you start imagine.

Galaudet University. Choosing an Essay Topic. Accessed from
writing_writing_and_revising/choosing_an_essay_topic.html on 28th April 2015 at 07.42
Harris, K. R., Graham, S., Friedlander, B., & Laud, L. (2013). Bring Powerful Writing
Strategies Into Your Classroom! Why and How. 66(7), 538-542. Retrieved April 28,
2015, from Ebsco.
Kornhaber, D for the Writing Center at Harvard University. (2000).Outlining. Accessed from on 27th April 2015 at 10.00 WIB.
Morris, G. How Do I Write a Great Title for My Academic Essay? Accessed from
HowDoIWriteaGreatTitle.pdf on 28th April 2015 at 23.18 WIB.
Purdue University Online Writing Lab. Essay Writing. Accessed from 28th April 2015 at 12.45 WIB.
Rodburg, M and The Tutors of the Writing Center at Harvard University. (1999). Developing
A Thesis. Accessed from on
27th April 2015 at 18.56 WIB.
Southampton Solent University. Writing Essays. Accessed from on 28th April
at 19.00 WIB.
University of Reading. Writing your essay. Accessed from
writingessay.aspx#conclusions on 28th April at 22.30 WIB.

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