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Supercast PVC Waterstops range Geeta ‘eS! By constructive solutfons Centrally and externally placed PVG waterstops Uses, ‘The Supercast range of PVC wate'stops is designed to provide an intagral sealing systom for movement and construction joints n concrete cast in-situ, These joints typically occur in the following types of structur: Water rets Reservwirs, waler towers and sewage tanks Dams, cuhverts, canals anc spitways ‘Swimming poois Buncled areas surrcunding liquid rataining tanks Water excluding acomante and underground car perks Tumels and subways ‘Avutments and retaining walls Roof decks and pacium areas Advantages Range of profes to sult everyneed Fully continuous 4 bulbed network Reinforced eyeletied edge flanges for positive fing Simple on-site jointing Full ranga of moulded and fabricated intecsection pieces WRC appraval for use in contact with patable water The range consists of cantrally placed profiles; Supercast Hycrofall, Supercest Wataol, Supercast XHD Hycofell anc ‘Supereast XHD Walafoll; and externally placed profiles; Supercast Rearguard §, Supercast Rearguard R, Supercast Rearguard Kicker and Supercasi Angleguard, Standards compliance ‘Suporcast PVC waterstope are suitable for use in contact with, potable water. "Water Byelaws Scheme - approved product’ listing number 8804054 Description ‘Supercast watarstops are exirucad rom a high grade PVC ‘compound which has been formulated to give excellent flexibly ‘and longevity characteristics. Thay are avatablo as straight lengths and factory oraducad Intersections or 2s a faciory prefabricated segment of a network to minimise site jointing Principles of waterstop function ‘Supercast waterstops work because of lwo specie aspects of thoir design, a} Valve principio ‘Simple watersiop profles based on dumbelis are cast inio the ‘edges of adjacent concrete panels which act as baffles. nthe event of oils opening as dying shrinkage or other movernent ‘occurs, the edge bulbs of the profile act as anchors, These Induce tensians acrass the waterstop resuling in ¢ sealing ‘fect at tho inner focae ef tho adgo bulbs. Supercast PVC Waterstops range ‘valve action on jin opening Hysrofol sections fe} — pe - b) Tortuous path pri Profiles with a more camplex cross saction haye @ much greater surface area. They present a much greaier resistance ard rece dificult path for water to seep around the section “The Supercast range incorporates both of these principles. “The products offarafully coxtnuous 4 bulbed design maintaining both the valve and tortuous path principies. These principles. ere meinteined inthe tarsition from Roarguatd proiles in floors to centrally placed profles in walls. Za \ Complex profite creates tortuous path ‘Supercast Hydrofoll sections Genire bulb sections are used in expansion, contizction and construction jeints. Tho contro bul allows for movements in a structure to be accommodeted whist ts hexagonal design provides a fat suriace. This allows shuttering ang joint fllars to ft snugly. Valve paneple ‘Tortuous pain prineple The 390 mm profile is specially designed for use in roof slabs whare a graster degree of movement may occur particularly during construction | Byes a ' Supercast Watafoil sections Plain web sections are used in construction ane contr joints ‘stems f All cantally placed Suparcast watarstops incorporate an ayelelted, reinforced edge flange. This enables them to be Desily positioned by wiring 10 surrounding reinforcement Heavy duty sections Increased web thickness gives a much stifer section. The stifened proile fs used where large volumes of concrete are being placed. They are used where concrete is being placed from a groat height such ac doop wall shutters page 2 of 8 Supercast PVC Waterstops range XHD Hydrorol elt } air HD Watafoil | 250mm. Dimensions are approximate and subject fo manufacturing tolerances Supercast Rearguard R Plain web sections which are placed extemal for use in contraton and construction joints. They inearporate a central fin to assist setiing out shutter localion Dimensions are aporoximata and subject to manufacturing tolerances ‘Supercast Rearguard S ‘Sectionsincorparate 2 flat top cantre box which allows movement to be accomrodeted in expansion jeinte. Tha bax sles provides 1 seating to Support joint filers. [5 )— Ey +|22|— at ~ PN ori icin & All Rearguard sections Incorporate a naling fange with a rainforcod edge to provide a secure fixing that will eset tearing. Supercast Angleguard An externally placed walerstop for use there the jot ine coincides with a change in lavel ofthe slab scfft, The profile 's designed to co-ordinate wth the 250 mm Rearguara S prot, Supercast Rearguard Kicker ‘An extra wide version of Rearguerd R proiile which is used ta seal walltickar joints where the concrete kicksr is being cast after the slab rather than menolthicaly withthe stab. The extra width anablas the wateratop to span both the joint betwoon kicker and slab as wel as the joint between kicker and wall — ss0nm Technical support Fosror offers a comprehensive range of high performance. high quality, construction products all backed by BS 5750 certification. Fasras afers a technical suppert package to specifiers and contractors which includes compulereided ‘dosign (CAD), standard details and technical advise from staff \ih univaled experience in the industry Design criteria “The choice of the width and thickness of walerstep is largely governed by concrale thickness, the position ofthe reinforcement, agoregate size and complexiy of he pour. In general the 260 mm width of waterston is suited to wall Iicknesses of 250 mm and over. For concrete less than 250 mm thick, the Use of a narrewer wateretop approximating to the wall thickness will be appropriate, page 30f8 Supercast PVC Waterstops range Examples of movement construction joints Water retaining structures Expansion jint - wall Neel Join, seslanton one dr both tacos, sonny Suporeast Fed contraction join! - wall No censrto conti She rointia\gap Joint s2atant on one ot both reas en bord breaking topo ccontnaity Induced partial contraction joint - wal faces on tondbresking tape ‘steel continuity 80% corack ndtcing bore Expansion jeint - floor fr vost cooky Suporcast Resreustd S = \ se lining Ina gap fr exarsion Formed contraction joint - floor treating ape No stent = seat No conerste continuity find ro intl ga9 Induced partial contraction join! - floor Ste! supercastRearqutra a pine lind Note: Detals based on 8S 80071987 - Design of concrete: i sttucture for rearing aqueous liquids Water including structures Junctions of walla and grou slabs Proofox ; * membrane A aa 330 mn Supercast Prootox Rearauard Keer Proatex angle Fit Prootex Prbotex mmombrane Protection Board Note: Details based on BS 8 102.1890 - Protection of structure from water from the ground ae % | upeicast Foarguard R WRAP 7, ZR. ester WRK TANCES Ftcn pega 40f Supercast PVC Waterstops range Centrally placed waterstop ‘Those watersions are positioned within the thickness of the ‘concrete components and asa result are supparted by concrete con both sides. They are therefore able to withstand water pressure fiom either side. This makes them suitable for use in, water telaning structures. They will prevent loss of water from within the tank and will prevent ingress of ground water when the tank is drained down, Externally placed waterstop ‘These waterstops are designed foruse in basement. foundaton and floor slab construction in vertical ané horizontal joins ix both waler taining and waier excluding structures Wen used in wals, externally placed waterstops will ony resist. ‘water proseure from tha face fo whieh thoy ere Fxed. Whor used below floor slabs, where the vaterstop is supported by the blingirg concrete or when piaced in vertical situations against permanont concrete shutlering, externally placed vwaterstops wil resist water pressure from ether face. Properties Profiles Form: Exiruded thermoplaalie sestione Colour: Blue. Hydrostatic head: Upto 10m Joint movement: Upto 10mm Compound ‘Typical figures: To BS 2762 at 26°C (Minimura 14 MAN? Tensile strength: Elongation at break: Hardness: Minimum 300% mR hore AUS) Specification clauses 4, Supplier specification \ihere indicated on the drawinas, PVG waterstops shal be Supercast Wiatersiops cblained from Fostoz faldress as shown} All waliffoor walerstap connections shall be made using ‘Supercastinjection moulded Lansiian pieces to ensure continuly of the ‘our bulb profiles 2, Performance specification Where indicated on the drawings, PVC wateretops shall be rmaxie From exturled plastcised PVC compourd. The cormpaund Used shall meat the US Corps of Engineess specification CRD- C572-74, Itshall have a tensile strangih in excess of 14 LIN? ‘and an elongation at break in excess of 300% SET Installation instructions Supercast Hydrofoil and Watafoil \Waterstope must be installed so that they are securely held in {heircortect postion while the concreteis beina placed. Concrete must be fully compacted around the weterstops to ensure thet no voids or porous areas remain. Where reinforcement is present, an adequate clearance must be eft to permit proper compaction, ‘The brass eyelets used for securing the welerstop are located ‘outside tha adge bulbe go a net lo create wator pathe around the profile Example of a kicker joint Suporeast Roarguard ‘When used on ground slabs whore the waterslop is supported, ‘on binding, Rearguere profies usually requrre no fixing. Ley the waterstop centrally over the line of the joint to be formed Fing to vemicel shuttering is done by naling through the outer, nailing flanges leaving the head of the nail proud s0 thatitis holdin the cured concrete, This prevents the waterstop being displaced whan the shuttering is stuck Fixing ta veetcal shuiter Jf \y page 5 of 8 Supercast PVC Waterstops range Fixing Supercast Kicker Waterstop In addition to naling to the external shuiter, the Kicker profil ip quipped with brass eyolots in the canta rib. Twiet short Fenaths of tying wire through these eyelets so that when the kicker is cast they act as anchors, holding the centre of the ‘waterstop tight agains! the face ofthe cencrate. This prevenis, the buld-up of debris between the watersiog and the Kicser prior to the wal being poured, my Supercast Angfeguard Fixing in position is dene in a siilar manner to Supereast Rearguard Site jointing instructions Jointing of Supercast waterstops is carrid out using Fosrac Heat Welding Equlament. The ends toe Joined are cut square ‘anh in alignment in a speciel jg. The ends are then pressed either side of a special heated blade, unl an even, molten bead of PVC appears around the section, The heated blade 's then removed and the moiten ends pressed fully together. The PVG cools to ferm a strong fusion welded join, Ful instuctions ‘are available from Fosroc. Fosroc PVC hest welding equipment Intersection pioces Standard intersection pieces are available for each Supercast ‘waterstop profi, The standard an-flat intersection leg length is 230 mm from centre Ine, Onvedge intersections have a standard 75 mm leg lengtn, Gees we consvuctve souvons Factory welded intersections for Supercast Hycrofoill Watafol and XHO HydrofoivWatafil Flato miro (oF) 3uay onitat way con flat (T-PCE) Moulded Suporcast Roarguard A lo Waiatoil and Rearquard R to XHD Wataloi » & T.pioce on edge (TPCE} 90° mitre on edae 0-8) 1900 mitre on edge (M-O-E INT) page 0°8 Supercast PVC Waterstops range Factory welded intersactions for Supercast Rearquard R. Estimating and $ end Kicker 390 mm pa Section Werell Minimum radi Roll mer width in onfat onedge lenat Supercast_ mm m mom Hyérofil —«530=«7.B 20D ay, 20 ara 18 ons 2 209 14 ots 15 isa ors 15 Wateot 250 15 ots 2 200 14 015 15 459 2 007s 20 away RearguardR 259 10 ots 2 nie 209 a ots 12 180 8 ors 12 RearguardS 25 10 50 12 200 8 5012 1501988 50 72 £0 miveon cage Rearguard ees) Kicker 330348 so 2 Angleguard 250-8310 naam more sith langth x1 TE aap Factory welded intersections are avaiable for Supercest on 95042948 aes Angleguarc sa Stancard leg length 's 300 mm Watofil «25D neo Equipment Jointing jigs 150 mm Supercast Rearguard R & S 200 mm Supercast Rearguard R & S 250 mm Supercast Rearguard R & S 330 mm Supercast Rearguard Kickor 150 mm Supercast Hydrofoil & Watafoil 200 mun Supercast Hydrofoll 8 Walafoil 250 mm Supercast Hydrofoil & Watafoil Intemal type °C Internal type) 250 mm Supercast XHD Hydrofail & Watafoil 230 mm Suporcast Hydrofoil Moulded Supereast Rearguard S to Hycrofoll and Rearguard S to XHD Hydrate eater, Braces; 110v and 220s, 360W blades are aveilable, Non-oloctic bladoe are also available, Warning: Eneure that heator blades are earthed by the Topics on eign 40: toon edge greeniyellow Frese moe VS eaP, cacvine sass age Tf 8 Supercast PVC Waterstops range Precautions Health and safety Hot wald sto jointing of PUC walerstaps results inthe liberation hydrogen chloride mist and vapour. The OBL (operatonal ‘expacure limit} of 5 pom can be oxcosded in sill zir confined spaces, therelore forced ventilation must be provided or a suitable respirator used, Additional information Application at low temperatures Cate in the handling and installation of Supercast PVC. ‘watersiops Is necessary at low ambient temperatures. Such temperatures will alae require special precautions to bo takon withthe placing and curing of concrete ‘Aa well as waeretoos and ancillary products, Feros also manufactures a wide range of complementary produe's wich Includes wate:prooling membranes, joint sealants, grouting, anchoring and speciaised flooring matafials In addition, a wide range of products specifically designed for the repa and refurbishment of damaged reinforced concrote is avaiable, This includes hand-placed and spray grade repair moctars, fluid mero-concietes, chemica-resistant epoxy mortars and ¢ comprehensive package of protective coalings ow recat ru cloned geek rene eames nae slay aon ar SO La PT. Fosroc Indonesia Akasa Blok AO No.4 Datta Silicon hrcusta Park telephone: 49221897 2103, Lippe Ckarang 48222520 1308, Beka 17550 +0231 5029142 lnwionasia nen te a fax +62 21897 21073 $6 92 920.2713 +62 3 S02 2711 aga 8 0f8 email: KLwre.esk/0704/200

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