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TORTS 09/25/17

HUMAN RELATIONS PROVISIONS- Articles 19-36 After obtaining the foregoing information, Albenson, through counsel, made an
extrajudicial demand upon private respondent Eugenio S. Baltao, president of Guaranteed,
G.R. No. 88694 January 11, 1993 to replace and/or make good the dishonored check.

ALBENSON ENTERPRISES CORP., JESSE YAP, AND BENJAMIN Respondent Baltao, through counsel, denied that he issued the check, or that the signature
MENDIONA, petitioners, appearing thereon is his. He further alleged that Guaranteed was a defunct entity and
vs. hence, could not have transacted business with Albenson.
On February 14, 1983, Albenson filed with the Office of the Provincial Fiscal of Rizal a
Puruganan, Chato, Chato & Tan for petitioners. complaint against Eugenio S. Baltao for violation of Batas Pambansa Bilang 22. Submitted
to support said charges was an affidavit of petitioner Benjamin Mendiona, an employee of
Lino M. Patajo, Francisco Ma. Chanco, Ananiano Desierto and Segundo Mangohig for Albenson. In said affidavit, the above-mentioned circumstances were stated.
private respondent.
It appears, however, that private respondent has a namesake, his son Eugenio Baltao III,
who manages a business establishment, E.L. Woodworks, on the ground floor of the Baltao
Building, 3267 V. Mapa Street, Sta. Mesa, Manila, the very same business address of
BIDIN, J.: Guaranteed.
This petition assails the decision of respondent Court of Appeals in On September 5, 1983, Assistant Fiscal Ricardo Sumaway filed an information against
CA-GR CV No. 14948 entitled "Eugenio S. Baltao, plaintiff-appellee vs. Albenson Eugenio S. Baltao for Violation of Batas Pambansa Bilang 22. In filing said information,
Enterprises Corporation, et al, defendants-appellants", which modified the judgment of the Fiscal Sumaway claimed that he had given Eugenio S. Baltao opportunity to submit
Regional Trial Court of Quezon City, Branch XCVIII in Civil Case No. Q-40920 and controverting evidence, but the latter failed to do so and therefore, was deemed to have
ordered petitioner to pay private respondent, among others, the sum of P500,000.00 as waived his right.
moral damages and attorney's fees in the amount of P50,000.00.
Respondent Baltao, claiming ignorance of the complaint against him, immediately filed
The facts are not disputed. with the Provincial Fiscal of Rizal a motion for reinvestigation, alleging that it was not true
that he had been given an opportunity to be heard in the preliminary investigation
In September, October, and November 1980, petitioner Albenson Enterprises Corporation
conducted by Fiscal Sumaway, and that he never had any dealings with Albenson or
(Albenson for short) delivered to Guaranteed Industries, Inc. (Guaranteed for short) located
Benjamin Mendiona, consequently, the check for which he has been accused of having
at 3267 V. Mapa Street, Sta. Mesa, Manila, the mild steel plates which the latter ordered.
issued without funds was not issued by him and the signature in said check was not his.
As part payment thereof, Albenson was given Pacific Banking Corporation Check No.
136361 in the amount of P2,575.00 and drawn against the account of E.L. Woodworks On January 30, 1984, Provincial Fiscal Mauro M. Castro of Rizal reversed the finding of
(Rollo, p. 148). Fiscal Sumaway and exonerated respondent Baltao. He also instructed the Trial Fiscal to
move for dismissal of the information filed against Eugenio S. Baltao. Fiscal Castro found
When presented for payment, the check was dishonored for the reason "Account Closed."
that the signature in PBC Check No. 136361 is not the signature of Eugenio S. Baltao. He
Thereafter, petitioner Albenson, through counsel, traced the origin of the dishonored check.
also found that there is no showing in the records of the preliminary investigation that
From the records of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), Albenson discovered
Eugenio S. Baltao actually received notice of the said investigation. Fiscal Castro then
that the president of Guaranteed, the recipient of the unpaid mild steel plates, was one
castigated Fiscal Sumaway for failing to exercise care and prudence in the performance of
"Eugenio S. Baltao." Upon further inquiry, Albenson was informed by the Ministry of
his duties, thereby causing injustice to respondent who was not properly notified of the
Trade and Industry that E.L. Woodworks, a single proprietorship business, was registered
complaint against him and of the requirement to submit his counter evidence.
in the name of one "Eugenio Baltao". In addition, upon verification with the drawee bank,
Pacific Banking Corporation, Albenson was advised that the signature appearing on the Because of the alleged unjust filing of a criminal case against him for allegedly issuing a
subject check belonged to one "Eugenio Baltao." check which bounced in violation of Batas Pambansa Bilang 22 for a measly amount of
P2,575.00, respondent Baltao filed before the Regional Trial Court of Quezon City a
complaint for damages against herein petitioners Albenson Enterprises, Jesse Yap, its
owner, and Benjamin Mendiona, its employee.
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In its decision, the lower court observed that "the check is drawn against the account of 3. Concluding that petitioner's "actuations in this case were coldly deliberate and
"E.L. Woodworks," not of Guaranteed Industries of which plaintiff used to be President. calculated", no evidence having been adduced to support such a sweeping statement.
Guaranteed Industries had been inactive and had ceased to exist as a corporation since
1975. . . . . The possibility is that it was with Gene Baltao or Eugenio Baltao III, a son of 4. Holding the petitioner corporation, petitioner Yap and petitioner Mendiona jointly and
plaintiff who had a business on the ground floor of Baltao Building located on V. Mapa severally liable without sufficient basis in law and in fact.
Street, that the defendants may have been dealing with . . . ." (Rollo, pp. 41-42).
5. Awarding respondents
The dispositive portion of the trial court 's decision reads:
5.1. P133,350.00 as actual or compensatory damages, even in the absence of sufficient
WHEREFORE, judgment is hereby rendered in favor of plaintiff and against defendants evidence to show that such was actually suffered.
ordering the latter to pay plaintiff jointly and severally:
5.2. P500,000.00 as moral damages considering that the evidence in this connection merely
1. actual or compensatory damages of P133,350.00; involved private respondent's alleged celebrated status as a businessman, there being no
showing that the act complained of adversely affected private respondent's reputation or
2. moral damages of P1,000,000.00 (1 million pesos); that it resulted to material loss.

3. exemplary damages of P200,000.00; 5.3. P200,000.00 as exemplary damages despite the fact that petitioners were duly advised
by counsel of their legal recourse.
4. attorney's fees of P100,000.00;
5.4. P50,000.00 as attorney's fees, no evidence having been adduced to justify such an
5 costs. award (Rollo, pp. 4-6).
Defendants' counterclaim against plaintiff and claim for damages against Mercantile Petitioners contend that the civil case filed in the lower court was one for malicious
Insurance Co. on the bond for the issuance of the writ of attachment at the instance of prosecution. Citing the case of Madera vs. Lopez (102 SCRA 700 [1981]), they assert that
plaintiff are hereby dismissed for lack of merit. (Rollo, pp. 38-39). the absence of malice on their part absolves them from any liability for malicious
prosecution. Private respondent, on the other hand, anchored his complaint for Damages on
On appeal, respondent court modified the trial court's decision as follows: Articles 19, 20, and 21 ** of the Civil Code.
WHEREFORE, the decision appealed from is MODIFIED by reducing the moral damages Article 19, known to contain what is commonly referred to as the principle of abuse of
awarded therein from P1,000,000.00 to P500,000.00 and the attorney's fees from rights, sets certain standards which may be observed not only in the exercise of one's rights
P100,000.00 to P50,000.00, said decision being hereby affirmed in all its other aspects. but also in the performance of one's duties. These standards are the following: to act with
With costs against appellants. (Rollo, pp. 50-51) justice; to give everyone his due; and to observe honesty and good faith. The law,
therefore, recognizes the primordial limitation on all rights: that in their exercise, the norms
Dissatisfied with the above ruling, petitioners Albenson Enterprises Corp., Jesse Yap, and of human conduct set forth in Article 19 must be observed. A right, though by itself legal
Benjamin Mendiona filed the instant Petition, alleging that the appellate court erred in: because recognized or granted by law as such, may nevertheless become the source of
some illegality. When a right is exercised in a manner which does not conform with the
1. Concluding that private respondent's cause of action is not one based on malicious
norms enshrined in Article 19 and results in damage to another, a legal wrong is thereby
prosecution but one for abuse of rights under Article 21 of the Civil Code notwithstanding
committed for which the wrongdoer must be held responsible. Although the requirements
the fact that the basis of a civil action for malicious prosecution is Article 2219 in relation
of each provision is different, these three (3) articles are all related to each other. As the
to Article 21 or Article 2176 of the Civil Code . . . .
eminent Civilist Senator Arturo Tolentino puts it: "With this article (Article 21), combined
2. Concluding that "hitting at and in effect maligning (private respondent) with an unjust with articles 19 and 20, the scope of our law on civil wrongs has been very greatly
criminal case was, without more, a plain case of abuse of rights by misdirection" and "was broadened; it has become much more supple and adaptable than the Anglo-American law
therefore, actionable by itself," and which "became inordinately blatant and grossly on torts. It is now difficult to conceive of any malevolent exercise of a right which could
aggravated when . . . (private respondent) was deprived of his basic right to notice and a not be checked by the application of these articles" (Tolentino, 1 Civil Code of the
fair hearing in the so-called preliminary investigation . . . . " Philippines 72).

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There is however, no hard and fast rule which can be applied to determine whether or not 22 against private respondent was their failure to collect the amount of P2,575.00 due on a
the principle of abuse of rights may be invoked. The question of whether or not the bounced check which they honestly believed was issued to them by private respondent.
principle of abuse of rights has been violated, resulting in damages under Articles 20 and Petitioners had conducted inquiries regarding the origin of the check, and yielded the
21 or other applicable provision of law, depends on the circumstances of each case. (Globe following results: from the records of the Securities and Exchange Commission, it was
Mackay Cable and Radio Corporation vs. Court of Appeals, 176 SCRA 778 [1989]). discovered that the President of Guaranteed (the recipient of the unpaid mild steel plates),
was one "Eugenio S. Baltao"; an inquiry with the Ministry of Trade and Industry revealed
The elements of an abuse of right under Article 19 are the following: (1) There is a legal that E.L. Woodworks, against whose account the check was drawn, was registered in the
right or duty; (2) which is exercised in bad faith; (3) for the sole intent of prejudicing or name of one "Eugenio Baltao"; verification with the drawee bank, the Pacific Banking
injuring another. Article 20 speaks of the general sanction for all other provisions of law Corporation, revealed that the signature appearing on the check belonged to one "Eugenio
which do not especially provide for their own sanction (Tolentino, supra, p. 71). Thus, Baltao".
anyone who, whether willfully or negligently, in the exercise of his legal right or duty,
causes damage to another, shall indemnify his victim for injuries suffered thereby. Article In a letter dated December 16, 1983, counsel for petitioners wrote private respondent
21 deals with acts contra bonus mores, and has the following elements: 1) There is an act demanding that he make good the amount of the check. Counsel for private respondent
which is legal; 2) but which is contrary to morals, good custom, public order, or public wrote back and denied, among others, that private respondent ever transacted business with
policy; 3) and it is done with intent to injure. Albenson Enterprises Corporation; that he ever issued the check in question. Private
respondent's counsel even went further: he made a warning to defendants to check the
Thus, under any of these three (3) provisions of law, an act which causes injury to another veracity of their claim. It is pivotal to note at this juncture that in this same letter, if indeed
may be made the basis for an award of damages. private respondent wanted to clear himself from the baseless accusation made against his
person, he should have made mention of the fact that there are three (3) persons with the
There is a common element under Articles 19 and 21, and that is, the act must be same name, i.e.: Eugenio Baltao, Sr., Eugenio S. Baltao, Jr. (private respondent), and
intentional. However, Article 20 does not distinguish: the act may be done either Eugenio Baltao III (private respondent's son, who as it turned out later, was the issuer of
"willfully", or "negligently". The trial court as well as the respondent appellate court the check). He, however, failed to do this. The last two Baltaos were doing business in the
mistakenly lumped these three (3) articles together, and cited the same as the bases for the same building Baltao Building located at 3267 V. Mapa Street, Sta. Mesa, Manila.
award of damages in the civil complaint filed against petitioners, thus: The mild steel plates were ordered in the name of Guaranteed of which respondent Eugenio
S. Baltao is the president and delivered to Guaranteed at Baltao building. Thus, petitioners
With the foregoing legal provisions (Articles 19, 20, and 21) in focus, there is not much had every reason to believe that the Eugenio Baltao who issued the bouncing check is
difficulty in ascertaining the means by which appellants' first assigned error should be respondent Eugenio S. Baltao when their counsel wrote respondent to make good the
resolved, given the admitted fact that when there was an attempt to collect the amount of amount of the check and upon refusal, filed the complaint for violation of BP Blg. 22.
P2,575.00, the defendants were explicitly warned that plaintiff Eugenio S. Baltao is not the
Eugenio Baltao defendants had been dealing with (supra, p. 5). When the defendants Private respondent, however, did nothing to clarify the case of mistaken identity at first
nevertheless insisted and persisted in filing a case a criminal case no less against hand. Instead, private respondent waited in ambush and thereafter pounced on the hapless
plaintiff, said defendants ran afoul of the legal provisions (Articles 19, 20, and 21 of the petitioners at a time he thought was propitious by filing an action for damages. The Court
Civil Code) cited by the lower court and heretofore quoted (supra). will not countenance this devious scheme.
Defendants, not having been paid the amount of P2,575.00, certainly had the right to The criminal complaint filed against private respondent after the latter refused to make
complain. But that right is limited by certain constraints. Beyond that limit is the area of good the amount of the bouncing check despite demand was a sincere attempt on the part
excess, of abuse of rights. (Rollo, pp. of petitioners to find the best possible means by which they could collect the sum of money
44-45). due them. A person who has not been paid an obligation owed to him will naturally seek
ways to compel the debtor to pay him. It was normal for petitioners to find means to make
Assuming, arguendo, that all the three (3) articles, together and not independently of each the issuer of the check pay the amount thereof. In the absence of a wrongful act or
one, could be validly made the bases for an award of damages based on the principle of omission or of fraud or bad faith, moral damages cannot be awarded and that the adverse
"abuse of right", under the circumstances, We see no cogent reason for such an award of result of an action does not per se make the action wrongful and subject the actor to the
damages to be made in favor of private respondent. payment of damages, for the law could not have meant to impose a penalty on the right to
litigate (Rubio vs. Court of Appeals, 141 SCRA 488 [1986]).
Certainly, petitioners could not be said to have violated the aforestated principle of abuse
of right. What prompted petitioners to file the case for violation of Batas Pambansa Bilang
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In the case at bar, private respondent does not deny that the mild steel plates were ordered To constitute malicious prosecution, there must be proof that the prosecution was prompted
by and delivered to Guaranteed at Baltao building and as part payment thereof, the by a sinister design to vex and humiliate a person, that it was initiated deliberately by the
bouncing check was issued by one Eugenio Baltao. Neither had private respondent defendant knowing that his charges were false and groundless. Concededly, the mere act of
conveyed to petitioner that there are two Eugenio Baltaos conducting business in the same submitting a case to the authorities for prosecution does not make one liable for malicious
building he and his son Eugenio Baltao III. Considering that Guaranteed, which prosecution. Proof and motive that the institution of the action was prompted by a sinister
received the goods in payment of which the bouncing check was issued is owned by design to vex and humiliate a person must be clearly and preponderantly established to
respondent, petitioner acted in good faith and probable cause in filing the complaint before entitle the victims to damages (Ibid.).
the provincial fiscal.
In the case at bar, there is no proof of a sinister design on the part of petitioners to vex or
To constitute malicious prosecution, there must be proof that the prosecution was prompted humiliate private respondent by instituting the criminal case against him. While petitioners
by a sinister design to vex and humiliate a person, and that it was initiated deliberately by may have been negligent to some extent in determining the liability of private respondent
the defendant knowing that his charges were false and groundless. Concededly, the mere for the dishonored check, the same is not so gross or reckless as to amount to bad faith
act of submitting a case to the authorities for prosecution does not make one liable for warranting an award of damages.
malicious prosecution. (Manila Gas Corporation vs. Court of Appeals, 100 SCRA 602
[1980]). Still, private respondent argues that liability under Articles 19, 20, and 21 of the The root of the controversy in this case is founded on a case of mistaken identity. It is
Civil Code is so encompassing that it likewise includes liability for damages for malicious possible that with a more assiduous investigation, petitioners would have eventually
prosecution under Article 2219 (8). True, a civil action for damages for malicious discovered that private respondent Eugenio S. Baltao is not the "Eugenio Baltao"
prosecution is allowed under the New Civil Code, more specifically Articles 19, 20, 26, 29, responsible for the dishonored check. However, the record shows that petitioners did exert
32, 33, 35, and 2219 (8) thereof. In order that such a case can prosper, however, the considerable effort in order to determine the liability of private respondent. Their
following three (3) elements must be present, to wit: (1) The fact of the prosecution and the investigation pointed to private respondent as the "Eugenio Baltao" who issued and signed
further fact that the defendant was himself the prosecutor, and that the action was finally the dishonored check as the president of the debtor-corporation Guaranteed Enterprises.
terminated with an acquittal; (2) That in bringing the action, the prosecutor acted without Their error in proceeding against the wrong individual was obviously in the nature of an
probable cause; (3) The prosecutor was actuated or impelled by legal malice (Lao vs. Court innocent mistake, and cannot be characterized as having been committed in bad faith. This
of Appeals, 199 SCRA 58, [1991]). error could have been discovered if respondent had submitted his counter-affidavit before
investigating fiscal Sumaway and was immediately rectified by Provincial Fiscal Mauro
Thus, a party injured by the filing of a court case against him, even if he is later on Castro upon discovery thereof, i.e., during the reinvestigation resulting in the dismissal of
absolved, may file a case for damages grounded either on the principle of abuse of rights, the complaint.
or on malicious prosecution. As earlier stated, a complaint for damages based on malicious
prosecution will prosper only if the three (3) elements aforecited are shown to exist. In the Furthermore, the adverse result of an action does not per se make the act wrongful and
case at bar, the second and third elements were not shown to exist. It is well-settled that subject the actor to the payment of moral damages. The law could not have meant to
one cannot be held liable for maliciously instituting a prosecution where one has acted with impose a penalty on the right to litigate, such right is so precious that moral damages may
probable cause. "Probable cause is the existence of such facts and circumstances as would not be charged on those who may even exercise it erroneously. And an adverse decision
excite the belief, in a reasonable mind, acting on the facts within the knowledge of the does not ipso facto justify the award of attorney's fees to the winning party (Garcia vs.
prosecutor, that the person charged was guilty of the crime for which he was prosecuted. In Gonzales, 183 SCRA 72 [1990]).
other words, a suit will lie only in cases where a legal prosecution has been carried on
without probable cause. The reason for this rule is that it would be a very great Thus, an award of damages and attorney's fees is unwarranted where the action was filed in
discouragement to public justice, if prosecutors, who had tolerable ground of suspicion, good faith. If damage results from a person's exercising his legal rights, it is damnum
were liable to be sued at law when their indictment miscarried" (Que vs. Intermediate absque injuria (Ilocos Norte Electric Company vs. Court of Appeals, 179 SCRA 5 [1989]).
Appellate Court, 169 SCRA 137 [1989]).
Coming now to the claim of private respondent for actual or compensatory damages, the
The presence of probable cause signifies, as a legal consequence, the absence of malice. In records show that the same was based solely on his allegations without proof to
the instant case, it is evident that petitioners were not motivated by malicious intent or by substantiate the same. He did not present proof of the cost of the medical treatment which
sinister design to unduly harass private respondent, but only by a well-founded anxiety to he claimed to have undergone as a result of the nervous breakdown he suffered, nor did he
protect their rights when they filed the criminal complaint against private respondent. present proof of the actual loss to his business caused by the unjust litigation against him.
In determining actual damages, the court cannot rely on speculation, conjectures or

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guesswork as to the amount. Without the actual proof of loss, the award of actual damages [G. R. No. 126486. February 9, 1998]
becomes erroneous (Guilatco vs. City of Dagupan, 171 SCRA 382 [1989]).
Actual and compensatory damages are those recoverable because of pecuniary loss in DODGE PHILS., INC. respondents.
business, trade, property, profession, job or occupation and the same must be proved,
otherwise, if the proof is flimsy and unsubstantiated, no damages will be given (Rubio vs. DECISION
Court of Appeals, 141 SCRA 488 [1986]). For these reasons, it was gravely erroneous for
respondent court to have affirmed the award of actual damages in favor of private KAPUNAN, J.:
respondent in the absence of proof thereof.
The instant petition raises two issues: (1) whether or not private respondent is guilty of
Where there is no evidence of the other party having acted in wanton, fraudulent or abuse of right; and (2) whether or not private respondent is entitled to interest and attorneys
reckless, or oppressive manner, neither may exemplary damages be awarded (Dee Hua fees.
Liong Electrical Equipment Corporation vs. Reyes, 145 SCRA 488 [1986]).
The facts are undisputed:
As to the award of attorney's fees, it is well-settled that the same is the exception rather
than the general rule. Needless to say, the award of attorney's fees must be disallowed On August 31, 1973, plaintiff [Phelps Dodge, Philippines, Inc. private respondent herein]
where the award of exemplary damages is eliminated (Article 2208, Civil Code; Agustin appointed defendant [petitioner Barons Marketing, Corporation] as one of its dealers of
vs. Court of Appeals, 186 SCRA 375 [1990]). Moreover, in view of the fact that there was electrical wires and cables effective September 1, 1973 (Exh. A). As such dealer, defendant
no malicious prosecution against private respondent, attorney's fees cannot be awarded him was given by plaintiff 60 days credit for its purchases of plaintiffs electrical products. This
on that ground. credit term was to be reckoned from the date of delivery by plaintiff of its products to
defendant (Exh. 1).
In the final analysis, there is no proof or showing that petitioners acted maliciously or in
bad faith in the filing of the case against private respondent. Consequently, in the absence During the period covering December 1986 to August 17, 1987, defendant purchased, on
of proof of fraud and bad faith committed by petitioners, they cannot be held liable for credit, from plaintiff various electrical wires and cables in the total amount
damages (Escritor, Jr. vs. Intermediate Appellate Court, 155 SCRA 577 [1987]). No of P4,102,438.30 (Exh. B to K). These wires and cables were in turn sold, pursuant to
damages can be awarded in the instant case, whether based on the principle of abuse of previous arrangements, by defendant to MERALCO, the former being the accredited
rights, or for malicious prosecution. The questioned judgment in the instant case attests to supplier of the electrical requirements of the latter. Under the sales invoices issued by
the propensity of trial judges to award damages without basis. Lower courts are hereby plaintiff to defendant for the subject purchases, it is stipulated that interest at 12% on the
cautioned anew against awarding unconscionable sums as damages without bases therefor. amount due for attorneys fees and collection (Exh. BB). [1] On September 7, 1987,
defendant paid plaintiff the amount of P300,000.00 out of its total purchases as above-
WHEREFORE, the petition is GRANTED and the decision of the Court of Appeals in C.A. stated (Exh. S), thereby leaving an unpaid account on the aforesaid deliveries
G.R. C.V. No. 14948 dated May 13, 1989, is hereby REVERSED and SET ASIDE. Costs of P3,802,478.20. On several occasions, plaintiff wrote defendant demanding payment of
against respondent Baltao. its outstanding obligations due plaintiff (Exhs. L, M, N, and P). In response, defendant
wrote plaintiff on October 5, 1987 requesting the latter if it could pay its outstanding
SO ORDERED. account in monthly installments of P500,000.00 plus 1% interest per month commencing
on October 15, 1987 until full payment (Exh. O and O-4). Plaintiff, however, rejected
defendants offer and accordingly reiterated its demand for the full payment of defendants
account (Exh. P).[2]

On 29 October 1987, private respondent Phelps Dodge Phils., Inc. filed a complaint before
the Pasig Regional Trial Court against petitioner Barons Marketing Corporation for the
recovery of P3,802,478.20 representing the value of the wires and cables the former had
delivered to the latter, including interest. Phelps Dodge likewise prayed that it be awarded
attorneys fees at the rate of 25% of the amount demanded, exemplary damages amounting
to at least P100,000.00, the expenses of litigation and the costs of suit.

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Petitioner, in its answer, admitted purchasing the wires and cables from private respondent Petitioner Barons Marketing is now before this Court alleging that respondent court erred
but disputed the amount claimed by the latter. Petitioner likewise interposed a counterclaim when it held (1) private respondent Phelps Dodge not guilty of creditors abuse, and (2)
against private respondent, alleging that it suffered injury to its reputation due to Phelps petitioner liable to private respondent for interest and attorneys fees.
Dodges acts. Such acts were purportedly calculated to humiliate petitioner and constituted
an abuse of rights. I

After hearing, the trial court on 17 June 1991 rendered its decision, the dispositive portion Petitioner does not deny private respondents rights to institute an action for collection and
of which reads: to claim full payment. Indeed, petitioners right to file an action for collection is beyond
cavil.[5] Likewise, private respondents right to reject petitioners offer to pay in installments
WHEREFORE, from all the foregoing considerations, the Court finds Phelps Dodge Phils., is guaranteed by Article 1248 of the Civil Code which states:
Inc. to have preponderantly proven its case and hereby orders Barons Marketing, Inc. to
pay Phelps Dodge the following: ART. 1248. Unless there is an express stipulation to that effect, the creditor cannot be
compelled partially to receive the prestations in which the obligation consists. Neither may
1. P3,108,000.00 constituting the unpaid balance of defendants purchases from plaintiff the debtor be required to make partial payments.
and interest thereon at 12% per annum computed from the respective expiration of the 60
day credit term, vis--vis the various sales invoices and/or delivery receipts; However, when the debt is in part liquidated and in part unliquidated, the creditor may
demand and the debtor may effect the payment of the former without waiting for the
2. 25% of the preceding obligation for and as attorneys fees; liquidation of the latter.

3. P10,000.00 as exemplary damages; Under this provision, the prestation , i.e., the object of the obligation, must be performed in
one act, not in parts.
4. Costs of suit.[3]
Tolentino concedes that the right has its limitations:
Both parties appealed to respondent court. Private respondent claimed that the trial court
should have awarded it the sum of P3,802,478.20, the amount which appeared in the body Partial Prestations. Since the creditor cannot be compelled to accept partial performance,
of the complaint and proven during the trial rather than P3,108,000.00. The latter amount unless otherwise stipulated, the creditor who refuses to accept partial prestations does not
appears in petitioners prayer supposedly as a result of a typographical error. incur in delay or mora accipiendi, except when there is abuse of right or if good faith
requires acceptance.[6]
On the other hand, petitioner reiterated its claims for damages as a result of creditors
abuse. It also alleged that private respondent failed to prove its cause of action against it. Indeed, the law, as set forth in Article 19 of the Civil Code, prescribes a primordial
limitation on all rights by setting certain standards that must be observed in the exercise
On 25 June 1996, the Court of Appeals rendered a decision modifying the decision of the thereof .[7] Thus:
trial court, thus:
ART. 19. Every person must, in the exercise of his rights and in the performance of his
WHEREFORE, from all the foregoing considerations, the Court finds Phelps Dodge Phils., duties, act with justice, give everyone his due, and observe honesty and good faith.
Inc. to have preponderantly proven its case and hereby orders Barons Marketing, Inc. to
pay Phelps Dodge the following: Petitioner now invokes Article 19 and Article 21 [8] of the Civil Code, claiming that private
respondent abused its rights when it rejected petitioners offer of settlement and
1. P3,802,478.20 constituting the unpaid balance of defendants purchases from plaintiff subsequently filed the action for collection considering:
and interest thereon at 12% per annum computed from the respective expiration of the 60
day credit term, vis--vis the various sales invoices and/or delivery receipts; and xxx that the relationship between the parties started in 1973 spanning more than 13 years
before the complaint was filed, that the petitioner had been a good and reliable dealer
2. 5% of the preceding obligation for and as attorneys fees. enjoying a good credit standing during the period before it became delinquent in 1987, that
the relationship between the parties had been a fruitful one especially for the private
No costs.[4] respondent, that the petitioner exerted its outmost efforts to settle its obligations and avoid
a suit, that the petitioner did not evade in the payment of its obligation to the private

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respondent, and that the petitioner was just asking a small concession that it be allowed to facts and circumstances when the exercise of a right is unjust, or when there has been an
liquidate its obligation to eight (8) monthly installments of P500,000.00 plus 1% interest abuse of right.[11]
per month on the balance which proposal was supported by post-dated checks.[9]
The question, therefore, is whether private respondent intended to prejudice or injure
Expounding on its theory, petitioner states: petitioner when it rejected petitioners offer and filed the action for collection.

In the ordinary course of events, a suit for collection of a sum of money filed in court is We hold in the negative. It is an elementary rule in this jurisdiction that good faith is
done for the primary purpose of collecting a debt or obligation. If there is an offer by the presumed and that the burden of proving bad faith rests upon the party alleging the
debtor to pay its debt or obligation supported by post-dated checks and with provision for same.[12] In the case at bar, petitioner has failed to prove bad faith on the part of private
interests, the normal response of a creditor would be to accept the offer of compromise and respondent.Petitioners allegation that private respondent was motivated by a desire to
not file the suit for collection. It is of common knowledge that proceedings in our courts terminate its agency relationship with petitioner so that private respondent itself may deal
would normally take years before an action is finally settled. It is always wiser and more directly with Meralco is simply not supported by the evidence. At most, such supposition is
prudent to accept an offer of payment in installment rather than file an action in court to merely speculative.
compel the debtor to settle his obligation in full in a single payment.
Moreover, we find that private respondent was driven by very
xxx. legitimate reasons for rejecting petitioners offer and instituting the action for collection
before the trial court. As pointed out by private respondent, the corporation had its own
xxx. Why then did private respondent elect to file a suit for collection rather than accept cash position to protect in order for it to pay its own obligations. This is not such a lame
petitioners offer of settlement, supported by post-dated checks, by paying monthly and poor rationalization as petitioner purports it to be. For if private respondent were to be
installments of P500,000.00 plus 1% per month commencing on October 15, 1987 until full required to accept petitioners offer, there would be no reason for the latter to reject similar
payment?The answer is obvious. The action of private respondent in filling a suit for offers from its other debtors. Clearly, this would be inimical to the interests of any
collection was an abuse of right and exercised for the sole purpose of prejudicing and enterprise, especially a profit-oriented one like private respondent. It is plain to see that
injuring the petitioner.[10] what we have here is a mere exercise of rights, not an abuse thereof. Under these
circumstances, we do not deem private respondent to have acted in a manner contrary to
Petitioner prays that the Court order private respondent to pay petitioner moral and morals, good customs or public policy as to violate the provisions of Article 21 of the Civil
exemplary damages, attorneys fees, as well as the costs of suit. It likewise asks that it be Code.
allowed to liquidate its obligation to private respondent, without interests, in eight equal
monthly installments. Consequently, petitioners prayer for moral and exemplary damages must thus be
rejected. Petitioners claim for moral damages is anchored on Article 2219 (10) of the Civil
Petitioners theory is untenable. Code which states:
Both parties agree that to constitute an abuse of rights under Article 19 the defendant must ART. 2219. Moral damages may be recovered in the following and analogous cases:
act with bad faith or intent to prejudice the plaintiff. They cite the following comments of
Tolentino as their authority: xxx.

Test of Abuse of Right. Modern jurisprudence does not permit acts which, although not (10) Acts and actions referred to in articles 21, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 32, 34, and 35.
unlawful, are anti-social. There is undoubtedly an abuse of right when it is exercised for the
only purpose of prejudicing or injuring another. When the objective of the actor is xxx.
illegitimate, the illicit act cannot be concealed under the guise of exercising a right. The
principle does not permit acts which, without utility or legitimate purpose cause damage to Having ruled that private respondents acts did not transgress the provisions of Article 21,
another, because they violate the concept of social solidarity which considers law as petitioner cannot be entitled to moral damages or, for that matter, exemplary
rational and just.Hence, every abnormal exercise of a right, contrary to its socio-economic damages. While the amount of exemplary damages need not be proved, petitioner must
purpose, is an abuse that will give rise to liability. The exercise of a right must be in show that he is entitled to moral, temperate or compensatory damages before the court
accordance with the purpose for which it was established, and must not be excessive or may consider the question of whether or not exemplary damages should be awarded.[13] As
unduly harsh; there must be no intention to injure another. Ultimately, however, and in we have observed above, petitioner has failed to discharge this burden.
practice, courts, in the sound exercise of their discretion, will have to determine all the
7|P a g e
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It may not be amiss to state that petitioners contract with private respondent has the force ART. 2227. Liquidated damages, whether intended as an indemnity or a penalty, shall be
of law between them.[14] Petitioner is thus bound to fulfill what has been expressly equitably reduced if they are iniquitous or unconscionable.
stipulated therein.[15] In the absence of any abuse of right, private respondent cannot be
allowed to perform its obligation under such contract in parts. Otherwise, private It is true that we have upheld the reasonableness of penalties in the form of attorneys fees
respondents right under Article 1248 will be negated, the sanctity of its contract with consisting of twenty-five percent (25%) of the principal debt plus interest.[20] In the case at
petitioner defiled. The principle of autonomy of contracts[16] must be respected. bar, however, the interest alone runs to some four and a half million pesos (P4.5M), even
exceeding the principal debt amounting to almost four million pesos (P4.0M). Twenty five
II percent (25%) of the principal and interest amounts to roughly two million pesos (P2M). In
real terms, therefore, the attorneys fees and collection fees are manifestly
Under said contract, petitioner is liable to private respondent for the unpaid balance of its exorbitant.Accordingly, we reduce the same to ten percent (10%) of the principal.
purchases from private respondent plus 12% interest. Private respondents sales invoices
expressly provide that: Private respondent, however, argues that petitioner failed to question the award of
attorneys fees on appeal before respondent court and raised the issue only in its motion for
xxx. Interest at 12% per annum will be charged on all overdue account plus 25% on said reconsideration. Consequently, petitioner should be deemed to have waived its right to
amount for attorneys fees and collection. xxx.[17] question such award.
It may also be noted that the above stipulation, insofar as it provides for the payment of Private respondents attempts to dissuade us from reducing the penalty are futile. The Court
25% on said amount for attorneys fees and collection (sic), constitutes what is known as a is clothed with ample authority to review matters, even if they are not assigned as errors in
penal clause.[18] Petitioner is thus obliged to pay such penalty in addition to the 12% annual their appeal, if it finds that their consideration is necessary in arriving at a just decision of
interest, there being an express stipulation to that effect. the case.[21]

Petitioner nevertheless urges this Court to reduce the attorneys fees for being grossly WHEREFORE, the decision of the Court of Appeals is hereby MODIFIED in that the
excessive, considering the nature of the case which is a mere action for collection of a sum attorneys and collection fees are reduced to ten percent (10%) of the principal but is
of money. It may be pointed out however that the above penalty is supposed to answer not AFFIRMED in all other respects.
only for attorneys fees but for collection fees as well. Moreover:
x x x the attorneys fees here provided is not, strictly speaking, the attorneys fees
recoverable as between attorney and client spoken of and regulated by the Rules of
Court. Rather, the attorneys fees here are in the nature of liquidated damages and the
stipulation therefor is aptly called a penal clause. It has been said that so long as such
stipulation does not contravene law, morals, or public order, it is strictly binding upon
defendant. The attorneys fees so provided are awarded in favor of the litigant, not his
counsel. It is the litigant, not counsel, who is the judgment creditor entitled to enforce the
judgment by execution.[19]

Nonetheless, courts are empowered to reduce such penalty if the same is iniquitous or
unconscionable. Article 1229 of the Civil Code states thus:

ART. 1229. The judge shall equitably reduce the penalty when the principal obligation has
been partly or irregularly complied with by the debtor. Even if there has been no
performance, the penalty may also be reduced by the courts if it is iniquitous or
unconscionable. (Underscoring supplied.)

The sentiments of the law are echoed in Article 2227 of the same Code:

8|P a g e
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G.R. No. 85464 October 3, 1991 obligations were approved, among others, by Atty Llorente, and their gratuity
benefits released to them after deducting those accountabilities. ...
DAVID P. LLORENTE, petitioner,
vs. The clearanceof Mrs. Javier of the same date of October 30, 1991 was also signed by
THE SANDIGANBAYAN (THIRD DIVISION), and PEOPLE OF THE all PCA officers concerned, including Mrs. Sotto even though the former had
PHILIPPINES, respondents. unsettled obligations noted thereon, viz 'SIS loan P5,387.00 and UCPB car loan
P19,705.00, or a total of P25,092.00, and later on approveed by Col. Dueas, Mrs
Padilla Law Office for petitioner. Javier being an officer, and Atty. Rodriguez "Exh. (O)". Similariv the, voucher of
Mrs Javier for her gratuity benefits likewise recited her accountabilities of P25,092.00
plus P92.000.00, which was handwritten. Both accounts were deducted from her
gratuity benefits, and the balance released to her on November 16, 1981. The voucher
passed post-audit by Atty. Rodriguez on December 1, 1981 (Exhs. L,
SAMIENTO, J.: L-1, L-2, and L-3).
The petitioner questions the Decision of the Sandiganbayan * holding him civilly liable The said P92,000.00 was the disallowed portion of the cash advances received by Mr.
in spite of an acquittal. The facts are not disputed: Curio in connection with his duties as "super cargo" in the distribution of seed nuts
throughout the country. He received them through and in the name of Mrs. Javier
Atty. Llorente was employed in the PCA, a public corporation (Sec. 1, PD 1468) from
from the UCPB. When the amount was disallowed, the UCPB withheld from the PCA
1975 to August 31, 1986, when he resigned. He occupied the positions of Assistant
certain receivables; the latter, in turn, deducted the same amount from the gratuity
Corporate Secretary for a year, then Corporate Legal Counsel until November 2,
benefits of Mrs. Javier, she being primarily liable therefor (Exhs, L, L-1, L-2, and L-
1981, and, finally, Deputy Administrator for Administrative Services, Finance
3), At the time of the deduction, the additional liquidation papers had already been
Services, Legal Affairs Departments. ...
submitted and were in process. Just in case she would not be successful in having the
As a result of a massive reorganization in 1981, hundreds of PCA employees resigned entire amount wiped out, she requested Mr. Curio, who admittedly received it, to
effective October 31, 1981. Among them were Mr. Curio, Mrs. Perez, Mr. Azucena, execute, as he did, an affidavit dated November 26, 1981, in which he assumed
and Mrs. Javier (TSN, Oct. 22/87, p. 2; Exhs. M-2, N-1, and O-1). They were all whatever portion thereof might not be allowed ...
required to apply for PCA clearances in support of their gratuity benefits (Exhs. C,
The clearance of Mr. Curio dated November 4,1981, (Exh. D or D-1) likewise
M-2, N-1, and 0-1). Condition (a) of the clearance provided:
favorably passed all officers concerned, including Mrs. Sotto, the latter signing
The clearance shall be signed by the PCA officers concemed only when there is no despite the notation handwritten on December 8, 1981, that Mr. Curio had pending
item appearing under "PENDING ACCOUNTABILITY" or after every item accountabilities, namely: GSIS loan 2,193.74, 201 accounts receivable P3,897.75,
previously entered thereunder is fully settled. Settlement thereof shall be written in and UCPB loan P3,623.49, or a total of P10,714.78. However, when the clearance
RED ink. (Exhs. D or D-1 and 1-B) was submitted to Atty. Llorente for approval, he refused to approve it. For this
reason, the clearance was held up in his office and did not reach Atty. Rodriguez, ...
After the clearance was signed by the PCA officers concerned, it was to be approved,
first, by Atty. Llorente, in the case of a rank-and-file employee, or by Col. Duefias, the The reason given by Atty. Llorente was that when the clearance was presented to him
acting administrator, in the case of an officer, and then by Atty. Rodriguez, the on December 8, 1981, he was already aware of the affidavit dated November 26, 1981,
corporate auditor ... in which Mr. Curio assumed to pay any residual liability for the disallowed cash
advances, which at the time, December 8, 1981, stood at P92,000.00 (Exhs. 2 and 2-A).
Notwithstanding Condition (a) just quoted, the clearances of Mrs Perez and Mr. Moreover, Mr. Curio had other pending obligations noted on his clearance totalling
Azucena both dated October 30, 1981, were favorably acted upon by the CPA officers Pl0,714.98 (Exh. 1-a). To justify his stand, Atty. Llorente invoked Condition (a) of
concerned, including Mrs. Sotto, acting for the accounting division, even if the the clearance(Exhs. D and I-B), which, he said, was "very stringent" and could not be
clearances showed they had pending accountabilities to the GSIS and the UCPB, and interpreted in any other way ...
subsequently approved by Attys. Llorente and Rodriguez (Exhs. M and N).
Thereafter, the vouchers for their gratuity benefits, also indicating their outstanding On December 1, 1982, Mr. Curio brought the matter of his unapproved clearance to
Col. Dueas (Exh. G), who referred it to the Legal Department, which was under
Atty. Llorente as Deputy Administrator for legal affairs. After follow-up in that
9|P a g e
TORTS 09/25/17
department, Mr. Curio received the answer of Col. Dueas dated February 11, 1983,
saying that the clearance was being withheld until the former settled his alleged
That on or about December 8, 1981 and/or subsequent thereto, in Quezon City, Philippines, and within the jurisdiction of this
accountability for P92,000.00 reduced already to P56,000.00 (Exh. I). Mr. Curio
Honorable Court, accused David Pastor Llorente, Deputy Administrator for the Philippine Coconut Authority (PCA), and as such
elevated the matter to the Chairman of the PCA Board, who indorsed it to Col.
was empowered among others to approve clearances of employees thereat, taking advantage of his position, through evident bad
Dueas, who, in turn, sent it to the Legal Department. This time the latter, through its
faith, did then and there, wilfully and unlawfully refuse to issue a certificate of clearance to Herminigildo M. Curio, an employee
Manager, Manuel F. Pastor, Jr., first cousin of Atty. Llorente, submitted a formal
thereat, who was forced to resign as a result of the abolition of his item pursuant to the 1981 reorganization of the PCA, resulting in
report under date of August 14, 1986, to the PCA Chairman, justifying the action
his deprivation to receive his gratuity benefits amounting to P29,854.90, and to secure employment with other offices to his damage
taken by Atty. Llorente and Col. Dueas (Exh. 12). The PCA Chairman did not
and prejudice, and that of the public service.
respond in writing, but advised Mr. Curio to wait for the resolution of the
Tanodbayan with which he (Mr. Curio) had filed this case initially against Atty.
Llorente and, later on, against Col. Duerias also. On August 31, 1986, Atty. Llorente
resigned from the PCA; the clearance, however, could not be issued because,
according to the PCA Corporate Legal Counsel, Arthur J. Liquate, the PCA did not
want to preempt the Tanodbayan. On November 12, 1986, the latter decided to Manila, Philippines, December 10, 1986. 2
institlite this case in court ...
As indicated at the outset, the Sandiganbayan acquitted the petitioner in the absence of any evidence that he acted in bad
Nine days thereafter, or on November 21, 1986, Mr. Curio accomplished another faith. 3
The Sandiganbayan cited three considerations that precluded bad faith:
clearance, which no longer imposed Condition (a) of his earlier clearance (Exh. E).
The new clearance was approved, even if he still had pending accountabilities, First, when Atty. Llorente withheld favorable action on the clearance on and after
totalling P10,714.78 that had remained unsettled since December 1981. His voucher December 8, 1981, there was still the possibility, remote though it was when viewed
was also approved, and his gratuity benefits paid to him in the middle of December after the fact, that the accountability, which Mrs. Javier was primarily liable therefor
1986, after deducting those obligations (Exh. F). Nothing was mentioned anymore and which was fully settled by deduction from her gratuity benefits on November 16,
about the disallowed cash advances of P92,000.00, which had been reduced to 1981 (Exhs. L, L-1, L-2, and
P55,000.00 ... L-3), would be reinstated and charged directly to Mr. Curio, for the latter executed
on November 26, 1981, an affidavit assuming responsibility for the obligation to the
Between December 1981 and December 1986, Mr. Curio failed to get gainful
extent of the amount finally disallowed, and the affidavit was on December 8, 1981,
employment; as a result, his family literally went hungry, In 1981, he applied for
already pending consideration by the PCA management (Exhs. 2 and 2-A).
work with the Philippine Cotton Authority, but was refused, because he could not
present his PCA clearance. The same thing happened when he sought employment Second, Atty. Llorente was appointed Deputy Administrator for administrative
with the Philippine Fish Marketing Administration in January 1982. In both services, finance services, and legal affairs departments only on November 2,1981
prospective employers, the item applied for was P2,500.00 a month. At that time, he (TSN, March 9/87, p. 3). Being new in his job, it was but natural that he was zealous
was only about 45 years old and still competitive in the job market. But in 1986, being in the performance of his functions in fact, overzealous in the protection of the
already past 50 years, he could no longer be hired permanently, there being a PCA interests, even if that protection was not necessary, as the P92,000.00
regulation to that effect. His present employment with the Philippine Ports Authority, accountability had already been paid (See Exh. 12, 4th paragraph).
which started on March 16, 1987, was casual for that reason. Had his gratuity benefits
been paid in 1981, he would have received a bigger amount, considering that since Finally, Atty. Llorente was officiously, though incidentally, taking care also of the
then interest had accrued and the foreign exchange rate of the peso to the dollar had interest of Mrs. Javier who, justice and equity demanded, should not be made to
gone up ... 1 shoulder the P92,000.00 unliquidated cash advances, for the reason that it was Mr.
Curio who admittedly spent them or who, at the very least, should be able to get
reimbursement of what she paid, totally or partially, from his gratuity benefits (See
On December 10, 1986, an Information for violation of Section 3(c) of the Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act was filed against Exh. 5, pp. 2-3 ). 4
the petitioner:
The Sandiganbayan, as we also indicated earlier, took the petitioner to task civilly,
and ordered him to pay "compensatory damages" in the sum of P90,000.00.
According to the Sandiganbayan, the petitioner was guilty nonetheless of abuse of

10 | P a g e
TORTS 09/25/17
right under Article 19 of the Civil Code and as a public officer, he was liable for that hey has pending obligations to the GSIS and the UCPB, which were being
damages suffered by the aggrieved party (under Article 27). deducted from their gratuity benefits. Attached to those vouchers were the clearances
as supporting documents (Exhs. M-2 and N-1; TSN, Dec. 7/87, pp. 13,23). And third,
The petitioner claims that the Sandiganbayan's Decision is erroneous even if the in the same month, Atty. Llorente was already aware of the cae of Mrs. Javier whose
Sandiganbayan acquitted him therein, because he was never in bad faith as indeed clearance and voucher were, according to him, preciselywithheld because of her
found by the Sandiganbayan. unsettled accountability for the cash advances of P92,000.00, but here later on given
due course; and her gratuity benefits released on November 16, 1981, minus that
Under the 1985 Rules of Criminal Procedure, amending Rules 110 through 127 of the amount (TSN, Nov. 24/87, pp. 31-32; Exhs. L, L-1, L-2 and L-3).
Rules of Court, the judgment of the court shall include, in case of acquittal, and
unless there is a clear showing that the act from which the civil liability might arise The cash advances of P92,000.00 were the primary obligation of Mrs. Javier, since
did not exist, "a finding on the civil liability of the accused in favor of the offended they were secured through her and in her name from the UCPB. That was why they
party." 5 The rule is based on the provisions of substantive law, 6 that if acquittal proceeds from were charged to and deducted from, her gratuity benefits. Consequently, as early as
reasonable doubt, a civil action, lies nonetheless. that date and in so far as the PCA and the UCPB were concerned, the accountability
was already fully paid. The assumption of residual liability by Mr. Curio for the cash
The challenged judgment found that the petitioner, in refusing to issue a certificate of advances on November 26, 1981, was a matter between him and Mrs. Javier (Exhs. 2
clearance in favor of the private offended party, Herminigildo Curio, did not act with and 2-A). 10
"evident bad faith," one of the elements of Section 3(e) of Republic Act No. 3819. 7 We
agree with tile judgment, insofar as it found lack of evident bad faith by the The general rule is that this Court is bound by the findings of fact of the Sandiganbayan. 11

petitioner, for the reasons cited therein basicallv, because the petitioner was acting
As we said, the acts of the petitioner were legal (that is, pursuant to procedures), as he insists in this petition, yet it does not follow,
within the bounds of law in refusing to clear Curio although "[t]he practice was that
as we said, that his acts were done in good faith. For emphasis, he had no valid reason to "go legal" all of a sudden with respect to
the clearance was nevertheless approved, and then the amount of the unsettled
Mr. Curio, since he had cleared three employees who, as the Sandiganbayan found, "were all similarly circumstanced in that they
obligation was deducted from the gratuity benefits of the employee." 8
all had pending obligations when, their clearances were filed for consideration, warranting similar official action." 12

We also agree with the Sandiganbaya (although the Sandiganbayan did not say it) that although the petitioner did not act with
evident bad faith, he acted with bad faith nevertheless, for which he should respond for damages. The Court is convinced that the petitioner had unjustly discriminated against Mr. Curio.

It is no defense that the petitioner was motivated by no ill-will (a grudge, according to the Sandiganbayan), since the facts speak for
themselves. It is no defense either that he was, after all, complying merely with legal procedures since, as we indicated, he was not as
The records show that the office practice indeed in the Philippine Coconut Authority was to clear the employee (retiree) and deduct strict with respect to the three retiring other employees. There can be no other logical conclusion that he was acting unfairly, no
his accountabilities from his gratuity benefits. There seems to be no debate about the existence of this practice (the petitioner more, no less, to Mr. Curio.
admitted it later on) and in fact, he cleared three employees on the condition that their obligations should be deducted from their
benefits. 9
We quote:
It is the essence of Article 19 of the Civil Code, under which the petitioner was made to pay damages, together with Article 27, that
Confronted with these evidence (sic), Atty. Llorente conceded, albeit grudgingly, the
the performance of duty be done with justice and good faith. In the case of Velayo vs. Shell Co. of the Philippines, 13 we held the
existence of the practice by the accounting division of not complying with Condition
defendant liable under Article 19 for disposing of its propertv a perfectly legal act in order to escape the reach of a creditor. In
(a). He, however, claimed that he learned of the practice only during the trial of the
two fairly more recent cases, Sevilla vs. Court of Appeals 14 and Valenzuela vs. Court of Appeals, 15
case and that he must have inadvertently approved the clearances of Mrs. Perez, Mr. we held that a
Azucena, and possibly others who were similarly situated (TSN, March 9/88,pp. 4-5). principal is liable under Article 19 in terminating the agency again, a legal act
This the evidence belies. First, he himself testified that when the clearance of Mr. when terminating the agency would deprive the agent of his legitimate business.
Curio was presented to him in December 1981, it already bore the signature of Mrs.
Sotto of the accounting division and the notation set opposite her name about the We believe that the petitioner is liable under Article 19.
outstanding accountabilities of Mr. Curio; but he (Atty. Llorente) significantly did not
ask her why she signed the clearance (TSN, Nov. 24/87, pp. 24-25). Second, in that The Court finds the award of P90,000.00 to be justified bv Article 2202 of the Civil
month, Atty. Llorente approved Mrs. Perez's and Mr. Azucena's vouchers showing Code, which holds the defendant liable for all "natural and probable" damages.

11 | P a g e
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Hennenegildo Cunct presented evidence that as a consequence of the petitioner's G.R. No. 132344 February 17, 2000
refusal to clear him, he failed to land a job at the Philippine Cotton Authority and
Philippine First Marketing Authority. He also testified that a job in either office UNIVERSITY OF THE EAST, petitioner,
would have earned him salary of P2,500.00 a month, or P150,000.00 in five years. vs.
Deducting his probable expenses of reasonably about P1,000.00 a month or ROMEO A. JADER, respondent.
P60,000.00 in five years, the petitioner owes him a total actual damages of P90,000.00
WHEREFORE, premises considered, the Petition is DENIED. No pronouncement as
to costs. May an educational institution be held liable for damages for misleading a student into
believing that the latter had satisfied all the requirements for graduation when such is not
IT IS SO ORDERED. the case? This is the issue in the instant petition for review premised on the following
undisputed facts as summarized by the trial court and adopted by the Court of Appeals
(CA),1 to wit:

Plaintiff was enrolled in the defendants' College of Law from 1984 up to 1988. In the first
semester of his last year (School year 1987-1988), he failed to take the regular final
examination in Practice Court I for which he was given an incomplete grade (Exhibits "2",
also Exhibit "H"). He enrolled for the second semester as fourth year law student (Exhibit
"A") and on February 1, 1988 he filed an application for the removal of the incomplete
grade given him by Professor Carlos Ortega (Exhibits "H-2", also Exhibit "2") which was
approved by Dean Celedonio Tiongson after payment of the required fee. He took the
examination on March 28, 1988. On May 30, 1988, Professor Carlos Ortega submitted his
grade. It was a grade of five (5). (Exhibits "H-4", also Exhibits "2-L", "2-N").1wphi1.nt

In the meantime, the Dean and the Faculty Members of the College of Law met to
deliberate on who among the fourth year students should be allowed to graduate. The
plaintiff's name appeared in the Tentative List of Candidates for graduation for the Degree
of Bachelor of Laws (LL.B) as of Second Semester (1987-1988) with the following


Def. Conflict of Laws x-1-87-88, Practice Court I Inc., 1-87-88 C-1 to submit transcript
with S.O. (Exhibits "3", "3-C-1", "3-C-2").

The 35th Investitures & Commencement Ceremonies for the candidates of Bachelor of
Laws was scheduled on the 16th of April 1988 at 3:00 o'clock in the afternoon, and in the
invitation for that occasion the name of the plaintiff appeared as one of the candidates.
(Exhibits "B", "B-6", "B-6-A"). At the foot of the list of the names of the candidates there
appeared however the following annotation:

This is a tentative list Degrees will be conferred upon these candidates who satisfactorily
complete requirements as stated in the University Bulletin and as approved of the
Department of Education, Culture and Sports (Exhibit "B-7-A").

12 | P a g e
TORTS 09/25/17
The plaintiff attended the investiture ceremonies at F. dela Cruz Quadrangle, U.E., Recto SO ORDERED.4
Campus, during the program of which he went up the stage when his name was called,
escorted by her (sic) mother and his eldest brother who assisted in placing the Hood, and Upon the denial of its motion for reconsideration, petitioner UE elevated the case to this
his Tassel was turned from left to right, and he was thereafter handed by Dean Celedonio a Court on a petition for review under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court, arguing that it has no
rolled white sheet of paper symbolical of the Law Diploma. His relatives took pictures of liability to respondent Romeo A. Jader, considering that the proximate and immediate
the occasion (Exhibits "C" to "C-6", "D-3" to "D-11"). cause of the alleged damages incurred by the latter arose out of his own negligence in not
verifying from the professor concerned the result of his removal exam.
He tendered a blow-out that evening which was attended by neighbors, friends and
relatives who wished him good luck in the forthcoming bar examination. There were The petition lacks merit.
pictures taken too during the blow-out (Exhibits "D" to "D-1").
When a student is enrolled in any educational or learning institution, a contract of
He thereafter prepared himself for the bar examination. He took a leave of absence without education is entered into between said institution and the student. The professors, teachers
pay from his job from April 20, 1988 to September 30, 1988 (Exhibit "G") and enrolled at or instructors hired by the school are considered merely as agents and administrators tasked
the pre-bar review class in Far Eastern University. (Exhibits "F" to "F-2"). Having learned to perform the school's commitment under the contract. Since the contracting parties are
of the deficiency he dropped his review class and was not able to take the bar examination. 2 the school and the student, the latter is not duty-bound to deal with the former's agents,
such as the professors with respect to the status or result of his grades, although nothing
Consequently, respondent sued petitioner for damages alleging that he suffered moral prevents either professors or students from sharing with each other such information. The
shock, mental anguish, serious anxiety, besmirched reputation, wounded feelings and Court takes judicial notice of the traditional practice in educational institutions wherein the
sleepless nights when he was not able to take the 1988 bar examinations arising from the professor directly furnishes his/her students their grades. It is the contractual obligation of
latter's negligence. He prayed for an award of moral and exemplary damages, unrealized the school to timely inform and furnish sufficient notice and information to each and every
income, attorney's fees, and costs of suit. student as to whether he or she had already complied with all the requirements for the
conferment of a degree or whether they would be included among those who will graduate.
In its answer with counterclaim, petitioner denied liability arguing mainly that it never led Although commencement exercises are but a formal ceremony, it nonetheless is not an
respondent to believe that he completed the requirements for a Bachelor of Laws degree ordinary occasion, since such ceremony is the educational institution's way of announcing
when his name was included in the tentative list of graduating students. After trial, the to the whole world that the students included in the list of those who will be conferred a
lower court rendered judgment as follows: degree during the baccalaureate ceremony have satisfied all the requirements for such
degree. Prior or subsequent to the ceremony, the school has the obligation to promptly
WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing judgment is hereby rendered in favor of the inform the student of any problem involving the latter's grades and performance and also
plaintiff and against the defendant ordering the latter to pay plaintiff the sum of THIRTY most importantly, of the procedures for remedying the same.
FIVE THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED SEVENTY PESOS (P35,470.00) with legal rate of
interest from the filing of the complaint until fully paid, the amount of FIVE THOUSAND Petitioner, in belatedly informing respondent of the result of the removal examination,
PESOS (P5,000.00) as attorney's fees and the cost of suit. particularly at a time when he had already commenced preparing for the bar exams, cannot
be said to have acted in good faith. Absence of good faith must be sufficiently established
Defendant's counterclaim is, for lack of merit, hereby dismissed. for a successful prosecution by the aggrieved party in a suit for abuse of right under Article
19 of the Civil Code. Good faith connotes an honest intention to abstain from taking undue
SO ORDERED.3 advantage of another, even though the forms and technicalities of the law, together with the
absence of all information or belief of facts, would render the transaction
which on appeal by both parties was affirmed by the Court of Appeals (CA) with
unconscientious.5 It is the school that has access to those information and it is only the
modification. The dispositive portion of the CA decision reads:
school that can compel its professors to act and comply with its rules, regulations and
WHEREFORE, in the light of the foregoing, the lower Court's Decision is hereby policies with respect to the computation and the prompt submission of grades. Students do
AFFIRMED with the MODIFICATION that defendant-appellee, in addition to the sum not exercise control, much less influence, over the way an educational institution should
adjudged by the lower court in favor of plaintiff-appellant, is also ORDERED to pay run its affairs, particularly in disciplining its professors and teachers and ensuring their
plaintiff-appellant the amount of FIFTY THOUSAND (P50,000.00) PESOS for moral compliance with the school's rules and orders. Being the party that hired them, it is the
damages. Costs against defendant-appellee. school that exercises general supervision and exclusive control over the professors with
respect to the submission of reports involving the students' standing. Exclusive control

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means that no other person or entity had any control over the instrumentality which caused believing that he had satisfied all requirements for the course. Worth quoting is the
the damage or injury.6 following disquisition of the respondent court:

The college dean is the senior officer responsible for the operation of an academic It is apparent from the testimony of Dean Tiongson that defendant-appellee University had
program, enforcement of rules and regulations, and the supervision of faculty and student been informed during the deliberation that the professor in Practice Court I gave plaintiff-
services.7 He must see to it that his own professors and teachers, regardless of their status appellant a failing grade. Yet, defendant-appellee still did not inform plaintiff-appellant of
or position outside of the university, must comply with the rules set by the latter. The his failure to complete the requirements for the degree nor did they remove his name from
negligent act of a professor who fails to observe the rules of the school, for instance by not the tentative list of candidates for graduation. Worse, defendant-appellee university, despite
promptly submitting a student's grade, is not only imputable to the professor but is an act of the knowledge that plaintiff-appellant failed in Practice Court I, again included plaintiff-
the school, being his employer. appellant's name in the "tentative list of candidates for graduation which was prepared after
the deliberation and which became the basis for the commencement rites program. Dean
Considering further, that the institution of learning involved herein is a university which is Tiongson reasons out that plaintiff-appellant's name was allowed to remain in the tentative
engaged in legal education, it should have practiced what it inculcates in its students, more list of candidates for graduation in the hope that the latter would still be able to remedy the
specifically the principle of good dealings enshrined in Articles 19 and 20 of the Civil situation in the remaining few days before graduation day. Dean Tiongson, however, did
Code which states: not explain how plaintiff appellant Jader could have done something to complete his
deficiency if defendant-appellee university did not exert any effort to inform plaintiff-
Art. 19. Every person must, in the exercise of his rights and in the performance of his appellant of his failing grade in Practice Court I.12
duties, act with justice, give everyone his due, and observe honesty and good faith.
Petitioner cannot pass on its blame to the professors to justify its own negligence that led to
Art. 20. Every person who, contrary to law, wilfully or negligently causes damage to the delayed relay of information to respondent. When one of two innocent parties must
another, shall indemnify the latter for the same. suffer, he through whose agency the loss occurred must bear it.13 The modern tendency is
to grant indemnity for damages in cases where there is abuse of right, even when the act is
Art. 19 was intended to expand the concept of torts by granting adequate legal remedy for not illicit.14 If mere fault or negligence in one's acts can make him liable for damages for
the untold number of moral wrongs which is impossible for human foresight to provide injury caused thereby, with more reason should abuse or bad faith make him liable. A
specifically in statutory law.8 In civilized society, men must be able to assume that others person should be protected only when he acts in the legitimate exercise of his right, that is,
will do them no intended injury that others will commit no internal aggressions upon when he acts with prudence and in good faith, but not when he acts with negligence or
them; that their fellowmen, when they act affirmatively will do so with due care which the abuse.15
ordinary understanding and moral sense of the community exacts and that those with whom
they deal in the general course of society will act in good faith. The ultimate thing in the However, while petitioner was guilty of negligence and thus liable to respondent for the
theory of liability is justifiable reliance under conditions of civilized society. 9 Schools and latter's actual damages, we hold that respondent should not have been awarded moral
professors cannot just take students for granted and be indifferent to them, for without the damages. We do not agree with the Court of Appeals' findings that respondent suffered
latter, the former are useless. shock, trauma and pain when he was informed that he could not graduate and will not be
allowed to take the bar examinations. At the very least, it behooved on respondent to verify
Educational institutions are duty-bound to inform the students of their academic status and for himself whether he has completed all necessary requirements to be eligible for the bar
not wait for the latter to inquire from the former. The conscious indifference of a person to examinations. As a senior law student, respondent should have been responsible enough to
the rights or welfare of the person/persons who may be affected by his act or omission can ensure that all his affairs, specifically those pertaining to his academic achievement, are in
support a claim for damages.10 Want of care to the conscious disregard of civil obligations order. Given these considerations, we fail to see how respondent could have suffered
coupled with a conscious knowledge of the cause naturally calculated to produce them untold embarrassment in attending the graduation rites, enrolling in the bar review classes
would make the erring party liable.11 Petitioner ought to have known that time was of the and not being able to take the bar exams. If respondent was indeed humiliated by his failure
essence in the performance of its obligation to inform respondent of his grade. It cannot to take the bar, he brought this upon himself by not verifying if he has satisfied all the
feign ignorance that respondent will not prepare himself for the bar exams since that is requirements including his school records, before preparing himself for the bar
precisely the immediate concern after graduation of an LL.B. graduate. It failed to act examination. Certainly, taking the bar examinations does not only entail a mental
seasonably. Petitioner cannot just give out its student's grades at any time because a student preparation on the subjects thereof; there are also prerequisites of documentation and
has to comply with certain deadlines set by the Supreme Court on the submission of submission of requirements which the prospective examinee must meet.
requirements for taking the bar. Petitioner's liability arose from its failure to promptly
inform respondent of the result of an examination and in misleading the latter into
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WHEREFORE, the assailed decision of the Court of Appeals is AFFIRMED with G.R. No. 81262 August 25, 1989
MODIFICATION. Petitioner is ORDERED to PAY respondent the sum of Thirty-five
Thousand Four Hundred Seventy Pesos (P35,470.00), with legal interest of 6% per GLOBE MACKAY CABLE AND RADIO CORP., and HERBERT C.
annum computed from the date of filing of the complaint until fully paid; the amount of HENDRY, petitioners,
Five Thousand Pesos (P5,000.00) as attorney's fees; and the costs of the suit. The award of vs.
TOBIAS, respondents.
Atencia & Arias Law Offices for petitioners.

Romulo C. Felizmena for private respondent.


Private respondent Restituto M. Tobias was employed by petitioner Globe Mackay Cable
and Radio Corporation (GLOBE MACKAY) in a dual capacity as a purchasing agent and
administrative assistant to the engineering operations manager. In 1972, GLOBE
MACKAY discovered fictitious purchases and other fraudulent transactions for which it
lost several thousands of pesos.

According to private respondent it was he who actually discovered the anomalies and
reported them on November 10, 1972 to his immediate superior Eduardo T. Ferraren and to
petitioner Herbert C. Hendry who was then the Executive Vice-President and General
Manager of GLOBE MACKAY.

On November 11, 1972, one day after private respondent Tobias made the report, petitioner
Hendry confronted him by stating that he was the number one suspect, and ordered him to
take a one week forced leave, not to communicate with the office, to leave his table
drawers open, and to leave the office keys.

On November 20, 1972, when private respondent Tobias returned to work after the forced
leave, petitioner Hendry went up to him and called him a "crook" and a "swindler." Tobias
was then ordered to take a lie detector test. He was also instructed to submit specimen of
his handwriting, signature, and initials for examination by the police investigators to
determine his complicity in the anomalies.

On December 6,1972, the Manila police investigators submitted a laboratory crime report
(Exh. "A") clearing private respondent of participation in the anomalies.

Not satisfied with the police report, petitioners hired a private investigator, retired Col. Jose
G. Fernandez, who on December 10, 1972, submitted a report (Exh. "2") finding Tobias
guilty. This report however expressly stated that further investigation was still to be

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Nevertheless, on December 12, 1972, petitioner Hendry issued a memorandum suspending decision dated August 31, 1987 affirmed the RTC decision in toto. Petitioners' motion for
Tobias from work preparatory to the filing of criminal charges against him. reconsideration having been denied, the instant petition for review on certiorari was filed.

On December 19,1972, Lt. Dioscoro V. Tagle, Metro Manila Police Chief Document The main issue in this case is whether or not petitioners are liable for damages to private
Examiner, after investigating other documents pertaining to the alleged anomalous respondent.
transactions, submitted a second laboratory crime report (Exh. "B") reiterating his previous
finding that the handwritings, signatures, and initials appearing in the checks and other Petitioners contend that they could not be made liable for damages in the lawful exercise of
documents involved in the fraudulent transactions were not those of Tobias. The lie their right to dismiss private respondent.
detector tests conducted on Tobias also yielded negative results.
On the other hand, private respondent contends that because of petitioners' abusive manner
Notwithstanding the two police reports exculpating Tobias from the anomalies and the fact in dismissing him as well as for the inhuman treatment he got from them, the Petitioners
that the report of the private investigator, was, by its own terms, not yet complete, must indemnify him for the damage that he had suffered.
petitioners filed with the City Fiscal of Manila a complaint for estafa through falsification
of commercial documents, later amended to just estafa. Subsequently five other criminal One of the more notable innovations of the New Civil Code is the codification of "some
complaints were filed against Tobias, four of which were for estafa through Falsification of basic principles that are to be observed for the rightful relationship between human beings
commercial document while the fifth was for of Article 290 of' the Revised Penal Code and for the stability of the social order." [REPORT ON THE CODE COMMISSION ON
(Discovering Secrets Through Seizure of Correspondence).lwph1.t Two of these THE PROPOSED CIVIL CODE OF THE PHILIPPINES, p. 39]. The framers of the Code,
complaints were refiled with the Judge Advocate General's Office, which however, seeking to remedy the defect of the old Code which merely stated the effects of the law, but
remanded them to the fiscal's office. All of the six criminal complaints were dismissed by failed to draw out its spirit, incorporated certain fundamental precepts which were
the fiscal. Petitioners appealed four of the fiscal's resolutions dismissing the criminal "designed to indicate certain norms that spring from the fountain of good conscience" and
complaints with the Secretary of Justice, who, however, affirmed their dismissal. which were also meant to serve as "guides for human conduct [that] should run as golden
threads through society, to the end that law may approach its supreme ideal, which is the
In the meantime, on January 17, 1973, Tobias received a notice (Exh. "F") from petitioners sway and dominance of justice" (Id.) Foremost among these principles is that pronounced
that his employment has been terminated effective December 13, 1972. Whereupon, Tobias in Article 19 which provides:
filed a complaint for illegal dismissal. The labor arbiter dismissed the complaint. On
appeal, the National Labor Relations Commission (NLRC) reversed the labor arbiter's Art. 19. Every person must, in the exercise of his rights and in the performance of his
decision. However, the Secretary of Labor, acting on petitioners' appeal from the NLRC duties, act with justice, give everyone his due, and observe honesty and good faith.
ruling, reinstated the labor arbiter's decision. Tobias appealed the Secretary of Labor's
order with the Office of the President. During the pendency of the appeal with said office, This article, known to contain what is commonly referred to as the principle of abuse of
petitioners and private respondent Tobias entered into a compromise agreement regarding rights, sets certain standards which must be observed not only in the exercise of one's rights
the latter's complaint for illegal dismissal. but also in the performance of one's duties. These standards are the following: to act with
justice; to give everyone his due; and to observe honesty and good faith. The law,
Unemployed, Tobias sought employment with the Republic Telephone Company therefore, recognizes a primordial limitation on all rights; that in their exercise, the norms
(RETELCO). However, petitioner Hendry, without being asked by RETELCO, wrote a of human conduct set forth in Article 19 must be observed. A right, though by itself legal
letter to the latter stating that Tobias was dismissed by GLOBE MACKAY due to because recognized or granted by law as such, may nevertheless become the source of
dishonesty. some illegality. When a right is exercised in a manner which does not conform with the
norms enshrined in Article 19 and results in damage to another, a legal wrong is thereby
Private respondent Tobias filed a civil case for damages anchored on alleged unlawful, committed for which the wrongdoer must be held responsible. But while Article 19 lays
malicious, oppressive, and abusive acts of petitioners. Petitioner Hendry, claiming illness, down a rule of conduct for the government of human relations and for the maintenance of
did not testify during the hearings. The Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Manila, Branch IX, social order, it does not provide a remedy for its violation. Generally, an action for
through Judge Manuel T. Reyes rendered judgment in favor of private respondent by damages under either Article 20 or Article 21 would be proper.
ordering petitioners to pay him eighty thousand pesos (P80,000.00) as actual damages, two
hundred thousand pesos (P200,000.00) as moral damages, twenty thousand pesos Article 20, which pertains to damage arising from a violation of law, provides that:
(P20,000.00) as exemplary damages, thirty thousand pesos (P30,000.00) as attorney's fees,
and costs. Petitioners appealed the RTC decision to the Court of Appeals. On the other Art. 20. Every person who contrary to law, wilfully or negligently causes damage to
hand, Tobias appealed as to the amount of damages. However, the Court of Appeals, an a another, shall indemnify the latter for the same.
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However, in the case at bar, petitioners claim that they did not violate any provision of law made by the police investigators was submitted only on December 10, 1972 [See Exh. A]
since they were merely exercising their legal right to dismiss private respondent. This does the statement made by petitioner Hendry was baseless. The imputation of guilt without
not, however, leave private respondent with no relief because Article 21 of the Civil Code basis and the pattern of harassment during the investigations of Tobias transgress the
provides that: standards of human conduct set forth in Article 19 of the Civil Code. The Court has already
ruled that the right of the employer to dismiss an employee should not be confused with the
Art. 21. Any person who wilfully causes loss or injury to another in a manner that is manner in which the right is exercised and the effects flowing therefrom. If the dismissal is
contrary to morals, good customs or public policy shall compensate the latter for the done abusively, then the employer is liable for damages to the employee [Quisaba v. Sta.
damage. Ines-Melale Veneer and Plywood Inc., G.R. No. L-38088, August 30, 1974, 58 SCRA
771; See also Philippine Refining Co., Inc. v. Garcia, G.R. No. L-21871, September
This article, adopted to remedy the "countless gaps in the statutes, which leave so many 27,1966, 18 SCRA 107] Under the circumstances of the instant case, the petitioners clearly
victims of moral wrongs helpless, even though they have actually suffered material and failed to exercise in a legitimate manner their right to dismiss Tobias, giving the latter the
moral injury" [Id.] should "vouchsafe adequate legal remedy for that untold number of right to recover damages under Article 19 in relation to Article 21 of the Civil Code.
moral wrongs which it is impossible for human foresight to provide for specifically in the
statutes" [Id. it p. 40; See also PNB v. CA, G.R. No. L-27155, May 18,1978, 83 SCRA But petitioners were not content with just dismissing Tobias. Several other tortious acts
237, 247]. were committed by petitioners against Tobias after the latter's termination from work.
Towards the latter part of January, 1973, after the filing of the first of six criminal
In determining whether or not the principle of abuse of rights may be invoked, there is no complaints against Tobias, the latter talked to Hendry to protest the actions taken against
rigid test which can be applied. While the Court has not hesitated to apply Article 19 him. In response, Hendry cut short Tobias' protestations by telling him to just confess or
whether the legal and factual circumstances called for its application [See for e.g., Velayo else the company would file a hundred more cases against him until he landed in jail.
v. Shell Co. of the Phil., Ltd., 100 Phil. 186 (1956); PNB v. CA, supra; Grand Union Hendry added that, "You Filipinos cannot be trusted." The threat unmasked petitioner's bad
Supermarket, Inc. v. Espino, Jr., G.R. No. L-48250, December 28, 1979, 94 SCRA 953; faith in the various actions taken against Tobias. On the other hand, the scornful remark
PAL v. CA, G.R. No. L-46558, July 31,1981,106 SCRA 391; United General Industries, about Filipinos as well as Hendry's earlier statements about Tobias being a "crook" and
Inc, v. Paler G.R. No. L-30205, March 15,1982,112 SCRA 404; Rubio v. CA, G.R. No. "swindler" are clear violations of 'Tobias' personal dignity [See Article 26, Civil Code].
50911, August 21, 1987, 153 SCRA 183] the question of whether or not the principle of
abuse of rights has been violated resulting in damages under Article 20 or Article 21 or The next tortious act committed by petitioners was the writing of a letter to RETELCO
other applicable provision of law, depends on the circumstances of each case. And in the sometime in October 1974, stating that Tobias had been dismissed by GLOBE MACKAY
instant case, the Court, after examining the record and considering certain significant due to dishonesty. Because of the letter, Tobias failed to gain employment with RETELCO
circumstances, finds that all petitioners have indeed abused the right that they invoke, and as a result of which, Tobias remained unemployed for a longer period of time. For this
causing damage to private respondent and for which the latter must now be indemnified. further damage suffered by Tobias, petitioners must likewise be held liable for damages
consistent with Article 2176 of the Civil Code. Petitioners, however, contend that they
The trial court made a finding that notwithstanding the fact that it was private respondent have a "moral, if not legal, duty to forewarn other employers of the kind of employee the
Tobias who reported the possible existence of anomalous transactions, petitioner Hendry plaintiff (private respondent herein) was." [Petition, p. 14; Rollo, p. 15]. Petitioners further
"showed belligerence and told plaintiff (private respondent herein) that he was the number claim that "it is the accepted moral and societal obligation of every man to advise or warn
one suspect and to take a one week vacation leave, not to communicate with the office, to his fellowmen of any threat or danger to the latter's life, honor or property. And this
leave his table drawers open, and to leave his keys to said defendant (petitioner Hendry)" includes warning one's brethren of the possible dangers involved in dealing with, or
[RTC Decision, p. 2; Rollo, p. 232]. This, petitioners do not dispute. But regardless of accepting into confidence, a man whose honesty and integrity is suspect" [Id.]. These
whether or not it was private respondent Tobias who reported the anomalies to petitioners, arguments, rather than justify petitioners' act, reveal a seeming obsession to prevent Tobias
the latter's reaction towards the former upon uncovering the anomalies was less than civil. from getting a job, even after almost two years from the time Tobias was dismissed.
An employer who harbors suspicions that an employee has committed dishonesty might be
justified in taking the appropriate action such as ordering an investigation and directing the Finally, there is the matter of the filing by petitioners of six criminal complaints against
employee to go on a leave. Firmness and the resolve to uncover the truth would also be Tobias. Petitioners contend that there is no case against them for malicious prosecution and
expected from such employer. But the high-handed treatment accorded Tobias by that they cannot be "penalized for exercising their right and prerogative of seeking justice
petitioners was certainly uncalled for. And this reprehensible attitude of petitioners was to by filing criminal complaints against an employee who was their principal suspect in the
continue when private respondent returned to work on November 20, 1972 after his one commission of forgeries and in the perpetration of anomalous transactions which defrauded
week forced leave. Upon reporting for work, Tobias was confronted by Hendry who said. them of substantial sums of money" [Petition, p. 10, Rollo, p. 11].
"Tobby, you are the crook and swindler in this company." Considering that the first report
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While sound principles of justice and public policy dictate that persons shall have free will be submitted after all the evidence has been gathered," defendants hastily filed six (6)
resort to the courts for redress of wrongs and vindication of their rights [Buenaventura v. criminal cases with the city Fiscal's Office of Manila, five (5) for estafa thru falsification of
Sto. Domingo, 103 Phil. 239 (1958)], the right to institute criminal prosecutions can not be commercial document and one (1) for violation of Art. 290 of the Revised Penal Code, so
exercised maliciously and in bad faith [Ventura v. Bernabe, G.R. No. L-26760, April 30, much so that as was to be expected, all six (6) cases were dismissed, with one of the
1971, 38 SCRA 5871.] Hence, in Yutuk V. Manila Electric Co., G.R. No. L-13016, May investigating fiscals, Asst. Fiscal de Guia, commenting in one case that, "Indeed, the
31, 1961, 2 SCRA 337, the Court held that the right to file criminal complaints should not haphazard way this case was investigated is evident. Evident likewise is the flurry and
be used as a weapon to force an alleged debtor to pay an indebtedness. To do so would be a haste in the filing of this case against respondent Tobias," there can be no mistaking that
clear perversion of the function of the criminal processes and of the courts of justice. And defendants would not but be motivated by malicious and unlawful intent to harass, oppress,
in Hawpia CA, G.R. No. L-20047, June 30, 1967. 20 SCRA 536 the Court upheld the and cause damage to plaintiff.
judgment against the petitioner for actual and moral damages and attorney's fees after
making a finding that petitioner, with persistence, filed at least six criminal complaints xxx
against respondent, all of which were dismissed.
[RTC Decision, pp. 5-6; Rollo, pp. 235-236].
To constitute malicious prosecution, there must be proof that the prosecution was prompted
by a design to vex and humiliate a person and that it was initiated deliberately by the In addition to the observations made by the trial court, the Court finds it significant that the
defendant knowing that the charges were false and groundless [Manila Gas Corporation v. criminal complaints were filed during the pendency of the illegal dismissal case filed by
CA, G.R. No. L-44190, October 30,1980, 100 SCRA 602]. Concededly, the filing of a suit Tobias against petitioners. This explains the haste in which the complaints were filed,
by itself, does not render a person liable for malicious prosecution [Inhelder Corporation v. which the trial court earlier noted. But petitioners, to prove their good faith, point to the
CA, G.R. No. 52358, May 301983122 SCRA 576]. The mere dismissal by the fiscal of the fact that only six complaints were filed against Tobias when they could have allegedly filed
criminal complaint is not a ground for an award of damages for malicious prosecution if one hundred cases, considering the number of anomalous transactions committed against
there is no competent evidence to show that the complainant had acted in bad faith [Sison GLOBE MACKAY. However, petitioners' good faith is belied by the threat made by
v. David, G.R. No. L-11268, January 28,1961, 1 SCRA 60]. Hendry after the filing of the first complaint that one hundred more cases would be filed
against Tobias. In effect, the possible filing of one hundred more cases was made to hang
In the instant case, however, the trial court made a finding that petitioners acted in bad faith like the sword of Damocles over the head of Tobias. In fine, considering the haste in which
in filing the criminal complaints against Tobias, observing that: the criminal complaints were filed, the fact that they were filed during the pendency of the
illegal dismissal case against petitioners, the threat made by Hendry, the fact that the cases
xxx were filed notwithstanding the two police reports exculpating Tobias from involvement in
the anomalies committed against GLOBE MACKAY, coupled by the eventual dismissal of
Defendants (petitioners herein) filed with the Fiscal's Office of Manila a total of six (6) all the cases, the Court is led into no other conclusion than that petitioners were motivated
criminal cases, five (5) of which were for estafa thru falsification of commercial document by malicious intent in filing the six criminal complaints against Tobias.
and one for violation of Art. 290 of the Revised Penal Code "discovering secrets thru
seizure of correspondence," and all were dismissed for insufficiency or lack of evidence." Petitioners next contend that the award of damages was excessive. In the complaint filed
The dismissal of four (4) of the cases was appealed to the Ministry of Justice, but said against petitioners, Tobias prayed for the following: one hundred thousand pesos
Ministry invariably sustained the dismissal of the cases. As above adverted to, two of these (P100,000.00) as actual damages; fifty thousand pesos (P50,000.00) as exemplary
cases were refiled with the Judge Advocate General's Office of the Armed Forces of the damages; eight hundred thousand pesos (P800,000.00) as moral damages; fifty thousand
Philippines to railroad plaintiffs arrest and detention in the military stockade, but this was pesos (P50,000.00) as attorney's fees; and costs. The trial court, after making a
frustrated by a presidential decree transferring criminal cases involving civilians to the civil computation of the damages incurred by Tobias [See RTC Decision, pp. 7-8; Rollo, pp.
courts. 154-1551, awarded him the following: eighty thousand pesos (P80,000.00) as actual
damages; two hundred thousand pesos (P200,000.00) as moral damages; twenty thousand
xxx pesos (P20,000.00) as exemplary damages; thirty thousand pesos (P30,000.00) as attorney's
fees; and, costs. It must be underscored that petitioners have been guilty of committing
To be sure, when despite the two (2) police reports embodying the findings of Lt. Dioscoro several actionable tortious acts, i.e., the abusive manner in which they dismissed Tobias
Tagle, Chief Document Examiner of the Manila Police Department, clearing plaintiff of from work including the baseless imputation of guilt and the harassment during the
participation or involvement in the fraudulent transactions complained of, despite the investigations; the defamatory language heaped on Tobias as well as the scornful remark
negative results of the lie detector tests which defendants compelled plaintiff to undergo, on Filipinos; the poison letter sent to RETELCO which resulted in Tobias' loss of possible
and although the police investigation was "still under follow-up and a supplementary report employment; and, the malicious filing of the criminal complaints. Considering the extent of
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the damage wrought on Tobias, the Court finds that, contrary to petitioners' contention, the G.R. No. L-17396 May 30, 1962
amount of damages awarded to Tobias was reasonable under the circumstances.
CECILIO PE, ET AL., plaintiffs-appellants,
Yet, petitioners still insist that the award of damages was improper, invoking the principle vs.
of damnum absque injuria. It is argued that "[t]he only probable actual damage that ALFONSO PE, defendant-appellee.
plaintiff (private respondent herein) could have suffered was a direct result of his having
been dismissed from his employment, which was a valid and legal act of the defendants- Cecilio L. Pe for and in his own behalf as plaintiff-appellant.
appellants (petitioners herein).lwph1.t " [Petition, p. 17; Rollo, p. 18]. Leodegario L. Mogol for defendant-appellee.

According to the principle of damnum absque injuria, damage or loss which does not BAUTISTA ANGELO, J.:
constitute a violation of a legal right or amount to a legal wrong is not actionable [Escano
v. CA, G.R. No. L-47207, September 25, 1980, 100 SCRA 197; See also Gilchrist v. Plaintiffs brought this action before the Court of First Instance of Manila to recover moral,
Cuddy 29 Phil, 542 (1915); The Board of Liquidators v. Kalaw, G.R. No. L-18805, August compensatory, exemplary and corrective damages in the amount of P94,000.00 exclusive
14, 1967, 20 SCRA 987]. This principle finds no application in this case. It bears repeating of attorney's fees and expenses of litigation.
that even granting that petitioners might have had the right to dismiss Tobias from work,
the abusive manner in which that right was exercised amounted to a legal wrong for which Defendant, after denying some allegations contained in the complaint, set up as a defense
petitioners must now be held liable. Moreover, the damage incurred by Tobias was not that the facts alleged therein, even if true, do not constitute a valid cause of action.
only in connection with the abusive manner in which he was dismissed but was also the
After trial, the lower court, after finding that defendant had carried on a love affair with
result of several other quasi-delictual acts committed by petitioners.
one Lolita Pe, an unmarried woman, being a married man himself, declared that defendant
Petitioners next question the award of moral damages. However, the Court has already cannot be held liable for moral damages it appearing that plaintiffs failed to prove that
ruled in Wassmer v. Velez, G.R. No. L-20089, December 26, 1964, 12 SCRA 648, 653, that defendant, being aware of his marital status, deliberately and in bad faith tried to win
[p]er express provision of Article 2219 (10) of the New Civil Code, moral damages are Lolita's affection. So it rendered decision dismissing the complaint.1wph1.t
recoverable in the cases mentioned in Article 21 of said Code." Hence, the Court of
Plaintiffs brought this case on appeal before this Court on the ground that the issues
Appeals committed no error in awarding moral damages to Tobias.
involved are purely of law.
Lastly, the award of exemplary damages is impugned by petitioners. Although Article 2231
The facts as found by the trial court are: Plaintiffs are the parents, brothers and sisters of
of the Civil Code provides that "[i]n quasi-delicts, exemplary damages may be granted if
one Lolita Pe. At the time of her disappearance on April 14, 1957, Lolita was 24 years old
the defendant acted with gross negligence," the Court, in Zulueta v. Pan American World
and unmarried. Defendant is a married man and works as agent of the La Perla Cigar and
Airways, Inc., G.R. No. L- 28589, January 8, 1973, 49 SCRA 1, ruled that if gross
Cigarette Factory. He used to stay in the town of Gasan, Marinduque, in connection with
negligence warrants the award of exemplary damages, with more reason is its imposition
his aforesaid occupation. Lolita was staying with her parents in the same town. Defendant
justified when the act performed is deliberate, malicious and tainted with bad faith. As in
was an adopted son of a Chinaman named Pe Beco, a collateral relative of Lolita's father.
the Zuluetacase, the nature of the wrongful acts shown to have been committed by
Because of such fact and the similarity in their family name, defendant became close to the
petitioners against Tobias is sufficient basis for the award of exemplary damages to the
plaintiffs who regarded him as a member of their family. Sometime in 1952, defendant
frequented the house of Lolita on the pretext that he wanted her to teach him how to pray
WHEREFORE, the petition is hereby DENIED and the decision of the Court of Appeals in the rosary. The two eventually fell in love with each other and conducted clandestine trysts
CA-G.R. CV No. 09055 is AFFIRMED. not only in the town of Gasan but also in Boac where Lolita used to teach in a barrio
school. They exchanged love notes with each other the contents of which reveal not only
SO ORDERED. their infatuation for each other but also the extent to which they had carried their
relationship. The rumors about their love affairs reached the ears of Lolita's parents
sometime, in 1955, and since then defendant was forbidden from going to their house and
from further seeing Lolita. The plaintiffs even filed deportation proceedings against
defendant who is a Chinese national. The affair between defendant and Lolita continued

19 | P a g e
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Sometime in April, 1957, Lolita was staying with her brothers and sisters at their residence teach in a barrio school. When the rumors about their illicit affairs reached the knowledge
at 54-B Espaa Extension, Quezon City. On April 14, 1957, Lolita disappeared from said of her parents, defendant was forbidden from going to their house and even from seeing
house. After she left, her brothers and sisters checked up her thing and found that Lolita's Lolita. Plaintiffs even filed deportation proceedings against defendant who is a Chinese
clothes were gone. However, plaintiffs found a note on a crumpled piece of paper inside national. Nevertheless, defendant continued his love affairs with Lolita until she
Lolita's aparador. Said note, written on a small slip of paper approximately 4" by 3" in disappeared from the parental home. Indeed, no other conclusion can be drawn from this
size, was in a handwriting recognized to be that of defendant's. In English it reads: chain of events than that defendant not only deliberately, but through a clever strategy,
succeeded in winning the affection and love of Lolita to the extent of having illicit relations
Honey, suppose I leave here on Sunday night, and that's 13th of this month and we will with her. The wrong he has caused her and her family is indeed immeasurable considering
have a date on the 14th, that's Monday morning at 10 a.m. the fact that he is a married man. Verily, he has committed an injury to Lolita's family in a
manner contrary to morals, good customs and public policy as contemplated in Article 21
Reply of the new Civil Code.
Love WHEREFORE, the decision appealed from is reversed. Defendant is hereby sentenced to
pay the plaintiffs the sum of P5,000.00 as damages and P2,000.00 as attorney's fees and
The disappearance of Lolita was reported to the police authorities and the NBI but up to the expenses of litigations. Costs against appellee.
present there is no news or trace of her whereabouts.

The present action is based on Article 21 of the New Civil Code which provides:

Any person who wilfully causes loss or injury to another in a manner which is contrary to
morals, good customs or public policy shall compensate the latter for the damage.

There is no doubt that the claim of plaintiffs for damages is based on the fact that
defendant, being a married man, carried on a love affair with Lolita Pe thereby causing
plaintiffs injury in a manner contrary to morals, good customs and public policy. But in
spite of the fact that plaintiffs have clearly established that in illicit affair was carried on
between defendant and Lolita which caused great damage to the name and reputation of
plaintiffs who are her parents, brothers and sisters, the trial court considered their
complaint not actionable for the reason that they failed to prove that defendant deliberately
and in bad faith tried to win Lolita's affection Thus, the trial court said: "In the absence of
proof on this point, the court may not presume that it was the defendant who deliberately
induced such relationship. We cannot be unmindful of the uncertainties and sometimes
inexplicable mysteries of the human emotions. It is a possibility that the defendant and
Lolita simply fell in love with each other, not only without any desire on their part, but also
against their better judgment and in full consciousness of what it will bring to both of them.
This is specially so with respect to Lolita, being an unmarried woman, falling in love with
defendant who is a married man."

We disagree with this view. The circumstances under which defendant tried to win Lolita's
affection cannot lead, to any other conclusion than that it was he who, thru an ingenious
scheme or trickery, seduced the latter to the extent of making her fall in love with him. This
is shown by the fact that defendant frequented the house of Lolita on the pretext that he
wanted her to teach him how to pray the rosary. Because of the frequency of his visits to
the latter's family who was allowed free access because he was a collateral relative and was
considered as a member of her family, the two eventually fell in love with each other and
conducted clandestine love affairs not only in Gasan but also in Boac where Lolita used to
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G.R. No. L-20089 December 26, 1964 an amicable settlement." It added that should any of them fail to appear "the petition for
relief and the opposition thereto will be deemed submitted for resolution."
BEATRIZ P. WASSMER, plaintiff-appellee,
vs. On August 23, 1955 defendant failed to appear before court. Instead, on the following day
FRANCISCO X. VELEZ, defendant-appellant. his counsel filed a motion to defer for two weeks the resolution on defendants petition for
relief. The counsel stated that he would confer with defendant in Cagayan de Oro City
Jalandoni & Jamir for defendant-appellant. the latter's residence on the possibility of an amicable element. The court granted two
Samson S. Alcantara for plaintiff-appellee. weeks counted from August 25, 1955.

BENGZON, J.P., J.: Plaintiff manifested on June 15, 1956 that the two weeks given by the court had expired on
September 8, 1955 but that defendant and his counsel had failed to appear.
The facts that culminated in this case started with dreams and hopes, followed by
appropriate planning and serious endeavors, but terminated in frustration and, what is Another chance for amicable settlement was given by the court in its order of July 6, 1956
worse, complete public humiliation. calling the parties and their attorneys to appear on July 13, 1956. This time. however,
defendant's counsel informed the court that chances of settling the case amicably were nil.
Francisco X. Velez and Beatriz P. Wassmer, following their mutual promise of love,
decided to get married and set September 4, 1954 as the big day. On September 2, 1954 On July 20, 1956 the court issued an order denying defendant's aforesaid petition.
Velez left this note for his bride-to-be: Defendant has appealed to this Court. In his petition of June 21, 1955 in the court a
quo defendant alleged excusable negligence as ground to set aside the judgment by default.
Dear Bet Specifically, it was stated that defendant filed no answer in the belief that an amicable
settlement was being negotiated.
Will have to postpone wedding My mother opposes it. Am leaving on the Convair
today. A petition for relief from judgment on grounds of fraud, accident, mistake or excusable
negligence, must be duly supported by an affidavit of merits stating facts constituting a
Please do not ask too many people about the reason why That would only create a valid defense. (Sec. 3, Rule 38, Rules of Court.) Defendant's affidavit of merits attached to
scandal. his petition of June 21, 1955 stated: "That he has a good and valid defense against
plaintiff's cause of action, his failure to marry the plaintiff as scheduled having been due to
fortuitous event and/or circumstances beyond his control." An affidavit of merits like this
But the next day, September 3, he sent her the following telegram: stating mere conclusions or opinions instead of facts is not valid. (Cortes vs. Co Bun Kim,
L-3926, Oct. 10, 1951; Vaswani vs. P. Tarrachand Bros., L-15800, December 29, 1960.)
MAMA PAPA LOVE . Defendant, however, would contend that the affidavit of merits was in fact unnecessary, or
a mere surplusage, because the judgment sought to be set aside was null and void, it having
PAKING been based on evidence adduced before the clerk of court. In Province of Pangasinan vs.
Palisoc, L-16519, October 30, 1962, this Court pointed out that the procedure of
Thereafter Velez did not appear nor was he heard from again. designating the clerk of court as commissioner to receive evidence is sanctioned by Rule
34 (now Rule 33) of the Rules of Court. Now as to defendant's consent to said procedure,
Sued by Beatriz for damages, Velez filed no answer and was declared in default. Plaintiff the same did not have to be obtained for he was declared in default and thus had no
adduced evidence before the clerk of court as commissioner, and on April 29, 1955, standing in court (Velez vs. Ramas, 40 Phil. 787; Alano vs. Court of First Instance, L-
judgment was rendered ordering defendant to pay plaintiff P2,000.00 as actual damages; 14557, October 30, 1959).
P25,000.00 as moral and exemplary damages; P2,500.00 as attorney's fees; and the costs.
In support of his "motion for new trial and reconsideration," defendant asserts that the
On June 21, 1955 defendant filed a "petition for relief from orders, judgment and judgment is contrary to law. The reason given is that "there is no provision of the Civil
proceedings and motion for new trial and reconsideration." Plaintiff moved to strike it cut. Code authorizing" an action for breach of promise to marry. Indeed, our ruling
But the court, on August 2, 1955, ordered the parties and their attorneys to appear before it in Hermosisima vs. Court of Appeals (L-14628, Sept. 30, 1960), as reiterated in Estopa vs.
on August 23, 1955 "to explore at this stage of the proceedings the possibility of arriving at Biansay (L-14733, Sept. 30, 1960), is that "mere breach of a promise to marry" is not an
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actionable wrong. We pointed out that Congress deliberately eliminated from the draft of G.R. No. 101749 July 10, 1992
the new Civil Code the provisions that would have it so.
CONRADO BUNAG, JR., petitioner,
It must not be overlooked, however, that the extent to which acts not contrary to law may vs.
be perpetrated with impunity, is not limitless for Article 21 of said Code provides that "any HON. COURT OF APPEALS, First Division, and ZENAIDA B.
person who wilfully causes loss or injury to another in a manner that is contrary to morals, CIRILO, respondents.
good customs or public policy shall compensate the latter for the damage."

The record reveals that on August 23, 1954 plaintiff and defendant applied for a license to
contract marriage, which was subsequently issued (Exhs. A, A-1). Their wedding was set REGALADO, J.:
for September 4, 1954. Invitations were printed and distributed to relatives, friends and
acquaintances (Tsn., 5; Exh. C). The bride-to-be's trousseau, party drsrses and other Petitioner appeals for the reversal of the decision 1 of respondent Court of Appeals
apparel for the important occasion were purchased (Tsn., 7-8). Dresses for the maid of promulgated on May 17, 1991 in CA-G.R. CV No. 07054, entitled "Zenaida B. Cirilo vs.
honor and the flower girl were prepared. A matrimonial bed, with accessories, was bought. Conrado Bunag, Sr. and Conrado Bunag, Jr.," which affirmed in toto the decision of the
Bridal showers were given and gifts received (Tsn., 6; Exh. E). And then, with but two Regional Trial Court, Branch XI at Bacoor, Cavite, and, implicitly, respondent court's
days before the wedding, defendant, who was then 28 years old,: simply left a note for resolution of September 3, 1991 2 denying petitioner's motion for reconsideration.
plaintiff stating: "Will have to postpone wedding My mother opposes it ... " He
enplaned to his home city in Mindanao, and the next day, the day before the wedding, he Respondent court having assiduously discussed the salient antecedents of this case, vis-a-
wired plaintiff: "Nothing changed rest assured returning soon." But he never returned and vis the factual findings of the court below, the evidence of record and the contentions of the
was never heard from again. parties, it is appropriate that its findings, which we approve and adopt, be extensively
reproduced hereunder:
Surely this is not a case of mere breach of promise to marry. As stated, mere breach of
promise to marry is not an actionable wrong. But to formally set a wedding and go through Based on the evidence on record, the following facts are considered indisputable: On the
all the above-described preparation and publicity, only to walk out of it when the afternoon of September 8, 1973, defendant-appellant Bunag, Jr. brought plaintiff-appellant
matrimony is about to be solemnized, is quite different. This is palpably and unjustifiably to a motel or hotel where they had sexual intercourse. Later that evening, said defendant-
contrary to good customs for which defendant must be held answerable in damages in appellant brought plaintiff-appellant to the house of his grandmother Juana de Leon in
accordance with Article 21 aforesaid. Pamplona, Las Pias, Metro Manila, where they lived together as husband and wife for 21
days, or until September 29, 1973. On September 10, 1973, defendant-appellant Bunag, Jr.
Defendant urges in his afore-stated petition that the damages awarded were excessive. No and plaintiff-appellant filed their respective applications for a marriage license with the
question is raised as to the award of actual damages. What defendant would really assert Office of the Local Civil Registrar of Bacoor, Cavite. On October 1, 1973, after leaving
hereunder is that the award of moral and exemplary damages, in the amount of P25,000.00, plaintiff-appellant, defendant-appellant Bunag, Jr. filed an affidavit withdrawing his
should be totally eliminated. application for a marriage license.

Per express provision of Article 2219 (10) of the New Civil Code, moral damages are Plaintiff-appellant contends that on the afternoon of September 8, 1973, defendant-
recoverable in the cases mentioned in Article 21 of said Code. As to exemplary damages, appellant Bunag, Jr., together with an unidentified male companion, abducted her in the
defendant contends that the same could not be adjudged against him because under Article vicinity of the San Juan de Dios Hospital in Pasay City and brought her to a motel where
2232 of the New Civil Code the condition precedent is that "the defendant acted in a she was raped. The court a quo, which adopted her evidence, summarized the same which
wanton, fraudulent, reckless, oppressive, or malevolent manner." The argument is devoid we paraphrased as follows:
of merit as under the above-narrated circumstances of this case defendant clearly acted in a
"wanton ... , reckless [and] oppressive manner." This Court's opinion, however, is that Plaintiff was 26 years old on November 5, 1974 when she testified, single and had finished
considering the particular circumstances of this case, P15,000.00 as moral and exemplary a college course in Commerce (t.s.n., p. 4, Nov. 5, 1974). It appears that on September 8,
damages is deemed to be a reasonable award. 1973, at about 4:00 o'clock in the afternoon, while she was walking along Figueras Street,
Pasay City on her way to the San Juan de Dios Canteen to take her snack, defendant,
PREMISES CONSIDERED, with the above-indicated modification, the lower court's Conrado Bunag, Jr., came riding in a car driven by a male companion. Plaintiff and
judgment is hereby affirmed, with costs. defendant Bunag, Jr. were sweethearts, but two weeks before September 8, 1973, they had
a quarrel, and Bunag, Jr. wanted to talk matters over with plaintiff, so that he invited her to
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take their merienda at the Aristocrat Restaurant in Manila instead of at the San Juan de Manalili of Ligas, Bacoor, Cavite, informed her that plaintiff and Bunag, Jr. were in
Dios Canteen, to which plaintiff obliged, as she believed in his sincerity (t.s.n., pp. 8-10, Cabrera's house, so that her sister requested him to go and see the plaintiff, which he did,
Nov. 5, 1974). and at the house of Mrs. Juana de Leon in Pamplona, Las Pias, Metro Manila he met
defendant Conrado Bunag, Sr., who told him, "Pare, the children are here already. Let us
Plaintiff rode in the car and took the front seat beside the driver while Bunag, Jr. seated settle the matter and have them married."
himself by her right side. The car travelled north on its way to the Aristocrat Restaurant but
upon reaching San Juan Street in Pasay City, it turned abruptly to the right, to which He conferred with plaintiff who told him that as she had already lost her honor, she would
plaintiff protested, but which the duo ignored and instead threatened her not to make any bear her sufferings as Boy Bunag, Jr. and his father promised they would be married.
noise as they were ready to die and would bump the car against the post if she persisted.
Frightened and silenced, the car travelled its course thru F.B. Harrison Boulevard until they Defendants-appellants, on the other hand, deny that defendant-appellant Conrado Bunag,
reached a motel. Plaintiff was then pulled and dragged from the car against her will, and Jr. abducted and raped plaintiff-appellant on September 8, 1973. On the contrary, plaintiff-
amidst her cries and pleas. In spite of her struggle she was no match to the joint strength of appellant and defendant-appellant Bunag, Jr. eloped on that date because of the opposition
the two male combatants because of her natural weakness being a woman and her small of the latter's father to their relationship.
stature. Eventually, she was brought inside the hotel where the defendant Bunag, Jr.
deflowered her against her will and consent. She could not fight back and repel the attack Defendant-appellants claim that defendant-appellant Bunag, Jr. and plaintiff-appellant had
because after Bunag, Jr. had forced her to lie down and embraced her, his companion held earlier made plans to elope and get married, and this fact was known to their friends,
her two feet, removed her panty, after which he left. Bunag, Jr. threatened her that he among them, Architect Chito Rodriguez. The couple made good their plans to elope on the
would ask his companion to come back and hold her feet if she did not surrender her afternoon of September 8, 1973, when defendant-appellant Bunag, Jr., accompanied by his
womanhood to him, thus he succeeded in feasting on her virginity. Plaintiff described the friend Guillermo Ramos, Jr., met plaintiff-appellant and her officemate named Lydia in the
pains she felt and how blood came out of her private parts after her vagina was penetrated vicinity of the San Juan de Dios Hospital. The foursome then proceeded to (the) aforesaid
by the penis of the defendant Bunag, Jr. (t.s.n. pp. 17-24, Nov. 5, 1974). hospital's canteen where they had some snacks. Later, Guillermo Ramos, Jr. took Lydia to
Quirino Avenue where she could get a ride home, thereby leaving the defendant-appellant
After that outrage on her virginity, plaintiff asked Bunag, Jr. once more to allow her to go Bunag, Jr. and plaintiff-appellant alone. According to defendant-appellant Bunag, Jr., after
home but the latter would not consent and stated that he would only let her go after they Guillermo Ramos, Jr. and Lydia left, he and plaintiff-appellant took a taxi to the Golden
were married as he intended to marry her, so much so that she promised not to make any Gate and Flamingo Hotels where they tried to get a room, but these were full. They finally
scandal and to marry him. Thereafter, they took a taxi together after the car that they used got a room at the Holiday Hotel, where defendant-appellant registered using his real name
had already gone, and proceeded to the house of Juana de Leon, Bunag, Jr.'s grandmother and residence certificate number. Three hours later, the couple check out of the hotel and
in Pamplona, Las Pias, Metro Manila where they arrived at 9:30 o'clock in the evening proceeded to the house of Juana de Leon at Pamplona, Las Pias, where they stayed until
(t.s.n., p. 26, Nov. 5, 1974). At about ten (10) o'clock that same evening, defendant September 19, 1873. Defendant-appellant claims that bitter disagreements with the
Conrado Bunag, Sr., father of Bunag, Jr. arrived and assured plaintiff that the following plaintiff-appellant over money and the threats made to his life prompted him to break off
day which was a Monday, she and Bunag, Jr. would go to Bacoor, to apply for a marriage their plan to get married.
license, which they did. They filed their applications for marriage license (Exhibits "A" and
"C") and after that plaintiff and defendant Bunag, Jr. returned to the house of Juana de During this period, defendant-appellant Bunag, Sr. denied having gone to the house of Juan
Leon and lived there as husband and wife from September 8, 1973 to September 29, 1973. de Leon and telling plaintiff-appellant that she would be wed to defendant-appellant
Bunag, Jr. In fact, he phoned Atty. Conrado Adreneda, member of the board of directors of
On September 29, 1973 defendant Bunag, Jr. left and never returned, humiliating plaintiff Mandala Corporation, defendant-appellant Bunag, Jr.'s employer, three times between the
and compelled her to go back to her parents on October 3, 1973. Plaintiff was ashamed evening of September 8, 1973 and September 9, 1973 inquiring as to the whereabouts of
when she went home and could not sleep and eat because of the deception done against her his son. He came to know about his son's whereabouts when he was told of the couple's
by defendants-appellants (t.s.n., p. 35, Nov. 5, 1974). elopement late in the afternoon of September 9, 1973 by his mother Candida Gawaran. He
likewise denied having met relatives and emissaries of plaintiff-appellant and agreeing to
The testimony of plaintiff was corroborated in toto by her uncle, Vivencio Bansagan who her marriage to his son. 3
declared that on September 8, 1973 when plaintiff failed to arrive home at 9:00 o'clock in
the evening, his sister who is the mother of plaintiff asked him to look for her but his A complaint for damages for alleged breach of promise to marry was filed by herein
efforts proved futile, and he told his sister that plaintiff might have married (baka nag- private respondent Zenaida B. Cirilo against petitioner Conrado Bunag, Jr. and his father,
asawa, t.s.n., pp. 5-6, March 18, 1976). However, in the afternoon of the next day Conrado Bunag, Sr., as Civil Case No. N-2028 of the Regional Trial Court, Branch XIX at
(Sunday), his sister told him that Francisco Cabrera, accompanied by barrio captain Jacinto Bacoor, Cavite. On August 20, 1983, on a finding, inter alia, that petitioner had forcibly
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abducted and raped private respondent, the trial court rendered a decision 4 ordering Our jurisdiction in cases brought to us from the Court of Appeals is limited to reviewing
petitioner Bunag, Jr. to pay private respondent P80,000.00 as moral damages, P20,000.00 and revising the errors of law imputed to the latter, its findings of fact being conclusive.
as exemplary damages, P20,000.00 by way of temperate damages, and P10,000.00 for and This Court has emphatically declared that it is not its function to analyze or weigh such
as attorney's fees, as well as the costs of suit. Defendant Conrado Bunag, Sr. was absolved evidence all over again, its jurisdiction being limited to reviewing errors of law that might
from any and all liability. have been committed by the lower court. Barring, therefore, a showing that the findings
complained of are totally devoid of support in the record, or that they are so glaringly
Private respondent appealed that portion of the lower court's decision disculpating Conrado erroneous as to constitute serious abuse of discretion, such findings must stand, for this
Bunag, Sr. from civil liability in this case. On the other hand, the Bunags, as defendants- Court is not expected or required to examine or contrast the oral and documentary evidence
appellants, assigned in their appeal several errors allegedly committed by trial court, which submitted by the parties. 7 Neither does the instant case reveal any feature falling within,
were summarized by respondent court as follows: (1) in finding that defendant-appellant any of the exceptions which under our decisional rules may warrant a review of the factual
Conrado Bunag, Jr. forcibly abducted and raped plaintiff-appellant; (2) in finding that findings of the Court of Appeals. On the foregoing considerations and our review of the
defendants-appellants promised plaintiff-appellant that she would be wed to defendant- records, we sustain the holding of respondent court in favor of private respondent.
appellant Conrado Bunag, Jr.; and (3) in awarding plaintiff-appellant damages for the
breach of defendants-appellants' promise of marriage. 5 Petitioner likewise asserts that since action involves a breach of promise to marry, the trial
court erred in awarding damages.
As stated at the outset, on May 17, 1991 respondent Court of Appeals rendered judgment
dismissing both appeals and affirming in toto the decision of the trial court. His motion for It is true that in this jurisdiction, we adhere to the time-honored rule that an action for
reconsideration having been denied, petitioner Bunag, Jr. is before us on a petition for breach of promise to marry has no standing in the civil law, apart from the right to recover
review, contending that (1) respondent court failed to consider vital exhibits, testimonies money or property advanced by the plaintiff upon the faith of such promise. 8 Generally,
and incidents for petitioner's defense, resulting in the misapprehensions of facts and therefore, a breach of promise to marry per se is not actionable, except where the plaintiff
violative of the law on preparation of judgment; and (2) it erred in the application of the has actually incurred expenses for the wedding and the necessary incidents thereof.
proper law and jurisprudence by holding that there was forcible abduction with rape, not
just a simple elopement and an agreement to marry, and in the award of excessive However, the award of moral damages is allowed in cases specified in or analogous to
damages. 6 those provided in Article 2219 of the Civil Code. Correlatively, under Article 21 of said
Code, in relation to paragraph 10 of said Article 2219, any person who wilfully causes loss
Petitioner Bunag, Jr. first contends that both the trial and appellate courts failed to take into or injury to another in a manner that is contrary to morals, good customs or public policy
consideration the alleged fact that he and private respondent had agreed to marry, and that shall compensate the latter for moral damages. 9 Article 21 was adopted to remedy the
there was no case of forcible abduction with rape, but one of simple elopement and countless gaps in the statutes which leave so many victims of moral wrongs helpless even
agreement to marry. It is averred that the agreement to marry has been sufficiently proven though they have actually suffered material and moral injury, and is intended to vouchsafe
by the testimonies of the witnesses for both parties and the exhibits presented in court. adequate legal remedy for that untold number of moral wrongs which is impossible for
human foresight to specifically provide for in the statutes. 10
This submission, therefore, clearly hinges on the credibility of the witnesses and evidence
presented by the parties and the weight accorded thereto in the factual findings of the trial Under the circumstances obtaining in the case at bar, the acts of petitioner in forcibly
court and the Court of Appeals. In effect, what petitioner would want this Court to do is to abducting private respondent and having carnal knowledge with her against her will, and
evaluate and analyze anew the evidence, both testimonial and documentary, presented thereafter promising to marry her in order to escape criminal liability, only to thereafter
before and calibrated by the trial court, and as further meticulously reviewed and discussed renege on such promise after cohabiting with her for twenty-one days, irremissibly
by respondent court. constitute acts contrary to morals and good customs. These are grossly insensate and
reprehensible transgressions which indisputably warrant and abundantly justify the award
The issue raised primarily and ineluctably involves questions of fact. We are, therefore, of moral and exemplary damages, pursuant to Article 21 in relation to paragraphs 3 and 10,
once again constrained to stress the well-entrenched statutory and jurisprudential mandate Article 2219, and Article 2229 and 2234 of Civil Code.
that findings of fact of the Court of Appeals are, as a rule, conclusive upon this Court. Only
questions of law, distinctly set forth, may be raised in a petition for review Petitioner would, however, belabor the fact that said damages were awarded by the trial
on certiorari under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court, subject to clearly settled exceptions in court on the basis of a finding that he is guilty of forcible abduction with rape, despite the
case law. prior dismissal of the complaint therefor filed by private respondent with the Pasay City
Fiscal's Office.

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Generally, the basis of civil liability from crime is the fundamental postulate of our law [G.R. No. 147614. January 29, 2004]
that every person criminally liable for a felony is also civilly liable. In other words,
criminal liability will give rise to civil liability ex delicto only if the same felonious act or H.L. CARLOS CONSTRUCTION, INC., petitioner, vs. MARINA PROPERTIES
omission results in damage or injury to another and is the direct and proximate cause CORPORATION, JESUS K. TYPOCO SR. and TAN YU, respondents.
thereof. 11 Hence, extinction of the penal action does not carry with it the extinction of
civil liability unless the extinction proceeds from a declaration in a final judgment that the DECISION
fact from which the civil might arise did not exist. 12
In the instant case, the dismissal of the complaint for forcible abduction with rape was by
mere resolution of the fiscal at the preliminary investigation stage. There is no declaration There is unjust enrichment when a building contractor is denied payment for increased
in a final judgment that the fact from which the civil case might arise did not exist. labor cost validly incurred and additional work validly rendered with the owners express or
Consequently, the dismissal did not in any way affect the right of herein private respondent implied agreement.
to institute a civil action arising from the offense because such preliminary dismissal of the
The Case
penal action did not carry with it the extinction of the civil action.
The Petition for Review[1] before the Court, filed under Rule 45, seeks the reversal of the
The reason most often given for this holding is that the two proceedings involved are not
Decision[2] dated March 29, 2001, issued by the Court of Appeals[3] in CA-GR CV No.
between the same parties. Furthermore, it has long been emphasized, with continuing
60975. The assailed Decision disposed as follows:
validity up to now, that there are different rules as to the competency of witnesses and the
quantum of evidence in criminal and civil proceedings. In a criminal action, the State must WHEREFORE, the judgment appealed from is hereby REVERSED and SET ASIDE, and
prove its case by evidence which shows the guilt of the accused beyond reasonable doubt, a new one entered DISMISSING the [petitioners] Complaint, AND PARTIALLY
while in a civil action it is sufficient for the plaintiff to sustain his cause by preponderance GRANTING THE [RESPONDENT-CORPORATIONS] COUNTERCLAIM, IN THAT
of evidence only. 13 Thus, in Rillon, et al. vs. Rillon, 14 we stressed that it is not now THE [PETITIONER] IS DIRECTED TO PAY UNTO THE [RESPONDENT-
necessary that a criminal prosecution for rape be first instituted and prosecuted to final CORPORATION] THE SUM OF P4,604,579.00 in ACTUAL DAMAGES
judgment before a civil action based on said offense in favor of the offended woman can PLUS P3,549,416.00 AS AND FOR LIQUIDATED DAMAGES.[4]
likewise be instituted and prosecuted to final judgment.
The Facts
WHEREFORE, the petition is hereby DENIED for lack of merit, and the assailed judgment
and resolution are hereby AFFIRMED. The facts of the case, summarized by the Court of Appeals (CA), are as follows:
SO ORDERED. [Respondent] MARINA PROPERTIES CORPORATION (MPC for brevity) is engaged in
the business of real estate development. On May 10, 1988, MPC entered into a
contract[5] with [Petitioner] H.[L.] CARLOS CONSTRUCTION, INC. (HLC) to construct
Phase III of a condominium complex called MARINA BAYHOMES CONDOMINIUM
PROJECT, consisting of townhouses and villas, totaling 31 housing units, for a total
consideration of P38,580,609.00, within a period of 365 days from receipt of Notice to
Proceed. The original completion date of the project was May 16, 1989, but it was
extended to October 31, 1989 with a grace period until November 30, 1989.[6]

The contract was signed by Jovencio F. Cinco, president of MPC, and Honorio L. Carlos,
president of HLC.

On December 15, 1989, HLC instituted this case for sum of money against not only MPC
but also against the latters alleged president, [Respondent] Jesus K. Typoco, Sr. (Typoco)
and [Respondent] Tan Yu (Tan), seeking the payment of various sums with an aggregate
amount of P14 million pesos, broken down as follows:

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a) P7,065,885.03 for costs of labor escalation, change orders and material price escalation; Ruling of the Court of Appeals

b) P2,000,000.00 as additional compensatory damages, exclusive of the cost of suit. On appeal, the CA held that respondents were not liable for escalations in the cost of labor
and construction materials, because of the following reasons: (1) the contract between the
c) P3,147,992.00 representing retention money allegedly withheld by MPC on HLCs parties was for a lump sum consideration, which did not allow for cost escalation; and (2)
Progress Billings as of January 1990, and petitioner failed to show any basis for the award sought.
d) P2,000,000.00 representing the value of construction materials allegedly Respondents were also absolved from paying for change orders and extra work, inasmuch
withheld/detained by MPC. as there was no supplemental agreement covering them as required in the main
Construction Contract. Although Progress Billing No. 24 apparently indicates that extra
Traversing the allegations of the complaint, [respondents] filed separate answers, whereby work was rendered by petitioner, this claim is not supported by sufficient evidence.
the two individual [respondents] alleged that they are not parties to the Construction
Contract and Amendatory Contract and are therefore not liable to HLC. [Respondent] MPC The CA further failed to find any basis for the release of the 10 percent retention fee. The
on the other hand alleged that the [petitioner] has no cause of action against it and that it Construction Contract had provided that such release would be made only under certain
(HLC) is not entitled to its various claims. MPC interposed a counterclaim in the aggregate conditions, none of which was complied with, as petitioner failed to complete the work
sum of P68,296,227.14 for actual and compensatory damages, liquidated damages, required. Furthermore, MPC was not held liable for detained or withheld construction
unliquidated advances, and attorneys fees.[7] materials, since petitioner had eventually withdrawn them.

On May 15, 1997, the trial court[8] ruled as follows:[9] Nothing in the records indicated any personal liability on the part of Typoco and
Tan. Moreover, they had nothing to assume, as MPC was not held liable to petitioner.
WHEREFORE, premises above considered, judgment is hereby rendered for [Petitioner]
H.L. CARLOS CONSTRUCTION, INC. and as against [Respondents] MARINA Furthermore, the CA ruled that petitioner was liable for actual and liquidated damages. The
PROPERTIES CORPORATION, TAN YU, and JESUS K. TYPOCO, SR., who are hereby latter had abandoned the project prior to its completion; hence, MPC contracted out the
ordered to pay, jointly and severally, the [petitioner], as follows: work to another entity and incurred actual damages in excess of the remaining balance of
the contract price. In addition, the Construction Contract had stipulated payment of
1. the amount of P7,065,885.03, representing unpaid labor escalation costs, change orders liquidated damages in an amount equivalent to 1/1000 of the contract price for each
and material price escalations, plus 12% interest per annum from date of filing of the calendar day of delay.
complaint, until fully paid;
Hence, this Petition.[10]
2. the amount of P3,147,992.39 representing the 10% retention money withheld by the
[respondents] [from] [petitioners] progress billing as of January 1990, plus 12% interest per Issues
annum from the date of filing of the complaint, until fully paid;
In its Memorandum, petitioner raises the following issues:
3. the amount of P2,000,000.00 representing the value of construction materials and the
like detained by the [respondents], plus 12% legal interest from the date of filing of the a. Whether or not the respondents are liable to pay the petitioner its claim for price
complaint, until fully paid; escalation of construction materials and labor cost escalation.

4. the sum equivalent to 15% of the principal sum as and by way of attorneys fees; and to b. Whether or not the respondents are liable to the petitioner for cost of change orders and
extra works.
5. [p]ay the costs of this suit.
c. Whether or not the respondents are liable to the petitioner for the ten percent retention
The counterclaim for liquidated damages, are hereby DISMISSED for lack of money.
evidence. Liquidated damages can only be awarded under paragraph 2 of the amended
construction contract that extended the completion period and mainly on the finding of the d. Whether or not the respondents are liable to pay the petitioner attorneys fees.
85% substantial completion of the project, and that the delay and stoppage of the project
was caused by [respondents] default in payment of [the] progress billings that would have e. Whether or not the respondents are liable to the petitioner for the cost of illegally
allowed [petitioner] to have the capability to continue and complete the project. detained materials.
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f. Whether or not the respondents Jesus Typoco Sr., and Tan Yu are jointly and solidarily PESOS: THIRTY EIGHT MILLION FIVE HUNDRED EIGHTY THOUSAND SIX
liable to the petitioner for the latters claims. HUNDRED NINE (P38,580,609.00) broken down as shown in the Bid Form. No cost
escalation shall be allowed except on the labor component of the work x x x. [13]
g. Whether or not the petitioner is liable to the respondents for actual and liquidated
damages.[11] Since the Contract allows escalation only of the labor component, the implication is that
material cost escalations are barred. There appears to be no provision, either in the original
In simpler terms, the issues to be resolved are as follows: or in the amended contract, that would justify billing of increased cost of
materials.Furthermore, no evidence -- like official economic data showing an increase in
(1) Whether petitioner is entitled to (a) a price escalation for labor and material cost, (b) the the price index of construction materials -- was even adduced by petitioner to prove that
cost of change orders and extra work, (c) the release of the 10 percent retention money, (d) there had indeed been increases in material costs.[14]
the cost of illegally detained materials, and (e) attorneys fees
Petitioner attempts to pass off these cost escalations as a form of damages suffered by it as
(2) Whether Typoco and Tan are solidarily liable with MPC a natural consequence of the delay in the payment of billings and claims for additional
work. It argues that the baseless and malicious refusal to pay for those claims renders
(3) Whether petitioner is liable for actual and liquidated damages respondents liable for damages under Article 2201 of the Civil Code.
The Courts Ruling We disagree. Without tackling the issue of delay, we find that the contentious Progress
Billing No. 24 contains no claim for material cost escalation. The other unsettled bills
The Petition is partly meritorious.
claimed by petitioner are those for change orders or extra work, which have not been
First Issue: shown to be related to the increase in cost of materials. Dealt with in separate contracts
between the parties were such claims, the costs of which were to be determined and agreed
Liability for Additional Costs upon only when required by MPC. Materials used for those additional jobs were to be
purchased only when the work was contracted, not prior thereto. As admitted by petitioner,
Petitioner argues that it is entitled to price escalation for both labor and materials, because expenses for change orders/additional work were not included in the agreed contract
MPC was delayed in paying for its obligations. The former admits that it is normally not price[15] and, hence, were not subject to increases.
entitled to any price increase for labor and materials, because a contractor is expected to
build into its price a contingency factor to protect it from cost increases that may occur MPC admits that the labor cost escalation clause was adopted by the parties to safeguard
during the contract period.[12] It justifies its claim, however, on the ground that a contractor the contractor against losses in the event that, during the execution of the Contract, the
cannot be expected to anticipate price increases beyond the original contract government would order a minimum wage adjustment, which would then inflate the labor
period.Respondents, on the other hand, aver that it was delayed in finishing the project; cost.[16] Respondents deny liability for this added expense because, according to the
hence, it is not entitled to any price increase. Contract, the allowance for labor cost escalation is available only within the duration of the
original construction period.
It must be pointed out that the reason for the CAs denial of petitioners claim was that the
contract between the parties was for a lump sum consideration, and petitioner was guilty of We clarify. The claimed cost of labor escalation pertains to the period September 1 to
delay in completing the project. December 15, 1989, in the amount of P170,722.10; and December 16 to January 27,
1990, P45,983.91. During those periods, petitioner had not yet incurred any delay in the
Labor and Material project, originally stipulated to be finished by May 16, 1989. But by mutual agreement, the
period was extended up to October 31, 1989, with a grace period until November 30, 1989.
Cost Escalation
Furthermore, a legislated wage increase became effective after the expiration of the
We agree with petitioner that it is entitled to price escalation, but only for the labor original period.[17] Respondents are, therefore, liable for this increase in labor cost, because
component of Progress Billing No. 24. The Construction Contract contains the following they allowed petitioner to continue working on the project until April 20, 1990 (even
provision on the considerations therefor: beyond November 30, 1989).

6.1 For and in consideration of the true and faithful performance of the work by the MPC argues that to allow the claim for labor cost escalation would be to reward petitioner
CONTRACTOR, the OWNER shall pay the Lump Sum Contract Price of for incurring delay, thereby breaching a contractual obligation.
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This contention is untenable. Before the expiration of the extended period, petitioner was 13. CLAIMS FOR EXTRA AND FORCE ACCOUNT WORK:
not yet in delay. It was granted by MPC an extension to complete the project until
November 30, 1989. Moreover, despite the expiration of the extended period, MPC If the Contractor claims that any construction by drawings or otherwise involve extra cost
allowed it to continue working on the project until the former took over and awarded that under this Contract, he shall give the Owner and/or the Architect, written notice thereof
project to another contractor. Hence, labor costs were actually incurred by petitioner until within a reasonable time after receipt of such instructions, and in any event before
April 20, 1990. It was thus entitled to reimbursement for labor cost escalation until that proceeding to execute the work, except in emergency endangering life or property. No such
date. MPC cannot now be allowed to question the true valuation of the additional labor claim shall be valid unless so made.
because, instead of submitting to an independent evaluator, it violated the Temporary
Restraining Order (TRO) issued by the trial court and hired another contractor to finish the Extra work for which no price is provided in the proposal shall be covered by a
project. supplementary agreement to be signed by both parties before such work is commenced. [24]

Noteworthy is the fact that MPC paid for the labor cost escalation during the period August The CA is correct in holding that there is no supplemental agreement covering the claimed
1-15, 1989,[18] which was past the expiration of the original period. Apparently, it thereafter extra work and change orders. Exhibits C-1, C-2, C-2-A, C-3 and C-4 show billings for
stopped paying for labor cost escalation in response to the suit filed against it by petitioner. extra work sent by petitioner to MPC. But the former did not submit in evidence the
alleged construction memoranda covering them. Neither were they mentioned in the
The CA denied the labor cost escalation claim because, despite having billed MPC letter[25] of Roilo Golez dated November 24, 1989.
therefor, petitioner accepted payments that did not include such claim. The appellate court
construed the acceptance by petitioner as a waiver of the latters right to be reimbursed for Progress Billing No. 24, which pertained to the project as covered by the Construction
the increased labor cost. Contract, did not mention any claim for extra work or change orders. These additional jobs
were covered by separate bills other than the twenty-four Progress Billings sent by
We believe that this position is untenable. The CA mistook Exhibits C-7-B[19] and D- petitioner.
1[20] as bills coming from petitioner, when in truth they were Accomplishment Evaluation
Sheets issued by MPC. The notation labor escalation not included in the said Exhibits was MPC, however, never denied having ordered additional work. In Item No. 12 of its
an admission on the part of MPC that it had not paid such amount, upon the advice of Atty. Amended Answer,[26] it averred that petitioners claim for change orders and extra work
Jose C. Laureta, its resident counsel. According to him, petitioner should be faulted for were premature. Limneo P. Miranda, respondents work engineer, manifested that
having incurred labor cost increases after the expiration of the original period (after May additional work was indeed done, but that claims therefor were not settled for the following
16, 1989). Not having waived such increases, it should thus bear them.[21] reasons: (1) reconciliation between the parties was never completed due to the absence of
petitioners representative in scheduled meetings; (2) difference in opinion on the proper
To allow MPC to acquire the partially accomplished project without paying for labor cost valuation of the additional work, as MPC wanted to use the net quantity method, while
escalation validly incurred would constitute unjust enrichment at the expense of petitioner preferred the gross method; and (3) some claims were rejected by MPC, because
petitioner.[22] There is unjust enrichment under Article 22 of the Civil Code when (1) a they had not been properly approved in accordance with the Contract.[27]
person is unjustly benefited, and (2) such benefit is derived at the expense of or with
damages to another.[23] Since petitioner had rendered services that were accepted by MPC, Evidence on record further reveals that MPC approved some change order jobs despite the
then the former should be compensated for them. Labor cost escalation, in this case, has absence of any supplementary agreement. In its Over-all Summary of Reconciled
already been earned by petitioner. Quantities as of September 6, 1989 (Annex C), [28] it valued petitioners valid claim therefor
at P79,340.52. After noting that the claim had extremely been bloated, Atty. Laureta, in-
Change Orders and Extra Work house counsel for respondent corporation, affirmed as valid the amount stated in the
Petitioner claims entitlement to compensation for change orders and extra work that were
covered by construction memoranda. MPC counters, however, that the former never Petitioner may have failed to show the construction memoranda covering its claim, but it
presented any cost estimate for additional work. The estimate would have formed the basis inarguably performed extra work that was accepted by MPC. Hence, we will consider
for a consensual agreement and a computation of actual accomplishment, for which MPC Annex C as the proper valuation thereof.
could have been unilaterally billed. Worse, the extra work was allegedly assessed by its
engineer to be worth only P705.41. Under the principle of quantum meruit, a contractor is allowed to recover the reasonable
value of the thing or services rendered despite the lack of a written contract, in order to
We side with petitioner. The General Conditions to the Construction Contract provides: avoid unjust enrichment.[30] Quantum meruit means that in an action for work and labor,
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payment shall be made in such amount as the plaintiff reasonably deserves. [31] To deny Contract. By 1992, only 30 percent of the materials detained were salvageable, while the
payment for a building almost completed and already occupied would be to permit unjust rest had depreciated.
enrichment at the expense of the contractor.[32]
This contention has no merit. According to the CAs ruling, the only proof that MPC
The CA held that since Billing No. 24 did not include any claim for additional work, such detained materials belonging to petitioner was the denial of the request, contained in the
work had presumably been previously paid for. This reasoning is not correct. It is beyond latters February 1990 letter,[35] for the release of used form lumber. Aside from that letter,
dispute that the change orders and extra work were billed separately from the usual however, no other attempt was shown to have been made by petitioner to obtain its
progress billings petitioner sent to MPC. request. It should have tried again to do so before claiming that respondents unreasonably
prevented it from removing its construction materials from the premises. As to the other
Retention Money materials, there was absolutely no attempt to remove them from the construction
site. Hence, we cannot say that these were ever withheld from petitioner.
The CA denied the claim for the 10 percent retention money, because petitioner had failed
to comply with the conditions under paragraph 6.3 of the Construction Contract. On the Detention is not proved by Atty. Lauretas letter [36] dated July 4, 1992, allowing petitioner
other hand, the latter avers that these conditions were deemed fulfilled under Article 1186 to remove its materials from the site. The letter was merely a directive for it to clear out its
of the Civil Code because, when its contract was terminated, MPC prevented the belongings therefrom, in view of the hiring of a second contractor to finish the project.
fulfillment of those conditions. It would allegedly be unfair and unreasonable for petitioner
to guarantee a project finished by another contractor. Moreover, in a specifically designated yard inside the construction site, petitioner
maintained a warehouse that was guarded by its own security complement and completely
We disagree with petitioner. In the construction industry, the 10 percent retention money is inaccessible to MPC personnel.[37] It therefore had control over those materials and should
a portion of the contract price automatically deducted from the contractors billings, as have made provisions to keep them safe from the elements and from pilferage.
security for the execution of corrective work -- if any -- becomes necessary. This amount is
to be released one year after the completion of the project, minus the cost of corrective Attorneys Fees
work.[33] The conditions for its release are stated in the Construction Contract as follows:
Petitioner argues that it is entitled to attorneys fees based on Article 2208 of the Civil
6.3 In all cases, however, payment of the progress billings shall be subject to deduction of Code, because (1) respondents act or omission has compelled it to litigate with third
twenty percent (20%) recoupment of the downpayment, ten percent (10%) retention and persons or to incur expenses to protect its interest; and (2) respondents acted in gross and
expanded withholding tax on CONTRACTORS income. Upon issuance of the Certificate evident bad faith in refusing to satisfy its plainly valid, just and demandable claim.
of Completion of the work by the OWNER and upon submission of Guaranty Bond, Ninety
Percent (90%) of the retained amount shall be released to the CONTRACTOR and the The grant of some of the claims of petitioner does not change the fact that it did not finish
balance thereof shall be released by the OWNER within thirty (30) days after the the project. Attorneys fees are not granted every time a party prevails in a suit, because no
expiration of the guaranty period which is 365 days after issuance of the certificate of premium should be placed on the right to litigate.[38] Petitioner is not, after all, blameless in
completion. [34] the present controversy. Just because MPC withheld some payments from petitioner does
not mean that the former was in gross or evident bad faith. MPC had claims that it wanted
None of the foregoing conditions were satisfied; hence, the CA was correct in forfeiting the to offset with those of the latter.
retention fee. The completion of the work was stipulated in the Contract to be within 365
days from the issuance of a Notice to Proceed or until May 16, 1989. Then the period was Second Issue:
extended up to November 30, 1989. Petitioner worked on the project till April 20, 1990. It
was given by MPC ample time and two extensions to complete the project. The simple Typoco and Tans Liabilities
truth is that in failing to finish the project, the former failed to fulfill a prerequisite for the
release of the retention money. Petitioner claims that Respondents Jesus Typoco and Tan Yu are solidarily liable with
Detained Materials
We concur with the CA that these two respondents are not liable. Section 31 of the
Petitioner claims cost reimbursement of illegally detained materials, as it was allowed to Corporation Code (Batas Pambansa Blg. 68) provides:
withdraw them from the site only after two years from the unilateral termination of the

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Section 31. Liability of directors, trustees or officers. Directors or trustees who willfully Either party shall have the right to terminate this Contract for reason of violation or non-
and knowingly vote for or assent to patently unlawful acts of the corporation or who are compliance by the other party of the terms and conditions herein agreed upon. [40]
guilty of gross negligence or bad faith x x x shall be liable jointly and severally for all
damages resulting therefrom suffered by the corporation, its stockholders and other As of November 30, 1989, petitioner accomplished only approximately 80 percent of the
persons. project. In other words, it was already in delay at the time. In addition, Engineer Miranda
testified that it would lose money even if it finished the project; [41] thus, respondents
The personal liability of corporate officers validly attaches only when (a) they assent to a already suspected that it had no intention of finishing the project at all.
patently unlawful act of the corporation; or (b) they are guilty of bad faith or gross
negligence in directing its affairs; or (c) they incur conflict of interest, resulting in damages Petitioner was in delay and in breach of contract. Clearly, the obligor is liable for damages
to the corporation, its stockholders or other persons. [39] that are the natural and probable consequences of its breach of obligation. [42] Petitioner was
already paid by MPC in the amount of P31,435,187 out of the total contract price
The records are bereft of any evidence that Typoco acted in bad faith with gross or of P38,580,609; thus, only P7,145,422 remained outstanding. In order to finish the project,
inexcusable negligence, or that he acted outside the scope of his authority as company the latter had to contract the services of a second construction firm for P11,750,000. Hence,
president. The unilateral termination of the Contract during the existence of the TRO was MPC suffered actual damages in the amount of P4,604,579 for the completion of the
indeed contemptible -- for which MPC should have merely been cited for contempt of project.
court at the most -- and a preliminary injunction would have then stopped work by the
second contractor. Besides, there is no showing that the unilateral termination of the Petitioner is also liable for liquidated damages as provided in the Contract, [43] the pertinent
Contract was null and void. portion of which is quoted as follows:

Respondent Tan is not an officer or a director of MPC. His participation is limited to an 4.1 Time is an essential feature of this Contract and in the event that the CONTRACTOR
alleged conversation between him and Engineer Mario Cornista, petitioners project fails to complete the contracted work within the stipulated time inclusive of any granted
manager. Supposedly, the former verbally agreed therein to guarantee the payment of the extension of time, the CONTRACTOR shall pay the OWNER, as liquidated damages, the
latters progress billings. We find no satisfactory evidence to show respondents alleged amount of one over one thousand (1/1000) of the value of the contract price for each and
solidary liability to petitioner. every calendar day of delay (Sundays and Holidays included), not to exceed 15% of [the]
Contract amount, in the completion of the work as specified in Article II above. It is
Third Issue: understood that the liquidated damages herein provided are fixed, agreed upon and not by
way of penalty, and as such, the OWNER shall not be further required to prove that he has
Liability for Actual and Liquidated Damages incurred actual damages to be entitled thereto. In the case of such delays, the OWNER is
hereby authorized to deduct the amount of liquidated damages from any money due or
Petitioner avers that it should be exonerated from the counterclaims for actual and which may become due the CONTRACTOR in this or any other contract or to collect such
liquidated damages, because its failure to complete the project was due to respondents acts. amount from the CONTRACTORs performance bond whichever is convenient and
expeditious to the OWNER.
Central to the resolution of this issue is the question of which party was in delay. Aside
from the contentious Progress Billing No. 24, there are no other unpaid claims. The bills Liquidated damages are those that the parties agree to be paid in case of a breach. [44] As
for extra work and change orders, aside from those for the beams and columns, were worded, the amount agreed upon answers for damages suffered by the owner due to delays
premature and still subject to reconciliation and adjustment. Hence, we cannot hold MPC in the completion of the project. Under Philippine laws, these damages take the nature of
liable for them. penalties.[45] A penal clause is an accessory undertaking to assume greater liability in case
of a breach. It is attached to an obligation in order to ensure performance.
In comparison, petitioner did not fulfill its contractual obligations. It could not totally pass
the blame to MPC for hiring a second contractor, because the latter was allowed to Thus, as held by the CA, petitioner is bound to pay liquidated damages for 92 days, or from
terminate the services of the contractor. the expiration of the grace period in the Amended Contract until February 1, 1990, when it
effectively abandoned the project.
10.1 The OWNER shall have the right to terminate this Contract in the event that the
CONTRACTOR incurs a fifteen percent (15%) or greater slippage in the prosecution of the WHEREFORE, the Petition is partly GRANTED and the assailed
overall work evaluated against the Project schedule as indicated by the critical path of the Decision MODIFIED. Petitioner is AWARDED labor cost escalation in the sum
approved PERT/CPM network for the Project or as amended by Art. II herein.

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of P1,196,202 and cost of extra work in the sum of P79,340.52. In all other respects, the The code gives no definition of what are agentes de la autoridad (agents of authority); but
appealed Decision is AFFIRMED. it well may be said that all those persons who may direct provision of law or by
appointment of competent authority are charged with the maintenance of public order and
SO ORDERED. the protection and security of life and property must be characterized as such, and further
that in accordance with the final section of article 264 (Spanish Penal Code), it may be
affirmed that, for the purposes of this chapter and of the two following ones, all persons
who come to the aid of agents of authority, and also all public functionaries, are entitled to
G.R. No. L-4596 January 13, 1909 be considered as agents of authority, it being understood, nevertheless, that in order that the
person who come to the aid of agents of authority may be considered as agents of authority,
THE UNITED STATES, plaintiff-appellant, it is an essential condition that they lend assistance, by virtue of an order or request of such
vs. agent of authority.
ESTEBAN FORTALEZA, defendant-appellee.
Accepting Viada's definition of agents of authorities, it is clear that, if a lieutenant of a
Attorney-General Araneta, for appellant. barrio is charged with the maintenance of public order, and the protection and security of
R. Kapunan, for appellee. life and property within his barrio, he must be considered an "agent of authority;" and that,
if an officer charged with the maintenance of public order has authority to make arrests,
without warrant, for violations of law committed in his presence, then Gregorio Tulang, the
The information filed in this case charges the defendant, Fortaleza, with the crime lieutenant of the barrio of Hinatungan, was in the performance of his duty at the time, who
of atentado contra los agentes de la autoridad (criminal attempt against agents of was discovered, in flagrante delicto, conducting a candlestine cockpit.
authority), in that he gravely intimitated and threatened to assault with a club one
We agree with the trial judge that the determination of the questions involved "depends
"Gregorio Tulang and his policemen Roman Paganpang and Julian Tosloc," this at a time
largely upon the provisions of the law fixing the powers and duties of lieutenants of
when Tulang, in the performance of his duties as lieutenant of the barrio of Hinatungan,
barrios," and that these provisions are to be found in section 37 and 38 of Act No. 82,
was undertaking to arrest the accused who had been discovered, in flagrante delicto,
defining the duties of municipal councilors and lieutenants of barrios. Those sections are as
conducting a candlestine cockpit.
The defendant filed a demurrer to the information on the ground that the facts alleged do
SEC. 37. (a) If the number of barrios in a municipality is less than equal to the number of
not constitute a crime. The trial court sustained the demurrer, ordered the information to be
councilors the council shall put each of its members in immediate charge of a barrio or part
dismissed, and held that "in the arrest in question, Gregorio was not in the discharge of the
of a barrio, so that each barrio shall be under the direction of one or more councilors.
functions of his office as lieutenant of a barrio," and that accordingly no criminal attempt
against an agent of authority had been committed by the accused in intimidating and (b) If the numbers of barrios exceeds the number of councilors, including the vice-
threatening to assault him; and that "so-called police of the lieutenant of the barrio" were president, the council shall group the barrios into as many districts as there are councilors,
not agents of authority, "for the reason that the said lieutenant had no authority to appoint and shall place each councilor in charge of one such district. Each councilor shall be
police." From this order sustaining fiscal appealed. empowered to appoint one lieutenant in each barrio or part of barrio which comes under his
immediate supervision. A lieutenant of barrio shall serve without compensation and shall
Criminal attempts against an agent of authority are defined in paragraph 2 of article 249 of
report directly to the councilor appointing him.
the Penal Code as follows:
SEC. 38 (a) Each councilor shall keep the people of his barrio or barrios informed as to the
Those who attack the authorities or their agents, or employ force against them, gravely
acts of the council or other governmental measures which directly concern them, by means
intimidate them, or offer an equally grave resistance, while they are discharging the
of suitable notices posted in a public and conspicuous as the representative of the people of
functions of their office or on the occasion thereof.
his barrio, or barrios and shall bring their special needs to the attention of that day.
Viada, discussing the meaning of the phrase agente de la autoridad, as employed in this
(b) He shall further promptly inform the president of any unusual or untoward event
article, says that
occurring within the barrios assigned to him.

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(c) He is authorized to use as a symbol of office a cause with silver head, plated ferule and councilors, must be taken to have entrusted to these councilors and their lieutenants a duty
black cord and tassels. of maintaining order within their respective barrios, substantially similar to that which was
imposed upon municipal councilors under the Spanish law existing at the time of the
It will not be doubted that under these provisions of law, a lieutenant of a barrio, duly promulgation of the Act, and thus to have conferred upon, or confirmed to them the
appointed by the councilor in charge of such barrio, is clothed with all the authority of the functions of agentes de la autoridad (agents of authority) within their respective barrios,
councilor himself within the limits of such barrio, subject, of course, to the commands of with the necessary authority incident thereto for the maintenance of order and the
his principal. But it must be admitted that the authority expressly and explicitly conferred protection of life and property.
upon the councilor in charge of a barrio, within such barrio, would appear, upon a
superficial examination of the above-cited sections of Act No. 82, to be somewhat limited, There is no express provision of the Municipal Code defining the authority necessarily
and to be confined to the keeping of the people of his barrio informed of acts of the incident to the duty of maintaining order, and protecting life and property, thus imposed
council, and other governmental measures which directly concern them, and informing upon these officials within their respective jurisdictions; but the extent and limitations of
the presidente of any unusual or untoward event occurring within the barrio assigned to the authority thus conferred, in so far as it requires the exercise of powers to make arrests
him. We are of the opinion, however, that it was not the intention of the lawmaker to limit without warrant, may be ascertained from an examination of the "Provisional Law for the
the functions of municipal councilors within in such narrow boundaries, and that the Application of the Penal Code," as modified and amended by legislation enacted since the
provisions of section 37 which put out or more barrios in immediate charge of each American occupation of these Islands. Rules 27, 28, 29, and 30 of this law are as follows:
councilor, so that each barrio shall be under the direction of one or more councilors, and
authorizes and empowers each councilor to appoint one lieutenant in each barrio or part of RULE 27. Anyone may detain:
barrio "which comes under his immediate supervision," must be understood as conferring
upon, or confirming to municipal councilors functions of wider scope and higher import First. A person who attempts to commit a crime, when about to commit the same.
than those with which they are explicitly charged in section 38.
Second. An offender is flagrante.
To say that "each of the members of the council shall be put in immediate charge of a
barrio or part of barrio, so that each barrio shall be under the direction of one or more Third. A person who is escaping from the penal establishment where serving sentence.
coucilors" and that each barrio is placed "under the immediate supervision of a councilor"
Fourth. A prisoner who is escaping from the jail while awaiting transfer to the penal
would seem necessarily to imply a grant of some degree of control over the conduct of the
establishment or place were he is to serve the sentence imposed upon him by final
residents of the barrio by the councilors placed in charge thereof. Certainly it implies
something more than a mere authority and obligation to post notices of acts of the council
and other governmental measures and to inform the municipal president of unusual or Fifth. A prisoner who is escaping from confinement while his case is pending.
untoward events occurring in the barrio; and taking into consideration the general
provisions of Act No. 82, entitled "A general Act for the organization of municipal Seventh. A defendant in a criminal prosecution or convicted person en rebeldia (at large).
governments in the Philippine Island," which divides the greater part of these Islands into
municipalities and each of these municipalities into barrios, and places these barrios under RULE 28. Judicial and administrative authorities have power to detain, or to cause to be
the charge of designated councilors and lieutenants of barrios, adopting in this respect the detained, persons whom there is a reasonable ground to believe guilty of some offense. It
general scheme of the Spanish system of municipal administration in existence when the will be the duty of the authorities, as well as of their agents, to arrest:
Act was promulgated; and keeping in mind, first, the imperative necessity for providing for
the maintenance of order in each of these barrios, many of which are located at long First. Such persons as may be arrested under the provisions of rule 27.
distances from the centers of population, where the municipal officials reside; second, the
fact that nowhere else in the Act is any provision made for the appointment of peace Second. A person charged with a crime for which the code provides a penalty greater than
officers for the various barrios with the necessary authority to maintain order; and, third, that of confinamiento.
the fact that under the municipal system which was superseded by the system provided in
this Act, municipal councilors and their lieutenants placed in charge of particular barrios Third, A person charges with a crime for which the code provides a penalty less than that
were always recognized as agentes de la autoridad and clothed with the necessary of confinamiento, if his antecedents or the circumstances of the case would warrant the
authority for the maintenance of order and the protection of life and property; we think that presumption that he would fail to appear when summoned by the judicial authorities.
the Commission, in the providing for the assignment of one or more councilors in charge of
each barrio or part of barrio, so that each barrio shall be under the direction of one or more The provisions of the preceding paragraph shall not apply, however, to a defendant who
gives sufficient bond, to the satisfaction of the authority or agent who may arrest him, and
32 | P a g e
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who it may reasonably be presumed will appear whenever summoned by the judge or court person had committed, or is about to commit any crime or breach of the peace; may arrest,
competent to try him. or to cause to be arrested without warrant, and offender, when the offense is committed in
the presence of a peace officer within his view." These provisions quite clearly set out the
Fourth. A person coming under the provisions of the preceding paragraph may be arrested, powers usually conferred by American and English law upon "peace officers" including
although no formal complaint has been filed against him, provided the following "constables" in making arrests without warrants; and since similar powers are clearly
circumstances are present: included in the powers conferred upon "agents of authority" in the above cited articles of
the "Provisional Law," there can be no doubt that the Commission, in imposing the duty of
First. That the authority or agent had reasonable cause to believe that unlawful act, maintaining order and preserving and protecting life and property within their respective
amounting to a crime had been committed. barrios upon municipal councilors and their lieutenants of barrios, conferred upon such
officials authority to make arrest without warrant not less extensive than that conferred
Second. that the authority or agent had sufficient reason to believe that the person arrested upon peace in Manila in the above-cited provisions of the Manila Charter. (The Unites
participated in the commission of such unlawful act or crime. States vs.Vallejo,1 No. 4637, decided by this court on Sept. 3, 1908; also the United
States vs. Burgueta, 10 Phil. Rep., 188.)
RULE 29. A private individual who detains a person must take or have such person
immediately taken to the district jail or to the courthouse of the town, and deliver to the We are of opinion, therefore, that Gregorio Tulang was in the lawful performance of the
warden of the prison or to the person in charge of such prison, a written statement setting duties of his office when he attempted to arrest the accused, who was also discovered, in
out the cause of the arrest. flagrante delicto, conducting a candlestine cockpit; and that the trial court erred in
sustaining the demurrer interposed to the information filed in the case.
If such private individual is unable to sign, the statement above referred to will be signed
by the warden of the prison in the presence of two witnesses. After ten days let judgment be entered reversing the judgment of the trial court, and ten
days thereafter let the record be returned to the court below, for further proceedings. So
RULE 30. The executive authorities or their agents detaining a person shall release the
same or else turn him over to the judicial authorities within twenty-four hours after the
arrest if made in the head town of the district, or within as brief as period as distance and
transportation facilities permit.

These provisions of Spanish law have never been expressly repealed, and are still in force
in so far as they have not been repealed or amended by implification by the enactment of
the laws put in force in these Islands since the change from Spanish to American
sovereignty. They are undoubtedly modified in many respects by the enactment of the
Philippine Bill, General Orders, No. 58, the various acts of the Commission creating courts
and judicial offices, defining their jurisdiction and prescribing rules of procedure therefor,
the Manila Charter, the Constabulary Act, and other laws which might be cited; but it
would be difficult, and for the purposes of this decision it is unnecessary, to state precisely
the extent to which these amendments by implication have gone. We can and do hold,
however, that they have gone to the extent of depriving officials who by different provision
of law or by appointment of competent authority are charged with the maintenance of
public order and the protection and security of life and property," of authority to make
arrests without warrant such as, in the United States, is generally conferred upon "peace
officers" and more especially that class of peace officers known to Amercican and English
law as "constables."

Section 37 of Act No. 183 (Charter of Manila), which designates certain officials,
including police officers, as "peace officers" expressly provides that within the territory
defined in the Act they "may pursue and arrest without warrant, any person found in
suspicious places or under suspicious circumstances, reasonably tending to show that such
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G.R. No. L-53642 April 15, 1988 pursuant to Article 76 of the New Civil Code pertaining to marriages of exceptional
LEONILO C. DONATO, petitioners,
vs. Prior to the date set for the trial on the merits of Criminal Case No. 43554, petitioner filed a
HON. ARTEMON D. LUNA, PRESIDING JUDGE, COURT OF FIRST INSTANCE motion to suspend the proceedings of said case contending that Civil Case No. E-02627
OF MANIIA, BRANCH XXXII HON. JOSE FLAMINIANO, CITY FISCAL OF seeking the annulment of his second marriage filed by private respondent raises a
MANILA; PAZ B. ABAYAN, respondents. prejudicial question which must first be determined or decided before the criminal case can
Leopoldo P. Dela Rosa for petitioner.
In an order dated April 7, 1980. Hon. Artemon D. Luna denied the motion to suspend the
Emiterio C. Manibog for private respondent. proceedings in Criminal Case No. 43554 for bigamy. Respondent judge's basis for denial is
the ruling laid down in the case of Landicho vs. Relova. 1 The order further directed that the
City Fiscal of Manila for public respondent. proceedings in the criminal case can proceed as scheduled.

A motion for reconsideration was flied by herein petitioner thru counsel citing as one of his
grounds for suspension of proceedings the ruling laid down by this Court in the case of De
GANCAYCO, J.: la Cruz vs. Ejercito 2 which was a much later case than that cited by respondent judge in
his order of denial.
In this petition for certiorari and prohibition with preliminary injunction, the question for
the resolution of the Court is whether or not a criminal case for bigamy pending before the The motion for reconsideration of the said order was likewise denied in an order dated
Court of First Itance of Manila should be suspended in view of a civil case for annulment April 14, 1980, for lack of merit. Hence, the present petition for certiorari and prohibition
of marriage pending before the Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court on the ground that with preliminary injunction.
the latter constitutes a prejudicial question. The respondent judge ruled in the negative. We
sustain him. A prejudicial question has been defined to be one which arises in a case, the resolution of
which question is a logical antecedent of the issue involved in said case, and the
The pertinent facts as set forth in the records follow. On January 23, 1979, the City Fiscal cognizance of which pertains to another tribunal.3 It is one based on a fact distinct and
of Manila acting thru Assistant City Fiscal Amado N. Cantor filed an information for separate from the crime but so intimately connected with it that it determines the guilt or
bigamy against herein petitioner, Leonilo C. Donato with the Court of First Instance of innocence of the accused, and for it to suspend the criminal action, it must appear not only
Manila, docketed as Criminal Case No. 43554 and assigned to Branch XXXII of said court. that said case involves facts intimately related to those upon which the criminal prosecution
The information was filed based on the complaint of private respondent Paz B. Abayan. would be based but also that in the resolution of the issue or issues raised in the civil case,
the guilt or innocence of the accused would necessarily be determined. 4 A prejudicial
On September 28, 1979, before the petitioner's arraignment, private respondent filed with
question usually comes into play in a situation where a civil action and a criminal action
the Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court of Manila a civil action for declaration of
may proceed, because howsoever the issue raised in the civil action is resolved would be
nullity of her marriage with petitioner contracted on September 26, 1978, which action was
determinative juris et de jure of the guilt or innocence of the accused in a criminal case.5
docketed as Civil Case No. E-02627. Said civil case was based on the ground that private
respondent consented to entering into the marriage, which was petitioner Donato's second The requisites of a prejudicial question do not obtain in the case at bar. It must be noted
one, since she had no previous knowledge that petitioner was already married to a certain that the issue before the Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court touching upon the nullity
Rosalinda R. Maluping on June 30, 1978. Petitioner Donato's answer in the civil case for of the second marriage is not determinative of petitioner Donato's guilt or innocence in the
nullity interposed the defense that his second marriage was void since it was solemnized crime of bigamy. Furthermore, it was petitioner's second wife, the herein private
without a marriage license and that force, violence, intimidation and undue influence were respondent Paz B. Abayan who filed the complaint for annulment of the second marriage
employed by private respondent to obtain petitioner's consent to the marriage. Prior to the on the ground that her consent was obtained through deceit.
solemnization of the subsequent or second marriage, petitioner and private respondent had
lived together and deported themselves as husband and wife without the benefit of wedlock Petitioner Donato raised the argument that the second marriage should have been declared
for a period of at least five years as evidenced by a joint affidavit executed by them on null and void on the ground of force, threats and intimidation allegedly employed against
September 26, 1978, for which reason, the requisite marriage license was dispensed with him by private respondent only sometime later when he was required to answer the civil

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action for anulment of the second marriage. The doctrine elucidated upon by the case as a prejudicial question to the bigamy case against the accused only if it is proved that the
of Landicho vs. Relova 6 may be applied to the present case. Said case states that: petitioner's consent to such marriage was obtained by means of duress, violence and
intimidation in order to establish that his act in the subsequent marriage was an involuntary
The mere fact that there are actions to annul the marriages entered into by the accused in a one and as such the same cannot be the basis for conviction. The preceding elements do not
bigamy case does not mean that "prejudicial questions" are automatically raised in civil exist in the case at bar.
actions as to warrant the suspension of the case. In order that the case of annulment of
marriage be considered a prejudicial question to the bigamy case against the accused, it Obviously, petitioner merely raised the issue of prejudicial question to evade the
must be shown that the petitioner's consent to such marriage must be the one that was prosecution of the criminal case. The records reveal that prior to petitioner's second
obtained by means of duress, force and intimidation to show that his act in the second marriage on September 26, 1978, he had been living with private respondent Paz B.
marriage must be involuntary and cannot be the basis of his conviction for the crime of Abayan as husband and wife for more than five years without the benefit of marriage.
bigamy. The situation in the present case is markedly different. At the time the petitioner Thus, petitioner's averments that his consent was obtained by private respondent through
was indicted for bigamy on February 27, 1963, the fact that two marriage ceremonies had force, violence, intimidation and undue influence in entering a subsequent marriage is
been contracted appeared to be indisputable. And it was the second spouse, not the belled by the fact that both petitioner and private respondent executed an affidavit which
petitioner who filed the action for nullity on the ground of force, threats and intimidation. stated that they had lived together as husband and wife without benefit of marriage for five
And it was only on June 15, 1963, that petitioner, as defendant in the civil action, filed a years, one month and one day until their marital union was formally ratified by the second
third-party complaint against the first spouse alleging that his marriage with her should be marriage and that it was private respondent who eventually filed the civil action for nullity.
declared null and void on the ground of force, threats and intimidation. Assuming that the
first marriage was null and void on the ground alleged by petitioner, the fact would not be Another event which militates against petitioner's contentions is the fact hat it was only
material to the outcome of the case. Parties to the marriage should not be permitted to when Civil Case No. E-02627 was filed on September 28, 1979, or more than the lapse of
judge for themselves its nullity, for the same must be submitted to the judgment of the one year from the solemnization of the second marriage that petitioner came up with the
competent courts and only when the nullity of the marriage is so declared can it be held as story that his consent to the marriage was secured through the use of force, violence,
void, and so long as there is no such declaration the presumption is that the marriage exists. intimidation and undue influence. Petitioner also continued to live with private respondent
Therefore, he who contracts a second marriage before the judicial declaration of nullity of until November 1978, when the latter left their abode upon learning that Leonilo Donato
the first marriage assumes the risk of being prosecuted for bigamy. The lower court was already previously married.
therefore, has not abused much less gravely abused, its discretion in failing to suspend the
hearing as sought by petitioner. In the light of the preceding factual circumstances, it can be seen that the respondent Judge
did not err in his earlier order. There is no pivotal issue that must be pre-emptively resolved
In the case at bar, petitioner has not even sufficiently shown that his consent to the second in Civil Case No. E-02627 before proceedings in the criminal action for bigamy can be
marriage has been obtained by the use of threats, force and intimidation. undertaken.

Petitioner calls the attention of this Court to the fact that the case of De la Cruz vs. Ejercito Accordingly, there being no prejudicial question shown to exit the order of denial issued by
is a later case and as such it should be the one applied to the case at bar. We cannot agree. the respondent judge dated April 14, 1980 should be sustained.
The situation in the case at bar is markedly different. In the aforecited case it was accused
Milagros dela Cruz who was charged with bigamy for having contracted a second marriage WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing, the instant petition is hereby DISMISSED for
while a previous one existed. Likewise, Milagros dela Cruz was also the one who filed an lack of merit. We make no pronouncement as to costs.
action for annulment on the ground of duress, as contra-distinguished from the present case
wherein it was private respondent Paz B. Abayan, petitioner's second wife, who filed a SO ORDERED.
complaint for annulment of the second marriage on the ground that her consent was
obtained through deceit since she was not aware that petitioner's marriage was still
subsisting. Moreover, in De la Cruz, a judgment was already rendered in the civil case that
the second marriage of De la Cruz was null and void, thus determinative of the guilt or
innocence of the accused in the criminal case. In the present case, there is as yet no such
judgment in the civil case.

Pursuant to the doctrine discussed in Landicho vs. Relova, petitioner Donato cannot apply
the rule on prejudicial questions since a case for annulment of marriage can be considered
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G.R. No. L-5967 January 31, 1955 a prejudicial question which must first be decided, it is the hearing of the civil and not, the
criminal which should be suspended the latter must take precedence over the former.
vs. The petition is dismissed and the writ of preliminary injunction heretofore issued
HON. TIBURCIO TANCINCO, Judge of the Court of First Instance of Manila, and discharged, with costs against the petitioner Rufino de la Cruz.
JOSE COCHINGYAN,respondents.

Escareal, Monzon and Escareal for petitioners.

Assistant City Fiscal Arsenio Alcantara for respondents. G.R. No. L-32293 January 24, 1974


On 13 May 1952 the petitioners Pablo Ocampo and Rufino de la Cruz were separately FERNANDO BUENAVENTURA, JOSE VASQUEZ, ADOLFO BELDEROL,
charged with violation of the Copyright Law in the Court of First Instance of Manila upon POTENCIANO ADOBAS, JR., and JUDGE MATEO CANONOY, Court of First
complaint of the respondent Jose Cochingyan, owner and manager of the Catholic Church Instance of Cebu, respondents.
Mart (Cases Nos. 18888 and 18914).
Rafael D. de la Victoria for petitioner.
On 17 June 1952 in the same court the petitioners brought an action against the respondent
Cochingyan and the Director of Public Libraries for the cancellation of copyrights issued Seno, Mendoza and Associates for respondents.
and granted to the Catholic Church Mart on the ground that the same were obtained
through fraud, deceit and misrepresentation. (Case No. 16823.)

On 21 July at the hearing of the criminal cases before the respondent court, counsel for the ESGUERRA, J.:1wph1.t
petitioners moved for an indefinite postponement of the trial in the criminal cases on the
ground that the action for cancellation of the copyrights brought by them is a prejudicial Petition for certiorari and prohibition seeking to annul the order dated June 1, 1970,
action which must be decided first before the respondent court may proceed with the trial of respondent Judge Hon. Mateo Canonoy, then of Branch III, Court of First Instance
of the defendants in the criminal cases. The motion was denied and the cases set for of Cebu, denying petitioner's motion to dismiss and/or suspend the trial of its Civil
hearing on 15, 19 and 20 August 1952. A motion for reconsideration having been denied Case No. R-11320, entitled "Fernando Buenaventura, et al. v. Roberto Ocampo",
the defendants filed this petition to prohibit the respondent court from proceeding with the including the order denying his motion for reconsideration thereof. Petitioner further
trial in the criminal cases until after the civil case shall have been decided. Meanwhile, a prays this Court to make permanent the preliminary injunction issued on October 9,
writ of preliminary injunction to enjoin the respondent court from proceeding with the trial 1970, restraining respondent Judge from further proceeding with Civil Case No. R-
of the defendants in the criminal cases was issued. 11320.

On 27 November 1953 the petition of Pablo Ocampo to withdraw from the case as The records of this case establish the following facts:
petitioner was granted with costs against him; so Rufino de la Cruz is the only remaining
petitioner. On September 11, 1966, respondents Fernando Buenaventura, Jose Vasquez, Adolfo
Belderol and Potenciano Adobes, Jr., all members of the Cebu Police Department,
The action for cancellation of copyrights brought by the petitioners on the ground of fraud, arrested and detained in the City Jail of Cebu, Edgar Ocampo (petitioner's son) and
deceit and misrepresentation allegedly resorted to by, or imputed to, the respondent Jose Paul, Jade, Cesar and Julius, all surnamed Ocampo (his nephews), together with one
Cochingyan to secure the issuance of the copyrights is independent from the criminal George Namok (a friend of the Ocampo boys), all minors, for an alleged violation of
prosecution for infringement of copyrights charged against the petitioner and does not Section 1 of Ordinance No. 345 which amended Ordinance No. 228 fixing curfew
constitute and is not a prejudicial action which must be decided first before the trial of the hours. This Ordinance penalizes the "wandering, sauntering or loitering of minors in
defendants in the criminal cases may be held, as the determination of the question raised in any street, wood or alley." Pursuant to said arrest, the City Fiscal of Cebu filed an
the civil action is not necessarily prejudicial. Until cancelled the copyrights are presumed information in the city court and the minors were convicted for violation of the said
to have been duly granted and issued. As a general rule, a criminal case should first be ordinance. On appeal to the Court of First Instance, however, Judge Tantuico, on
decided; and if the trial or hearing of any case is to be suspended on the ground that there is
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March 3, 1969, noting the exception under Section 3 of Ordinance 228 which determination of this question is primarily dependent on the outcome of the
provides: administrative case before the POLCOM. The respondents' complaint for damages is
based on their claim that the administrative case filed against them before the
The provisions of Section 1 hereof shall not be applicable to minors attending or POLCOM is malicious, unfounded and aimed to harass them. The veracity of this
participating in, or going home from, purely scholastic functions, commencement allegation is not for us to determine, for if We rule and allow the civil case for
exercises, convocations, educational and religious programs or in wholesome and damages to proceed on that ground, there is the possibility that the court a quo in
decent assemblage, and during yuletide masses, New Year's eve and Holy Week cults, deciding said case might declare the respondents victims of harassment and thereby
during the hours mentioned therein. indirectly interfere with the proceedings before the POLCOM. The respondents' case
for damages before the lower court is, therefore, premature as it was filed during the
acquitted the accused minors, ruling that since they came from a birthday party pendency of the administrative case against the respondents before the POLCOM.
considered as a wholesome and decent assemblage, the minors fell within the The possibility cannot be overlooked that the POLCOM may hand down a decision
exception and committed no violation of the ordinance in question. adverse to the respondents, in which case the damage suit will become unfounded and
baseless for wanting in cause of action. Of persuasive force is the ruling in William H.
Meanwhile, petitioner Roberto Ocampo on September 19, 1966, filed a complaint Brown vs. Bank Of the Philippine Islands and Santiago Freixas, 101 Phil. 309, 312,
with the City Mayor's office charging the respondents policemen with serious where this Court said:
misconduct, grave abuse of authority and commission of a felony. On August 8, 1967,
the Mayor issued Administrative Order No. 157 exonerating the policemen. On ... In effect, plaintiff herein seeks to recover damages upon the ground that the
March 17, 1969, a complaint was lodged with the Police Commission (POLCOM) for detainer case has been filed, and is being maintained, maliciously and without
serious misconduct, abuse of authority and commission of an act constituting a felony, justification; but this pretense affects the merits of said detainer case. Should final
which administrative case is still pending up to the present. judgment be eventually rendered in that case in favor of the plaintiffs therein, such
the one rendered in the municipal court, the validity of the cause of action said lessors
On June 4, 1969, respondents herein filed a complaint for damages against petitioner. against Brown, would thereby be conclusively established, and, necessarily, his
On May 22, 1970, petitioner filed a motion to dismiss and/or suspension of the trial of contention in the present case would have to be rejected. Similarly, we can, not
the case on the merits on the following grounds: (1) existence of a prejudicial question sustain the theory of Brown in the case at bar, without prejudging the issue in the
and (2) that the action is premature. This motion was denied by respondent Judge in detainer case, which is still pending: Until final determination of said case, plaintiff
an order dated June 1, 1970. The petitioner's motion for reconsideration thereof herein cannot, and does not, have, therefore, a cause of action if any, on which we
having been also denied, the instant petition was filed. do not express our opinion against the herein defendants. In short, the lower court
has correctly held that the present action is premature and, that, consequently, the
In the meantime respondent Fernando Buenaventura died and he was substituted
complaint herein does not set for a cause of action against the defendants.
herein by his widow, Guillerma Cosca Buenaventura, and his heirs, Carlos, Cora, Eva
Araceli, Fernando, Jr., Rene Victor, Helen Grace, Flora Vicente, and Jose Adolfo, all On the ground that the suit for damages is premature, the trial court, instead of
surnamed "Buenaventura". denying petitioner's motion to dismiss and/or suspend the trial on the merits, should
have held action thereon in abeyance pending determination of the case before the
The main question to be resolved is whether or not the court a quo abused its
discretion in denying petitioner's motion to dismiss and/or suspend the trial of the
case on the merits. The first ground thereof (prejudicial question) is entirely Respondents likewise plead res judicata to defeat this action, contending that the
inapplicable. In accordance with Article 36 of the Civil Code, a prejudicial question administrative case before the POLCOM should have been dismissed as it is barred
must be decided before any criminal prosecution based on the same facts may by a prior judgment that embodied in the City Mayor's Administrative Order No.
proceed.<re||an1w> There is no prejudicial question here since there is no 157 exonerating herein respondents policemen. The argument is devoid of merit. A
criminal prosecution involved, the petitioner's case before the POLCOM being review of the essential requisites of res judicata,1 viz: (1) it must have been rendered
administrative in nature and the respondents' case before the Court of First Instance by a court having jurisdiction of the subject matter and the parties; (2) the former
of Cebu is a simple civil suit for damages not based on a crime but on alleged judgment must be final; (3) it must be a judgment on the merits; (4) there must be
harassment by the petitioner in charging them administratively before the City between the 1st and 2nd actions [a] identity of parties; [b] identity of subject matter;
Mayor and before the POLCOM. A careful consideration of the record discloses that and [c] identity of cause of action, exposes the glaring weakness of respondents'
the principal issue in the complaint for damages is the alleged malicious filing of the contention. On the first requisite alone, that of jurisdiction, respondents miserably
administrative cases by the petitioner against the policemen respondents. The
37 | P a g e
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failed to meet the requirements of the rule invoked. The City Mayor of Cebu was effect upon its approval.' Since the Act was approved on September 8, 1966, it became
without jurisdiction to try, hear and decide administrative cases either under effective immediately on that date. (Emphasis Ours.)
Republic Act No. 557 (An Act Providing For the Suspension or Removal of the
Members of the Provincial Guards, City Police and Municipal Police by the Lastly respondent Judge in his order in question dated June 1, 1970, gave the following
Provincial Governor, City Mayor Or Municipal Mayor), or under Republic Act 4864 reason for denying the motion to dismiss and/or suspension of the trial of the case on the
(An Act Creating the Police Commission, Amending and Revising the Laws Relative merits: "... considering that the said defendant has already filed his answer, containing
to the Local Police System, and For Other Purposes). In Manuel v. De la Fuente, etc., special defenses embodying the grounds stated in the motion to dismiss and/or suspension
et al.,2 this Court said: "Of course, it should not be understood that the City Mayor, of the trial ..., the said motion to dismiss and/or suspension of trial is hereby denied." The
for the purpose of determining whether he should exercise his power of suspension denial is apparently predicated on the prior filing of an answer.
conferred by Republic Act 557, may not conduct his own investigation; but this
inquiry cannot replace the investigation that should be conducted under Republic Act As a general rule a motion to dismiss is interposed before the defendant pleads (Section 1,
No. 557 by the Municipal Board and which should form the basis for final Rule 16, Rules of Court). However, there is no rule or law prohibiting the defendant from
administrative action or decision by said Board appealable to the Commissioner of filing a motion to dismiss after an answer had been filed. On the contrary, Section 2 of
Civil Service." The Court further said: "... the obvious innovations introduced by Rule 9, expressly authorizes the filing of such motion at any stage of the proceedings when
Republic Act No. 557 lie in the fact that the Municipal Board had been granted the it is based upon failure to state a cause of action, 6 as in the case at bar where the complaint
exclusive power to investigate, with the Mayor being conferred only the power to failed to state a cause of action as alleged by petitioner in his very motion to dismiss and/or
prefer charges against a member of the city police ...; that the Municipal Board, not suspension of the trial. The respondent Judge therefore, erred in denying said motion. The
the Mayor, decides the case; and that the decision may be appealed to the surrounding circumstance at the time of the filing of said motion warranted suspension of
Commissioner of Civil Service, instead of to the Secretary of the Interior." 3 (Emphasis the trial on the merits.
Ours). The power to investigate and decide administrative cases involving police service
and personnel has been transferred to the POLCOM. ACCORDINGLY, the order appealed from, dated June 1, 1970, denying the motion to
dismiss and/or suspension of the trial of the case on the merits, including the order denying
In the motion to dismiss filed before the Board of Investigators of the Police the motion for reconsideration thereof, is hereby set aside. The hearing of Civil Case R-
Commission,4 respondents alleged that the proceedings in the city mayor's office cannot be 11320 of the Court of First Instance of Cebu, Branch III, shall be held in abeyance pending
attacked, invoking for the purpose Section 26 of the Police Commission Act, to wit: determination of the administrative case against the respondents before the POLCOM.

Section 26. Saving Clause. All pending administrative cases involving police service and The Court's writ of preliminary injunction dated October 9, 1970, restraining respondent
personnel shall be absorbed by the Police Commission one hundred days after the court from proceeding with the damage suit against petitioner shall stand until the
publication of the Police Manual containing rules and regulations relative to such matters. POLCOM decides the said administrative case; if it is decided adversely against
respondents, the injunction shall become permanent, while if it is decided in their favor,
The trust of their argument is that the city mayor then had jurisdiction because his decision then this damage suit may proceed to trial and determination on its merits by respondent
was rendered on August 8, 1967, while the Police Manual was promulgated later on court.
December 30, 1967. But the ruling in Police Commission v. Hon. Judge Eloy Bello,
et al.5 where this Court had occasion to elucidate on the "saving clause" of the POLCOM No special pronouncement as to costs.
Act, is relevant to the issue and disposes of the respondents' argument. This Court said:

Section 26 of the Police Act is, as expressly stated therein, a mere saving clause, and refers
solely to the administrative cases involving police service and personnel which were
pending at the time of the effectivity of the Act.

The Police Commission was required to absorb the said pending cases within 100 days
after it shall have published a Police Manual. The said Section 26 may not be interpreted to
mean that the Board of Investigators of each city or municipality and the Police
Commission could not legally function to carry into effect the purposes of the Act until
after the lapse of the said 100 days, because Section 28 provides that '(t)his Act shall take

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G.R. No. L-13530 February 28, 1962 memoranda in support of their contentions, the court on December 3, 1957 issued an order
denying the motion and setting a new date for the continuation of the hearing. His motion
THE PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, ET AL., petitioners, for reconsideration having been denied, the private prosecutor interposed the present
vs. petition for certiorari.
We find no merit in the contention that the issue relative to the execution or non-existence
Felix S. Falgui for petitioners. of the alleged deed of sale of certain mineral is a prejudicial question that is involved in the
Arsenio R. Reyes for respondents. civil case pending between the same parties before the Court of Appeals which was at the
time still pending determination, and that for that reason the continuation of the hearing of
BAUTISTA ANGELO, J.: the criminal case for false testimony should be suspended until said case shall have been
finally terminated. It should be observed that the criminal case of false testimony preferred
This is a petition for certiorari which seeks to enjoin respondent court from allowing the against respondent Querubin on the strength of a complaint filed by petitioner Eduardo S.
accused in Criminal Case No. 40865 to present evidence on the existence or execution of Puzon imputes to the accused, among other things, that she testified falsely that Puzon
certain document of sale on the ground that the same presents a prejudicial question which executed the alleged document of sale knowing it to be false and that she later filed and
must first be decided in a civil case then pending before the Court of Appeals. registered the same with the office of the Mining Recorder of Naga City when the truth
was that such document never existed and no such document was ever filed and registered
On October 30, 1956, Eduardo S. Puzon filed a complaint against Petra A. Querubin before
by said accused with the office of said mining recorder thereby having committed the
the Court of First Instance of Manila to declare as inexistent and null and void certain
crime of false testimony. And in order to substantiate said imputation the prosecution
document allegedly executed by Puzon in favor of Querubin, which was later amended on
presented evidence tending to show that it was not true that Puzon ever executed the
December 4, 1956. After issues were joined, trial was held and on May 10, 1957 the trial
alleged deed of sale covering the mineral claim in question, or that if said document ever
court rendered decision holding that the deed of sale alleged in the complaint was indeed
existed it is fictitious or null and void. As a matter of fact, during the hearing held in
fictitious, inexistent and null and void, and condemning Petra Querubin to pay the sum of
connection with this incident, the private prosecutor has admitted in open court that he
P10,000.00, with corresponding interest thereon, and the further sum of P2,000.00 as
really presented evidence to show the non-existence or non-execution of the document in
attorney's fees, with costs. In due time, Querubin took the case to the Court of Appeals
question as may be seen from the following portion of the record:
wherein it was docketed as CA-G.R. No. 21018-R.
While said case was pending appeal, the City Fiscal of Manila filed an information for
false testimony against Petra Querubin on the strength of a complaint filed by Eduardo S. You have presented evidence to show that those were not really the truth no document
Puzon alleging therein that she falsely testified that Puzon executed a document of sale of and no registration ....
certain mineral claim and later filed and recorded the same with the office of the Mining
Recorder of Naga City knowing that said allegations were not true. This charge having ATTY. FALGUI:
been given due course, the Court of First Instance of Manila set the case for trial during
which the people, represented by a private prosecutor, started to present its evidence. After Yes, your Honor,
the prosecution had rested its case, the defense started to present its evidence to disprove
some of the points covered by the prosecution among which was the issue relative to the COURT:
existence or non-existence of the alleged document of sale involved in the civil case. And it
was in the course of the presentation of said evidence that the private prosecutor filed a How can they prove their side of the case if we don't allow them to prove that there was
motion to suspend the trial on the ground that the issue on which the defense was such a document? If we put a stop to all their evidence, then they cannot prove their
presenting evidence partakes of the nature of prejudicial question which cannot be done innocence. Nonetheless, since you don't agree, I will give you a chance. How long do you
inasmuch as the same is one of the issues involved in the civil case pending between the want? (Tsn p. 24, 10/23/57)
same parties which was appealed to the Court of Appeals. Counsel for the defense objected
to this motion contending that such issue cannot be considered prejudicial since the two Even therefore if we concede that the issue relative to the existence or validity of the deed
cases cover different questions and issues or do not overlap and that even if they cover the of sale in question is also involved in the civil case pending before the Court of Appeals,
same issues the defense cannot be prevented from presenting evidence relative to the the same cannot be considered prejudicial in the sense that the trial of the criminal case
matter because the same constitutes an indispensable element that is necessary to establish should be suspended until the civil case has been finally terminated, considering that the
the innocence of defendant. After counsel for both parties had argued orally and submitted prosecution has presented evidence thereon and the defendant has evinced a desire to
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disprove it by presenting her own evidence, it being her constitutional prerogative to have
her case terminated with the least possible delay. As the trial court has observed: "How can
they prove their side of the case if you don't allow them to prove that there was such a
document? If we put a stop to all their evidence, then they cannot prove their innocence."
Indeed, after the prosecution had presented evidence tending to prove the imputation
contained in the charge preferred against the accused, it would be most unfair if the latter
should be deprived of an opportunity to disprove it and establish her innocence. In any
event, we find it improper for the prosecution to ask for the suspension of the trial after
having lodged the alleged imputation against the accused and presented its evidence, for if
in its opinion the issue which is now raised is prejudicial in character it should not have
filed the charge in the first place but should have waited for such a time until the Court of
Appeals shall have finally disposed of the civil case. The attitude of complainant Puzon in
filing this charge against Petra Querubin immediately after the civil case between them has
been taken to the Court of Appeals cannot be taken in any other light than to cause her
harassment or prejudice.

WHEREFORE, petition is denied. The case is remanded to the lower court for further
proceedings. Costs against petitioner Eduardo S. Puzon.

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