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FlG. 7 8 tont.ei; iLre re.tof 5!sie: si eo o. r erq re feldv'e


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/ i fFOTT E




FlG.7-9 S.h.nt. d !'m ol Cot n!.i rLre e.tor 5!'5i' ilerdlre Corinerd,
rto the intakc Dorl. Thc orzle boct! contdns dilled cen
a "e the
Near the rop ol be nozzle body. radial holes
ral ssaee iLiih a counLerbore dL c.h .nd Th. lo\1er end errl-''leIi"'.bodr"
of tc no)zlc i' used for luel ir rniling ch.rmbcr bennc .,,'.'. ,' -r'n( lh(.. '. e'r' le r'r.
.,,e 1,. .r_r I " - ,ne.
..t'. ,g1,, \1,. r
rcmoiblc oLiilce ri,r calibrrrins e norrles screen fittccl orer thc no77le body The screen kceps dirt

150 chapter 7 Fuellnjection svstemt

r.d other foreign nrateial ou! of dre interior of the nozTle. a ateed tlur1ger nr a o.ificc. The thngeis molernenl
A press litted shieid is mounled o the orzle body dd vrries rlre anourt of fcl b)pssed through rhe relief lalve
exterds o!er rho g.aLcr pait of Lhc liltcr scrceD. lcvirg an !D.l drus compenstes fb the clloct of lower pressures at
otennrg ncar tho I'oLtor. Thi! pro!idc\ boLh icchaicl hjgh allltu.Le. A punlp ilhich incorportcs the aneroid vahe
protccLion ancl aD ir tlh Nith an abrupt chlngc in d;cc is shor i Fi! 7 I I
tion as an aid t() cl.ness. \ozzles rc calibratcLl r sc\.ftI
rxngcs, ar1d dll ozzlcs fumishc.l lirr oDc cnginc rc ol the
same nnge The 1nge i\ ider)lilied bl leter saflped on
e heriaeo! ot lhe nozzle

complete System
The conr!lere Cotinental fuel injeclion sysrc in\tallccto
a engine is shown ln I-ig.7 8. Ihis digranr \ho\s (he
fuel ir cotrol uit installed at the usul locaLio ol thc
.arburrlor. Lhc punrp ifxllcd on lhc accessory secio- the
luel rrifbkl lalve insLlled on rhe rop of dre ersnre. and
lhe nozzles instlled ir rhe cjlirders ar e irtake polts. The
r"P.... r ro..,uf,r r.(r .F
nd econorny of operali.,r. A diagnLn of the colp1ele lys
rern is show in Fig.7 9

lizes tuel pressure (esabllshed bl the englne lpl1r and the

felef ralre) and vafiable orifice (conrollc.l by duottlc
position) to mcter the corect volrnre .1 prcssorc of fucl
lbr ll to\lcr \crigs. Thc mirtrrc i\ corrollcd by dirst
ing the qantit) olfael rctumed to thc purp inlcr.
FlG. 7-11 FLre pLrrp icorport ! rhe nero d v ve.

lnstallatons f or Turbocharged Engines Adjustments

To pernl lhe Corrtirerltl lirel i|jec1on sysen 1.:) operate The idle speed adjustmnt lor rhc Contincnrl fucl nrjcc
r rhe hjgh nliludes encouered by turbocharsed egincs. tion sysiem ls rade $'ith a colrvenlional strnrg loacled
ihe fnel nozTles are nrodjfied b) incoToralig a droud that screw lFig 7 l2l on lhe hrottle leler ol lhe lirel con(.ol
. I .,- pJj,o rFJ (F..r. unit. The {rew is lunred ro rhe ngh to increase and lo the
':r t|
iue at high rlliiude\ is not mfficienL lor ir tl) cDLcr lhc lelt to decrc$e the idle !Fed.
1..d\ and.rir \vith the fucl prjo! to rjccrioD. Rm air is l hc idle nrixturc adjustment (Fig. 7-12) consisls ofthe
:h...lorc afpljcd to the no/rlc shr)trds, *hich.lircct il to l)cknuL ! dre neterjng valve end of the ]inkage belween
ih. ozrle i! illLrrrared i Fig. the mcrcring \!lve and rhc throtle lever. Tightening the nu
_ ir blc.ds A
shroudcd fucl
lo sh.)fe (he linkage trovidcs a ichcr mixte. and back
.\noiher modiiication required lbr high altitude ofera ing olT rhe nu leans ihe mixlure. Thc nixtLrc should bc
::n rs a altitud compensating valve i the iiel ftrmp. &1.1ulted slighllt richer rhnn besr poser, as is the case iridr
TnLs vahe ls operaed by an aerojd bellows $hlch nn)lcs ll s)\tcr;. lhjs i! checlied atier adjustneDt b) running lhe


:lG. 7-10 Shro!ded flel nozz e FlG. 7 12 !d e speed nd m liLrr dirstnrent

continental contlnuourF ow nject on system 151
e|gire idle ard slowly movirg the nri\rrre control
L I Ispect nozzles tirr clcanness. with paiculr it.
tlrd r
rDrcLroFF. Idie sfccct \hould lcrcase slighly jult ti. o i screens nd oilices Use srandard ! m ll2.70
bcforc the e|gine begnrs to slop whe thc nunifold pres nnnl \p'k pltr-q nreD.h ldeep sockel to renrc\e thc ttz
iure ggc is used for the .hcck, {he XIAP sho!ld be \ee 1') -ler Do r rer r ' . clc,r rl . i .. r .r
de{se slighlh as rhe mixrurc h leaed with dre maul Ihe nozzles. llo nol rse wire or oher objecls 1o clean he To cle! thc ozzles. remore thc from the
engine and i.ner\e thelt] i fresh cl.anins solvent. Use
.omprcss.d air 10 df).
Pump Pressure for the lnecton System : tr.r(.1( rJrplr! ror.LrLe rtr..

trn vh'e. and clexn h. screen ln liesh cledning sh'eni.

Since thc llo\r' of .r liquict rhror-lh { gi\en orifice sill Reinslall. st,!. aDd chcck fbr leaks.
nrcrerse s the pressure inccases. ihe fucl presslrre delj! 6. Dud|g teriodic lubricalion. apply x drop ol elrgrre
ered bt Lhc engire'dri\en llrcl pulp nlur be correc if Lhe oil o ech erd of the air thrcle shaf! and at ech end of
flo throlrgh the melering unit rrd the tucl Dozzlei is o b. rhc likge belrleen th. ir lholle l]nd the luel meerjng
correct. Thc luel turt a.ljusrLnent is acc.trnplished as \ ahe. No other lubdc{lion is required.
dire.ted b\ thc ma| tri'cturcr tu sen ice raLrals or hu l lernrs 7. l the eleL Lhal a line lttig nr anr par ol te inicc
'Ihc luil punp prc\sLrre is odjsLoct aI brlr iclle \teed
iio !yst.r iusl be replaced, onl\ a luel-soluble lubdc!r
d iull-poirer rpm. ,\ pressure gdge Ls conf.cLccl 1o lhe (such a\ cngmc oil) should bc usecl or lhe filtiDg thrcads
ludl purp outlcl line or lhe nrctcri g rit iDle( line b) dlLrin8 Do not usc an) oher form of Llitcd
.rcds of n tee firling. The lechnicin can thcD nake the
lirel adirLsnrent in ccrirdance with lhe istrtcLiorrs fr the '|.t /.. ,J! J lr'a,r e.ret I cr '.,1
s!srem being te\Lcd. not ccc\sa.I Lo replace !hc cnLie set Each reflllcnrent
To illustfurc the tuel pressurc requremenrs lbr tlpical i./ lc hr . .n Ll e u,e , .c.1. - r ,..\ed
e]rgLl]e\, the lollo(1rg is quoted liorn hc "
T(Icd\ie Coti.nk S.triL Bull.tin:
Egin. Nfoclel lO 3.16 A.B
l-or thc oDeralio ol a englre equippcd \iLh lhe
6110 4rDr Co!jcDral fuel irjeclion slstenr, certain fcts n1Lr-\I be
plessLre I 9 psi
Pur! 'lE-: kPa remembcrcd b) Ihe iechnicin or pi1.'1:
Nozletressure 2.0 2.5lsi 13E 1l21kPr
L Whcr1 the engine is bcing stalte.L, it is easy Io flood
:700 rTr thc s)(erD if lhe riring ol the fain3 e!et\ is ot correcl.
Pumt pre\\!rc 19 2l psi l3l 1+5 kP \\her the mirture conlrol in any posjio oe dun lDLt
\0771. plcssure ll.5 1,1.0 psi 86 96.5 kPa cLroFF, when thc thrortle is ofen leren llighrlyl. and when
FLLeltlo$ 7it 8-5 lb/h ll 1'1gl/h rhe rlriliL! fn.l puip is ope'atin8. fucl sill be flowing
-15 I -lS5ks/h into the itxke polts ol lhe c)liders. Therctbre, he egine
should be stafied \ilh :r fu' secods llter the aLrilir"
Ergr|e Nfodcl cTslO 510 C fel pump s tumcd on.
2. The eglnc cnro be Salted wiLhoul the anriliary
liLel tunrt bccuse the egiie dri!. pu]p Nill not suppLy
Punrp plessLLre 5.5 6 5 fsi 3E '+5 kP xdcquaLc pressure until th. cnglre is runig.
liorzle tressure -r.5 -1.0 psi l'1-28 kPa l. The aurilixry fuel purnp should be rIed ofi during
2.100 Dor llight. It nul be leti on clurhg takeoff s a safet) reasure.
lrll ,1. For lakeoff. thc Lhrole should bc fll] advanced, and
Purrp trressurc 30 3-l tsi 128 kP
Nozzle prelrtre 16.5 t7.5p\i 1l'1 l2l kP the nixture conlrol \hould be se! a rr.r r Rrcrr.
Fel flos' 115-225 lb/h 36 :8 g!l/h 5. Fo criiing. rhc cngxre lpm should be set accordig
98 l0l ks/h Lo inslciron,! i
th. operaofs hndbook. The mixtrc
codition. dcpcndilg o the judgment of the operrror. cate
lnspections lllusr bc c\crcised rot to le Lh. rr1ixtue oo much
6. Bclore redciLlg po$cr 1r descen. se thc mixlurc to
To \oid rrr djllichy r'llh drc fu.l irjection streln. ii is best po\cr. Oce the rffic pdrem is entered. thc nixture
$ell tu ferfor cerlir irrspcctions d chccks el'e conll mu\t bc se ro { L. Ri.r ard kep in this lo\itlor
LhouSh o opcrdtnrg discrefn.ics h\e been Dotcd The
nnlo rs jste.tioDs are recornrenclcdl l. lhc cnse i\ stopped by r]lolirg dre nirtlnc conttl
to irL,.riroFF tier he egine lras been idled for shor
1 Check dll Ilaching Urs lor tighlnc\\' Check all tiic. sliiches shoul.t bc rured off innlcdilelv alier
dro cgine is sopped.
2. ll t'uel lin.s for leks n.t 1or eliden.e oi
damxg., such rs ihnry bends. areed lubs. or chxflig
liorr meLrl Io mel contct. Troubleshooting
-1. Clhcck coitr.l conneclion!, l.!ers. and lj.klges
fir tighr aIaching fats. n)r raleiying. anLl lbr lost nn)lion Bennc ssurnhg l th. fucl coniroi system lr an ergie
is r fauh Nher rhe engic ie ro operxting properly. the
'152 chapter 7 Fue nject on systems

Check miture colro ior proper pos t on,

auxiliary pump oN and opeat ng. feed valves
ope, fue filiers open, iank lue teve.
Pe,-. 1 o.t
". q . 6, oro I.r
r, :- !ase press!re Loosen one ne al z e f no fel f ow shws
w tlr melered fuel pressure o gaqe repacelhe
lle lfo d v]v.,"

Nozz e ir screens resir cled. Remove oz2 es and crean.

lmproper idle miriure adjustrnent. Readtusl as described udet Adjusinens page

ld e nrixture loo lea. Feadjust as desc bed uder dlrsersj pase

Replc worn elernents of Inkage

Remove and c ean a I nozles.

Oheck nrixture cortrol sett 9.
lmproper pump pressurei rep acej or cal an
auihorized representaiive to adj!sl.
Feslricted flow lo meier g valve Check mixl!re control lor futltrave. Check for
c qged flel f ters
lnadequale f ow from pump. lvay be worn ile pump or siick ng retief va ve.
Fep ace the lue purnp assembly.
[ xiue conlro]- eve intfrenc Check for possible conlact with cooling shroud
Restr cied f ow beyod nreler ng va ve. Check for reslricted nozzles or fuel man iold valv.
C ean or rep ace as requ r-"d.
Restr cied reclrc!laiio. passage n Rep ace pump assemb y.

:,:i!a1 g oace pressure Vapor systemi excess fue terpera lf ot c eared w th aux ary purpj check for
cogged ejeciorjet in ihe vapor separaior cover.
C ean onLy w th so ve.t no w res
Fue in gge ne, Leak at lage conec. Drain lhe qaqe e and repair the teak

Engine oetliq lue. Check rn xlure controlto be f! DLEcuraFF.

Check auxilarV pLmp t be oFF. C an nozzte
assemblies (screens)or rep ace
Fep ace manifo d vlve

:G. 7-13 tote.t iLre lectontro!besrootiq.hdrr

:::.iciar should mke strre that oher fctors are no Bendii fuel inJectiorl sysrcnr! are designcd ro n1eer fet in
- i'lred A rongh running englne rna\ hrre ignim trob direcl rati{) ro lhe voluc of xir beins consumed by tre
::ii shlch shorld bc che.ked befole dismrrling rhe fuel enginc {r a gilen il]rc. Thjs is accomplishcd bl sensing
lenturi suction ad impct r pressures in the iluote
Thc troublcshooting chrt trov ded in Fl!. 7 I:l is bod). Ope.ig or closig rhc rhrrle !he rc\trhs in
. " .l.rIr.ut'J I .r ,l he ...Jr. change in the \clocily ofair passing acrcss he i prcr lubes
:-.rgcd nr order of the apFoimrt. ese of cbeclrrg nd nd lhrough thc \enti. as ilhrratcd in FiS.7 15. When
-: necessaril) j the order of prcbabilir!. lhe air velociLy mcrelses! t-he prc\sure a the in\ract tubes reladycly corstaDt depcncling on dre inl.r drct con
figLtration ir lilterlocatio. etc. The pressLrre al the \erluli
throat decrca\es. This decrcrse creates a dilferential
',p.( r,r .,r.u \]i
surerent ofc !olume ofair conlume.1.
Prncples of Operaton All il] a
reciprocarnrg cngine\ oterrc nn)sr efficieily
ler) {ro( ol djr fuel (A/F) kr fuel air (F/A)l
ihe Bendix RSA fuel irjectio slsrcm i\ r continuous rtnrs l'he Bedix jjcction slfem usos thc neaslrrenenL
( s)slcnr rD.l is based oL1he lamc princiirlcs as those ot olan vohre llo$ to gccrate n lorce $trich cn be used to
::e pessule lypc c{rburelors descnbcd tu Chp. 6. A picto rer:ulre dre llo\r' ol lircl to rhe engie in p()porrion to lhe
-al rief' ol lhc RSA injecior Lrnit is show nr Fig 7 1.1 amount of air behg coDsumed This i! .rcconrplished b)
Bend x RSA Fue llection Systenr '153
charnellg th. i.rp.lcl rd l,enrlLri (uctior pre!sures to Fuel is srLpfl ed to drc .ngne lrorn lhe ircrat't fuel s\ i
ofposile dithragnr. s shoi nr Fjg. 7 16. Tlic
si.1cs o1 em. Thjs systenr ustrallt includes boos |ump i.
differe.c b.Lqee these two prcssure! rhen bcco cs a elrlrer rhe {Ie r rk {n' rh.r tirel lle bel\'een the Lnk rd lh:
us.rble rbrce r\hich is eqnxl n) rhc area of rhe didthrgm efsiie lhe cngj.c drile| tuel turp rece \es ftcl lrom rhr
tines the trcsiule dierece arcraft !) \rcm (nrcluding lhe oo\t purf) nd suptli.\ thar
fuel .rl x rc!Lircl\ co sta pre\snre to thc lir.l intecto.
DLE SPEED scr\o inlcl. The egloe minufl.trr.r \pe.iiies lne lusl
ADJUSTMENT NLET-FUEL-PRESSURE pu p pirssLrre seiring fflicbl. 1o thc sfeciic liel inje.
Ior irNlallli,r. The fu.l inj.crors re clibrated a d t jnl.i
pressure. The lcLtig\ re checked o esurc Lhr mot.ieLt
luel llo ilill nor bc lftcted bl change! i mlcL lucl pie'
sure crsed b) nonnl o\ or.rFF opertio ol the boolr

The Be.tix lircl iniecion s)ltenr. if propcrl) asselnbled

ard caljbrtc.l. $illnreel all peirnnan.. lcquirernenls o\er
r, r.,I \r. -. rl | ..'c lr' e-r.
drc serro pressure regulabr.
Thc ciiest wa,\ e\flxin thc opcrliol ofthis reSulto
rn.l ils rehtioNhip lo the r nclen gje is t{r describe
f . rr, .1r. .r r '
'.. lrom r eNisc condition \1,here air \elocit\
We sart
OUfLET tlrough the lhrcItle bodf l\ gcncrnlng alr ilpact pressure
.rinus \cllri $crion pr$surc dillrcntial l a theoreti.!l
IOLE VALVE ..c li , rre. . rr lr
AD]LJSTNENT lorce ro lhe ri3ht, s I
shorr rr Fig. i7.
Iel , r'.,!r '..t.'-rr .'-Lr .r
MPACf AIP je. gefcr.\ x luel pressLrle "
differential luDmerered rinus
rtc.7 14 BedR5A rle.or Lrn i ineqf aoir.]s Diri,

illll lltli

FIG.7-15 AiowlhroLgh ihe ientrr lnrql ao,/t flc.7-16 n .t.nd letLrr sLr.torl
aantrals D,/. Eendr\ Cotp I

154 chapter 7 Fue lnjct on systems



FlG. 7-17 Sefr'o presslre reqLr tor. /Eer!/j, Conrob D\t . Bendt, Cae.)

merere.l tuel prcsstrrel This pressure diftrerril atflied diathragm dillrential presiurc nlces ad rdjtrsts the tosi
r.ross a recond (fuel) .liaphrg.r, is !l\o creaiing force tion of the scryo valle to rcgtrl1e uffnctcrcd to mercrcd
rirh n value oi 2. rhis \,alLre ol I is exerlng lbrcc !o ihe lucl tressnre differentil fir.ces accordingt,"-. Fuel itos
l:r'. as sho\ln in Fig. 7 17. Ihrough he nretciing je l\ fuct o of it\ \ize and rhe
The tivo .,pposing forces (lucl {nd ir difteren(ilsi dr pressure diftre ial c rols he jer. l he selro ! .rl!c does no
:qual. nd re reJ+ tor serro vahe (which is concclc.{ neer luci. l o ) cotrrls the Fessurc dirteretirl across
i.r both diuphragnr br- stenr) is held at lixed losltioLr
iht dllos! schrre oljN eroLgh etercd irL.l ro lllair- The dle vxlle is conlecrc.l to ihe rhro[tc linkase. il
npJ\-b-....1 etl o ie'. p .r.r..l-rcJ..
:cNcr. rirfioN imnccliatel,! increses. This rc\ulrs h ar accurate r)etcrig of firel in Lhc idle mrrge. Figure 7 1E
rncrcso i !he tressure differertial across the air slns rhe funcLion and oper.uio of he idte \alye Ir is
Jiphrrgr to a theoletical lxlte of 3 The i{te resutt Jrtern,]l) adistrble xnd alloss rhe technicin ro tropell
ii r movcrcn of rile requlnr lello vah e o rhc right. This luDe the fuel iiect to rhe errgnre instalarion fbr proper
rnceased scr!o lahe otenrrg caules oh a decr.asc in idle nrixture. The idlc rixlure ls con.e.r \ther thc engine
',,(.,r1. -, - -o:r ,c-.,.. ir :alns approxinarely 25 ro 50 rpm lioi iL! idte speed sct
;oel pressurc.tifferetial cross thc rain reteins icr. ting as Lhc mitue cori1)l is placed in nn.f .LrrorF. \Iantrat
\le, , r.-. .r , la .,e.r.l ...,-,,rcerc ,
control ol the :dle lniilurc is ecessi) bccule ar e lcr!
.. ! !alue of 3 (equaling the air diaphr{gm lorce). the regu o Jr I 11 rl .:, lr 1 -
.. n o. r^i,o..Jrle.d-o,,1 ..,. Le.J.. p.,, '!.
nereing lorce is rol sulli.ieni to ccurirel) conr.ot rhe
:io which will mritain the balacc of pressure dill:rn
:iels (thal is. air ad fuel. each equalmg ll. On some engnre\ ccording to sp.cjfjc irfallLio
Fuel flow o thc cgine is incrcasd to suttorl dre higher requireDlcDts. xn enrichmcnt.ier is adde.l irr tral]et $irh rhc
ro\lcr lc\el requested. The luel diaphragrn linle heing gen rain rnebrg te On hesc istllatlons. lhc sliding (rota-
'' I t ele e, " lonl idlr ral\e ,l e,r .t r j- .. .
:qual to he ajr dlaphragm force belrg ger)erarc.l by ihe prcsct rhroltle posjtion. as sho$n m l,j8. 7-tS
This plrnl-
lel ll.w path tucrcases the F/A miiLLtre lrength to p)ride
This seltrence ol otcrti.ns js marrrDrcd over all l. "tucl cooling" ollhe engire rhc h gh power rge tn
..girncs ol foser opcr.lrio nd a1l po$er chngcs. l he sirplc teflDs. xrcrcascd fuel consu.rftion is rrdcd for
..sulalo seno !ah,e ro charges ellctive ir
Bendix RSA Fue lnject on system 155





FlG. 7-18 d e ! ve d mLr r rlur cct o (Erctql aanital5 Dtr . B.!.jix.otp.)






FlG. 7--19 toft ed d e sor .r iEncqf Cofols D , Eendu Catp )

Thc mDuai mixnLre corlrol. shown in Fig.7 l8 s a tiolr. It also comes in a selecdon ol frengths o be Lrilircd
.l:Jig !alvc cxn be trsed by e pilor to eltcli!clr- rcdncc b,v the oyerhaultech cia tbr prpcr calibmion ol rlre unir.
--: size of drc mcte rg jer. Wirh he serlo pl.essurc jgula lL Jel .. reg 'JJr I\cp..
::. iuncti(ring to r{itain a ilif}rerrrirl p.essre cro\s Lhe r,rred liom rhe air section by I ccntcr bod) seal assembly.
-:L.rig jcL in Urcporio o the volume of irflo{, Lhc as shoqr ir Fig. I 20 L-eakage th.ough rhe cerer body
:1..r through the.let may be laried bf changing irs cllccri\c seal causes eincrel! rich operation nd Uoor cLtoff.
.:ri. This gilcs thc pilot the optjo ofma uallt lernrg Lhe Leka:e of rw fucl out of dre irprcr tubes .ra) indicare
-\rue lbr besl cruise lo\rer or best SlC. lr lso prc\ides e" .(r..!.. | . ' . rl ..rt r.! rc. !!. I I
.: meas to shul olt lucl ilo\ 10 the egine at engine shut- ar! olcrhaul shop. The seal canot be replaced jn e field.

The constart had idle spring argmcnrs Lhc frrce of

.,, Jr' .., rl. iJ. r.": . . n pe !r. Automatc Mixture Control
j:irertial is LroI sullicicDt to oten the seNo valve. 'lhe
::: spring shoivn rrl Fig. I l9 ensures th{t the regulatol' The AMC adjasts the F/A ratio to corpcDsare for lhe
i:r o \alve ls o|en sufticielly to rllorl ftrcl bcig meered decreased ir rlcsity as 1e aclt climbE to altirude.
:: ihe idle vatle to tlow oLt Io llre llos divider. As airflotr 7-21 shoBs lbc fu.ctio and operation of the AI,C
'.. .I le.r.(I r.!',, be! ro and cxpands on e descripti(D of the nunual mixture con-
:: ihc richt iD rcsponse to increasing ai fessue diiltren- tral {d idLe lahes. The mixtu.c control is shown in rhe
rr. ft \lill confrcs\ the costant head idle sp.lng until its I :r \ rl rl.. rJ, \:,t P I tr of(r . J. L
.::rner and gui.lo contrct the diaphragm plate. Foln this ' rJ i. -r .'L. e lr rhe ., r \ \'.u
:::iI onr'd. i r.n\ of ait{]os'. luel llolv, or power. lhe thc two n)t.rting valve assenblics .t.e spring-loaded ogeth
- r:tar hed idle sprjg assenbly is a solid nlelnbe mo\- er. back to back. $,ith an O ring !ea1 be\'ee rhem. Fuel
:: $nh the an cliarhrasm nd e)ies ro lrce ol ns o\,n. 1lo$n thfough the rixrure corhl valve- d ough ihe idle
..: .ofranr head strrilg is fuDished in various rrengths !al\c. and out to the regulalor scrlo valve. The inler
: :rxt the oledraul echicin c properll c{librte rhe ainer is locted underneah he lucl inlel fiting ard for idle fuei flo\r and for lhc lrrn\ilio to seryo insalled sprig ed fir!!. so t]le opcn ed is mated ro the
-:.rlrt(, cotrclled fuel llos. ile flitllg. Il lhc \crccn is blocked by conraniDt r1er
h most insallalions. the lrrnsilion lionr icllc ro scno l3l. ir et pes\ure w jll f(nce the material a$,ay tu).r dre r'jr
-:rlior conolied luel llow hs to bc supplcnrcDtcd with ting. cornpressing thc sfring !o allow fuel to brpas! the
: constanteffort spring, piclLred in Fig. 7 10. This string screen if eccssary. This screen filte is replaced rt over
r:i ii;sts the .rjr diphragn i moling lrnoothl) irom rhe haul. There is no approled mehod of cleantug (his screen
: ; ri.llo\! i.lle .ge to ihe higher-power rge of opcra




:G. 7..20 torii eiloi spt.9 lEnetqy Contrck Dit , Bendix Cotp )
Bendix RsA Fue lject on system 151
When calculating e F/A ratio. both the fuel and the air through the veturi, produces the air nereig sigal previ-
m rnesured in pounds pcr hour. The fuel injector meters
fuel on a pound! ler-honr bas. relercDced to the lolume An engine punpsair on he basis of volume, not iveishr.
. | \.h.r.rt(, c.'rir.J J,e...ittp...r-! 'lli. oline nileob .i, -,!i ,e ar\p': -(Ter,r







flc. 7-21 AMf (En,"ryy Cantrolt DN., Bendi\.,otp )

158 chpter 7 Fuel tnjection systems

ihr is. 5.10 inr l)er conrflete li)trr stn)kc clcle (irlake. corn-
:rression. po$cii and c\hxu\L ior 11 siri cylirders).
Ih.rclir an IO 5.10 cngnrc ruDnrg t 2500 rpnl ilorld be
rn\unri3 (rnrting) rir r rtc of


..: 'l l
r'0 r r r r r
390 x 0.0165 = l0 lb/rin lli.6 kg/nrinl

l0lb/mn x 0 rtu = 1800lb/h 18l6 kg/hl

r: $ould be eqtrivlen t(, cNilc poser se lelel. An
.r raio of0 0N would rcsult nr r li]cl lloil rate of
18{10: (l.0ll = t.1.1lb/h 165 kg/hl

\i he aircraft climbs 1o rltitude. dt spccitic $eigh of

:. i.creases tio]n 0.0765 lb/ft: L1.22 kg/mrl until. t
:. 00 li. air \r,ei-hs onl)- ll0.112 lb/iLr 10.692 kg/nrrl. The
.. p, Ir..r 'rn t'.-lrl. '.r. -
: i:/mi ll I mr/Ninl, icsul(ing r irllow rate of
j9rl x 0.11.132 x 60 = l0l I lb/h 1.159 kg,4t

..; 10ll
lb/h l15t) kr/hl nflo$ will prcduce he sare FlG.7-22 B\) et type A/C irFgy Conttah Di, Eendit
-.:n;rerl-e signal lcross thc rcr1lud ha 1800 lb/h
r : k!/hl dirL al se,r lelel This rir neterlrg slgrral \l'ill
:.:trm he 1,1.1 lb/h 165 kg/hl lu.l lk!, whlch relulis xr is conloured Io perlo n he lrcion of ihe venruri. The
fncrion peormed rnd the prxrciple of operadon are eriact
l =Lr tt FA xr(l l) the same as for the eriterally noured unit. There are
l01t t\ro baiic diffe'encesi
..:hou ,r ANIC, it \oul.l bc nccc\\ry lor ihe pilor lll
:r ::rilll le thc ri\rtrc lnlll lo mainialn the 'r. 1. 1.. ., ) .\'...1
rxlher lha imfcl fre!{re.
:::rr:.r0.0E ljlA raLn).'lhc AN,ICI vorks irilependel,v ot
' \ '.(,.eele f.( :1t:(
--: :. arallel Niih, dre nual .rixlur:r conlrol b,\, frol,id fr..r., Lr. ",r'.1 rl ..'r"
:: : rr.ieble .rific. bc$.cn lhc two i presse sigxls r.ductio of thc {ir mctcring lrcc across thc ir diapirrgr
-:::i xncl \ucLionl lo r11o.lift the air nretering signal
cxaclly rs dcscribcd .rbole.
i: \\lC dsscmbl) cosisls ol a cololcd ccdlc tht
- .:J in nri out of a orilice by bclk)\s a\scntblv. Flow Divders
' . -:llo\s rcc(s (o changes ir air pressur. dnct Lcnrp'era-
: .:..asmg in lcngth as pressuF ltitude iDcrcascs..\t lllcrcr.ct lucl flo\ is dclivcrcd fiom the iiel injecto servo
i -: l:\ el. thc nccdlc iltosrtioned in rhe A\fC orjlicc so unil lhe eginc through slsten {'hich Lsuall} iclLiles
: .: nlice is ckrsed. or rearly closed. nr rllow thc inari- a floll divider d \er of discharge nozzls lone nozzle
- - :pacl pessure olr the rnfac tre\surc \icle ol the ir per cllinder). A lew engire rrrslallaiolls do not use a lloiv
cLiv er. O drese eLrgrnes. the lxel lloir is divided by either
:.r r;crcrsc.l allilude. he AN1C
he ircraft flies a srrgle lu-ilal lining (forr cylider engies) or a tee
': : sith the {ir tr.ssurc decrease ard ihe
:longales \\ich divides he liel flow innr t$o sefle talhs.
,:::: rnolerL ito its orifice. This creses the o1If-1ce The tio$' divider ilhsiraed in FS 7-21 consists of
:: ii L\e lee the inpa.t air d.d \ellLrri srcllor nd . e. le- e .r.'J 1'tr.1'a p .lL( 1l ..11,.
. :-r!ac ir o |leed irlo the !cturi suctiorl channel. loacled 1o the closcd posiriol r rhe ileele. This etteclilel]
' .:ices Ihe air IrleterinS forcc cross lhe air clc\cs Lhc path ol lt]ol tio\! licxn {he luel iecor serlo to
dre rozzles d ar he srne time olates exch noTzle from
: r:.dle i\ contned r) th.u ngrnless of nlitude or all the oihers at engxle drLLrdon. The t\ro irrnxr! func
:-:r,t ) dre corect air rclering signl is e\ablilbed ios of the flow.Livider are
, _i il dirphragm ) raintir a Flalelt confaL
. ..,<Ji .1 .i. | .rrJr"d( l. lb ensure eqtril .listribuLio ol mctcrcd luel lo the
--::r troduci.n yp. locl ijcc(,rs Ltse x bullcf-tlpe nozzles a indjust bovc
- .: urrted in Fig. I 12 $hich is mounted i. Lhc l. lir trovide isolatnr ol cacb nozzle fiom all lhe olh-
' :.: rhmle bodv. Thc c\lerior drameter .f thi\ uiL cis nn clc cn:rc shutdo!n

Bendlx RsA Fuel nject on system 159

FlG.7-23 Exte,al! ew oi fiow d !de..

'Ihe are! of the fuel discharge jer in the fuel nozzles js

sircd 1o acco.nnodt. Lhc m\lmum fuel flow rcquircd a!
rled horsepo\cr rvilhout cxc.edig thc rcsulated fu.l
Pressure rnge caprbili(] ol rhc scM) pnssur. rcgultor flG.7-25 FLre p.es5!re !ga ifow rd.tori
The rca oflhcicl ln Lhc nozzle i\ such lhat nrc(ered fuel
pressure t ihe nozzle is ncgligiblc r rhc low luel llow\
lioln thc jcc
reqLjred at andjust bo\e il:lle. Mcrre.l Jul
tor servo eners the tlo$ dilider and is chnneiccl ro a
Ii e luol rcstr icnr in one or
used a\ a ll(^vrcter rrdicIor.
rnore rozzles bcconre\ paially plLrgged. lhc t()trl e\i path
. . | .r " rrl h a,Jt,r1:, \ rl. l,er rr. , i for nretered lucl llo$ is rcdtrced The fuel injccror s.r!o
ol) s!llicicnt ro r)ve the floiv dlvider valve slighly $ ill .orlnue o dclilcr thc saie arornt ol torl 1low.
ope. eriposnrg (hc bouon of r V slo i ihe exit ro each
nozzle. s illufr cd u I
2.1. lhi! position prolides
\ill incre.rse. giving mdi
Thcrefore. rhe nozzle pressurc
the ccurac) ol lul diriibuion eeded tin lnroot idle. ,\!
cLio .f fuel Uow increr\e o thc llonreler gage An
.\.r ,t . .fe lo\-J..r ,. i, rJ
the ergine i\ ccclc.r(cd. rnetered fuel !rclsl icrcases al
The c\ linder(s) havirs rcsdctcct o77les wiil be fl|nnrg
r'eil . J..i.l r,1..:,,hF.lp .Tl i .re..'l l.aD. nd rhe rcmnrling cllmders will be rich. lhe esult is
grdualll ovcs thc ilor! .li\ider valre ote {grinst lhe rough engine otertion accorpiclt b! r hiSh fuel-ilo\r
stling tressue unlil e arcr ol thc V sloL opcniDg to eich
o77le i! lrenter har the arer of the fuel refriclor r Lhe
Wher llrc mi\ture cont|ol is placed in curon, luel pres
orzlc. At thi! foinl, lesponslbililr tbr equrl dirrib!Lion 01'
e ilo\ di!idcr diofs !o zero. TLe \priDg i(trc.s lhe
lLtre o
rcr.r..t fuel flow is ssured b,v the ozzles Since nrerered
fioN dilider !1\c to drc (1o+D posfio ard nrcdiely
lucl prcssurc ( r/,le pressure) inc.eases jn diec propor-
interNpts e llo$ oJ fuel to encb nozzle. This brc{ks the
Iion ro nrcrcrc.l luel flo$'. ,r ! mple pres\ure gage crn be
plth ofcapillarr- ll{^!. r!hich ilould allo$ rrxnili)ld \u.!ion
nr colinne to d.\! itrcl rr ilrlbbles fiom one or more oz
7le lines as dre cngin. corst! don. Wlrhoul rhc llor
dj\ider, his dribblnig oI lucl nfo one or roe cllindeF
coul kccp the e:ie runrig for rirte or

Fuel Nozzles
Bcndi\ no/zles, illusirated ilr Fig I :6. rre furnished ivjrh
\c\cral djfferei pa11 nrnbers The trr n(nnrer generally
idcntilics the ,ipecific inslalltion rcquircrct for he
engine that is. onnally aspirted. $hich requ;rc\ rhe sim
ple nozzle sscnrbly $ith be air bleed screen cl shroud
pressed 1 |lcc, or configuratior ofthe shroLrd sscnbly to
lccept the superchargcr nirt.eslure signal to he nozzlc.
All nozzles Lrc ol thc ajr hleed t)pe illuslrared in Fig
7 27 Thls merns Lhlr I'rcl i\ discharged lnride rhe no//lc
bodt to chambcr which s verted ro eirher armolpheric
air pressLre or supcrchrrgcr xir pressuF liiecror rop .1ck
tre!!trrel. The ozzlc is rouDte.l ln the iiake !hc porl of
th. .\linder head. lt\ erll 1s ls) s c\tosed ro N,lAP. which
on a orrall! alpirted erlglre is rlsa!\ lcss tha alllos,
pheric prcssre This resuls in rir being dw in through
llic ir blcc.l ad mixed ith fuel dre lucl an chmber to
or^ il. u ' I 'i -r'.{ l, o ,.rl I. r,r,{r.
FlG.7-24 FLre io\.',,dvder fEne.ql, C.trcE Dr, B-.ndu rn e idle nd k)\r poer rxnges $here ]lr\P is lo\ef {nd
bleed-air Llc i\ lreatest. A pluseed ir bleecl i rhis
160 Chapter 7 Fue lnlect on syfers


FIG. 7-26 Bend x ile rczter iEneryt Canttols Dtr , B-"ndu Cap )

Renro\e no771es lior c.v-lindeheads nd econrecl lhem Io

their strtply lires Posit on equal-sjze containes lo crpNre
thc outptr of each o77le. Tur on he boost pump. and
opcn thc mj\ture cotml d dnoltle. When a good reler
'.e I.r ' r) L l 'r ,l-e"r . .cred :, er.h
cbse the nri\ture control xd throfile and tum off the boof
pump. Align the contriners on flt sulfx.e. xnd conrpare
the levcl ol ltrcl ctturcd. as illustrltcd iD Fig. 7 28. A
IN ,r\rbr.r rrrr,,f r....1
indicaes resliclion i lhe ozzle lirel rcstrictd. flow
FlG.7 27 S.henir:dgrmol -bedfue ozze
.\ll currcnt t(xluctio Dozzl.s h!. two tiece configu
.nge alloss lheeit of the fuel reltri.rD Lo bc cxposed (o ntious. Thc lircl rcslriclor is a nage.{ iserL trhi.h .an eas
nniibld suction. $nrich effeci!el) ierc$cs thc plcssLrre ily be reno\ed lirr cleaning. Alfu. it cnn bc casily Lost dur'r..| :.r . 'r.r- . r.'I r. \. r li .. \ 1 .. d,r r.'ycJ i, Fll " ..t.r r. J , .
ael flow throush rhat norllo. Smce this rozzle is, in etlect. ozzte assenlbll because he] are il.iw-ratched ssern-
.r.hrg lucl lrorn e orher nozzles (injector seo ouput blies. In older fro.1nctjon oz7les. the restrictor r's pressed
.l,r\ rlill .cau thc sarnc), rhis cylinder will run rich nd iDLo the norrle bod] D.l was not renn)vrble.
ihc othcr cllinders $ill be coreifond;gly len. A ncL l'rior to jstlljg Dorlle ssembl,"-. alwals refer !. the
lrrcsc in nctcrcd fircl tressure ll reslt {nd sho$ up e!ie manufactuer's jstruction manual! for lhe proper
n. thc flo\meler as lo\ler-tuel-flow idicrtion. This torquc !alucs ofno/rlcs and ljcs.
.oulltnsuh il rough idle $ilh a lo\,fuel flo\ mdication Overorque of the nut connecting the luel line to rhe
rd a higlrer than norral rpln rise going rto cutoll. The nozzle can fress dre inser deeper ino lhe body and close
.ngine sill also h,rve lery poo. ctrloff, tcndiug to cotinue off the !ir hleed on the older no77les. Oleforqne cnn crrck
jhugging tr selernl se.onds folloaing nlovencn ol rhe lhc fl{ngc oll Lhc nrse on thc newer Lypcs. In cither c\c.
:ni\1urc control t() ( L !orr lhc nozrlc is dcrroyecl. O\erlorquc ol rhc norzlc ito the
cyliftler hcad distorLs the basc ol lhc Dorrlc and otsct\ ils
CIUTION lhc l'ollowug tcr i\ inrended olly as a trou calib rio aDd spra] !tlem.
rielhootmg aid and shouid not b. coDstrred as a clibrarion A L,: ir . :"re y;ood prJ.r'.e ,. 'JrJ
.heck of the nozzle ssenrblies. Should r queiiio adse common configlLrarion of ,r full set of oe tyte of norzle.
:;grdinS serviceabilit\ of r given Dozzl. ss.nblt. he ''. Ir:"r c r, r''' rJfe n . or J.,en!..
rjr mtrst be \ent lo ! .ertiiicd o!.rharl ard epai tacilit\'. eqtripted with the older tyte !hould crele no problem
Also. ${crc possiblc, incli\idl ro ti.,cc norllcs should
\'lo\t ozrlcs $hich are istalled rr c)ljnder head! arc bc kcpt as naLchc assenrblies. IntcrDriring these parts rJ
:librtccl likc. For crr]nple, ih elnctl! 12 p'ig nor cuse probLern: ho\',e!er, il or $heL1a proble occurs
il.s kPl nnct pnssure. apphed flow should be 12 lb/h as a resrh ol intel,niing. a new nozzle \r,ill proabl) be rhe
'll.5l kghl plLrs or rni rs I
A corntrison check of luel tlo ftrim the orzles The letter A fourd sllr rped or ore flt oflhe rcnching
:.1lled on nv !iven engire can be s iolloss: herxson js located I80'lronr rhe air-bleed hole in the noz

Bend x RsA Fuel njection system 161



FrG. 7 28 Test o iLre rozz e olipJt ttr'ral Dr

' Ben'1i! Catp )

/le bod!. AlLe fil inJtllation lolaluir-!. the ni bleed h.\ This nrrk is locled 180" ftrn e xir bleecl lrole rDli
.no.l. r , oe \''r'r' or " 'r' l. o c

re,..,t,. r'".r'.e 'r '"lJl . Lrne |Dle.a I h'Ilbre'r'

.'o \ r' ' fo nLn r \ rrrruL! rsl Jftc \hrrrn'{n
util 5 \ rr (r "l
encled tu cns;r.-continued s{risfactory opcratio
I.r rl r ... r1 r' o r' /"rli ' t e '
\ ^' r,r ,1r.. tll< i r\rJllJ
Fuel \iraiLrer contigrtrIion mv varl acco irg lr)
lnstallation of the lnection System I'r,'
'l'he lollo\\'rs infnntio. about installallon of tle RSA rum) \cFe i\ u\ed.
'' r. tn n,u'L irslllions I o. ilerible hosc is us'd
fncl in.cLio:!\ler ws prolide.l bv ih' EergI C'ntrols '1
and is gi!en here r\ ar fronr the itiocor ouLlel to lhe flo\\'divi.lcr' l-xler-nrodel
Diinio ol le Bentlir Corloraio
exrnple oihe dta suftlied Lo arrcli otert$\ nd nrai injecLbrs hric m ltcrMte tel orllet 180'liorn rhe \Ld -

8. A l,r r Ii.l]5-mnrl (outside di{ reier) sainl'ss'

I T|e iniect can bc l]lotnted on lhe i e! flrlge ol feel lubc is rorr.d lionr reficted fiLl g lnurked 'iAcll
re cnsrne s i|lahc ffxilolil lL .rnl ttiNdc llnl lcilitxLc\ on lhe flor! di\ider !o the fircwall A o. I loi! f'cssure
h{,\e is usuallv lsed f|orn lhe tireirll to thc gage ln all
ensineitu iriire combin,rtior lrsLlllion raking into l]rinimLnn
.ses. ihc ho\e lolulne shorld be held 1o a
coisiderattr thrr Lire throltle linkage rtrd thc m^n!al Jnix .(
rr .o lt-" (lr''e i L r I ' l
I \r -o.:\e I b r'Flor.r" r' rr'l r\ed. a no. .l lle\iLrle hose is connecied lo the luel fssure
th. irrecr becruse of possibl) high arbierl em trkeolT filling n the tielrrete g s)stcni
tlon 1o
r.,.trre. srthi the eflr re rJ!clle 10. The nozrlc lie length Nill .lepcrd on he egine's
ll,. I ... ; irsrlhlion nd lhe locIron ol the flos di\i'ler' Thc LlozTlc
1..ri.i with 3 Lrre,:lelcnrlied brackcl conligurtion: ho lies re for ed fron 0 0t5 Lo 0 090-in L:'159 Lo
evcr. 1 rnu\ b.-nountcd ith lbe Dozzle line fi{iJrgs iL1 a
I 18 nlrl ir1-qide.linelcr ilD) x; lf f-r'115 rnrl olG
sidc dlanleicr lODl srallcss-stecl tubin!,. $'jh \uitahle lii-
lJlor 'J ris\ tbr connecijo Lo th Lop of llie DZZle od Lo dre 1lo(
lOr r:r .. ' ro,l ' bel rr,r" l'rl di\:ider.'llrc lines re.l11rpect suil:Lble locations ro
',, ,-...,.,,r
,.,' l .r ',e . I ,FdL,.c lie \ibl.ltion

162 CL"pt", z ru"l njectlon Svstems

lroqbleshooting The opcrtor is cautioncd rha greaL care mLlr be raken
in no\'tug the propeller on an ensire that hasjust bec \hut
The troublc\hooling charl jn Fig. 7 l9 ma) be used ro trou- down. Sorctinres ho spoLs ma! exir in oe or rlorc colrr
rl.ihoot the Bendix RSA fuel injectio s),sren h is irnpor- busion canrbers, and lucl vapor ca be ignied nd catrse
::.r. hoever. Io keep in nrrd any nrodilicari{Ds of he lhe enginc ro kick o!er. Ir is besr o aloid moling dre tro
rnir\ drn ma\' chagc dre troubleshoolmg proccdtrres. peller unlil the englne has cooled fo s.lerAl njnures

Operaton Feld Adustments

- princitrl consideration i tlre ground operation ol a -{s $ith th. tressue di\chrrge carbxrcr(n field adshiers
:rgine equippcd with nn RSA licl mjection sysren is rlre l the lircl iniecior systcm are sererllv lil1r1ted ro jdte
::lrlpcralre \!jthi. rhe engc ncelle. hr fligh ote.tlo, speed aDd jdle nixture. Thc procedure lor making Lhesc
ir: englne and rcelle rre adequtcl) cooled by the msh of xdjuslmcnl\ is outh|ed bclow: howelcr. the procedure
,:. rhr re\ulL\ botlr lionl dre rrn ollcct and tiolll the rol given ni tire irdare operaror's manual should be r ovcd
, ir 01 rn ucd h) the prpellcr O the grounil, ho!re!, for a traficuhr tyle and noclclof.rircrll:
::. there is liLLlc or no ram ellecl. nd thc \oiume of nir
:rl he protrellcr is ot ndequate lor cooling {t idlif: I l)edorr1r a rgero check
r accordarce $ith infruc
..::ds dur g hol wclher.ondirions. lios lfthe +m drcp ror each rnagcto i! saisirctdy. pro
High tempeatues in the engine nacelle cruse ftrel cccd $ jrh lhe idlc rirtu.e.Ldjurnrct
:forj7tjo ihI, ir turn,.tffecis the {,ry rl) cgie l. Retlr.l lhe throttle to he rDLr posii on Il lhe jdle
::.fods in ils slarting, idljng. and shurdo$,r. Thc fcrson specd i! DoI in lhe rcconmended rag., adjust he rpi wirh
::rring the engrLre slioul.l be ware of rhe ellecrs of high thc idle lpeed clirsting screrr adtccn to ttre rhro[te ]erer
::-p.rLurc\ rd shoLrld rdiust ihe operatlns procc.lures FiS 7 1.ll
.-r.din-el\. l. \lhen he cDgine ]s idlxrg srisfxciorjty. stortv role
In hor $.athcr. arler the enginc is shui do\.n. the high rle, . ( .. p ,. Trrlc|
:::::neaures i thc crgine ncelle caus. re fuel tn the noz oFF po\iri.. Clbser\c th. tachoreicr or \'1Ap ggc. If the
: i:ed lines 1o \dtorlze ard eicxpc Llnlugh rhe rozzles enrine l1].r increnses rlishLl] or IIAP clccr..tles, this indi
_:: ihe n c mdninild For is r.rrr. lt is not necessrv
ctes drr the lrurc i\ (nr the rich siclc of be po$er. An
: irirrle he cgie if il is resrcd $ithin l0 to 30 rnin mnediatc decrese r rpnr or incresc i. NIAP i dicares
'lllo. LT' ,!r... ., tha the idle nr xlure is o rhe lean lidc of be po$cr A
r: lhe IDLE.rjr.r posirion: as {ur
s the engine fires. inclease ol25 ro 50 rlnr or a decrersc j. NfAp olI mHg
_:.nnr'ol is !Decl to he Rr.rr to\irio. The tirel
FL'LL 10.85 kPl should prollde a ii\ture nch cnorgh ro provictc
:::: lines qnickly filt aDd supplt fuel 1 rhe orzlcr before s{tisfctor} a.celerariolr u.1.r all conclilio! nnit tea
-: :n!in. cr stof. lfan cngme hrs been \opped lin more - tl- -ic. ror-r .1..,r r.
-- r{l nnr. lr i! likely drt rhc ltrel lafor in rhe rn{.ilold .1. Tf the idlc mjrturc is fi't corecr, tun lhc idlc .rdrs,
-i liisipLcd and hat slr primin! ]llat be reeclcd to rneL (see Fig 7 1l) one or rwo otches irl rhc .ljrecrio lor correctjon nd recheck, rs explaxred prtvious-
l:,nng glound oterats. palriculrly in hot i!earhcr. ll. Mke rddiriona .rdju\trnen\. ii necessary. utir itre
: :.. .tfoll slroul.l be made lo kccp the egine rrd a.cllc iiturc is srirll,(:ro,r
:-:.:rarures s Io{ r\ tosslble. To do rhi\. keef grclrncl t. B.'" er .. ... I t.. -,r i...
::.riions al a rini.ranr. keef the er)gra'ryn rs high s .,...00n .r ,r'-..,.,Jk ," ,,, 1....
i.d..r ic v f.o. lp.i '. r.r'r ,c. aj. The mi\lrre i\ .ljLsrecl b) lenshe|i g Lhe lnkge
: :i!lne. ofeae rhe cgine at 1200 r.i 1500 rlr lor a fe\r bctwee| the (hroule leler d idl. \,ulve ro errich the miri-
.iirj to disslpaie lesidual her. A hilher rani lso ids in lurc ad by slnn(cing rhe lillkngc 10 tearr the nrixrure. The
. :rS rhe luel ljnes by nlcreasiS luel plesrur n.l fldr. ccnrer screi! l{s ri:ht hnd llredds or both end\. bul one
:.J jdle speed ard rnirrtrre shoLrlil be adju\rcd Lo effecr c.I h\ r Lro lll 1.1 thred rn rhe .rher trs a o. I0 32
.. .'r.t I,..(..,t-egI.. t( ,r; Ihrcld. l-or easy rclerefce. coniidcr only lhe coarsc for bolh cool d ot weather A corfarx ed cd \hen rhis cnd of rhe ]]Irh is backed our ot its blo.k.
:. high idling Teed t700 tu 750 rpor) is besl lir hot the mirtue is errichcd. l-ertrng is xcconrpli,ihed by \crcw
: :..3r. bLrI it ll1ool.1 not be so high that il nr*es the ir ing d)e corhe rhrecled crr.lofthe Lnk nrr{) the biock.
:'ihcLrll lo ot.rte on the gloud. 7 ll thc cenrer sclc\ bottors oLl i on. of ttre btocks
.: iille mixru:i l(r hocwether opcrdLion should be iet hetre s{tisfactot lixrure j! achic\cd. {n.rddirioal
- '-.., ri.e|r,1. ad.lLslmrnt nruf be nrdc. l-irsr. nc\ure lhe djsrcc
: DLE flroFF. Thc richer settiig i.crcnsc\ frelsure ard betlleen th. block-r. Thcn di..connect oc of rhe btocks
.i :,r dissrparc any vxtor wlich mr\ fo the strelr1. frcil ils lc\.r bl renx)\ing the lrk pm. Tum tre btock and
r: ore:r hor.Sie js sroppc.t. it should be rLn ar adjLslrcnt s.reil unril rhc xd.lusrirs $hccl is cerrered and rpl lor Ltr nr nutes ro clniaLe ! much herr te dislancc ber\teen thc btocks is the srmc {s trel,icnstr
::iibLe The mi\lu.. conlrol is en Inorocl slowlv io rcasured. Thcre is noir addiriorxl odjusrmenr ran8e, rd
. \\.'rr..r-rner lhc rclererce poinr is retnined.
::. ii ture.l otl: U (hc cgine is quite rr. ir will like 8. \lake te linrl idle speed a.liuslmeni to obrain rhe
: : r ghly lr selernl seconds beforc stoppmg bc.use desircd idling nm $ith the thlortle clos.d
..j/ed fuel teedil]g om the lnel rozzles This is 9. If the ieriig does nol rerni stble, .heck rhe
: :\c thoLgh the ictlc cutoff ill conlplelelv fop rhe llrks. for loosenc!\ In rll cses. allow for rhe etlccr of
: inel !o he llo$ dilidcr earhcr condiliols Thc |rev,rilLng \ind .xn ndd ro or

Bend x RsA Fuel njection System 163


frd slrl r_o Techn qle Reler 10 aircraft i.lla.lurer s re..mmnded

strllng pro.edure
F ooded C ear en! ne by cak nq ,iih :lrroll e oen .d
m rlurc conrro Ln lco
fhrott e !a !e opened too lar Open thrtt e to a ps t n at appror nlerf
00 rPm
lsull c ent pr m (usu y accompaid l.rease amL.1 f pf q
by a b.kf rel

Folgh d e M tlre too r.h or 1oo ean Conl m w tlr mirllrc .olro A too rich
m x1!re wi be .ofe.led ana rcu!lress
decreased dur nq ean out llh e loo- ea.
x1!re wi be a!gravated ani rou!hness
dre ro !v a 25 ro 50 rpm
P ucqed nzz e(s)1!sa y accompan ed clean nzzles
by h grr takeoff fue f ow red not
Sl !hl air eak nt dct on syslem Contirm b! temporar y p ugo no dra ine
throloh man lo d dra n check ra ve Repla.e check !a ves s .ecessary.
(Usa y ab e 10 adlusl il al d e
bul rouqh n 1000 lo r500 rp
ranse )
S rght a r eak r.lo ndct on syslen Fepair as necessar!
thro!gh loose ntake P Fes or
damaged O r nos iUsua ly ab e to
djust in tla d e bt roush n r000
to 1500 rpm raoe )
Lrge alr eak nto duclln system. Fepir s ecessary
severa cases or + t3.175 mml
p pe p qs dropp rig oui. (Uslary
!nable t throllle eng ne down below
8001o 900 rpm )
l.ler.a eak n njeclor (LJsua y Replce inlecto
unble to ean oul d e range l
Unab e 10 set and ma la n de Fepace inlector
Fue vapriz.q n iue nes or Coo eng ne as mlcri as pss b e before shlloll
d st buior lEncountered only uder Keep cow taps opn wlie. lar nq or wheo
h glr ab enl temperalre cond I os the eng ne s dl ng LJs fast d e to a d
or ror owinc pro o.Qed operal on a1 .oo inq
lovr derpmsl
Lo{ 1ako1f fle I ow. Slra ner p ulged. Remve strarner ad clean . su tb e so lent
Acelone or MEK s re.ommeded
nlector out 1 adluslmet. Fep ace jec1or.
Fu ty !age. ln a tw. eng .e .s1a lat on cr ss.ross tlre
sacs. Fp ce as necessafy. ln
sin! e-e.g ne cha.9e the !aqe
Stlcky f ow d v der va ve. CLean the flow d v der va !e

Hiqhfuelfovr nd.alor Pugod.ozze fhghfue Jow s Femoveandcea.

ead ng accompa ed by oss of power and
Fa! 1! gage Cr sscross the qages ad rep ace f e.essary
jeclr o!1 of adlustment Rep ace jector.

Staggered m xture colroL f lakeorl s st sfaclory do not be 1oo Check r gO 9.

.oncerned bot slaqqered mixtu.e
conlro levers bec!se some
m salgnent s normalw tlr 1w n
--q :,,
Poor clloff. mprper qq nO of alrcrafl inkage to Adils1
m xture conlro
Mirture-contro valve scred or nol El m nate cse ol scorln! lusla ly burr or d rt)
seat ng proper y. and lap mixture coniro v ve and p ug o
s!face D ate.
Vapr . .es Coo! enqine as much as poss b e befre shuloll
Keep cow I aps ope. when 1ax ng r when
tlie eno ne rs id q Use fast d e to a d
coo ng

Rouqh el] ne lurbo A r b eed hole(s) c ogged. C ea or rep ace nozu es

chargd) and poor.uloff.

FlG.7-29 Bed R5 lLe 1ro!b e;|oot q.hd

164 Chaptr 7 Fue lnjection syfems

reduce the propeller load and afTect the ensine rpm. During
the idle mixlure and rpm checks. ihe airplane should be

1. What s.ednt by "fue nlection"?

2. Lst the dvantages of fue nlection sytem
Inspection and Maintenance 3. What are the foLrr bs c un 1s of the Contientl
cont nuous-flow fuel njectron 5yslern?
when a e\r injecio unit is insalled, he irjecor inlet 4, How mny fuel contro Lrnits re ncuded n the
srainer should be removed and cleaned alier 25 h of opera' fuel conio ssembly? What are theyl
ion. I hererfter. dre llrnier should be cleaned t each 50-h 5. At wht ocatons on the eng ne are the fue dis-
charge nozzles n51 ed?
m an aircraft engine is equipped lvirh a fuel injeclor hal 6. Describe the constrL.rcton of a fue dis.hroe
includes an AXIC. the operaor should be alelr for sigrN of 1O-7e O rhp O o.'Uo
problems sith the u. Dir can build up on tbe needle and 7. What spec feture s requ red for the fue d r
cause rich operation nnd possible !icking of the needle. charge nozzles nsia ed on iurbochrqed eng e?
sith renLitrnt loss of rltitude comFnstio. lhe following 8. Expla n the opertion of the a tlt!de compensat
jnstmcti(rs arc givcn tir cleanig lhc nnit: ng v ve.
9. How woLrld yoLr djul the d e speed for the
L Carlulll renove lbc A\'IC uDit. Il rhc g$ket is claDr Continenta fLrel njeciion system?
agcd, rctlacc il wilh { cw gdskct with (hc altropriatc '10. Ho\/ wou d you check the dle mixiure for the
Bendix par nnnbcr. Continenla fuel nleciion systerllT
I Renove lhe f 2:1plug and imrncrse ihe unil in clcan i
11. What un s considered th-" heart of the Bendr
naphha o other pfroved peroleurn solfert. Invefl lhe RsA fue inlect on system.
irit so hal il will lill comtleel) $idr dre soh et. Eercise '12. Wht nreans re provided n the RsA syfem to
ilre AMC needle with x hardwood or plastic rod to faci]naie provlde for adequle fue f ow' at id ig eng ne speeds?
.leaing. Shrke he unit vigoroush ivhile allolving rhe sol' 13. Wht is the purpose of the AMC on the Bendx
\rt t.r .lrui. Repeat seleraL times to wash our all lraces of RSA fue inject on syste?
14. Describe the opert on of the AMIC on the RsA
3. Drain lhe uit. and allow the solvent to evaporate fue inlector
:t-rmplelely. Do no d'1 wilh conpessed air. 15. Descr be the opertion ofihe fow d v der
I Repiace the tlug. and i|srall the unj o the injector. 16. Wht factors deierm ne the s ze of the ca ibrated
Torque to 50 to 60 found inches (lb'i) 15.65 {l let n the lLre nozz e?
a.-8 Ne$'tor-meters (N.m)1. 17. What s eant when fue nozzle is c as5 f ed as
n r-bleed type?
The inieclor sho!ld be IubicatcLl in accorclance with thc 'f8. ln what postion rust the ow dvider vlve be
:,-pro!ed lubdcaion cha lbr Lhc paficular iL1sllltion. nstled on the RSA system?
1r clevis pins used in conncctio \rilh thc thotlc d thc 19. Why rusl hor zot y insta ed fuel nozz e5 be
:-:ual nirtue control should be clecked lbr lieedl)rn ol rnstled wth the ldentflcaton rark on the owersde?
-.r\ emet and lubrlcted if necessary.
Lubdcae the lhrotle shaft bushn)gs b"\'plcig a clrop of
^1" """"por"d o
het dur ng ground operat on?

:.Sine oil on each end of the ilrotle shaft so hi the oil 21, What cuses a waTm eng ne to cot nle lo id e
::. $ork ito lhe bushings. for few seconds fter the m xture contro s p aced
Lse care in cle.Lning and oiling the ajr filter element. If
'..|F,F i reflJ eJ s rh e),e..r'e 'il . ,:r':r. r. 22. Lt the tems that re generaly cons dered ie d
i ne ofthe oil \\ill be draw inlo dre injecror rd $ill ser adjLrstab e on the RSA system.
: .rn lhe lenllLri. Thi,i can greatly affect lhe meleriDg cbnr 23. Descr be the proced!re ior check ng the id e m x
:i.:stics of ihe rjector. ture for an RSA fue lection system

Review Questions 165

Reciprocating-Engne lgnition ffi
and Starting Systems ffi
.. r .i \ , -, ) ,. ..,r,. ... per.., e .. |U, .
'' r.,{'t. :,.,, ,,, ,."i tt"
'.rr,,! .w,1., , J,... nr-L . .,ge
Trr maintemnce. seNice, and rrobteshoorins of aicraft in the le.odN of rtre jgniriol coil rhjch is dtcred
. ".. (.' rde.. r ,: , r , iL o, l, rr,r' .reo",er . i..e \.,,1,
'r. o rl . . r' . re\t .. . re r .i.( I hrier\ rgrrrr,s\\rerrs\hurr inFi! 8 I
..d rnaintence of ig, tion syfcms. strtes. nd ottrer
.l:ric delice\ rhnr arc, or nrav be. Nsocialed $ilh enqine\ Magneto lgnition
rrr I .i l, r ,,, ct- I.i I 4 rd rn:
. :, I ur rl. , o. .e. \laqnrro isnition ., ,.. u
''r. . e, ',. ..- -. ., r t-.
' 1,1 rl., ..dor.!,ca,,t.r..o., je I o lr.e' ., ' . <l"ine .pF. t . .' i i. J
. . -r1r "r I elr l1o. Je. , ,r J. - . Jr. ,
e -( ,J1Jr, ro,..,erJ . . J ..rp..J .o I.p.l
::\r )i1rnl1 El?'lctr axt Ete.rnniL\.
rhc .ragieto is r spectal tytc of atternriD:-crrcnt (ac)
gerlertor that ptuduces cleclic
tutsalion! of hjgh i,otLage
tnr purposes of iqnirior

lgniton Event n the Four-Stroke Cy<le

Dunng the first evet of rtr. trr slroke. fi\,e-event cvcle.
I',., rw .Lw ,\rJ . . e. r. .,o. .ro rF, l\e. r.. ,r ':1. ..J.. .r," ,.,!,.t... L,..rr-
r' .,.t , <.1 i, o , ,. ,t. ,de.. T, . . . re ,rJ
'' [c J ,. ,, n.t ."ri. ni.' . .e.,, ,.- .. -e ''.r,.,r 1",\..., t,t. ..o".1 ,,-.
iiroke. rhe crakshlt conrinues to rorate ancl tte plston
'..\ ".. Jr,..r,t e..rtr L..t .i.rt \rr.\.,.F.
,. u' -t 1 .(. - op.. . .., \ir in rhJ Low- and High-Tension Magnetos
. i,d... dr e... i p,,r r, :r.,.... rti r. r.,,t .,.
A low-tension magneto rteii\crs cu .er at a tow vohrse
,i \Lr,-t .er.. p . J '. . r rl . I.11.. I. LL
. LA , \',. r',n. ,a(\p:,,. ., r_
,"en r,i eo ||.. . .., ,o .,u., i
,:,. ,',J:.,. '" _,. r. ...,,i
r.j\ure dri!es rhe pi\tol down,ard. Thjs cause! the ",
. 'l !.' roru|e q,,.e,, i.,te...J .t-.r, e..,
'5 | /'L 1,. t .. :t. I | .rJ-r, . e.l
r.D.'(. r,.le..'.. ri. .(r,,,r,..., fl"-^1.,,
.r".. . rte ri p..r I ".e ., . " .,", r,..., .l Tto
rrloe, btrt e) nnr be eviewed brjeftv in or.te. to nctcr
iind n.laft engre isrilnrn.
The clectric sparkjumps beiweo the etcctroctcs tpoinLs)
i. a sprk plrg insratted in rhe cylide hcd o conbrsLio
:harnbcr of the ergrre cytider. Te igDitior s!rer tir
'I . r.\.rr .1r o.t - . F"cn.: .1o. rJ .. L rp
ion of n .ron rnrl \ \, ,.,,, 1

Battery lgntion System

\ lew alro afi and nosr utomotrites xsc a
' ",kli.rr...'.J.)or
baerr isnitnn
.,.".'r," .,.,,".,, ., n.: T
rto as its sourcc of encrgr. I dre bxery jgnirro sy!em. FlG.8 1 8tiery qrion sysiem

curent mrst be transfoncd o hi::h rcn\io (high-\oh Symbols Used to Des<ribe Magnetos
age) cner by a transfbrrner at or near he spaik flug.
A high-tension nragnoto clcli\cl's a high voltgc n) e Nlag crG {re technicall!.lescribed by lctteF ard fisures
splrk tlug ad ha! both a t.nry rinding a.i I sc.ond T lr.i r,l. F rr.. .. .te. ...
'' ,:. \ .r"'1. rlr. .,., 1.. i-t.
' smc
ihe doubl. $indig accorplishes the '; purfose The '..
loiv vohase gccried iLr the primar! $inding nrdtrces n Erample I The DFI8R\ is a doublc lfe flrngc
high voltage cunc! ir re secondar) rvrrdirg whcn rhe mounred rgnero for usc o ar 18-c,-lin.ler eginc
prirnrt cjrcir is brole. d.siged lor ctockslse rotali., .1 nrxde b) Bcndix.

Exanrplo 2 Thc Sl l:lLU-7 is I sigle-rypc llange-

Rotating-Magnet and lnductor-Rotor nx)utcd n1aselo lr ule or1 14-c)ln]der erglre. dc\jgned
Magnetos lbr counlerclockwisc fatjon and r)rclc b) Bosch. sclcnih
I a rotatiry-magnet mrgnrto. rhe prnxrl rd secondary
\nrdi.Bs are (oL cl on the sarne iro corc. This core is I'r/. l,xch uses dash lolltNed b! tclLcA
Lrontc.1 beween two pol.s. or inductors. nhich cxtcnd o ' r' |. r. [e-.t,- .\ | ., I ,, ,.r,. ,r.
shoes o. clch side of hc rctrring mngnel Thc rotrig selies or particar rnodel. Thc leners F nd B nrc o tongel
nag|et ii usuliy nude $'ith fimr toles. which air nged uled tor ciyilj mngrreros bccuse nll it lhnge moulelt.
altemlel\ north lrnd south ir polrirf.
The indtrctor-rotor mngneto hrs sratiorLry cojl
lilnntuit) just s lhe marig mgnel yfe does. Thc dif
rence lics m the nrethod ol nrducing a magelic llui i
the core of hc coil. l he indrct l()tor nragnero has f r
lion{ry magne or mgnes. As the r)tor of ihe lagneto 'lhe magnelo cofsisrs olthrcc circuits: magnetir, primar.r.
Lurns. lhe Uux lio thc masnets is c jcd rhmugh rhe seg-
and sccondarJ c;rcuits. Thc) \ork iogelhcr rr produce rhc
rnets of the rotor o (hc pole lhoes and polcs. fjN in one
high ensio lpark ar the sprli tltrg. The ragctic cicliL
dircctio and he i thc odrer.
include! he pcnarenl mrgncL, coil core, trolc shoes. and
pol. lhoe ertc.sion\. The tnrr,- .lrcLir cosists of rhe
prjmlrry r'nrding olthe c.iil. rhc breiker poir\ or loDtacc.
Sngle- and Double-Type Magnetos
,J rle . Jr . .r,....r. l..e!o,c. ., !o-
TNo sigle-l\pc ma:reos it cononlr, used on tislor Lais the secodar\ Nindilgs. rhc disriburor od r)ror. ihe
type engines. Thc singlc-t]pe mgcto i! jur i:,hat ir\ igh tensiof ignitnD lead, ard lhc spark plLig Thcsc basic
rc implies-ooe n gneto. rnrgrelo ciiuLits arc illtrstrlted j Fig. 8 3
Thc double-tlpe mgncto is Senellly used or differen
rmclcls of releral t,lpes ol en3ines Wl)c r&le n[ rxdia]
engine\. it is ersentilly thc \ane as rhe rasncto.rade ir
iLr-linc except that two comfestccl canr! nre
Order of
ernplo).d. The compesatcd cnrn is eaplicd ldrer in lhis
Dc!igntion S)mbol Nleanirs
The doublc tyte nagreto is esseriall) \ro nrgn.tos S Single 1"vpc
having ore rotarjg magner corrD o boh. lt co|lr\ ll Double r'pc
o ses ol brcaker !ois. and Lhc hiSh vohase is drrib
2 ts Brserountcd
rled eiher b) to distribuion nn.d eises'here on lhe
engire or bt disibarol! fornlins fn .f lhe rnagreo prot I Flange-mounlcd
er Sirce there xr.t$o sets ofbnrkerpoinri, anequrl nnr 1.6.7. Nunrbcr L)l
ber ot sprrkr will be prodrced b) c{ch coil ssernbly pcr dist,-ibuior i:leclroes
reroluilol olLhe mageto drne \l lt. I Clock$,i\c rotalion

dr'ive-shafl cnd
Flange- and Base-Mounted Magnetos
Co ntcrclockwise
A flalrg-mo nted magneto is Lt!.hed o the e|gxrc Lr,,- rolation ls \ ie\aed
re.' ^l .'", ',le a. L Ji,.r lr.r.rr fr-oJndri\'e'shrft end
holes xr rhe lhge are ror carlar: insead. the) arc \kf! L, Cicneral Electric
lha pemiL a sligh! adjuslncnr; bv rorrio, in ririrg dre
N Bendix
magnelo $ilh the egire.
The sirgle llpe m:neto ma! be either base-moLnlcd or
flaDge-loxnIcd. The dorble r!pc nrxgneio is l!rals U Dosch
C Dcho Rem), (Bosch
A base-mounted magneto is arLxched &r a noLrnring dcsign)
brcket on he engnr. b) rnears .iI cp scrc$s. which pass Edison-Splitclol{
through holes in thc bn.ket ard cntcr t{pfed holes i'r ihe
l'se of rhe magncto. FlG. 8-2 Mqneto .ode des qi o.
'168 chapter 8 Reclprocting,Enqine lsnit o nd start nq Systems




FlG. 8-3 Bs1: m;qto . r.! ts

Magnetc Circuit The lies of flur reFl oire anolher: thercf(nt. drct tcd
to spread ou in lhe nir\pnce Lretwee lhc polcs of hc mg
Ihe rrgneric cir.uit of Lhc r11g elo nla) be deiigned in fer. as shon in Fig. 8 4. The] al$ ted to scck the pth o1'
li1e1e|r a)r. O.c t!pc ol clesign ures roating tenanct least resistance belwee the foles ofthe m{gct. A larit
iir3fets lra\j.g t$o, ft. and even ei:hr mSnctic |ole\. ed sofi jron brr fr.liclcs rD csicr parh lbr lhe lines ol flux
Th.ic ngners re r,ften mde of alnicr,, dn lloy o1 lu' flo$ing berwcen the pole\ Ihn:Li doesr conseqnently. the
.rinur, !n, nickel. and cobal! that rctis nagnetism lor lines $ill clofd ll)gelher il such a br (sornerrnes clled a
rn rdcfie penod. The rngne6 rnxic ude fole pieces- keeperj is pur er the masret. The lires of llLrr hen
:hich complete ragnetic circuir Lhrgh coll co1e. assLlne Ih loctiors ard directiors shoivn in lig. 8 5,
lnother ttpe ofmagneto (le!i:n mke\ use of slalionary wbelt thev re colcenaied illihur dre bar Lll\iead of beinS
r.rnne|t lngnets and a !yltcr ol rotaling irlductori spread out rs re irslrace of Fig. E -1. This heavt con
:, hich cdnpleie rle Jnagnetic .ircit lhroush the coil coE cenadon ol lles of ilLt{ withi dre bar is de\cribed \ a
rt Ii\o ditteren fxdrs. thcrcby pro\'id1ng !i!o directios condirio otb sh densilr-.'
:i]Jough the coil core l rhc agrelic flu\.
The flAt llpc ol dcsig is clleil t|e (falig nrrgnet
:rte. and Lhc sccod i\ clled dre hducl rotr tlpe. The
rrialiS nragnct Llpc is rnore Nidel) usc.l m drcruii Lgni

Principles of the Rotating-Magnet

The horscshoe-shated pernanent.rdgncr \hown in Fig.
: -1 h\ r ragnelic tield thri i! lEtrcscnlcl b) nnny xrdi FIG- 8-4 Pernaeni rrqet nd f e d
i,lual palh\ ol in\,isible magetic flur. cotu].idy knosn
:i linc!".,1 flu)i. Ech of these lincs ol llu{ s1hin the
.rrgncL iLsclf e1e|ds liom the nonh folc of dre tnagel
l..l le e \ r- rlLrr r'. r'i ,o.'r. c(
:. Lhe roulh pole (rnrked irjth rh., l.tLcr S). drereby iblm
r: Ihe closed loop indicatcd in thc .lr\'irg. These ljnes of
:lgnelic llul are invisible. but thcir p.eselce caf be vcri
:'rjd b) placiig r sheet of ppcr olcr dle ma3nel x.1 sprin
.lins iroll filings on the papcr. The iror liljngs *il1 ar !ge
r:rselve\ jn definirc tosition\ alone the li.s ol llui
iilich compole rhc ragnctic {ield represenled bt thc solid FlG.8-5 Permfeni r!_et \41 llrx !5: q throgh r
:s conainin: r\!s.
MaqetoopeationalTheoy 159
Th. direcri. laker bt lhc lin.s ol llar in the llmlaed lio dnri0g ihis rolenren, and this chge in llrx lmkagcs
sofi-iron Lrr placed | .r rnagelic fi.lJ is dctcrnrnred b! rhe ircluces ,r currelrr iD the coil of ivirc ,r rh. appa\tu it.:
' .o . ''' rn , as idicae.l b\ rhc movernei ol the -e.rtvarorncLer
Fo errrrrplc. r l:i3. 8+ and 8 5 thc ctrcLrn of flo$ is
tio th. north pole t the soulh Thc dircctio. world Thc roltge rrduccd in Lhc coil of \;tu js frolorionl ro
be rc\.bcd if the oith folc rlcrc thc uptcr pole in the rh. nr if.hse t flu\ lr,t!g.-i. The llur lnrkges c bc
rllLrsrralions d rhe uth toie ilere dl loscr polc inceascct br- addjrg rnorc rurs in rhe coil ol wire o. br
ll dre perrnn.1 rSnel is n]ade
ot lnico. Pemtllo"-, .ntJ , l'-rdr;
or sore hadered ro.l. iL ca retair n l ge portlor ol rhc rlohes a 'elemcn! "!,,..' 'e
of iine nd cn b. increase{l b} r)y
nrSnetisnr indrced i il\hcn rt $s lrriSinxll) mirgrerired r: lFhur <
Since the lnmiaed iron bd is .ude of mgericall),'.'\oli ing dre speed lr1 llur.hrn3e. \her rD) i)f methods
il{nr. I does rol rclail much ofdre magnetisr sher lnag 1r incrensing thc rte of chnse of llux linkrges js rriecl
.elic hnes of Lrr ta\\ tlnorgh it. Ihi! nake! lt possible to drig an erferincr. lhe grlvanometer nocdle deflecio
change he direction ol lhc lu.s olrlux b! urxrg the mag- i clicxtes the n]agniludc ol Lhc i.duced cnnenl.
et oler !o thar rhe ordr folc olrhc mgne iD Fig. 8 -1 ad 'ther.
"lrstis roi inducedifl
be a thdn?e tlitkug?!tuttltrt'dtalt.
S 5 is t the op. inred o1 lhc boftonr. of rhe picre ds. Yoltrge m thc ..i1 ot' \l,ie il Lhc holse
shoe lgnct is heid staiolrary. rega less of the fregLh of
the ragnet or the trrber ol tuns ol wire r he coil This
Curret Induced n a Coil principle i\ aptlicd to the nagrero b.cuse rhe lLnes ol llor
,\ hoNc\h)e mxenet ca be uscd to \hx! rhat a cunet can n'lt have Ingctic path lnoLrgh lhe .ojl i. lhe tirsl plcc
be gccrlc.I or iduced, in coil o1 {irc For.le.hnstra d ther l'? ,nr . / /tott"t of.irhct tht L?il ot rh?
on prllosc\. thc coil \hould be rxdc with Lw tNs of ,r.qrr to produce the change in llur llkges. A \olragc
he!) cotpcr ojrc ad ro a glrrtnonreter, a the same prpojons could be n ooed in rhe coil ol wire
i.slrumelrt thar i.dicr.s nl iloN of cLrert b) lhe dcflc br holdirg e horseshoe rna$er rr(iorl\ end movig rhe
ir .n<e. . r'! .. l. ',,.r- , coil lhis $onld pr^i.le the relatire Dn)\rnrenr necessar\
The lines cf ilux ol rh. hoAeshoe raset pass rhrcugh. o poduce rhe chngc ol iltrx likages.
o lirk.' the turns .il llirc in the .oii $hen in the tosirion We ha\. treriously \trcct drat magnel(^ ca b. d vi.led
sho\n jlr Fi!. E-6 Whc on. ie ol tlur parse! though lnto two cl$ses: the ro(a(ing mrgne tlpe d thc j.dno
oc t!'rn ot coil. ir is cal cd o.e flu\ linkagc. lf ore li e rotor lyte. lhe !bo!c ciplD{rion of he luo rcthods ol
.f f ux paises lhro!gh li\. turns of a coil. five lhr likge\ changing Lhe flux l1lrkges ro i.duce votrg. should clxrity
rre troduced lf tt\. hrcs of fltr\ txss rhough five tLrms oI is earlici !ttement.
coil there xre 15 flL)i lit]kg.s, rn.1 so o.. $l | 'r ,-.(. .'.: rl ,: -.o
,.r.. r..l . .'. leJ..t. r'.rt .Jr 'l .pJ ..
Ir Fig I6A ifrhe horseshoe rnagDcL i. b()ught ros ard
the coil ti,r r.moLc tosirio to the fo\i(io \how j dre the nra!elic licld of lhe honeshoc or perale l
.Lrairng. Ihe .u.rbcr of lines of Lr. shich rc lrrkj.g the freviusly described.
.oil. coLrrrlh n.r.lcs drng the rn.,rio ol thc
l more tech|ical h.Srge, ihere is chgc nr llur li.k Lenz'Law
lses as rhe horresl)oc rrgnet moles to\lrrd rhe coil. nd
this lhanle nrduces \olrge in the coil oi 1\ire This voit Lcnz' ta$ can be staed in tci'rs of duced rohg. thus:
..:: ..1(. u i ..., ( .le. ...-.r 'Il_
Lo flo$,thtrmgh the circuit. .d dris'r is i.dicated br. the rk.4 iklLkotct, ahtu)s ape)1tt(t nl nrh Ll ljtdion a!
tlcllccti(r of the Sal!arrorneter ncc.ll.. o .tpot 1l tok! oi \ Lt..ir1
In Fig. 11 68 f ihe\cshoc is m)yed asay -Thc \dme bjng cn c statcd in sirpler lens: $rhen a
ti.inr lhe coil. rh. r'ltrx linkges oc.!r in thc opto\ir. dircc chrnge in llui ll.klges froduccs i !oltxge ilhich csrrblish
.lrJ\ .'. I I e r .

chnge r flux linka:es $hich pro.iuced he currenr. Lc/'

law is \cr) irporta. to operatio. of he nar\ero. rs
extlxined lirrlhcr i this te11.
I. l-ig 8-6A. $h.n the nragnet is r)ye.l nrwrd rhe
c0il. the cuerl flow\ up the Leit,hard !irc. Lhrcu-lh the
gl\anomerer, nd clo$n thc righ hnd $nc. rj \ho* bl
||.... \l.r | '::' ., .

thc .trret flo!',s up dre rishr-hrd \rn... drn gh rhe gt

yx.o'neter. ard do\. the lelt-hard sir.. N shorn ir Fis.
8 68.

Left-Hand Rule
Thc tolritI ol a gcric iicid car be de(er incd s,hen
e dircctjons of the cuner r.1 re xrdng 1r1 coil .tlc
kosD. If the $ie is grltccl sith the left hnd. aDd if the
alc.8 6 Lr.rll.Lr1ntr; mlret. ed. iirgcrs of the left had cr{c.I {nurd rhe coil in r. .lirec
'170 Chdpter 8 Recproct nq Engine qnltion and Startlng systems
rion ol (hc cuFjnl. thc thrmb will al$)s poinr nr the
rion ol lhe 1lux. or thc orrh cncl ol rhe lield. This is callcd
Ihe ltt-hand le.
lfrhe left-hnd rule is Lpplierl ro lhe crrelrt in Fig lj .
rhe fikl which rhe curcnt estrblislies opposes rhe t1'?dr
c,r chagc ol llux lirkagcs. Whilc rhc nagncl is being
moled Lrp i Fig. 8 6A. e usul lendency
tolrard the coil
is Io i,.rrr lhe flrri tlxough the con core rn the direclio
1ol1l righ o lefi ofe iliLstration, s sho$r b) the aro\v1.
However. s soon xs the fltrx stxr.; to icrcasc. a currcnt
besins to flow in the coil. lt establishes { ficld of difcctidr
iror lefr to righ!, and his field ottoses the increrse 01'
ugreic flur and lctualL) exen! a !ill mechicrl lorcc
d eDd! o push te naget awa) liom thc coil.
]n Fig. 8 68, hen dre mrgnet i! mo\ing awa,,'f)nr thc
FlG. 8-7 Fo!,p e rotai rq mqnet
.oil. the ctrnent flows up the ght hDd $,irc. thraugli lhe
S,lranorctcr, and lknv thc lcli wire. ln ccoldance
\ith thc rarcn)clol thc lcft hnd flrle. the fiekl ot the coll
' 1(r\ \. ,! hi i. J .\e rJ: ., \ tr r 'J,e, i.
nned L\!ar lio the coil. Lhe llu{ llnkages occur h lhe
opposie direcrion nd 1duce cLrren in he coil which
\ers up a nrgnetic lielcl lhr opposes he chnge, lllowjng
\. -i Lp..l.'/ .\ H"'e...':(. .ou:
dec'eaie: theretbre. the lleld of dre coil ow helfs llre nr.i:
nriic field, aiding jt in irs effofi tu of,tos. lhc changc. A
!.rall mcchanilrl tull is actally cxcilcd on thc rgncl b]
ih. coil's Lcndrg 10 rc\ist lhc fior ol the ragel $)

Ifthe .ircuir olrhe coil is ofened, no clncnl cn t].,rl in

ih. sirc hccausc rhcrc is noL cnotrgh lollage to for{"e lhe FlG. 8-8 Affn.lmet o rot nq magnet, po e shoe3, d
.urct ac()s\ Lhc gt whcrc drc *ire r Lhe cn'cuit i! bro- .ore of the .o mqeto
1i.n o. discoDcctcd. To tump the gp rcqules ligh volt-
:-ge. nd is vould nlake iL necessry' to increase greriy ]n Fig. 8-9, rotice thrr the fatig . gnct has dnted
rlre rae of chnnge of Uu lnkages. $e hale ilready dis ftonr dre toslion it had i Fig. 8 S. The neurraltosirioD of
iuised be nehods ofincreasxrg the rure of change of f trx D\ trfting nragnet is thal position where onc ol thc polc
rkages. ln ihe rimple horseshoe magDe! d \inglc coil picces ;s .etered between the pole shoes in lhc rnagclo
housing. $ shown in lrig. 8 9. Whel the otaring gnet is
!ho$n in fig. 8 6. if lhe lize of hc !oil. thc 1i7c of thc
:rsnet. ad rhe rate of nrovement of thc raget wcrc i iL\ ncunl politior. tire lllles of tlnr do rol prss thiugh
::reased, lhe l)orver required to nle the agnet rafidl.-
thc coil core because dre) are short-circuiled by rhc pole
:nough to prduce the high nte of ch{ge ol llux lnrkgcs sliocs $hcn a t\ro pole nragnet moves irto the neulral
trould bc r) grcat lhrr Lhis.lcyicc would nol be prclicl position, lhc polcs ol Llrc r{gel xre tosiioned too r'ar tiom
fh.relorc. the b sic desisn ru\r be chnged to lrolide he the pole shoe! to ailo$ llLrr to flo\ lhrNgh the coil core.
mpact. cllicicnt rrrcc ol high rcntase ].equired tr igni Notjce especiall) lhat prlmary rd secondrr" winclmgs
:rg the luel air charge ir the egnre cr-linder.
rc, shown iD e coil core xr FiS. 8 8 ard 8-9. They are
onritted o make ir easier to urdend he Sllelic aclion
Having learned rhe ction without vxrdrrgs. the readcr $,ill
Rotating Magnet lind it er\jer to nndeNtond the lunctions of the \llrxl1ngs
c\fhined lter i this ext.
ii-qurc 8 7 \ho$s r ftru pole roldrg magnet. sin lar to
rre used in sone nlodels of Bendix aircrafi ragnetos.
.. '< o lr ^,,c, l3r 'c,.!r. .\le' i '
::rfalled in lhe rgneto- pass fronr its noith tole through
:.. xirs|ace nr i1s rtrLth pole. in a irncr simihr to lhc
. tLrelre 'Lr'rl . ll l .r'{r," '
.i,r.8 -1.
l Fir. 8 8. the pole shoes rd their ertensio! are mldc
:: $ft iron laminaions cst in rhe nrngneto housing. Thc
:rrl core is rlso nrrde of soft imn lamintioDs ad is
-unt.d on top olihe tole shoe cxlcnsurs. Thelole shoes
nd Lhcir cxLcsjoDs ts. Logcrhor \!ilh dre coil core C,
a magnctic path similar to that made by the larnirated
irD br {kccpct slrcwn with the o inar\ horseshoe
.::,qnet i Fig. 8 5. Wh.n thc agncl is in ihe trosition
-:\n nr Fig.8 8. thc mxgcric palhproduces a concenrrx'
:r ol ilux iD rho corc ollhc coil. FIG.8-9 Rotatq r!net neLri' postion
Maqneto Operationa rheory 171
to Dro\,rdc conr c torgh hich lre high ten'!ion rhigi'
The.ur!e in lis 8 10 shows hor !h' flr\ ln rhe coil .nirqel cunent ea b calricti Lhe di(ribunr'
* c|^Dses \']re! lhe ingteL is lumed with no {nrL]1g\ Th_is .lcscriDlion oi Jltsreto coil does ot neccs_qily
nNe.t. Tii\ curlc l\ called Lhe static'flul curYc becxuse o l I
i. ."or.'-,t tlt. stlrio{r! or .orrlrl codnion of e cir .,r ..1 .
. ....., \, _.
rrr"t", is luired \irh no Finchrrg\ on the 'oil coil ssrnrbl,l is iliustred !r Fig S II
..r.. Ilr. 1lLLr ;i]l huikL up thrugh the coil corc il] Iirsl one
.11,.:.tio n.i ren Lhe olher. as idicte'l b) the cur\e'
I .. r\- J-| .'|.L hr4 e I r' J J Rrk. Asscmbh. The breaker alsembl) of a lnS
\\ n rl\' to. l$ ; 1\ Ihc contrct breaker' consist! of
,,. .. .t ., "..
i"" tlt. fl,* is ssic' through tlle coil i o'grelr
iftaJion .,"'-'1 ''
,," ,i" i*]t.. t. c"ne the hlle the th' tl
".*" nu^. , , ,t '
'- of lres oi llr\ in hc corc 'r ' ' le\rr'l:Ir'r Ir i\
ol -l\ pe
ii,".,r," *"'" is bel$\ the horiTorlal line, Ihe x is
brekrr poini. r-
.,"."; J^" \ '
,.-, ."'' rc 'rrb' l
rollo$t rtra.ies un rh. iLlf" ofthc br'aker caln is
,. :
i' ,",. 1,". js b]
xllachcd ftr the br.ker
p.' ll '
nr' Ler model\ of mlgnet|i halc

thc liiir i thc coil coc 1;11\ to /ero xnd this 'hown
,;", ,
rP "' e r.l rJ r " \' er
"., -,-. .t b! the wcxr occLuring
ullecic.l at Lhe tirol bcriJrgs:
.., ,,. ' r- rr i . b.'r i \
.,u., ^,.,. .r' lr"Lrh
o" ,'"-. . ' .'. ' l "P (l f -
tiol. )iore rhl thc atrNe i Fig 8 10 hs rlecp
;-r' ,, f, r ' ^ r' '"ro : shpe ! ll "
^ '1n."".L. \'''rl1 ' Ir ''9'' er'"
:, ,,
.,;. -r'.1r". 'l . ' ,., , ...' r' r' ( b1 '
rL"i. . '-,. '., ' .., . l l '
'p",f! r]clutr 'rt'i'ifer "t' "''
Primary-Circuit ComPonents
(',il \!!enrbl! r I l ' r ,( L
o''r I
,,.,., . i., ,e..,".," -prima.
a secondarv rhe pmmr) $1'l
"': "r.i"" - 'inding
;". .,"ri'ii .1, lew turns ol rsulated cop-
.-, , . ,1 "-'p"'"ti!elv
.. .-"' '
*.,.".r.",' . . r" 'e I d
ul Ito. to.;. Bakelitc. \'amished crnbri'' or
"'i " ""r.
lx\Iic. ccordirrq Lo lbc lLesigr reqtrnerets of lhe mnu'
,.' " ,-r '. 'J''' 't ' ., .'\.,eref.orI r., o LA]NAfED

r; c. .e, _
'ii * i u,' .
.,,nnecLetl in lhe crrefll circuit'
eri!nlL be)od either end or lhe
l?"r ort c,,ilcor"
..ll \sembl! r thr Lhev can bc secl1.ed lc) hc polc soe PFL[AFY AND
b,," eid of thc trirnxr) $inding is usuall) SECONL'AFY \/INDINGS
qrotrDlle.1 lo bc core nd the other is brough out t. a SEALED IN PL-CS C
i.;...r('.r".o'-!r' prlmarv coil
l'll* L".ntl""r on L. .nrl This end of the flc.8-11 Mqeto 55nb !
l. " points! xnd pro
u, LL. n,"gn.t to ih' brckcr
.,i.i,,'il. .,r- -"" li " colnection Io the ignnioFslriLch
le&i. \ore carefrlll tha whe Lhe breaker foils re
.'.,-''o'jr'r'r"(rn r';
.",;' Lo'r'( '' r' ' lr''
'' " rotatioL)
ilo\r aLLemares with lbc of re ngnc
Ore cnd ol the \econltar\ \indurg is groundeLlinsidc
."ii ""i il* tr'.' ""t i' b;'ugbt Lo the outside ol the

FlG. 8-10 Sietl. f trl.L:'re

FlG.812 OrI fF TI 01 Lre.lE'srb
'172 Chpter 8 Recip.ocatig Englne lgnitlon and sta'tinq Svstems
The brexker .or.t frinrs rr. cle.{ricll! cornecred Nere no r,indings of lhe core. As rhe rorarig magre ofhe
i.rxs nr. prinrr\ roil r) th{r Lhcre is ,r .onrplete nrSner ls t.ed. the flnl .creases l. one dlrectio and
thr)u-sh thc coil whcl] {hc poids re clo\ed x.d the cn.uir r' \1 . fr . r:r"
\ btr)ken $h rh. poinrs opcll. The n:ero i\ t nred rl the oftosie directi.. Ihe strtic flur .rNe is rhr n r\ "
. "r ' . leo r 1...r : r. ,,rnal lin. u rh rlr. {r ,!. nn th. r1.\r lrxr ll ,r
flur thtrLgh rhc oil corc ir xl x ]\inur.,\l his tinr. $ h.n prjnrr\ d lec{] rralinss rc plxccd on {he
rh.r. i\ a .rinirnur ol fl! change.
'Lt .. !, r. t..
Pdlnrt Capacitor. l)lLri-! tbe op.itidr ol {he mas- Tli\ curenl oqs dLring he trrne lhai the breaker poits lolage rd cLrrrerrr re in bo lhe frxnar) re closed. fs \hosr in rhe grfh. The dirccri. ofrh. crr
d)d lhe secon.lary $rlldmlr\ ol rh. .ojl \1l)elr tlre breaker rcft is \orh tht iL produccs r{gnclic lield, s du$n I
Fig 8 1.1. lhr ,tifrA rLe ch:Lrrge !r
toilr opel. lhere lendenc! rir th. piinrl clL1elrl lnelic llur tr
rc n.ros-\ rLe !orr1\. Thii renllts in buNiIg ol llc co|tict duced b) Ihe rolaing rignei Thi\ i\ i .rcloxlx.ce wjrh
forrs. d rhe rnle of rhe collxt\e oJ lhc licld is ledl'ced. Lenz lrv. rs e\tlxined freriosLl lhi\ .lL.r oi rhc pri
rr\ultir)S xrr wek \frk tl!r the !.conr). To ole mrry .trr!.L llo\ fftrfuccs th. l!\ultrnt thr sh0r'n dre
lhis troblelrl. prinrarr capcir)r roclerser is connected .'p.\ . . .. c e.
cross the brcLicr tolfts. Thc opelaliim oi lhe frinrar) oJiglnl dire.tiu ixbore the 7e li.c) util thc breker \ ill'trr..I in Fig.8 13. The ctx.i!.r .r- t. r poi.t\ otc Lo stop (h. llf$ ol prilrlar! c!rrenr.
nor-ee .hxnrbcr lL) rbrnb th. !!dde| rjse of \ol:. i. thc Ln)edir.l) belorc dre reker foi|s ope. ihe res!'ltnt
trirr\ coil $hcn th. brcLcr forrr\ be! n to opc. The ilnr high lo\e the zero lie while the sraric fh\ i\
prirr!{]r pr.renrs r.inS bel\ieen th. colrLct belo rhe lme Thi! liru.rtion !.rue! x high jn'!cll lhc
. I .b rd:neti. cir.nit vr rht sh. thc br.k.r toiDLs opcn. there i thc prir] coil bl dre .oll.rt.c of thc .l.ctro is n crtr.m.l] rrpid chansc nr thc llLrr trm lish in one
nastrelic firld.r.rlished Lr) trinrary.urcnt. This lield dnecdon to high nr he opfo\ie drlectlor. The efict ofnris
''cLrli he ns ofrhe frinrxl) $i.1lrg s il c]lp!ei. The rclion m\ he comfxr.d tr) r spj.g lhr is itr.Lchcd 1o ils
Inderltlfs fri.jfle (.onrrol) .lle!l lhe self-induc- ii , ,..t I .rr. JTl .r.r\....rr .=

tancc of the primar) $inding. elLc llLrl rough rhe cr'e oi rhe magne .oi1 drc
The pr]llrr\ clfc ror j\ il\]s cornecled cros. dr. lrish \oltSe in the secon.ld\ \indj.g ol lhc.oi] thrl po
d!.cs th. V&k l(r igiti r.
toiri. bur l( shate.rnd l..Iion \r\ or: different T rrgn.ri). rLe nLrnrber ol degrees ol rolIio beiween
rngrero rt).Lels lr m\ 1.. trnnnl. j.t!rre. or ol ilme .Iher
dnpe lr nr.L) he Lo.te,l i. rhe coil housr|g. m tbe brerkei rhe Ierrl poiirion rd lhe t,:,siior \her. the !orcr
hou\ .g n ith Lh. brcxl.r poiul!. or orr of ol rh. .oil f.i.ts.pef is.xLleLl tb. E-g{p trgle. u\uall\ \hofcDeclto
Bri.i! sLlc.l. ic i\ (o L,sof \elf \imtl\ tr gap, or efticiencl gap. The nnL,hciurer ol rhe
lldrrg i dre tr l circuir mrgnelo delerljres 1lrr ench nodel ho$ rrn) de.qr.c\
lpJ.' Lre!ond the feutr.r f.\ili.n i fr)lc ol thc rotor ragr)eI
"?.r To., lor .aprcitar.e \ ll fernrit rcing alld bLrt- \hotrld b. 1(, obrai lb. \lrurge\l sprk at the irrrrnt of
ing.f the bFaker foints tins \ertcn. urpur liom lhe rcrkcr poiDr s.prlLo Tlis rgulrr dis cere fror
re.o|drl. 1l rhe cirta.nrtnce j\ t(r, hjgh. lle irisnrIch \.--.'tJrc
bcrqeeu rtre coil |d lhe.i|r.iror \ill rcduce thc \.ntges nr 1r''. dependr! o the ixke d nr.del! brt i roprc
Lt.\elopeil rril rciuh in reke..d .fok. :.t{ri\. L\pc.l lr ln)lc such rs lhe one dii
.usse hcie. rhe coft.t E !p is i 1 No ce tht rhe (rrt
EIemcDts of Nt:rgnto Opration. A rfdertxdi.g \ I.,. .r, i te
rc!olution s thci rc poles
nf iheoterllo r)lxt\ficl rgrelor1l!be enhxccdb] x
srud\ of rhc s$cil .lcrrricl elemels or f.rn. l\ol\e.l \vher rhe gner hr erched the t.\irjo $hcrc the
in rt\ opr1 .n. Th. .srfhi. reDreserition i l:ig. I 11 corcl loins are uhotrt t .t.n. x l!'s\ tsl lhe
ilhr\trtes rhe str!nglbs r.d dir.ctiol\ of the ele.icl d
.utIrl fo\irion. th. irirr] currer)I is rlairainirg !he
oi.sinl li.ld j. thc.oil .ore $hLle e rget
nrsneti. f.t(r\ i r. otcrring mgero 'lhe ft.t(n\ nxli
cted the gth u. \nrr firi. l)n,rli(t r q |r dtr '.r "r r.., r. .'., i"
nd j,"ldll n, e(rhli\h .r field thi.ugh rh. coil core ir\ the ofposile
.rl, r.nr1n lIr, rtrru \olrrrt:
Thc nalic-llr)i cLLrIe ii +o$n t thc top ol e grth i. \\ . tc.1.. .. wr.. ,rerl( .I ,r I r, L " i
s hrokei lhis ;.tenrFs thc flo$ o1 1lr. prirnar) cLrrenl
,'1,1..r" an.1 cir\e. r e\r.mcl\ rpid .hngc ln Lr1 hrkges l
lickl lflrrr IIrLr!h the core .l lh..oil l!.iLrld be il there
x c\.ccdin!lr sln)f rilr)e. rhe lield efablised b) he fri
riu.) .rftnl lills ro zerc xnd is replced b) llre f eld ol tlrc
optosire !lireclion efablished br dre ma:ner 'lhls proccss
ii repllrsred h! the lnro\r \crticrl tofion ol Lh. resul-
tr.t ll!\ cuNc i. Fig I 1.1
The rcconry $indrS ol a rx3.eto c.lL con\i\G fi
n) Iurns .il tirre ire. ofie ore' L0 000. ifd o\ cr rhe
priJnry on lhe coil !ore. The larse trnrtrcr ol trrs in lbe
,"r se..ndrl \indi.S rnd thc \.r! rfi chunge in llLr\
ogerh.r riri\e hiSh rllle .fchngc 01 llui lrlgcs. rl';r.
FlG. 8 13 Or:'1.o'1r rfr..r....r ir rrr |rnduces the hi.!h rohxge in thc,c.or)drrl rrd r!
Mqneto operat ona Theory 173
90" r ao 360"


Po Nr cLosiNc= 45e




+ 244 +
+ 200 +
+ 160 +
+ !20 +
+ 80 +
+ 40 +
- 120
- 200
- 24A

FlG.8-14 C:p-. . n.,i-;t.l.1 5 rr\i: _lhlper..r

oi r!e.. r'r':r t r! se..drr .,.! i lper iterd'r arr..iori.

Th. e\nenreiy rapL ilLr\ chr.!. retre\ct\ rhe di\iip l x rx\irurn ri\ho(rirlh!. 1o\er trrl rlthe Srafh.
tion.l lhc.ner!\ rnroheil iir lh. \r.\\ lhi !\ided in dre -\ole lhltt s..on(]ulr roitle( ]00 tlnre( Srerter thn rlr
magci! ccLuI betore rhr c(rLt.t toint! ofened. The l]Lrr piirr) \o rrrres This is b..r!\. rh. \e.ordr coil hxi l
i core \ful orrll] .hx.Se s repFrenred b) l.!L l0lr rile\ is urul\ sjding' s rhe trxrl .oil.
\\'hcn nrxlner i\ !f.rrt. $iLh x c,)Drdere tath 1r
renl prr'\.n1\ thj\ rhnse rn hls lr.h th. il!\.hn{e sec.ilr\ {r.h s ,1 strfk fhg or test !xf. the
'rl ie.ondr\ rollxg. ri\e\.lr h gh eLroLrsh {o.dr\. rhe.or
The lact(n\ jlluffted br lhe.rr\c! in Fi.q. ll [. jcl] rello jLrip lh. :xp \ I s|rk. The rrl!e, nd diic.ri.n'
erif r )trlrg nrxg.ri
rcsenlxti\c ofrh. cordlrLrtrrs rhl ot the ln.l]rs oL o]r.rt orr l il mitlneto co ected ur sfrrk
uhcn th. s.c.ntlxl cilcuit Ls ofcn (hl is. trh.n rhcr. ]\ p uS, l1 rorrxll) ot.r!ii: xi crli eLrsre re shorn j
llot r conrplere .irlu t fol dr. \c.xr\ uindng Unll.r li:t j 15. \\ h.n rSncto l\ of erred orr tcir strD $ irh
Ihis.on!lition. both \erodlv urd prirnxr) roitrgc! build ote. xir sfirk gp!. th. rrhe\ rrc ' (hoirr r| Fig I15.
174 chapter 8 Rec procat ng Eng ne gn tion and start n9 systems
These \'les !rould exist 1r eighl-pole mgelo in sucldcn currcrt load placed o he coil vhen secoda cur
\hich the angulr difance rhrough shich the breaker rent str1s to flo. l he increasing "quench" oscillatioDs e
oinls rre either open or closed is 2ll". caused b) rlrc cllect of turbulece and presruc o curnt
]n Fig. E-15. [here the lagnelo is operating noma]ly i1o\ring across the sfrrk tluS gap. The resulring llux
lrn an aircral engrne. the pressrre l the c,rlnrder aftctr lhe change is dec.easirg !L Lhjs trne. and all energy is dissipa.
l;\el of secondar) \,oltge necessay Io case lhe curen to ed iusl belir.c thc brcakcr poill close o begln rhe nexl
iunrf ooss the stark phg gaf. ln rlris case. secondi'y erf
nray reach onll 5000 V before the sfrk plug fires, {..1
hen lhe !oltrge dinrinishes jn n oscillarig pruem. r\ Distrihutor. The disrributor nd rror gcar rc sho$r
iho\n r Lhc $aph. Thc iiLial oscilllionr re cluc ro the tu Fig. 8 16. Thc large .listributor gear lrhlch is diver) by

900 45" 90" i350

N )F \ ,L PE T ) o E N N T :s
)t E G N T/ H G I ! R

E: T

vl )

:D :D C E

5l il 6



5 S

NT s

oN ENGIN. [aruoseaeae)
FlG. 8-15 6rirph . represenr'tlof ol ilre - -..1r. and rrgnetlc l.tors mqneto olret n!
.. opo qo B"d opo"a
(aBouT t0 TLTFNS No r8 t4l9E)




FlG.8 16 t!l! reto r ir L tc rcror !:r ' m.!-'lc

ro.n. !1,f1 qc

th. lriller gerr llcL.J o he dri!. \hali of th. rolaurg
nrger is rsello di\t1iblle he high lcniio| \.lttgc lhe
(llllire )t .rLinilcr Lcnirr \ of thc dislribrrr block. The FlG. 8-17 H -..ler5o. fa!_eto p.nrr/ q.ion5trnem
rario bet\\ e;n th.\c ge s is rltr!s such lhlrt 1h. dirribulor
lerr el..trode iruIorl ! dri\.n nI tr. nli,qrL' .tu,rt The cnse of x mgn.Lo musi be.on(nLcl.d ol a L1o
j/r.ri !ir.. Thi( ralio ofh. gcrs errure! thc lrofer dislri
rgnei. allol. (u.h rs ahnriitr.r rll.t. !o thal ri \ill
bntior f Lh. ligh'Iension corrcrll o lhe sprk plugs in rot rflecr the nrig.cLic circLil. Ih. cs. \ulp.,rls .d f)
'r , L r.e . 1 ..- ..1..t,
3enetul. thc distribut{r' rotor. ol the 1r'pi.l xircrxlL t.l) col el! lhe opci lnrg lli\ ol !h.
tllachmerrls lr con]t l.
mgner i\ x d.rice hi itlstribuics dre hilh !ollrge cufent maunelo Io ue\enr thc cntr|ce of (rr.r, oil, or orher con
(rninrnis. \cnl\ pernrit \e.lilttiorl rd .ooLing
of rhc .1iltribrlor llocl I his roLor rn1y bc ur rhe r'onn of a Sorne rxgeti)s rc pro\ided \ jtlr a ()
frg.r. .]isk. dNr. or othcr rhpe. depenmg on be dcsign emole het 1)nr ir)side lhe.rc
ol rhe rna:.eo.rnu1.ILrrer. l
x.ldition. dre.lisuiblor As e\plded prel iousl), thc tole \hoe-q and rhc coil .(re
rotor ! !e[ .]'l mgnlos 1\' hx\c beer des:ncct ith of rhe nrgDclo re corlsru.tcri {r1 hLmlLied !.ft iron. Soli
.ither one or t\\o dji(ibui1rl: ele.uodes. \\'hen Lhere re irlr hs high pcneabilir) bilir) to cn: rxSfetir li.cs
t$ dislributing clc.trodes. lhe l.djns eleciYl| whl.1l offorcer but sill rot rei mrgn.tisr)1. For Ibis rcnm. thc
obtxrs hi:lr \ollgc lir,m lhe nrag..l!.oil sccodr! nxgnetjsm in e pole \hoe' xnd coil core c!
nke5 jrs .o.ncctio \ilh lhe .oil \c.oLldary hro!gh he rxfjdL,-!. rcqlircd i the (Ucrxlion ollhe Sn.n)
sl)rll of he nrr. shere\ the tiling electrtrl. oblains a 'lhc role shoes ind ..jl .ole re larintc.l lilli iLrs
lish ten\lon \ol(ge iror thc booder bl nrcx.s ol a colle! rion beseef the hilioLrs o iedrcc dr. elcl .f tddl
ror rifg Nornled eilher on Llr. rllionaD .11\tribrilor block rrrents shi.h dc\clop s x.e.ult.1 {h rfidly.hngnrg
or of th. io10 ilielf. ngreic r'.e\ i. lh.le p 1! l,dd\ crncl]l! ierier. \!ilh
It nrusl bc .\plnired thrt th. diribun! tilh he rrxiling the proter chrnses ir rlla-eneli. l(tce rd !enerrlc hrrt
firger xr. nd eLrdoled o. lilc rnodel lircrrli rSfes,
The ll1agnel. cmtlo\ed Lr mas.ctos e .o(irrr'nrl 'r'
mfSner)\ r\c!l on okler rr.lirl crgies. lhc erl,r \rltcms \ err' h.rd aLlor\. nrcli rs lLrico or Pcmr]]\' l hes. h\c
LrlillT.d luler ln3ren)s or high'Iensio. troofer.oils 1o pror,ed to be mu.h slrorger drn hxr.l.|cil \leel. Thc xlloys
fFrie sron: strl.ltirg errgine s1drl up. an, rh. rrrll_ are shlt.d to reet dre requir.rcrt! f lhe mS..Ll) :Lnd are
lng Liser of rhe .1isibulor f.orided d rerarde.l sprtk Io rlrgn.tjr.d b\ mens oi. \rrong elecirornagn.tic lleld 1l
tr.\cr1l lhe ensine iror kl.LJrr! llrlir: r r h.k- th. d.sign ol rhe 3nelo ro.tuires dain-s nrgrel lhe
rgncl is roured orr llirll trith s itbl. bedrrs
sL] for rotxlioLr.
'lhe distdb!Ior of lhe rxg.clo .on\irs of r rti itile
construction and other charaderstics of ol a dlrrxble diclccrnc u{Lllt ibnclred b! )l.l
Magnetos Lng. Thc mrcrial nrt'be Fomri.r. Bkelile. or !n. 01 th
l\ierir \ us.d iI dle !on\tru.tio ol confon.nLs r)rc lLerm.isellirs tix'tici. lrl an,\'e\cnl. lhc rc1i,r
are \.1r.1.J trimrlll ior thir ett'elts in the control ol nrust bc rble o nirh(n.l ligh lelnfertues tDd hig| ele.
lnrg.cti. Sr'enSrh nd dnrnbiljl)qllh resfcct l.) r'ic jtr.\scs. The hi-eh tensi.,r oLllNLl fnm rhc ilinriluio i\
m..hdicrl slre!se\ xnd hctt re lso.orsidete.L. 1)iel.cttlc fnicd drr.iugh x clr| Lrr bloclis in $hicb thc
rxterjrls LitlsLrlalorir rust be ble to pro\ide dcq!Ie hjsh lensior lexd\ f(n the strk pluss dic ruourled. ln\
iiulatior Io (irh\rnn hish \ol!e\ under ril op.rling th. di\tribnlor.! or blocks re eleetr, .s \li.h lick ut
rn, hlqlrrefii. .um.t lrm tlre r.r .l..ltude. l re di\

176 chaptr 8 Reclpocating Ensie lgnltion and start ns svstems

nibut roror afd cap or bl.,cks r lsull) coted with a dre secondary-lolLrsc currcDt cuNe l Fig. E-1.1, wh;ch is
high temperxtue ltax to frelent rnoifurc absorpLion and fiNt rbove and lhen bclow the line. indicaing lLcmatnrg
rhe lo\sibiliry oihigh volrge lenkage pollrity

Magneto Speed Dual-Magneto lgnition

l -, d l r. r'.i r. ." ri.r' An arangernent n which two.ragnetos lile a the src or
tio s!ltenr usi! a roratir1g-n1gel rrgnelo. No(icc lhc .rpproxnnIel,! Ihe sa]re tir. rhugh two sets of \pafk
c{r oD the end ofrhe nagnet shli. I is nol a corpensated t.rJ. i. ( ,u ...,
canrr Lhcrclor.. it ha\ as manl lobes a\ drere ale poles on tcm The trincitil adlanlges are llic lbllowi.g: (l) lf one
thc raget. four ir this case. The rumber of hi-sh-\,olage mrgneto or !n! pall ofone mgneto s)fcnl fuils b ofeme,
jmfulscs produced per revolutlon of he magnei h equal.
the olhcr magneto lvser will lLumsh igmlion urLil Lhc dis
drer.fore. to the nnrber of poles The nunrber of ctlinder abld s)\tci fctnnr! a-qain. 12) Tr1'o \park\. igjrig Lhc
firings fer comflee rerolution of he engi.e is equnl to F/^ miittrrc in each cylinder sil]rultreorsly t rwo dilLr
o.e hlf Lhe tr.rber of engine cylinders. I herefore. the er1l pro!idc quickcr d nrore corplete cornburion
rrio of e rrgelo sh!ft \tccd to lhrt ol thc cngic crnk rl. , r,er...1..r, ,. ,- rP r(!,:'e
\trli is equal to lhe urbcr ol cr_lmdcr\ di\idc.l br- twicc increased. -{ll cenillctcd rccipro.tig erjne! mu!t be
he urbe of poles oD rhe rotariDg niger. Tlris caD bc equifleil \rilh dnal lgrition.
ried as a iornuh in lhis rnancr: l)ual igmlion spak plugs ury bc scr to ljrc u he sa]ne
jst (\)nchrooizedl or r nightl) diflcrcDt time! (sa:
No o1 crlindcrs _ nragneo shafl speed
Seredl. !lggered igDirio is used. the tso spaks
I x no. ofpoles egine crkshali speed o.cur xl diflent lirnes. Thc stxrk tlug on the e\hausr side
ol the .f'linder lts fire! lir\t bccus. Lhe lolef fte of
For exmtl, il rhc uncompensted cr hrs li)ur lotres
btrrnrg of tlre erpanded and diluled F/,\ ri\Ltrre at this
lsince there re tour poios on rhc magDcLl and il rhc .ginc poinr iD rhc cylider n.Lkes j desirble to ha\e n
hs ll.vlide( rhen
1r lhe igiLur ti.rinS.
l2 cvlirder
I I toles =!=rl
82 Magneto Sparking Order
l hcrcnr.. tbe gneto speed rs l! Iimes the engine crak-
Almost all pislon llpc airctuft.ngines oferaie on the trin-
RerneDbcr Lhat in four snoke cyclc.nBine, each cifle of rhe foLr-soke. fi!e clcnt c\'cle. For thi! renson.
cylinder lnes oce lor ccir t\o turn\ 01 (hc crankshft. Lh., trmber of spa*s reqried lor each co.rplctc revolutjon
Thereibre. se kno\l' thal l2 c}lll]dcr englne \\i11 lirc si\ oltlrc cnglne i! eqLallo orre-half lhe n'b.r olclljders in
tires tbr each levolutlon ol rhe crankshali. Also, a rage lle cDgic. The nunrber of sparks tr.'duced bl ech rc!olr
io havxlg fol lobes on e crn will troduce four strks lion of the rotalig magnet is eqlal (o thc nunrbcr of its
for each ur of the cnr. In the rngeLo !cler discussion. polcs. Therentre. rhe rario ofthe specd aI Irhich the r)ttig
dre cnm is mounted on the erd ol rhc rrgneto shali. so $c nrgcL is drive to ihe speed of the csinc crkshaft j\
know lho rhe ragreo lrodLces lbur sparks lbr each revo- ahrlL)s o.c half thc trmher of cyllnder\ on the cDginc
Itrtjon olthe magneto shati. Then. o prodLrce the six sparks divnled b) (he nurbcr ol folcs on dre rontins n]agnet. rs
nee.led ior cch rcloltrtjon of ihe crunkshar'. the mag.cto
The numhers on the {listributor blocl sho$ thc mgnto
,\ ninc c!lindcr rudial engine reqrirc\ 4.,, sparks per rcv spffking ordc., not the firing order of the engine. Thc
ol!Lion, rnd a iour foie nrlgnet prcduces I sprrk. per rc!o dirrribtrnrr bkrck fosiion marked I is connectcd r{) rlr. no.
llior. Thc .tio ol cngie steed Lo rngnclo spcecl nrusl I cylindcr. dre dillriburor lrlock posilioIr rked : i\ con
elefhe bc,l:,11. oi 8:9 'lhc cngnrc rcqurs :16 \rrrk\ lor Dcctcd to the lecond cfl nder to be flred. lhe dis(riburor
8 r. nd thc nragncto prcduccs 16 strks nr 9 r. block positio mrked 3 is colnected to lhe lhnd ctlinclcr
to bc lircd. {nclso o.
Some dislrib!1or blocks or housjgs .li not nurnlered
Polarty or Direction of Sparks lr all high-Ieniio leads. ID thcsc .scs. dre lead \ocke lr
the ro i c]-lide is rnrked ancl thc other\ follow h order
rJ.r e,. \,l .r .r . t... I, :::r accodjng o dieclion olroLlidr.
Ior. modified 1o nabl. jr to.lcliv.r Lh. high volrgc
re.lulred lirr ignilion puTosc\ l Fig. I 1,1. thc hjgh raLc
01 chrge of lltrx link.L-ne! reprcsented by th. xlmost lclti Coming-in Speed of Magneto
cal porio ol thc rcsuhrt flx .une is r.\poDsible for the
high lolage \.\hich prochrccs the sccodr) sprk. Ftum thc To produce sparks. ihe roradr1g ragct ru bc turned r or
clrlles. clerl) dre rapicl {l!\ chnge is dor\rard. Ihe abolc a \pecifie.l rl)ln rt which \peed he rate ofchrrge in
upNard, lienatlng in declion t ech openig of ]e cor- lh.\ linkagc\ is \trffici.ll) higlr to rnilLrce the requlred pfi-
acs. Since the direcli.)n ol an induced curre Lleperds olr mrt curfcl xnd rhc rc\trll3nt high relsron otpnt This
dre directjo ol llur chge $lich produced it. rhe spalks ' ..J i \, ' ,., r1 (, nirq.i .p((d f ,le ' J!,.ro:
prodlced by the mgnelo are of lter atirg polarilihat is- lanes lor dillcrct t\pcs of nr{gnetos but averages alotrl
rhey junp one w.r ard lhen the othe.. s represented lr]' l00Io 200 rtnr.

Mqneto operat oalTheory 177

trd nr the sprk Plus ilr.ii. : .:
Magneto Safety GaP
llarelo\ ar. somctirl\ equipped \\rh sr{et} gap'.rI
,, ,L,,..',-.' I\',.r ,..'cm.'..o. 'r lgniton Wiing System
t.. ,... ,,. e .:.o *r".-d. o.e
l"li t,..i.t ",'n r,,,r.,. $hile lhe groun'led electrode i\ The to\'-tensio \dring o hish lef';f'
. -'r',< .,.
r.,r. .h,..l. 1.. ""f 'u- .J,t ...r 1r
; - *'i rrrrr t:'" lhe encinc isJrjlioLl s\tlch. lls 'ircit !x'!e' ii:''
g1 iiiJ Ir;:
;: : " $Dll b1 nreans ol c.,ncctor P1u3. h'equ''lll] ol 'f:'i:r
"".,,, t" eleclrodcs of the \park plug\' lu dcsigi. rhlclr rutdnalicalll grouns rh' mgr(\
."",,o l*np_.t".n
. . l, I " 1'r\ rhi lui L dr{!nrr tc,l
. '. .,' 'r.. "i. ' ,.,"' re,.\', 'n. . e,'. Hir'h-ren.inrr rahlt
" I l'(
,ecirtlarr l nrtling orthc nageo ",".,n.-l ,', '
\heres lo$ Lensio crble hts a ol lage cru\i
xlel! nnall crt)ls secfrr
lccioD rd i$uleiio of comp
Blast Tubes Lh.. .. I JP'
of lirctult io cool the ng'ctos' .t, -"t 'a nr ' ' rr
Blxrl nLln's arc u\ed some
,." ,,,"red hc es1e s baffling which :Jd!,r... ,,1 .,r,: ot . ,rl '
l" i"'i u,", ro
ri r.\l[t LcclLr rer L t hrgt] (rlioi
i"ll".tt,"t "lt alL dirccts iL onto thc rgneto hotring'
.1, , . . ' .
rhr\ idi.g ooljng cfie.r'\ . .: t i '' r ' ',.
o; cor,g: ncoprcre. or tlr\ric. shcth Ilist\il
ln seitral sizes. rc no\I conno bein:5 and I mm
,"*-,,1irinq is irlrccd i! the JPecil condLiit
., .n -nJn,,, ' .. i" '. , r J
si.. he nlaq.eto is a spccil lbrr ol high freqrL'11c) gen-
strLion while il ir i
':'",,' n ".,i * a ratllo tansritting
oscilla' lg11ition switch and the Primary circuit
rtt oicilltions l.e crlle'l uncontrolled
t..** ,". .o'er $idc ruge or fiequencies rhe ALI Lrnit\ 1 n ircralt i!riiion rlslcl 3rc controllecl
ii"i x
os.ilhtions ol coLertitmal idio transmrfirng naron ae irnliion ."rr:n
. ' '6'.
..rr'' " :r" r't ' J' J
t*"t ,tf,t ."tt.oll" t."quencl. For this rcas{rn tlre igi .;'^,1' "' ' '
r, ,.sLeL mr;r t'c sh ttded ' (' ' '' '|.\
r'' 1' (r''
srii"ii',e ,, , l "r (r'' rr" r'' r i., .,-' l'
.-ii,, 'ir1"* '(:'lc
"r( 'r 'oIr
rr .,, . , , .'. .-. .,' |1', . n" I- i

sni1.h is closed \ten it i! lun1ed oll. because iti

rd isition eq\ripmenr' srounded at pu{ros' is
;ii:].;;;i. "ii'"0 to
ii"* i"i".*r'. *"4 p.-i;d Ior the pu?olc of elimintiDs to sorr-circun LLe brekcr loilts of lhe magncto dnd
pLelenL coll.rpse ol thc plir) circurt required lb1 ftudrLc
n\ iniericrence 'irh radio recepjon
li rlrF hiqh tension .bles and s\it'h \\'iring of the mag --
hey tctma\ iiu,n i,, cocced ro lbc
i.,;ti,- s'"iLor' .r]]e lcrlinl is
*,,, ;;. ";.hielded t'equccics o{ Ilre nasnel(i oscill- '. cc.ic circutt L1etcell the 3n't dr Llreaker
ir,...*",-rl -i.',ri c'
'oil r'r
,;.,,'-"'" *i""r Te rec;iLing anterna oI1 ar anllanc ise
ol r r'. 1'i' r' "'i
;,,;; " '.t" r (.\ " ' .' , " " er "'"
",.. , " r': ''.,.,r. otlier tcrrinl is con'cted Io rhe acfL
'e' '<fJ' JJl '\ \e'' r ' ' r' r :J
ii,.i; l'"J.
.\i i Fig S lEA nr're rc Mo
,,' ,;ii ."' Jtc'ei re
(roi\eJ ro b' he'Lrn i the
ercund lnruclurel
,, ,, ,, '"., (J
,h"..,''l"g l**lernce ,.,.,.;.;. r'
radio re.eiver ll1 thc ail?lae' oi .. p,' o , lr' r. " - ir
. ft) lrl(rtrr.].
ln lrig.8 1SA.lhe frimar! current \\'r11o bc ilrteruft
Design of the lgniton Shielding '."i"'.i'"ct( olcr' lilce there is srill 1lath
i" "i ,-**r1 ,r, "sctl illl isnion \ritch Since the
Il:,.,.e' to prc\et dilr *_-"tt'.rt."" it "noi lrotpcd rhcl] he loDlcr pornLs
ir," ."'*.j.i'ns are fitred listl!
"'",,i e' 1r! \r' i,;;,. ,i'r.'"."" I'e o sudLlen collxfJe of tlre irrittlq coil
''* r;,'l,l nu Ll" in'luce'l rll thc se'ordrr) coil
,'. -r' . 'r...'.
-"..l --rp ", "oftle
;,,.r-.,. .''^'densatiolr rndPr" '" tr) lre th( ,Lrrk rl!s
\n' ,., : ""' J re
i..rre ru. u"nritatiu'r t,, rcrove 'o
the cono
.,,-;; ,.., qB. ' . .','
,;l" s".'"' i'.,"*l v ,l'. lrcig of rhe masneo within dre ".
.' ,,( JJ e L r'' :! of hieh lesiolr lcds 1br the igrllion sr'ete
";";, ,,: _.,. '
r" | -"
'.' :"r't rJl'r 'n:
.,.11., i,'
:,;.,^", ,; ..,'p '-" '^' c'r o 'pL r(J .',:,,,..."r, circni! '

eleclricall) conrec!'d to drc magnetu case effcct on the flilDrr!

This \herth is

fia Chapter 8 Reclprocatlng-Engine lgn tlon nd starting Svstems



FlG. 8 18 fyp c qn t o iich c r.L t rA) C '.! t, .+ po5 t on (B) f rclil n or pos lo.

h lhe Borrr posidon.loih ugneos opeae. The Rrcrr and

,,or ". '(d o. e. Jr1 sri'.u, ) (r..
.lo!r,. le r . !re.o ro
Atier he insllon of an isnition switch or afrer dre
swilch cicuil hs been reqrrrd, the ofertjo| of the circtril
mus be tesred. This can be done \,,ih an ohmmeter or a
coniinriy ief ligh. Discoec lhe P-lead froln rbe ngnc
io- and connec ir 10 one of he telt trnir. ConccL
the orher tenninal of th. telt tri to gl(Nnd {t or nc thc
enSine. Whe be igition switch is turDcd to (,!i . drc Lcsl
light lhould bur or lhe ohnnreLer should idicaLc a com
plele circuit (liltle or no esisraDce). Whcn Lhc ignirion
\\itch i! turned !o o\. thc tcst light lhorld So ort or lhe
ohnnnctcr lhould \ho$ riinitc rcsistcc (!n ofcn circuir).
r $oking rith rhc ngncLo slstern, die lechniciaLr
niusL.rlwdls kecp iL1 nind tha the rnagneo will be "hot'
when ilre P-lead ls discone.ed or rvhe there is { break i
the circu1 lerdhg to lhe igniliur switch. ll lhc stlitch cir
.Lrr 'a. et:re.l.i ,L {rJr cr' r'.r'rFr -
nal of dre nngneio be connected to g)und or hdt thc sprk
plus leads be disconnecre.l.

FlG.I 19 q to. 5tder5y/t.hes lleleyre corner/

Mota6 lqn itan s))netn:)

\'1ay siglc cguc dircrft ignitior systems employ a when atremfting o \tat n cngrc. oltc lhc engirc slllrler
dual magneto s)lter in $hich tho leli nragneto supplies the \till
no rotae the crnnkshat't fasr enough to Foducc the
elecric spark for the tot pltrgs i cach cllrnder nd the required coling in !peed of !he magneo. In thcsc
righl nrasneto fires the bottom plugs. One igrition switch is istances. n source of erternal high tensioD cuct is
nonnalll used to contr)l both nignelos. required for ;gnilion turtoses. The vious .lc\iccs uscd tbr
|-.rr', |.,r.Jrlt.a . rl".i i'" this purposc rrc cxilcd ignition boostrs o auniliary igni-
oFF. r.r.r.r. Rrcrrr. nclr,orH. hr the oFF tosirio. bodr g
res rrc gr)uDclcd and thus re inoperative. Whc th. AD igDition boorer rnt be 1ihe lorl1l of a booster
swich i\ in thc Lrir tositior. only the left mag.elo opcr ,.'.r..1i.. rrc trrr-r cr. i

tesi in the tsr.H1 fosition, ol) dre ngh m.rgnelo oferate\. supplicd lior a balery. or r vibrator qhichsupplies iter

gnition Booste6 nd Auxiliay lgnit on Units 179

riuel dircc( currc.t fiorn 0 bter direcrlv to lhe trir!r) tlug uon\iss of shell. sfr;ng. d hub. The hub is prorld
ol lhe rgcto. Aother de!ice used incresnrg lhe c.l $jh flJ$cights $trich.rblc the nsserbl] ro rcc.n
high-tesroL! rollgc o1 thc mS.eto for strt,Lrt is called n tlistr its furpoie Thesc rc illu\nred in Fig 8 20 hr \De
ranu{ls. the shell i! rclrrccl to {s the rr,, and rhc hub is

$ hcr he rlnpnlse .ouplig js j!1lLed on rhe dri\c shlt

lmpulse couplng ol thc ragneto. re shell ol lhe coutlrg mi,l berorared b\
Whcn n rnolt e.gine is starreil. he ergine nrrs o\cr roo e egr. ddve for a \ubsa|ril portion of I r s{rile the
slo\!l) 1o tcrit thc nrrsneto to operale. The irntulse cou rolaDg r{gn.t remxins sraliorar}. s shown in Fig. 8 :1.
pling insrrlled on thc drjvc sh.tfi of a narero is desisne.l while lhi! is raknrg thce, he itriLlg ir rhc couflin: is
1o gilc thc .rscnr nroment:Il] high fotntio|al steed and being i:,onld Lrp Ar thc tlint here the rusr fire-
to trcli.le a retarded spark lr fartrrg the ensine This dle i])eighrs rc r.l.!ed ) rhe actio ol rhe Llod) .o
couplin: is lfriglike rechanicrl lirkge ber'eerr rc acing e lriggcr ranrt. lhis rcdon causes rhe Jlyscighr\
c.:in. ind rrgne!. lhai lrhich ilinds Lr| turd lets go' lo roiae on rhc pi\ot foint and disergase liDr (hc jrop pi.
al tho fropci romcnt lil sfinjS dre rnaglelo shaii. dNs ,]s shoqr in Fig S :1. This rllos rhe strg to rind
suppllirg Lhe high \oltas. necessar) for igrlion The cou- lirin: the rcitins rnxgnct 1 rtid rfariDn i| the ronlrl
.lircctio This. ol conrse cus.\ th. nragneto to produce
stiong sfadi a lhe sprk tlug. r\s soo. xr lhe engine begnrs
Lo run. the flvseilhls de hcl r thc release posiiion b)
.c.trifugxl rorle (see Fig. 8 231, rDLt he rgneto lircs in
iA noi.r.r d\,aced posilid. Durig ersre siar-Lp. thc
r.tdrd ltark is prodr.ed $h. th. mSneto riliior i\ hcld
bck b) the irtnlse c!tling Doinrg normal operarion. rh.
nrpulsc.outling \pring lrolcls thc ! j the dr ci
spnrk position lf the !!r1r1g qcre to br.1li. rhe mrignero
troulcl .ontinue to rotae but \1ould b. in the retircL sprk
positloll. Th. \frk fLuls fire.L b! lhis pxrricullr nrgeto
rol.t tre lirug lte
Booster coil
\bo.rerr,il' .,.r1 , ,.. i. | ' i .t
prolld. d sho$:r of lparks lo he spark plug\ u.til the
ugnelo fit\ protey. The boosler c.iil is rsuall) .onnect
FlG. 8 20 Ccmponets c': : np! !! .!!p rs



FlG.8 21 rLi 5:.o,rp :. nir:r poston FlG.8-22 mLr! nq r:r:: rosi.
180 Chapter 8 Rec pro.atinq-Enqine qnltion and Startiq Systenrs
lnoles toward the core. the contaci poinls and the pdnury
circuit xre opened. Tjs del.Anetizes the core and pernis
c spriDg to 8i close the contct points end cornplete
the cifcuit. The rnature vibrates brck and forth mpidly.
mking rDd brc{kig lhe primry .ircuii dr long as the \olr
-. r", ,. h r' I irJ r" Lr. l'" . .1'
The use ol boo\ter coils s described here is limitecl 1lr a
1e$, older rnclfl which re still oferting. Mor irroderr
icraf eJnflol the induction librator or an impnlse cotr

lnduction Vibrator
The lunctjon of the induciion vibrtor is to supply iDier-
Npted lor! roltxge (pulsrtig clircct cuIeDr) lor lhe tnrgre-
to trimrrl coil. which duces sufticiertly hlgh voltage in
lhe secondry lor slarting. A scherntic diagran of the cir
cuiL ft)ra irducrion librtor deslgned fbr use i light
irc.lL engine magneos is sho$n in Fig. 8 25 Oblervc
rhat $4ren the slarler s\litch is closed. batlery vollage is
rpplicd to lhc vibrator coil ihrough the vibraor contact
poinls d thoLgh the reard cortac toints rll dre left nag
elo. As the coll is enelgized. the br rker pois open and
irtemrp dre cuffenl llo$', thus deenergizing ilre coil. vC.
Through spring actio thc contact poits cbsc Dd grnr
ener3ize the coil. causing thc points tu opc. Thus thc con'
FlG.8-23 npllre.o!p nq n iorNr. pos t on t.t points of the vibrtor coliuc to lak and brcak con-
tct rany tines per \ccorld. ieding an iffelfupted cuent
Lh)ugh boLh thc rai nnd relard conlaci tolrts of the lag-
d to tlle farte ssilch. Whcn thc cgire has rared, lh.
booster coil and the strter arc Do loger required: there The !ibrrnscds d nltcrutled btlerl cu]renL drough
lre. lhev cn be lurned offtogcthcr. tlic pmary wicling ol r]1e rcS'lar mgneto coit. The lng
when lolrgc lionr bttery is applied to thc boosler neto coil then acts s a atery igniiion co I and produces
coil, illrsmted in Fig. E-1.1, magnetisr is clcvetupelt in e high'tensiol imtulses. q'hich are distuibuted rhrough llre
corc until the mgnetic foce on the soft iron arnalure dislributo or. dlfributor block. and cables o the spark
mnled on lhe vibrlor overcornes dre st rg tcsnm and piugs These high-tension irpulses ae poduced during lhe
attrcls the rnaturc toira.I tle core. \\hen lhc .maLirre elirc lin1c Lhat bolh sels ol rgne(o colacr points re
opc. Whc lhc coLacl poirns rc closcd. spLs cnnot be
gelrerated. Although the vibno corirues to send inter-
upted currerl im!Llses lhrough rhe lllagneio contact
poinrs. the iterrupied current will uow thnrugh the cotact
toiDls to g( rd. This is thc trth oi lcar r.sifncc lr lhe
A .i.cuiL lor n indction !ibrtor s nscd wilh a
..{ ...r" |(,r...,..r ., ct I-t.r.. r n.grroigr i-
Lion is sho\! nr Fig. E 26A. Thi\ circuil applies Io one





8-24 Bo.sier..i s.heml.

= r=-

FIG, 8-25 lndLrct on v btor c r.Lr t lo qn rcrlt errq e

lgnitlon Boosters and Aux liry lgnit on Units 181

si.rihr.ircult \ \i1h echused \\')en the i!irilrll swilch is ill th. 1)\ ponon n: :::
erlje o.l\.
e,:,e sa,rerls cnrcd. lc.urent lrom rlre Lra(c') i'
trur 11'1 L1e

.r ,"lLie"q",e i4rltre The idLrcrir \illralor is ie;L throush lhe coil of a relrr- $bi.h is orll\ ole Th'
ergize.t "LLdr rhe .re circiL \thich erergize! lhe sur_
irq \'olenoid rr is thu. ecrgized or r dLuing rhc ti le tht ttcrv cuire cruses tlrc rel) foi(\ lo close thus corn-
crLrsi-q Lhe \ibl
rlri engLfe' re *Ltg 'Lrte,L tlerirg lhe cLrctiL Io lh. \'ii'rllnr coil nil


: {fi-l--.,
= -.-" - -


r- -d
r _t_





8-26 aon 'r- qf i. 5h!T er r tprk5 |!'t cr r b'ior c t iA Al ;!vI'es 'l! ' r-
lli ',"-';" '"1 ,ii:i..',i',':"'po'o" '!
i ad''e br::Kr ront!p LDrletrc be'!e
::;;;:..; ii: !;;,'.; ;" !a5r to ;.,i8 oir: o. rr-"r./j'e'oinendr'l
182 chapter 8 Reciproct ng Engine gnitlon ancl 5trlig svstms

FlG.8 27 Copone1sofhgh-tensof !ftosystenrlorlqhircltenqe:(l)mgeto

s'mby. (l)comb nat on nrrtch, d (4) v b|a lTeledJ,ne Cannn-".tal)
rZ) h.rnes5

tor nr prodocc a rpidl,\, irrlel'lupted current ltlLl!!ing dircct nnd \Lartcr $viLch. nd a hamcss asscmbly Thc\c part! !rc
curcnr). Thi\ car be seel l Fi:. 8
268. ln l:ig. 8 26C. Lhe illufraLcd i Fig. 8 21. This jllusrrrio \h)w\ rhc compo
.nsie has rdfanced 1ar enough ro open drc rd\Dccd sct ol ncLs ol thc systcm ssociLcd ith thc ContiDcnlal igitior
breaker poins, bu the retrd conrct points aij rill closed. series 5-200 magnel.,. Ho\ever, il is qirile limilr 1o orher
prelentig llow of the itenuprecl curcnt through the pri- Coninental igniion slsiems. and lhe pircitles arc ihe
ury nllr-qneto irjndnrg As thc cngic contlnnes to tun. ai
abol op cenier {l_C) enginc position. the relard co|Iact
poins open. as sho\lD in l'ig. 8 26D.
The lapidl) inreutred curet tn)ducc b] rhe viblato
i\ sent through the trirnarl !!indi.g of thc nagcto coil.
This ticti.n can be seen i Fig 8 26D. The paih rough
dre trimary rindjng i\ nos rhe easie\t ard onl,r'palh o
Thc S 100 is complctcly sclf conlincd uni(
g()und. B) inducridr. higlr \,oltage is created in rhe sec corporaling a t\!o pole rolting rngct. coil unit con
Ialning the primary md secordart windings. a disibulor
ondar] windrg ol Lhc mgelo coil. and his high roltage
assernblt. mair breaker poi s, relard breaker points. lwo-
troduccs high lcsio spdks hich ae deli'ered to tlre . . a. . l a l 1 , .pr ol .. . .1u"" .
r1 o'
ip{rk plugs thro!gh tlrc magncto disributur block elec "be
tions. d olhcr coitocLs ncccssary lbr asscrly.
".. Irf r'.r r. rl. r e ' :. re.o coll . I.r,r'
Tl'. r..,,ir ,I ' b:I\., J.
Thi\ trocess is rcpeatecl erch tirne dre magneb contci locaed aI lhe breakcr end rd thc othcr at c dri\c cncl. .\
t\ o-lobe cal]l is secued o the breake end of rhe lolaling
loiDts ale separted, because the intern$e.l curct oce
nore floivs rorgh the pdnrary of drc rn{gnelo coil. The r.d- r(l I r 'r. ... rr.oe r..J! .e'o he r rJ.' ! . r.: <l
rclion contlnues unil the egre is firjg bccrse ofregxlar tums l! limes engine speed. rhus. six lparks re produ.e.1
nagneto sparks. and the ensre ltxtcr js released. As can through 720' of engine nf{tion lhil is, : r of the crnk
be seen in Flg. E-26B. he ignltio swiLch 1(] lhe right lR) shaft. four cylinder maSnet{r. the (fxtng mSet tus
I {
ragnetois closed dndrg siar'ing 1o prcrcnl liring of the at engine s|eed. thu! prcducing four sfarks throush I r oi
nshl mgneo. This is done to elinrnr{tc thc possibility of
e 3h n lcre o l r.,: r r. l\' As me!ioned previou!1y, the dunl br.!kcr nragncto
{ l:.1 \. e .ror\ u.per re ,orJ ico{nnatcs r.ctard brcakcr. This brcakcr is actuarcd b}
cally whc lhe eginc igDilio s\rilch is lumed 1o the o\ tlic sdme cam as Lhe rnai brealcr ad is positioed so lhl
positio and lhe slarler i\ cDgagccl The vibrator lilop! whc its colcls opc r predcicmrincd nurnber of degrccs fter
rhe stacr i\ discDggccl, as seen in Fjg. 8 26E. rvhich is the main breaker co|acts oper. A baleqJ operated rtrl-
the Doalcgme rtrni.g posilion. ig libralor used with thls rgreto provldes ret ed igri
lio lor rartig. regardless of engnre cranking speed. The
rcrardcd igDition i! in llrc fn of a sho\cr of starks
inslcad of a snrglc spdrk likc Llrt pro.tuccct by a imtulsc
coupling. Rcmcnbcr rhat the slow crnkiig s|cccl ol n
egine dxrig st ting makes i ecessall' Io reiard ignition
Io preven kickback. ,\1 ltafin: sfeed. if .rd\'.rnced igni
tior is supplied. the full rbrce of the-l conrbusrion sill be
deleloped before the piston reaches DC {top dead cen
Geheral Description rer) and ihe fisto will be d ren b{ck.low the cylinder.
\ tlpic.rl igili.Jn sysem lr light aircraft engine consisrs thns rotatin: the crankshlt i reverse ol lhe ormxl direc
1.._ c :\r I. J.,,,.\:r ".r'..,i

contjnenta lqnition H qh Tension Msneto syetem for L ght-A rcrfi Eng ne 183

sinsle-brcker eielo (righI m!gnet.) is ro longe'
Operaton of the System groiLrrletl; therehrre. troLh l]rlgr\eto\ re fiiurg if the full
'lh. .Deration of thc S 2ll0 mqneto svstcrn cx be uder
stood studIig Fig. 8 28 hr this cncuil rhe ltdrllrrg
br_ ^,r 1.eJ l_b r..
uiraoi,rn iictucs oth a ribrator and a control relal' I
fl.," I. iunirion.rrch ' r., '. c^e
. ,, .ll..l , .Le . Jrd "r',' P ln-d t ' J \\ e rre
ih. ".rt",i..1"1 grounds the righl agncro durirs ihe .lr...r llJ r . r.l r'!" -r'' ' d
rirne thl thc ste stilch i\ tumcd on thus pe\enmg an o ,. "r. . 'l
p"o or''l P'- liLrrLor L2 lo both m{geto brexkcr foits rd rhe 1l,
"l lr.i L or .("1 .;' ccr
'lr ' '" 'rol ' ' r r, "(a . ' \"
"'. r.',..
i. uscrt rilth r sraarlarrl ignition s$itch T|e cleclrical oper' "n,nb',.' 'o' nr lhc diagr '
Lioi ol his srich .n be -qee ir Fig 8 lt ln the dia lie. Ihe! wiU nor be in the rositior iho$
rd\n'c lning posi
gi",;, ,ll ,h" *'i,.1* contncL loints ar lb'wlr in their whe; Lhe ensine rcx.hes it! ornrl
n,'L P 'o ""a , ", ,,,, '..,, DrIr r, e \'. '. b
\,n i...t-na J -r ,ro, r' I Irr " r"l I | , r" ,., r'h 'e,,J
.,..," , r.l I' cJ!' rrr'' ' oil 'l hrek.r. rrhich does no! open uii lhc \I.ulirrg r'rrd po\i_
.","-." II:.(-r -r-J. ,.. c,,. .'' lion ol the o cif. is rcchecl. $h'n lhe retrd breakc
.',. . P.. o' R:. lR rel. \''r c R1 oes. he ribirr curcnl flos lhroLr3h the frnnry ol
,r1 I P c' r^ o rl ae ,oncro coil Tl. rhus lLt'.in.s high loltge '$ cxpltincd
iit'. uri"i t"lns-l,oced0rell' Barte) currenL flows oreiiouslr. Thrs rrnLage p(\ i.l.\ ihe rclard slark nece\\r)
i"" ,'r, -! contir ill ribrtor points Vl ad coij L2 lr ioniti;n util thc rqine \pccd fickr uf I]d dre stc'
rie th,u':h rhe retrd beakcr of Lhe lcll mtgre() ro s$iili ; relcase,l The .olbrjon srjch aul!Ilcrll)
qr,,"n, tro"e[ rh" .cta] comact R2. rd through the i returns n) LIS Bor trj.silion. thx! remorirg thc farling
'., t., The tlos ol cuet Lhrough coil L2 ribrtor and slairer sol.n.iid liom ihc circuit Astud] ofthe
e. nr.le ',i,r". c r.r.t i,...1 ',!
'. i,.-, \sir.h.Lisrnr will als n(r'thl he sltch circuiLs of
\ l.,.r,r-n. l.e'br ''r .'.<-I er'' d cl hoLh rrrg etos re ungroudedi therefore holh trgneos
bolh set\
cunrt rhns fro{luccclli crled to grcu|d Lhrough will be frn8.
-- roints in Lhe lefi magneto' coinllio \ lch trsed $ilh I rgr'ro svstcnr hs
il.' rri. ..o"l cs it;rtorrll ad\nc r'lrlrrg losi file n.sjliolr! nd i! act ured bv cither n s$itch 'r a ker"
tnn. ihc mtm"ngu*
brerkeL oens llow'ver. Lhe crLrer is siill 'lhe ilvc poslrlons arc: (l) o.F borh nrgneros 3rcurded
.riecl to !r,rud lhrough llrc retard brcker' {trich doej ntl noL operli|gl (l) R ri-QhL mxsnco oper'Iting lell
uiiuo.n uitit r..o,Linr ren1nl Posirit'lof Llre 'ngiJre is nto off: (31 leti ol)erldg rlghl 'ngel{l
,"..1t.. Wrt." Lhe rcLarrfbreaker opers (!hc min breaker off: (ll Foflr-both m!ener(\ operrirg: tl (5) -
,r','.,' qo l r"Irl l r\ stutar soleDoiLl operaig ai.1 tibrxtor encrgiTc'l cxrLshg
,. ,,"' -1 rJrr' o P l"..:1 :la 'lL' a inLernitLcrt curen o llo{ tl1fou-qh dle rclrd breker or
'.,',""""-, co| 'l . 'e |i-l the leli nrxsreo $hjl. the right mgne() is gnrded to
; ., . '.iL.. ' I (.'' l- r' rr' rr '. re p o,-.:nr rd :.<.
, 'o \n.\ " . ,, ', ..' ''' ,, '.1 |'
.,", .', ^,.".-'. I rc pl : th;s posilior. \Vhen fr. siliLch is rclersecl it aul'imicall_!
"|^.,.| r''- pir oftr llosiri.m
" r..r.uc
.,.. l -'l rclers to lhe
. "..^. t, ..'-e .1 trilh flo$-
\ hr "- Lhe . r: I Fi!. 8 29. 1. ,"getnt .rre
wh,: nr en!:ine fircs nd begnrs !o pick ut 'pced the ' o 'L- ' -r: I rj
(tacr stiLch i;released. thus d'eLrergizing rely coil Ll ne-: r,...'..t . ' f e

ad .'rLrse rore LpjJ colltse of rlre mgelic lield \hen

.,lt sLaner Letar Li. This ofc s the vibrator cir'uit and lhe
,"".t reakeL ii'.ult. tl'us iende ng th ioperlile The

orr for Ccnt entd q t on S 20C FlG. 8-29 q t o ls:rm ur rl' .omb i or :lrter qr t c
FlG. 8-28 arr.Lri o
r.gnetos!!t:r iTeledlne aantln"nial) swtch

184 chapter8 ReciprocatingEngnelgnitonandStartingsvstems

dre brenker poinls open cluring nomral oper.riron ,{ capci L Inlrall the tiriDg kit as shown in Fig. 8 -ll. ad tlacc
,r ., .J.,, ..,., t.: ,.r.. rotro- thc foiner in rhe rerc f(xition. Il rhe nrladure's ri]n
J' r,l: ?r l- r. L p .1,. .,. p rc.I nrg kit is ro a\ilblc a subsrirue ca bc fabricred b\
ret !ibrakn curret. J c.r" .e , ri. I (. .r re-

l. Connecl a !ritabl riring lighi acro\\ the nain

Continental lgton lnternal Magneto bleaker points, ad Lrr the rcner in iis normrl dircctior
Timing ofoaion l0' s irdicnted by lhe poinlDr. This is rhe E Sal
As extlained rn the ger.l cliscu\\idr ol rnrgnen)s. every posirjolr. Thc rain breker poinrs should be adjusled ro
magelo nntsl be inlernally tirnecl 10 producc a strk for
.1. i'm the rotIir raget untul the crn li)llower is
igDitio l a preclse instanl. Frrhc.noro. the nragnetu a
breaker poinrs mus be rirncii ro opcn $hcD Lhc
Lhc igh lhe cam lohe. rd measxre thc clearance
bctween dle breaker points. Ihis clearalce n)usr I'c 0.01E 1
magnetlc liekl slress crisrs i thc!it. This
0.006 i 10.16 t 0.15 r1. If the breker-poinr clcrance i!
point is called the E ga!, or cllicioDcy grp, r.d it is mei
.iured n degrees past lhe rellrl fosillon of lhe nrignet not $,ihi these li is, lhc toints nrust be adiuslccl for cor
lhc mdgncto didributor musl be lireLl Io deli\er the l)igh recl sctLrng. lt q'ill ther bc nccess{rv to recheck ad rc
r.sio curct to 1e poper on]e reninal of the didribu- .]just lhe tjmig for breake opennrs. lf lhe breaker poinrs
ror block. Thc iernl iming procedure lnies sornewhrl cannol be adrultd to .pe a lhe corcc |re, the) should
lbr diflrnl 1\pes of nragneiosj however.lhe prircitles are
Ihe same 1r e\ crr. case. On dual-breker magctos (hose h\nrg rct.fd break
Difribrro tinring j! u!ually acconplished while the ersl. dre rerd brcal.r is xdjusted lc) opcn I frcdeternlred
nagneto ls being asscmhlcd. fjgrLre 8 30 sho$s the rach- Dumber of degrecs lrcr the nrxin breakcr opcs, sibin +2
ing of the chrnlrecl td)th on the distributor dile gea lo 0'. 'lhe amourt of rcrrd in desrees 1r {Dr picular
\!ith the mrted tooth o Llrc drivcn gcar. In this illusra agclo js siamped or rl)e bouonr of he beakd co]pft
rio. the mrgneo is being rssrnblcd lirr ighr hDd (clock
-lhe . . r rr ( rerJrL o. f. i, ., (..1.. i I ..
sisel rnati(r. direcio of roraioll refers ro rhc dircc sy Io add drc degrees of nrlic{red in e breker
rion iI which rhe ngnet shrti rottes. fcing lhc dri\c cnil. comprlmcL to rhe redirlg of c Liinrg pointeL $hen e
\\'hcn drc teeh of he Seas are mLrcled ns sl w. rhc di; uir brekcr toinl! xre opening. For clirple. if the rnrir
r.ibutor will be i
rbe conc tosition lrilh rc\pcct nr thc breker toiA o|en s'hen he timmg lojLcr i.. a l0'ard
rf{tiDg lgnet and breaker poirns at ll lLncs. Thc large the required rctrd ls 30''. the 30'shotrld bc added o 10'
ilistribuL(n ger {lso has a marked ooh. which cn bc The oaliig Drgct should thus be tumcd utjl the iimins
obreed through thc tinrjS wiJr.Low on top of e case to indicatol rcds.t0'. The retnd breker ponfs sho d be
indicae whe the dirribr(or is in po! iof for i-1ring the ro. adttrsted ro open l rhis tiDe.
I cr'linder This nmd is noL sufficicndv rccure lbr timing If 1 engre ir desiglecl Lr ignirion 20' BTC (before
f r,r .r l' h". P. F.lto tr)p c.nter) under normLl otcrdting condiions. rhc iclar.l
iio of the distbuor rd tullig rnxgneL ftr iming !o he ignitidr lhoukL be set t lexf :0' laer than the nor.rl ;sni
lior. At drii tjme the pillo is close enough lo TDC rhat ir
Ihe folloirig feps nre trkc to chcck and ldjust lhe is no likel\ 10 kick bck whcn iSnjtio occur!.
iiming of the breike poiIs lor lh. S 200 mrgn). which
do.s Dot h!e tiDring mnrks i {he brerkcr conpart.rcDi:

L Renlolc the timjg i\pecion plug fronl the rop 01

rhe mglreto. Tum lho rottlg m.r:net in it! norrnal direc-
rion of rotario trLil thc priied. chamfered loorh on the
Ji\lribulor Scd is apfro\inr{tel}'. i the cenrer of e tuspec-
rion $,indo$. Thc tun the nragnet back a feu degrees
'rl .,; lf, t i , HF., F r'r..ere..
rt .t .rri,r- rrr .t.^.rrul





FIG. 8-30 Nlat.h nq mrk5 o ger lor .iir,DLrior : m .1 FlG. 8-31 :n to fd u5e of t m g :i t

Cont nenta lgnition H gh Tens on Mseto System for Ljght Aircaft Eng ne 185
Timing for Magneto with "Cast-in" gf po\iliono1 lh. rorxlirlg ]agne. Thls losiion i\ rdical-

Timing Marks ed when lhe rrk or the calrl is rl]igned (ith he mrrk al
Ihe lop ole breker housirr.
Soe modcls ol Lhc S-200 mgneto ad othcr Conlientl
ignidon.rgD.r(x such xs dre S-tlll0 hlrc linlirg marks
ca( in dre brckcr cornptmen. These . rk\ re ilhrlt- Engine Tirin9 Reference Marks
ed i lrig. 3 :l:. On each side of the brcker colnprtnert.
Itfost reciprocrling enginei ha'e tinirg refercnc mrks
iring mnrks nrdicle E gap tositio d vadous degrees Irullt ito the en:ine On n.ginc rhich hr! o Propeller
of rc(arcl breaker iring. Thc marlj on lhe leit hd redncio 8ear. the tinring rdk {ill norl]]all} be on he
vic\cd fioLn te brerker .omfu tter. are l'.n cl)ck$isc
r)radrg magnelos. nd . rrl\ oir the rghl r'e trofeiler flnge cdgc. xs shosn in Fig 8 33. The TC rrt
*rpcd o thc .dgc sill ligr $ith the crankcale sdit lie
l(r co urterclock( i!e nfrtrg mgr)etos The fatjon o l dre whcn th. no. I fi\ton is TDC Other llage marks indj
gnelo i\ delernined b) lic$jng lhe uglrto ioDr the .e degr..! BTC. Tiring nrar'lis. also disflaled o. dre
st{r1cr rrg gcar. u ligred $lth a sJrull hole lo.ted on
Thc poir in rhe .enter of drc E gF boss. sho\ dL E n] Lir. top lcc ol e rlrl,ler houling. N sh.w r FiS. 8 3.1.
Lhc dras'ig. idi.te\ thc crlcl E-gaf to\ition il lhe irrdi_
cator i! first sct io zero $ilh re maget l the reulral posi
1on. Thc wi.lth ol e boss on eitlrer rid. !l lhe poinl k the
a1loablc Lolcrrnce oi 1.1'. ln ddlrio to ese rnark!. 1h.
cnm hs an inderled liLre icross its.n.l 1r locatius rhe E

/\\0 TMNG

t0 :10
-r?./ 41 1^


FIG-8 32 Tnnqmls brelr.rflprtre.

flc. 8-34 Enq " t . 'lq r.G on s.rier r q

FlG.8-35 p"o " I o

FlG. 8-33 P'cpe :' I n.te t m ..r mrkt

186 chpter 8 Rec proctinq-En.rlne qnition and stat ng Systems

O sonre engics. thcrc dc ctcgree urklngs on tbe pro of )tation utjl he pni1ed chamfered tooth on the disirib
peller redction drilc gcar. r! slro{,r in Fig. E 35. To timc ut(n gcr is appmximtcly nr re cemer of the vindow, a!
thesc cDgincs. thc plug lro\'ided or lhe exterior of thc !r Fig. 8 17. Thc rgDcto is no$,in the corcci E gap posi
reduction gcxr housmg rusl be i:rnoved to vies,lhe timiDg tion firr firg the no. I cylindcr.
lrlark!. On other cngincs. thc timirg marks .rre on c.Dk 2. Tum llrc engine lo rhc no. I cllicter full dvace lir
shafl unge nd cn bc ricBed bl relnolig a plug fror mg tosirion (conrprcssio sttukc) wirh the rsc oi strirble
rbe crd.kcase. In e!er] care. Ihe engjne mnufacLtrreis pislon-tosition indicrtor or a lirig disk nd TC indicalor.
inslrucLioDs gi\e the location of brLil! in timig relelence 3. hsiall the magreto on he e|gine- and ighen the
.roLnr n:bo r.r P,r . 'drc,:-re. i'p..,i.1
Sone older engines do not hile brill in ming marl<s. but loosely enough thxt it cr be rotiled.
'l e'.c po r ., f h(t'.. " '. I Lr'ee.. r(.1:. 4. Connect the timiDg ljghL to thc nagDcLO switch tcmri
l."rrJbjr :rr.)p ol o or'oo rJl .. !rl.f . r"'l\- ! n,.\lo,
Wen a direc cuncnL (dc) coDriDuiLt light is usecl lor
checking breaker pon opcniDg tirc, thc pnir) lead lim
the coil shoukl bc clisconnecled iron1 lhe brcaker poinrs.
Timing Lights This will prclent ihe flow of cunn lol1l lhe baftery in dre
teste lhrough the pdnar) winding.
shich he ragneto points opcn. Se!eral ypes of timing 5. lf the tinig ligh is ou. roae he magreto houiig
in ihe diecion of its nagnet roaon a feN degree! beyond
lighrs are in common nse to. ). In sone, $o lighs go oli
the pojnt where rhe light come! on. Ihen slowly tu r thc
shen e point! ol)en: other lighLs work jusi the olfosjrc
nd light up $'e ihe poinrs oper. Slill oer tining lighrs
|d!,( ,1 le ofp^.r c di (.ri.r ' rr:r lF lr! rj . ^
|tilize an audibte ligal. With rhe \ride lariet) of liming our. Secure e magneto 1o the engine in his tosiion" by
ighenig he rnounllng bolts. Recheck lhe tinin: of he
devices in use tod\'. it i\ rcrv ittofant dt the techiciaD
be fmilir wirh rhe inrructions for dre typc bcnrg used. breaker points by runiDg rhe engine i reverc nd thcn
rotatine il forward until thc Iight gocs out. Thc lighl shoukl
lwo L)pcs of iimirg iighs re illustfuLcd Fig. 8 36.
go out $cn the egnrc rcchci thc adrarcc l ing position
Thje lres core oLr of the tot of thc ti ing-llghl box.
as sho$,n on the liming disk.
Thcre re also t$'o lights o the tioL iace ofthe unit and
6. Rerole ihe riringlight colrnecon, and irstall the
a lwiLch to trn the uni on and olt To use lhe tiring light.
swiLch wne (P lad) colnecdon Io lhe s$itch terminal of
lhe cctcr lecl. mrked ground lexd," is connected o the
case of drc magneto being tered The oLhcf leads are con'
DecLcd lo lhe pilna[ leads of the brcaker-toinl assembly
ol lhe gneos being tired. Wilh lhe leads comecled nr WARNING l is osi irnpofanl lo nole thnt the magnet{)
is ir) lhe't$itch or' condition whenever lhe P ied wi! i\
rhls ]tlaner. oe can casil) deterrnire whelher the poits
disconnected. lt i! rhereforc ecelsarl to disconcct thc
are open or cl(^cd bv lurning olr ihe swit.h aD.l obsor\.D]g
spark plug wires whe tiirg lh. magcto to thc cgiel
otheNise, he engine.ould fire and causc intury to pcrso
Before the rngncto is il1salled on dre egic, chcck hat
i hs lhc conecl direclio| olroaion. lhcn proceed r fbl-

lnstallation of High-Tension Harness

Timing the Cotnental lgnition 5-200 The high Lensior sptd tlug lealls arc iccLrred to the proper
Magneto to the Engine ourlels in lhc ragnero by mears of dre ,ig-l.rrl/r llt
l. Rrnore lhe illnhg ispecljon irlug lioln he op of l1r nd a rubbe {,1rrrl or /,r;l 1d.1. The lhjeld
rhc nagDeLo. nd urLr he rnage!. in thc orml diection

FlG. 8-36 Tm nq !l-- FlG. 8-37 Mgeto tim nq mr[5

coniinental gn tion H gh-Tens on Magneto Syfem for Light air.rft Eng ne 147
ig ol (hc cbl.\ i\ s.clrcd i (hc orrlcr ple bl nears of cable i5 illushalcd n Fjg. 8 19. In dris nrethod. the qircs
icrulc. \lee!e. rnd c.{rtlirg n!I The lelL-Lle ad sleeve are are cLri otl erer\ silh thc nAulxLion. fd ther the cable is
crinrped on he elrd of lhe shleldirg to lbmr felr1ranel hse ed iffo the groniet. A icral !cre$ is Lrsed
coutlrg il(tillg \rith nasher I holcl the cbles n pla... Thc \crcris pene
Thc high t.sio cable-\ rre iuseaed lhroxgh rlre ourler trate the errds oi lhe slr.rded .optci cxbl. n.l form
tldL. rnd il]lo (h. gromcr li.r Ihe irsulrion h\ been threxd\. Tbe sce$s rusl rol be llmcd t\r tight. or else
rripped boul] r l1l.l nnnl back f'onr the ed of th. thcl rill \trill
\rire The are $ire,i rre e\lended th(m:h lhc g1)rnrct ancl N{crhod, loi \c.trring jgnjrior lead\ m distribLtor caps
secLred br' slnrll bras! sash.r.3\ \ho\n i Fis. I lS ncl lirr llchiDg stark fltrg Lcnnilrl! are delcrihed rr1
Another tble .r.thoJ for sccuriDg cofper high-lerl\ mirlernce Luuurls 1r specilic rgnctos. I. ll .ses.
foll.iw he Lnan!laclrcis ir(ructirnr.
Dr.,! er ,\.o, 1 ,91 c . i,,..i ...
lr2 hDl 112 1N SrRlP END OF lial tu |ole IhI e high-Ien\iol led\ rc in\rll.d i. th.
oulle plate l the order of egtue firillg. The orcter ol rlg
neto llrjng lor ditierenr inagrelos is -\lroun nr Fis.8 -10i
howe\er. the stnrk flus lead! mrr not be corlrected iD lhe
srm. frdei. Sice the firing order of a r)p crl ..i\-c)linder
oUn)\cLI .ginc is I ,1 5 I I 6. the nragneto oullets nNsl be
con.ccrcd to spark plug lcds \ \hown in Fig. 3 .11.
In Lhc fr{crir. ofconnc.ring the lerds for dual ma3neto
s)SlcnL. th. rishr nrxger. firc! the tof spnrk irhgs olr the
ght hand \ide of the ensie nd lhe bolorn ipa* tlxgs l:,rl
'J "::,' rc
Lrecled 1o lirc thc tof sfrrk fltrg\ o the lett iide ofthe
ergine ar)d e Lloltor sprk plugs on thc rjght \ide of the
engrne ,\ circl]rl diagrrrn lor thi\ erg.mcnt i\ sho!!n in
PLACE WASHER OVER l- ig. 8 .12.

Maintenance of the Contnental lgniton

IryFAP \]IR E STFANDS ]N S-200 Mgneto
1r ii reconmerded lhl S 20{) rnrgncLos bc in\p.ctcd xfter
rhe fil\r 15 h oloferr| rd e\er! 50 h thcrcltcr. A tlpj
cl f\pecii,rlt ad check are peirr'rned s fllow\:

I Renrore dre scre(s rhlch h.rld e brerker co\cr Dd

loo'e. the.oref iutijcjeftl! io allr renr.Nl oI the lc.l
thr !h cfrciror nnil retrrIL ied termrals lronr thc brck


S4LN S4F ] 56 LN

FlG.8-38 4.r!.t rg l9lr !5 i! the r.!1. FlG. 8-40 lglto f. r! o:der


FIB[LY INTO SOCKET OF CRO]T]ET Ntagnelo Oullel Spak-l'lug Lcad
l 1

l 5

FlG. 8-39 L.l5e o' r. e!.r! l :t.. i._.r .. rpe I gh-.!5 on FlG. 8 41 t\.:,reto oLrt e.r rtr ro :!p..1 q !prk Lr!-
eds'o. sr{! der e9 fe

188 Chapter 8 Reciproct ng-Eng ne lgnit on ancl Start ng Syrems

:6 a igniLi(lr swilch. The D 3000 mgneto is idelricl ro ihc
5i D-100{) scrics with the excepiion ol:r le\ structual
3.- - 't4

L. ..2 Magneto
The dual ragnelo cosisrs ol a single dr'eshali and otat-
ing macre tha supplies lhe rasncric flu\ for two electrj
. lt irdeten.l(n ,!n|r . ! r L,.l r. 1r r . r.. r

icludes pole shoes. primar) inding. secondr! wn nrg.

pnrry c{p.rcitor. breaker poins. and disribxtor. Figurc
E .+l is r pholograph of a D 3000 series nagneto sho$,irg
Lhc b:ock and bearing assembly. Thls system utllizes eilher
fatiDg !;brator or imPrLlse couplrg o provide dequaie
slartig igition.
Thc D 3000 scries m{geto equitted wilh x siarting
\,ibrIo. has lwo scprrLe brc.tkcr .{ms mounted on the
same shali. Th lowcr cr oferaLc\ the min breal(er poins
FlG.8-42 Wir ng d aq'arn for a h gh ten5on md!eto syfer tr both magnelo circuits. while thc trf|cr car opcrale! the
on !x cylnder opposed eg e. leti magnelo rctarLl brcakcr d the t{chometer breaker.
The lachonctcr bre{ker prolides electric imtulses to ope-
ers. The teed through capaciror and retard lcldswill rcmau ale the ol-tchorneler thxr rtiliTes such inrpulses lr
i the breaker cover when the cover is rrcvccl from thc pm indictio. Ii Lhc ryldnc js eqlLipped wih ;ury other
,vpe of acho eler, thc lachonrctcr is o! used. The
I F . ', b, 1,.r. ,... porr o-e.,,. i'r rachoneie breaker is loctecl abo\e thc ight nraiD brcker.
$ear orbu ing Poi s *hiclr ha|e deep tns or ericessivel) nd he rerard breaker is role lhe lcli n nr brcaker. On
bumed areas shoulct be di\cxrded. Exnme the calrl fbllo\r-
the D 3000 magneio ai emllols alr imtulsc corplrg, rhc
er fclL fttr prlDcr lubicrion. Il lhc fh is dr), apply l$o or
ufper can1 js inslled only if a rchomeler brekcr is
thrcc clrops o1 approvcd lubrict. Blc,l otT any excess
oil. ClcD thc brckc. conrparrrncnt with a clen. &y clo. The prinlalt capciors e fed-hro|gh types Dd !r'e
3. thc dcprh ol thc sprig contrci in he slrich mo nted in he magneo cover, $hich is tn ol rhe hamcss
and .etad ieninals. The spnrg de! tiom re outlel fnce
r\sembly. When the hnrness is assembled to the mgneo.
should no be lllore nn! in 112.7 nxnl.
lhc capcitrD leds xre xtached to rhe breaker{oint ibs
L Visuall) check the breakers o see th{t th. canr fol belre the corcr i\ instlllcd overrhe di\fibuor block.
loer is securely riveied io irs spng. Check thc screw lht yihrtor.
holds the {sserbled brelker fxrts ogether ftr lightDess. Staing Thc \tarting librtor operaies o1r
5. Check de cqrrcit(r nouting bracket ftr cracks or e srnic prcitlc s rhc iDduction viblator described earl1"
e1. Tso typcs ol \t{rtiDg yibr{td\ .Lre used $'ith D-2200
toosenesl. lell1he c.rlacitor for a mLrrinrum capaciLancc ol
0 j0 micr)frad (Lr lr) with a suitable c{pacitor lcsrcr.
and D 3200 ignitio \ystcms. dependin:l o the type of
6. Rcmovc thc harncss outlcl llatc iror tlie ragneto.
d inspccL Lhc rubbcr gronncl rd dislnburor block. lf
isture is prcsc1. dr't rhc block u,ith a soti. dry, clear.
lint liee cloth. Do ro rse gasolire o any solven for clean
ing lhe block The rtverl ill rernove lhe rvax coang ad
coulcl cause eleclricl lekaje.
7. Reallerble Lll parrs cIeiLlll.

The fbregoing direcions:rrc indicaive ofdre check! nnd

inspecrion! hnt should be made. eslecially if thcrc i\ an)
sisn of magneto lroub1e. lf possible. use the's
rninualto make sule dra|ro poan! detail\ arc omiltcd.

The Continena] D 2000 and D 3000 magneo ignitioD sys

rens Nere designed 1(r provide dtrxl igitio fr a;rcrlL
engies wilh only one magnetu These syfcrs arc vil
able for four -six , ad eigh! cyljder engmes. A co plete
i\siem includes h dual r.geto, lhc harness assembl!, r FlG.8-43 Cotenta qton D 3000rnqeto al-'leC),np
rraning !;brator lfor the I) 2:00 d D 3200 stsrer)rs), nd Cantnenrl l\,1arc5 lgnnron SJ,stens)

cont nentalDua Naqneto tqn tlon Systems 189

frrcr nd ilriiior s\ilches u-qed ir the strenr. One rtpc trcfared $ilh a silicole bsc utcrixl. The hrmess is
ol st{1ing \ ibmor in.ludes n el) o grourd our e righL dc\igned so dt rr) tat,( cln b. rflxccd iD ihe fielil
..r i:r L ,:d'r.! L r= I I e. '
.{one. lhe rilht mlgneto ould ar advrnced sp{rk
a.I rlri! would c,ruse the enlme o kick back. Wher) thc
gii o !\\'irci incorforales the slarter s$ilch. Ihe \tarl.r
\ibrlnn do.s not rcqrir. a rel! because lhe cornbialiol
!sit.h g()u.ils out thc right mcneto he the swirc is in The Slick serie\ msncror manufa.rued tor use with tirur
.rl.\.,1.. p...1.r",, .r. rF.r _rrop:-
tjo to the Colrirentl nugielo s)stcnrs trcviotrsl) dis-
HarDess, As Lllentiored pnliorsl,-. thc hnrcss s\cm cussed. The Slick:1j00 nd 6300 rnagco! rre improled
blt lhe ngncto co!cr. Exch nrcss is dc\igncd de\iSs oler eallie marmfaclrrcll nrodels. linlike lore
fir| a pnLcLrliu nnke md nb.lel of egine. The Nsenrbly is crlj.r models. lhey can be olerhruled nr thc licld accord-
lll! shielded 1(r tre\elll clecrrorgncrrc .nrdrios thaL rg to rhe lnnLfclueas lrslmclion\
The .1300 a|d 6100 ragnetos ha\e cor.ur franre nnd
The hrress sLieldlrg c.rsisrs 01 lirmcd copp.r ricl lhat is rotor dss.nrblv. but the drslriburcr housiirg. block, ad ger

\ \* f{

\r.J--l l(dlhR

q.- !9t \5J SJ


-tg u! !!
! 1., I

I l

l9 t8

13 12 tr- l\' . r-- , 20

5e U iql
i" ,q5 - -/2 5 3 21; G
13 I

ll, Bering (lap 5.rcr

2. \r 12. tserig C| (lhnrl 22, Aji vent \idr Iknl
23. Scre!
. Itnp!lsc Colt lilr.s A$cnblr 1.1. Corcr l,jirir Kir Piir[.! 2:1. Hrsi'rg. Di\L,ih$,n
5. Oil Scrl 15. Conr!!r Poi'n KiI Seconl.q
26. Di\trinnr Block rt GerA-sdnbL)

9. Bc.'rg Kir
20. a.i
FIG. 8 44 Erp oded ,, e,r of 5 .i 4300 ler es mlneto. i5i/,:t Eie.o]
'190 chpter 8 Reciprocting Enq ne lqnit on ad Strting Systems
,.. t,,1


: c. 8 45 S .K 4:00 nd 6100 r.qeto5 51.1 F/"'r'l

t\!o rodels limflf bccus' rhe 4300 { 1l uDDo I

:: ::r bet\1ee Lhe
-U1 r B' | \crr '^
.r' J'|r'u''r"
'''l' """.,.,*.1
.. ' \" '
'- ;' Ie,e r( '-

' ,,i -t"iion *ttil the 25' mrrk o the starter rrg ged and
:::ro rc i; Fig. 8-'ll Thc '1-100 d 6l(x) the holc in the rder bouslg li-Qn.
: Frr' \ _lr'
:: r.. rr n!.ttrel rn L l-'e lirninq pin I I l" \"( J rc' L - {
,',.,.o..'. n- ! lr"r "."1'
.. ,.te "e ,

showl in Fig. S -16. Tuin the tdor fposite the nrtion of

,rife nLaqrcl Thc rol(r d berg asser rlr'is ron_
. ..,'r,l' ,-" d1i!e and liarc. BcrLDg pelodiirg is .' r'' L'o (
i rh' ieed lor L, l
- :, r totdlng sprrng. Ihus eliriring $ilh' ing, an,1 irrrroe r/r r;rrrlrr3 |i/. Tigbtcn ilr' mountiLrs nus
:,,,.: iurn ,g ihe oth.r colocir\ conincd
I' . ,r'c er,Jrn,e arc higl tcLrsiorl coil drrt i!
( r ( l " r ' ' l '
" "e.l .pFJ r.t. LItl thc left mngnclo co de'ser lenniral l'
.l' ,.-.e.r eC ,b 'a - i'-/ rt rl sroun.l
.,1-j".. r't,c conLuc ,taL.r is dcln'rt'cl b) a lwo-lobc ;ia \\titult tt!t ht i| rht oi, rt'\itilr n'nl rold
l\' s'rles to .1. Rotate e conrtlele ignelo ofllosite to
-: :ie erd of the rrror shti The c ioD ofnrc ma!.eto r; he.nginc rrounlig rtll thc timirg
: _LDL lel tu the shli
- :.'.1-" rctarded statk for engine slarting rhe liqhr indicteiLh the conLct brcker Points re iust opetr-
, ,- ri l0 xnd 6100 nltgnetos ernp]."- a imlulse cou-
'. - rr.tPoits

r.-.'.allatio and Timing Procedure for the

3 <k 4300/6300 series
:ing rs r1errnlle of hc t)cedurc ior. instlltllg
:::: Slick rxgcLos on Tcxlnll)cor ng eng'ne
. :'. :r Lo rhc magrero or aircrft n\aintcnancc nr u_
. ::formlrg ani lvpe of rageLo ref or narre-

, 'o p P :: ' l' lr''r

b..r. l-,. l ,l ot... '\elr' e
. - . Ihe norml dir'cion of roltio nliLdr' conl
.::rk; i\ renched The cor|fres\ior soke i\ Indi
- ill. Dre\sue iLlsi'lc hc clltlder $hich lerds
I Tml!p rlt eo n5 !'-::
. ,..'n, of Ln. sfark tiug hole' IIr this posiion FtG.8-46
. :. ilrc no l cvlirleire closed' Tum de crak
s (k series 4300 nd 6300 Mgnetos 191
rg. Sc.ur. th. nri!. i. lhi\ po\it:lLr. Tull the ig|ilion hsfccl lhe hjgh ieffiLrr lerd lior rbc .oil to nake \ure
it Lllcs ronrct sith he crbo bush o the disdbutor
5. Turr or thc !$ilrh.f the tirifS l3hr. lunr the gear sl li. Clex residLre fionl lhc high tension le.Ibel,Ie
c|xlshlt rcr] ! orl\ in the dire(ior of ro1]l1al mio| reaiscrbl). rk fg c enoro -rcrxrch rhe {rlce ofrhe
o I c 1'9
.qcar lisf\ \r th rhe drill hole in ihe frrer honsiig. r \1 lhc 500 h mspeclior. !is!llt insirc.r rhe inpulse
_.r,1 .:l rl rr..
' p.. ':
" crircs o \h.n thc poifs in the nrxlrieto ote.. Some
couFhrg lhcll dnd htrb ir cricks. loore rilcrs. or rurded
flyweLglrs thl ] slip Juriig lxrching ut or rli. srop pnr.
dnirg light\ gri o!1 \hcn th. points ote. 'the t\pe f t nl lf r.! olihese .ondilio\ is c!ident the couphng sholrld bc
ing lighl tou re si|g sl)rld b. dcL.rnrinc.l bcftrc Lhc
Iinrig trocedure ii Llegun. Ii th. lighr locs or cor. on.
turn dr. ra.r:ncto r lt\ .uniS flnse sls nd the
procedure trnlil the lighl come\ oi it l:' before 'l DC Pressurized Magnetos
Tighten dre r$o rou rrir: bolts. \'Ian! rgn.trs thrt .terfie !r h !h llilutle! rre pressur
6. Cofecr rhe lher fosirive ri e olthe iming lisht rc ized h) rcgullcd dir $uic. lmr th. ,rrcrrli en!Lne. The
rhe righr nrx!f.) ..fder\er ren 1, nd 1 lne th. nrrgfe jrt]lf g ol hish \olt{gc isid. thc disrribr)r. cnlled
ro rr Lh. srmc rr.i $ lhc l.lir!.clo.
i ,\li.r Lrorh rgncLr\ hv. bccn tim.d. l.d!. th. ti.r li\drrr c occur. .!t.cill) \hcn rhc ir.rti i\ ofenr
ing i high aitilucs. Ar high rlliLrdc\ rhe ir is less dense.
i, I ,...l ILIr: rllos,ing lhe high Icr\ion sprk to irf t) gr.u.d nrore
1o lnc \!rc\ r.5ct t{) fir. tos.thcr Il thc easilt. To Ue1'enl lhjt. rir is purpcd Llr. housing \ iih
1irig is .orrcct. boLh Lrj.! lighl\ \ ill c(nn. .. siintrltr n coirolied bleed ol rii criring Lir. rasneto r a1l iimes.
Douslj- rhc lhc 15'urk o. rhc rig gc.[ x]ig\ trith Lhc T
chill holc i thc stdrtc hou\i.g If rhf r.!ncL(x ic fot I':'\e'.-rco(r.-
s ) tr tr.,per \.DtnrS of hcat aDd other snie! todLrced bv
tinled corecll). rcdjrsr thc nre.Lo Lnrg until Lroth the r.in3 berlree ihe diilribnlor an rlfor in the r-!.eto.
rnrgreros iire I lhe srrnc lirnc.1 1 15" Llclore TDC. \lo\t prcssLrjTed l:rgelos are gla) or drk bluc x.I ue
Secure iJrd turqLre he bohs Lrnrg drc conect torque ti,rn uscd o tubocharsed en!ines
lle milentce mtrual. relore the limrng lighl. llllil rake
nrre lhe igminrr $,ich is off.
whe| checkrrg lhe lilning. s.ribe or prr n rereLrce
, r... .!..' . lc -ie ... -
case beiore molrrg he Lngncto rcse rg e liln-
ifg, check rhe Lt de edier d^lier rneanue the ddace \urne()us 1)pcs of hish !e.! n mngnetos h\'e bee
rior th. in.rlled rk o the lcces\ory cse. Ii .'.,,'.1 ee. I
thi\ Ll;r.nsio is Scarcr rhn if l.l.l8 nnl. rhc D.!.cto e(senial Io de\cibc ll rrp.\. The bsi. pifcifles are rhe
mull bc rcrc\c.l ancl Lhc c.nrrr hrexk.r fojts nruf bc jxnre tor ll such rrgnctos. ud jr is o.lI eces\an o
nrspcctctl or rdjr't.ct: rclir to the mr!ntenr.rc nrnrl
delennine hor each is LcLl int.Nll! xnrl {r lhe ensire.
\ith good udcr\talLig ol rh. trincnes of operatior)
anil i irg. llc LcchDicix. .! unLallf xdlLrsi an) ]tlagneio
Maintenance Pro<edures lor the Sli<k i,r salilc(or opcrdtior. jf th.rc is nv qtrestion cocerl-
4300 Seres ig p icnlar lrgrcl., d iL\ iNtlltion. the mrtrlc
lureis m.ttr.tls lbr he nagneto n ILe cginc should b
Thc tirllo\jg iDfonntion .on\isti of.\rnrltcs o1 itcm\
\.. :. r't.. ,.
AhLry\ icLr to th. maintenincc rlnual \rhc ferlirrring
Lhis rttc ol r\fccrio..
Aftcr 100 h ofotcalj. dnd.lcry 100 h ficNxrd. tbe
mgneb to..gin. timi.S lhonld be .hc.kccl. OLh.r it.r\
shonld lso bc checle.l: rcf.r o the mx;t.nrncc udl Reasolt5 for Developrent
l1 500 L inrcnl'. rhc colcr point x\\cnblles \horkl
be checked lirr brrnrrg or $err If rhe p.iinrs re nor discol' Seleral lery sedous probleurs xll: cncotrnrcr.d j. rh. tm
orectnd ha\e Nhire. lrosl.! surlce roLrnd e edles. dre dLrcrion ard dirdburio i,1 lle lrigh !oluS.. cclclt\ nred
toirs are li|cioing troirerh .1 rr be 1eLsed Apflr' 1o fire ihe spark pllg! ol rr] i.crxli cn.rin.. Hlgh \oltage
caln Srese strnn:ly lo erch lobe ol the !a if |eeded eieclrici$ c,ruses co.rosi(n o1 rcLrls . deteri.rnl or ol
xriLrlatirg rltcrial\. El.cLiicit\ k) hs x rrked lellderc\
If e poirls r L1l!c (icticring .\cc\\irc rcirg) or frl to elcape liori thc rorte\ tro\ided for it b) dre desrgner oi
red. dre) should be ltiscrclcd.
AI dre 500-lr in\peclioD. il i\ neccs\rt Io check a|d There arelu. frincryi cru\cs ol the lr'oublei encoLrlr-
Iepl.e the crbol brush i rhe disriburor ger if rl i\ 11orn. lered ir
rhe nse ol Ligh'\lrg. iS.iri(i. !,-rr.nrs {t)
crcke.L. or chitped. The drfriuror Lilock ihould .o be flasho\er. rzl xpacirnce. l3l Lnorslurc. n i1) high \olr
checke.L for cracks alr{]./or sisrls ol.i bo rxrkins .1
shonld Lre reIlaced il nece!sr). Fla\ho\ er i! the lLrnpiS l dre high lohxge nr\ic di!
hqpecl and pu drop ot SAE ro. l0 nodctcrgcr tribtrtrr \hn rrr rirpl.rne .r\cerds lo high hilctc. Thl.
machrne oil irr earh oihe beam! xr he dirribut(n blo.k oc.ur5 b.cxuse fre ! r i! le!\ dese at higlr .rlrirre\ nd
aLld beadlg belre reassernbL). th.rcfr. hxs less dielectii.. or ifsuliang. rrerrglh.
192 Chapter 8 Re.ipro.t n9 Ens ne gn tlo nd Starti ng Systems
Clapacitance is (hc xhiliy of a coduclor o rore elec-
", ' .. , i I \. .r,, ,rr.
L I l,
i ile lcns lior thc malneto to he sprk
rlugs cuscs lhc lcrls to srore x toio of the electric
Jrrge lniil thc loltgc is boilr ut n!fficieily to caLse the
.ful 1o iullu th. gf ol ! sfxrk tlus \\hen the spalk has BREAKER 13,OOO TUF
.rrrted nrl eslrblishr tth cn)ss th. gat, the eeryy
::,:,red i rhe ie,rds during Lh. risc o1 !ollrgc is dissitted i
i3rr:u the \rrk flug clcc(rodcs. Smcc tbis clischarge of NOTE: ALL VALUES OF WIRE TUBNS ARE
:r:r3v is l the rrm ofa r'elIulJ lo$ loltge an.l high ONLY & ARE NOT FEPFESENTAT VE
::neft. it bunrs the electrcdes and shofens rhe hl ol rhc OF ACTUAL SYSTEN PARTS.
. rk plu!.
\loture- r'here!er i1 ciisls. iDccs.s coDcluclivity. FlG.8-47 Loviens o iqnlion s\,nem
]hu;. ir nray prolide res arcl uDloresccn rc!(cs for thc
:!:3re of h;gh'loLtage elecicit!
High-loltage corona is lerm otten Lsed Io descrille a
:diLion oi frcss rcrcss an) insLlaior (dielectrlc) exposed hed no.rr rhc \tdrk flugs. This permirs the usc of sho
: high \olragc Whe the high !oLiaSe is lnlpressed high'lensio leads fronr he transforiner ro tlie sparli tltrgs.
.-:i\..D lhc condu.t(n of insulated lead and a) rnetlic lhLsreducig Lo large e\len! the opporrunitics 1r leakage
.:ii Dcu thc lcrd. x elecni.l slress is se! up in the innL of high tension rnent.
.:1.. R.pcrt..l tpli.rtio of rhis ltrcss to rhe insulaion An a.lrLrgc of e low tesion syfeln is rhat rhe fail
, :Ll .\ cnrorlly r\ult nr insulalion failure rre ol lhe trinrary or seconda[ of one rransloDrer wi]l
Lo\! tcsio ignition stsems are desifned so aI dre a lcl oly one stark plug. For erarplc. if thc primar]
::ih \ oltage necclsr) tu firc thc strk tluss is .oniied to indig is short.ircuited. o.e slark tlus will siop firing
,'.3rt srnall pollioll ol (hc ctirc circuit. Th. grealer tarl of bu! lhe engin. $ill coDrire to operae s'e11. Thc .lerd"
.: circulr ilnolles the usc ol lo\ volLrge: thereftre. the coii and spark phg t\ill Lrc dcrected when the rert rgcro
:rr lor!{ension ignition i\ rsed to describe quch r sy\ chcck js nade on gronnd run rf.

\'.n) ol 'rp be .. ,1rl "-r.r.rI

r::r,; ]n itre psi have bccD olcrcorc bl thc usc of D.w
:!rrlaing mterials lbr high rcnsio lcds. \'los egine
:.jrio syslelns oday r'e of thc high lcsion (ypc because
: :he high losr.tnd added $'eight of lor-Ie|sion syrers.
General Des(rpton
Operation of Low-Tensoh lgnton A low-tensior igition s)ster enrploved on somc olcle.
System rrpes of engines lbr lisht aircrft is the series 5-600 dcvcl
13 lo lensiol igrridor syslem consisrs ol (l) a lo\r ten oped by the Co|tinenLl Col]rorarioD. The rnodel numbc.s
.:ri magnelo, (l)
a carbo brush clistributor, nd (l) { are S6RN 60U fr lhe .lul brcak.r mag|eo ard S6RN 604
rrri-ormer for each iprk plug. Figure 8 -+7 sho$,s thc lor the single-breaker ragncto. These mgnetos are lso
.::rrip{l prrts of i sinrple loq-elsion s}siem. Because desigrcd lor left hd rotadon.
- r one \fxrk piug xppears in this dirgranl. rhe distribnror Lhc ol)ction of he lo( lension sfsem. snrges

' :l.ctrjcitv ajrr lererated in he rnagneo generaor coil. ELECTRICAL CONNECT]ONS
-: teak sur:e voltage ls L1e!e in excess of 350 V and
-. $l)'is ne{rer:00 V on rost installadons. This corn,
i:ri\.lt l^! loltge is ted throush ihe difributor to the
r--r! of the \Park phg lran\ftr.rcr.

Transformer Coil
e rr L,. J \'..1 lq e,r",,r
'! "f is. pulle{l oui of its case) o
coil "rclcs.opcd" (har

..:r it\ .lcsig. This .o I coosisis of a primary rd sec'
jr) \rnrding $ith
ciSorette" ofifanslner ion sheet HIGH.TENSION
- :i. center an.l dother cig.]lelte oftransfrmer iron shee ENT BE CASE S FILLED
-ounding Lhc fri.rry widxrs, $hich is on the ouisde A PLAST C NSULAT NG
:: i. \econclarl Nrdjg Lisu,rlly the translbrmer unit con COI\POUND WHICH ELIM
:\ [ro lro!1i) oe lbr ench spnrk p]ug in dre cllir NATESALLAFSPACES
Th conplle institrmer assernbl) provide\ a compact.
::i\\eight unil .onlenie.t for ins|llaion
on the cylinder FlG.8-48 Trsiorer.o ior o\,!-rel^1o q uon svstenr

lowTer sior gr-io-(v'rpmro i91.airL"'c g^-s 193



FlG.8-49 Crnpof rt! oi Berr i S 60C c! .e5r q o.
;lnrm.'1.i!dlr. aorrret,
FlG. 8-50 [orpe5ted.m
T|e .n\rnelts ol tirc S 600 lo\ tcsjrrr \\srcr ire
sho$ll n) Fig 8 ,19. Thi' s!\tcnr l. nr rse on I 'l'his virrioD is cl.\jgn..1 lto lhe cam ro corrpen\rtc fo
sir-ct lxrder op|oscd cngi.c. Each i.lrllio .onsiss of l., . . , , ,et
'' JI'.r .- | lr'. rt be 'rs rnch \ 2.5' nrne or lesi thr.10" lr x nie
\ibrltd. h.r re\\ a\\e]l]L,lt. anslon]rcr.oils. high lcn\ui ct ll.ler rxdiil e|gnre.
lcrd\. x.d.jther r combirio| igririon-slller silch or x thc conlpensed cur Ir'\ at onc half ihe cralkshrti
sranddrd lgnitil)lr $itlh spccd bcc.rure ii proiluces spuk ior cach clljnder duri|g
Thi! s)stem is.Lesigred Io lererrle rr.1 dislribu(e los crch co.rt ete relolutior. Sr.e (hc cn.kshft nrlLst roare
\oltage .trnenl thrgh lo$'tension crbles to iyiul tltuugh two tns to ir1.e ll lhe lliston\. the .rnr cnn lurLr t
hi-,h \olt!:e rrxnsfo 'mer coils r11ourted oIr lhe cngic onl] oe half.llllrkshalr speed Thc .omteslted carn is
rrrnk.r\e. lhe l.N rollage ls sletped Lp Io high \ollxge ruorxll\ mouDted orr re srrre slxli lhlt dri\es rhe dis1ib-
b\ thc idi\ dr.rl rlr\iormer coils turd her codnrred ro nlor bccus. the disributor aiso r lun t onl! ore half
(he \pdk plug\ h! \hn engthr ofhi:h ten\ion cale. Borh
he lor urd high rc\i(r .bl.( rc shi.lled o frelent

Sol]]e r\rgcL(x reqrre jo\fecdon! 1 rcgular rt.rl\ 1o

Reasoh for Compensated Cam eriure lenicerbilir) Nlosr .rSieros sirollld be i.srcctcd
rfer ever! 100 h c,L ofcr(i(m or during the anul ii\pcc
In rrctirl cngine. be..rure ofihe orrrg of dre li rods Lio Some Irlagreros rcquirc a lxirly det,riled irspeclio
on rhc lla.g.\ of the nuster Fd. rlre t|a\el of rhe pifors xltcr 500 h of sel\'ice. lf corponcnrs are \orn or darnged.
conncclcd Lo thc ljnl n s i! not iform. \orlnall) ge th.l should be repla.ed. Celerall) no nLctunl repiri e
crpc.r thc tjst(nrs I a re'cJlider r.liri erlgine lr:j Fach llc ,r. '. ! r,l
TC.+0' lfart lh,rt i!. for erch.i0 ihe cr.u*sh.rit tLurls, '
_ll)C. sp.ifiralh descriecl rl1 rhe o\chaul nranual.
nothcr tin. r.rche! Sir.e he naser rod lips liol The nspecrion rd rnitcanc. of a migeto nre Lrol
sidc 1o
'id. l bil. it ed nL.d bl.rflihari. rhe
lik rodi lollos tt1 tllit) t)ath inslex.l ol (hc circnlr
dillicrlt. but the\ reqLue creful {ttctio t{r deil. Itr aLl}
case. lirllo$ Lhc i(ruciors gile in n atprl^e.L ina nte-
talh reqrlred tor rili,ri n)rcrenL For thi\ cxrm there lance nrnurl. A con1tlee inspectior ol !t r)sn.o geDer
is less thllL].10 ol crirkshrJi rr\.1 bcricc thc TDC posi aU n)clu.l.\ th. fo Los'irlgl
.or 'ror 'o '. r '11 I r' '
'lo brajn ilrihou t prcciscl) 15'- BTC. it i\ Dccc\sr)
io cornfelsale thc bickc . in thc b! tnN ding
I Romo!l of he jn ccordxce wirh
ptr)led jstr.ucliorls The tcchDicia. nrusr nole har rhc
n seprrte c11r 1rcxch ctlj.dcroithe engme. ls ljkel) I.i be in an 1)\ conditlon helr rl)e
P-lad i\ discon.ecred
Design of Co]npensated Cam I Rerno\i oflh. distributor blocl!. hich Lcn\jo tlae.
terjral block. or orher tn $lrich mr) hold rhc high re
\ c.imperslc crn iir r nnrc clli.i.r rxdil cngine i\
sho{1lm Fig. li 5(l Thc car lobc lor th. no. I c,-ludci js ' cer'rr '..r
rarked n jdr ctol.
x ct lhc djroction oi r(fri(r is \ho$n b) bl).
ar ano\\. A ccl!l in\ ol rhc car sho\s \light dif lf'.. ' J. . ,.leor...-p.,r ..r
teteLrces org llic di\tn(cs Lr.($ccn thc \arious lobcs. bll an{l capciror ll lhc brcxkcr toint( ha\e a smooth ad
194 Chpter I Rec procatig Eng ne lgnjt on nd strting systems


FlG. 8-51 Conta.t o nl' (A) Norma \./e' (Bl Se,r.eb e .od t o (Ci Nonrer!.eb e

.r.rit apfernnce. as shon ir Fig. 8 5lA, thet e i b. Plug thc ;stNnren! fo\1er cord irro to\ler
.-od conditio. This rnens thal dre loinc are \ror| in and
.::rd lo e.rch other. hereb] proridlrg the ber posrible c See drat dre ef leds arc not shof.ircuited o.
:::nicrl c.r.tct !nd higher elciect of irerrra|ce.
'.1 :r irrsujaririe!. such as hose illsaed m Fig. 8 5lB. d. Movc te leiecior snirch lo sFr. rnd djus tire
.-, -ru-!hes! of poirf srrfces arc or hrrmful. ll rhe jnslruDrcnt forNro|er sefting wih he sEr knob.
- :rr seiJ deed pirs |d lound!. such ns in l-ig. e. TLln thc sclccn, ss'itc otl and conec e tcsr
: - :1r.\ (hould be retected. lerds io ie cp:rcior: onc lcrl to afd one
_:ii.n oxide Dr,r,v occasioallt r' nr o the sufxce! leJa h. '.-r.d,e,, . '1 ' ,h. .,t".'o.
- i:._r breakers. This oride .rcs ns !t diclectric rd f. Set lhe isunlelr range for thc capcil{r being
:. : .u enl llos rhrouSh the close.l contdrls. A frst
: : i. :.nrcd! is to tkc r piccc ofstifl, clcan paper. such . a'r.l .
: -:r.!s crd. d pull il lhrough dre
closed contc ldncc bI rfrting the selectd s!ilch.
- . : : This rhould rernole the oriide: it' lt does not. rlre Do no hardlc lhc tcsLcr lcxd. e\cett $hen lhe selector
: - :. - rins shoLld e reflaced. sivirch is in ihe oFF positior The high \oltge ca cause a
. .:.ker polr]is should be checked for adeqLie
--:rn A op or t!!o of engre oil o the rll./,cll 5. Checking ol e nrrgeto shalt ad for exces
, .- :.. ihe tol1 asserbll' $ill usualll resro'e the lubri si!e fll a|d brcklash ll lhcsc rc bc)ond \fe.ified lirirs,
-rre nrusr be taken thar o ojl gets on the breaker the nragnelo rrst be olerhaLlcd
. oil nrusr be renroled. or else it my .ruse 6. P\nrinrtion of high-tensio! !irrs. \uch s the dis
' .n,hLirh{k (for. di\tribulor Itock. nnd tellnnlal block These
: : .:. tojnt sprig tcnsio can be checkecl br hookilg pafs lnr! be radc of FoDic, B{kelie. or nnother heat
.:ring icalc to Lhc nr!blc tonrt ad pplring \ui- -(.,Jr , ir .,.T ., :r' .",
. : .-J to opc thc potuls. Thc poinls shoLld not be '. rr
called dielectric pas b.cusc thct rust h\c high diele.

| <o ,r . b..: . \e ir 1! . ic slergth to $ilhsta.| thc ignilion !oltige\. Defe.ts to

: .:r.d A $eak brcakcr poit \prirg $ill carre the look tor rre crcks. d.k lines lcarbon rr!ks) idicrrig
' : ilorl.'or lail lo close in lirne lL] bnild np ihe pri flasholer or le age, rl bunrilg. lr) crtr\ed b] lcrkagc
i_ -: j ro lLrll slrength. This is nrof likel) ro occu at of high tension creL O\er tirne. a lhiD coLig oi clu\t
r::.,:. The bFnker-poir a.e is !'lrecked for clen m! colle.t in rhe dirdbulor re. This clusl crn bsorb
, : :: ilre exceprion ofthe oiler lelt. nll fxrls \h.uld be enoush moisure fron the air io make i cordLrctile. so hat
- : ::n An xtfrored soilerl my be sccl lo clcdn Lhc high tcsi. crLren can use tle condLrcrive dLtsi as a
:: a\. bur the solve1 nrust ot gct on tirc oilcr briltgc ro ground The currer $jtl ollen create bumed
farh rcferrcd to as a carbon track. Thi-c lrack beconrer
: :.:rar cnpxcilor (codesel) shonld be tc\t.d \ilh nu. conduci!e as the curcrr floq conlinues n.] erelllu-
-r : :.rrdeser lester. This inirrunrent in.ludes rDges {ll,- .t! s a shol ciruir The hol spli burns ihe insulat
: -r.! !rF. {1..1 ro i.6 !lJ. ad i 5 ro 1.0 $f,. lhe rg.rateri!l xnd duir ard releses c$on. hich is conduc-
:. - 10 n cornrodde lhe cqrcintr bcing tc\lcd Li!c. ll carh)n lcks are lixl. tlref should be reinoved it
;,.: l rhe selectu xi1 rhc \11'I) (mjcrolafudl ftge possible. Il Lhcr cannot bc ror)!cd. thc tart should be
\lfl- . r. .. 1... c. ...p.. J!. Ieplced. All llc hish tcsioD pt\ shoul.l bc clcxDcd $rh
f.L .iL'.i' . .J T\ .r u .JT..'r!c econmended solvol\ and thcn dricd dnd saicd \rith a
high-lerpelaturc !1ari
_: -r.Lfuctrcrjs insuucrio\ slro!ld be tollo$ed: . T,o-o r.l , te. o I ,\r , /tl
, :- :.\c \t.fs r.c gcnciall) laken: Clolloslon problems car be aribnled I.i rL rumber of ditlr-
):: ihai thc scl.cro slitch is ir the oFF posiiion. ent lciors lbr irstnce. $ae inlefiolr, operation in sah-
Maqeto Maitenan.e nd lnspectlon 195
ir e|\ircrmenr\ relte.lll) on frgn.\ ur hou\rfg\r. or The lgnelo -qhoulll be clerned rh{rro!ghlJ lrcl dj\a
rll ..u,. , : p p I

A nrgfer $ith r.log:..1 \cft flug or orilic. plug hul nrnnual. Tbe ugret \hould be hllled ctelirll) and
lp1.cssLrized n se\r \ i innx.o i\ rrinovhcic is shorld hxve soit-iron keeper or lhe troter \hrtc plccd
reiult ol elecnl. rrr fS l th. di\ribuLr! x.d subs{ .rcr the toles ro prelerrr lois of magnetrsm Clare rur be
'. : jr r. Lr r t<cn rc ensure thnt he mlnei ir nol .lropted. jrl1ed. or
ritrjc \er\ hr luL trj rrc Lii.. j1crrl corto
acrr:1. srbjc.r.l to excess \,e hcr. ll of \'lrich crn c.rirse loss of
renrs. a.dsion or r.t.ri.rLion. il nrttfncJ. cn DrgDcti\r.
re\Lrli lf p.r rx!n.L(i f.rl!mn( qith r!'\LLlrl rrgh J 'pr ,., i p, ,l .,,...i'
coJnf:rfr|rerred rrry tr nd cor)!i|niencc ol hnn
Ch..lting.l tiDin! This b.r.comthshed as
N. dlrr:
elplaled ir rhe (iii.u\.i(, ol rgn.lo tiirriirg. BI rse ol
Ixnrl! lisht. t c.Lf h! {l.r.Lr f.Ll thl th. hreker froinls lnspecton
oteLr ar rhe F. Sp |o(iion lt'n..cs:r\.lh. ,inls c! be
. ..,' . .lr . f l The nagne rd Lnrgne shalt e rrsirecled ror phlsical
The ririn! f the .liir ibLrtr)r cx. !{ ll} be eterniled by danrrse an.l qear. The rfsnei sloLrkl ilren e rened ritlr i
forig thc tosjrio ol rrrL\ or the di\triLrror lear s tlr
re\fcct to nrdt.hig rr ks on lhe Jinfiblrrcr ne 3er. srr.n:th js ltdequ!e for operalion. Weak ml-enes can be
L). R.irrxlhLirlr ol lh. rnsneto \heir rlir is doe. the retured !. the nrnufa.tuer r renraSnel zxt on or cnf be
trc.edurc fr Lrg rhc mrgDclo ro llte ergine mu(t he f(il .r ,rFir 'r. -'r ": r' -l .r

The magnetomter is r delice lrcofpofailrg -qoli-iror

fil the poles ol lhe magel \her rhe
shoes desi:ned Io
mge! is.oecrly positioned n the shoe\. rhe i|dicrrr
sho\s the level of nrienetiin.
Thc ctrcjt(n (co.deser) forlhe trimary circu I is olten
replacct l mjor o\.rhxul tr) cnnr. . \rr operliorl
Il is lrn our ifre.r to des.ribe i detil th. olcrhrul ol n) liie. IIosc\cr. it js ot usll.- nccc\!ry to rcplace rica
catci(s jl a c.Lfacitdncc t.\t and te!t reyeal saiis
be lon.L in rhe apprcprirte nrxnufxcrlrci\ mxll!xl. \\e do.
ho'evel. drscLrss dre geerlrl reqnureL\ ior o\crhul ol Thc cdfdcitce tesr i\ {..onrtlished b\' capacitr'
tlplcil nragnero (catcil{nc.) lester. is o\tlr.d treyiously. This devi.e
O\erhul of thc js gccrall) reconxneded applies crelull,- rcg1(ed rlrc.rrLjng ctr.rcnL to th.
rheD rhc cgnrc is o!crh{ulcJ. }hc oternig conditions capacitor. ard lhe resporse ol the cfcili i\ udicatc.L j
l ..r"..' et(r. '.!:r' r
inicrotrads o n indicIiLrs di]. A",/r ,rnd t
spced or \udder\ sloppageJ. nd atier .1 tears regrdles! of fht Ldtdtit te\ter. he.dust the\e is d
ho$ l(rg lhe ixgrelo hs opelled since ihe l.rd olerhaul 'ts rhnh can be nuttn!s rt e\tn
lettt iiLrdt
or sice ils p!rclse. ltlgner., o!erhul irrvol\es at least Leakge. iftlicating fihre of e cticlccrric. shrtrLld be
l. I r! . .'.,1-..1. efed in accordrce $ilh rhe llrnnulxcttrrcr'\ r.connncnda
rcpir. r.placene|r. re:rssembl). nLld tesliig. Erch set ions. Usull,\ this Lrvohes pplicdon ol irecr crrcnt
r.'o(.. rp, ( r.. lnc of specified !ohase lo the capxcilor Nirh i millianelej
ren ole rlul nanual. Durifg olcrh l. rnn) n)agr)elo hook.d rp in series. The rmout of lelkxge is i.di.eted b\
pa1s re leplnced. Some conforeft! rc docrned lt)0 ter- i ., e
celrr replacemel trts. nd the! n st bc r.phced drrmg
t .i.\
olerh.rtrl. Although which p\ rre to bc r.plced ivill !ar) Tr i r I rL 'r 'l ' .,
.rl .':'.r" .,r .,.rr '.'i blies . Thi! $ill ..sure blt
rcplaccct t mrtor o\cihaul.
erl lis of itenr! lo be replaced nt olcrhrul: pcrlorncc n.l mriunr lilc. Wom point\ rn.1 $.r
clrl lolloqcIs, c\cD though rccodirioed..annor pr)!i.1e
Di\lribu(or bl0ck ard he durbiiitt nd perlor rc. 01 ctr sscDrblics. A ci.r
tolloser rorn be)ond cein liuritr sill rxlc it iinfo\sibl.
(loil Fcll rrips ard \1 rsher s ,u. t, re l e. l-- p
The brenker cam is iLrsirecred lor \!co n coD.liLx. I1
Oil,cdl Gxskcrs the qea. is be)ond stecilied lilir\. thc .nr rust b.
(irtrcr port r\\cmbl) C.rtlcr pir replaced. The cam snrce nrusl bc \mooth l.d li.. of fit!.
corrosion. and other \urlac.'cl\.
The dilttibll'()tor is clcncd j n.|fmred \oh'ent
nd eral]lired lbr cracL!. carbon tra.ks. or othcr s :s .f
Recevn9 ad Cleanng filtrre.'lhe lrelrr used for clening rust bc ol r t.-p.
hich r ill or dmage lhe fiislr ol ihe rotor Li\!all) licr
\\h. r rrgcr. is rcc.ircct li, o\crLaLI. all peier rsl)e.tio. nd any other tro.eliifg sfecified l he n)u
jnnrnLio \uch \ rkc. lrpc. Llld \edal runber should lactlnrr. !h. rnor is colcd \ilh a hish-ernperate $ri ILr
bc rcordcd .n thc $ork orclcr Iir ;Lddiion. lhe serrile 'r irJ :.e.ri... .'r Ior ro,r'o tr..
r.rord of thc ragncto shoul.l bo DoLed. tucllrding dre tinre Shft bearings nnd disibutor be.rings are Llipecred nd
ofopctutio sincc iLs purahasc or snlce e lst overlraul. ir r .-er\-\-:l
196 chpter 8 Rec procaiing Eng ne lsnit on nd startlng systems
lorjes. Since hex inss xre rnnlly seled. it is re.ommended Aler ihe rnagnc(o is rnoulo on th. rxncl. th. hiSh len
rhrr neN belriSs be i.stxlLe.i rl r or ole|hu O\,edrl sion leads are colrll.cred lrotrr th. di,tribuLrr l() rhe sprk
mnrls \rnr.lirc\ t^'irlc iSlitrrjos ftr th. rccondj rJ(k.T,e |\,.\ 1,. :irL . - l
Iionirs of sertled berrins\. iied Io1 he prfiiculr mrguelo beirg tcncJ. Norc rb{t drc
The coll of n ligh enslo! rn:neto icluLlcs borh a tri gaf used tr he spald rck i-q urucir gretcl thxn thc gp oJ'
Drr) nd sec,rdar) !\nrdrng. SoLne coils;n.Le rhe tri a sfark tlLrg becruse dre cuell rr r prtic!lnr !oilagc will
mart .ipacjior r the coil. The coil should be tested for crr jtrnrp x ruch grertel dirance nr urlncsnrcd ii lha r
rent lefkage bereen the pinrary d secondrr wj..1ings, the .onrtre\sed r in .)linder.
lbr contiNi\ of both $'indjngs. rtnd for icsisrxncc ol cch Thc c.mln:t in sF,.d of rxlrneio is I lood idlcriiorl
rndlng. Re!i\lance lan be checkcd with an ohnncrcr or ol lh. .igcur'\ pcri(nmancc \!iLh rhc \fdr !rrf sei r the
rullinreter with trinrnry lead to Srcund li)r thc trrt. spccilicd disL{cc, thc magncto r'fm is slo\lI i.creased
d lgh-te|sio| conrac to ground rbr the secodry'. $hcn rlrc coming i \tcc.{ i! ittied. there is r ltead! .lis
ch{.gc 01 spirkr t thc sfrli gts. The nr{gner) speed s
incrtscd Lo Lhc marimur \f.cllid rfm Lo t.\t hiSh !|eed
Assembly pcrinnracc. Strch tcsring i\ con.hct.d f(n ltccifred teri
\licr ll !rlsre irrspected- teed. ard frocessed in c.or
ods 1o ensrr. raliblc pcrldmacc undci ofcaLi-e ofdj
dance wilh irsruclions. he nr.tsnet! is rerd\ ior \scDrbl).
The sequerce ol assenrhly frcedu.s is dcLcnincd b! the It ihe connrg llt speed ol a rnagclo is tln) high. lh.n th.
Inke and Iype of ln.:neo mag|ei is ireak. dre inler,lrl lining is ror corrcct. thc
The plrciiral lctors in asserbl\ r. fropcr hadli.g 01
capacitor is defclile. or lhere i\ sore olher dei.l i thc
,l.l ,: , -^ I I :..{r.. r'.l' rnagreto. The magler can be tesred with r nugcL(ct.r
f' (Guss meterl! il $crk, it co bc rcchxrgc.l with a nr{gnct
ol ,c ', '. .l. l i l- ,.r' r

iion\ rel.rri: ro $senrbl.v xnd tinring. chgerol propcrdcsign Thc cdtrcitor cn be restedsidr r
cafxcilor esler. s c{pli|cd trc!iou\l)
I)urin3 tefing ol r rnagreo o1r tesl stand. lhc nragcLr)
Testing Magnetos ru!1 not be oteraed ithoLt rhe high-rer\ior le \ cor
ncctcd nr the spnrk rack or \ithorl some olher nerns
Lpon cornpletion of .r seN ice j\l]e!tion or x. olcrhaul, a \yhcrcby the hi-eh tension .nreft ca. flo io grorild. ]f the
1agnelo should be rested o a nragnelo test siand. TIis cu enl cnot dilcharse lhroLLgh ornlnl pnths. tL. voltage
slad inclLrdes \,ariable drire to FnniL opcrrtion of tle will build trf to x lerel whi.h nrxy bre k do$ e insnla-
nagneo l ant desjred speed. a rachonrctcr. { stark rack, tjon in the magneto coil and lllh the coil. The gp of the
and sritble c.iols. A t\ficl magneto Lcsl \td is sho$r sfark r{ck mNr nor be jncrcased 1o such.r siace tha the
in FiS.8 2. spk cnot jump. bccdtrs. the hlsh !olrase currel ill
'lh. lc\t srrDd is cqufpcd li)r bolh base rnounling d seek aothcr tth to gurrrd rD.l this \rill .lxmase the coil or
flange nlounring. The\e nxrunting\ are rdjustnble to permit
accunle lignenl o1 rhe lesL frL ddle ro he mngeo The \rne drngc nrI occu during opcrario of the
,hali. The re\t sland is rclcrsible. so he magneto ca be engine rr llight il \park plug lolcl shotrll huk .r jl high
rottcd to cilhcr dre ighl or the leti, dependig o rhe resistnce should oc.ur nr r igjrjo lcad lor anv olhcr
requiremerl The operar nNr tke plticular care hai the
mcnero is rotrerl i. rhe.rir..r

The spli trlLg is the part r,1 e ignilion slrcrn in shich
dre elechic erers ol e hlgh loltgc cfr.lri p1duccd bt
he rngleo. or other high-tesion delice. is co]rlefted to
dre heat energ\ requied to ignile he F/A InlxlLre ln dre
.ngje cyliders The !f.Lr plug prolides an x;r gap across
$,hi.h the high loltale of the ignilion slrenr troduces a
sfrrk 1o ignile the mirrue.

Ar aircraft spark tlug fLndrDertally coLrsirs ol llucc
major parts: (l) dre elec.odes. (2) he cemmic jnsulalor.
and lll the neral shell.
l;igure 8 53 sho\a! thc conflrjclion teatNes of a tlpicnl
{ircraft strk plng. Thc asscDrbl! shoil. in rhc cenrer of the
sparkflug is the iner \scmbl.- consisting of the
Lcmrinrl coDtacr. strig. rcsjstd, brx\\ c.Lp lnd c.duct(\'
FIG a-52 A m.e1.1esi s1;nc lciLhc. labcl.d nr thc illusr rion), Dd lhc Dickcl cl!d.ot
spark Pluss '197



rlc.8 53 Shle ded sprk N uq lamplon 5prl P/ug Co) FlG. 8 54 5D;+ pllq \! th rr d rr e e.trods. /Chmpro

pcr electrode lho inrrLtor. slros. bel$ee th. ele.rrode

a\\crnbl) and tbc shell. is nide in t$o sections The rai
secLid erireds fi\n the lenlnal conlact to x poirn near dre
electode tif. lhe bdrel-insuLrting scction e\rcnds fio'n
ned e top of dre shieLding blrrel lrr eotrgh 1o o!erl.r!

The ou.r sccrion of he \park tlu: iLlurrred i tig

E-51 js a mchined seel \hcll The ihell is oiie tlate.l ro CTAMP Oll

eliminatc co.isio nd to jduce the tos\ibiljty oI thrcad

seizure. To tre\,er the escape of high prc\sure Sa\cs ftorrl
the .!lincr of lhe en!nrc throueh lhe sfrk plug a\\cnnrl,!.
it.inl pressLre lcrls. such s llrc .errer seal dD.l lhe
seLI. re used bct\eer dle oulcr slell .1 rh lsul-
!or n belween thc isulor and thc center elcctrode

The ihell ol Lhc rpa* fltrg ucl'rdes rh. ndio-shieldig

bxrel. ]n somc s|rk plugs. rhc sbell and \hieldtr! bml
are made in t\!o \ectio|s 3nd rrc scre\1ed r)gclLer. The tso
prs should e!er be dj\\sernbled b) (he e.hni.ian
becaLrse dnrirg ll1aruf,rcture 1hc conect trcssure is attlicd
ro Fol,ide x S$right seal. An) ol dre \e!l rx)

The \hcll rnd the rdio shiel{ling blrrel corflctc Lhe

grotrd ciicuit lirr thc radio shieldig .rl the ignitio hr FlG. 8-s5 uns e ded sprk p Lr! icampn 5prt P/rq
ness. The lhell ii ext.nall) Ihreaded on oth en.l\ so dral t
.an b. ioined t. thc rdio shieldmg of he ignitior hanress
at lhc lop rd can bc sceired irrLo the cylindcr head ai lhe ,\noher inrproreme|l $'hjch lcds Io gret.r dcPcnd-
abilii) and l(ngcr lile is ihe use of iridiim-llo\ firnrg Lips
\:r-. tl.; ' .lJ,rt. Jl rJ" ,\ slark plug sith thir l-.''pe ofconstruclion ls illlLstLed i
"h I

Fig E 5.1.
co\rrucion to mccl lhe denr{nd\ ot' aircrlft cDgmes.
Resisto-t]pc sprk plugs are desigDcd to reduco the bnl Unshielded spark plugs arc srill usod ir a fe$ light ir
it]g and ercsio. ol .lecrodes in crlgies hrling shielded craft ergincs..\n lrshielde.l \tark plug is slro'! ;n Fig
harnesse!. The caprcitace b.lweer he high te|sion chlc 855
,. ( h.IJ:r' r' :.'r I or( 1...r ce.e-.:l Thc conslruction of sp'rrk pluss for ircrali engines is
qurtities \hich produce a corpratilelr high-ct]re.t .lis frdh.r ilhfrated in l-jg. 8 56. The lpark plug olr lhe lelt js
chrge at thc sp]t tlug elecltudes The .ncrgy is consi.tct the nrassile-elecode type. so narned becatrsc ol he size of
abll grenter thd i5 necessry Lo fire the F/A ntrrre rlr('e thc ccnrdr ird Sround cLccrrodes. Thi\ lfrk plrg is a re!i!
lre. it cxn bc rcduced by mcs of .t rc\i\tor i orilcr 1o n L\pe thai reduces .lccttode erosio \ickel seals are pft)
povide grcaLer spark tlug liie. vi.lccl betNeef the insula(or nd shell to clcilelv el;mi

198 chapter 8 Reciprocat nq-Enqine jgn rion and 5trtlnq Systems

nte gls lexkgo. Thc ccrncr clcctrodc cosists of a coppcr trlo-prong fine-$ie, tso-prong ground. a d push,wire
coe i\i a nickel-lloy shcath. Thc insultor rip is trccsscd
to majtain the proper tempenturc Io trevenl lbuling and 'l he projected core osc sprk tlugs hale beer dcrcl
led bLildp The thee groud re ade .il oped for use ln ergircs lhxr h{!e hxd troblems $i lcd
nlckel llo) and e desigrect 10 be cleaned witlr a llnee- louling of plLgr. Whlle the core nose does nor
blade vibntor tml. Thc cetcr clcctrode is sealed aginsl nece!sarily prerenl the rccurulation of lead deposirs.
gas leakase by a
eal-glss binder. 1,. Ii d(.:, r..:r.Joh. 'i '- I
lhe sfffk phLg on the dgh
Fig. 8 56;s a re-wire lerd buildup.
tyl]e. ft is similar i
conn]1lcion to lbe nrassive elecde
Ulug rin th. electr)des. The ceter cl.code is nde Spark Plug Reach
of platN. !d thc two ground elecodc\ .c cormcrcd
of either platiDum or iridiun]. The use of platiunr and iridi Rcach is determred by lhc licr djstce tioln ihe shell
unr ensurcs marinrtrDr conduclillty and minimunr wear. gasket se io lhe encl 01-lhc shell threads. comronly
In Fig. I 57. n)ur lyticxl fornr! of electr)de construc referred to as he shell skifl. An e\rfle of spak !]ug
tion re illustrated: elecdes of the pro.cted cr,re nos. rerch is shoq'n xr Fig. 8 58. Thc reach or legrh required


FlG. 8 56 f,*lve e e.irode .nd I fe r/ re spark p uqs $GL Aubt)rn spark Plug Ca )


FlG. 8-.'57 Typ. type5 of le.trodo r:onnr!.I ar laharnpian Spark Pluq Co )

spark Pluqs 199

L No lerrer, E. or H. \o lctter. un\hictded: E-rhictd
ed;; in.2.1dredr H shielclc.l l: i.2{l rhrcad.
- \l.i .,o eJ!,...Jhe
'L.rl -u e

l8 lnnl. 1,. r reach. fa r srock hex.tgo

b lll nl. r,,;. nr rech. ,(-m rilte.L hexco
d l8 nrm. )l-in rc{ch.1 in rock etiagon
j r'i nr redeh. 1r,; jn slock he\agon
I -1.1nrm.
n1i !inrec l/i in stockhcragon
' 18 nln\ i reach.I nr.rilled her.tgo
FIG. 8 58 Spk p Lrq re.h .1. Hea ratiDg range. Nnnrbcrs orn 26 rr) 50 rdicrte
coldcr 1o hol{esr beal range. Numbers ii.inr 76 to 9il ]dj
for a gi!en cngine is derernincd by rhe cllrrxle-head .rc stecil-ap!liction aviati.,n plugs.
5. C.Lp nd el.c(rode stvle. E two pros aritiol N-
desigl. The tiofcr plug rech \ill cslLre rhat rhe elec fbnr-pr)ng .rliaor)r P plntinulrl tirc lirei B
des a,e posiliir.d at the mor srilldctd.y dcpt in the rwo prlDg
combNrion chnn]Lrer to ignite the iuel. massire. tangenr o cenldr : R push 1l,ire 90' ro cener.

Classifcatioh of Shell Threads Heat Range of the Spark Plug

Shell threads ofs!rk pl'rgs are clas\ilicd {s l:1 or l8-nnn The het rang of a stark fhg is rhc |rlcjpat fncr(n gov-
dimeter. long rearh or slrt reach, drus: erning ircrali perlilrance ucler yarious ser\icc condi-
tiors The tenn hc{t rnge rel* tu the clssilicsioi ot'
Diamlr Long each Short rea.h
stafk plLg\ xccording to dreir ability to tfanslr heat fun
l.lntr l in 112.7 innll ;,:irL953nnl rhe trig end ofthe spark tltrg tu rhe cylinder head.
l8 nlm l,r jn 110.6lnxnl !inLll.Trnnl Spark pluss ha\e been classified as "hor. noru]. , nd
''cold." Ho$e!cr. lhese tenns ma! be rislcading becaxs
Lhc het ra gc v{ries though nry degrees of temperarurc
Terminal lhreds ir the rop ol the radio-shieldig sprk
plu:s re eirhcr r in l15.8rl mml 2.t thread or tl i lll)m e\tremclv hot to errcmcl.- cold Thus rhe wod ,hcn ,
119.05 n)ml 20 lhread The lucr q?e is parricnlarlr- itrrr
or col.l or'unral docs.ot necessadh tell dre \,hote
ible tr high dkittrde fligh and for odrer siruai.ins wher.
fhshover sith rhc sleeve mighl bc trobler. E)iarplcs Snrce the tusulat.n is designed to be rhe horLcst ltn of
ol shi.l.led leminal thrcrds de shoivr tu Fig. 8 59. the spark ths. its t.rFfatLue c bc reLnied ro lhc preigni-
Thc desjg.rtion nurnbox for spak plugs indjcure he tjol r cl louling regions, rs ihoqr r Fig. 8 0. ftcigitjo
charctcridics oi he flug. The Uhanpio Spark PlLrg is likel) h) occur if surixce nreas i the comburioD cham-
Clompan) utilize! ietels dd numbers o indicarc whether ber exrecd crilical linia or f rhe st* p ug core ose tem-
the sltk plus .onta s I rsi\tor afd o idicatc thc barel peralrre cxceeds l610'lr 1888'Cl. Ilo$,e!er, fouljn!r or
svie. mounting thread. rcdch. he\agon sizc. h.{t rrtinc .. ,,,;.. o n' ", lepo. I .e.-
rnge. gap and clecllode stllc. The .leslgnarlo]rs arc xs nn
i ,e r 'r, r'i.r.r't..' r" lr".o ' .' r, r.. r. ct:
ll00"F 1.127'Cl. lhus. sp{rk pltr:s nnsL operrte ber\!c.D
fLirlt well-detined tenrterature linrits. nd so ptugs nrust be
I \o .. r: < ll. R . .P : r<.r.or- p. -(npphcd in larioLs h.t ranges to dre equirercnts of
dillerct cngxres undcr .r valieil ol opcalirg condiri(rs.
tlu:. Fronr the engrrecurg slxndpoinr. cach irdilirl!l ftug
r'r b. 1". -,e. o rr l.,,,ert,..,1t. .. :
nge This means rhr a gilen type ol spnrk ptug shoutd
oterare a\ hot as possiblc t iow speeds and lieht toadi Dd

.// ../p.,. cN r ////

1750', a// 2N J)r.
1954.44' Cl
"ar/ ,,' ./
revc I ,a{t/ ,{t-'/
^+cX-re ",osl
^ llj",,o!t/ *,w'ilZ
WITI] "YgZ"+9)-
,,. ,'a}"
(B) ',.'/, / , / / , /, /
' 1371 00 cl< / / / /CAIAFOULIt)3'/ / /
[1 5 88 nrn], 24-Lhed 5tdndrd des q
1B)l,l n t19 05 mnl, ENG]NE POWEF
20 lhe.C \',,rether des:g ,'hrch n.o'portes r nproved
se to prelei etrt of mo 5t,re FlG.860 L" o o g po qp

200 chpter 8 Reciproctlng Egi tgnit on d srrting Systems

:i cool as possible under cruising and lakcoll rowcr. Plug rcmovl ad \crricing of stark plugs is dre $idth of le
r:rfu,mxnce lherel'ore depends on tbe opctuLing Lcnipe.a sp.rrk gap thr is. thc di\tace hetrveen he elecnodes
1re of he insulat(r nose. with the mor dcsirable terpen- qhclt Lhc spark i\ produccd. This sfxrk fhg grt widen!
:ure rnge flling betwee 1000 nd 1250'F [5]8 ard with rse util\tcc bccor.\ v) gret hit the stxrk
ri'cl. tlug usl be rtnxrved and eilhcr jglpfcd or r|lccd. Il
Fundanlentallr. an eDgine which runs hoL re!uires rela- rhe spard tlug gap bccores 11 \idc a highcr sccondary
:r\elt cold strk plug, shcrca! an cgnie $hich nlns cool loltage nusl be delelotred bt the itnirion slsleni in order
:.qnires rclxtilcl) hot spark plug. If :r hot stark pltrg is tu cEoe a slark ai lie gxf. Tis highe \'ohage irill end o
:nltilled nr n cngiic $hich nmE hot. the spark plu-q tjf rli1l lerk drr gh the insuirtio ofthe igitio \'iri9, elentual
.: ovcrherled nd cnse preigdio|. ti a cold spdrk plug js l"- carsing lilule ofLhc high rcnsion l.rds.
:n\Lalled in n engire whlch luns cool. the lip of thc spark Thc corrcct rpark tlug gaf lor a trticulr strk tlug
,.lug e,ill collccL unblrned cr'b.,r. cusing fouling of thc instllation i\
establishccl by thc mrnofcturcr. No spdrk
tlus plug should be opertcd wilh 1gp grcaLcr lhr that spcci
A di\cussio ofhot. norrnal. rnd cold plrg\ is technical licd i llrc rnrulacrurca\ instftclionq.
\ conrjcL.bu L we mu st erpl]nslze fhat ill. rc Dr nnle \ Procedure. Ir generrl. ircrafi Efark plugs
ii arrufr l\ak llugt td lot bt sub:itut.d d )tdtilr, d\ re serviced ir ihe fbllo$ing seqrence:
:t .on ra in auLottD^: prd.i.., bec{usc the seleclio| ol
r r. lJ's pl, -.:. - er -J | \. r.r r.r. le run l Remoyal. Shielded terlllinal connectols are
:rtcturers' ad the FAA appro\als govcming lhe use of a r., (dbr l" r!rl F. ' ',,u, rlF {ofer '.F
rricular st.rk tltg r ay nrrilt cngine. crowlot or open end wrcnch. Care n st be taken lo avoid
The princip.tlfactors govcming thc heat range ol alrcraft dal1lagins ihe e1bow. lelmial lleeve assenblies msl be
ipk plug! are ( l) lhe diltancc bct\lcen the cotpe sleeve tLlled our ul a straighl 1ie o .rloid damgig eiher the
.rround lhe isulard lnd th. in\ultor rr. (21 the lhernll sleele or the barel lnlrlaror.
onductility oI thc isultiDg nut.rial. (i) dre rhernxl co 'lhe spark plug is lisened fronr dre cylinder bushing by
Jucrility of the eleclrode, (.1) ihe rate of hel lfxnsie. rLr. f l .i .l'o .l . r. .' .I i. rc."rr
bJLween the elecode ard ihe msLrltor. (5) the shate ol thc rncnd.ilht a six poil $irnch bc usd becus it pro\ides
i.\ulrtor tlp. (6) the dislance bet\yeen thc insulaL(tr Lif and a greaer being sufce than a l2-poin $'r'ench. The sock'
ihe shell, ard (l) he L\,pe of orside gskcr us.d. Hor acl el nrlsl be seled securel"r or e spark plug he:igon o
.!." . ..r, . r',r-,,'fi:a a!oicl possible clarl]age lhe isulor or co reco
Oer larure, ol spa* tlug consl ctio nr) rllct thc
-,ee.,(, h,ec rr.i,.r" e As each rpark plug 1s renoled.lI should be placed in a
ri.,led a1e those of prxnary co! der!t()n. I all cses. tlre ay wlh rurnbeed holes so dul dre englre c)linder fiom
Irchicj.rn !hould infltll thc r)fc ol sprk phg approved which the sprk plug has been remoled can be identified.
ior thc tricular cDSinc being ser!iced. Spark pl gs 'lhis is imprtat. he.ause the.ondilion of the spark plug
rppr)red for iD\tallatio i an egiLle are lisled in the mi,\' inrpeiding friltrre of some p of the pi\to
.gie Type C.rLilictc Drra Sheel Sorne ranLrfacrurers or.yl;nder assenrblies.
u\e color code \ystcn or lhe cflirders to rdicate the lf o x hard surlacc. ccks m,-
spxrk plug is droppcd
hcal rge ol.\prk phgs to be irslalled. occur in lhe ccranric in\uldtrcn which rc not af!rent on
visual e\nrinrio. A \ tratk plkq has been
toptd k ",hitt
Servicing Aircraft Spark Plugs b te e.rottetmret.lE tanfauzt
Scheduled servicing Lrerl,als ore .all) dcrc ntued by when ihe hreded forion of a spaR plrg bre.rks oiT i
rhe irdilidual arcralt operalor. l hese inrcr\rls Nill vrry the c)llnder, greal care lnust be exercised in the rcmo!al ol
accoding Io opernling condirio\,.ngine models. ard the broken leciolr. Nornr.rllr' i w jll be c.c\\ary to rcmore
\park plus lyles. The princip,rl dereriiniDg lactur in he the cylinder fronr the enfine. Before an attcmpi is nidc to
rcmore lhe sectjon. liquid fenetrant shoul.t be {ppliccl
around the thred! rnd llowed to strcl itr xr lcxf l0 mir.
lf rhe bmke pnlt i! trpfcd lighrl! wjrh thc ed oi a plnch
ivhile the pecdnt i\ v(nkilg. lh. librti r will helt lhe
lictuid to cL.r Lhe spLce bel$een the hreads. The elec
troclcs ol lhc phrg should be ben oul of the wa) r'ith a pin
punch or silnilar tool lo perrni he inserjo of a scre\t
e\lraclor (Ea\!out). ,\ readll_\'icreasjns torce on he
scre\! e\rfact should be enongh to rerole dre broken

If this prcccss is oL slccesslL. the {he pIl

rLn be
r'cLt1oled b) cullit]g \\'ith a s
all metal sa. SrLch a saiv can
e rnade by cunrg a .rck!$ blade o x siTe \rhich c bc
insered inside he !tx( flus scctio. Tho \s lust be
caretillt naDitulnled tr) ctrt thrcc slol\ iside the section
Nithoul ctrtli3 deetly cnough to Ldrch lhe thiecis of he
cylinder. The bree sccrions oI lhc t can then be broken
out bI usinr i punch rnd .1 light hannner The blo$s should
FlG.8 61 ao!ir!.io oi hot o.od 5p.rk pl!!s bc djrected t(varcllhe ce|ter oflhe spark plue hole.

spark P uqs 201

After the broke polLion of the ilark plug has bcc d. Rcrove rhe plug Dd erarnine jrs end It
rcto!ed. the hreads in rhc cylinder shoukl be checkc.l cleaning is inc.,nplctc, r.fea he cleaing cycte fr
crcfirll} lor danrrge Usullv thc Lhead! cxn be cleane.l b) 5 lo l0 s. lf clering is still icomtictc. check ihe
eans oi I drrcad chse. If thcrc js .Ltpreciable damge ro clencr od replace thc abrsive. For complere ser,
the rhrcrds. n Heli Coil insert should be xrstalled. See vice inlomration. relr to thc'\ serlice
rstructio! in Chat. 10 on o!crh{ul pcices.
2. Peli'ninarJ inspection. Imnrediarell afler Se\eral corpnics ofter s!rt flug clening machjes
renolal. rhc sp{rk plu]rs shoLld bc gire .reli \'isual lridithe abmsile suppofted in liqu . This is an excellet
inspection. rd all trnseN ceable plugs \hould be discrr.led cleaillg rethod, but thc operartr must rnake sure hai thc
Spark phgr with crackcd insLios. badly erodcl clec abrali\e i\ of the aluminm oridc ilpe. Silic abralive
lrodes. drmaged shcll\ or damaged rlrrexlts \hould be car contributc to late plug louling lnmeditcly atie
cleanirrg by the wet-blst ierho.l. the plugs shotrld be
3 Degresing. All oil nnd grease should bc rcmoved oven-driecl to prelent uring aD.l to ensue I satisfactory
liom both the inrcrior ad exierio of thc sprk plugs
accodirg to lhe degia'asing nre rod apprLrled tI at par E\cessirc u!e ofthe abrasive blsr should be avoiclcd. to
ticular ype ol strk pkg. hither laror degresirg or rhc pre!en oo Illuch welr of he eleclrcdcs nd insularors.
usc of solvenls. such !s Sloddar.l lven. ;s trsullt reconi- Strk plug threds arc cleaned by usmg a $,i.e ilheel $irh
rnfn---1. sol] briltles. Threds which are sllghrly jcked may be
.1. Drling. After they h\c bcen de:reled. lpark clcDcd by using a ch{sing die.
plugs \hotrld bc dried. rside rnd out. to rennr\e all ces The coector sear r rhe tof ofrhe shicldig b el musr
ol $l!ent. Dry conlressed air cn bc used, or lhe spark be clcaned io provide a froter leatlng surhce for ihe g\
plugs cD bc put in,r dryjg o\,en. \. ,Jr., .r 1,..,1 ,,t ,(rlr l|or '' ... L re.e...l
5 Llleanig. Dnring opellio of an air.rri engje. lic erained garner paper or sandpapcr nray be sed ro
lnd nd carbon clcposits form on h ccraric core. the srnooth the seat. E1err p.Lt.r ;hord ror bc nsed becarse
electrodes, and the in\idc of the ifak plug thcil. These rhe erctr conrtound conducts electrici! ncl md\, establish
lcposit! are Inost eadil) rcnNed b) an absile blasrug o path for lckage of high loh{ge curen Aficr Lhe sea is
machlc esFcialll designed lor cleanir spark plngs. cleaeil. Ihe \hiclding a1Tel shoald be rhooughlr- blown
The trse of ar abrrsi\ c bl{st lfark flug cleaner is shosn oul wilh an rir blalt.
',.i-8h lr rl- ..,e.r,,,: 6. Regapping,'lhe ools nd mcthods used ro seL spark
plng gats $ill !rv !!itl the shatc: lype, and araDgcmenl
!t ldall lhe propcr \ire rubber adaper i the clln
.r. {d tress the l ing cn.l oflhe \park plug lro rhc Tbe gap in x) sfark plug ii casured b! round wiro
eage!. These gages a supplled i t$o sjzes for each gat.
b. Nlolc dr. contrcl lerer lo A!RA\r\i, B.rsr. af(l 1o mcantre boh the minirnun ard m\rum llidrlN ibr lhc
slolrll $1)bble tbe sprl phg r d circular nrotion g!. For example. a sprk tlug gap ggc will have rvo
for 3 Io 5 s. The $obbling-Ir)oli., agle \hould be illrcs oe 0.0i1 in f0.279 mnrl in dinrcrcr xnd rhe ocr
o glealer lhn 20 frolr lertical ro penir rhc hr!- mesu ng 0015 i f{).:l8l mml. wher thc stark flug gap
sjve rnalerirls tr) frely enter the liring ed of.ning is being tclted. rhe \maller dirnesion grge musr plss
nrd to lcilitdtc .l.ring. rough the:ap and rhc larger djmesion grgt .rust be oo
c. Conlinuc thc wobbl;ng Jrotio nd royc he lage 1o ps\ throulh the gat. A gnge for checkng rhe gap
lerer 1o .\xr Bllsr ro rerno\e tbe xbrasive prticlcs clexrance o1 sprrk pllg nd c corect meth.'d ol irxcF
1rn the lir o hore tion are \ho$n ln Fig. I 6-1.
Il spark plug gp js too ] is clo\ed hy nreans ol

\pecial gap seting rt supplied bl rhe nantrf{urcr ad
uscl accordjng o thc manufactureis insrtrcrions. A gap-
sctling tool is show i Fig. 8 :r
Il the gp of a lbltr or two prons strk plug hs been
clolied beyond liruts. no clftnt shoukl be nrrdc ro ofen rhe
gt nd thc rlu! shoukl be discarded

FlG.8 62 U;e oi b'5!e b rt rp k p !g ceer FlG. 8-63 5prl p !g gap qaqe tchanpon spat Plug Co )
2O2 chapter 8 Rec procalinq Enq ne tqnitton and Starting Systems
rl.\i iLllG
o o- l.\-:l\':
.0ti El-:ll0D r-

lF lt| llils
r'Fl -\i\ TF lrll I

rftl E-OSl0ll G\llGE

FIG. 8-66 5p'k p q erosion qaqe lchanpian Spatk Pltg

FlG. 8-64 Cp-5ett nq toc ichan'ptoti Sprk Pluq aa )

FlG.8-67 1pe.trq i r ! ed iclprr 5pk P/rq Co)

plug js unilci trc\!ur.. lc\tnrg dc!ic.s hrlc bccn ilesigcd

b,- sprrk plug nanrlictucB to ptly thc corrcct frc\surc
and \ollage lo dic spr'k phg. Spark tlugs rc lcfcd u.icr
pressure to simulale operalhg cordilions to sonc calcnt. ,\
spark plug h:rt fire! stlsfacroil! nnder norllral arrroipher
ic condirios mar faiL nder pressure because of the
lceared lesistnce of the air gap Llrder lhese condilior\.
The iestmg d spa* trhrg ir a tressure lerer is drown in
Fig. 8 68. lnstrLrctions ir oternion re ircluded silh e

Sprk plug\ $,hich lail to lunctir)n propcrlt .luring th

FIG- 8-65 Sett q lhe qap o ne'!v e ee.irde spdrk prcs{u tcst shoulcl be L1kect in an olell lirr bou1.1 h rt
prg t,ahat.pioh 5pa* Plug ao ) 215'F fl0l'Cl This $ill dr_1 oul .rnt noirure with tlre
tl!g. Alier Lr has beer bked, the plus lhoukl be tefed
Single'electrode rnd l$o-prong s,irc elecr)de plugs .uc rg ! if 1I lails lndcr the secod ert. ii shonld be iecled
coffructed so tl]a lhe gap car be opened or c[)s.d $ill]oul or retuned to rhe nnnnlacturer
dange of cnckrrg dre ceranic insulan)r. A spccil lool lor E. Gasket sIvicing. One of e rost inportan essen
adjusurg lhe gap ofsuch a flug is show u Fig.8 65. tials ol spak plug xrrallaiion inl,olves rhe codition oflhe
Afrer strk pltrgs ha!. bcc corrccll\ Srtped. check for solid copper gasket trsed with dre sfnrk plu8.
erosio of rh. cl..t( .s. Thc Srgc sho$'n in Fig. it 66, When spark flugs re ibt{lled. either cr\ or reconcli
$hich is u\c.l \irh rssivc clccrrode plLgs, eliminrtes the tioned Sskets should be ased.
-que\swo.k by i.lctjlrmg strk
plgs ht require replace Llsed lfark plug glskls should be nn.rl.d b,"- bcig
nrcnr. Il lh. clccrrodc cnlo.s the cenier hole. oo much erc hctcd to .L che[] rcd and immcdiaelr" qLrcnched ir light
lion h\ takc plcc d rhc spark thg should be rcmoved l11olor oiL. Afier he quencbing. rhe oll should be reroled
lvilh a sol\enr and lbe giskei! imnrened in a $hLiion of
-. ln.pecron nd re\ring. ,, . r .J r f Ff r . 50 tercenr $,aer ncl 50 fer.ent nitrir dci.l to\.
a uscd strk thg ror sev1ce are irstection and lcslirg. orides. Alter lhc cid balh. lhe g\kels sho!ld be carel!lh
Vi\l irsteclion is dore wnh a nragnifr'iDg glass. r rilrsed in rurnirrg $aler nd rir-dried.
in Fig. 8-67. Good llghtlg nrus bc froliclcd. Tl)e Elen ouglr rcceplable reconditi.ireLl spark plLr: :as
lllolriLrg items are exarined: hreds,
clcctroclcs. shell keis ury be r!,rilabLe. il is reconxnefded lhar ne!! gskeri
hciago s. ceranc insLiltion, Lnd the conncclor sct. be insttled with nev or recofditione.L st,rrk plu:\ 'lhe
\r,r\ rl . . e,< e lo. -t \ r; ,:.1 . r. !... r'. - addiiional cosl lnroiled i! \o rxll ilrxt il.xnnor offst ilr.
lent to nonnal igniiion !olt!ge, t() th. splrk flug $hile lhe ad\,antase of neu,gasLer rclirhilitl

spark Plugs 203

TESTEF S\] TCH SH ELDED BAFEL o\erhctj!. and possilrle dct(rrdtion. The thrclts $jll be
BL]TTON CONTACOR sLrbiec( to hi:h enpenlure corrcsion. ard hi\ \ill c{use
tbe plug lo \ti.k i tle cvlndcr The sticking endd.t rvill
be aggra!rrcd h\ the lrlrrtio o1 crrbon .rnd lead nsi.le
ai he elld oi th. tlug \\:he| dri\ condjioD eriss, dnag.
mat be cru\cd to the ctllrder rl)rcarls rnd ro ihe spar* irhg
t the line r)l rJovl
\. : le 1 .. '. e I e.r ,r.:. r .:' '. ,:
oul rll dre \tefs preliousll crplanred, their bert clll1s xre
in \in il drc) iil ro rrrtall rhc \tark irhrgs properl). The
tli!t \tct is tu inspecl dre sfark plug and dre c)lxrder bsh
m-g. Th. rhr.ds of ech shoul b. clcn aid free ol rr
agc A light .oxtlg of aptro!..1 anitt-. tonpotnd
shorld b. tf ied to the hread\ ol lhc sfrk tlu3. h shoul
rrol ho$$or. be ttlied to the lirsl t$o lhreds be..ruie e
mIerial ur] run do\. onro the ele.Iroclcs $hcn hor. thLs
sho circLrilir)s lir. clcctrodc! ofthe spart plug.
lhe ip plug is rhcn instxlled oledrer $i(h thc gsker
FlG. 8-58 P.erlre t!5i rq stfl !q ar.mpror ip.?.(
in the cllnder u\hing. It should be fossible ro \crc\ the
r|rk plug inlo rhc cr-lin.icr hrsh g bl hrd. Th. \prrk
p ug is tighlelerl bj nrc!s ol .1 deep,socker \rrech rvlh a
9. Plug rolfion. I--\.ess;re ele.trode erosro rs t.lltue h rdle I1 i\ \cr\'lnrfollanl rhrr rhe \pnrk |iug be
. .r..,r:....,t. ti3hleed lo thc rolquc spc.ifed b,! e rnnn!iacrtrrcr. The
alierliring Cosllt pohrirv o.cuN irith elen-rLrnbercd sul lorqtre lor 1S mnr \p{rk tlugs ls -160 ro.rl0 i..lh
!!linder nagleios Ore tlug lrcs rirlr folij!e tolnriy. f.+0 68 to .1r-.lo d rhc t(trqtre for i.1-m111 plugs is
cau\ rg e\cessi\e !ronrd elecrrodc scu. \hil. tlre er! ll0 li) ll(l lll 1l ro -r1.9 Nl Olerighreumg r
flue f re! ne!rr\eh- cusins e\cc\sir. ccrcr c c.trode sprk plug nry d,rnge lhe thre:Lds rn.l rke he spk
$ear Cpa.irrnce alieirtug qcar is cru\c.1 b! the stored flLrS dilliculr to rerove oi. in e\lrcrc casc\. chanfe he
energ! i. rhe iSnillor shieldc lccl unlo.lilg xJtcr nornrxl lap sellrg. O\.riShte|ing $ill rlso caus. dre stxrk flg ro
slick irr rhc c\lider. The igLnrion lcnd i\.one.ted to c
'.q,-.e ' I lr, rr..( sfrk pllg b) Ler1i! rhe tenm|l slcc\e j. stfrieht linc
sct\. plcinB thenr in lrnls iclenrilied b1 c)ljclcr loctjofs. no the \hieldjns brel nd tLghei|g (hc tcnninl nu ro
,\licr rhc plugi hx!e bee. ienLced. rot;rle 1l)ern,5 i icLc.l rhc rf ol he shiclding b .1 The erri al \lec\c nr \t e
in Fig. 8 69. Thi\ qill lore.t rlre! qer condiln. cl.n rd d.I rl nuulct not be touched b\ hlnrD h.r.di.
and the capcitan.c $.o $lll be ce.1ed h] \rappLrlg Th. entrr of lreign t(cr or moisture ifi.i lhe
lons lead phgs 1lir}r short lodd fLug\ sell ca| rcuc th. istrl.rlion lalue ol th..on
i0. Installaiion. Belr. j\rdl jng !f! l flLrg,,. the ech- neclor strch thrrl isnili{rr s\\t.r \o txles t hlgh !o!!cr cn
ni.ien nrtrr hr\e thc trotcr r]t. of fltr! for the ersrre. c.tusc lh\holer ol the c1liolr] lhe ren)ial .r
T$o of the ror .riricl ld.l(,A rc the .d dr'. xnd ihe $ell sui{.e to the !rcund \ sho\n r Fig. E-;0. This. in
rd . lhe elfeci of improfcr her irnge h\ bee lfln. co se the flug 1o tri!1ir..
' r .lt . B \ , ;.'. 1
The lernindl nri t the tof or the \park tlug shonid be
Iioll .1d cl.()naLi. nrav occLil: the phg i! oo cIcl. il lightened as mrch a\ Pos\ible by lard ard lhc rurned
qillbcconrc l( ..1 bout ore quIer turn $iLh Lh. wrench. A good. sirg liL i!
ll log rcrch plug is i.ltxlled i ar ergille desige ll thrt is required Orerrighrcnjg 1!t! cause drinagc ro
lor a shorr rcch thg. \onre of rhe dneds ol he plug rill lhc .lbo\r aid he hrcs
ellen irlo rhc .orbusri. .hrnber. l th \ fo\iion. dle Alter o.orplete ser o1 \puk flugs has been rrs{rlle. it
reds nd rhc.d oltlre plug nu\ ecome orerhee.lnd is $i'. to u rhe er:ire rrd pcrlrm ! nrageto check to
ILrs cruse frcignitio. lh ! \ill resuh in loss ot torer. \\css th. See[r] condiior l'1 lb. ig.jri. (\'\teJrl. A drp

FlG.8 69 Sprk p!q

2O4 chapter 8 Re.iprocat nq Engie lgnition and Start nq Systems
gex'. lf lll cscs. rhe ger rxsement is \u.h rhr rherc i!
a high Sear r{io bcrwee thc \riuler x]lor rd the eginc.
That i\. dre srartcr motol tlLnN r nra\' (inc\ ihe lpnr 01 th.

Starter Motor
A l\picl d recl crulin! rotor is illuraed in l-i! 8 71.
|- . r.r i .. t(, e
lapble oi w thrandir)g !cr\ high nn)p.k-ee The $rrdig\
are insLrltcd (ih ltecixl he:t reliisL rr .n3]l1et. and attcr
dre,r r'e plced ilr the Il{ru.e. he erirc sserbt! is .{ou
''rl .:.' .,1....,r'rI 1.1..
om lhe rmlure coils r. sked irl tlxce jn rhe cournrut
Lor L,ar!r.l th.r soldered $irh lrigh-rnelri.g solder.
An nrlllal!re.onsucted i rhis maLrer can q,ithsard

qirh the foLrr iicl pole-( held i flrce bl counerslrrk
I I r.'.. | , .. ,(
FlG.8 70 C:re.t! re i5ho!! iahapion 5patk Plg n)tor ol llis rtte s ree\ rotrd lle",ollclct coils musl be
$ound i1i(h c\] .opper wirc r. crrrl rhc high frrring

Thc cnd tiamcs rc olc.L\ nluIrinum rnd 1c rtt.rched ro

he cll anes br \crc\s rlnerllccl inr. ofe ed. 'the bu
lD e|91e rym Lrelod rhc stc.itied lirir \rill rcquire a
bengs rre sealed d ie pressed rlt r.!esses i]r rhe ed
check .)1 Lh. nrxgfer. l:Dirio .bles. mrd straik plu8s
tiaores A oil se.rl is plaed iLl he dri\c crd tric rr) pre
lerl cDg;ne oil lior.tcrirg dre nnfor.
Tl)c brtr,.h rscnblies xre ltr.hc.1 to he comnrurror
erld iir. i. bNsh holclcrs i. the
l-he brlshcs rre not hetd
particlir nrotor illLrrrrc.] Fig E 7t hui re arl!.hed
tilh screws ro i pilole.t brurh r . Thi, rm js tro\i,lc(L
\ith a coil lprins $hiclr rhe brlsh liinrll asnrsL rhc
The dir..r t!pe ri1cr. hen eleclricxll.- .nersized pro
\ic5 in\trnt ard conri.uouj .rnking. Thi! rrafier tr)da lhe tielct lianre is \lorrc.l ur the connnutxt(n.erd lo tro
mctall! codslss ol rn elecric l1ro(o. rcdu.lior gers. Lnd \id. lccess ti) dre bushes nr,.ervice an.l replacemc.r. A
rn auLonrotrc ersagins/diseDgrgxrg mcchrisln. u'trich i!
cover Lrand closes the slor\ to ffotect rhc .roior tio dift
oprxL.d through n ad.ltrrrrie-or.L!c oyerlond reteasc
.lLrtch. Thc efsine i\ Lherere cranked\ b!. lhe The fo(iirc tcni.l erle.i\ drrculh {hc fi.ld tiarne tl
is ilxu]tLed olr1 lhc ire b] conrf.sitior1 sleere ind

The r)rfor torqre is x$ ed ihrongh rh rcducrio

:ears ro thc adjusrable lorqrc overload releu"c.lut.h.
l . '- ,.r. 1.. ti 1.,.r,. I SEALED
l.Joles e \tfterjin "'..
oL(qrd. !long ir\ alis. anlt .gases
r t. l" .r
:rSage.l. crnliin! st,ls.
\\her rhc.!ie rarrs to ljr.. the ltafier irronrticnll\
:.:x!es uSair il .rnenl conrillucs to ener3iTe rhe olor.
.r. - e l .'
.Llcs Lhrcu3h he djrstrble-ro.qu. o\.ri.{1 Nlease chrrch.
rhich is a rulriple.Lisk clurch rnilcr ad.lufable \priS
fieisuie. \\'l.D the uii is ss.rbled. he clLrtch is scr lor a
.redetennirc lorque laluc. Thc.lisks i rhe clulch \lip ad
.bso the shocl .ru\ed b\ th. .g-eerenr oi rhc str.r.r
log\: Lhel lso slip lf rhe e|g|rc kicks brcl\.rln S rce lhc
gngcrenl .if thc ririer dog! ir rur(rnrti.. rhe sfier dis
.'ngrg.s $hen rhe.:ine speed! rhc st.Lrer speed.
Thc Dror prc\xlcr r\'fe o1 s(rrL.r u\..1 f.r ligh llcl SE,{LE D
l, -'- e .. .i'..r -..'!.
mcchanisn such \ ! Be|dir dr'e or rnn. orher neans of
Sgins ad dir'nggins the srmer g.r 1rn he engxre FIG. 8-71 D rect .rank q strrer mcror

Starteu for Reclpocaling A r.raft Eng ne, 2Os

sashers of sirilr nrarerial. The negari\c sjde ofthe poe
supll) con1cs Lhrough the field fine. ADJUSTING STUD

MOf Slr\rlTCH
Overrunning Clutch
T. cr.!.,.e" dd .r-.!c. .'r .rt-.r' ,Fr, e.r,r..c.
csslly 1o cnrplo),' sotne lrte ol cgaging me.h!nis1.
Varlons llpes ol.rccha sms have been dcsigncd for li:h,
' eir . ., . , "f l r. , .:r e . o\ elrunnirlr
A ttpjcal orcrrunDing clutch argerlreDr i\ show in
Fig. 8 72 Thc clutch .onlists of n inncr collari a scrics of
iollels. plungcrs d !|rings elclosed ir a sb.ll asscrblyi \
and the sh11on which rbe a\sembl,v is rlounted. The hx.d
erred-steel rollers rc asscmled io lotches ir rhe shcll.
The norches taper isa s) thdt he rollers seize the collu
when the shell is tu ed nr such a direction that the ntlels
arc roled toqxrd the snull cd ol the not.hes. lhus.\rhe
Lhc shcll is tNned in one directi(r. thc collar ust nm with
jt: howcycr. when the shell is i thc optosire direc, N
tio. thc collar can rerin slaliondy.
Complete Starter Asseribly
A snrer rsserbl\ c.rploying a ull] oporatcd s$itch flc.8-73 5trte: fr'th ole Ln ! c Lrtch, r'r:! y
rd a shifi leler is sho\n i l-ig.8 7i. This ral(or dsscnl s\'rt.f. nd sh lt ere
bly rnakes usc ol a olerNnnirg clutch silrril. (o Lhat
described bole Dd il ircorprates a pdr ol gears $ thaL spring inside lhc \lee!e to be corrpr.'\\ed The denc\hinS
drerc is ger..drctjon betileen he nx]lot nrtur. !d \prjng pro.tuc.\ .lelneshing $'trene\cr rhe shiti le\,er i\
.1.. ep: irTr ':.'r tJr.. ,p .. ,r r. . reieased. Ali.r rhc ergire slarls. oycrtrning clurch acti(nl
in.rafklLr! torque t Lhc driye pinion. ternris ihe tinion to o1err the clurch {nd gear duing rhc
'Ihe shiri leler is opcfutcd b) meni of a cable o \\j brief per od h rhc tir;on emais in nresh Thus. higlr
contr)l firn the ! rplare cockpiL. The conrol ha! a reLrm steed is .r tranrnittcd Lo rhe cr,rnking rnoto.annare.
suing wirh strllicjeni tensior ro bris lhc lcler to ihe tLrlh
relersed fo\ilio tlhen he control is relc!\cd.
When thc control s operted ro sraf th..gie. he Starter Assembly with 90" Adapter Drive
lower cn o1 (he shlr' le\er thrLrrs gdist thc.lut.h ssem, Thc conrplere frrcr rliel1rblt. rdptcr. ad clurch rsscr
blv turd cauf's Llr. olerLnning-chlch dr i\c pinion ro mole blv for a siri-cllnrdcr olposed e|ginc cr be seen ln rhe
irlo re\h wirh rhc.fgie saller gear. If thc drile finion erplodcd vie$ nr Fjs 8 7:1. The stfler is moured or
ad faIer ged tccrh btrr rgaifft eac olher i\Lead ol nghGaglc.|i!e adnp{er which is altiched to rhc rcar end
meshing, rhe meshing sp;ns nrside he chch sleele com .f lhe crankclse. lhe iongLre ed of the farer shali rtes
presles to spnngloa.l rhc drive pinion ngains rhe ft,tcr direcrl] wil thc gllxrled eLrd of rhc wonn ihali. The wom
gerr Then. as soorr s rhc rnnte begins to turn. engagc sharl (.13)l\ suptorted between a needlc bearrg (.1.1) ar ir\
ct rd cmnknlg lake plicc. in lhe un t llustrated. the lef end rcl a bll bearlll: (.111 rhich ;! etained ir rhc
ovcrrunrxr-e ctutch.ld!e pinio i\ srtpoed on,r slub daprer b) r sap ring. The ivorn (:lt)) is driver by rh.
'lJr |rr . \. (o|etr,or \hifr through \\oodNff kel. The rlonn nheel (31) is
no!ed ifo mesh, (he !1ub shaft cuses the dcmeshing altxched b\'lbur bolt\ to llange on thc clurch drum 136)
\rhich bear\ o the \hft ger (l5l Tro clowels cenrer he
$heel o lhe dnxn ad lrasriL the dlilig rorquc. A hea!!
helicl spnrg (30) colers boLh thc xernall] groo\cd drulr1
rd similarll Broorecl drur mchined o rhc \hf g,-ar
jusl ahc{d oflhe cluich drunr. Tbe lfrjng is rctained on the
BUSH INCS clulch drunr by an 1n turncd ollse! ar js rcar end which
rides in grcole aronnd thc drunr. jus head ol rhe fiange.
The nr Lumed otsel ol thc cltrich ltring is norchcd. .rnd the
.l ,.I r' d e, J,Jr.pp I : ir . ..r'ir _
scre{. The liont end of the spring lit! closely in a fccl
\lee!e. presse ilo the st! ter adaptcr When be srafier i\
cerfized, lriction beti!ee the clLtch strinS and thc
ld.Ltcr sleele rd bct\yce the sprirg and thc clulch drum,
\hich is turne.l b) thc nornr $,heel. rerds to sjnd up e
sprig on the cluL.h a.d shifr gear drln1s. lockig hern
flc. 8 72 OvetrLrn'. . L,r.h log.ther so rht dre shrli ger nnaes ard ruN thc.rank
206 Chapter I Reciproctg Enqine lsnit on and Startinq Systems
.{:; u

:q- ,r(-''d'f/l"r
l 12. Lock washer 2rl. Gaskct 16.
2. 13. Plai washer (2) 25. Sleevc 17.
L I4. casket 26. Oil sexl -18.
15. Plaln nut (l) 27. Retaining rng 19.
5. 1. Lock washcr ll) 28. Spring rctainig
t7. Plain wlshc. (1) boll (l) :10. Sprine
6. t8. Cenertor drive 29. Tb washer 41.
7. Planr washcr (31 sheave 30. Clutch lpring 12.
8. 19. Coler bolt 31. Berring :13.
boll (l) 20. Lock wrsher 32. Bolt (r1) 11. Bcarine
21. Plai washcr 33. Lock asher :15.Plug r1)
t0. 22. Woodruf key 3:1. Sler wom whcel 46. Slud (2)
. PIi nL't (2) 23_ CoYer ls. Stder shalller 17.

FtG.8 74 Drectcrnkn95trterwthsping-typecutchnd90"drlve (feledyne Continental)

ihali. As soo n! the engine stas, Lhc shft gear is drivel Iightuess ln their nrorntings Loose ierminal \tuds can
iarer than lhe cltrtch spring D.l tcds to rrwi]rd lt. thus 'e.rlr r :]J.i,;:r,d irJe I. ol .rrrc..r.rnc-
r .i.1. J'. ,- rr . rl ,r ' re )r. -eJr .pir '
iee of thc strrcr drivc The generator drive t llel is IJJ1,gr-f J r,e'. .).r rp ,prp ri.r.r i.l
mounted o thc lcr'cd of e shaf genr and drive detennine the corect f{rt urber for the replccret prt.
ihrough a Woodrnfi ke!. so rh i al$'ays trn! rt shl:Lft Pr ntrbcrs r. sfccilicd i lhc manulacrurer's olerhul
grd speed. maual Dd rhc par t\ li\t fttr Lhc aircrft in!ol\cd.

Starler wth Bendx Drve

t rpical Prcsrolit rrcr m(ror, used on man) Lighl air
.raft engines ow in operarion. is shown in Fig. 8 75. Thc quite sinlla !o drose describ.d
PrestoliLc srarler
rr.yio'rsly An examinrtion ofFlg. 8-75 will show thr rhc
notor inclxdes lhe conle|tional parts 1r a series rfor Early Lyfe rdjal egines \!ere otie. eqnipped sith hand
n. end fiames (end heads). fiekl fia]lle, field coil1. Lr ahc\ incriir sta.tcr! or elcctrlc hand irerti,r starters. l hc\c
trnd brush plte assemblr. arl]rature, beaflngs. and assenrbl) n lc,, rere (i-e,r \e H . e (. ,cne
.es. This laicular rartcr hs e elecic srxer switch xsso.ixted with thejr rse because of ihe ecessiy of accel
rrcr relay) lr1ounlecl.Jr1 lhe tield tuame. emting the stxrler nd then enSrging it o the egine for the
The uintenance of the staner nronn illu(ratcd i Fig. fl. Il thc ccrgy \lorc.l i rhc wrs di\siprrcd
i 75 is the same as for anl, oher nrotor ol lhis lype. before lhe engie slrled. lhen it $as ncccssq, lo xccele.
lstectios lnclude an examinatio ofthc bruihes nd corr- ale again. The inerria strrLer sas lhcrcf'e nxne corpler in
-uLrLror. a check lr ihe pesence of oil or grease nrside the s)ster. coLrstrucio. ard operalion than r dilect-crrking
otor nd he presence of lead tafticlcs in nd lcar lhe elecldc stler. However. desigers rd rl]arulaclurers
rru\h llare assembly, and a est tbr the secudr] ol all clcc clertually devetoped {lirect-crnkirg strrer \ hich q ere
_i. ..nfe.riofs The rein teninrl str s ai c\anincd tbr convenien and el1cive in oferatlon.

Starters for Mdium and Laqe En.,ines 2O7

r t4 6
t/ II illit\

\a- |
1 /t\

\i :d 1l / \
ll /l \
ii, !
::- lt l,: \ r
3t F " ,ll rE,-
\ \
\ l

1. 7. Dri\e end b.jnq l.l. lh.ouah bolt
2. 8. Bend'\ drive 1,1. Thrust sshe,s
L ssenrltr' 5. Coneclor
9. Ilrsh plxlc
Iic 10. Ilnsh sprin-1: 16. Starter .clar"
5. aor
6. (l 12. Oil \el
flc.8 75 E:pod !-( oi Preno t nrtef

st ter opcte! rhe is is .lone. ihe \wirch i! detecri\e

ad nn!r bc reflaced.
ll ihe slarr.r conlro1 swilch in the cocktit tpcrs io e
rn.rion]. {hc tiNble ma,v bc in the stafer solcnoid. Tle
soLeroid cn bc checked r rhc ranDer delcribc.l for he
ln lhis ! the u\Lrl tro!].\ f.und in t|e opera(nD ol \tater conrr1 \$lrch. In rhjs cnsc. I he\'] jumpe nrltst be
i_\'tic1. co!eni onal ft, jn\ralled o. airplarcs $ith ,' r l. .. .. 1. ..r,,. (r : p . I . r
ncrfoctj.g e.:ines are discussed. Althougb ihe i fnr. of the solenoi.t i\ much greater rhdn iha i he coh.ot cjr
tios arc brord u rheir afplicrrio . tlrel co\cr fre sitLrlons cuit. lf lhe slarl.r oferetes \r'he the JuDrper is conected
oallt eLr.or(crcd. The stud) 01 mnnudl\ nd hnnd- acrss the lain solcoic1 ternials. it i\ ! sign hr rhc $le
books issued b) rnanuf{ctLuers nd rhL,re rcsposlhle fo noi.lis defecile. Beftnc the soleroid i\ replced. ho\lc\er,
in\pe.tion aLld mircnnce is ,rl{als 1conncnclcd \o thxr the ft.noid corrol cncrit rhould be rhoroughll checkcd
lho cquitnne cr be \cnjced in accordrcc sith it\ or, The cncuit beker or f'r!e in he colrol circuir my be
tr ri.u ar desrln chrrcrcristlc\. tai]nrg, or the q'idg may be defecli!c.
11 lhe toser source lylring conrn sslrch. and str].er
Failure of Starter Motor to Operate solenoid r rll fnctionmg thperl]'., thc L(ruble lies jn lhc
sra er nxrlor ln lhis ca\e. thc band coleri g the bru,ihes of
Wh.n thc lrarrer suitch on . airplane is plced jn rh. the notor should be renloled and rtre coditio of he
srarr tositio and thc \r0rer frils to opell]e. lhe r(rblc bNshes and connutad che.ked. If dre bNshes R badt!
. usu{ll\ be raced to one of rhe lolloq,rS: i1l clcctri. \ '. t ..r.le. ir ..
toilcr source (l) rr'rcr conLrol !sirch_ (3) srartcr solc rnxke slristclr\' .ot.t ivi the connut.ror. This troubte
roicl. l,1r clecric {'lrlrrg or 5) the ller moror it\clf A can bc coxecled bt ittlcing e b she! ,rnd/or the brtr\h
ch..k r)ftiese itenrs $'ill LAl[tlly reverl dre ronble. \prings ns re,:tLrird. Tf the coxurat(n l! btack. dirr}. or
Thc cle.t|c polrer sourc. f(,. liShl airplane i\ rh. bar badly worn il lhould be cleaned wirh o. 000 sardpapcr or
ler\. Il thc strrer fnils 10 opcrrr. or if a.Li.k is herd. thc lhc \ter shoLid bc rcro\ed rbl o\crhaul. UllLatty it is not
batett ch:Lrg. ri) be lo' TIs cxn bc qujchl) .hecked b,r eccssrr) to o1,eharl a stuter berireen cDgine orealrts
telr ol hldroreter ,{ lll! chargcd buer} q ll grre a
rerilLrr! ol l.l7i to lioLr on the hlductcr When
rhe blter! is lox. thc afier solenoicl! c ick or chrter
Failure of Starter to Engage
and rhe nar'rcr rtor s';ll lail to lum or $ili rur r'er, sloq- ll thc arter molor rtrms bui does nor Lurn he engine whcn
onc aterfls 1o sLr1.t englre. c o\emning cturch. di\k
iulh chrgrd brttery. l| na) clles the technician !rill cluLch. or eggmg nrechanislr has 1iled. Thel ir is cces
melell conn.cL r full\ charged brtcrl extern.rllf ir par: lel sal) to rernore rhc sr{er ard corrccr the i|oubte. It the
rirh rhe latler) i fre airphre. When rhis j\ doDe. he farter j\ ensaged bI x Brnrlix-llpe r)rcchisnr in rnrich
.\temal bIler\ nL\t hale dre sane \olrg. as thc b.frer) the elgrgj: gear is mo!ed jnto ll1esh br ier\ of a hea\',!
of rhe ilqnarre nd the tejnrinls mlf c connc.ed tosl spirl (hrcad on re scre$ shaft. rher cokl oil or !re,rse or
ti!e !o fosire n.lDegtive o negari\.. rierr..,".;l ..,t .-. ri ,;,.
il the brtter! oi rhc iitle is foLd ro L1e fllI chrrged. :ear irol) reshig. \Vhelr ris o.curs. e Droblcm ca he
thc fulr l1rI lie ill lhc co.lrd s$1tch Thls c Lrc che.ked sohed br clelfirg tlre spirl shalt r.d applurg lighr oil for
by co.neclins iurnpcr across the s$itch len|iDls. lf rhe

208 chpter 8 Rec procrg Enq ne tgnirion and start nq Systems

15- f the P- ead from the mgneto to the gnition
slvtch breaks or s disconected. wht effect w th s
hve o opert on of the syster?
1. At wht po nt n the four stroke cyce does the 16. Wht s the flrct o of irpu se couplng?
l_ iion elen1tke p ce7 17, Describe the purpo5e of an inducto vbrtor
2. Why s mqneio g tion 5!perior to battery gn' '18, Duf ng t m n9 of a mgeto to n eg ne, what
devce ry be Lrsd to deterr ne the exct oction ol
3. Now ray mgnetos be a ssfed? po nt open nq?
4. Exp n the d fJerence bet\,!ee lolu-tes on and 19. Wht prob erns ssocited !v th h gh-voltqte
_ gh-tens on ragnetos gnlt on sy5lers re reduced throuqh the use of low-
5. Name ihe three clrcu 1s of rdgneto tens on rgn iron syslem/
6. Describe lhe difference bet\ /een the pr mary and 20, Expl n the reson for the lse of compensted
jecondary \ riding ncoJ caITt.
7. lvhl s the advantqe of pivot ess breaker 21. Explin the purpose of sprk p ugs
ssemblyl 22. Wht re the mlor prts of a rperk p Lg7
8, p" f .o o L- ,, oo.'o 23. Wht s the p!rpose ol ihe res stor a spark
condenser n raqneto. p ug?
9. Def ne the term "E gp " 24. Def e "sprk p ug reach.'
'10. Exp in the events thi occur at E gap. 25. Wht s renl by the heat rnge of spark
11. De5.rbe the functon of the distrbLrtor rolor p u97
12. Wht re ihe dvantages of a dua rnagnelo 26. J t" t""p pooi poa p.q ooro
qn t on? 27. Wht s meai by the ter. "d rect type stter"?
13. Expl n the term "cor 9 in speed " 28. r\
" -p poor o, o g" gr'"
14. Exp the fLrnction of ignit on 5h e dlng d rect crnkio starter?

Revrew Questions 209

Operation, Inspection, .r,*'
Maintenance,andTroubleshooting r

of Reciprocating Engines
crond sLrpf |er\oncl !rho are r lhe \iciDity of.ti.
cr:rlt thI e eing rr. !p eed to \!err pl,rpel e)e ard crr
r, 'i 't
crLrlio| xr thelr Jrncmct' bout (he rliD!: greal trnrb.r
Starting Recprocating Engines ol \'eq se ion.\ hr\c 11\olled peLsonneL in thc
The irLring ol dn cngnrc cu L,e elri\.lt snlple nlle . l1 lr ofe arin: ef :ine
.r lr.r. be rcr\ e)i nd.riri.l opcrrlLoL1. depend
r. T. r-l
,'''l|:. Ground Engine Fire
cnsur.\. Tllere
b\re\er. $i.1. \ialio]rs ln froc.dtric.
e. It ar egine firc o..ur' $hjlc rhc cngioe is behg slxrted.
!'..1 li)r marr re.L|rocli.g .ngt!. \o attcmpt sho ld line the fneL \hutolt lcr r tu dre oFr tos 1 o Conrjtre
be n1rde 10 us thc mcthxls presented herc for ctullt .rnnkifs or r.rorjng the egiLre unril hc l]rc h,L\ b'ecn
slrling a engine, l(ed. l$ dt rcter Io rhc tnr.cdurcs elpelled lllrnr thc cn:in.. I1 llx' llre perii\t\. curhotr dio\-
t..,,'l ide (CO ) c.L. b. ctischr-sf'l irLto rlre i.ler .lu.t \hile drc
ergife ls being .rnl.. Do rollischar:e CO.' mlo
rhe ei:ie erhrusl. b.cause il mr) drm.rse tbc cnginc. ll
Engne-Starting Precautons rh. ljrr..not bc erilgLrrslre,l. se.nre !ll 'ijtches nd
llthorgh lhe !1arrin: of i. ir.rii eDSle is iclti!el,\'
sirDle |rocedLue. Lre.rj trccauliors should bc Ir' Il thc lirc i' on lhe:rclnd tr.d.r th. cngtue orerbord
ol'til lhe L,ef re.ult! ncl 1o nroid danras. thc rngrre .hanr. ltischrgc ll)e CO on the Str rdlh.r th.t oLr he
rDrl iLltLr) Jrer$.el ..ginc Tl)i\ lso r, rlue f the fire is t lho tilpifc nd lhe
,\ircrai \erice febonncl ihould cquire thc llloniLrS l!.1 i\ Llriplirg to lhe lroud .1brrug.
slet: h:]bit!:

1. Tr.r all trotcllers -r h,ru3h rhc igilio srirhs Startn9 Procedures

Ellgie-stnrtir! prc...1urc\ rill !rll for.Lilleret frl
I i+rlxnc or lest snnd \, etre \,orling iuerering {le!ices Srarring fr{rce!tures fr flo:tt cxrhuicl(n..
Berr.lir iuel iJrjeciion. xnd Cor)rirenll cLrti.rlrtr. flo\
i \It.i n cngire rurr alrd lhe erline s lhrl irecliotr \!rers re dc\rib. Lor 1Lrili!1riT.rtion ttrt!\cs
do$n. pernnr n igirioll s(ilch rc\t L dele. a fau t."
onl,\ Sfecilic \ral1in-s tr{).clurcs re se lrh i. re o|cr
Ior's lnarll]. ll i! e\tr.rrlt ilnforn htl th. ofcrllor be
.1. Bsf.r. r,\ig proteller or .onncclL|g 1 e\eDal
Ihoroulhlf flrnrilir $itI lhe cockpL \\ir.h.\ rcl the
fo\rer so!r.. 1o n arrcrft. bc slr. lhal re x r.rllL ii eirliDe conrtrrls b.Iorc ttelntli|g to rnlr th. cngic. Figure
.hr).kcd. (he rg|Ln! \\rn.hcs xr. i lhe orr ro\ition. rhe i) I illusrrtcs th. \rrdrd krb \hxpes for Ih. cornLnoLr
t,.l ergi.e.otrols. nd ltpicl conr,l connrl. lor lighr
rd ll cqli|Lenl Lrd |ersonfcl rc cle of th. frot.ller ili engre lircfuii l irnp,rlnl lo rircrbcr. howeler.
r)t(,r. Ful1] diode\ i| ir.rail cleclric s\stenrs htc lha here rlxrd.or)ol k|b ,hrpei nr) n.t b. li,rnd
.u.c.l stcrs to e|gnge ( hen e\tcml fo$er $x" lptlic.l. on m ! lrLdcr irciail
resxrilless ol Lhc *\iI.h pollt o.
5 R.m.mb.r. lhen lrLi e r.nro\irg n e\tcnral
torlcr solr.e liom rr rjr.rlt. k.cp he equifrcnl rnd Startng Procedure for Float Carburetors
\.urscll cl.rIl he propell.i.riolor.
6. .U$\s srd.lear of rh. rolor nd tr)pcll.r blde L Sel lLe r\ter s$it.h 1o o\.
frh..\t .cirlll \!hef I.u lrc R1ng rhe ftrrf.ll.r. Bc far- L TLrLr or the boosl purqr if|eeded
rirlxrl) caLliolMror.1 $ xr erlgie\. 3. Open rbe th l. tpr,rr ntell ,' r I l.2l .rl.
r. The grourd .r ti\cm.nt ne the trof.ll.r shonld be +. ]f lhe en:in. i. cqLripped n,ih a cr,.\tdnt sNcd llo
li, tcllcr. rhe propell.r conrol shoLrld bc s.r in thc FLrl
.1 Turr on lhe luelboosr t]!rl]r $irch.
5. l\lole lhe mi\l! re colrol 10 r L rrL until th. liL.l
floN gge reads.l Io 6 gal'h l1:.11(Lr ll.r- L/hl: thcn
inrDrediaiel,r reLrrn lhe co|rll o rDLr.Lroll. I1 llt. ircr1r
doe! oI hale :r tirel flou,xrdi.or. pnI dre nrillure cor'ol

, l
r: '. 'l . .l
,1 ailor\ frelto flo$ thtrNgh drc ro77le! i.n) rh. i.tle nri
F F,I ilold to pridc th..ngiDc.

-+u L_C
6 Cldr lhc propcller
- Tr, , :l
r \... ,..ti .r" I

9 Rclcrsc thc igDiliorr !rril.h

10. Check lr oil pressure.

when ho or $rm eD3ine is beins nlned. ir i\ frobir

bly .or ecessal-r ro Idme rhe engi rer orheir ise. he prr\:e
dure is the sirne as liir co d e: fe *ri.

Contnental Continuous-Flow Fuel

lnecton Starting Pro<edures
l. Turn lhe igtriiol1sr,iches lo o\
2 Ote dre throle fproxr|lelt : nr crrl
L Set the proteller ffch le\ er liill tilrrd 1., iri r
.l Set the nr \trre elerrulLitr\xdt.njiFr_H.
5 Clexr nre fhte ler
6 luir rhe aLr\illar\ nrel JrLrrJr sirlrr'h nr rlre pRirrF
fosiro. Avid len\iJr! rhe nrllir't(rel JrL,rp sril!h i0
cirhcr rhc pR ! . or o\ f.\irio. nr rore rlrar o l;r' econds
unl.\s Lhc cnsm. is runDig.
7. Tr th. jgnition sljt.h to s lR rvhe the lrel flr
rechc\ I to,1 :tl/h Ll.5r t(, l -i 1.1 L/hl. Rcad th. iireL
pres\lrc ggc.) Il rhc cnglcs xr. irr. fir\t if rhe !ri-
(icr sqilch (o \ raRr. thc trun thc nuliliary purp s\ich to
FlG. 9-'l :q ! ..tri, c . ,tnC c krob t,pes
ll. Rcl.a\c Lhc ig.ition .rich i s.o i\ thc e.!ine

9. TLrn off lhe ilnrjiiaq lel pnn| sll'iich llhen rhe

'q cngire ruJr! smoodnl. DIrinS rert ho s,earlrer. ilthere is
I l.r.
!iS. of !.rfor lr the fuel s\enr ridi.ied b).fluclxntjig
alexr the tru. fuel fl,r\) rith the en:ine rrnin:. tun rlre auriliaLl iiLe
I Trnr rhe l:njti. \rilch tr) thc \riRr posrtior. {On
nron nrJern rir.rxli. th \ r jll ! n) l|)w lhe urgletos o tnrf $ ilch o r\ trt I the \\ (ter i\ puf!:ed
l0 Che.k l'rn ! tre$ur.. fdi.iin \ithi -r0 s l.
noinrll $c.Lrher d 60 i .fld \crdrer lf no irxli!Lon
!. Rele5e rhc i! rion !n r.h tWhc thc ignition shnr offte ef! c f.l if\esrl:rre
'' '' t t . I I Di\con.ct lhc .\[rl fo$.r n)nr... il !.c.1.
lord..llo r rruin 1! 1h. BorLposili(r. TLri cii!rn $illdeer
.r:-i^ 1|. \ nd l.\c th. urgrei,r\ n tlre r)\ l2 wrjn rp th. cnsin. tLt S0(l to l()il(l itnr.

l(1. Clieck l0r oiltirt\ur.. Starting Large Re<procatn9 Engnes

Lrgc rdil c:in.s isrrll.1 o tr. Da r. D( 1,.
Bendx Fuel lnjecton Starting Pro(edure Con.lcllrti(r. !n.l thci lrrgr ji.rlr \horl(1 he (llrre
ccordig 1{i lhc nrxrlclrLr.i s lf:tLtrr1i\ lhr \r.f\ i
lh..iitlS t)c.ilur. r en!if. cquitpcll$ith n RSA sla.Iiug rre siinilr 1o tho\. Ls.!l j(ir Ljght rir.Lri.i:j.cs.
ir.l if...t rr ,!\t.r h\ bc.f .1.\i:...1 1o xroitl 1lolrdxr! buI additiolll pr.cru{i(!s
Lh. c.Sin. fd t(, fro\i.1. fo\jri\. r.{rlls Thr oinl slets should be plced {o rhe rer il f1hid l rlr..trgr
being lrxed. 1 cse the e rllfe )rckrle\ rd ti e lrLLnrs irl
ir rr)lf
'tt ic !\ L!)llo': rhe efsine xrducL.r syirem. Tlre lirlr !llrd nrlJrliih\e n
L ndequlte suppl) ofcxrbon dioxde grs rn rurrltle lr. e\Illl
I \.1j!.r r. rhioul.lo ,: iii rllSlnl)opel. guisher boiles ilr older o innredirel) dir'ecl rhe !i lrlo
I. Tujir on ihr irr \rit.h he engife i rdL,crrorr st fe.r. Ihe . rgife \on J be kepr

212 chpter 9 Operatlon, nspe.tlon, Maitennce, and Troubleshoot n9 of Rec procati9 En9 nes
unring so tht the lire wili bc dra,n jrrto ihe cvlinde*
o rer r) " ,. \e e.ri ,", .te r'.l,oIr..r 'he L,..-o,.t. Je Leli,..
because te air Nshrrg ino tre .3ine caIi.s lhe tirc \aih rle .nr-. ,,, r . ",t .' -:,r r , -- ,c,r, ,.n I
ir and as the egine sras. thc tire camor coninuc to bu .e ."i , . ,.,, l,\. ; .-r o. ;, rte , po. r. , .,r.t .,,,t
in lhe ildrctio svrer. il. r Je.r,Ir,.,r.,i ^
Belre x\ attemfr to rrafl targe recjprocaring engine, B- , e 1. .-o,,. L.\lr .( r. .., rd !..,!.
l :, ,..l",rl J.",i.r( r,.t i"r . ... u.. -r..r..,r e..r.. .r.r ter repr^F,e
. li ,'r.r. -t . i. tituid tock. .,r.- ts... .n Neler rllo ar) irollion ot vour bodv o gct jn thc $.xv ot
Ihc loNer crlin.lers. Il the enginc srops suddeniy while rl'e 'up. er . | . 1,., r. . ..r L:t .
leir)g nfrted by hnd or niih he strner. o nas co]ectc.l b.i,,: r l"l
in r linycr cyli'rctcr. rn.l rhc oil rmsr be removed betbre rhe Stard close enoush ro thc tropeller lo be able ro sref b ltaded. Thi( is be\r a.cornpt;shcd bv rernoy awal as it i\ lulled .lown. Scpfing rw) ,rfter crxnk1s is
ro|].",,',..1...r .1 erL..t . Ie-,. r, .,!:r ,. l Jl- .. Do r ..,rrl r - uu:.,n
lh|t thc engi c rfado be re\er.d to clear the oit. Aticr r ea.; . e.Ir. ' .',,r, l . Jton. rr o I
tli. oil is drahc.l from e *lidcr. dre spard ptrg ca be
...r Tl )
lrorvs dre bod) ofl balce a.l cout.l cluie volr to tall iiito
replcc.l nd lhc cngine \rarle.l. thc blades w|en he clrne surrs. tn sutnging ttrc prop
F,ir large recitrccai g c:irres, trinins is u!uattl ru ,
J . .ti,t L rt .t., ,^ o. r..c
.. ,f \o r.r. r.l ...rr(ornf"rt., Ir'"i ,. bl.J.
Jt|,.-.,., t.. ie .. .! ror edge. siDce kickbrck ry breati rher or .trrq, your h.i:ty
rire f
nr!.r to a spicler ldifriburing liLrjng) nfd c to e
rrf .]hrd.r! of rhe ngine. This applics ro x radiat engine,
clther \ir)slc or rrin rorr'. h) x nnre-cylrder radiat e-qjne,
,...' r .. e.. .,et ., ir,tr.
P' i, ,, D...,r r.f ir .,i.,i,n
rr r tlre tir(l b ,, Nter t,ur I r( rr r rcJ n
Largc recirrocrt ng cgines lnry have dircct cankjng
jlafier\ \ nilar 1o lhose lL\cd or] ljght,rircrllli cgines bu(
nrch jnore po$cL]. or rhcy ma} h\,e ierli salrers iD
Operating Requirements
\hirh the crrnl(ing eicrgy js sLocd xr a rpjdty rotarig Thc openrion of any ro(iprocarir! ersic rcqLires rhrl cer With the jncrrla r,rrlcr, the tlruhcct musr b .i,r,_",r, , l. .".. ...:r,n,.. .i...r., .0. .
ecrgize.l by eiecrri. Drotor or hnd cr!nked tntjt \',l'.lr r,. ....'.:.\.ib ..r.,rr...(r.
3rough energ) ir st(tred ro tn rhe cgtne tr sc!erol re\.o ,{rnong the (ondilions \hl.h rust he .hccked dur ! rtr
lurions Thc ensagc swirch i\ rher tum.d on io conec he ufer r nt . ,.r r' . rt . o'.,... 9
flrsheel rcdu.tir gc{rr! tu the crllnk\hdti hrotr!h ttre
J rr( r.. \ fl .. rrr' ..-r.lo. ,..' r.,. i. ee i. Egine :,il pressure
J ...-... .. :ll v . .t, I ,"F o iJ aJL,!. 2. OilrenDcrarure
lnerrill sl rL $ rc , lhe .rJer \ r !t ersrsLJ ",e .o i. C)linder hed empcrrDre tCHII
$r ,'l i -i IeI pi, ,. .-;,,,' ," ,. .1. Engie rpm
icfiliors$irt]h olr. th. engine shoukl farr !cr\"...
soo rtter ii 5. NIanilld rressue
is tated b! rhe rner. The throille is lhc; adjustd for 6. Dry in rn during switchir ro sigle mag.ero
profer i1 rr ut lpeed.
-. 1-, .t .r' t.f t .u..
Hand Cranking speed rcontrollble-pirchJ tropc er is u!c.i wtth rhc engi e
.' p.'.r,r. ' ,
I]and crankjn: of a srrrLcr eqnippod engine virh d toir bar
tci_l or delcti\e raflor. alrhough covenjenr..a,, e\pose
i r,.. ,.r. ' re:l'.d..or r... e..ol Oil Pressure and Temperature Check
L .r, 1, .r. r. .rd t. .eu.,-ro r.l No cngine shontd be opcr.aed ar hjgh pos,er selLj!s Lrrlcss
rr , i.r ,.J |tc . .t.,, t.-. ,r- r. I 't r. .'rJ r. it. : r.
1t1!. (rlh
.vetri..t1 p?tr,it ho Ll tlo rhe han.n l 1.. u 'er '..
' 'r r
or L i, .,r I, ,. . r,
iry. a Ll a ftltthl. pcrsr1 tllot.tlr! bt t 1. ..19r Had
crnnhing uirh drc cockpit uno.cupled has rc! t-- , t^.., ,.,a. rr.t !..r. r.,r.,.cr:rl
red in rany J!,d! '.",.,(..., .,i... i"!-, ,,1.
proterl) $anc.l up bcnne fu poiler oferatio i\ begun.
Il lhe rlrcrli hxs no \elf stafier. rhe engjne must be \le' ne-" . ..t.' ...rt.. .,...,.... ... ..
faflcd hy swingig the tropeLler. Thc perlo \\,o is turn- oi.. .FJ o .. ,...' rl . . ,l ,
1rg rlrc propellcr cnlis .t. Jiltt a , s)titch alJ, throte saiisfactorill. ll oll pt.:nn is i tticnt rrhi :0 s
'' tr. ..,. 1 ,. i-.neergi r.,irt liet nrlin]. rh("aoit. ru.ts h th ott1 u h. ,lt
\,.1 ".e ' .J J,.p. r< p, I .. -, .,ro
,''l ' ', .' liurtion l.clt. If rhe egine ls openred trithou oil tres
surc fbr.ruch fl)rc ra 30 \ darlage is tikctr- ro resulr.
'c t(o. .1 /. Tr ' r<.o \' .t,(r .., Pior to akeolf. he rcclproclig er:jDc lhorld be
ract ard Lhen tum on he nyirch. Never Lurn o dre s\/ilch given igniion check ard x tirI-po'rer esr. Thj\ js u\ul
and the ca1l coracr '' ly done while ihc ii4rtne is parke ttrlr o rhc end ol rhc
Whe you are swingiLrg rhc prop. a lw slte precau hkeoll nrrwav in r war|r up are. For the nrsneto
tions v,ill help o
rloid cci.lcnts. Whe you are touctrin{ rw... .^ l: J,.,,il ,(.,. - | ,

Ensine operat o. 213

rt rhc poi reconxende.l b! e nrnufaciNer. l'his is u\Lr' The nrcthods lor chnging fo*er selltn:\ differ aclord
rll,- lo 1500 to 800 rpi. alrhough il may bc ouisicle rh ing to thc t)pc oj .ngine. itte ol profeller. (hether thc
rnge. To nrke rhc chcck, lhe igriion s$itch is lurred e.gin. i\ cqurft. uilh.r \Lrperchrler. rlte of. rtretion.
fu the BorH poslion to thc LtFr magneto position and the x.d oLhcr 1clors Tlrc ofernof! ma.uxl r jll gj!e rh. trop
rchorreter i\ obier\ed li)r.p]]r drop. The lmounl of drop is .r froccdres lor trlicLrl rlrflan. engj.c corbirio.
LJ. ' .. '1 ...r.1.. r 1 .1 Po lhc iollo$ng rrles generlly a|tly r nrosr airplaes
r r^ .. .1., rr<e!L:.
lnoorhlt at drc rprn The s\itch is then 1uflred r)
Lhe Rr.Hr magDelo posiio fot few scconds so the rfDl \''\
drop c.rn b. noted. The engie \hould ro be {rr de.res.. "Slo\l) nr dris case nrefi r1 lhc llnolLle
operaie f(tr rore han a fei! s.concts olr a siSl. nrrd.h no\er.L om tuLll open io closed. or rbc rclcrsc. \hould
L'ecaLrse of to\.ible pluc loullng. requ re 2 nr I \ irlhcr th he iiltion of \ccoDlt requirecl
The permissible rpl drop dting the nxgnctt) te!( lo-tanr" rhc Lhtutllc ir'r r.L ot len. icl*cd.
\aries. ut it is usullv beiwecn 50 nd 125 rfm lr ll 2. Redu.c thc polrer ieti-! n) th, \xluc r! soor
.rses the ilsrrir.iors j the ofcratois mantrl should be rs prrticrl li.r lrkcof lf tlre stecllie.l cli b po$er ls less
1llosed. Lsnall) the lpm .l()t vill be sore$htr lcss han . r np .r
the nu\trnLm \fecifjel in rhe inetruction! crn troduce ericeisi\e CH I d This l( tnicu
$hen IIre magct.' ar. checked on an rylarre ha\ig .l lrl) ne illhe ai4rl.rne is .t.qrilrpeLl $nh CH I !a!e
codnGspeed or con ollale -piich tropcllcr. rI i\ esseliil 3. Do rot reduce tot.! iulldcnly she lhe CHT is high
rhr the |rofeller b. r the lull HrcH Rpr (lo-Fchl posi (aI or ner rhe red line on lbe !ser. The sucld.n roolig
tioni olhen'ise. re indicaiion of ll)m ctrcp ma] nor he hich occul! irhe toscr is shrrtl\ $,ill ofle
.use lhe c)linder he.rd ll) \\heri )!u arc prepr 13
1o ler doq,. redLrce rie foser slo$l\ b) in.relllcrls to
nllos ltn ! S.adtrxl r.dn.t'.r ot lcnpernrre
check of Constant-speed Propeller Pit<h I \\'hen yon rc o|.rrtig r. r{nne wirh c.nqtnt
The f()pcller is chected to cDsur. proper opentio o1 re spee.l proteller. l[\ j rrrrr ]1Al'\\th h,! r)r)rtlL
lltch c.mbol .rn the pLich chrngc rncchnism. The opea- b.fote t.tu q frr $irh the froIcllcr conirol
io ol ! controttable-pitch propller is che.kcd hl lhe Con\.scl\. {lsls increale rlr. rtr s,irh lh. protellel
indlcrion\ ol dre lachometer !nd rrrilold pres\ur. (NIAP) . .r.. r . \l l' '. lL ,:,,
gges ilhcn Lhe profeller go\crnor .onlrol is.r)\cct liolrl t.o l{ Dd th. (hlle is xd\ arced. il is fossible to dc\e -
orle lr(rsilior to ,rolher. Duing lhi! check. the propcller is of er.esri\c c) lindcr Ire\\ure. $ ith th. corsequeces
crclcrl so s (o (cnlre the cold oil tioln tbe trotcllcr hub .rtlxinccl prc\LoLrsl,\ The otert ol engine should
nd ro llitrr vanner oil (o cnter dre nub. To cycle the fn) trcconr 1milir (lrh rhe h\lrnum( allosrble ior Lhc
peller, the ol)eirt(r 1o!es the profell.r.(lnhol in he cock ergnre d he| rake {r. thr Lhc egine is operated ith
tii.fidl) io rhc iull'eaie Rr|'l posjtion. As lhe egic nr rhese linis. Remenrtr.r tlil a corrrI'speed fr.feller
rprrl begis r. \lo\r o$n. dre cotrol is noied bxck to drc holds the engi.e fn to a !.rrli.ular ralue in ccotdrcc
lull-1creasc Rplr posilic. Clcling of thc lropeller is doDc iih iie tosit on .f th. tipcllcr corru]. Wher the thrfll
durii lhe rn up $ilh dre engie sct pproximrlel\ is rnored trialll thc tropcller blde angle increr\es lnd
1600 nr 11100 lpl U\ull) IIre eiSin. sPeed ls nor nllo$c.l \'\P,.(J.e r. , .'r L
ro drot rorc thn 500 ryrm dlrrlng lhjs procedure. llccuse ..II..
each L)f. ol tropeller requircs ilIert trc.cdurc. the on n .!einc .quLppcd .onsrx.t \pe.d tropelier:
npf liblc rrut'cturer'! istucrions shotrld b. llloed ' n. rea.c l,u$tr.
Th. cngnre shoulll be gilcn bief full tower checl. Lhe 4xn. dre rLljuit th. Llrolllc
l'hi\ i\ ddr. b) slowly !d\ he dnottl. to lhe lll'lr b. To decrcalr po$r, rcduce IIre otlle. redrL.c drc
\rrd tn)sition r{l obseNing lhe marlmum rpm oblined. lf nm. and dler adjust Lh. ri\lLrre.
,. r.', l\'\1...r"..o..,..1 r1 ..e'. r' 5. D rr|S a plons..l gli. $Llh porer low thrrtlc
snrnhl]. llre rhrlrle i\ slo$lt rel ded until Llre ergie hds ncr closed p,rsltion) -.leu (hc crglne occ,t\ioxllr' ro prc
r.r'L rcd ro llre desired idlig spced. lenl spark plus f.rLig. Tlti\ is LloLle b,! rd!rncing the
$Jher lrlakig dre full po\er check, thc oferator nrr\t hrole o nrcdir t{$er po\ii.n lor ! lir s.cods. Il
rke nLfe thxt thc rirplane is .r to\itior sbjch iljll oI lhe engnre nr! inoorhll. dre l-.oFer mar bc !cltuced gilr.
ri. t l r rl'( r 6 Al$d!\ plcc the Lnrual rixtrre.onlrol i (he FIrLL
!.. D ie r..r' , I i i.. Frr tositior $h. rhc e|gire js ro be ot.rr(. l or enr
Io perso.1. nrrr' be cLsed Thc operator (hr'l rlr. lrll f.rer. Thi! hclFs rrre\er oierhextig. Thc cngine
Ir1l:e $re tht th. br*cs rre o aLI thI he ele\rt con . r' I'
Irol ij tulleLl bx.L. il th. eirplane hr\ .onlentionl landtrg Iion onlf duriS ciuis., iir iLc.oldnce nilh tjr. inslructioDs
ger. llr ihe oterntois rnurl. \\her toser is Edn.cJ nr lc(
down n.1 in pr.parLion lor lndins. the mi\turc cotr(rc]
shorll b. pldc.d i the rrr R( H fositioD SoLre irix're
Power Settngs and Adjustments
J Iir! p.. ln Lhis crse ll)e niriure conll l\ flcelt r lhe RrlH pori
mrst bc chnged iorn tire r) lime lr \riouq tltes ol li. lr high foirer rd trL(colj.
oferarion. The lrincipal torcr \elin:s arc ntr t.r//. i I1 thele is aI Nossibilir) ol ice torminS in dr. crbu
./nx r/!!s lliom marimum tr) rnLl mrml. 1lrr r, 3nd rctor $hile toirer ii redu.ccl lor ledolt preflru\ Lo
ldnrg. ir is neceisr\ 10 plxcc e .luret(r ht1 conlrl
214 Chapter 9 operation, nspection, [4a ntennce, and froubleshoot nq of Reclprocat ng Engines
in thc llrar .\ po\ition. This is r fr.cutionxr! mersure Range and Speed Charts
is .olnno prcLic. lir xll ..gin.\ m \hich crburetor
Thc chrLs pic.cL.d i FiS. 9 I ere e\eloped 1r lhe
8. Ar high rltilldc. xdtu\l Lhc rjrtrc conrro Lo a opcrtidr Pitc PA ll 16(l ircftft lhe chafi r the
01 thc
tjrr lc.\ rjch th thxt tr\cd dL [^r r]Llrud.\. lhc dc\ltl oi lcli shcNs th. c11.ct\ ol poq.r s.ttings . rn3e !1nd ihe
ii r ltitLrd!\ is lcss th xr l \cr ltitdeir therefde. chdf on th. ghL \lnr$. ho\ poser lerLifg\ (l rre l
rhc \rc \.lurc ol ir $ill or; orygcn. 11 lhc speetl (TASI r.!1. Fun chdt\ $c .n clil
crgc is s|crcirrg.d. thc nrcrcr. l(irudc \ill or bc .lelerrnine e proper por!er \elliirgs l ir\ lljght riLhin
ol prliculr conseq!ence !rlil lhe cpaciil oi the \rper- .. ..r !, o. re.1 e k .
chrger is erceeded Umll) Ihe N{AP Sage sill prolide f :' ,'lr. I r,
rurmilio| heiprrl lor prcper djurrnen ol the rnilure lf $e sish to mxke r fL ght ol !0(l ri ll
.118 +11 krl t
cortul: lLo\i,\cr. rr rcc!rt. ECT gge i5 c.iLrsidered lr \c
. iltitude of {i500 ll 981l0 ml. !.xn derernlLne rhe
cssentil 1r lclirrg thc r)rirl!rc lor cruise po\er t alti' flighr \.riues fo| r.Lriur \peed or mitrinum rrnge or
turle\ nor lh i].i$rr choo\c a conpronilc clling. Il $e \ilh ro nlLLie the fiigh
in h. !hor.!t po\siblc limc.75 fJ c cgirc
lowcr is rsc.l. Wiih rhis scltin.q,llt)0 rpDr nd lirll lhn
d.l. llt. TAS $ill bc bort 175 mlL ll81 l ki/hl 0 llf
tlighr sill lkc 5.L l h. rssu xrs !o lril ln oi h.d r!!trI
Ar this s(ling rLe irel co\untritr sill b. ll.ll sxl/lr
f71.11L'hlr therelore. rhe lligbr vili req ire 96.7 gal
l-ri6.{15 Ll oI lu.l. Il q c will to rl.. Ihi\ slc flight s ith
Cruise control i, thc rdiu\tmcDr ol crr!ire coulrols Io narirnrn\ ccono\). \r. mr) ot.rr(. rhc Nginc\ t 45 Lr.r
obtir rhc rosulc.lcsirl in rx.Sc. ccoom). or llighl tlme. cenl ol pf$cr silh lLrr uirtlrc .onLrl lc|c| r\ ld r\
| l ' .l |orr- .r: : o 'r . t r r f. ' -\ rr '
rrr l lotrer ;e(ings. ob\iousl) rmrrnrrlspee,l rrd ur ie TAS rill le bli,r 1lf rrtr :05 !,) k!L/h . J rlN lircl
xnul rge or ecolroml crrLrot be aftained $ilh rhe snre rcqtrircd for rhe if $ ll be borL1 77.r- Srl L}1.+ 13 L . ]|c
porer setiigs. ]i.r mrirum-djsrace fljght s o be nrxde. tinrc r..trircd for lhe fli3h s ill be abou I h.
i n desirable Io consene lel t olieraing ,rt n lo\l ltoser \e $ould seldor oterlc lire engine |1 the ellremes
\.riLrg BLr il r\inLrm speed js desired. it i\ ece!\xr] to .r . ,.., 1.. - - ., -.. . l. t.... ..
' I de. .. . r ,:. for .nLjre conduior! is 65 of irrer. for flighl r ar
crpbili(l xltLtude of 9500 i ll81la.rr nrl. rhis lronld frolide T.\S nf

ts. c


5!3 *: tril
:'/ -"

900 r000 lr0rl 1200 1300 r400 120 r30 r,0 r50 1e0 rr r30 r90
rr44Bl tr6osl lr7701 11931 t20s21 122531 .rs3l t2c9l t2251 12411 12571 127,1r t23sl 13051
PA 23 -160,CF !1'T 3300181172330(61 PA 2: r60,6F. !r/T 3300181r72330KG

FlG. 9 2 Chrt5 ihoL! q r.qe .. ie-.d r r. tor_ to po,/r'er ;et n!

cruise conrro 215

:. i: ^ --t. 16 l+ km,hj li $e i!shed 10 ope.ate 5. lllAP seltings lllur be .ljLsed 1o niLxin trirr
.:.i: .nLrni.dll) o. $ith greaLer range. e woLrld proba lar poirer outpLr if the oui\l{le ir errperarurc i! xhor. (r
ri\ ui r poser seIig aboul55 percent ofmnrnunr. belo\ he srndar{l gire in the char.

Stoppg Procedure
Power Settings Usull) n ircrrri c.3ine has eooled strff;.ien] lor el
To se! lhe coftrols of cDgine for pIticular poNc out iLrmedilc slop bccdu\c ol thc lirn. rcqrir.d to mo\c the
frt. the I\,IAP and rym rc adjnstcd ccording 10 densil) rifdnrre into dre tarknrg !ea. ll is good prcrice. ho$c\cr.
alitude $4re the airylac is cquippcd wilh confrl'speed ro obseNe the CIHT gge Io see hi dle CHT i\ some$hat
prlrpellers. Figurc 9 I slnr \ Lhc \cuiDgs 1r e L)comirg r.J( 1,. t t,lbeo-. ot,q. l l-.r'.
O 120 B r)pposc{L cngic. Thi\ l.tblc i\ Ltjusled tor lhe rse equipted with n idle cuolT on the mi)ie corrrol. he
of lrelsurc .tlliLLLdc t \tnndrd Lcrpcrlture f, infead ol eigine should tre stopted bt
placrg the conirol ur lhe jDLE
densiry ltjrlrdc. ObscNc thc follor!ing fcts regarding the .r rrFr posiiior L rlediriely arier rhe elgire \lops- he
setings nr N4AP r..1ryr: igilion sitch mus be lurDed ofl 1f ihe airplane is
equipfed $rth cowl flaps. ihe flafs should be lett in rhe
1. Ar gi\n d a gile poser selli]rg. N{,\P InLst
rp r a opi,\ to\jtio ntil aft.r ilre cnglc has .o.le.l
b.: d.crcxsed \ llilrde increses. Th]! because dre I of Afi.r stoffing dre egi.e. chec( thrt all rritches i. dre
re n deceases and he densnl heretbre increases. lhus, cocktiL rre let to oFr.. This is especially irp.l.lit lor dre
a giren \olLrn)eol.rir at r cerlan fressrre $ill hve a igniLi( \!itchc\ and dre r\rcr btt.N ilch Check dral
srcalcl seishl as aliiude increases. and \1AP nru!! be ll $hcel chocks r instrlleLL. lnd rele$e the frki.g brake
redLrced Iomintain consa power ro prcy..t uncLtrc !tre!! on ihe brale slltelrl.
l. When the engine i! operled t higher rp]n. x loiler
}IAP is used o rnaiai the same power.
-i AI ccrtain lcvcl of xltitud.. NIAP cn o loscr bc
m{inticd bc.arsc of thc rcd ctior nr atrosphcric prcs
\urc. This i\ thc poit iD thc.harL \lnN as FT. mearirg Leaning the Mixture
full trot11e
4. Ar 55 pcrccnt o I r.rtcd powcr. Lhc fo \!er c be n]anr- Wi lhe rixre ln drc Frrr.r- Rr.r position, prcdctcmincd
laiDcd up to 15.000 ft [.1572 m] prcssrr altilude. All o!1- -,.-i i r.ed. lo L-^-olr.J , \r-re \er
pu of l5 percenr fo\aer can be nrxini.c.l oDl) up (o about lrl)g ot' FLrl Rrcrr is u5ed. Thi\ setlinr: cn{rcs rhe com
7l)(l(l i] I l:13.6 nrlfreisure alritudc. binrior ot fo\1'er rd cdr]nrg

120 hp 189.,18 k$l-

75d. raied
Prcls. Std. 81i hp [65.62 k$]-559 rated 10, hp [77.s5 kw]-6s--/ rated Appro\. fuel I gal/h
rlt. alt. Approx. rtl 7 sal/h 126.50 L/hl Approx. luel 8 galrh 130.28 L/hl l.31.07 Li hl
1000 ft te p,. rpln & man. prss. rpm & mn. prss. p'n & nran. press.
I.104.80 nll "F fcl 2100 2200 2300 2100 2200 2300 2.t00 2200 2300 2,100

SL 59 115.01 22.0 :1 .1 20.6 t9 8 )1.1 ll.6 tl.8 2t.I 25.2 2,1.i

l 5-5 112.81 2t.i 10.0 :0.1 11.l ll.l tl.5 :1 .8 15.6 ).1.9 24.0
2 -\2 ll r.ll 21.1 20.7 t0.l 19.i 21.8 :1.0 22.i :1.5 2,5.0 24.3 21.5
l 18 18 9l 21. r 20.5 l9. 19.1 2i.5 22.7 12.0 21.2 t-5.3 )1.6 23.8
I 15 L7.21 20.8 20.1 19.6 l E.9 .1 22.4 21.1 21.0 21. r' 11.0 )3.2
1r ti.01 20.5 I9.9 19.3 l E.6 21.8 t.1 2t.4 10.7 FT tl.7 2l.t)
lrJ lr ll 20.2 19.6 l9.t) l8.4 22.5 11 .8 212 20.5 FT 22.1
i4 ll. rl 19.3 18.8 l8.2 2).). 21.,5 20.9 2t2 FT
8 -: I | 0.561 19.5 19.0 18.5 l E.0 21.2 20.6
9 :7 | :.81 19.2 J.8 18.3 t7 .7 FT 20.1 19. ,-

10 2i t 5.01 I i.9 r 8.i t8 0 l/-.5 f,T l9.1

ll l9 | 7.21 1E.6 i 8.2 t7. iJ i7.3 FT
tl l6 l-8.91 18.3 17.9 ]].! tl0
13 ll l-11.r1 FT 11.6 1r.l 16.It
1,1 9 | 12.8J FT 17.0
1i 5 I 15.01 16.3

u,t rr rmtrrtrrei blrr !r!{x'! nbft., tr rci,i!nrft\ bluu nrir.rl

FlG.9 3 Po4er 5eit .! .h i for L!.cr nq l"looe O:20 8, 160 hp [] 19ll kvll, e-q e

216 Chapter 9 Operatjo, lnspect on, Maintenance, and Tro!b eshootlng of Reciprocat ng Engines
As ar aircli clnnbs. dre air becomes less ilense On the Ho\ever. s a brsjc rech.ique- al the rn&idrrf r
.iLL RlcH sel{ig. thc c{uret.r s fu!ing out about the'tklc cuise poret ltin i|, ilirh I nrnual nx1-
\rnre onrornl of fuel. bur rhcrc is less ir to mix \rith it $ turc cotrol, lear itirlll b! r.ference to the {ircl flow tif
dre mixlure gets richcr. IJ the xir.rxft.linrb* h gh enough. a\rihbler for the percentagc of cruise powcr. sithotr!
dre F/,\ rtlo becones t(rr srrt for lrooth operatlon. Not exccedin: the manulcnrrer's recomnrended lilniL\. Then,
only wlll the enginc ru rotrghi),-. bul lrlso ireL irill be wrst- lor n)r. frecise lenlrg. il n LGT rending is rvxjlable.
ed. The punose ol the lircl mctcring dc\j.c js to eabljsh find pek EGT silhort exceecljng limits, and operLc
rhe optinrrr flA ralio 1r ll opcratnrg condnioDs. lhee.
The t\ro bnsic t]pes of fel nelcring dc!iccs .tiscussc.l lf the ECT d lircl fl(ny re |o a\'rilblc. the lean ro
xrc thc f[)t c Neror an{] iiel injection. The gelcrl trc, jtrst bere engxre roLrghncss. or to n slighl aintccd loss.
..dorcs fttr leaning al lhe rnarrnfa.heas econnrended The I-.GT melhod of ni\turc confo] elies olr themo
.ruilc po\cr,re as lllorvs: couple in he erih.ruf stck not lar lionr the exhanr \ahc
To \ee lhe effec ol mi\Nre conrol. rhe opemrr rIuI wtch
1. Irlo.rt tlpe carbueto Lhc EGT gge as the ]njxllrrc is leane.l frcm rhe FLLL Rtrrr
., E\'Jt I Ir. fc e.le1r o.' ma\imum positio. This is ilhrfmted lr Fig. 9 4 At tsLrL Rrcrr. a large
inrrer\e irr rpm : I IF- Ie forn , . anounr ol excess tueL ls unhurned. rlhich cools llre exhausr
betorc ellgine roughcss o.curs. hgin. roughess i\ ,J.r:,Jr. ,r.i,J .-r '':1 ... .t. ,. r.ri^t.|,..
nol deonalior) irt crui\c po$cr. but is causcd becaule leaned. the aiount of ex.ess tirel is rcclucc,ct nd thc rcrr
lhe leanest c,llinder docs not firc.luc Lo a y.l\ le! pernlure clirnbs. Ar thc poinl here there is corplete bnm
l\1,.,e 1,., ll ,or ,p ll. 1,,, ig of lhe F/,\ ri{ture. dre lak -.(iT i5 .drlizc.l LcaDmg
thar c)linder. " las this polnt rsults in t coolifg eilircl rarl by cxccss
I ',, I .(-o.- or.- 1. tir, rd lbe engic ncars .nd tiinr o1 1.,n nrislirc. Thc
unril engine roughness is encourrered. and rhc ni\tlre is lhen said to be or the ler s c ol fcak EGT.
crich slighti) urljl roughness is elurinted ad Pck EGT is he keJ Lo lh Bai l .rethod olr!riat!,.on|.
cnginc runs snroothl!. There may be a ilight icrease Of cour\e, e neler rcading for peL F.cT $ill rr)'
^l pe. I ,ur. ' , ,il | .Lr-r e rj .,, "e $ith the to\er selliLrg. alitxde, ousi.le i' lem|crt!rc.
pmpel) lea'rel r cruisc co.rtarcd n) full rich. ard $hethcr (tr ol the cylinder lnonfore.l is ttrctioni,rS
I Fxel urjecrio. tjccdus. ofthe !{rioN nrodel\ ofluel
i.."r ,.d. he trrJ..,: As lhe nrjxtule i\ leared tim rhc f|r I R rH poliiolr, the
handbook lir spccili. l.nin.s insNctions. dpeecl rlill i.rese alons trith rhc EGT !p trr a poiit

FlG. 9 4 EGT.h.qet y! th m xt|]re e nq

Enq ne Opetrq Condrt o5 | /

p oriurreh 1(lll'F 155.5 Cl r. Lh. ri.h side of Ieak Olrc th. cngjc xccer\ories lLril becnse ol corleled
EGT. This is rhe ni\mre setl ngl(n rium po$er. tl oil. Thi" is r.rr- clcr liour the ilcresed rlurnbel
leunr! ol rhe nri\iu e s c..ti.u.d lntil the leak EaiT js coolcr lrilrci o rcci|r,rcl: egnles nr cold seiLther.
i.chc. llri uirlfeed \ .Le.reNc rpprornrel) l rph I i r. r r rr 'lc I

fl.l k ihl. Frel ecooJrt rnd dre xircrli rt]llge. holre!er. nd .\ljD!t.r \{lls. c{u\in! dre piron Io s.L'tirrd \core dre
\ill trc nrcrer\ed bl'aout l5 f.rcc.r. c,- ludcrs.
Sorre crn rse $lnerizinf kit\ ro rifr.r I deired
engie operailg le|Uertrres nLl to trcr c.l oil coolcrs
Problems Caused by Spark Plug Lead and 1tor \enl llnes fmr frc.rjg. AlLclion 1o ll.lrils.
Foulng {Lch N iurig ut the .ngmc Lrci)rc l{k.o rd allolrrrg
the engje t. co.l dos prjor to shLilrir)g iI o. p\\ dirl-
\hn\ 'crLii ensines deij!cd to r)f.rte on 301E7'octae ded! r reduccd nrarnl.nnce rnd eile|ded ersrne llte.
r\!\ xr. Lrced Io Lrse 100L1 llo$ lcrdl \gs becuse of \\ifier opertion lhoul.l includc r cliecl ol the carbLercr
rh. ir dre r\,ailabiliry of 80/87 a\gs. Although xir hel sysrenr nd th. dcgrce ol hel ie \nilble At lhe
ib. cngnre' re rtpro\ed lo.peftt. oD l00LL algas. thi! sr!e tie.lhe e.gine idle r]rm and lni\we. r1th .Lrl,l qiILr
pr.rur ! 1l)e pi .hl. nr f
sp' k Dlg forling bec.tNe I 00LL
d,i1 .r,hrn,ror her rh.nld he.e.ked
r\gr\.friin! foui tjrcs the TEL (Ieraeth)l ol
,..r .. eo"e. ler '1".1. r..1..t..1 I -
S0/1i,i o.r0ne \gs Normll) 8ll/31 41,!!s IrN lcad co-
1r cold $exdrer. Froze blerher I res hre .rcar.d .nr.i
rer oI0,i ml/sxl +hcrrs l00LL as :.0 ml/gal. The r,us proble N Nlos ot' rhe Irxrer .f.o]busri.. gocs out ol
ersiie i rhiiir\ ro s.r\cngc rhe eitr led frrn Lh. cylin.ler e eiha: bolleler- sone Nater entcr! rhc .rnk.s. rn
s ! $hil. olerriing on l00LL xrgr\. ,\s a
i-c vaporized \Vhen he lxpor cool!, it\\ in (lrc
renrlr. led\ on Ih. \tark plLg\..using li)trlj.g of
brealher llne. inbleqrentl) lreezLS il clo!.d Sl).. rL trc
sprl plls ]crtode\ Tlis sprk pl : iouli.s ca. cre llighr cre i\ reconrnende.l o enfe har rhe hrerher s\a
rlr! otcrxtifnl problems and crn i..rclsc lhe ned lirr
sprL phg clcu!1S.
nl _. Fr - -
9.lo.fe',. .'.- .. '.1r., '( ,
Draining sumps
rci ril drrt oprilnm nri\!u. coLrol bc chosen ro prelent
cr.ess leil LrlrildLrp. Fir,. \ilr
propcr rirture colrol, ir Proper arnirg lrf be srp s lcrr1 nrfoLtxt duiig dr!:
m\ nfr b. p.,ssible o lei the sfdrk plug pedorrnnce preflighl check SLlliciefr luel shnld he drr'n ()il into
.l.sircd. To !!pplel1]elrl ni)iure ptucedrres. ruel anrparet coniairer o see if the lirel is lree (,1 rrer nd
etnenr sch s TCP rricre\vl phoyh!(er cr be mixed conaminns. This ii e\pecjrllr impollnnt during rhn:r'
sL tlre tuel if the tnk .i ri\. (ir]r iLrel s it i..1i\ in emteraiure. paicLrlrl! n.d fic7ig Ic.. \hl.h r)
fen\ed lnJ rhe rnk lalP rednces sfark flug li)trltrg br' rurn ro raler sher rbe tenrfertuc iisc\. 11\ be in the
Lnrki! rhc l.!.t l.\ coducrire nd lesi.or.\i\. ro the tks rd filtcr do$n int(' thc crburctor or luel controllcr.
ele.lfoll.\ lr l{) \olicDs the led deposits fomcd. which .nsirg e.gine frihre. $t.r c liccr. in linc! d lihcn.
.f h.lp in th. s.\.gmg oI led detosits fiun t]rc col1r' .dsjg stoirfrge. A !nll rort 01 $!tcr. IlL(! lir.
lrtr!ri.n.hrnrb.r. TtP is gener.rLlI n.t u\od i rLrr cn fre!e f()per ojrcrtjon ol luel pu ps. \eleclor val!es.
bl)chig.d .ngjcs or e|girer lhal do rot .\pclience Iead-
relltte.1piob].m!. T|erel.ire. iI is no n\ed $ d \landrd lel
Crrruin le.hrr."; ofground eginc.rfcrIio! can aid in
Anti-lcnE Addtves
tic\.nrio ol sp1d flus fouling \hcn l00LL a\'-eas i\ usect Alrhough proper fuel srpling and troper di.iS ol lh.
j. orsll1es desLgned f 80/Nl lgs LeI the en:ine idle as sunlt lle essentil ir trelening jce fornrat n due t. fre.
jtllc s possible becn\e of thc rjch nirhrre used dtrtrg saer in he luel. the) rill o elinri.nte the h/xrJ of jce
l.llcr rfpll lhe foier lnroothlr'. ncl re\,er open drc th1c o o. .J!e .l ^ . .re
hiUnl] dir rg |orrl tk.o1l\: rD the egie bout srspersio! or solulon mr) lrlr1 ice cl)!rl\. Sin.r $Lcr
l0l)0 ryLr rler ihtt i3 loqn lhc crgirle, and then morc in sr\pension or sollrdon is nol reno\ed bl th. strrf. thc
Lhr irrue ln r {r . Th.\c .cjusr a ri$ e\impl.s ol ( ) ' I l.l ' Jl :

reclrflqrc\ l(r r.du.iIg sprk phrS f.nli.g. The engine additi\e.. snch as isotrot)l rlohol or ECNIE (
,:,jrerard'. sl)oLrkl lr'ts e.onsoltect lor stecif gl,-col m.ometh)l eLlrcrl. i rhc 11.1. BoIh adilires
i. l\ u.tin.!..ngre operioD. ibub $atcr and lotrcr th. tieeri|g poinr ol he mirlL|e
\\ hc. .tlcohol or FC;NlE i\ u\cd. jn\tr ucrio\ 1r ttupcr use
nust tre carefully follorcJ.

Engine Preheating
I'rchcating e!3ie rorrsisi\ of f.r.its hctcd tir in rh.
Wnterizaton pro<edures egie xrei to heat th. .irgiDc. hbric{.t\. n.l acccssr,ric!.
Cotd1ether oteirof ofr. xircrxli enlrre !ol\,es \tc I'rehexting i. require.l lin ost iicdll r.ciIro.(irg
.irl treprli,rfs .d trerutio.\.ol]1lared t ormrl engines she. out\r.le tcmfcrtluc\ arc +10'F i 1l:'Cl
!t\.o\il\ ol il cusc\ redLrced crakin.q Tlis doe; rol lncn thdL th. cngie qill jl!5e to rnll aiier
c!lr. alld rhe hi:h
ipeerLthrcconrfa)inghjghlod.or)rhenler selting our jn \uch n c\tr.nicll colJ en\ironmetrl
218 chapter 9 opert o, nspe.t on, Malntenance, nd Tro!bleshoot ng of Rec procating Eng nes
\lrling $ ithour prchc{tiDg hs liequentl,! cxused engie 5. Fleriible ribration dampers lr poor conditio
d.rmxge. Sorc 1)pcs ol damge are scored ctliDders,
\.ulic.l pi\(ir skis. l)d bmken tiitor ring\. lhc applic . Engine controls lirr delecis. imtrofcr trrvcl. and
rioi oi hcdL Lr) onl) the cylin.ler tuea lails to cn\urc that thc
entire oil \r-src i\ clolrlel) heated. Ar tcml)erurcs o1' -. Line.. lro,e.. nd (l:,mp\ f ..,1 , 1

+10"1- | ll2'Cl Dd bcloe. preheting of the .omflctc concliti.. d looseness.

efgine. oil srptly lDk. rlcloil sysrenr is requirc.l. 8. Exhaust stacks foi\. clclca. an in\pr.,pcr

9. Acccssories for nlitLrenl deicls if sec!riry of

Engine Peheatng Precautions
10. All slslems lbr inploper lrstallatio.. poor rcn.r
The lllowug:rcorrrlncndatios regxrd itur.tli pjhctrrg:
,l .onilltid d irsecui rchmenr.
1. Prehclt thc rircrNli by st.irirg in r h.aLcd, if ll. Co$ling tor cracks and defecs.
A.r!ntrlacrurcr's inspectio checkhf is shown in I'iS.
2. Us. onlt hc(.rs lh( re i. Sood condition. rnd do
01 relnellhc hc(cr rrhiie ir is otertig.
I Il show\ the items to bc ispcctc.l o.l lhc opcratiul
iifervals lirr acconrplishing cx.h it.i. Nolc\ t lhc bollom
l. Durnrg the hering pn)cess, do ot lea\e the aircnft r Ierr.te. ror I r -lr .Irlc r'^ rJ.r r -orJrn
unttcn.. nd keep r ire errin.quj\hcr hndy.
.1 Do nor plare he dLrctifg nr Lhat it will bloil hol air refeences io other !trblicrtio! ol thc rrtrNli( l lhe
fbllosing tex, $'e di\ctr\\ Lhe nri. iterns or the checklist\ on (orLbunible pr( of thc aircrli. such s uphol
!icr). c!!5 efsine..\ers. or llc\itrle txel. oil, !.1 ln Fig. 9 5 Propeller instccljo i! covered il Chap. 21,
h\.1tur li( ] rLi\
nd ad.litjonal lnformatio on ispcctio! !rcsrm! ny be
found in an accomprning rclt in Lhis srric\. 4 ll nrr

opening and Cleanihg

lrAR,l:1. Affcdix D, beglns by stnting:
J:nSics !c rlcsigncll rd bnilt to fn)vidc iLrll years of
ie,\ice. l'oi rn cgrc ro remln in xiNo h] condltion, jr ''I rl1'-
ihonld be otertcd in ccor.lance $'iLh lhr ecomlnendn
' a. '
shxll. I'efore thrt irbpccrior. rcrrollr iir oltn lL ecessr\,
jo.\ ol thc r)nutrcnuer ffd c.trc.l ior with ioLrlr.I rnsfec isfection fldtcs. access doors. ad cowling. He sh.rl1 lbor'.r. \'. ,ou. rr r'i,r' oushl\ cler. the aircrafi nnd a1irali cnsj.c.
b. ob\ened 1 the i.sf.ctio rnd nrirnenan.e ol an diF
.nfi cns . re e\fli.ed i the ll1o{irg sections. When operrnrg co$Ligs. the techni.ian slLul.l norc n)
A liral irstect o s nccdcd to delennie tbe curcnl accrnultior of oil or olher nnei:n rlt rl, trhirh !ur'tn'
fo dillon ol the efsinc nLl its (ornponenl!. l_he rcpair ol a sigr of lluid leakage or oter abo 1'nl condition aI
Jii.repancles rs reqLrired Lo brj.-q the engie back up to a' should be coffected.
{olh\ slandri]\. lir kecf th. rircrati rn aivorthr'coDlli An engile nd accessories $sh do\ shotrld trc clone
r.1..' pior o each 100 h inspe.tion to rerclc oil. grcsc, sli
be perlrLled t \ rlo!\ op.r(ins te^ls. Also. bclbre an consion. or other r.\i.1Lrc thrt righL coceal compoent
.nSine is \er\ic.d. cori\u11 lhe handbools nd manLtrls .Flr. r'r P rl , ' I .eJ'i
iued b) rhe ol IIle 1r lhi tar rn aproll or coveralls. anil fce shi.ld o.
ruhbcr g1(^,.\.
:i.ulnr nrrlie. nr)d. . d tlpe ol egi. The lbllowing gogglcs. shold be Iken shen $orking with clcnjg
thxt will srtifctoill cconplish the work. lhese clerDig
Durio! rr i r\te.tjo.. cl).cklist nrost bc !scd ihl gents (l) Sloddar.l sohen: (lr x urter bae xlh
.r.(ls rhe scote xrl deujl o{ FAtt,3. D. N4o!i Line cl.r.rgcnt.lcxner .onsislil! ol I pr.lerer. to I i
.rnulactnr.r\ hx\c dc\cloped recltli\ts thrt nreet or
^ppndiri f!rs stci. nd ll 1o llpasSloddrdlohent:r,r(l)r\ol
:\reed rh. \copc ird dcrxil of A|Fndi\ D. Accortins \cnr bsc erulsio clerner corpri\rng I |!rt clcincr ancl 3
FrR ll. AttcnLli\ D. cnch |erlon pcrlornring rn fnulor plts S{oddr sol!eIi.
.rr0 h n\t..tion rst il]stecr ..nrpon.irlt of the eginc
:i:rd.x.elle.ur.ut ! l0ll0$! WARNI\G Do nol u\e !r\oline or other highlt llln r
'r', .'rrJll -o |cl| l Jrrr- .

I Ergine se(1ion l( \isurl e\, r)l c\(e\\i\t rios i scll \.rrihre \\'{r'k rres. nd en!nre tru rdc
':1. f|rel. o h\drlul c lcrks \ s cll \ sourccs ol such Lerk\ {luftc liL. Ii:b(ig r sler) equLfrenr is rxilahl..
I Sfuds nd nuls lol iriifro|er t{)Lqtig rr (ib\i xir. uscJ lor Sent ftli.xrtr). or .lr.\
r.ri defe.r\ ing. \lhulll bc resulrted nr rh. llxclicl ticinue.
-r Intcrnnl etgin lr.ylrnd.r.oirt)rc\\,,i irf,l li Llsc ol r .ri1l-brlsrle lib.! brush. r(hcr lhr x feel blLlslt. i\
:::.ralfr iclcr or lincign rrlter o \rrccr! r l(l \lrfrf (llj i.coifnreIded it! xsc!rrs do ll0 remole ercesi
riLrSs. lf rhcr. i' $ck clli!rer !onrtrc\sioLr. cLrc.l (h. grrrse l] SrLnr. durig W,-iog. Betirle cleanilrg rh.
r''l'1..,'.r.1. .rrgirie conrfrrkr]r. tlcc slrr ol lfe on the r:rn.t{l
+. EngiDc mounl jr.rck\. looscc\' t)r nornl. !cnts 1. fre!e rt rr- sol\ct lror)r .nterins the\e ur lr
-d loosene(! ofenrin. Ll) lrrouni Pl.c hrse fd rdcr {h cr)gill.lo crrfuh \r(c \irh rh-'
nspedion and Mintenance 219
3 oco
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.'!i1- orri ,. .,, co .pr. , h r.,.t ... .:,,e
, .l P 1,.1 n.t eJ.( I, cr^.1 .
- .!: \l. ,cpo..i ..r(.e.
salr Io bruih rruai rht have bccr spr!.d.
UTARNING Do ror \play sot\.r inro rhe tternatol. \ac-
rum purp. starL.r. or air lniales. Altow thc \ot!enr ro
er)jn or the engnr. for 5 to I0 n Ten nnsc the ensie
ri ^ 1.,.r(,,' J., \i .(..,..
age|ts lhoLid e1er bc teti on engrre compoets fi
extend.d period\. Failu. to erro\e ltrerr m.l} cru\c dam-
jelo. .o. r' .l .( pr. e.(.t
l. .. :o , r .. .,, i.
dl) lhc rgine anclacccss.ries. rs;ng clea dry c.)mtresse{l
a. Il Ltcrired. rhe ergric..irtrs m.rI be sashed \iith rhe
same sol!eni. Rcnrore rh. Iroecri!c tape U1!n the magne-
'''.,.1 D.r ,c.r .. !
ccodacc $,idr lh. Lubcariof Cthit. Other Drrs .t
i FlG.9 6 O i t,"r..rtrrq tool
c' !.r le. r t I i,r'i .. r
lln:lg gexr .Lnd the u.dersrlc ol rhe rircrxi NI{xr con] I e ,rulo | |
pounds used lor relorin: oit grelse nd strircc di tor i rr( nJl cnrl c dI J{r
ihcsc es arc ernulsif)ing Serr!. These comtoLds. . ...- , LJ .,: re.. . r, . r p.n
whc ri\c wjth pch.oleul \ottenl\. cnmtsif! the oil. cles of nerallic sharlings njght be du.i Thcle arc oftjrrlc
p ?- I 'i r..r' coJrs..tuece xn.l shr{Lld noL be cofused wjrb tarser rert
I r..i,- - -n'. , | 9 lr..,. Lr .,i,.o ,-.
', te
Ofe ng\ luch \ ri scoots should be co\ered prior ro
l .o ., lc,, (- I ri're. r . .
clcanirg. '- '", il]
mif e lhc .aLrse. The rnanur'ir(turcr's rnienrce
shotrld alsar.s be c.nsulrcd lr troper Ljcerrni.ulion of
rolal pa i.les lound l rhe engie oil llttrr \\hef th$c
Sevi<ing Oil Screens and Filters .l r'.. , .. lep-J11.,o.1,. -J
Nlost cnglres iorpoiate ar oit suior scrc.n irlrjch fitiers
At oil .h.rnges. oil smptei {re ofre rke and serrr
oil rs;t lea\,es { bcfore ir the oilpres-
, I r', Tt. LI udy to hboratories ro bc natyed fo ver lrclrls. .\
.. i. :er.. tt. r. -. ..I .l coinflete discussron of .it rLlsis .af bc fonnd jn CLraf.
rl. . rl f. ,.. ,.,/.,r \ it.
-..r, . t. rc.,..\"r--.r;o
1 ,9.,.J.. r ol lnspecton of Oil System Lines
" lrl 1: ..r l, .,T .-.r. r,.. Tl)c inspecrion ol thc ptumbins tbr d oit svsrenr ts siLitar
scr.c. the c.:ire should bc ernxncd f(n.inrenral ''danasc Io rhe inspccrio| Lrl a! orhcr ttLrnbinA. The hrbin!. hose.
\r rr' ,'. ir':.1 ..rr c.t ..J,rl . .trt.
rnd sfct! {ith s.rfer\ $ ire I rcr 'r. r., , i l. .dt !
\r"1, .r..' i .eo \' -(. l.r.:1
.hi.r .'....r.."..i '- I or . -. \,lr . :

tion oi thi\ scrcc. ll oil p!\sins throunh it i! nnder prcs r' . -r. f er "r fo eJ -r. ,rr rb rne - J n.r ..
su|e h is loc r.d i a holig on rhe accessrn! case ol the . r.,et r-. ,, .i ,.,;f-p..
cgire. -lhe ojl fres\trre screcn lholtd be terned rnd iistlladon. o1'errorqnirg. cressj'c rensiui. or orh.r c,:,rl-
iTeclcd t lch3e o rijartt irrpection Aiier rhe
each o dilxDs whi.h mr- leld ro lailure.
pre!sufe screen is re ro!.,1. )! a.ctrrutation of stuclgc
r.l'r. Compression Testing of Arcraft Engine
! t -lto$, oiL fher in\t|ed
\fosr mod.m ergjnes h.r\. Cylnders
o| (hc acces$ry casc be6recn rhe mngctos. This tilter can -\ r ."..r..r ,rrte! i t.. ^,pr... d.r.,-
be"t ,l-. | , .t.. ,i. l , .. ..{ li o, L . ,ro , ,,,nt,
'rl r1.... .-l ; , er .rr- Lr. te^ '."t--..tret..
n|, T. .n. i.rr .*,r( . -.,. .... t.'e
'r . ', I
Tlpes of Clompressior Testers. The r\o basjc rlpes
eleme.t tlpe is jr
horrsed a canjer thar j\ di!l]sserbl.d to oI cornpressionrercb cufl.eDrt,- in usc xre rhe dircct-con-
llow isfecrio ol thc fiter etcmenr. pre..i,r tc.lef LF dilterrntiit-pre..rrr.. te.rer.
Tl. pr .1 .,rr., .,.dl ',... ". Lt ."'." .. "r,le i .. .u. r.:.. e r-
\rrr ,!,
Lo.... 1., le i.i tr p..r,t I.r .nh thc dilftronrial,rrr. corprcjsiolr rcst;r
i.a v ollc
'rl .o i,.,.trr. ... Lr...,
usnrg x rhary lif ro cur through the ttrt\ ot rhe eten]er rcrli c) h tli\ re ccL. i is suseesred !h e
.rt bolh ends. Then crelllly Lrri)t.l the pteared ctemer nd dire comtressior Dlerhod be !scd lirsr ,i,i e iinn,:r
lnspct on and Mitenance 221
:1. lf a corlplct. \el ol corlpre\\rm re!es is alailble,
ift(all one iester in cach c)linder. Il ol) one tefer i\ bciDg
Lrsed. check eich crlnrder i. rur.
5. L'sing the cngine starter_ roltc the efgire t tcasr
,\.. 't c,(1 rir
erdi.g. bk,j Arr exrc rrl l]oer sonL"c should tre used. it
posslble bc.ule a lo$ brrLcr\ $.ili resulr i lo'r engjne
r t 1.
rning Ite ad loef readnlss Thjs \rjtl roticeabl) afrect
\ '.1a,r\ ot
6. Recheck a! c\linder shic \ho\rs an abnormxt
rcacting compared $idr ihe olhers. Any cllifder haling
ra.lig appolin]atclr l5 psi l1{J3..1 kPdl lo$er thn the
,.r .\", 1 oe rp. eo .c, -0 .:
7. Il ! comprelsidr teser is sus|ccrcd .,f defec
tlve. r'ephce jr (rth oc kow ro be accurre and recheck
f lG. 9-7 ao rrer o r tefers iAl D 1f e.e.: -p'rL e tetter he comtrs\iof ot the Iftcteltcrlrders.
F) D r!.t-..,r.prel5 of ies:er
Differentil.Prissure Conpresshn Check. Thc dif
substantlaed r1'irh (h. clillerentil treisrue mehod. This ferenhal-prtssure te*er rs designcct to check he coipres
\ie1ds r coss-referercd ro \alidte rhe rendxrgs obramed b! sion of ni-ftfi .ngines by nresudnS rhe lcakagc thFrgh
ech melhod rd reds to c.ntrc that the cyhliler is delcc the c)llrders that is cused by sorn or dnxLgcd comlo-
r. r..B . nents. The operario of rhe conrfressio reste is ba5cd on
cd. notc the loLlowi.! poirns: ihis princille: For y Silelr airlioq hrorgh a Uxcd o.iiice.
co.(n! pressLrc drot x.os\ that orifi.. wiLl lesuh. Thc
L whcn {hc spail tlug.. are rerned.! rhe c!lir- dirtrc.\ions of the rc\tlicr.r or lice xr dr. .lifferenti:Lt pres
.er' o r..1 '1.: ..i r. 't.S snre lesrcr \houkl be sizcd. A schenatic digr.r of the dit'
'; '
$ill elel rhe acturl oFratjng '.
corlirions cl aid in diar fererlial fressure efer is sho\rn in Fig. 9 8.
osirg probler\ i the cllinders Shc. dre regulred xn trc\sure is applied ro one s e oi
I Revie$ thc oper{ting d rnainenancc rccord\ of rhe e rc(rictor oir'jce wjth tc air !lve clo\ed. thcfe $jll be
ef!rDe. Record\ ol pre\ions cornpresrior lcsr\ r.\el tro no lelige or he other si.l. ofdre oilice n borh pressue
greisile wea ror)itio\ rnd help to erablish e necc\\rrl ra-les riil r.!d lhe salne. Uo\Le\er. irherr dir ir \alve is
mnntcrnce approch. otened )d lcakge through rhc ctlirder increser. rhe
3. Prccaui.s Jroxld be tkcn rc tr.\ent lhe accidenll .)linder pressu: gare \1ill recoid x pruorriorrll] l)er
sfirrg of the efgLre. Rernc)\c xll \trk pltrg leadi. rnd rcrdi9.
plce rnr !) rhrt the spar* plLgs clnnot fire. The lbllo$nrg oLrthrc thc prjnciples rl1!ol1e.l
.Tr. di'c-,t . I m tefonnxrg dillereinl pressur rcsr !nd
must be clca and shonll:l be.hcckcd re:ularl) ror arc rtended tu (rll]p]enen he mnullcturcis irrruclion\
accrrac). Chcck equ4xnerr sirh Lhc ( toff rahe closed ft)r the pafiicnln. r.stcr beils uillzed:
and regultcd fressure nt 80 psi f552 kPl dre .]linder
tresure gage I]]u\( i.licte lio:: p-\i f55l I il.8 kPl 1. Pcrfonn llre cr,niprc\sio. test a\ soon a! possrble
and hold this readnrg ftn it le\t 5 s. arler ergii. shutd.r'n o ensurc thar rhe pisror igs. c)li.
5. ClonbLrslion chxnbcrs wirh li\e pislon rings rcn.l r(l der q alls. .d other engine parrs re sell lubricared.
\cal bette hirl lhose $ith tlree or fLrr. ilirh rhe resl( thr L Remo\c th. ror accessible sprrk plue tom exch
the differenrial-pressurc tcster does ror cor\isletl) shos
'l...rrf I r. : Widr rhc ir !.rl!e cl.ised. ppl,- an e1eul source of
.ler ajr, pprornel\ 100 io 120 psi l6sq o 8t7 kPl ro
.:r ..,.....e .ror -."' p j
ispcct drc compressior te\rcr rir watef of di1t. .1. lstall ar clpt.r in the spak plug bushig. and con
necr rhc conpres\i r tcsrer rc ihe clllnder.
Directcmprtssion Check. Thi! trpe ol conrfres, 5 .\.ljtrst rlre trei\urc r.gularor o obrnin a rcding oi
sion tes irdicxrcs the xctual prcssurc\ withi the c!lifder. 80 p\i f552 kl)!l on rhc pr.lnre egul or gas.. A hjs
A el r. .'i.r'.ee. I .. .{ , 'l.....r. tinc. lhe .)linder prss0e gge shorid rl\o r.gister 80 tsi
is djicLrh to delcrrine b) thls method. rhc o.! \ec) of f55l kPal.
redings lbr all cylinders is an indicatlon of orerall egine 6. Ttrm ihe crakshaft b) hnd xr thc direcrio ot' ro
co dition. Thc followirg guiclics for perforrrling a lion antil the piston ii the c)ln.ler benrg ch.ckedl ls conr
direct-coLnpression te.t xre sugge\rc: tug up o Lts compre\\io strcke. Slo\rh otcD ihc air \ ai\'..
ad pr.ssurize the ctlinder Lo afpr.\imntel) 20 psi ll-:8
l. \rnr ut the engine ro opcr{tig rnr|er
Thoroughl,! kPal. Cni., tse.rell in rhe ai. \'ah. lince
e telt as s(rn as possible lier shutdd!.
.]ure. an{l do \ulliciet ai. tr.\sure irill hale builr up i re c)h dcr to
2. Reltlole he nosL rccessible sprk piug loDr cach cause it Io rotte the cr!kshali il the pi\ron i\ ror a TDC.
Conin!e roraring lhe erlgire agarf rhls pressure nnril
L Rotale ihe erEinc $ith be slarter to erpel anl ciccss the fislon rcchcs TDC. Reachirrs TDC is indlcared br a
oil or loole cabor ir d)e c!linders. llt slto! or suddcn de.reNe i lrce rcquired ro rurn he
222 Chapter 9 Operat on, inspectlon, Ma ntenance, nd Troub eshootinq of Re.iproct nq Engines
li lir is lcakjg fro thc \alve!. dre techniclar $ill hear
rir clitilg ltunr thc cxhaust \tcks or cartureor inle. This
lcakagc D1y bc cdusccl by smll piece of cnon stuck
unc rcth thc !al\c. Gccldlly this problern cn be cor-
recled by plcing fiber clrili oD Lhe ock.r ann directlv
o\er lhe fxl\e renr nd lapprg thc dift sc\cral Linres with
a harnrne. .) dislodge an) toreig mrerirl or crrbon
bel|een the vahe face and seat. Nrn,r When you are cor-
recling i rhis manner. rolate the propeller so
low reading
tht lhc pisto will ot be t TDC. This \ill prelent the
..i 'j \ L p lf .ii,.,
RotaLe th engie belirre rechecking Lhe cornpression io
rasct thc !l\cs in he lonLxl rrc.

Magneto lhspection
D rr. ,": ror .rrLJ rr.p:..or. r.. ne.orr pec.ron
noimrll) Llorre silh e n]agelo on lhc engide Sore(idr"-q
it is lecessrry lo ltnole dre nagrelo lr ispectio, such
as qLth rhe Slick series nagleto\ ibr the 500-h check or il
iufiher insteclion ard disssembl) re \!arraIed b) dis
crepancies. The lollo\',rng is an exaln!]e lis ot' nragneo
prts iht shoulrl be inspdcled durnrs 100h o a rLral
insFcioi (see F S., 91. ( lhe furhe.s rf rhe Llhrsnriof
r! r_lcr' r ,((r. rlr. rp<.l r
will rcqrirc th. r.molrl ol thc igitio hrmc!! .Lnd brclcr
contct Irldte frrn thc rageLo.

L Ispect Lhe dirribr tor blocl contcl \!rinu.\. ll bro-

ken or coircded. the) shor'ld bc rctl&cct.
2. lnste.t dr oil felr rarhe.. lt shold be saru.ared
silh oil. Ifit is !trr. check 1 $or! bushnlg Lllxicle s
FlG.9-8 !.hlmat. of typ. tl ltent ressLr.e.ompree needed \lrllr o. 30 oil.
3. lnspeci rire distibur'block til crcks or hured
areas. C'rlr,rr The wa\ coating on tle block lhouLd ot be
rrankshafi. lf dre rinkshaft js ()tatcd loo 1ar. back rp.rt
it 0.5 r d s1t o!er. to cli intc lhe elIecr of bnckhlh 4. Look lbr e:icess oil 1ll dre breaker colnpalll1lent. It
:n rhe \l!e operxting .rcchnnisur and o keep he | !1o. rua) rnean a bad oil seal or iL seaj bushriS a dre .hi!e end.
rnss seated on thc l.$cr inrg lds. 5. l-ook for fiayed in!trlaion or brcken wirc strnds in
7. Otef thc an \al\c conrplelel) Check tne rerulatc.l leads in bck ofthe mgneto. See th{t terin{ls re securD.
rr.s\rrc ad aus(. i1 necessry. to 80 psi [552 kPdl. Bc nrrc thc $ircs arc prperl) tosilioned.
S. Obscr\e the pressure indicxtio. oD thc c)lnder' 6. Irspecl dre cprclor r'lsnall,r. li possilrle. te! iirr
iure gagc. The diftrence eeen dri\ prc\sure and rlre leakage. capacilarce. and series resisance. lndiscrimitc
rrrssu.e shoirn b) lhe regrlrt(n prcssLrre gage js he rcplcemen of dre capaciror e.rch lilne the brcaker poits
mount ol lekage d oulh lhe cllind.r. A loss ir excess of are ferlaced incu\ af ur]\ry exlEnse.
la percert ol irpLrt air prelsure i\ cause (.i sspeci the
.\lnalcr d beng defecd!ei hoevcr. rc.heck he 1.eadings
.iLcr otelaling he engine t] rt l.{( 3 min o allo for
..alLS oflhe rigs wilh oi1.
9. lf lerkgc is sLill occumng lltiel a recheck, 11ra) lre
.e pisto rigs c, o\er lie. rno\e in thcir gnx\cs ltr
nre csc! thc pislon ig gaps can be.ome lign.ct. This
r ill cius. { ld! corrtr.srion check. Ihjs froblcm cx be
:llected bI sinrflr rullirg np the en:inc trnljl rhc.jng
:t\ becomc staggcrcd agin.
whcn lcdg. occ!rs. e echician cD dctcrnrine the
!ur.c o1 l}c trobler| bJ listenig. lfdre ai. is leaking fiom
:he ornkcasc brcther. Ihe rhe lexkige is fio] ronnd dre
. rro rings or a hole 1lr the pi\t(nr. ll spr)_hg oil into the
:r lnrlcr ard faling dre en-eine s.lcftl irns lmpove the
.idug on r compres-qion lest rechcck. then lhe problem
riobabl\ lics \rirh he tisto rings. Thi\ lrpe of test ls
FlG. 9-9 lilqneto rems to be spe.ied

lnspectlon and Maiteance 223

i. (lrrrccl thc djuslrrer)t of he breakcr\ lo profer $ill sho$ lekage betr,,een led! ri \.i:
inremll rjr;ng ol the lgrelo. .r^.r Tl.e\.1. r J;(l(1li ,

I Ch..l rhe breker .rDr. lt shoulcl be cleI and o the stark plug terminil of tbe lead bei.! i:!.:i! Th.
groud lead is altnched !o the engine. The irir m:\ rl.o
be grorded 10 thrcugh x wlter fife or orh.r nrrn.
If thc i.rpulsc coLrplins is nccessiblc. it should be Nlanutacreis islructio. drc f)lidcd tir rll hxin.\\
l.s|.ct{l in rccordace \r'irh rhs tn)fcr ser!ice bullelin or lc\tcr\ and should bc lollo\ccl. Since \uch uil ptu.luce\
nrinLcnce mnLial lerl high loltgc. it i! csseluial hl rhe operarcr be mor
carefl when the uii is Nrned on.
The voltge ol he lener is djr\d nr the le\el giren in
lnspecton and cleaning of Spark Plugs the irstmcions, which js uslly 10.000 \. Nhcn thc con
ol sirich is ured on, thi! \okagc js .rfpljcd 1o c lcrd
,\- cch \t.Ik plug i\ rcrno\ct] liol the cylnatcr. e elec- beirg ese{]. Leakage siLl sho\ o thc ricrcnmcLcr and
ltudc eril shotrld bc in\pccrcd tor posiible dcp\it\. These should noi exceed 50 nri.roxri)er.s l!A).
deposir\ ftcn icllccr the irleml condition oi the cylirder. As testing of lexds oDtinlcs. oc or c lc! sill
Ihe oDerti.. ol thc llel slslem. ad !b. $r" h \r,hich be likely sho$ hi:h lexkigc bc(au!c ol lhc posillof ol llre rlii
eSin. i\ o|ered. ributor rfor in rhc nrlgneLo lf he roor tiS.t s l gne.l
Vitrrll) Lr\tec e.r.h strrk plug lor he f.llo\ing $irh thc clccrroclc for thc lerd beirg lesled. rhe cLrrenl s,jll
Jurp the gap 1o llic rotor ard l]oi! ki lroud dnouSh the
mr:clo coil Whcn lhr\ occurs. rhe efgine .rkshfr
I Severeh drmged \hell or \hield threrds nickcd. should bc rolatd lll chnge lhe iigrrefI .f
rhe .lisrihuor
rlriplrcd. or cross lhreded roto $ tht thc lccl .n be relesled. L\ir! rf ohnrrere..
: Br{11) bttered or r.urde.1 shcll hexgofs or cable lesle, chc(k ech leLd lix conti ritJ. ll..irinu-
3 oul ot rnnd or drnds.d shielding bxnel it) does nor e\in. hr.kei fd nNr be ret a.ed.
the led ls
,1. (lhrfpcd. crcked. orbroken ceranric isulalor parls ll eressi!e ea(age ii several crhles. the
tlre esl shoNs
. tJrdlf eroded elecodes sorn lo rptro{ilnalel,\,50 drsrributur hlock or enirl blo.k ls trobbl) dcfc.ti\'..
pcrlcnL 01 origrl sjze lhe block \hould thcrclorc bc thourghl! crnre.]. Il rhe
re!i !how\ rhlt the hdrne(r is faulrt, all lhe cables ihould be
Afref rhc -\park plLrs ha\ been invccrcd. rI should be
clencd xs rc' irc Alrer.leaning. it shorld be gpted and When .lisrribtor block !ho\s trulesl rlr{)url ,,
' D. r rl t \'. ru\( lexkSe. it cD lnc1cs b!: Nllorcli t., gooLl nidjl,i hy
du.i cr be lbnnd rr Clhr!. E. .leniDg nd sairg silh mr approlcd hlgh-IemterIure
\rxx. ll lekage tersisls. he block should be replxccd.
A corqrrrrd!ely lnrtle cble lerer i\ ilhted Flg.
Harness Testing and lnspection 9-10. This uril oterales lior either ll or ll \ .lc. lh.
irslrunerl is set for he corecl voltSe by nrcn\ of th.
As rrroriru!l) me|iiored. hi-eh tesi. clc ior ircrati
selector s\l'itch. When the elter ii properlv !onecreli 10
isnilion slsems co\i!\ of fe\ \Lrinl\ ol slidess-steel
iglrition cbles. the rldlcntor ligh ill rereal!i\e
\!irc coleled n'rrh a hlck laler of n iDslnlig material
iuch as silicone llrber. O\er lhis i\ lr-er.if Slass fiber
ieilirere|r. and oler hc r.inldacmell another bick
lt er of i.s!lating nrxtcri1.
The lLlsulatlon .f the iS.irioD cable is desiged ro \illr
f]rd !eT hiShr.ltrsc $ithou bleakiS doNn. O!cr line.
h,rire\,er, leak!:c ol i:njrio culrelrt (ill occu. E!e a nerl
cable lrill leli lorc$hrl. but lhis is o irp.r1x.t unlil lhe
likge icrelei s. r.h thal lhe spnrk t thc iparL elec-
1es is ekeneLl or rotpcd.
To ef.ure thil lh iclcclric srength ol igr)ilion cable
i'rlxrifn is ile.luae ad thxt e\ccs\i\e leakag.'is not
o.!ning. hrress lester called a mgohmmeter! or meg-
l{cr. i\ ured T!picl tenell! arc thc Continerrli HiSh
Tcn'i.!r Led Tester nd dre l\tcm Elecronics Cxble
\ l)rleis lerer i\ an elect . unil .lcsigned lo produce
dc \(rllxsei Lrt ILr 15.000 \ iltilh c.r bo pplied to indilid
rl l.cls rn n igrLrior hine\s. A t)picd Lrnn innt include
gges ro re$r rhe xtplicd lollgc Dd lekr3e cune1. a
!ollge con'ol. itut lexds. rrpuL lcds. nd requne.l con
rftt s\ irche' I hc.c unit\ rclrde inrlllctions 1or lroper
To e\r igfirion l.dd\. xll lerd! re dirconnected liolrr
he spalk plug!. nd rll l.ds bul lhe one b.irg tcrcd re
lrouded to rh. cn.!rc Wi{h Lhe leds groundcd. the lerer FIG 9-10 An .n t. .tr e ih:r..rl tenp.

224 chapler 9 operation, nspecl on, Mlnterance, and Troub eshoot ng of Reciproct ng Eng nes
During the insl)ecrion of n iSitior hnmess. ir is inpor i ..' I' l e 1r . :, Or ..,r. .r ,.," . pr." i. ,
rnr ro ote dre rcutin! of indiyi.ttrat sprrl plug cabtes rvith rrr' .,e. r|r .tu...,rep rctu L ,e. 1
'pe. r'.rri r. Jr .: ru , r.rl \ wrt. p\r J,r rrr. rng
old.'Ie .ff..a.rt-r .e\
,r w. .rl..,r:, . (roi ,. ,,. r.c.o.. .Jre"r t..r 1. .,.
.l !r.. 'i a- r,rei Lf.,",r
Foam-Tlpe Air t'itters. fonr-tlp air fitrers are
.1.t-.r.J JJ'l .. .( (, rlt .. u .r - I r.r.. H. .\e\.
. r. L rfp,, . " ...,.... ,"- . .". 'nr I l. r(
i.orn a tro\irion thcre it cr becoDc danagc.l by absion cleannr! procedLre ftr toaDr rype fitrers. Insecl. lhev re
Sharp bend! sh.'uld be a!;ide.t in i!irjon teds. ll a 'eI ..J -. Dr... rD.. i' er' l. . h , . e .. I r, ,
iabic is ber shapl) or rwisLcd. rhe jnlularlo is ulder Tndll(rion \\\tem Ductinr. ] .. .r
'''.:,.1 ..,r d,..1 .p,. w, .., I L
-,.rt,!,Fe, " r u. dr ..i ,- i. r J,., t , .\r.r J r,.
' u rulre]rr rJn l"-ll lJ.( :r' r .' d ,. crr .. I . pe..r
rl ('r. 'o1.,. t .. o ( J._..I u. . ur b-o^ci .i,,
'Fu ...c.J -i.t.!,.... h.i.- r
lnspection and Mantenance of lnduction o! lr.,o.\''r. hi ,.e,ir.r<r..r
and rethcc the allcted d!cr or ducLl.
System Air Filters and Dudn9
Ihc inductn srrcm air filrcr remo\cs dj ad ab.asi\c
rricles lioln rhe a betolE ir eters thc c.fbLrct(r and/or l11spection of Engne Fuel Systems and
:n. srperclrargcr in1pcller.. whcn rtre an. fiker has not becn
'.o. l) rr,.' r. .. e. r
'l ihout a lilor. The nnxl coJnn)ll resLlts ofdirl orte.
Ifpossible, inspatirns \holrld be c c.t ouL ir accordancr
siticon with manufactureis or operatois rstrnd on! as ser fol'lh
:neins the ensine ac $orr pi\ton .irrgs and eiccslive ln ttropriate manulrts. It these rre not rvitrbtc tie nn
:t: groove wear. As rjg grcore $.ear progr.sses. lhc rins louin8 gencral pracLices ca he litowed:
''| ..,r'.l or.
iI is imferailc hat rhc lnduclion slster xir tihcr be L Remorc co$lrrg as ncr.essar! to qain c(crs (o rhe
1,-l.Ll r* o( lr i.r r. P',....
::r iducriol system $irhonl benrg filrered. dir,! air i,ill
c e,-,",. , .,i,o.
11! k. t, r\rLl drrrruL
:rer thc engine This src problcm erist anr$.hcrc i 2. l]\amine t] lncl llre connc.tiors rd firrii!s lir
. le '!iU
IJk.pF... - ,. e !e. L . . r..,t ;( . . ,,.. I '.o..ror
There aie se1etul d renr rypes ,:,t air t1hrs. xnd crch - ,. ,i r. o.r.i .l( r '.: t, : e ,-..r o.
-! its os' paltrcular seN'icing Irocedui:r\. J fel\. -opl i,crl. ; .(c p..t, h rq r.,,
.,J.,o,J.e,,,tr.(J. .rt , i. ,,,
DrJ l'aper Filters. The dry paper filrer rust be 'r, ., b JL.e .r ,. ,. I,ct., - r (
..rlJ..\, r... e.lrJt oti.n.,r trn: JfLl r i !n]r rlrepar.b]r- r!(.
- \' l- ..r. - rret. .. I, e..ri,t er, ed L Obs.Ne the col)liittolr ot rhe hoses. Ttrc oLler \trr"
'iel .l e r'o. rL,i e..r, litces sh.,uld be snroolh tirnl. d tiee of lrtisrcrs. butges.
:rJ shake otl th. loose dift bv rappiD! on a hard. it{t su- collrtsed bends. or decp cracks. Sna| c! bc
::e Bc especially crelul no 1., crcrse or cic he sclinr nccefred. prorided thir there is llo fuet iet(ge when lhc
-J \\l r c e.r.i," f blister is pLcrl d ir;rh ! lin n{t \hcn rhe tiose js rc\ted
. '
!1. liqtrjd or sork it jn oil. nd n.\cf tr1, to blow olt di
,,.idr comfrussed ir. The filrcr honsnls.aD be.le,rred bv leI\l r-P
rlFl ! ,r I. r. ,.rrt\ ro.pi-
::q ir dry. r.insall and sel Lhc
. o \\ I.
' :.eJ. -ire. .'. I . li. '
fibric lv.r 'e r..Fnr.hl,
L Ccfutlt cra;nre rhe colrctition of rhe ho{s nd t!b
\\ire Nlclh \,Veutd Oil-TJp Air fitrer. Te wetted irrS at thc clmts or brackers u\c.l tr nr(rtjr!. Borh rh.
oil .rir ffltr shoLld b. irspecrcd dailv fbr di accumutarion -, '.r..'.r '. l: c.,. rt. ,.. te.' J r..r ..J JnI
.:r,i proFr oiling whc djrl ls tord, rhe titter should be looscess. A l.ose mounting u.i
. 1 | | |. 'it.<- .. r.(. .. r,n ..r . r...e- cause \l.ear
5 alheck rhe mcrrl let Ines for (.er. nicks. curs
. i,.r.r. oe | | (r .je ..,' c i.',..1". 1 5, ,.t ..r .,..\t,.,.c
Thor'lughlt w\h thc lilter in tchr)lell] sotyent. not etcnd de.ler rha l0 perceDr ol rhe \1 rhjckl)c\s an{l
\Ikc cerrain dra ll di s remoied fror the flhcr and ..e . ill ee, . L(,a r,,\ D" . -, e . .,o,:
..:I e li ter xnir is xr \cr ! iceabte condirior. It, after ctern_ aJ Ir.- ri..,, cl .\ Ir-.r. ,tr., Jerr rJe.p. !.,r I

::!. Lhc sulces of thc rir tiltcr !ho$ .rea ic w res thn 2(l percent ol tire nbirrg diamerer D.t re ot io he
::rough the rcrrainil1g llocking nrateriat. rhc fi]rer shoutd heel of a bcnd ae accepable. DcDrs car bc remolcd bv
_e repiced
Dry the ihcr at roonl rcmpernrurc. makjns cer Jr\i 1,.le r.!. rc,,bi ,^.r,.
:::n lI is thoroLrghll drt, bcfore proceeding sith rtre ncrr "J.,. Tubin! $hich i\ _r. ne;
steet cble no re;airabte must bc
. I l t -r , -,.i. it rcnl.c
: r :r l . r r - , ( . .l.llt ..e.. "rre,,,.r-ra t
l . , r 1
6. Rcnrove thc drar plugs in the cd.btrrcror nd sLnts
:.!s decrcale its clficiercy. \exl. lr)rcrse the tilrer i| hc . ,..t..r.t -,"-rr
-:.omcnded grde ol oil for 5 nrin. Afer rhc -
liher i\ lel'rrl rroD. .r,'..,r t...:'p.,. ...,,.
':no!ed lror drc oil. all y i ro drnr thororght).betbrc ers ilith rhc liugs where reqired.

lspect o and M ntennce 225

r- Rcrnove all fel scr'ce|s aid lilLcrs o clen thern:rrd 100 h or a rLral if.f.cliorl The m\telllon oL these.or
1o chcck heif concliljon Collxtsccl \ceens. lnd tilters Lrol\ shonld nche th. li)llou,irg siets:
\hjch do not pro\jlte tree fucl ilo{, 1ust bc replaced
llaln line iuel lcrc.n sumps and rk drnins sliould be 1. hsfe.t ttrsh pull .orrol\ lor \rer n sLnoolhless
o|enc.l briefl,\'! prcllighl spections io renrnc wate and
LOfe rte thc s!\lem slo(l\. nd {lch lbr n-ers of
8 ll he fuel slsten iDcluLlcs n eginc dri\en fu.l a]ry on Lhc rorl! rril tLib fg thtr \ill .rlrse bending or
furp. check rhc purnf iir scc'r1it,\. oil lcalu:e from dr. wiring.
I F\lrir. ..h nn1 ..d th.rl Ls lhiexde.l. tDd obsene
rourlnlg. nd froper sifelr'ing ofrnountrg uts. bolts, or
sc.e$s. the eleclri. fuel boost punp lr dre opcla- $hc(hcr rlre rcd is$cd i o lhe \r.ler l.odJ fu eogh
ri,,n n,1securil\ of bolh fel and elecnic conections The Lo bc \eer hru!h th. rspec1on hole

hNshes of the pump non shoultl be rcplaced in accor- ,. Erninare nt pl\ b) ukg c.r in th all coe.
drcc irlth thc schedule set ti)rh l lhe \cr!ice manurl
9 Check rhe cfbure(r tu] securill ol moLrnling. Iuel 5 Errmine rh. Sr csroieeif the ul- bird too mrh
lckrge, and troper !f.1"-ing. Check the g(l.r rr rl'e on lhe guide\. but io trol .rirke an] t]ldlng for rNdng
niourring flange or bsc 10 deie nine if ere i\ poiribili bck. Retixc. n) gliries thxt.!use bi.ding
1) of dir leakage E\dnn\e tlre drolile shaft bcarings .rnd o, I r.
he cotrol llrms ftrr the hrottlc xnd nixtu.c corlrol fo Ihen jnro or o1 ol dre .orltr.l .n.1. Rerighlen he locknuts.
excessi\e pla\. Rcmcnbel tirut.\cer-cile cl.rLr1ce thc ,- lf an) rod is renn.d. hbcl il 1o ;h( ils lortion on
rh .rr. \har'r cin xll(\ ak l .ntcr re c burelor ird .n
t Replcc nr b,ill b.rritr-! .,ril e.ds tht ca qe lo\t
lc,r Lhe irrure lu.ic!t ro the berings arrd mov
^ptl! ltih the scni.e iNtruclions or dr.
ing ionils i. r.cor.lance
atprL'!ed lntrric{Lion clr .

lnspecton and Maintenance of Fuel lnspecton and Maintena11ce of Exhaust

lnjecton system Systems
lhe roIre instecljo :Lnd rnaint.nnce of rn .ngire fuel fhe ol trcper i.!pc.tici r n]intenrnce of
{rer rir rrclde\ ! fuel iniection s\rer arc sinilir !o erhr't s\ren1s carnot be f!crclLph;iie{1 /l/.3 !r.r
tirosc ol crbureo. ancl 1uel s,rstcns. The frincipal renr! k 11s.ti l. tu tns|n'fr(. o!nt IuIttt(.
ur, ., .t1tht,t ,t,)i.( posaniq
to notc arc rLshtness ad slelfi.g ol Ltut! xncl botts. leak
xgc from lines ncl hllrrgs, and lfoseness in corlrol lik Affroximrel) one hnll ol c\huf lyrenr fxilu.s ocrur
lcs FLrel striincrs shouLd b. cinored a.1clened a\ slrc. in h..ihu!( gs to ir hc{ crrh! sei. rd - Lr rcsLrh.
ilied. \iifr lLrel -clai! t the lel o77lcs re romil nd . nr monoride gx! r.b the cbi thr.ush th. aircr.rft
clo no reqrirc repair.
when ne\ nriector nDr is rstalle.l, the lnienr trlcl The e1husl \\\rcr) co1f!rnets r. subje.ted ro
stniner shouki be enro\ed dnd clexne.t rlter:5 h of opcra- \rr.ic temDeran e!. th rcsLrlturr! e\fnsion and con
rl.n Thcrclicr. IIre (rirer should be clsmred ar erch 5011 trlelioD ful!.e sie.s.s \\hich olier lertd Lo trc].s nd
dl.rolt ior rcs!l(ir! r frge.
lf n !ncrt en:i. js equipped ilirh iirel i.j.ctor thai ' 'I . I

icludcs r A\lC. hc oferior should be aler r'or sigrls of iDacquale.tfd inficquenl insfe.tions x d check\ 3nd tln'
lack of rjnc rd pte\cti\c l]linIerc. l-r.L\!ee
futrlcnr ilirh be unir. Dirt ca buikl up on thc nee.lle xc1
cinse ch operxtion nd possible \tickig oi re 'ee']le iLrste!tion(. EihaLrsI j)ltcms eleliorte h.rr !' .r r i
i!ir resrlianr loss ol llhrde colpensation ergire .NrxLrg ternf ert'tcs. (ll \ itrari.. $hich .Lses
Lubricaiior.l rhe iniecror should be.t.conrplished in metnl ftigu. ort rei1! .f sLrcss c.rncennrti.D nd !!ear !r
accorctnce $,rlh rc appoled lubrictiof chtL 1r lhe pr loints or concciioi(. nd (-rl er!le bxcklirillg d
l cuLdr inralltion. The cle\,is piN used ii .oneclio ith rnbLL red l!L.l ir the nrufilcr .v,g The\e ...dilions be!.xr
thc (hror]e ad the lnaul miilLre conol should bc to lhe llrr hour o1 engile opemtio xltdeterio
checked t'{r frc.orn of nr.!nret d Iubricle.l, il nccc! r.i. progresles hj\nLgh lire lile ipan of thc clhruil sls
Lubricrc lhe hrorlle shalt bushiJrgs b) placrng ltrop oi IdictioLls ol .r{clcd or lerkin-{ erhnsl s) srenrs cn
englf. oil on eacb ed ol lhe hrcttl. \hrlt so dr{t thc oil oc.!r i| r] rer ol Lhe s) sem ho\\c\r. the flLo\ring tre
c $ork inlrl the btrshjng\. Lire ron proin.L f()blel rea\:
Ll.e c(rc in clernin-s dnd oilig the i] ler el.nerrt ll l. Erhansl lnrtnifold rnil fac( tu;gue 1ilLues rsuall!
he e! is replrced $hile ercessi!c oil is ciigig 1o il oecur r $eld.d r c mp ioirns (l erxmirlc. erhLrsl fnk
sor. of Llie oil s, ll be dren no ihe inicctor and t!ill \e1_ flngc. slcl to rxifold ctossfipe.. .r nr,,
rle o. rh. lcntui. Thi\ cnn grcdtl) ac rh. nrclerig chir riosl Thi is sh.s in Fig. 9 11.
aceristics ol Lhe intector. l. Nuffler lilurc' |d hear e\chngcr 1ilures n$ally
occur of th. incr sll !uncc. E\mtlrs ot' ligue r..
lnspe<ton ad Maintenance of Engne are nro$. i Fis. 9 12. A frfcr in\pcclioLl c!1n be ..or
Controls \hc the ourer h.xt -hiclil i! renr.\ed. This
;stecti(r shc{rl.] be dofe r' r.cor)nerded br rh. mrrr
Engire corol\. su.h s lhc throfile, mirture. fn)|ell.r, nd
co$l 1]p co.!l\. nee to be che.kcd drrnl! lhc .ourse of

226 chpter 9 operation, nspction, Ma ntenance, qofD- oo.oE1o-e.

are sec!ed to he cylir)de.s. nll other lalls shonid be
ND CAIED AYAFROW llled .^ . ,. r . r'u,. 1(r'pope
rlisnmer to pe\et e\ha!sl l.kgc. Nu!. bolts, d
clmp scress nrust be ightenccl to drc correct orque.
O\enor.tring will probably rcsult lnilurc.

Procdues. l he frocedures for performing cxhrust

syrenr ;rspecLios arc gi\cD in the 1anutacureis rnainte
ance man'rl lor e lircrft. In gener|. lhe requied
inspectjons are similar in type d scole for rost oircrft.
'l'he following seps are ypicl:

L Renove he engie co$ling r llicierl\ !o lee all

farls of the exhaust s)sem.
2. Erarnine all ferls for dacks, sr., loosrncss, .lcnts.
corrosioD. and any other aplarent deerioratior. Pa] !r'ric
FlG.9-1'l ExhLrr syrem n5pe.t on po ts rlxr arcnrion r. aLta.hjng flages Neidedjoiis. slif ioilts,
I'r tfF .\.r J,.. tir ,t JrJorJ.fre er.e\
3. Check alljoit\ for sigi of exharsr leakage.
Leakage cn causc hot spot\. in ddition to being hazaclous
I., passcngors and crc\!. With superchr3ed engines opert
irg 1 l)igh rlLiltrdcs. cxhatrll leak! ssume he nature of
blo$torchcs because ol the sea level pressures nrartricd
in the syster. Thcsc lcaks dc a firc naTard as well as bein-c
darnaging ro parts nd strucrures. tiyidence of lekage is a
lighl grav o. sooty spor rl rI slip joint or dt any oher
point where pipes are joired. LeakSe slots also relel
crcks in the syslem.
I \ (. : lo | \ .L ur. rl.d.,|-.'.r.t \,
'e .lLl, .eor( .re,le.kel.\,r..,r\p'...' ....i
.', '
:r .n L.,Ln,.l...rerro,le,- o pe . terr ,e. ' i'P
suitable rubber fluS to lrovide se!]. Wi(h lh. \crum
y leel or wllh a
cleancr opcraLig. chc,rk lhc entire systenr
soap solrtion lo re\eal lerks. Afer the pressure ter.
emo\e lhe soap sucls \iLh w{t.[ dry the systerr cornlro-
nenls $ith corntrc\ sc.l ir .

J,.r pl.. ,,p.. ir -, rrrJ,r'-

'f en, I
rnal be necessary to disa\semble the sysem and check
idivmual componelli. Diss\crble the s)sten according
FIG. 9 12 ly! c mllfier lt q!e re3 r. ter -. ir,,(.,g..r,tt. .. rr,F
all atta.hing fa]ts. lrch as clamps. br,rckels. bolls. uts, d

ar. Rcnyc thc shroucls from the nrtrffleH. Use rubber

Precutions. I the instection ad servlce ol erihrust phgs Io seal thc otentugs, ad pp y 2! fsi [l7 2:1-kPal a r
.,.rm\, celin trecauLions lnusl be obserled. Faihrc to presr \lhilc the nrullldr js sul'rcrgcd in \\aer. Seal lhe
:ipby dcquale crc j working wilh e),hur sl\terns can erhust sl.rcks aDcl pitcs. a.d in lhe sre nranner.
-:iult in thcir.laragc and dctciofttion. r.r- < p l'-ol P.lPr, , e ' lr" re.r,: '.
Corosion rcsistant crhausL slslem parts ur be prc- rarv. bul \\,hale!cr e manulaclurcr rcconrcnds sho!ld be
::-red agai sr contact $ith zinc coaied {gahanized) tools
. any zic-coared meral pafs. Frthennore, lead pencils 7. After all componeIs of lhe erhauf slre ha\c
-rr lrot be used o mak erihauf syseln t)as.,{1 high bee examined d lblrnd sailrfctory. reassemble the sys-
::r,pe!re\. the rneal of e eust s]!!em $ill absorb tem on lhe engxre loosely ro llow lr dirsrnent ancl prt
r-: zic or lead of the lead pencii. nd t;s will matedall) er aligrent. Tighte| the fck rtlchmets (o lbc cyliNlcr
.i:.ct he molecl stlxclure of the metal. tsecause oflhis. exhaus pols tisi. using a orque \\'r'ench. Bc surc thrr thc
r-: \oliened nelal ll1 likely be iubjec io he {levelotrlnelrt lroper rype of hea-esisrnt rur is uied l]d thaL ew g{s
:: .racks m lhe r kecl afeas kels e inralled. Nerl. tighter ll other ioints d aLtach
The exhust s,\,reln pas must be cleaned Nith care. rnents. naking sure a ll pafs ae in cofecr aligr1rnt.
ii' is' hue ofceanic coaled tar1s. The) nrus! 8. After the exhaust slstern hxs been i.stalled- run the
::i be cleaned \\'ih hanh alkline cleiners or b! sandblast p'!r-"1:er rlLrr"L ir- I f. '. n cJ'i r! -
.:. Degersirg il,ith a suitable \olvent will usually suffice. tenirm. Shut dorvD the cngie and.erove the cowling.
f. r.u. r,.'k( d.,o'e f:.r r'l'. ,. .ri I rspccr elch c{hausl port and ll ioin$ \hert conponenls
:: Jre unxfactrer shonld be follo\'d arc auachd Lo one alloLher. Look lor signs ol erhusr
le(: .,(r 'b\o.,('l-1 J.,. r 'tP.,: I l.aks. suclr as r light stay or sooL! deposir I{ lerk is
J repair is rnosr citical. Alier the exh{ust stcks orriscr f(iu,1 l,)$r nd relis. it
nspection ad Mlntennce 227
9. lf n e\hust s,rrem irclrdes ugrc.t(r\. inslect SHOCK IVIOL]NI ASSEMBLY
thc augr.Dtors in the same mnnner s tlie othcr compo
nen\. Leakr i th. rlnrenrors caLl caLr!e lies ancl .\cdpe
ol gx\c\ into the cocktir or cabir. The alignrncnr ot the
augmentor\ i\ prrticularll The an lcruicr'.
\tcilictlios .u!t be iollo\led peciselj.
1{l O a s}\tcnr $hich rcludes i Lrbochrger, \pecjrl
insleclios ol thc turbine and comtessor asierbljes rnusl
be mde. hsp.ct lhc inreri(r of xll unit! r'or he buildup of
coke deposit\. These dcposiL\ ca. cuse rhe !\rsle aate lo
sIick. causirg ercessi!e boo\tl !he turbine. crrbo
Jco 1.r,... r r e.(.!
c\. sirh rcsulting .lccrc{\e in engine fower Whercler
coke buildup is luDd nr t it. renrore n in x..ordi|ce
$ith e rnanulacrurer's instructios.

Repairs. Erhansi syslem .o rpollelll\ $hich ha\c bunred. cra.ked. il.nled. or !o \ronr lhar lekag.
occuh should nsullr be replced with es parts. 1 cerraiD
iDstn..s. crcks c be repaired b) heliarc (ire gs)
scldins \iLh thc proler ype of $elding rod. C:rre rLr-rt be
Lalc. ro lojd an\ repair (hich \rlll cause rongh ipor Lrr
frotrusion inside a e\h,:usr flpe or rultler. Alrl such are ENG NE MOUNT TO FIRE\]ALL ASSEI'BLY
$illcreate a h.t srt nd.ause e\,enul bum through.
Dens ca s.itnctimcs be |ero\ed. provided tha! he den
ls not cused r thi spot resoltig frur j1eml erosion FlG. 9 13 D,/'o. erg re o!i
and burlrirg. Dnts are.emo\ed br- rlre e\\r
pite oler a suitble ndrcl rd rorliing ou the den wi

Aiier an) repair to corfo.ent oftbe e\hult sysleJn. a

lFsnrre test shlnrld bc
Fire Wall Seals
Durilg n insp.crion of lhe aircrli the seling compound
En9ne Mounts d bushigs Lht f.nn seal! aloL, $irig .d conrrol
cbles hI pls\ through lhe fire \11 lhorld dl$uls be
F.ngine moLuis are rnell rnoti ol the Upe \l sinlijg js|ectel rd rcp{ircd. il needed. ,\ny rtpe of ofeirgs irr
9 l--1. shich colec e engirc k) Lhc arLarc. Rnbbcr llre lire qll are crn llo elhausr gscs nd fures r
!hock mo!nls isohle lhe engin. lrom th. mctdl egine enrer dre cabir {r..
\1or rnode recitr.,calig cgic inttalltions nse
dJna-foca) egxre rounts. The -(locl nrdrn(\ on { .l}nr cngle rourl point toqard the cener ofgralil! ofrhe lnspection, Mantenan<e, and Repar of
c.Sinc. a sho$ in Fig. I 13 The bonded ruber slrock Superchrgers and Turbochargers
m.,uts rDd lrctl mounl are desigred to rcduce he trans-
mission .il.ngine rihrtion! o dre ajriiare. This prorides The sane prnrciples of insNeciotr. maiLcnln.c r.t rcpxjr
sRrlhcr ircrrlt opertion .rnd reduces he possibih\' of thr apph lo othcr sections of the poqerylnnt s)(cD affh
nrurtul liltrr. fnln !ibratrrn ltigue. to ruter.hargei! d turhochrgers. \isrl Lrspccrion ofrll
risible prr\ shoul.l be terrirrnred d.rit) to ob\erve oil lcak\.
Cleaning rnd Inspection. AII meral pats of the shock e\lau\t lenks. crack\ i Lhc r.rr ol hot seciolrs.' l(!i\c
mounl assenblies nra) bc in a suitabl. or insecxre unils. and orher ux.ccptible cofdiioDs. \ole
so]!eni. The mbbr !d\ isho.k .urnts) should bc $jpcd thrt c\hust ducs. !\sle gles. orzlc b.res. tuires
clean $1lh a drt. clean clolh. Do nor clcan c rubb.r tl1j ar. subjected to e\elt]el_\' hLgh temtcratcs: ^.d hus, $xcks
\rilh ar) Ilpe of solvenl r\pecr thc rell lrfs ol rhc develof be.use oflhe co]rtlnnal erpan\ion ind.oncrion
rnounts lor ccks. conosioir. ilen. dislorrioll. d .\cc\ ol thc nrrtltl it\ relperrnrre chrnges occur.
rl ..Jr .J. '. .,. I I i, o.,rrpo-
The rLbber 01 lhc d}l mic sho.k nr)unt uDit\ c$ deteri ,
orale silh age all het. In\tcct thc rubbcr lor scpar cstblished for peiodic in\pecrios. An insfection of a
lio belween pnd md rnetl bcknrg. \$elltug ard crcling. comtlcrc \yfem lhold iclu{le the lblloeng. i iddirioi
or ! lroounced set idislorlionl ol lhe parl. Replace all rrb- to rrv olher inspcctiurs lpec fically required by the corpa
ber p.rd\ dral !ho\r evidelce ol{larage. r1! s operalion lnurl or rhe nranufcluler's nallrtennce
T ,, . n r p(.
bolt toqre f.r (ecurig the e|grre lo the moun! ard lhe
nrout to the rixme. The engxre rouni bolls should be I l\lounins ol ll uils.
chcck.d f(n p!t.r torque and an\'\ig! ofrotllior I Oil leaks or.lripping liorn ,- uniL

22A Chapter 9 Opert o, lnspectlon, Maintenance, and Troubleshoot ng of Re. procatig Eng nes
:1. Sccr.ilt ol oil ltues. These rirs roare t speeds of up to 70,000 rIm: rhereforc
.1. Sccurily rrd co|.lllion ot'electri. \iring. slighl L|balarce can canse selere vibl1Lrio ad ultirate
5. Cncks ducrng ad oher nret{l pars. iDcluing lhe di\regmtiolr |d tilure.
lurbjc D.lhousing.
6. Wd4ring ()l rnclal dncG.
"t rr lrl. u,pc. r're, r Ir' 'i r''r
. .1 , ., rnoe.,r.,ore -r J,. -.nJ , n c..
.tcnce o1 librati.,r UnusLral sounds a.l ppncirble vibln
Lio rcquie reroval and |eplxcemct ol thc 1r$ochrger lo With th. inrrcasig corpl..{ity of toda} s po!!er!lxrs.
cocl he liuly c.ndiriur. nrintcnDco tcchnicians tue more dependenl on thelr xbili
1! to utilizc p!bli\hed technicl intrmrion i perforring
lipmper lubicatlon or le rsc oi rll incolrect lubricanr .uirrtcnircc. Trcubleshootln! skills arc ircrcasirly ncc.l-
cn cause serlous malfunction! und rhe lilurc of unlls. cd br- tlt's lechnici]rs. Tmubleshooting is drc stcf b)'-
B.cause ol dre high enpernturcs to \lhicL a tu$ine ivhccl stcp proccclurc !{ 1o de(efnr .e the .xse of a 8;ven fanlt
is crfosl, lIe loJhine shaft is lso \ubiect to high remfen d thc sclccl lhc bes nnd quickef s.lulion. \\rhen tfor
rurcs. This ca .atrse -.oking" ol c lubricnt. with { {rb bleshooing. lhe techician must evrluate lhe frftninance
leqLrenr huildtrt of c n lcoke) a turbine shft scls nd ol rhe en-eine b) cunpd ng dar o how ihe engifle should
berlSs An |trccjble 1lrourI of cokjrg can cause fail- operae with ho$ il js curretlt perll)rning. To rrou-
nre of tine shdfL scls nd beadngs. l-eakig \hali sels bleshool. ihe lechnician nccds lho.ough kDosledge o1 the
perltrjl hol crhausl gascs to reacli lhe shft bcrirrgs, $4rere egine-s theory of olErati{D.
additional cokmg i\ likcl,- 1., occnr. Coki-! ol lhe bcanng, 'lo pinpirt a lult. with(trLt wastig tic ard fforcy. is
is Likel) to lnnit thc rlrnr that lhe iurbie Dd \l ... r.,e. r rl ...,lcI.rr_.1.
asle.rtrly cn lti. In lhls case. rhe lu rochargcr \till nuking re p,oblenr lery difticulr o !soLte. Reloving ard
rc.tuirc raDnvl drd replacemenl. Becausc 01 lhe problertls comfonenls.n a ;al and crror basls car tre
cdsc by colLng in he rurbine ar.a, il is mor esselial r;ewed s lholeun' oublcsh.otnrg in in wonl fom1. To
drt rhc prcper tytre of hbricant be cDrployed. The service be effective. oulrlcshooting 1nus bc a anaLr-\is of ihe
rlo r.rlr _rJr.rJ. \ ltr".:J , ,o n.,ror PJ b . r. l'le'.r".,r\r.r.r"
AII overhaulig and le\tig ol \uperchargers and tLLr corccr Lhe prblerr. rllold be firnd llxoLrgh a logica and
bochrgers shoxld be acconfli!h.d ar cerified repa sla s)rc.rtjc dtprorch.
tioDs. This is tlculad) xrlpofant bccause of he need to A sir stcp troubleslLooling proccdlre is in
bln(c rhc lurbire ard corpressor ssrbl)''. accuratell. Fig.9 l:1.








FIG. 9-'14 5 x rep iro!bleshooi nq pro.ed!re

rroub eshoot n9 229

Symptom Recognton Falure Analyss
The prereqLri\itc\ l(r rrobleihool g arc to b. lanrilj \'ih Once the lauh cd be traced to r \pecir'i. crponent or
, I ,. l-. . .. _r.. conrl](nrents. an tt.nrtr rhoLld b. mde lo derc nie the
$Jren a engnrc i\ .ot operatins properl) Thcrcf(ne. s)lnp cus. of rhe tailure. Sub\trtuiig n.$ conpoelr i to rhe
o recog.iLio. the fjrs sep in ttuublcshooting s\stcr ilithour nal\zing rhe reascm lor the fajtLre ur] jusr
in\,olles haurg kD.sled-se of an] eL!ic codiLion drr is dragc the neir conipo.cnr. Sornerires .ra! colpo cLs
.ot noDri nd kro$ig 1. $ hrr erierlr rhe tLrh is rllectir! hal'e snnilr funcios.I rhi\ cr\e. ll Le comtoners ml
th. c! e \ Nribrnr.c. need o be retlted or retairc.l.
To determi. if there are urulritle l1raltirnctios. rhe
Symptom Elaboration tcchricin \hould colider the ellcr olthe compoe t rl
functiolr or ergiDc oferarion. ll lhe .or|oen is rhe prob
Svnrrrninr i-r IIc err [)fi..t] \tep, once I trh able cause of nll the ihnonl siniptd! nored r erlicr
or rrlfufct on hr5 beer .lcl.crcd. len equifment. built i slets. drerr iI c bc xssuned thar e cornfoenr is 1ult.
or e\rerl helJrs the techDjcjd to c\alunte rhe perfor- Usig lhe srep trc.edure. r'r liye x. e\drplc ,,1
nrn.c of rh. ef!ine ard ir\ compo.nrs. The echicin lios lo troubleshool a frult .n i elgr. tlut \!ill ror m
driuld u5c th.\c ril( nr lrssess the ellLs ol th. \\.r$oms cosisrentlf x! idle specd\. Thc fiis fep i\ 5lnrttorn recos
d to pro\iLlc dditionl llijn.nion l.) lurLhcr dcfine the
:)rD|o s. Detcdins on the t)te ofengnre.lhc rcch.icin Enginc perfornace can be nrexsured lgi\t s.refal
shoLrkl sk $r..l rlre tullo\rrg lueirirrs lo holp ehbo sian.lard\. The presenr perlnnn.e f a fri.rlr egrDe
can le cort,ired lrith rrs past perfirrnulrce. prolided ade
qute records hle beer kcpt. Engine peomnce . atslr
l. \\'hrr .on1pocts of rhe eng e are not opcrati.g be contarc.l wih ht ol other englres illtll.d on ltre
srne ltpe ()1 rircraft Ty|e l)al d ihe
\'' .. 1 't .r. r '. cgine operalo/s mfual ca bc (onsulre.t lbr engine per
3 Is thi\ n j.t.rmiiren lalt or d contrlou prolernl lordnce irnrrirr
1. ]s r) .gi.c txrmeer s!.h s rcnrtcruln.e or fres, Once dre bnsic l. ulr hds been recognircl tltra! ttre engine
$ill otldle). he Derr \tcf is o elb.rLc r) rhe tLrh rcl
5. D.\ rhe m funclion occur onl\ rLler trecitic sei asccrln rhe ergic otcr3ling condiLio\ ar !' rr is
exhihited. lhe 1llo\nrg ifomarior my be of l,atuc i
defiig rhis frobl.rll:
These rrc 1r c\.rl1rples of dre t)pes ol qu.\ti.! that
1 W\ an) roughness notcdl ll \o. !trcr $hr condi
aclion. lhe re.hnl.i slturl.l tN .ot to ovrlook ay inlr ions ol opcrdLir)n? S.metinre( the s llcf.lerail cn le d ihe irv tri I Ho$ 1.,g hr\e rhe engiic d stark ph-g! i.
rn!lnr ollh. frobler]r usel How long hs it heerr sircc rhc Ist ispecriontl
-1. \Vere Ih. r:njtlon s\cm lr!neto) otrftrionxl
List of Probable Faulty Functions chcck and poscr chcck normall
:l Did the pr.bleltl change $hcn the fLrel boo\r fnnrf
\hen h. t..hni. n has localc.l rll thc slnrttos of he
nrlt]'nctioll f! 1lt. th. drid dep ls ro l;sl. cirhcr netllI 5. when did e oublc fiAt xfperl
lr' p . 6. \\\ Lh. full-dottle terirmfce norIrrrl?
nro(r rfrLricrur.r'\ L.chricnl service rnanu.rl! lisL thc
'|Ilhle .ause lor r ccfain en!le s\mftom. along $i(h 'l'he exl \Lct is io lisl rhe pr.b.LLrle fnutrl fu crio..
(h rr:!eed corrc.rirc x.tio. This inrmlition is .ftcn Reter lo Fig. 9 15. Reasors ior lrLilure of he engc ro idle
c.f'lned in r tlolbl.shooriS.hxrl luch as that ir Fig.
t) l.
l. Propelle'lc\er sel to decrea\e ryr
Localzng the Fault :. llproperlt rdiulred.bLfet,rr or tuc] jDiectlor r),s

Arrled trilh r.orflere ie ot slrlrpns dnd rhcn.prcb.tble -1. Fonled spk plugs
c('\es. lhe lechnjcjr i( rerd) tor e ilth slcp. loclizi.g +. Ar lerk l! iIakc nrnilold
the irh. L.rli/in: ihe tauh is r rrertr ro dcL.rnrine
which lLlcrionl \\ltcn of rhe engirre is crurll\ creatin3 wjrh .onplete scr r)i s)nFor\ and probble carse\.
[ra] be b,- using rhc nranu
the trolrleur. Th. ri)uble the rcchnician i5 r.xd,,- tu do rep .1 ol n.rblestroorins.
frrnleas oblcsho.rig .hafs rr cmtlo]iDg .onrpures L1.., r,re . e.r'.- lcr.e. l
! r" jn oc slstenr This cn be done s.metnDc, b\ clinrif;Lril!

lsoatg the Fault to a Component

lr l1rosl nssurne rhr thc Iorble ]ies irr on. ol
On.. th. mlfuncio is i$lxred t. one !)enl. addidorl thc folloning s!\lcnr!i
le\irg i\ don. ro i\olite Ih. fuult r. a \fe.ifir componer.
The lech.icirn or'len uses rc\ t(i nreasure or 1. Ig tio]r s\ (cnl
iLldicte lh. ..r'.ri outputs lr !ariotr\ s\st. comfoners. :. Fuel reieri.,i \Ister
230 chpter 9 Opertio, lnspectlon, Md ntenance, d"d ro-ble.Loot 'r9 ot ee p o . S r-q --
3. Indcon sysiem lcnsir)n lcads instcad oi gomg throrgh !h,- 1lartr, !lug. The
4. Po\rer or mechanical s,,-stern loscr air prcssurc 1 high ltitudes fermits dre spark o
5. lnstnuent.tion systcr iurp gap rorc rcclily than at thc higher tresstrre near

Uilizing lhe nranf.rcrnel.s tr1)ubleshoolirg nanuals A \leak bleaker toint strir)g will lso causc nrislirmg at
rnd chafs o est and elinrifale drc laious slferns nkes high speeds. Tlrii is becLuse rhe braker poiits do Dor cl)se
it possible to pjpoin! thc irduction slstem as the probler corpletel,v afer hey are olened bl lhe cr. Tbis condi-
tion is called floating poits hecnse ihe cam folloiver
Let's go oD to thc nexl sep nrowing lhe problem t{r aclully does ot nraiain cotact lrith the cam but floats
.|'\rr !.o".orcr.\.r.1 r'oec.^" rl-r,J'.ri { \' at rnnc poiDL Lrct\lccn thc car lobcs.
Lc nleLls t ot]e cylirder intake pipe ha\ lucl \Lains and
a bd glskct. This i! rletennired to be dre causc ofthc lauh. Engin.fails to statf Ll thc cDgnc will not st{rt. c
ard with a nc$ gskel. the elgire cn be ret{ircd a.i its trouble cx tre x defective ignirion slrirch. Since aircraft
cgnrcs hvc dtrd igriition systcn!. it is rrc tht both \yv
1 Lroublcshootlng sep 6 (tilure nalysis), Lhc Lcchni- tems lil at the sane tirne. Iloireler, in sone rnagnero
cirr sh.iuld determine rhe cuse of ihe gasker lailure arrd s$ilclie\. borh ngnetos could be grcunded tlrrougb shor
$heiher other engjDe corponcts have been ailcled by he circnit inside tlre silch
Itlallunctio. l this case. thc cau\e ol the gasket failure ll eco I .(10eo prJ.. .( . r .r..r. lne <nJrne u I un<
appeah to be honal aging. rnagreto only and dre engine riil no sta, ir) to st l thc
lr :. r; rl-.t d. '....r1. ec r r. .. ' engine on he oher nagco. If thc causc oi thc troubic is
that the cylinder wiLh lhc lcaknrg i rake pipe has been oper i the lirsr rgnenr s)stern. the engife sill firc on rhe ther
iing ith a very cdn Drirurc. $hich could hale caLrsed
the c\lidcr Lo nm ho!. Drnage to other cylinders on rhe The checking of magetos during the engie lesl will
cgna: is higlil unlikel!. but dmage could hare occunccl usually relel rallucri.s i one nragneto.r rhe nthei
iside dre leakrng cllinder. The leakjng cllinder should bc bcforc a complele failurc occur!. Thc dclecti!c mgnct!)
thoroughly inspected lbr danrage thrt could ha\e rcsuhcd caD thc b. rcnucd nd rctairccl bc1rc \ciou! rrorbl.
Unr he iake leak.
In all rroubleshoon: ca!ei, the knowlcdge anct experl-
cn!:c ol rhe lechnlcin $ill be needed along wirh a gooci! \park pluss Dclcti!., spuk phrFs nro lsurl-
I..,:rro'oJ.l .oo<{or', ..,e-fr''., r" l. '. ly dete.ted duins dre mtgneto .heck If one sf flug
tuils, Lhc cnsuc rtm shov n eirelli!e clrop lvherr il is
'vill suppllig thc delecti!e
chcckcd on thc rgnelo
Troubleghootn9 Example5 }rlug. The
bd phg ni) bc locared br- l]Le cold-cylirdcr chtk. TIns
Ensine operational rnalfucions c{n osuall} be rrced I.) is accomphshed as follows: Slart and run the engine for i
of tee bsic cusesr (l) igniLir lnallc- f nlinies on boih nusnetos. Perln a nrasnenr che.k.
:r. '' ,e - -,'lf,r. i",.:rLl .1j.1. retr' and determine $hich magnero indicaes a high ryn1 drop.
rallunctions. Allhough in tncticc it ii necessary to consult Slop the erglre. rd let i cool nntll dre cylinder! can be
dre s|ecific lnannlacrurer'! maual. m th fbllowing texl, ro .hed " ||lor I or , n! \or \-rd. sr-n,he(,. re -=J n.
eaclr ofthese ryl)e! of nralfunctjons is cliscussed ieparaielv. and operate on he rnageto for \rhjch the high em drop
Ignition Ntalfunctions. IgDiriorr roubles ray be was indicted. Run the engine for aboul I min rt 800 to
r . J. .1 \ ''' .r '. l.l.c e r'r';1r" r' 1000 rprn, {.1 Lhcn shul ir dow. ImnediIely feel lt
lo{ tesion \y\rcr- nnproter tlminS. stark pltgs which cthrders wilh yo!r hand. o nse cold-c,llin.ler refer ro
drLj bumed or otber$,ise darnaged, poor insultioD o the derernrille hich is he cold cylinder. This c)hnder \aill
high !ollagc le ct\. short-circuied or farlill] gouncted hale he defecive stark plug. The tjnre nnd e{pcns.:
trrry o. s\itcl lP) leads. bLrrned break.r po.ns. or loose invohed rl rcnloling and retlacjng all he lpdk plrgs to
r'< P.rc...n le: rJeJ Prl rrr'r- (c cpr.orl orrrr.u..J rer ,he..
Mksi g at high speeds N,lilfiring ol rhc cgnlc .rt high
ipeeds can be caused bI alnlt dll the foregoing defects in luel SJstem Troubles. l"ucl, .rbrrctds, iucl
\ r,urg degrees. lf the engie is opc ting ai high speeds purps. and fuel cotrol un;ts c{n ca$c a sidc vadcly ()1'
rd high loads. he maifold tres\ure. nd the cylinder .ngine malfuctions. sonrc ol hich ra) bc i1licult Ln
.ressure. will be high. As trc!xrudr explanred. more !o1r nalyze. A thorotrgh udcNtading ol thc sysLcm and ils
rge is eeded 1 the sf{rk plug gap to fie t|e plug ilhen conpoen!! i! eslentirl if the te.hicir hopcs to $lvc lhc
.he tresstrre r the grt is inci{sccl. This means lhai at high problem! of a pnrtjculxr \y\tem effectilel). Figure 9 l6
rn-qine lo.Ld! the ig tio lolLagc $ill build Lrp nore thaD a lists son1e of the nrcst comron f( cncotercd wiLh
lo eDgje loads. This highcr volrage $ill seek 10 reach fuel ryllems ad llLggcsts rcmcdic1.
:rotrd thrrgh th. casic\t path. rd ilthere i! a tath e1jcr figuc 9 16 docs or co\cr all s\rptors which r1laj-
ar follow than that t]fough rhc sprk plug gxp. the spdrk clcvclop \ith lucl syrtems and cbureo^ because of lhe
.l g \!i11 not lnc and thc spark will junrp btrngh a brck in man) difiiert designs involved. The technicin. i ea.h
:i. insulatior or frnlow a palh {'here damfncss has :duced case. should allze ihe t)pe of s)stem upon Nhich she or
he ls $'orklns ard becone tlniliar wilh dre operatiolr ollhc
Il lhe airplne is operatils i hieh ltitudes. the high- r(, n ul J', r.ed ,r<l .Je , rJ ,
.olrage spark will be slill rore likel) to lcak oll lhe high- inrohe some uque poblerns Figure 9 ll lists problems

rroub eshootins 231


EnO .e w I noi stan Engine Che.k fuel va ves Sevi.. lue lanks
crank ng Al c rcu I breakers
and sw lches n cofcl posil n.
c ear e.A e Fo olv corecl slart .Q
nduclion sysle eaks

Engine wi nol un al d inq Prope ler lever set lor DE.REsE Pace pope er everinHcfRPu
pos t on tor a! !round operat ons
rmproper y adjusled carbLr1o Readlusl sysl6m as requ red
or rue nje.t on syst.

a r eak in ntake manirold. Tglrt.lose connect on or ep a..

Eng e m sses al h Ah speqd-

Hyda!lc tppe1 worn or

Weak breaker spr q masneto

EnO.e runs 1oo ea at cru sino lmFroFer mnua le g Nanlal ean n accordance w th
check ar c ean fle slra ner
Carbre1or or fuer nject n

Engie runs rough at high speed Loos mounling bo ts or T 9hlen or rp ace mounlinCs
dmaoed oulpads.

Prp!f out of ba ance Feore .d epa r propeier

9iton system ma fn.t on lroub eshoot cn lLon syslnr ard

lmpropr y adlLsled ca!retr Adlusl sysiem as required

or tue - ject on syslem.
Clen r replce spark p ls
lmproper y adjs1ed f!e
man fod feslrcled o

Dirty or worn hydrau c lters

Bufned r arped exhausl
valves. seals S.ored valve

E0 ne ru.s rch al c! s o power Fskict on af itake passage

Sprk p uqs .nt nlous y loul Piston r ngs worn r broken.
sprk p u!s have fng lreat .sta proper raf!e spark p uos

S gq sh eng.e operat o and low rmproper r O! ! l conlro s

Leak ng exhaust system to Coecl exh3ust system eaks

Fep ace turbochrrlr

lqnn on sysl a luncl o. T.obreshool o qn lion sysle nd
coffecl mar,u..t oi.
Carburelor or rLe inject on Troublslrool and.oec1
system ma funclion
Engine va ves Leak n!. P s1n
r nos worn or sl ck no

H qlr cylnder hed temperalure octane fai n! i lle to w Dr n lue and I wrth .ctre.t qrade
lmproper nailal lean n! LJse le. ng prcedure set forlh rh
Benl or loose cyrnder baffes nspect ior cond t on and cotre.
Din belween coo ino l.s.

FlG. 9-15 Geerleng ne troubesroot.g chri

232 Chapter 9 Operat on, lnspction, Maintenance, and Troubleshoot ng of Rec procating Eng nes

Exausl sysiem ieakaqe.

Excess ve carbon deposils in
comb!stin chamb',ers
O pressure gaOe fluci!ates. Delerrine cause of ow o supp y

Damaged sa s, gaskets, O r gs, Fepa r or rep ace as .ecessary 10

Excess ve y wo piston r ngs

Engine w ll nol acceteale Unretered fue pressure too Adj!st engine !el press!re accordins
T!rbochrger wasle !aie noi Fete 1o l!bocharger ad coniro s
Leak l t!rbocharger dlscharge Repair or rep a.e as necessaiy

Slow e.g e ccelerat on on a hot Len m xture ut acce erallo pi.ks

up. Then return cotrol lo FULL

Eg e w not siop at oLE Man fa d valve not sealing Repa r or replace maf fo d va ve.
liglrt y.

JMalfo d pressure overshoot o. moved forward too Open tholt e aboul ha i way. Lei
eng e accelerat on man fo d press!re peak, then
advance hrotlle 1o fu ope.
Slow eng e acceierat on at Lean rn xture w ih manu mixllre
aif e ds ilh gro!nd elevatio conlol nti operar on is
above 3500 ft 11066.80 ml.

When c rnb n9 to l2 000 1 Operale boosl pump when c mbin!

13657.60 ml engin qu ts whei to h gh allit!des. Keep boost p!mp
o !nt danger l vapor is

FlG.9 15 ico1!ed)


Fuelva ves lurned off.

Slarting al carb!reior, check fue ne
back to 1ak. C ear obsluct o.
Delective or siuck ixture conirot Check carb!retor for operat on ol

Pressrre discharge-nozzl varve Rep ace discharoe-no2z e va ve.

d aphragm ruptured.
Primer sysler inoperative. Repa r prlmer system.
Engrne slrls, ru.s bnefly, then slops, Fueltank venl c ogged.
Fue sirainer c ogged.
Water n ihe iue system. Da n s!mp ad carburetor lloai

Engine f!el p!mp ioperai ve or Rep ace eg ne-drve fle prmp

Black smoke issues frn exhaust. Engine m xture seilig too rtch Coreci th fuet air mixl!re
Red or orage llame al n ghr.
Pimer syslenr eaki9. Rep ace or rep r pr mer vatve,
At idli.g speed, ldle rnixture loo rich
Fesel carb!relor f oat lvet.
Deieclive diaphragm pressure Replace pressure carbureror.

FlG. 9 16 F'Jel 5vstenr fo!bl-..hoor no .hr1

rroub eshootins 233


Enq ne wiil nol stat No iuel FLe -se ector valve n wronA Ps t on lue seec1or-valve hand e

Dirty meter g !n t screen.

lnrproper y riOged mixt!e Corecl riggins ol m xl!re

Eng ne acceleralion s poor. ldle mixt!e ncorcl. Adlusi iue a r conlro un t.

Eng e w Inol sta(. C ear enqie of excessve fue.
Fueli ow Oage shows fuelflow.
Loosen one line at fue man fo d
o?:lei f no fue shows,
replace tue man fold.

Festricted fue ozz e

lrpoper idle mixlLre. Adlusl fLe air conio !n i
Very high d e and lLrll throllle Relief valve stuck .lsd Repar or rep ace njeclor p!mp.
fue press!re present
Reslr cted fuel nozzle.

Low iue Fressure al hiah power Leaking lurbcharg-"r discharge Fepa r ieak ng is and f tlinOs.
Check va ve sluck ope. Repalr o replace injector pump,

Lw fuel ilow gage nd calion. Festricted flow lo metering c ea. iue filters and/r adjust
mixture conlrol for full trve.
rnadequate f ow from fuel pump

Fluclualing or etroneous fre Clear w th a!xi ay fuel pump.

fw gage ndicat on
Clogqed eteclor jel vap
A r flel f ow oaoe e. Repair leak and purge ine

H gh fuellrow gage i.dicat on A t iude compensalor stuck.

Festricled nozzl or f!e C ean or rep ace as requ red
Rec rc!lat on passage n pr.rmp

F!e dscharqing lnl engie FePa r or replace itector pump.

comPadment. Re ef valve
probab y nol operaling.

Check va ve sluck ope. Fepa ro replace injector pump.

Unmetered ful press!re. li high, nterna or f ces are Clea internal or iices injeclo.
p Lgged.
lf ow, rel ef valve stlck open. Bepair or rep ace injecior pump.

FlG.9-17 FLre nlecio troLrb e5hooi g.hrt

that m,! be cncountered wilh one prticula iuel idectnrn .Dgine sidr soilent nd dre operale it for a shorL pcriod to
lind dre lerk.
A .heck i oil press.c whe af engine firf rare.l is
Oil Ststem Problems. Oil s)sten t1ubles ae Lrsuallr- alwav\ srandard parl of rhc \taing procedne. If lhc oil
relealed as leaks rbsccc ol oil tressure. ioir Dll pressure. pressurc docs no! show $ithin abour l0 s, dre engire is shur
lluctuatirg oil pressLrc. high oil prelstrre. nd high oil cor, do$n. Lacl of oil tressue ca be causc.l b\, an) one ol the
sumFio. Te colreclion ol oil l.dks is conrllrti!elI iinr' llloiling condit()sr no oil h e nki no oil in rhe engine
ple i thal jr ivohes laclng the leak to irs rtrtrc. !d the oil purntr (thelelora, no prinre)t an air pocker in Lhe oil punrpl
maling te indicaied rtpair. I1 oil hs sprca.l olcr a lrge an oil phg leli ouL ol a main oil passagei an inotcratile oil
rea of lhe engie. iI is so|retirncs nccc\suy to wash dre pumpi ar ope prcssure relief lahei a plugged oil supply

234 chpr.r o op-'d io , -) \,4" rrerd1r.. and Troub eshoting of Reclprocatinq Enqies
lnrc: or a broker oil hrc. If ther. is no oil tressnle, fre lech- ranifold or ilkc f\res ihar c') c llA nirirure ro thc
nicia sln{ld fari qith thc osr likeiy clse nd hen check lahei. Others!stcrs include tu$ochrgcrr. superchargers.
each possibilitv j !urn uriil thc rroublc is locatcd alLcmrte air slstcnrs. and crbureor dcicig sysrerns. For a
Low oil fres,iure cn be ca\cd bl laricL) of.liscrep puticulxr aircrfl cnsiDe combnrad.,. the rechnician
acics icluding he tollowing: oil trc\surc rcijcf \,rl!e slbuld corsull the operxl(njs nd lllalriennco mxnuals fr
inrfrotcrl.,- xdjrisled. broke! oil rclicl lalyc string. sticking the jr.raf.lnducdol \),srcms re described in alh.L! 5.
trcssurc rcljef valve, plLS le1l oul ol aD oil pssgc, .{clic Thcsc prcblems n1a) arise in a typicai inducrio \.-srem:
rile gaskct irsidc the engine. wor oil tressure puin|. sorn
bearings ad/or bushigs. div oil strarer, ercessl\'e le|r l Dity and/or.[mSed air ii]ter
peraiure. \\r,r g gradc ol oil, and ledling o I dilutjon vatle. 2 worn. loore. or dmiged air ductug
The cause ot' lo\\' oil frc\\urc is ofte lnore difficuh to dis l. l-oose or delcti!c xir remperanrre bulb
coler lhn the cuscs of sonre other nil probLensi ho$erer. :1. Deri.tive ir hei rcr vl\.
slrnlic alr"sis of the problenr bt technicins ill 5. Delicile hentc air !lve
srlly let solatio. Oe of the firs! qestions technj-
1o ar. Loose carbrrelor nrouring
cians muf sk n whcdr.r rhc .odition dereloted rr,rdnal 7. lleli.ive crblrctu ronLiDg gxsket
lr. or sho\le.l u! suddcnlv. lhcy should rlso check ho$ 8. Lcking tackiigs or g\krts at jrrlc pipes
nar_ houl\ of oleraion he eDg e hs had. Anothcr most 9. Leaking inrke nritold
impoant .onsi.Leraion is e cLual lelel oI lhc oil prc\
sure. Tf it is exrremelv lo$. techniciars look ior a 'acu{c" Anv cnck or odrer opelirg thrt rllows jr !o ener an
.ondjtio.. and if i! ls oly slighdt lo!v, the causc \\'ill prob itake mnilkl. in nrr.rllt rslirated engifes. \rill .usc
the F/A rixLurc Lo be ercessivcly lca rd nral cr!!e
IIiSh oil prelsure car esuh ironr only a {s cus.\: englne dn.rgc dd dlersely rffccr cginc pcol]rance.
irtrcfcr sertiig of rhe relief \ahe. .r sricLing r!.1Jicl yahc, leaks in rhc jnlaLre nrfilld 01 x \up.rchnrged or ur
.r ,-p.P. r ..e^ I .r'r. rf.r r.r bochrged elgnrc will all!r lhe F/A trri\rLrre ro escale,
and r trlugged oil passge. l he cNe ca Nuxil,! Ire located thus redtrcjng l,lAP rd cngie po\rer orLrput.
ea\ily ecetr a nc\lj- o\cihxtrled engje $here a relief lLfectio of a 1r-piclindu(lion sysem ircludes rhe tul
\alve passage rr) be blockcd. \otc tlrr Lhc oil treslLue lowins:
11lll be abnonrallr high r\h. { cold eSine i! first sraed
ard is not,!eI \rrc.l ut. I Che.k tbe air lrlrcr lor onditiorl, clenncss, dnd
High oil consunltion is trsuxlh the re{rl1 of nelr or '...i. \' .(' . r' orf
leks. lf blue oll smokc is cnritted fnn the eng e brearher 2. alheck the ir ducig to Lhc crbuetor lbr wer clxm
d erhrus, rnor hkel) Lhe pisrdr.rg\ arc vorn. !o lhar age. crack\. nd \ecurit! ofmouDtig
blo$bl occurs. l blo\bt. pre\sure built rt i thc 3. Check the air heater lalyc rnd.lnctig l.r wer,
crrnkcsc c{usc1 dre oil sprt inside he crrkcsc ro b. ctacks. alcl secu l-! of nouniing Che.k the tr:lve doo
b .' \. Lr" ,l.l r<.'rlerne .. u..r benings for rcr and lubri.te according Lo i.(rrctions.
some engtuc\ bocause of bu ldt of sludge ill rhc br.drcr .r Ceck drc CAT brlh for securi}.
Iube: is nla,r'. tre dctecte.l by erce\li\,e leakage tn the pro 5. Check hc cdrujt rnoxftirg lor lcrurirv. Tighlen
peller shtt seI. Clcncs\ of the breirlher iube is xsLrall) bolts or ct scrcw!.
anr" loose
.hecked a lhe 100 h nrspecilon on egres rlrere is nral li.Check llre .r bul .l(n rounrrg gskl lor lo\,i ible air
be i pmble . Thc worn rings also illos oll to piss the tis- lcrkSe Repiace lhe Srskct il ir ir damaged.
ton lnd eter tlle combustio chdmbcr. ryhcre ir is bured 7. Chcck the itake pipes .rd/d mrnlrnld for condio
Thi\. ol.our!e. produces bhre smoke aI lhe eha\r.
Another c,ruse of high oil consxlnplion is n wor Drd\t.r E. Check lhe inLlk. tipe lacking rxrs ft'tighress
iod bearng in d radiaL engret llris pen ts loo nilch oil ro Check the prckings or g!\ for \hrirtaee or.lanrgc.
bc sprar-.d fionr the beariog and inio tle cylinder orcs I1 9. Clheck lhe ltcrnaLc air system t conditior
thc ftrnrf is defeclire, the oil !rill ot bc
iroyed frn the pidl) as requiled. and this uill Backfiring. Backfirig occus \,hen rhe flanre from
also lctlo ciccssj!e oil cosulnptio. be combusdon charbcr bum! back irlo the intke mani
Oterating a cgiDc {t hjglr toser setmgs ad high lold rd ignies the F/r\ nirtLoe belore dre rnirtrrc ctcrs
ternperlures \rill inclease lhe oilcosu.rptior lfan nppar Ihc cngje Jt otlen occurs dxrig saning of a cold eng e
etl1 normal ersiLle is usnig morc oil thdn it should. the becatr\c ofitoor (sloq) corbnsdon. Thc F/A mitue i the
til.i.Lr!rd eq' .f d ! ,tr ,. ..,r .r"l cr]nrdr is ltill buning at the ri.ic ihc iake \,ahe otens.
r'light l-he pilor should observe he readmg olrheoil pres, ad thc flxnre brrns bck tlrroueh the intake vh'e. This
\urc gage frequentl) duing operalion If rhe gage should soncrres caules a fire in the iducrion sysrem.
begjD !o flucunte. Ihe llighl should be tcred as soolr Any defect in he carburetor or fueL corol svsrcr
as poslible because ere n1al be a l ! oil \uppl]. hjch cuse! an e\cessively lern rixtLne can lead to back
fting. Il thc coDdirion ter\lrs aft.r D engine is $armed
Induction SJstem Problems. The clesigls of indtrc up- ibllo\:, ].] systcmatic t|ocedue o locate thc crule
tion system! for reciprccallg enghes \ry con\iderbiy Anoher caulc of ba.kfjring is silckmg intake valve!.
for differet a rcrali-and-engine cornbiralions. The sinl This does nol uiu.rll) occur rvilh a nes or reccndy over
ple\t rlircs of induclion syslems inchde an alr filter nr thc hauled engine. bul it is likcl) to be encourered $irlr an
t{ J --r .. ot J..brco.r l.,r '\. older eDgie operaled ar high tenferaures. lf a rjckrs
ductiDg to the.arburetor. he calburetor. nd aD iD1dk. ,.... 1..,...'.

rroubleshoot nq 235
5. What 5hou d be done if there s ro nd ction of
o pressu e 5hot y fter fart ng the engjnel
I!iLj rouhle\ olielr caus. brckti rg. IJ hish rensrol 6. the operion o an engife [/ith a constnt
r..; ,.. e1, speed prope le, ,,vht sequences shou d be fo lo\,ved
ro lir. our of ime, io th.u rc nr lrure m\ lirc i. cvtrnder chnging por.'er sett ngs?
' 'r-,, c., , F, tJ.. ....,, 7, What s nret by "crLtse coftrol"?
enginc i\ bcins stxled lbr rhc firs me rd brckfiri.s
per, 8, llow s rxrm!m rnqe obt ned n the oper
siss. e (cchnjc n shoLrkl chccli li)r ignitiorr (imng rn.L t on o: ircrft eng ne7
tbr prcper connccLlon of rlre \frk plus leads. l: itio out 9. Wher n engne s eq!pped wth a crbLrreto
ofile cll) lso car\e aiedirilg rlr.ush ihe e\hrr. . ,n oo o.. .a pooo a o.
hLrTT q do\ rn tl e ect ne'
-\ftei rg. Afieifilrg is rhc btrffirg ol F/r\ riiue 10. Why s the mxture leaed out on rec proct ng
in lhe crhxusr nr.rf fokl lrcr rhe rixiure has pdssed eng e7
lxongh dr. cihrtr\ \'rlve Ir is chx$erized by edpl(ire 11. \"/hr is ihe geneal procedre for en ng oLrt
slr'rrrls ucl lrgc nres trallirrg our$,rd lrorn dre eihatr\t the . xtL-rre on eqt ne equipped wjtl f oat-iype
strcks (brchigl. t nLallv e\ccssi\c lucl (rich mixnrrel j. arbLrretor?
the erhxtrst.ontiuucs to bum 1ler drc mi{tue leaves c 12. Wht opertig pocedures.| he p redLrce ed
. ir r. ll,( 1..'.. .\ tr'',.. iou ing o the sprk p uqs?
*ccs\j\cly rich rni1lur.. po.r i:nirion. nd inrprofer r1l1 13. ta,/ht is reani by prehetin9 f eng ne?
1g. Sifce there re (oif.Itivel! ter crusc\ ol atefiLirg 14. Wht sho! d be !5cd ro c e a a rcrfl ecric?
it i! usrl \ .i(v to coc.t 15. A oo o ho., b..-oe
the enq e \,hen n o screen is selrced?

16. Ho\,\, is a o f ter nspected ,!hen it is.emoved

ror an eg ne cjLrr 9 nspcction?
17. Nme t,ro types of comp ession teles ut tzed
on rec proct ng efqifes
1. f a f re occurs during !irting of t re eng ne, 18. \'Vhen Lrs g d fferet l-pressure compresg o
\,/hat 5rcir d the opertor atol te5ier, whal perceflqe pre5su e oss s cons dered
2, \",rhi f re exi qLr 5lt ig gent is aom oniy used u.ceptb e?
on rec proctinq enq ne 1 ret 19. Wht re ihe procedures Jor !erv cing dy
3. V/he !trirn! an erlq ne \,r th f ot type .rbu ppe nduct on r f lte
retor, \/here ! ror.rld il.e m xtLrr- aontro beposltonedl 20. L s1 the s x steps ihiri lhou d be Lrtr zed n to!r-
4, V,,rhr rs n'ret y the ier' qurci ock"? b eshooirg n enqine

236 chpter 9 opert on, nspecrion, Ma ntennce, nd Troubleshooting of Recjprocatng Engtnes

Reci procati ng-Eng i ne 4#%
Overhaul Practices ffi%#

I.lrircnrncc o1 xirlinrcs d po\lcrTlrs is one of the oterried so lhat it har nol bccn o\erterted or()veistresred.
:,\L c.ilicl srgrrenrs o1 l]ie lirdor irldusy. lndividuls Teo'.,r:r Ji ..'rr'r'r'. , ( d'.1
::.1n\iblc 1r the rinteuce or o|elnul of a ceifica haul lile unlil il is decided that a ljor ovedranl is
- 'r l. pJr. D..'r 1(r .' et.r.
.. rp..ol.r. .l e..n
required. e decision Lleng bascd th. pcrfoNancc .f
lhe engire. Or rln' o$ ) dc, t., hr. a top ove.-
: . n. Thc\ nr st do lhir'e$,ok ir ".ler rJ.'r ,
snch a u'ay lha hen haul pcriornccl., thc cginc. \hich is thc.omdete rccon-
:.:t have completed a paricLrlar rcpair or olerhaul lob, ir ' rool or. !) i'J. . i. r. rJ.: 1.r.r',-
..\ cn st. This fall (or is enslne) Nill not fail."
The owne muSI realize rhal $hcc!cr thc ovcraui fcri
od for n engi,re is extended. olher laclors ry Lrccomc
irFntat. lhe valne of rhe iaft may be dcplcciatl
l-. .-.f rLr" .' F l..r-,c,.
crcturlly olerlrauled t nray be $o1r beyord repanUe
lir;ts. thtrs rcquirinn exiefsive replacemetrr of prts rd
j.r.onc crrcing e licld of aviaion maiterrance nrxy grcltly increasing the lrverhnl cor. lhe addiliorl c,ir
roc 'h. e:.r-o(1r.rl re.. l,r'.r.r. ray be Brearer than the m.unt snred b! elr.rdirg ltrc
(, .'.rleo,e:.1 l '.. ..".r 1lrajor oyerhaul periocl. The advice of I qu.rlilied engire
:'.thei qtres1ions. lhesc qtrcstios xre not dillicrlt, specilirl shoukl bc obrrcctbli! rho dcciliion i! made Lo
r:arse exFrien.e hs p|orided thc {D*!cA exerd the oled\Lrl lirnd.
\...err.r r,l.. .I Ip,,' rli' Tle.. ., r,Lb., -.' .l.',..,-BO r!' -n,n.:r.r
trndc.gocs \ rious chngc\ which rnakc a olcrnll ncces is deter icd lrgely bv he rnanne of is olerLio. Il rhc
.rl The rnoit in)pora.t ollhcsc chage\ Lr'e s lollowql operLor is cdr.ftrl an.l .ontinually obserles the rulcs liD
good cgine oteration. the life of the cngirc my be
Crilical .linresios in thc cngine re chrDscd s ..c..d.r.. r^ r..B,r . et!...f : I

..:uli ol {ear ard nresscs. lhus briDging bour clecrese l]lt clere ncc.l l(tr cngjc olerhaul in mLch less an dre
'e... . r"rt ror .

::rd ar increse in engine libraio|.

L l. (r.n r ,. rer J.,,(, LL r :(.:.n . (o o. e
Overhauled vs. Rebuilt Engine
!rbsances. ard abrasile subslaces. accumulate in he
Alr orerhald engh, accoiding to he F,\A. is one that
-r. The Ineal rlr cntic tarls of e engine may be crys- hs becn disasscmble.t, .leaed. lspecie.l. repajred rs nec,
:: rizrd as a resul of costal attlicior ol recurig cssut reaslembled. .rd resed accordirs ro tbc mntrfac
irrer'r ifructjos aDd specificrions. A rebuilt engine
: Oe or nore pam ma) acmall) lail. mtr\t al$ udergo all e srep\ cLscribed abole. ln addl-
tirD, the lalrs that are reused in lhe rebuil engie mxst
\pci.Dce with taticular mnke lrd model ol egine mcet the same limitr d tolcrnces specilied lbr new !rfs
:.::tlirhes the alerage ime this model may be olcrared by the ergine r{Dufaotrrer. The rebujh enginc nrlLs also
:rtrr extecttion of failure. be funconall! Icsrect dd must neet e rcqtrjremenrs of a
lh. recomlneniled overhaul time is delemried by rhc
. .i. er t...crrwaeot ro:1o..d.r f.r... .\ '.b r l . ,F ,. 'e. ro r"\. o I) .Irc. I.
::: is madc known !o e aircrart owners and lechnicis operaling hiso11, \hen it is reruned to serrice. lr can be
r -::gh scNice ftrbljcations. Opeaors of aicaft used in said drat the engine has bee granred zero time. ,{n aircrafr
: :-nccial {ir tranlpotalion must adhere o he olerhaul cgnre may be labeled as rcbuilt olr b! ihe maulactur.r
:-: .ecomcdation! of the rnanulcurer or ger aptroval
'. \\.' .le:rer. ele\ tr 'r' ',e. overhaul cgines 10 the speciflcaLion\ of a rebuil erglne:
iJ\erer. Llrc o$Der of a private ircratt has r$o other howe!cr. sjDce these sencies are not apfroled bl he man-
a. " . l( ir rJl eI!:.. r.. ulactur.. fo engie rebuilding rhe cngie lnus be Iabeled
-::::d olcrhaul tire. esfecially if he engine has reen as o!ehauled nd cxry the prclious opcrting time.

Thc Ie rcmnrfhctrred lsed l r.gid 1o mrnulrcrucis.lcsjgn speciallns rncl lirturcs to be nsed
.gile anil cccsr)r) urairlenince. hrl is nol delled b\ Lhc for the o\crhrul ol thrir elrgies: howc\cl. it is no Lreces-
F,\A when rD cngilre or xccessor! is lbeled \ rcru sxry t(r h!\c.!cr) lool iisted in the orcrh!l )rrurl. Nlan)
fctlred. il is imfott 1o obain .lctiled descript;on ol' nxndxrd t{rls. such as wren.hes. Seu pullcrs. $o$. lifi
bc nrxrlef n.e t.rlirned. ins slin.!\. rcxnrers. elc.. can hc trscd nr place of similar
lools i!hich a) be avaihblc iom thc rranufacurer.
l.' .: : .rI .l.', ,' kel ,or r\c
Major Overhaul and Maior RePairs manl cngiLres of rhe sxnrc Llpc lor olerhaul. il is good
plr 1o gei Lnost (or ill) ol the lools deligne.l for Lho otcr
l h. process of tki.g parl, in\rectjDg. rpiriJrg. reNsonr
.i' . of.nginc Ano: the nx)ls and
hul ot' thr i,"'l)e eqnipment
r..,.. n'aior
needed tr englc o\crh.l'rl a1e e follo\ring:
t'!erhaul and \hould ot be confuscd with major rcpan\. A
major o\erhLrl lan Lr. perfrmed or lupcr\ised bI thc tol- Enqitl Shop Equipnrcnt
erpl!r nechnic and docs ot requirc FAA fon ll7 Arboi of selctulsirc!
n .ss thc engie is .quipted \1ith n nrrcgrl sul)erahtgcr hrgine lc
or hns a propelier.cduclion \yste.r wilh oer thtn s!!r-
Ch{in hoist
tlpc gers. Repir\ 1o sltuclltrl cngile lafs {r.h s seld Herling equipmenl
ig. ll.rlirg. nct letallizing con\tiLLrle major rerils nd Lilinrg slins
Crankshali tlnead cap
nrat be xpurored orlt br x|proPiaell rt.d penos or
Ctunksh.llle'rerch Peneranijnspectioncquip
NlgncLic inspecdor eqrip rent
rel Test sand and propcllcr
Tilnig dlsk and TC indi
lvlxgnoto linirg ools calor or Time Rilc
Olcrhrul stnd equipnent
Pns lrys Timing iighis
To tro!ide lir. efticie1 o!crhrul operatlofs so lht engi. C)linder fixture\ or hold Vises
orerul can be icco plirh.ct I mintrtrr cos to lhe xir in: blocks
{ji oer.r, a ol'etl \hop nrusl be $ell orgrLrized Ihe
1r-pe oforgnizatior 1ltrgely .tcp.nds o the sircs ofegjes trngie Orerhaul Tools
Io e overhauled and lhe !ohl1rc llnrnlber ol engines 10 he alignmenL lgnition hanrcss tools
olerhaulc.l in r gn'e ilrer. Olcrhanl shof\ lnny be ellab Piston rifg corfrcssor
li\hed to handle cornparat\cll rt{ srnxll cngi es. or lhey Cylirder lrse wrer.h
ltlal' br lrge corp.rnics trhich olerhaul hundrcds of smll T,r! and clic tool\
dn hrse engines crch rcar Val!e spr ing .onlressor
R., ..' , r'l l ro' ll -"r. '
', ".. rle c r. o . - rl.'ell.. '{ .e .
Valve refacug equipr\reIrt
Vnlre sext grnrdmg cqLrip
I produciion lr. The bsic slets ol the olerhatl lrocess
Hand Toos
1. I(e.ei\ ing Lnspection Safet\ \1irc r )ls
l. I)is\\crnbly Scrc cxrrrcors
3 Visu iffpecio Spner rvreches
.1. Clcaning Dirgonl cuters
. Strucrural inspection Ditis of several sizes Shril irers
6. Dunensionnl instcctic1 Dillnrotor Srud pLrllers
7. Rcprf and retlce cnr EDd $ieches Torque wenches
8 Rcsserbl,\' Plier\

10. Engire lelting ad ll-ilr Prcision Ileasuring Tools

11. PreserrtioD and sorn3e l)ctlh gges Srnall'hole g.l:es
I)j!lSages Surlce plte
Each of thcsc rlepsir l1 be discrssed i delril. The Hcight gages Tcte-rc.,pe gges
jn\ol\ed in each \tcf $ill also bc (ic\.rihed V blocks
Sone of thcs. processes requirc specialized eqtriprne|t that
t not be xrailrble Io lhe indiyi.tual Fo\e'plxnt lechnl Nondeslruclive Inspectirn and Testng Equiunent
ciaL1. lt is uf to to\!erplnt tecbiciar !o d.tcmine
tho \1agxil\
*hrc tunctions hc/she can fert'ornr rd rj.h .rust be senl Zyglo
otTio rffrotrialely raied reftir ralion. Eclclr cuenl

In dd.lilio! Io the tools nd cquipDenl listed xbo\c. it is

Tools and Equpment ljkclt thI the ergie $ill hr\e cerll tantrc! $hich
8.1r'e rtienrpt;ng Lo olerhaul a rircrxli engie. thc po$- rcquirc the mannlcLuer'! spccil lools. lt is bercf(nc ec
.rylallr raintenancc tecluici sould ake suc Lhrl xll es\ar! 1o obtrin these speci{l tools lr each diff.rcnt t}tc
rhe required r)ols rnd equiprent trc r!'ailblc Egirle of.Dgnic o\,eauled

238 Chapter l0 Rec procatnq Engine overhaul Pract ces

Manuf acturer's Overhaul Manual I Thc a {ngcmcnt ofthe lhop sh.iukl be srch th{
c(\vding .locs not exist.
E!cr)_ clginc o\cr'haul rnusL bc crrid out accordace 2 lvllcrils mcl tl1s ust he siored I protcr rrcks
with thc irsrrctiurs gi\cn nr thc nr llcturer's o\'erhul
mrrrl. Thc olcrhxul manuxi fro!id.\ i lbrnralion on all I Wlkways sholcl bo paiftcd on the rloor and kept
frocc.lurc\ ol r sfccidl nrtuc ancl on geleral trrocedures lrco ol obsrrtrcLion\ at ll tinrcs excepl nhe necessar! Io
f(r lbc.lisrsscrblr. clcins. ir*pectior!. r'epir. rnodillc
lioD. kasseDibl), lnd lcsrg ol engires. These procedu'es .1. Suitable engine overhrul slncls must bc pro!jded
mLrsi be fbllowed io ensue hat lhe engine is overhtried jD for the types of engines o be overhalrled. The derigr of
a lnnner \rhich r1{ll provide dre required reljnbility. e.gre lrand! ! ie\ wi the ype ot' engile.
The l]1anutrctrrer of m aircrli engine ha1 ll rhc inft)r 5. Adequate work (uiof rd hech \pace shoLld be
trrlim .ellilg lo dre constLctin and de!i:tn of engnrc
pis nd irs lrl{le nuicns tess ofrhe assenrbled engnrc 6. All ma.hiner! n st be i:ood.epiii nd pnr\ ded
{nd its p.ts. Thc o\erhul rnrual p1epared by the rnaDu r!ilh pprved safetl gurds
frcrurcr is thcrctbc lhc mor lalkL source of if(nrxLiir 7. Electri. equif.ret and toile .nrlets nrlt be.or-
lbr a paricuiar lnake and nodel ofeginc. rcctly idcljlicd fo. voltgc xd f.ser hLLlin! cfh lil\.
Tlle techriciar mus be sure tht thc m.rnual aDd olhe q.f.i,i. , e.rL. cd. .1. rr'' .,i'
dra relered ro l'or overhaul ifo ation a.c the iost crr- possible Lo plug ln equipret odrc dra at dcslgned for
ret and apfly o the specific nrc.lcl unber, nrcluding lhe dre voltgc d t),pc ot'cnrcn( spplicd aL c ourlct.
dash number. olthe engie being olcrhulc.l. 9. Adequte lighiin! musl be pro!icled l! ll rras.
10. Clerning ares nrxst be adequall) \'e Lilld lo
.erno\e all dngeros lunres lroirr sol\errG. dcgrc:iig
agents, ad other volalile
Certification of Overhaul Station 11. Properlr- designdd ersine hoidirs equitrcnt nrusl
be \'ailable for litiing erl:ines.
To pr.,\'ide overhLl s>'rices for ce ificxted aircrrft I2. Operators should i!e.r sallt shoes lo prerent i|lur!
ensines, an overiuul rgency shoLld be nn I:AA ccilicared lo their leet i cn\e he!\.y equipnrenl or |rl1s re drrpte{l
repir slaion $ith ralinss coverirg lll lhe lypcs ofolcrhaul Il. Ofertors of lalhes. mch e drills. nL

lerlor ed. A ce iffcated epair station is defnrc.l Srinde$ must er safery Soggles.
(lFranr6 of clexniS equifnrenr musr n,er Irorec
br Fedenl Aliaion Resulations $ (l facilry fot tu nnn 1,1.
natu. tpit-, an alteiltion o.l dilru"L , P.\.ryldnts, tive clothi9, nLbber glo\e!. .Ld f.Lce \hield\.
ptot)tll?^. Lt ulplio te!. holirg t1 \:dl rcPa-\rari,1 15. Thc floor ol thc lho lhould hn\c .i rurl,tce \hi!h
ut!iJitat. rilh npprcprnI. rutlis it\t hr the A- ctocs nor bcconrc sl4rpc,ry.
ntinktntut.'CcrtifictioD bl Lhc FA,{ as a ceiiicated 16. Gr.rsc, oil. d smrihr tcr ils dn,ul.l tr. cL{
repir slxtion fernrits the re|rir \talio ., perfr major ru,rrl', r,.l .rl rrrl . I
olerhl on all items lor which apptupriate ltr]rgs are he]d. 17. Propr t)pcs of lire exingLiishers sh.rLld be r\.ril
lhis ce ilicxlion lso tcnils tlre repir 9laiolr to approve ble to shop tcrsonncl
o\ crharlcd ilcnr\ for rctum Lo scrvice All agencies curlei 18. Personnel should lltke carc to \r! clcar o! f cnginc
l\ pprolcd by thc FAA rrc listeLl i lhe Consolidaed . i.':.L'a I,,i r.J....t
l-istigs oi FAA Ccilicd Rcpir Sr.'rs. Furrher details lion sw]ig or timing.
reg{rdnrg drc ijsponsibilities nd priljleges of r .ertifi.rt ''' I er.r... .ot prre".or...!
.d rcpair sttlon e gi\,en in P.rll l:15 of the Fe.{l hul shopi All arex\ st be kept free of slfd. ,1nsr. Sreie.
A\iati( Regnlations. .lity tugs, ofcotr.rinnLs.
and orher tyfes
20. Cixsy or oily rag\ rust hc \tor.d if cl.{l\ .o!
cr.d mcl .rns.'lhc rag c{\ \houlL] b. .mtlic.l ft..liL.r
tr' .

Shop safety and Preparation for Overhaul 21. Fl.rnrxble liquids nrusi be storcd in n xtfro\cd
lir.proof rc{ -lhc rppro!l is DonrLl) grx.1..1 b) th.
ln rhe treparaion of an oleraul shop. ll rcrluirccl !uip- local lirc dcfrtmcnt.
ment must be on hard. A listig ol cquitn\err is givelr laer 21. Tho rrc \hcre cngrcs c r! shold L1e p\.d rld
:n rhis chatter. l the otrtioD of lhc \hop. il is inporant kepl liee o1 ll .lcbis which could e picked !f L1) ir citr
.har adequxe sfety frx.ti..s b. cxcrciscd. Srtelt' rrvohes reIs causc b) r frcpellcr orjel ke
:he de!iS !n.l mgemenr ol thc shotr. use of prpe lools
.:ird equi|ment. r1 obrervancc ol sl practices by over-
:rrul technicians ad heil helter!.'Io cstrrc tht ll reL-
.nable sale) precuiors rre ixken d thnt all cquipnrent
riees sal; reqtriEDrents. it is xd!isrblc to hirc prols'
::nrxl safet] egieer.luring the cfrblishrncnt nl orgni- Recevng lnspection
r:rlor .f the sk)|. lhe \!fet) enginccr \holld be sked Io
. t l'i'l rr''l' |I ll p . i, The pur?o\e ol lhe re(eiving inspcctio is ) rlclrr L r. th.
: check for unsafc trcticcs and conclitjoib :Lnd lt) discolet ge]lerl condili.'n of rhe ensine shen ir sr.cci\.(l.ti.
.rt equ prt whi.h hs b.comc rslc. r n1!eLllor) ol the eglfe xnd ll is r.css.ri.\ r.1 \*'
The f.llowing r some of the r.quirrrcnt\ 1r slely citcd parls. orgrnize rhe engire reco Jr. xd trrfr. lhr
.::rd eqif.ret in n overhrl shopr cr!re lr lhe rexl \tep in the oled nl I o.e\s

Re.eiv nq the Enq ne 239

lnspecton rnLrsl bc comflicd with. and n saienrent oi \ueh .onrtljlnce
lnur bc radc ;n the ovefraul reco . Thc fAA isiues
lh. ,:.n.rl c.nd;riof of the enlre should be creJull,- D;rcctiycs pefiainin! to {ircrft and
n',red of rh. rc..jving repo. lf he engire hrs ee i. a vhc.cle it appenrs that celta changcs \hould be
..!nr fii. or odrer !itrxtion shere dmrge ry hr\c ccn made to con'cct djscr.facies or to inlpro\e the rciixbilii!
.luied lrch c.diion\ hare ro be recorrlcd. Thc .o5r ol' : . r( o ( i.,l. .l' \ r\ ",1 r,(..
\erhrnljng rn.n.!jne \h.h h!\ \uered dmage orhcr l)irecliles perlaininr: '4,
to drc cngire rust be conpliecl $jrh,
Lhr wc \ill hc c.siderabl) grener drnn L al. xn.1 a strlemert of conplirncc should be entered (hc
r nrnt crsesit is ot cconorjcrll) jlible to o\erhnrl
Thc rofair (at or shoLrld mairrlain a corflcre record of
the ergiu. shoulcl b. mortcd.. n orer
.\t rh( |oi|r all retljr ofc.irjofs and insteciions periorcd o each
hx0l slmd xrd clenccl crr.rrlly. T some cNe\ rhe di engilc or comto.e ovelhruled. This rcco shorld con
r)-oil lrillLrre i\ "bnk.d o. t. th. .\tc.t that rr i\ nor rl ! r
enlnelt rcnro!rble silh an ordini\ \)l!.t. t.strllr. ho
rrd clcry p{ ret1.}cement. The inspection rec()rd rhould
c\er. thc oil rld loole irt c bc rcn,\cd by nrc.s of a sho\ o clnncn\()ns of each parl rneaslrred rd all lirs nd
pc1,,,lcurr \ol\c1 such ! nricr{l stirit\. kcrcscnc. or cleaftrces. Thc5c rcsurcmcnt! nre cornpared !!ilh the
orhe. p|ned Itri.lennr \ohel Sornc qrcillors stcIrl raufcturer's Tbl ol I-in;ts tscc Fi:. 10-1) so tlrL
. en rhe enslne. rhus renrolrrs oilf deto\is ad clcd refairs mrd replaccrc:nt\ can bc rade 1o resore \!orr prl!
d it. \\rhe. srer .lering ir done. Ihe engtue shLrnld Lre to the ieqLrired stcciiictios.
\,tshecl off \'lh plxln hol qIer lieNrrrd ro rerro\e ll l he rspectio record rhrld \ln)w ihe rlpe\ of lnspcc
tr.Lccl ol rhc lklie seIn clennirg solLtion This is rec- rjon prccedures emtloyed, \uch ts nagnelic trarliclc rcst
cs\N to fre\en the co rosior of aluLlnlrLnr aLrd Lrrgc jng, liquid penetrat inspccrion. ultmsonic in\pecion. radi,
o-qraph), !1 rn) othcr nlprovcd pocess enlployed io
l\fcction rltcr .1.fing a) releal cracks in the detenni.e the nsoihnic\s of thc .gine and is pa s Il
crakcnse or cllin.lcrs rtr other dnltge llriclr mrty hale y of these rnspeclron-( arc pclfor]ed b\' x .ther ger.y.
beer hiclder b\ dirr or oil. Daiitxgc found .t1 !b s poi.t ln thc ccfiljcale of thai agency ust be in.ltrde.l in ihe ovcr-
the olerhrLrl proce!-\ $ill incrcs. (hc ccurcv .f th.
esinate ad al \x\e cngie d.\ntime f the prrs i
queslion have ILr be ordctd oi scL out fd refrir

It rs essenrinl thal erer\ frr bc lc.ount.d rr. bccausc a Disassernbl) of a ryfi. ircrali englre tollo\s scqrccc
.. i I.,,r. lfe.ifed xr ihe o\c.htrl rut1 During drsasse bly the
ilere rero\ed belore e errgil. x5\cjd (o lh. o\cr op.rntor idelil_\ and mark all pars. This is oitcn
h.rul fr.iln). The receivLng ins!ecri.11 r.fofl shold bc done bf ttaching sr{ll nrctll or flefic trgs 10 ll tars
mlde on r \tandrrdizeil forln. nd .Lrpr'ol this lo.n with \ofi sfe $ilc. The tlgs are st.Infed $l the \rorl(
\ d he -liren o ihe owner ordcr number The o\orh{ul {nual lpecilies whlch ps
l.cLuded in rhe recei\irg irspeclioD rcport 5houlcl b. rhc rus be replced in thcjr originl locaions. There parls
mke nrodel. rnd serial nnnber ol rhc cnsnrc rnd rhc scril mt ire deniilied bv alluchrg additjoal tags to sho$ the
numbei\olrll it\$re.. ln ddlon. all par\- iuch as loclioDs. Nuts nd bolts rnay be smng on safetl rlire in
c]ljnd.r blllc\..{trcLrg. br.ket!. etc.. shoukl be l!1ed \o gout\ wlrich are jdenified for 1ocdon.
thrl thcrc sil bc no qtrelt on resrr.lir: ihe resfo.\ibilil] Cllindcrs. pisknrs, .o.necting rods. vrl!e lilicrs. rDd
1or thcsc pls lt.r th. orc rul has beef cortlercd olher ps requiring e\act localiolr shorld be cl.rly
ma*ed Io sh(! thcn loc.ttjons ilr tlre engire. For era rplc.
Organizaton of Engine Records he pislo lior lh. o. I cylinder should be rliecl with
e lunlbcr I Thi\ nunrber is sr,rnrfed o| lop o1 thc hcd or
f-xren( \'e e.o ds musr be keft s ihe engine |rg esse\ o. ihe botritrl siclc ol the fiston Conne.tirg rods ha\e
rioughdrco\.rhxtrLtnrcess Ilr s intoinrxrion w ll be.onre .urber\ \IrFed o the big ed. Crrer'ul mrklng rnd
trrl oL lhc fcrrnr1rcrriL\ lhLl ru\i bc kc|l b! rh. o\,cr i.lcflifcion of pafs qill csu. frof.r asselnblt ard $ill
r: I r'| ,Ilr..r r' piuidc for correct fiLs ird clcxtu.ccs \rhe leamrerenrs
L..ig pr o.c\sc.l. lr r.r rre r.rde Orgnirt(D ol pr s . a suitable pafls
rrclt will keep rhc o\.rhnl pr) orderl) .1 lill h.lp
Tbc I-AA T\t Ceitjli.xre l)rir Shee f]ll!i he re\iesed tre\efi til nri\uts fJ l{\:.\.
to.\!rr thL rhc cns fc .orli{J|\ l rls t!pe ccrtification. When lhc (cclicix. hrs.rrelirll\ noled e. r.p rnd
lrn c\rfL.. the lnir-!neros. .rLr1elor'. ltLel ILrnrf. tud crrierl or I 1c ofcrxLi.\ rs !i\ en. the eogiIe is cori\rlct.l) recei\ed silh lhe engire nrr\r Lie llie lr,l'.
o.s !!ith $hi.h the enS ne \.rr oigiflll ce,rili.tred
Al$. .t.\ rf.l .iher ifftior ielIir1g r ihe e rsife
l rj!c 1. rire. e!ie rrLl.rcrrLrel\ i\.Lre .tcr rl
icr\icc bullctins rhrl leqLrirc lrerrrior\ or tn\ !eplrce
.1.f1! desi!erl lo irpro\e t| t,ejlorLjrjr.. rjr jcljrbilLl) All Ir1\ sroLl lr. gL\rir t)lrlinriiru\ \ j\rl ifsp..1or
of rhe eftie l)rLii! rhc o\rrhr I ol r .n!i... L,!llerir\ eirh.rr\ th.\ f,.,.,f,)\.(1 li,) r th.irgirc r jnrnr.1i.t.l\
240 chpter 10 Re.:ipro.atig Eng e Overhau Pracli(es

& &

-;o0 all lMain Beings and


A-D-G-J-S-T-Y-BD-BE AF Maln Bearings and Cranksha1

(Th n Wall Bearing .09

B-G-J-S_T-Y_AF Ma n Beanqs and Crankshart

(Tick wall Bearin9 - .@11!
o41L 0050L

D amierof Ma n Bear ng
Jo!ra on Cra.kshalt (E)

B,D-G-J-STYBDBE D ameler of Main Bear ng

JoLfna on Crankshait
(2-3l8 in. Maj) (El

T1-T3 AF D ameler of Me n Bering

Jo!nalon Qa.k6haft
(2-518 n. Ma ) (El

s8-s10 Dameler of Front Maln

Bearing Journal on Crank. 23159
shafl (2-318 . Main) 2.3760 (E)

Dameie of Front Main

Bea.ig Journal on Crank
shait (2-518 in. Maln) ZE1.5s (E)

FlG. 10-1 5np T: e f li t; iLy.orninq Tltron)

,: ih. complelo ot disarselblt. befre they are clered Chafing The qear cauled by t$o parts rnbbis bgether
i:jidue folLd in recelles nd odr.r {rcas ol thc cngjnc under light pressure rd wilhout lubricLiinr.
l ol r!( ot erJ.: r! . l: { Chippins The brenkrng aal of snull Fie!r!:s ol mcxrl
\ .r... .. .it ur r..o.., . ^.l(d \r d . 'Jr. .' r.' , from a pn ns .r re\ul of careless handling or exces
-:.1 $ith the se of n rx3nifring Blxs,. I e{ch casc
:::nS i-shl shotrld be u\ed nr id in rereling ll poisiblc Corrosion Elecrolyiic ard che]nical deconrposrrion of a
I'Lr ",r r.r ,. t- r:l r. ,i , nretal. olien cxse.L b,r ioinnrg of dlssl|ilar nrctalr I
': free'.J. rl . l::.r''.. )L lJlr co oicr
':. 'ho$r damgc to bc n)\r lik.ll Visu lrspecLion Nill is cuscd by.i\iurc i. combjatiur lvilh c|enrical
:-rll\ rcvcrl crks, corosio. ichs, scriches. gallrg. elerirent-\ in (he ir.
.:r;n.s. ad othcr dilturbrccs ol e Lrenl surfces. Palts Clack r\ seprdon of nrell or olhcr rarcridl. usudll\
--i are obrlorslt d ged beyond re|air shorld be dis
jJrd d
cused br farious fpcs ol frcss. ircludig lltiguc
rarked $ thI they will rot be reLsed. A record stesses resrhg tiorn refeIed lods.
I rll prl! Lhus di\crdcd \lrould be ade ir the ovelhaLrl Denl( I ro1B.,-l ...p, Lerr rL
:l r Thc tcrnining prts shurld be gouled or labeled as alll lound ir shee melal $here he metal rs deinned
::ttrcn(U s.r!iceblc or reFinble. o both the side s'h.-rc dre iorce r:,s npplied ad the
l-. aro .ne .'r . !e . o '
' . . , - r 'el offosie side nsrall,! caused lry the irnfac of a htud
:r be noied rLLrxrg lisual insirection mn,"' hc
\ ft)l object xgrinsr ! rtrrfnce
Elongrlifi SLrcL.hjg or rcre!ing r lcnsth.
Flking Thc hrckrg a$a"- of \uface coating or naer
.\brasion A rcughened area whcrc nratcrial has bce .l r, I " .'l- .-, Fdl' " r 'J.i ,!. u.r
eroded b] foreign mnterial beiDg rubcd bclNccn .oatnrg or selere bding condilions
moljs !udaces. Irctling llre surface ems on cxnse.L b] ley slighl
Binelling ldeDtalions of a sulfacc cau\cd bl high .royemet het\\'een t\!o sudnces hich are tichltr
trce !ressing oe 1erirl agrin\L xDothcr. \ bll
Lr.arjg frcss.d wirh sufficic.t lrce rgisr a soiier Crlling Thc sderc erosio ol mcll \urfcc\ trc\\.d
,r: i-,1 ill.-r-:-B rill n'.L.., n1. ,i r- ilhll! logcther ard rno!ed oDc gisr Lhc oLhcr
Bu.ning Dnrrge to r parL.luc to cxcessive empernture. r-- . cJr b..o il..d c..o,. rri ,

Fjgurc I0 : sho$s d cin)ple of bnr|ing i cylin Couging The tearing air\' of l]letl b,v hrd obje.r
l.rl.. .r' ,Jr..1.',. -.j-r r.. bexrg rnoled across sotief,urface urder hr\\
Burr A rcgh or lharf cdgc ol nreul. usually the resuh lirrce. A piece of hard rnrleril caughl be\een rlL
ofraehnrc orking. dillilg. or cur|g. tno!ing sLunces can cLrse goLr:irrg.

v,su lnspect on 241

FlG. 10 3 spl q cl a irer bodl f.e

Scoring Dcct scmrches or groves ciused b\, brrd lirrr

'i- oe
'r-'r!I- ..o..^r..{ tr ro
desree ol .lefth a|d $id(h. caused b! he Iresenrc o1
iine tirr.igD taicles opemrjor or by.o.t(L
sith orher trrfs during hrdhrg.
Scufiing. Jr pickp lhc trarsfer ol mer.rt tuorn onc nF
t'acc kr mliDs \urf{ce $hen the 1!ro re rroycd
logcrhcr rnder lalt f.r.e irithout dcqtrare tub.i!i1

FlG. 10-2 8.rni ! rolr ,r. r. i.t .r 'rrl-4r .,e.d

All pxfs xre o be inve.ell li\ulty. The vjsual istec
tio ol r liw \.rde pafs is . follows.

(;rooring The lr.rrio. of a chncl $om ir. nlet;i
rs reid ol poor rlig.meLl of pfl\. Crakc\cs re rrstccred for crrcks. wanirg. rnngc ro
Grosth lllogIinn cxtrsed by erces\irc h.t rd.erl machin sudces, \orn hNhhgi d beafll1g borcs,
LjltrSal irce on rurbie eline con\nc\sor d Llr-
01 bert stud\- cono\ion drnage. rd oher condittons
whlch nr) lcd lo frilurc in serlice.
Indentti{)n l)e.t or dcprcssio i. iuiluce cu\c.1 bv
.erbl Studs
\iclr .\ shdrt sided de|ressior \ith I v shaped boton.
caused b) .rrcless han.lliiis ol r(xr s or tarts. SrLrds arc che.ked t,I bcdmg, looseness. r.1 ercsj.ln. A
O\idation Chcnr lal corbinig .l meai $ih nos thrcde.l pxrts re istccrc.l torrhred dm3e
|he c oi):... A lmxruD oridc rinrr tough. lrcl
I u p ' 1. .. r , , l e.o.p
co\er or prore.l trdedvln! lnelli rhus. ori.{ri. of
\rcl t!J]! is progr.\\j!c rd deslrxcli\ e.
Peenirg Depressior\ in rbe suce .,1 rnerrl cus.{l b!
srikmg ofrhe \urlnce by blurr objecs or nrreil\.
Pitting. or spalling Sinll..1eet c1rrie\ sirh -h{rl
edges: r\ be caus.d i. hxdened steel slrlces h!

Figurc ll) I \hors

n c\nrfle ot splh)s oJ x llfter

Runout ciir or qobble of o .oriis px .

-..certriciry ol o bored hol$ or t\r. shfr diarnc
rers A lole or btr\h nS onr ol rlurre $irh I lhr sr
tce. Lrnr.rlll rc.L\ured $'irh I dj i.dicrtur Lnnirs
shted nJic(c rc full ilellecrio. r)l !h. indicrror ree
d e i o|e coDrflcte rel olulicm ol rhc tft or the irdi-
FlG. 10-4 5.or.q on a p s:on sk ri
242 .lp"' l0 '". o.o., 9F, 9 eo\e.-,t o".."\
Gears is deprcsscd .tLrickly wilh the l(lex inger. it lhoulcl itLum
1o approximately its original l)osiriolr. tf the plurgcr docs
\cce\sory gcrrs r. cxa.ric.l ior $cr. o\crhcatjS, \cor nol rclurr bur remxins i a collnpsed fosition. lbc ball
i9. pi(ing. .1 dltcratjon of the t Jlh pr)filc. Ay .Ltfrc check \l!c is not seLin! protey. Tlre cytrn{le shoukl bc
iblc danragc is cusc nrr reje.tion ofthe p. leclearect and thc chcckcd xglr ll the check !ah'e srill
.loes not \caL. thc trniL js dcfectile nnd dre enire c)linder
and plunger asleDrbly nrust bc cliscdcd.
cam Surfaces Hydraulic cylinder nd pluscr prts cdnno( be inter
Thc \u {ccs of thc .{rs nrust be e\{rincd rlith a r{gi chinged fron one assenbly 1o anodrer. nd if a p 01 ny
i" .. J.. r'r. f .r lr. \,. b r. '. r. asscnrly is deleclive. lhe er re rsselnblt is discalded. The
.rri ,-., i,.. ......t..{,,rir J r.. . . cylrdcr and flunger (hydraulic uni) assenblies ca be
ior rcjcctio oi lhc .m!hll. li.iarjtjon wilh a rnagri- rtcrchngcd in lifer bodies, provided tnl he clerances
iiin-s glss revexls srall porcs in thc \urlrce. this also r. $,ithnr thc pprovcd limits
'qujrc\ thrt thc shaf bc discrdc.l.

\ l\cs arc inspcctcd fr burig. crosion. srech. cncking. \rpng, n.l thirkncss ol thc hcad e.lge. Because It i! recessry to clean lhe engre errernally befo|c disas
i rhe high lenpcrdtures 1o \hich exhaust vhes are s.nrbly and lo clean i|e pds rller disrsiembly. Crrl crri
r\poscd. thcsc \l\e\ oltc ncdcl to be retlaced ever mof be .rken dudng the cleanlng ]rrccerss becur tlre
:iough lhe intakc \lvcs rc \rill in ser\iceable e-eine !m c:l]] be serio!slr argcrl bJ irrprotcr cler
\ ahes are subjecLed to naDl Lhousnds ol recuning le' rg or tfliclion ot' lhe \\rorg t)ue\ ol c]n.s to (rldn
.ion lods. bccusc rhct are otened b) cam actlor and cgjc, prs. l e!er) case. ol rhe
rhe person 1r charge
rjnied b] re 1lre spirgs. Thjs. of courle. tend! o slret.h clemg trocesles should itrLdt
re erlgxre
:h. \ahe\. ,tnd he eilecis of setchirs r. conrnron ) recorncdatior\ rcg{rding the cleeninB procedure! ibr in exhus \'alves Figue 10 5 sho$s how a val\e is ladous prL\ of the engiDe d .omtly sith the dire.iions
.imijreil for sfuerch ililh a !a1ve elch g{ge or connrur frolided b) Ihe lnanrlacltrer of he cLeaning gent or
Ir genr1, two t)pcs of cle3ning tue required r\en ir
engnie is o\crhdul.d: (l) .lcgrc{sing, for rcro!l of oil.
Valve Tappets sof tlpes ol dirl. rn soll rrboD (shlgc): nd 12) .l.,rxr
''''' l r"F.l. lf -r '' i_ i r" onizing. or ihe renoval of hard carbon epo\jts. lhe
:r!. rnd orher d.rnrxge. Defecl !e r,t fels rust be retl.ed. renrolal of grese d soft |res 01 rcsidlcs is rclrilcl)
Hydr.rulic lifterr or !a!pet!.u di\r\scrblcd !nd sirde. bLrt hard cal'bon ileposits require lhe pplition fl'
::rlpecled for s'er. lf ,rny aplreciable $ cxr i\ . otcd. d! c\ i mrher sevee lehods. lt is dnring h rvpe ofclening th
::nced bt a lealhered edge ofworked mctal t th. shoulclcr the grenle\l ca.e nNsl be exercised Lo a\oi.l d.nging the
r the lapl)et bod!. the entirc tippet ssembl\ nmst bc dis
::rded. The hyclrrulic tatpet cyli.{er d plugcr \\cnrbl}
.rusr be chckcd Lo \cc tht no burs or brdnrg eiist nd
:.rL tho bnll check !nl!e ii ot leaking. A leaklrg check Degreasing after Disassembly
:l\c can be Lesred .ls lllows: Nl.rke sure iha lhe c,rliniler Alicr thc cngNe h$ bcc dis$sembled, 11 oil ihould he
]d phger ssembly are dry'. L1d hold e lifie c,vlinder r l ..!c tle.1e...i,;.....,(r1t
.Ji\rccn the thLrmb d nddle tinger rn a lerical tositjon cd. hccu\c thc ddilionrl cleaning processes are much
,iLh ollc h.ud. Then placc the tturger irl po\irion so drxl nut.llctirc xlLcr lhc slnlac. oil has bcc rcmovcd. fwo
:.: pluger iusl eers lhe hlier c)linde. When lhe plun3er ol thc t ncipdl mcthods ti! rc.rc\ing thc res;duxl luhricat
nrg oil rnd lrsc shdgc rc \!a\hing in { fcl.olcunr !)1!cr
alrd emtloyrnent ol !por degtersr.
.leJr "I p'oe, .'e,. .b.l".i,..ti
cial cleaning booth where he p ! re supporecl on a grill
ard spa)ed $ith a sohent gun usnrg rir lressure oI50 ro
l1l0 psi 13,15 o 690 kPrl. as illuatcd i Fig. 10 6. Thc
spy booth shonld have lcntilting sysl.r to crr! w.t!
Ihe !pors lcl] in llre \trrbundig air. id thc operatur
should \rer rdcqute frotectj!c cloLhing. A drai should
be localecl Lnclernearh the grill 1o collccL thc uscd clciDg
sohelrt. Dnring the clening trocess. pfliclar cati:r shorkl
be lake thal all crevice!, corers. and oil passages are

Vapor dcgrealing i! acconulished $ih equrpnen spe

cinLl) designed for his rype of c1eanin3. A vapor ile:leasef
:rG. l0-5 p" consists of an enclosed booth in which a degresing solu
.i , . .Lr rl ...i. P.,F.l I' Jl

clean nq 243
2 Dissimilar mtals slrorld nor bc tlced in he !oh-
i.r r. \|.-.e.,,.h l, ,,r,,r.
c1r be coDrplctelv de*rc,1ed bv electrrl!tic a.tion if rhev
irc trlac. m {.ler.l! val slth sreel pas fr nxre than a
i. \'loniLo. i.nchion tinres carefilr. Alkhrc (clN
ic) soludors *ill audck alunrinur. ugrreslum. and somc
of the allo)s ernploye nr ircrar't cngies. S!long lkline
\olutions \1111 also reno\e thc Alodi.e.oatig that is
{ptlied o nranl ahl]linnltl prls ol cnginc\. The Alodie
coati.g is u!u!rll] pplied Io lhe intrior srices of
rrrkc\e, vahe colers. nccessolt sections. ancl othcr sur
licc\ that xre no lailable lbr cleaninc or trclment ftom
FlG. 10-6 5c!.nt d._q'cs rq
lho outside. Selere dannge cnn rc$h if parh are left in the
slipping rgent ro long.
lh. cngic prit\ arc \u\f..d.d
abo\c thc hot r)lutio. r.Ll .,J.r ( .,unr.1 .nan-9 e.r-.r'
thc hot !rpor issol\cs rhc oil d $li rasi!c 1o llic crtetrl
pas lrr solurions contining \onp. bcca se some of the
l '.. l^ |r. II.. rorre- ,.. soi| illll beconrc tr.glared i thc !rf.rce ofihe material
belos The \.rtor rllgrc\cr nroulct b. otcraled onlj by a even housh e r)rtc rl is sa\hed th.roughll rrier soak-
person thoronghlr laniljar'ith lhe eqnlpmelrl n lhe ing Then. dnflng crgmc opcui{m, the he wi I .u!e thd
mnLrfacilrreis in\rucdo]s reg dig iIs r\e. $rf rerdLe o.onrurindLc thc cngie oiL and cause se1e.e
fLraming. Thir $ill rc\ult in lo\s ol oi1 .rDd possible damage

Decrbozig . Sreel tarts {ht h!!: bc.xr ixshcd \rith sop and
ertershonldheconle{l\riLhtrrst inhibitingoil irredlr.-
Pltrts cont:Lminaed $ith hard carbor. bked-oLl oil. 1) lier the clenirg operion is conirlcled.
resxx\rs vanlishes. d paii are redt f decarllonizing 6. Cr. nru\t be erer.jsed i he handling of decr,
rfier lhe degreasins prce\\ h-q been comfileted. The mos boniTjng lnriffingr iolioll! tu prelerl c lnrcrirl fn
..,nmon nehods of dec,rrL,onizing are slrifping, gi blst- colcrjns the skin. be.use hese solulios \jl usua Ly
jf. and \ apr bl,rsln3 or burning. The oterator rh.uld
lirlrclrc $c{r soggle.. rubber:lo!es and froective clodl
stripping rg ulrilc qorkig $lth these soltrrions.

Thc \tnfpj.: froc.\! i! uled to re]nole paift .rfd rlriou; Blastn9 with Grit and Other Materals
re\jnor\ \!Dlshes $ich hare frme.l in he e.gine dulrr
its opcrtioD Sonrc riffi.g soluions re l$.ffe.i!e in ror rhe remor l (r1 h cnrbon 1D dre ifsides of ct]nr-
relnorin.s some of the harder carbo det.\its. A .umber of ders ,rd he Io!\ ol pi\lons, vrft grit blalting otler-r ore of
rolrtiors sritrblc lir \Lriflring hue been dereloped bI the mor sais1clorl prcccs\c\ The bl!ti! matedt 1gnll
nrnulicturcb oi ch.Dricl .lclnr rgent\. b cxch rrln .ons \l\ of !roLrd xhrul lhcl15. sror.I frui seeds, rnd
Iion rnr\r be usclcco jng to frot.r dii c.Lr)n\. o cl\c rhc oth.r orl]anic or plfic mieril!. Thc grit is lfplied hv a
egile prrls l1]r) be chrxg.. In ll ca'c" ihe persoD high pr.ssur. air gur in an erclosed boorl). s shown i.
reiponsible for clenirg and sl ttirg he pari\ Irrur be Fig. 10 7 Thc orcrdtois hads xnd nn\ ire ee|ded (o
rhororghly tarmlir xi lhe soludor used nd uf kLloq sleeres ad glo\cs s.rl.d no the mhine for full Foec-
whal eng ne pa11s 1r\ be cleaned saleh $Lth rt. tior rlhile e guD .{ thc frl! bei! cLexned .tre rmB
\ r...o1.. i,!po.. e e rre o lied. The lrork crn bc ob\crv.d rhr !h I slndou' rl1 lrolt
o .' . .l ,k ',ol
..r,. ..o.r' :
rhe solution for seletl hours o olerlight. The le l pertonrirg griL blsting ii! dr. r.nro!l of had car
lhef renro\ed a.d slem clened rc rerole all ! ofrhe bo. f,:iDl. md ocr rci n s nse care to
ucs. drc opcrrtor
jrrittig $lur;o ind ll rn!erjal loosened by rhe \oirrio. i!oid cxu"i.g darage to highly polishc.l surlxces r.1 o
Alier \tenr clcxi:, thc trrls r. wshccl $ith.l.!r. hol '.1 :-:o o ..... I

. rr.. rr.,L ,... I 1.. blfc.l. lll rbe rmrll ofenLrgs ino {.llich gril rna! c.tcr
.lc.\. 1" ..,,c \ i .,r '
rn\l bc thgged Sone oterators do ror rse grit blstig
becuse rl)e closging ol oc oilt\(dgc c. crusc lilrrc ol o. trts ha\i.!.il p\\agei.
In geerxl. sandblasting is nol crnplo)cd r the cle.rning
Thc .lripting ig.nrs conrmol) r\e,l xre ! lxline of ens ne pars er.ctt thc \l!c h.xil.. This is because
rcxuslici \olutio\i thc! .xn bc tr\ed.old. or Lh.) r\ b. sandbhrifg ulll er.ide dre etl r) ticll\ tht seriolLs
1..,. ...o1,. 1..i., t.. \' dxmxgc nrry be dore efore lhe oterlor is $!rc of it.
genlr carl be hzidou\ to lhc tdls bciDs clened ! $ell F!h.rmorc. sd reid; t. enrbed rsell i soll netrl\ d
rs to the person pebnrirg (he sliipttuS !rrer!lio|. the 1l- qill lxrcr Lrccorc r sourc. of rbrx!iof i'r rhe operating
loq ing precntioff shoLld be.ibserled ege. Udcr so.r. .ir.Lmstarces. such as preparatlor for
rellizirg ofc\lid.r\. thc oulside ofthe.\'1ider is c e-
I The perso| slrippg lhe ergi|e pl,s Nsl be cle1l ilrlly sandblnsred bcl(. xffli.dLjon of rhc meial spr).
ro lllor ihe infruciorrs of lhe rannlactLrer of the rrip S]recil Lrses ol sr)dl\ring rr,- bc .ifpro\cd t'or fajculnr
flng :eft aod rhe manufrcurer oIe engine. flr]\e\: ho\rc\er. this nI) be onc onlr- by r thor.u3hly
244 chapter 10 Reciprocat ng E9 ne overhul
lea!e \.rntrhes o he txrls tr'hi.h \il ler.l ro \tie\\ rrr
cerrior\ rd ullinrrte lui]tre
Hrrd larbor i reh.!c.l l!onr fi\rm hcx.l\ r.d fr.r Llr.
irsid.-s of.Ih er h.rd. Lr\ \oft srir b[stin-! lhc c0brl
\1hjch ha: c.lle.eJ isid. th. fisr, hcr.l d in dr. iin.!
la|ds is the r.\ diffi.n l nr renr.\e. Alicr rhc tl.t hrs
heen s.llcd in the .l.cdbonilig r)lulion. thc.rbo carr
-"'1 .,
Lncs ccc\lxrJ to rse n soli s.rn|er. The o|emlor mLrsl be
(r.lirl l1ol 1o da rge rhe tisro 1r l:rd( or r, reml)re
.r mcrrl iioLD rhe srall mdii benree the rig lxd\ and
tLc bouoms o1 lhe rins -!,.res lhe glaTed surfx.\ on lhc
pislorr lll the fifi,f pl( r r.nld ror be

Tle proc.\!c' rn.l tro..!lurc\ lr stru.lrrLl r\N.tin t

egine Ul1i rx) !ar\ $re\!hrl lronr one orerhaul sho| to
rnorher. The functio oJ rlle silucturl inspection ir Lo
dereflnine the rru.tjnl inrcgril\ ol e.h par. DefectLle
pa|ts xre renr\e.1frll the 0:erhul Procers rl'ller hel arr
founcl. Thi\ \\.! lir\re .lrrd l\oret Dd esures hllr drc
tr s -goin-g bcl into thi ergine Lre tiee lnrnr |o1.]xll)
FLG. 10-7 A !r t-b n rr:r r.h r: /P!bol
ElgiLle p s re stNcnLll insF.teJ by or rll ol
lhe lblloq rrg rneods
Liured otcr{tor nd lherl o1l1l lrilhi dr. linlit\ s|ecilied
r te pr)ccs! Alicr cngxre p\ h1e b.n .].red rrd L iesl rS
NLgretir pLjlicle
:fied. th.) \houllt b..ot s1h a fre\ri\xti\c oil lllle l. Li! ui penelrturt mjpecrrn
:.lring isf.cL( nd tirlhel trocesling. This i\ doe il j. Eddl.cuenI jLrspe.tjorl
:\ .t Lhe rusr nnd conosii]n hilh irc lilcl) 1o occur. .1. Uhraionic ir!tection
In .lirion r rhe gril rnd.hcr narteliuls emtloted n, 5ltdiogrthI
-1:nlrg bl blist .s. r .e bulls. fldsric telles. bnked \ hcxL.
:rii glaij ber.L\ rre r\ed. I..hnicixn-r lLrsi be \ure to u\c
j |proled mrleril for th. blarillg i.ib dre\ ire pernnrn Magnetic Particle Testing
\\ herr llass beds are usclt. the addjo of slumiur Nlgelic pafijcle iesting i\ nondcsltrtlire i.1lro 1r
locI19 suriace and {lrsrifcc dj\c.ntiuilir. rcrxcl\ or
-.r.le to\r,le. adds tL) thc .lf.cti\ces\ Df rhe frcccs\ delct\) l. le mgncti.\ sucli 15 slccl. The tfris
r.rher ir is tr(ed xs cle0rnrg tr.'ccdnre or $ mill linr
''\lr]lteening.' Thc lize ol lhe:l(\ bcxd\ is ij|tortrt re nrg.tircd b] !\-\Drg :L slrcrg eleciric crnel th !u.qh
:r.r shoul{1b. ch.clectin lhe irsLrcridr\ ln the prtlculr
or rtuud lhc r ,\ electric cLrner i\ rls,x)\
b) nrgnelic lietd The mr!eti. lin.s oi llui 1r'rel
lln'ough rhe prr $hen ii i\ nrrseti/.d. A crrcL or discon-
tinniti {ill crerle n flur lexile. A flux leL.tge oc.uri
Vapor Blasting eh.rc rhe ihe! ol llur lex\e rhe sudcc .1 th. nleri].
rcsrhirg Lr concenti)n ol usn.tjc sLrcnglh rl lLe dls-
\ por blastiDg i. crntlorcd lor stecil .1.ning jobs rd contirilt'. s shon'n in lig ll) S
..:...Drdirhc.l bl m.!ns ol spe.lll] de.igncrl .quilrlent NIgrelic pafiiclei r. ifflic.l Lo tlrc r!grlelire fL
: nrilcrirls Thc \:Lpor solurio \ u\cd eilh fine abr.t ..1.k... r-. I
: rLl \holC be npplieil rl] rn .n.lo\.d booh. The rafor ble s Sn of^.lis.onrinuir)
. .r rn.lis fplied trLrh jrh fr.\surc ii Surr. \lr-lner. tfti.1. L.rti.g is .lonc {ith specil equit
h. .c ol \lor blrsrLl! i\ liritcd t{, pns l]d arers of rerl. \Lrch rr\ th1 nrruLx.tur.d l.\ \1Slrtl1r\ Uor
:. \hjch qrll ro1 be dnrxqeLl bt x lrll .lrlou rt of
. nr rl\o ctlld.r\. :Llr i| flro( ft .x rhi.h i\
, bclins \tr]rc ol lonre Il!e ln ll cx5cs. 1he u]|u
rr.i\ i\tr!.1ir! rr! be lo1.\r..1

.::r ! fe l th. o\crlirul fr1!1. \i. \rl\.
. .. rlt\. futt! lini!.!. rr rlr'i\e.\h.!ldnrnht\!1l
I FlG. 10 8 r,.l! r.Li r!! .'1r .r, r.r i ti:. _:
structl r. lspe.t cr 245
portidr PrLs rcquiriDg msnclic inslertior lr1av be serr dre pr,t i rhc Drlgneizins coil. as illusrectin Fjg. l0 111
'. ,u.(.1 i,.p..i..'.,..{ rrf .rr . ln this casc lhc cueit is tassed thoLrgh rhe coil. and n,:,,
be pedrmed by peso| ilho is lhoroughl) rfjned in the through lhe pxrr irsclf. When .able car!nig curcn folrrl!
use of mrgrelic il1speclion eqLripm..t. a loop. the llux lnre\ sunotrnding the condLrcror ll p!:
\lagnetic taficie lesirg lechnicias n si he lrrined and through the loot in o. direction. This is sho$n in Fi:
e\periencecl to successlullr lrrd dnd rterpret di\!orru l0 \r .llcr ce.. ' 1..l
'trr'.f uharacterislcs
ities. The mjor elernens rhl ust bc und.r\roo.l ad the loop irill rake on thc nrdgnctic of Lh.
deteured b) the operar ale licld \ithin the looir.
Il ry be ne.essay to use a (entral conductor.:!
I Ihe dii.tion r which the tesi pall rnLrsr be magre- shorlr ln Fjg. l0 12. iftlre desired magnetization c{nDor h:
achleved by pa\sing currenr through he parl or bt plari.
2. Ho$ sro3 dre mgneric fiekl rusl be iI nr r coil.
:. Whil tll)e of.uren ro use Tl... .'"'1.'r. ...b-rJprrr
.1. Wht tlpe oftIti.les to use depeds on sc!.r{l la.tors. A! preliousl.v nentiond. rh:
5 Ireer.trtion ol disr.ntinuities tield stlrngrh urr bc grort cnorgh t(r cr$e a flux leakasi
t a! disconlinuilt. Howc\cr. thc ficld stre.Sth rur f:
T" r....i. lieJr.. .r. ' LJ.. ,,i. hc r) grent iha a frorg backgroud is crelted whi.h si
belng sough a n trprecirblc anglc. tr.fcrablt 90' Thc
directior of greiznllor is dcrcrmincd br thc ijcrion in Th. {mout of ragneiisrD is prolot1ioal Lo lhe rour:
nhich ihe cL'rer is f!\L|g drtuugli thc palt. ol cunet passed thmugh or roud hc prt. Thc te.hniL-1.:.
The directio of rlre mgnetic licllt $ill al$ys be per collrrols rbl! b' limidg the anperagc apflied. The gene,i.
pendlc l r Io .urrenl flo\l,. If dre disc(rLiiujl} is e\tecled rlc ior dcleminig hou' uch cunerr{ to use ir 1000 A F:l
r) Lrc xftro\imely longiludinI. e parr \houkl be ragn. I i f:.5a cnrl of cross-secliolrrl dirc(cr. This \\'orks s: s llltrstrred in F,g. L0-9 Cjcular mag- ir nost inall svnrret|ic objects lvilh diuctcr\ up to I 'r:
netizaiion is chi.!.cl bt t.r\rig the cuiret direcil.r lr. .o l'._. lr,...on..r
th({rgh lhc parl fa oredrel\ thc plt xnd bunrs ir xt the contact ends she:
Iflhe dircontillllit] is c\pccrcd ro ru cii!'.nlarl,,- or trans Lhe f,rl1 is cicnl ly mgnctizcd.
\cAcl) tlrorgh the pIt. thc fx|t rust bc masnctjrcil logi he pcrmeability 01 a lcroDragctic nraterilll lur b:
rudnrall). Longitudirl magnetizatir, is cco.rtlishcd b! .onsidered i delernining the cunen srengh. Pe.m
$rppins he!,- ggc irc &)und the p01. or b) pl.ig bilitr is the ese $ilh hnh a rgDctic field c,rn be ser u:
.r .r h.d ce.l..l.., .,.?'l
ind re(i( being magnetized. Soli !tcc,l\ helc hig| pem:
bjlit) rnd can be mrgneiized esi]t.

/-/*1, {r
FlG. 10-11 Fed 'r nd ro!d so eoid .drry nq d re.t .!-
FlG.10 9 El'e.r r:rf.r.k or entr on r: c r.Lr ry mEn? eni, d ts d
t 7F hr

FlG. 10-12 U!- ol .--tr codLrcior'or mqet zt on

FlG. l0-10 P;
246 chpter 10 Reciproct ns Enq neOverhau Pract ces
The loctidr ofthe delccr will detenine ihe rype olcur is rrasnctiTed lirst ancl lhcn lhe th is ppliedt jn the con
rent to be uscd. The msnetizatidr pro.ess can be rccorn liruols rchod. ihe pLrt i\ flooded lvith thc, barh arld then
plished wih eicr ltenaring or rlircct curenr. Dircc c!r rnagnerizc.l. The yte ol nrcdxrd used \|ill dcfend tagetr
relrt teds lo pcnetrre lhe elirt cros\ sectio ofrhe marcri or the .)pcr{tor nnd the pernr.biliry of the ratcrial.
al. rkig iI nxrj desirable lor locLnrg subsudace flails. The rc\idtrl lneihod is rhe less operaror detendenr
Alternad|g curcnr has renclcncy ro flow alon! the rurlce nethorli ho\rc\er. the nteri.tls bejns lested Inusr be low in
of the rateri]. Thi! is reted ro as rhc Jn /l'./. Pars pcrmeabllilt and high in magreric reteni !it! (rhey must
nrrgnelized irilh alternning cltrrel Drust bc limied !o hol.l their mrqerism o.e ihe cLrrenr is.lisconljnued). The
in\pc.tion for sultcc ctisconrjnuities coLiDuous nrethod rcquircs !reate operakr skill bu is thc
Go.crll). nagreric trricles,ue errher visible or lltro norc.tcsirxb e nrerlrl. Thc continuolrs method cn he
rcsccn(. Tho \isible rgnclic pt]ictes are availble in ! r'- ' . .t , r,r-t I.
\ari.ty of colors n.{ can be irplied.lry or rirh a Iiqtrid ,e:, p. . i'l ocpcerr
\ehicle. The.l.1 p.trvd.r is conposed of gr)--itun parriclcs, is prssing through or around rre plr Also, Drobili
, . cJ r' lc) ,he.ri'e .,. \
',. , ... i .:.ic.
xnd the prticies nscd in a liquid lehicle are iron
Both r teted wirh color figmeis. lo, faficlcs ro orien hernselver t djsconrinit,cs.
Dr) pow.Leri re llpically rsed for very iocl inltrec The nagotic tulicle/liquid !ehicle rnri...r t.rrridc
ions and hare fiolen snperior ro farLicics used rll a liquid concenlatlol. is citjcal. the patlcler are nr \e.l {ith thc
\ ehicle for ioiing substrrhcc di\contjtrities. Hos,ever. li.tuid lehicle accordjS tu x brlir sengrh chaft sr\rplidrlb)
rhe \1er netho offers ease ol applicdLion. trorides corn- Lhc manufac rer ol rhe t)ar1.le\ Thc srrcn:th of rhe barh
flete colerrgc. is nrore etlecivc lhan thc dry rnelhod in should be chcclc lrcqncntlt. The !,sr widely used
deectig surlace cra.ks. and ofiels c\ !jsibilily and 'I b.n'.-(re'l r .i. * r9 r
gradraed ASTN{''r tcxr !h.rped certrifuge rube, nr!r nL
lleiror-.r.r '.r ,e fJ , Fig. l0 1i The nagelic prllicles gradutll! setle 1l' {he
i\ tlpic{lly lor nrstection l'1 egiL1e parrs. Howeve,.
trsed bo tLonr of the xbe. \i herc rea.iing ma\ b.: takc n by nriliz-
Ihe irctull tehnicin m{) use x.,! of the orlicr m.thods i s llic r{rked gradations on the tuhe.
d-,..Jrr ' . r.-t r oc.'r,o. p i. Th. (cchnicin mus e ied n.l ertencDcd t. mnke
J.r J. ,r rf I o'. ) rd- i
Whcn fluid j,j used ir which the m,rgnetlc paicles [e p.xlicle lnsfc1ion. Suface crck\. $hor inspeced under a
suspcDci. thc fluid is rptlicd to dre pnrt by mens 01 black light. ill show nt s sharp. brigh. yello$ sreen
hid ozzlc. As the Uuid llows oler the px. ihe mrgcLic "
Lrnes. Srbsurf.e defe*s are or s wcll defired. Fisu.c
parliclcs .lhere tu rl rrcx shere the mngreic li cs ol I0 1.1illLr!ltcs.rrck indicalLons on.ofe.ri.3 s
rlul leave lh suilce of he n)cltl. Thcre are two nerhodr l\lxny i licrtios hn!e no bearig o rhe strucl!ral
for apfl]xrg (hc lhjd brih o a tr: lbc rcsidul nethod qtregrh or ser!icc usclirhrcs\ ofihe p1. There indicaions
nd the.onrruous rcrhod. ln the residual lnetlnrd. th. frr my bc cnused bl r) phr\ic.rL aspect 01 rhc pxrt drar Dier-
rupG Lhc flu)i flo$ anlt nic.lled iteltnnt itjjcatiat$.
E\dplcs of iele\,ant iDLlicaljons nay occur ar shtr
edges oi x prul $'here thcrc js gEt crcenrrtion of llu\.
Toohng nriks that r.v h\ no stnLcural significnce (i1l
pro.luce lltr\ leakage. Intemal ke,, ot splircs $illn{n
ifest thersclrcr ns susnrfac llas'!, as sho\:, in Fig.

FlG. 10-13 Checkrg o prtr.-.oce.ird.o| wr .e FIG. 10-14 arck d c:os'ew:d br nrllrer. or:.:
',ltr]e irbe l,4atlnalu Carp )
Structuralnspection 247
lll 15.\t indications nrav xlso oc!ur whe the Alwa!s consult mdLena.e rnual! for
\chicl. -ruDs
$xy" Iom rhc ffticl.! o th. hori/ontal rp.cifjc in\trucions perlaining lo magncti. taicle telling
tngeDls or boltoi side ol a cylnrdcr. lcr\ig "drrnugc ol rhcjr producis. Precandons mighr mcludc tluggrrg smaLl
lnr.\.' Indicdl(rrs \uch {s shi.h dre not r.htccl to oil pass{ges or calities lh.ri may collect and bc obltructcd
nugDctic lc{kagc licl.ts. arc.lled,/?rltu,?.11.lri. Il lalsc b)' mrgneti. paj1icles wiih \\,ood plLgs or hard grclc
indicLios occur. rhc c)linder shotrld be (rtxteLl n.l the f:]nnr .omflerion of he ugneic inspcclion, lhc cngie
barh rertplied Io nxrbilize lh prriclcs. trrls shoull be w.rihed in clean feroleLIrl soh'en and
Afle lhe prts hLrle beel ispecred. rhe! rLrst be dlied \fiih comprcsscd ir. lrhc parls (nruld then be coated
dernagneized. lfhis is not dore. dre parls \1ill pick ut and \rih a hrr lyer o1 conosrcn inhibitnrg oil.
hokl snrll steel pal1icles. ich c caLrse \eious darnge
.1 Lerr'.J r.uf.r.,r r L/. rJ;re r. J r. ' r .', Liqqd Penetrant lnspection
ptished b! passins the parts slowl) lhrough a strrs nc
nagnetic tleld nd then nlolirg lhe palts sloirl! oLr ol lhe Eginc !r,is nade of alurnium .r1lo,!s. magesium alloys,
field urril ihe,r are exferielclng zero nlngetic flu\, as bnmze, or anv orher metnl ivhicn cannot be nagnerize aij
ilLstmted i. I-i! l0 llj. usually nstected by nreans of a fluorescefr penerra t. I
'lhe .qnitment for de.raSnetiTing consi\ts of a coil J.. pe,.r . .r .. ,..,.rfrc,r. ' eJJ) ' Ie!, -
cDcrg'c bt ltcnriig (unnt. It rnr! bc lhc \arc coil in r |. P. ,, r ri. liquid penetrnnt in\pcrrion ., I -
{}rich Lhc tirt sas nugr)etirecl or scpale c{ril sed sole- monly nsed includc crnkcasc hallcs cccssory.,asc\ oil
ly tor deragnerjz;ng. Some lrrure r aulomrdc !tps. ard c)hr.ler heacls
ddngncrizjng c)cle ir $hid1 the prrr is hell i he .oil hspectio ililh pcnctnnt should includc nre resring of
fd Lhc a lield \lowlt decrls lo zero. Regrdless of the lhe pats- hc rabul io ol rhc nalurc d cxtcnt of thc dis-
t,!pe of eqripruen nsed- the cnrrelrt must nol be iuned oll cotinuitjes ibrnrl. lhc linrl dcci\io rcg ing rhc suit
uDtll either dre pa is out ol the coil or rhe c,rcle is com- abjlity of pa s tbr lulhcr scrvice The orrcmror lhould bu a
sfecialisl lvho has bee drcoughly lrired lo crxh{e (or
rcetll th. var;ous indi.tions.
Thcrc are mx! mantrlacte^ of liquid felretnl sli-
tcms ad sc\.ral rethods fronr which to choose. Deter
rni illg $hich s)\tcr .Lnd nclhod Lo ule depends o ihe
rerirls bcig rc\tcd- rlork capncily ol thc sho!, frcqucr
cr- ol u\c. n.l tyfc ofdjsconinuLtics !ou:ht. The classifica-
tio ol liquid Fnetmt insFction is set foh hy x nr lit.)
specitlcaliorl. l\,lIL I25l15. It is broken do$r b] ryte.
nelhoil, and level. T]fc (lassilicalio! trlicntc\ to ltr-pc oI
penear, vlsible ard/or li!orescot. Thc nrcthod \rccilics
the process rsed fb amlicalion of the narcrials. The
ti!iy is ndicted b]' the lelel nuinber
Relardless of he llpc. cthod. or lcvc,l, rhc prnr.ipl.s
re re lalne. P is are thoronghl"v clecd xnd slr4rped of
|rint. lhe Fnetra js applied o rhe ta d llowed ro
cnrcr an\ strrfce djscoxruries. The excess perelrant is
cleanecl oli: an.t thcn th. pat js riven x coit of developer.
T|e developer drss our ) pcctrDt thar mdy lra\e
etered suce discortiiriries, making lhcrn !isiblc cilhc.
under \hile lisht h e crse of visiblc pcnctrt or blrck
light in dre case ofllrolescent pener rr.
l-i!tuid penelrant inspeclior cn be perbr ed slmply
wirh the use of aerosol cL1s This Lelhod can be lerl
etlclive, but it is lnLte.L to lo'l'olLrne ]rptlicari.ins ard is
rrpicxlll rsed for lo.rLiTed inll)ecions. Liquid penetrant
FlG. 10 15 Gerrdshltsho,rnq reev.l dctos iurpeclirm iatcrials rc rvaildble nr bulk quanritjes ad can
.!s-Fd br t-r 5p e5 be applied \!ith commctuial spral equitrenl or bl dip!ing
'trr r.T\. . ." I., eJheei. ,i"r
sior stslc usnrg orescent teerant nnd an enrulsifier.
I Becrnic enltrlsific' js sed this i\ called a postenrulsilL-
I carioll lhe equifmet illusated in Fig. t0-17 is
ntn 1crrrcd by Magnaflur Corporalion. Thi\ s)lteln
MAGNET C woutd be !s. by r opcrst(n .lojng hiBh lolmc of liltuid
MAGNETIC penelrnl il1rpe.lig.
\\ e nrust rcemphasize tha all tafs nruf be completelr_
clen A\,oirl usulg ay lyte ol git blasting Io clean pts.
I 'r-he
lieening ilcljon ol ihe blastlng rnedlun ll1at close p
\rrface discolrrLnuLies. Remenber hat liquid peneirant
FlG. 10 16 S or' / de./:nq c mqe:r ie d n prt dLr q jspe.t on s,ill disclose o|ly defects open o ihe srface.
Should x pall eed to be gdt blasted. it nru* be erched to

244 Chpter 10 Rec procatinq Enqie Overhul Prctlces

FlG. 10-17 q d pr" ,-rl 1 p" - oJ (\4"qt
"1 to p.
opcn up surliLcc cliscontiuiLics belorc the inspeciion con' face of the par, the peneat must be emulsified. or made
water-soluble. The parl goes irto the ellulsifier val. The
After bein-q cleaned, the pa is placed iD tfie penelmn emulsifier begrrN drusxrg ino the peleiant at the sulce
rar. lt may stay in the penelran tiom l0 to 45 min depend of the peDeani and works its way down to dre surface of
rg or rlc re of he p"n. rpe,rd , /' " Ji .
",i ,,r .) dre part. as illusrated ir Fig. t0 lli.-llle dwell time ifl tlre
:ought. and emperature. lhe penetnt ente$ { discontinu emulsifier is critical. If the rime is roo so{, penetrart will
i* by capillary action. the same force that cuses oil to rise be left on the sudace of the part and e brigt background
in a lmf wick o. sap to rise in trees. will disguise signs of discontinities. lf the dwell tne is
fhc prrl is rcmoved frnr thc pcelrat vrt ad placed too loll, the diffusio will coDtiuc to thc botlom of thc
on drain rack. The pu1 is give a prerinse with a water discontinuiry and all peneml will be washed away.
lpray Io remole the bulk ol he pdnetrat and prerent The pa is given a posirlse afie it is reriloved liom e
.cessive corlaminrtion ol the emulsilier. emulsifier. The emulsified penetrani is removed, leaving
The penelrant xsed tu this system is not wteLsoluble. peneat in the discotiuities. There is litlle danger'of
Before the residual penetrant can be removed fron1 the lur overinsig or washing away indications wih ris syslem




FG. 10-18 Actlon of emlrsife in llquld

Stuctural nspection 249

iirlc (h. pen.rrn iil the djscortiLluitic\ i( .r $arer-\otu
Th p.rr ru\t be dry belinc jr goes olr ro rhc .lc\eloirilg
sru-re. Th. tr i\ irhcecl in d slnlll boorh oi rtrrel wlrcre
h,: ir i\ .ir.u .ed arolnd ir. Ihe pa dn)uld be cornptere
li Llr\ l;i he(1 rr\Lhs.
Th. dr\eloters ml bc set or dr\ DN .i.leloter is
Norde. $hi.h is dusted o to Lh. fl1. \\,el dc\cloteN lrle
unll) pplicd b\ rprayrrg or .lifpjS. l tri-q s\sr.r. rtre
r1 is dippe dre deleloper l(rs enoLtlh ro ensur. rhl
rhe enrile pa hr\ been !-overed. Then lhe par roe\
inro hc drlcr until the dercloter h$ dried ro iooth.
r hre 1i]rl.
hspeclion rusl be.lore in d drtreed boorh uDder !t
black llgh rm.e f uorescert pcncrrint irlrs !sed. Alr). rhe
frolrer de\cloprct jme musL b. obseNed. This ! he
' ,,.D .,i,r,e , |.r;.t .

\'elli)r Sreer indicarios 1r is up o rhc insfe.or o dc{cr

iire il the lrdicalio rcfrcsents a dclccl $hjch reqnirc\
Ihar rhe f be reicclccl. iflhe parr c bc rct.rircd. or jf rhe
rndrcatiof rs ol conscquece. Acc.prLble parrs;Lre
'1o cleine,
cleDc.l $ilh a suitblc alld go on ro dre e\ ph\c
ln 1lr nLte.tlon Eocess.

Ultrasonc lnspecton
Allhoush rl i\ not ertelsi!cly ured for oleinrul ol r.cjpro-
.tin! cngin.\, some maufrctuers s!ccil! ulrr.tso|jc
rnslecor nn sonre enginc trts Ultasonic inspcction FlG. 10-19 X rf eql pment.
!rilize\ hisir lr.quency soud wa!es ro rrcrl llrs,s in
meral pans. Tre elelent rr{lrifting rhe $\c\ is ptnced lf clis.ontinuilr cxist!. he effecr of dre edd\ cujinrs q iu
of rhe trrl. d d rcr'lected \yc is ecened nd rcsisrered be chrnged nd he lrdicor nill pn)du.e rerdinq grearer
o n oscillo\cop. tf rhere k a flas l the pufl. (he rcilec thln l tr e !i.ular rer
ed sdrr rill !o{'a "blL[ or thc os.illos.ope racc The lr"e ' , \-.rr.d l .p(..,or .. .

pLr\rli.. .f the blip iirdicire! rhe depth ofnre fhs. routj.el,r u!e!t lor egrne orcrhrul. Hosc\ci. ihe eddt cur
Liltrr)nic ispecd can be acconrpli\h.d radst.roril! rcnt testel caD be of $er !xhrc io n ieclrnician sho rr erfe,
) J ..r a I !\t!1(rcea r.c i.:.r ..e .! ricDced n]rd kno\'! nhal twcs nf tesls cd b. mxde effe.
rl rl|l ( e.o,-... r..\rp,. I
and be able n) lle4rcl ll obseed irdicdtions accurareh.

X-ray lnspe<ton
X-.aI or radrgraphic inspectior! rhoLrgh ot c.rflo]ed
on .r roudr. brsis lo mor cSine olerhrlls. is spe.ified I)imesional insrectio ls emplo\cd o {tereie he
ftor rime lo lne t{r deecr ccrtrin 1!pes of .lefects. d(e.. fu t." .,..r.i'e (ero ...-
ihe r-r,! i\ priculnrl) ef]ctl!e h detecring di\co.tinu- tces c ir conhct NiLh orher suric.\. lfrhe lrectween
itjes iside crstings. frgirlg\. .tfd e1.1s. A po\orll r r,r] sLces c\ceeds the !iounr ser loflh r the rruficturcr's
caf pelelrlc rral for leycrl nches rd produe an Table ol i-imiis. the tr must be lcflcerl or epn.d jn
irxge \'hich trill revei delcts \ithif the nretl. X rt .cordcc s ith apprcycd nrerhods.
' '- rt '. ! l' ^ lhe Tublc of l-jmrrs sho\n i FiS. l0 l,llstslhe
On y qualilied t.r\.nel strolld LLemft ro peorm \ olrhe prl. thc selri.e1. or m.rlinrn1 1nLr. d rhe mn
ra).\rnrinrtior 01 plits oD.l rrueril\. Pilular atrenrj(r ulxcturel s cw fxrf nlrnunr xnd mnri.rrn timjt, The
rusr bc fnld lo sliry co|sidertnis ro vord inlurt'fior scr\ iceble lirit sets lirrth Lhe marimur unroun of wear
rctixtor Qualillcd r r\ technicirn\ are rained r.i obscNe llo\iable nd i\ the dircnsior rhar i$r be dhered ro b\
all rirf licable stt) pre.autiors. rle r.'e.le'.,,r . L,e,
nried rhar if part $hi.h ;s r irhni thc serlice.rbte tnrs is
Eddy-Current lnspection jstxlled i n ernic. itshotrl.L n.,{ $ear L pojrr that
icop.rdlzer \afu oferariur ol the errgir]o frior ro rhe nex
lddr curreuL rstccrion is also clf.cti!e i disco!erig
clict\ inside n)ctal trfts. The edd! crenr tefer apftjcs nd r\nLrr)\ rr. the roleccs to ilhich rhc ns wer.
high equency clccrro.ragnetic $a!es to the meat. ad ,r .r r'<.r. I :r( 'f,r''trt rr-,r:r
thr\. wrtles gererarc eddy cuner)ri inside ihe met]. lf lhc r .r I '! ,i I p r .. i,
nrcul ji unirrm r irs ltrucL[e. the cdd! crn.enis \lill l]LN Ho\.yer, n]arJ o\erhaLlirg ag.D.ies' use rc nc$ taft rol
i x uniirln p:rr(erD rd his n'ill be \ho$i bl he i|dicLr(r. ennccs o ensltrc a quallr! olerh0l

250 chapter 10 Rec procat ng Egjne overhu prctices

The insteclor shoulcl ko thai trs are usuall,v matr all cleamnce bet$ee lhe parLnrg sufccs bcfde the rea
liclLred wi dimensions ir sirteerts of on inch in non surement is taken \ri a lelescopmg gdgc. The mnrlctrr
inerr c engies. This is i ccordance with r tnctice est$ er ma\' reqtrire rhal he rneasurcmcnt bc tks at r sF.ific
irlhed lrl SAE mart years ago. A corecdy dlnresjoned anglc fionr the tarting srtce or cenrerlilc ol the fn.
:rrl r1ill lherefore rneasure -V16 ir + 0.000 mirs a
rmou np to the oleralrce. The decirn1s for sixleeths of
rn inc]r are s follo\rs:

= 0.0625 )1, = 0.4315 )i' = 0.8125

= 0.1150 l, = 0.5000 ii. = 0.8750
= 0.1875 r:. = 0.5625 t'; = 0.91t5
= 0.2500 ',, = 0.6150 ,i = l.1l00ll
= 0.1125 'i1. = 0.6E75
'l'i" = 0.1500

Thc dimcnsions o{ shlti. crpirrs, mah bearLng jour

:rls. pistltrr pins..:rd slmjlirr pn! xre mca{trcd wilh a
.ur <( (.,1, e,.' J .\' I r ln r \. ' ! |
::r lhoLrld be equifted eirh x venrier scle $ th{l ncasure
.-:ns c:Ln be taken 1o lbe nerresl tcn Lhousrndth. A
.:i.ronleter ha\iDg a raichet sleevc o. sLc i\ reconrnend-
..j- ro ensure thar the measuDg prcssurc borwcen e an|il
.:,:t (tenr s il'omr for all nrexsur..rct\.
Ihe inside diaDreteb tID) of bu*ings, bearinss, and
t"n:,..||.l\ \ (ec^t n- -Jger
.',:ile' the gge ic in the openlng. ll is locked lll place to
::.rne lhe dimen\lon. The dimension of te elescopnrg FlG. 10-21 MesL en'ret wrir t:Lesccpircl qqe
:::. it thc nesurcd $irh .r rnicrorete. as shown in Fig.
ll an.l l0 22.
lh ID measurement ol soli1e bearjgs ad bering
: :... \!ch \ cnnkrhali alrd carnshali bearing bores jn the
:.. t: ,r.t..r eqrr.l
::rernbly of e crankcnse and con.ccting rcds. BolG
::- tud\ Nst be instlled d tightcDcd down 1o rernove

:j: ':-20 r,.,le.5lrremeni o: .rrkp n vrth m.rometer rlc. 10 22 MelLrenrel of th d men5 o oi . t: es.op .!
q.qe \'rth m 0ometer r: per

Dimensiona lnspect on 251

Thesc dimens()ns ae cornpared wiLh ihe oulside diamerers
ol .'.rh.l,rrrr:ril 1.llLt..L,r\frn..J o cJ I.h
'.r, .,1 . ll e Jil'"re ,.e o. ruee I i,. ru o
the clearance, and ir lrlust be rvjnin the vatues sDecifle.t nr
rte tr"r. lrri .,F.g. n
I h.le . r .' rPte,coo ; :-!e. r
\'nal-holr gage . .eL CJ-. . .t r' . ne . re .
hll gage,. Ieb.l Id.r h .
',. J.t(J
-Jee i1.. nea I rL( tJte
and{pandc.l unril il llts rhe holc snugiy as showr in Fig.
'r') ,, .,1.,.-ero rl ,eJ.,?d , ,i.ron!r..
'o hote. E:ine
Io obtajn the dirensior ol the JnanufacLrcr.s
.,lre suppll plug gages or ,'go and no-go,'gages ro mea
surc the dilneslons ol ccrtam holes or openings. Thes
ed-. e r.1J . I Jr .or. ti c I ,. tr.
ClliDder baels re mcisured wjrh a cllinder bore
gage. r\ \ho$n h Fig. L0-24. This gge win sho\ the
wear. out of onndnels, and Lalcr. The clt n.ler borc js
nrexsurcd by sliding the gage liom lhe rop to the boll. of
the cllitirlcr in he difectior ot' lisron diru\L and a 90" n)
thjr diecLioD. I rhis Nay thc our of roundness caD be
lhecked ji)r the tull Iength ol rho barrei. Beibre rhc sairc js
FlG.'10-23 les! n-r!.i vrrh !n hoeqqe
tl .ea , 1. .\rF.. :..i<t. rt.; ge r.e. I. r. .r I
with the bsic dimesio ol ttre bnc1. Devirions rion^ro rhc
b . rner i,.' ,c.l"r. ( reede,,,.r. ia.
positi!e or egative dircctior.
A\erage c)lider mea\!rcienis ca be used to xvoict
eriremcs thar ca occu whc singte mersure cxrrs are
rakell. Arerage measuemeLs rcqLire tlt severat riresrxe-
meris bc taker ad then a\etuge.l. Rrl to the manutactur-
ets nrnul for melsuremet locarios for erch cnsine
Connectjng rods rusr be measured ti)r bearirs rnd
r.l' r".l r, Lor. h tor .t!rLnr
gcDce of bcring $,ith bushingl The reqlrirements for a
cone.ring rcd io e use.l in Continenat O,170 ensine
. I rr l-. ' 1. tt r r!r.r.r :..r1.
rhmcnsions as weu a\ the (terances for rri\r rnd conler

Thc 6vist oi { colnecLjg rod is checked b! iD!a lng

FIG. '10-24 [lei|r.]!t !rth c! dp p r, l-r ', ir ,nc.J..' D .nc.t. .r ht




FlC. 10-25 D eslona reqrrremenr! ior .ofe.1i! od

252 Chapter 1O Rciprocat ns,Enqjne Overhaut pract ces

:rr of th. a$ors on tnrallel steel haN resting on a sur the fisons ad rrg\ c\taDd with he high enpe. o1'
:: platc Nlc{sureents are then txken with i thickess
.-:: r each snpporlnrg poilt tr) .lercnninc thc xn)ut ol \ er .t .o r"r-f.opi. LeJ
:-: Thi\ chcck is show in Fig. l0 26. Thc clcrrancc in\talled o the pirons in the froter groves tur nrspection
-.:.:..n rhc \utport bltr d thc aitror m c smdll c.d of . .de.'(rJr . ll e . .rr . ..'r. . . . r''. 1r. ,rrc..
r: :d i\ mcasurcd xd divided by th. Dumb.r of ichc\ nrensuled q,ith a rhickress gge. as show in Fjg. t0 29.
::.:i.n lhc ccDtcr points of th. sutportiDg slccl bars. Thc The sfecilied ring cleaance is neccssrr b cnsure free
::i rrust no ercccd 0.0005 in 10.012 7 mml per inch ol rolcnreDt of the rings in the ring grooles nd a li:rc flow
r:: polnt cererlines.
.:r]ce belween he srpt:)ort of .ilbl I
je arbor in he large end of e connecting rod rny be pistos and ctlndersanct irslallari(r of the atfroved yte
, y mached V blocks rather than o sleel bars. of pistor rnrgs in cDginc re crirical boculc ihe \\'e,tr
r -:mehlrd !!ill gile the desircd resulls. belreen pisto dnss ncl utper cllinclcr sall\ is usually
, check convergence, he diffeence in distnnce r"e.'.rrl"rrI. . i'. J _:'i
::.r:e the arbors is measured ai given dlstlrce o erch "rr.,,,rl.... i. u-
:: i rlre conecrig-rod cer]ler. Tlri! is accomtlilhed try '-
tenrion. Piron-ring tenslor is nreasured a a foi 90'' lii
:.rlhg a lrecisio rneasuring arln rvLth a tral! end o onc dre :at Nhe dre rlD: ls complessed rc the nornal gap. Th
:-: ol rhc a$or into the small cnd of thc colnccLig rod. tcnsion isgive. i th. lableofl.rts I f.ufds. Srtlller
: Jijt{ncc ol thc mcsurig an liom Lh. cctor'hne o1 o rlve rester. s slurn in
riDgs can .re nrexsured
r: !d is norcd, nrl lhc mcasuing ar is adjrslcd so tht Fig. 10 30 Lxrger rjngs must he nresxred on a luithlc
: : 11 jusl louches the or !r thc big elld of the rcd. The rr is then nrc\ed Lo the oppo\ite end of the Thc depth gage is ured ro fro!ide n accLrlrlre indiL:rtirlr
-r'.. nd the dillcrccc in distancc is checked $,ith I ol Lhedistan.e henveen fixed sLxt as distr!x,
..... ".,-f .. ru" , ir ". r. 2- I rl. I .r,r .r. ,re
::::ked i iroits i ir1 17.62 clnl trcn the cenierlire of the
. -:..rrrJ ruJ lhe o.. o Jr .e lerkee ,e r.e].r " '!
, :,is LS 6 jn t15.21 cml. ThelEtore. if the dierence ill dis
- ... b:....1 , ,h, .. -. "r e,h .i L f,h. , r.... ,.
-.le^.\n000 r 006r r

:.:in liIit!.
The dimensios of smxll gaps. \u.h N the clearnces
:,=::iee |islon riig\ lnd rirg lands is mealured with a
:iickness gge. li.r g.rgc of the spccificd rhicknes! will
::::r dre gaf sirlut drc u\c of uduc iorce. il is cvidccc
::r rhe gair is a le:Ls s gre:rl as the gge dilersior
rrckness gages ar used to nesLre s e cleararccs. erd
lol.r .r'.'r 'i,e' o,.
A thickness g.rge is used Lr mesure ltn: ed gap and
jid. clcrces, raher nelr rings are instnlleil on tile pistor.
lhe end cleMnnce (gapl ls checked b] iseliing ihe rirs in
rhe sklft of the .ylinder arrd tnhins it ;n ith the head of a
pistoD. 1o csurc thdL the ring is squue wiLh rhe borc. lhe
nng rnusl be to\nioned r a toit irNicle lhe cyliclcr Lrdrcl FlG. 10-27 fhe.[ q trr ..).!ergefLe ol.offect fg rod
n.. e.l \
See Fig. l0 -28. Thi! grp nrlsl be fithil1 e loler-
.r (..'r r,l o l ,r .\ p r''j!.f
necessary to preverl scizurc .,1thc gs iLr the cylinder as

FlG.10-25 Cf.kig the iw5t ol .or.1! rod FlG. 10-28 [1e5!rr]et ol p sion r q _.rp

Dimes oal nspection 253


FlG. 10-3'l f.le5urenet i! ih depth qaq

FlG. 10-29 Nlellr.mel .l D no rq 5 de . e.-nce

FlG. 10-32 ae.lq.r,3ha1a qnnentlrunoNt)

sioppage. such ar rht caused \hcn llre prpeller ol the ar

crft strikcs rhc grolD.l or r sol object. To pelfoln the
chcck $irh rhc cngie srill installed in tie aircraft. dre fro
tcllcr is IcDlr cd Lrd dial idicto' is inslled fi!rnl," o.
the iront of the e|gire. The fingei' (xctatiDg rntl oi thc
dial irdicror is plced so thirr t lEsrs o rhe snrrh flrl ol
Lhe rroleller shali lbnvard of he splies. Thc sh{li is rhcn
FlG. 10 30 Test q th. .or'rp-e;s of ol . ! !e :ipr r! rorared. An) eccerrricitt of dre shrft will be nldicaied o
e dial. lf. dLlifg rlre rout check. a crDkshdli is ibund
lror th( trling st.e ol i oll tnrf housir! to the ed Io be ben. \tlniShienig i\ not rccorrnended.
ol the gear. The use of a defth SS. i. shorll tr I'iit. l0 ll. Tbe cnrshaii of u opfo\e.t or in-line engine cn be
Di1 gase! oi jLlicdLoi\ rc rxrricrlarl! u\clul 1or checked for alignmcnL in the sanre manrer s hat described
checkxrg lhe nout or otrl oLounuess of (,tling pIts. lbr x crankshrl. Thc shdli is nrourled iLr the V blocks nt rhe
sLrch s cmnkshrt'ts Dd c{mshrlLs. Cnrkihxft !rnul or end bexrings. {nd rhe Nn(nrL is e.rsired i the center bea-
be|dllg by mornrig lhc lhli o V blo.ks
tlce.L on ,i le\el \uilc. tllLe x.d rolIirl: lhe \htli $hile l. I,' .J r '. p., i,o'r . re
r.r !r ' lr ' , ^l
checked trl]er resi(nr wirh rhe use l,1 l,lve spdng
shos,f i Irlg. ll :l:.
Thc crulshlI rLr.r \hould be conrtre\sion rc\tcr. such xs (hrr shur ir Fig. l0 -10 Thr
checkcd xt Lh. ccler rrlnr io!nlls while thc shft is suf Tdbl. ol Linrils spccilie! etrsion it given \l]ring hcight.
toeLl rt th. Lhnrsl Lrd rexr iounrls lr .hould also be Vrhc sprnrgs. oil tressrre relief vxl!e \frings. oil lil(cr
checke.l xt tlc propeller aLlge or .rl the lron protelLer L1)prs\ rtrirgs. rd oil cooler byt\\ \trjng\ r'e all no.
bexrin-g \cxr. Perorlsrible rtlllim rolerrnccs re eiler j th. mllt checked t olerhaul.
\ cinknrli llgrlei rlil luDour chcck should alwrrs p1s is critical. lt
o un.omnr Lo nrciude the qeighlng
b. f.!loled or n en:ine thxr ha\ u.dcrlofe n Llcn olconecring rnds and tislons iD thc dinensiorml inspectiDn.
254 Chapter 10 Reciproct nq Enqie overhau Pract ces
LI !i'.rr".r' ,o.".n"nr n." t(r wcl.lcracks m cenin xreas 01
:n rhis sccLiori hose!.r. cSine rnnuftclurers often fro the cylinctcr "tpror'"| mur bc guurtl oLIl cLrmt etcly
hcrl alracks
, ide spccial gages to bc rscd wib their prticular egincs ad rh.D filled in b) \'eld;ng. Thc $ellt l]ralerial is ground
llrese g{gcs are descrihcd ir the m,rnulclLrrefs olerhlul or mchilccllo mIch lhe coL(trtr ollhe !!rroundrg rc.
rnual tur lhe engic concerre.L 3.d shonld be u\cd A sall n.iur of fjtting is not generally scrious
..ordi: to the lnsiNctios given. enough to rcder lhe c\lirrdcr uDsdLi\1cLort 1r use. but thc
\l '\.\r( l, ' .' rto cdg.! of!irs shoul.l bc sn\oohed by a s.rltcr. a b0r-
nishnrg tool. or r suiLblc lile.
.Jr a\ilble. The dimcnsions are rea.l clirecllr" from a liq-
, : :lslal displ.Ly. Thcse instrumeDls cr be Ned alone. or
.":: be itefrccd with digilxl Pocessors or cornpnters [ins. lnspcclion of the c] lidci rty releal lhat rc
:::. and lower due|slonal 1nir\ can bc progrInrned ol lre coolig lins hle bee dam{gc.l The fins on tlrc
: : .h 'yqen. As thc prIS are nrc{surcd by drc openot. crlirder hex.1 {rc rrde xs intcgtul trs of the .asl tl!
::nea\urelnenis arc dulorlraticxll) culercd inio thc coln rnrnum-xllo), hcrd: therenre. thcy r. bIile ad ca\ily
: :: Thc corputer .{n provide thc oferato wi a !inr cracked or brokeD. Broken hed ltrs should be filed sftmh
: i ll dineson\ nd r]]dice Llre pa! tht r'e oui of the brokcn cdgcs to elimxrare roughness 'ud llrp odgc!
It' i beconrc! nccess.r,,! ro .ut out r V roch o llop a head
fin crack, slolted drill bushirg ihat fits olcr tlic li r)
be nsed ith a )i" in 14 76 rxnl ll! driLL t. crl lhe notch.
The p* ol lhe norch acl the edges ol lhe cul should .1
rounlccl to reduce hc possibllrly of furthcr cracking. Thc
c,"'lmdcr is corslilererL hclord repalr if an er'cc\\i\ e nrrrfr
i::i>poiL in lhe olerhaul procels. unrepairable prts nd offi arca is Lrrolen offor dnaged.I.rnr r5c, thc ftr-
. --.oncnr slrould hl\e been dis.rded. tars factuels ovcrh l man!l should be co\ullc lirr r.-
,:.':d. ar.l !,rs rululirg no fuhor acio orgDized lbr
--j:.mblr'. on fI(s ck. lhc discrepac) lisr Id labels
. :.pirablc prLs ill seNc ts a Sujde for \\'ork o be Srtld.. '. r.r '..l'r.
::.. llr largcr o!erhaul facililies. diflcrcnl pnrrs rncl rtlched lo lhe c-vliler hea.l re usually s!.cl to !.!!:rc
:::mblies arc rollcd to rexs oi lhe shop thxl do specific conosion becausc ol hear xnd the ch.]nicll effects ol the
.iresses aDd iopir\. For exn]Ple. ll !ylinder 'ork is cxhausi gases. ft is oLtc ne.essxry to rcplace these studs.
:r in one lcclion olihe rihof. crnkcase rctair anolhcr. Durlng inspectioDs. llre thre.Ls of thc sruds should be tre-
-.d crankshl'l D.l cmslrnfr work tr1 sill anolher' Smaller lully eramined, Dd il pprec blc eroslon i-( noted. rc
'p'r'.. LlJr'L rcrl r' \ruds \houtd bc rcpltced. Srud rcplacenenl is dclmblal !L
-trr do spe.ilizcd $ork. such as relding anclgrinding (he secfon c.vcmrg crarkc.rse repair
Refairs done on tlilLs rd ssemblics by overh{uling
.i:Dcie5 lnns be done in tccordancc widr lhe $xl]ufactr' Valvc Guides. ll irspe.tio rc\e.]ls drnt v{l\c g!nn\
:: r insLructions or olhcr itulustry pmcticer tha hvc beerl are o!ersi7., o. drtnaged if ny \n!. er- nlusl bc rcplced.
::1ed nd ccetted b) thc Lnanuflcturcr ardor thc F,\A Vh'e euides shold be reno\ cLl ccoftlirl: kr th. nrntrL|(.-
- r.! cdsc, the pnts nrust be retumed to airirohy co tli_ tuer's lnstructir)ns,rd the n1clhod usurll) reqtires dri\nlg
:rn hefoir lhet go bck nr lhe engine. \1,iih a slecil piloted dril't or rs. 01 \'ahe:tridc prllcr'
Since the lalvc guide hs a flage on lhe outsidc .n.1. il is
Cylinders necessary Lo ddve it firm thc insde ofnre .\ lder. Belore
iL is driver or prlled. the iner ed ol thc gnide \ouliL be
L. repair opcraLions requircd lor ctlidcr\ depend on the
clcred of all hard cnrbon o pre\cnL scorilr! ol lh. guicle
' d, -lJ l.rr:':i' .Jo s euer Iu' hole. Sorne opera!(n\ icornrl1efd hcaLnrg e c\Lind.r hc.1
:- perfomcd aI ech overhaul. ard othcrs are pefonned to aboLrl .150"F l2:12'Cl berire renn)lus rhd !lie rliLles
:lt if requicd to rcnore lhc c)linder to an aiNothy con- bccause ihis tend\ ro clprd rhe vl\c gulde hole rd PeL
Il n enginc i\ beirg orerholed tor rh. iist me, froba- ir casier rernov{l h ll ca\es th. lli er nlonld bc tr,rp-
l) Ihe oDly operalioD! r.,.toired o rhc cylindeN will be erll srpfoed on r crlinder holding fi\ure \hilr \l\e
gides re beiS reno\,ed anil rcplrc
r:uin. insDecons xftcr clexdlg. rcscLing dre rdlves bl lf dri\. llt \ i\e
ac] lapfrg. t.d bieaki3 drc glze on rhc clli
equif.rcnt is lro alailablc to lull
=nding guide from msidc lle cylindcr. iL ro.!r r\) rlre
is possible
::i nalls b-v meas of c)lin.Ler hoDc. ouler end and linge of Lhe glide I,v rexn\ oL spo lreL
\\'hcr cylindeh hrvc been olerhauletl selcral dmes thc
and then {Lri\r e guide !o Lhc irslde of rhc c\li .lcr Clre
._t.r...bor. .r...t-. r t.,\e,,, ,". oI J ^ ..i "r r rs be takcn to avoid cLriing irlo the guide fln.!:c s.1
- or"-pJeJ.r ,.r"', At'ter the !a1\c guides 3re rcro\ed. Ihe guidc holes
, rl\ e need to be leplaced. ad if the vrlve serts
guides sill
:.r\ e bccD sr.iund e iunrbcr.,t' ires. ir ma,\ be Dcccssary to
ruf be inTct.d 1r sco'ig. roughcss. a..l di{r.t.r' ll
he iole size is o( rlithiI speciticd lnrlrls, it \ ill b. nc.es_
r:tlcc the sents. Rockcr shafi bosses \\'lri.h incorporatc
sary to re{m or broch it Lo xn olersiTe dirncrrsion. Th
.rihings 1ust he rcbushed fron lirne io tirc to reaii lh.
a.iual sizc ol lhe hole should be aptrolilrrlely 0.001 in
,:nrcnsion specificd in dre T.rble olLitnis
10.051 mnrl snraller rhdn lhe oulside dimcter ol he !
10 bc isrlled The ltblc ol Limits for tlpical opfo\.d
cylihder Heads egics cfnblishes linrit\ 01 0.001 to 0.110.15 i'r L0.llla 1,,
::trcks ofien dc\elolir ctlidcr hends 1icr rnny hours lJ1 0.06.1 nnl inlerlerencc lTl ti. Vl\e .!:uiclc\ e nrx1. it
.:r\ice. lhesc clliLlde.s should be repldced. Howc!cr' o\ersir.\ 01 0.005.0 Ul0. 0.01{). rnd 0.01{) i l0 ll-.
Repa r and ReP ceme.i 255

0 25.1. 0.i0S, r.d

0.762 mnrl. Vahe guid.\ and vailc guide aftropriarc for te rnterlat ad size of the sear bei!
'" r. . .' -d .. . r,.' i , L-. ,1, :.. r()!nd. A colse-grit stone is u\cd ro lnake he iirial cuti.
Cuide holes which are (ithin ihe equjrc.t dirnensional rd fine,grir ltones. or fini$lg stones. a.e ured to snroort:
linrit! ad are not lcored or danrrged in rny wa! do not olL or polis re iel.
rcqjre repn. Tt is nerel] ncccssarv ro jn\rall ne$ !at!c T\e - lrd ,i .lr. . I p r (^ ...
guide! br divmg rvith a suirrl'le jnst ing tt. The gtride o Jreoo, o.. r ' rlr rgv -e. 1.t. e, '..
o rt.
mu\t be carelully liged $irh the hole bcfore drj!iDs. colleL or srone holder, d Lhc Nhote $lenlbll js pl,rcerl o.
val\e \eats must be regroud lr,, \'al\c suides are a grtudnrg ilheei dresle. The grirdig $4reet ls ctrcssed b\
replaccd rr elery case. 'n.r' le 'e.l ., 1- ... n. ,.i,- .r .,o t.
r.r,' d',.. _ u.. ( ! r . ..(. .
Vahe Sents, V.rl\e scats ca ustrally be repncd b) c.rect ansle, remo\nrg onl) enough utc l o t11rc thr
-1 L'il '.! .J i-reJ,. !Il'e..,'irre. wheei. Thc gr ding sr(re lnusl bc dressed ca.h rirne ir ir
,1vpicl rxlle set g
r.ler is sho$.r in Fig 10 33. As can inltalled on the coller .d ilhenc!cr i esii ro becore
be obscrlcd the illLrstriLiolr. e \lve sea gdnder con grooved !dng:ddnre.
sirs ol rn clcctrjc moror equitped Nith xn angie drile ro The motor must bc.crered rc(rrarety on the lvhcl
lernlil grinding of the \ert\ ! the a slc rt lrhjch rhc) re holder. lf drc rotor ls ofl cenrer, caftefjfI ol rhe srone
m\tlled r lhe ctlider. Tl)c grindxrg $hecl i! moulred on will rcsult and a routh grinct \il1 be rrodD:e Ir i!
.ollet eqLripp..l $it! a pilot whjch tits into he \al!.
'i . .1.<,.r-.Jt .l 'er\
guide lhe pilor holds rhe grn ing ilheel rr exnct ligD \ritl pcrrit lriDcliDg in\read .t rLbbjn:. This \f,eed" i\
,.r .rle r'lrrr':i afprrnntel) t1000 ro 10.0U0 rtDr Erccssive picssure on
The techmcin n sr choose rhc correcr gi.ding rvhecl ( not lood lechnique io tcr
rhe i\.heel can slow i! down Tt
(lsle. hardness, giit. and !izc). the srore angte 1ur b. Ihe $heel gril]d dt lo$ spced h! trultifg |resluro on te
. ,. .r,ler. !,: ..., .r.: , t.:.,, . .o'e \her .r .i'e , 'or;.,e.1r.. tt..r.r\.rrr
h.r!e a -10'set l th. irrtoke vahe '..
anlt a:15. \cat for ihe tressuc L'!ed o the slolre t ny rime shoutd be o lofc
craus \'al!e. lhe 30' ogle of h nke !ah,e ser fro- than thrr cxcrled b,- rhe r.elshL oftre ,rhror.
!idcs rnlpro!cd girs ilow chrracrerisrics. wherea\ r.15: Arothcr tracicc often followe.l i5 to cse off o the
glc lbr the eihrus \,rlvc \ear tto\rs t better seal cool foe e!er! secofd or {) (r let the.ootanl wsh aaav the
nrg. The and sizc of ttre grindnrg wheet nrolr be n.r:,.,rJr., ..,r p
t,,.o ''..."...;.,t
]iccp rhe rone up ro its c ect lpccd. Stce it is a rrjriql
jdr 10 rcplcc a sear. rcmole r\ liltte rmtent as possihe
during gindlng lnspcct le job frequetl} ro ffr\cnr


.-'" Lrnnecessrl g ndirg.
It nr!\'tje neces\rl (1, ctjus he $idrh nd dianrelr ot
the \eatifg surlacc ,rlier rhc -lLr oL15. afgte h!\ becn

4q S
""'& *.-'-{
groud.'lhe $idrh of rhe \err is .liusrcd by using.r 15.
.r e., li.r, r..trdi,
ifcreasc Lhe irndc dixneter. The
! Ja -<)l ne ro
rd dianeter of rtrc
.:i fied b\ lh.
\/ lf a \al\. seat hs been regruond so lnrntr- t nres rt the
entire face ol the l5'' no$,ig ilhccl rLsr be bn)usht jr{l
co, .l e.-. ,..o: ..ri.d r.,.qre.
FlG. 10-33 nve si qrnCe. dimcnsion. s ilhsraied i FiS. 10 15, rhe lhc seat is
be)ond llnits rnd nrnsr be!ed.
A \alve seal i. trtically
r.roved in .ne ot' wo wars
1r..,, .rl .i.,, p<.,,..:. c ire
for c ttrrpose. hiie he cllider is lrnLnt.d "..,ir
in a iirrurr



FIG. 10-34 A qllr-"i oi p ot, 9r .d r! rhee , d !. d rq

FlG. 10 35 ClsF 'o rlp .emer of ! !e sear.

256 clpLr i0 ac o,ocT.o -i9 e o.+dL p d-t -o<

ihich holds i a the poper angle under the spindle of a
:-ll press. The dnll press is used to olare the counlerborc,
.u'i 'g Lre
'.l.e.eJr ro, i,
-.e. T\i. i tr"
:arn operalio and mnst be perlbrmed by an experienced

The second nethod does lro reqrire machining or a high

:1.1 of skill. The cylinder is placed in an olen and heated
:r 600 to 650'F [316 to 3,13'C]. A specil tool. show in
::,: l0 16, is iseed i1o the vllc sct d grasps the
!:ri lhe cold wrter used rs x coolanl shrinks lhe vahe
-.-:. clicljng Lhc inLc{crccc lil and allowing the reat o
re lifted out. Crc n !t bc takcD irr hadltug e hot cyliLr-
r= nd prcte.tire clodrig and equipnrcDt shoukl be \\or
: ,.revent brms fiom hot w{ter sptLtcting ofl thc cylinder
\r_rer the \ex1 is reolcd. thc inside dirneter of the ieal r.ccss rnast be nleasufed to deemine whLch
: -'6izc \ear 1o irstll. The recess rusr en be cut to the
::r:cr olcrsie lliLnension as specified in lhe l'nbl of
-,rr This is accomplished by mens of r vxlve recess FlG. l0 37 Relc g !,r-"
:-::r arailable tion1 he m.rnufacturer.
]h cllinder is rhen heated to 600 !o 650'1. 1116 to
::: Cl. nd lhe nei! \alve sea is drive itu the reccs! Truc the gridnrg whciil bt me,s of .L dia,nond tlpped
,::- the replacernen drili. The rnarufa.trrer's m{nual clres\ig tu)|. Tum on thc mchrrc, and drai\ the diamond
::::: e conlulled to ascefain the corcct tcnrpcraturc to bc acrocs the whccl. cuiiingju\t deef enough nr nx.- rd c!ef
i:: After repl{cement, the n.\! rahc seas alc ground o
r: rroper lce dnneDsion s previousl) e\planred. Deterne tc lace g1., o1 (hc, rrhc, bcing groud. and
sel the no!.rble head ot' he nachtuc to concspond to this
vah'e angle. Lsuall.!. \'rh'es are grcxnd Io drc srandard
valves angle! of 30 or 45'. Ho$e!er, in some iffances. n ier
fercnce li of0.5 or l.5o less dun the sLr dard glc nuy
:: ral\es .re refaced by neans of stndrd \!l!c rctc be ground on the vahe face.
: rr.lrine lhis oferation is illr\tratcd in Fig. 10 17. 'lhe inlerfernce fit. illustaed in Fig. 10 31. is usccl to
': :.iacnrg rachnrc (fatcs thc vahe while Llie $indhg obtj a more fosirive se.l hf mens of no{ qrulrd
i:-r ii roled bck !d loh ass he tace. surlco. ThcorcLilrll). thorc i!i a line conlact beween the
,:.e many mchine iobs. \alve grindi.g is mosy .r lalle rncl scat. Wiih dris line coitncl. aLi dre load iha he
--:::. of seltirs up dle mchhe The lollos,ing should be lalre excrs ginst rhc sc.rt is concetratcd in I lery small
:,-.:d or pedbrmed belbrc gdndrns ls besuD. a. thcreb) incresig the unLt load at tur) one sp.r. lhe
lntercnce lit is e\recilly benefic al .luing the first fe$'
hours o1 opcrrtioD loilo\ig n o\erhau1. The lositire seal
reduces the tossibilit} ol bumc.L \!l!c or set thal iek
ing !a1ve nighr produce. Alier rhc libL lcs houls of ruD
ning.lhese angles tend to be fou ded dowr a d lo becone

The intedreDce .tngle i! grNrd into the vahe. no dre

\c!t. IL is exsier to change the anele of lhe valve grirder
$'(trk hcad than !. changc rhe angte of a valve lear grinder
stoc. Do not usc an inrcrJrccc fit trlcss thc mntrflctur

=G. l0 36 Too far (A) emo! ;d (B) epl.ement of ! ve

FlG. 10 38 niefere.e 1t of ! !e r.iv !e sei

Repa r nd Replacemet 257


To grml \al\c, fir\;.stxll the r,ahe i rhe chlck. ! Bck lhe !al!e x$a) fft)r lhe gri dis shce hen
sholr rr Fig l0 39. d.] then xdjusl the chuck so l rhc grndins is complctc If j.sf.cllon slnrws rhxr .n! grid-
lahe lace ls pprorimtelv 2 u [5.08.n]l from the chnck ing is Decellary. repcal lhc trocess descbcd abo!e.
lf the lahe is chuckcd dn! Iarfher oLrt. here is danger of Altcr Srjndlng. ( rhc \lle margii to bc nrc rha
eicessiye \obblc ad r fos!lbjlil) of grirding inro rhe lhc \!l!e edge has ror L'ccn gi.trnd oo nr. A thin cdge is
callcd a fcathe edge nd cdn lead o preig irx)n. Such a
Checll lhe tltr\el ol lhc !al!e flce acFss rhe ltone. The \l\. cdgc $ould brLrD rv) in short ril]le. and lhe c)lin
\he should cornplclcl) pdss the \t(De o. both sides ad der \ould hye . be o\erhrulcd {gin. Figure 10 .11
\.I ror lravel li enongh to griDd thc rc.r. 'Ihere i stops- slrows a !ah. $ ith ! oul rnrgnr id one $,idr a tacr
ai iliuslaed jn Fig. 10-.:l(1. o thc rnchr. rhjch can be edSe.
se. io col|ol dris irarel. Alier \,he\ nd sc.rrs re goL|d. tl)cl arc lappcd io
Wirh the valre ser corrcctl! in tlacc. tnr on the provide a gasright {nd lilttrid ighr leI. Ech y.rlve is
rachine and diust thc grnxli.g fltri.l so thr it sflashes o pl3ced in its trrtieul{r set. one t lirn.. dnd rhe valve
the vahe lce. The grinding llaicl i! a wter $ltrble oil thnl fxce is roltccl rglins its ser with rppr.,rc.l lxtfLng
i! coninuousl)_ rn onto tlre \lyc lac to pro\ cooling corpound undl ther. i\ a pefec fi becc d1e vlve .d
a.d ro cany a$,! gdndilg\. sexr. All lapfirg conpoul.l i\ drc carelilly remo\ed ftom
Back the !lve aw,:] fr.,m lhe grir ig wheel. Piace thc both the seal and dre !xi\c. Thc !al\.s le ihe pleed in a
grindrg wheel in fron ofthe !he. Slo$4) big e !al!c Dumbered o Lnkc e.l(!iD that he,1 ri1l be iralllcll in
to$ard the gdndirg wheel rutil a lir:h cllr ls nrde on Lhc 'ack
!al!c. I hc itensit! .f ihe Blrll js measured by soLrnd L|ted \'"lve\ ir s bc nrstrcctcd ro cnsue h:Ll re ice
l]rorc lhn )lhj.S cllc Sl,r$i,r'lllole lhe $heel back nd nd sclr of each !hre riLke pr ofc coDLact rccordins to r he
lflli cross thc yrl!. face slthout ircrelirg dre cur. Usc ljrjts sfeci ed nr thc or..h!Lul lllanurl. Flgure l0-+lA
thc linl fcc oflhc irheel. btrt alys keep lhe $lieel o thc
\alle lace. \\hcn thc gr.1ing suu.d dirinishe\. rnole the
\nile \lighlly closer to thc ginding wheel xftroximaely
0.001 in 10.025 .1 lnlnl ech tirc, keefjng the gridrg
pressure Light. Hearl grtudlg \ill rc\rlL nr d rotrgh fiDish i
unsultable lr proper lal!c scrling


FlG. '10-41 E9 e ! ,/ei sho,r il .'i| nrq d

FlG. 10 39 P)oper ist dioioi!dve .h!r.k





FlG. 0 40 nop Drevenis qr n g t r nenr FtG. 10 42 Corre.t iAr d n.or'-.1 1Br! !e lce conC i os

258 chpter 1O Re.iprocat ns Enqine Overhau Practices

laoss thc lapped Lrea of a properlr- ground \alve. The io| chanbers will foul the sptuk plugs ad cause an accu
.:Dpcd are.r is mid$,1, ber\ree lhe edge of thc hed and nulation of .aon. Forlhese rcasons. creful considertion
.. bollom ot' the face. The area shold lile a iiosty gray musr be glven kr the refir id servicig of cylinder bar
:.pcracc. In Fig. 10 428. te l.Ltped arca is loo near ihe
:.lse ollhe lace rt the op. Cyllnd.r brcls thar halc bcc dcrcnniecl lo be stnc-
l_hc linrl slep ii Io check the naig surlaces fb leaks. turall) sound and irh dincn\jonl liriLs n1,- only need
:r jee il rhe! are sealirg properly. This nry be done by to be .lcglazc.l bclrc benrg retumed ro lelrice. Cyhrder
:ialling ihe \,ahe in the cylindcr, holcling the vlve by the bancls bccome leq smooth alie several hours of oi)era
i:.n 1\ith e flnSers, and pouring kemsene or solvent into .urJ':':. ,e elr. r '-..
'r. \ alle pod. While atpllins liDger pres\ure oD th. !lve necessary to allo\! thc rigs to conforj to thc cylindcr
:::m. check whetlrer Lhc kcrcsere is lekg palt thc vl!e walls. The s]nooth, or slzcd, cllnrdc i{lls Bill nor t(r
_ rhe.orrhr;{r.amhcr. Il is i ot- the vallc rcse duce he liiction ccdc.l 1r tis $c.ig'in rocels.
-- peraion is finished. If kcrosene is leaking pasl ltre Deglazing lhe c),-lindcr wlls is ccoultished wih the
r::. cotinue lhe lpping opcraliol uril the le{kgc is use of a deglxzig honc such as lhc one illusaied in Fig.
10-.13 'lhe deglaring hone is uned by a suitable drill
noor anil nn,led in ard oni ol ie ctlider 1 mte which
will producc a crossharched parern.,rs sho$,n iD ]iig.
Ro<ker Arms and Rocker-Arm shaft 10 4,1. This car also be done with no..100 wcl or dr,' !xnd-
Bushings pater lbllowd br- lhe xse of crocus cloth. lhis pRrcess will
.crovc snall lnoLris ot' co osion or s.orlg ar weil. The
' ::r._. \ h. ,^ ( r. , ",. i' e
drcnsi(rs ol lhc barel shoLrld be measured iter deglaT
r-: nlr retaih rcqtrir.d uc i:plcement .tnd relming of
igi if thc) are oI within limits. the burrel must b honecl
-: uihings. lhe\c o|cfutios re accompli,jhcd by Drers { Jx o o e..,/( O\...r-c iim.n,i" . ,
:: .:, iuilable a nn a.l rbor prss bv rvhi.h thc okl bush- usull) 0.010,0.0!5. or 0 020 in l(1.25,1,0.381, or
-:i re prcssed our and ner bushings are t.csscd in. Each 0.508 l]lml. defendig Lrn h$,much nctl rLrsr bc
r:.hi.g hole should be erianined rirr coDdnion before lhe
rerno\ed to produce x ninnr ncw surfacc on nll p! of
-:{ bushing ls pressed in. Sl)ecii attenLion mLst be paid !o the c)llrder wall lhc mnufncxurcr's olerhaLl mnual
. to\jtion ofthe oll hote in the bshmg io make sure th.t1 shorld be consultcd tL, ctcrDinc llLe requirenrers tr ,v
: ii aligned $llh the oil hole iD thc llcker rn. particuLar mak and rodc:l olcngitu. Nole 1rr rhe g.eref
Rocker shali shings in the.yliDder head must be
sear of a cyiinder harrcl o(cu* ncr lhe tof be.use of the
:flcecl i1 et are woln belond limits. ll he bushing is
high iemterrtures iD Lhis Icx drnrg opeatlon l:or lhis
.:1d in place wih o dowel pnr. dre pin mur be drjlled orr
reason. care nrusr bc rake ro neasure the c_rlinder bLncl nl
r:lre ie bxshi3 js rem)vcd. Reoval ot lhe bushing is !his drcr during ispeclion.
.:.ohtllshed \rith a drift or abo. The cr'li.lcr musL be \rr
rropey sufporLed $hile dre ocker shaft bushings are
to cosull the nanulicure s
olerhnl mnual
" toclctcrrilre
, "'r.,'
r:rnoved to prcvcnt.lamge.
Aftei dre r)ckcr shtt bushlng! hale becn :Ino!ed, each
-.uihnrg holc usl be checked ir sizc \!nh eilhe r tele-
:.oping gagc or a \peci1l plug -eage. II Lhc bshing hole
:inrcnsioD i\ bo\e he maxjnum limit, i( is uecessay ro
ii5tll an o\ersize buslring. When it has Lreer decided
;hich ovelsize brshing is requirccl. the hole is reame.l Lo
:r conect size for e bushnrg. Thc ne$ rocker shxft bush
irg is insilled itlr a irallarion difi or limilar t()ol in
..rordance $ith the nraulcturer's instruclions. ll- the
iushing is held in plce $irh .lo$,el pin. ;! $ill bc ncces-
-u) to drill a rew hole in the buslig lor the do\vel pin and
cn to lnstnll a pin of the concci size. Special rstructions
.:laiig to this oiretution rc provided bl thc nranulcnrer
ior he cngrcs in $,hich do{'el pxrs arc cmfloyed.
Aftcr rockcr shalt bushigs are jnstallcd i rhe cylinder
ad. it is nccessry lo check tlenr for diniesion nd ream
ihe) to sizc, il rcqnLrcd. The finnl crL shorid be made wih
'r 1..'r e prolrce. er\.r r.,r1J..

cylinder Barrels
The conilitio ol thc cylir{le barrel\. pistons. and plslon
rlng! is a r)st \iLal lcr ir] he perfom nce of recipro
carig engiDc. Il the dimelsions and surlice condiiios of
rhesc pr1s rc nol srlislctory. combustion gase! caD
;scl]e p{st thc piron dngs llrto the crankcase- and oil from
ilre cnkcrsc cn crie the combustion chanlbers Ihe
egmc lvill lose tower. and the cicess oll ln the combus FlG. 10-43 fy dpr deq z no hone

Repair and Rep acement 259

by means of an elecldc nror nd is mo\ed in ltnd ou of
he cylinder at a unilon ratc $hilc beig roated. The
slones remole suce roughrcss and ;reSularities. thus
froducing a slllooh crisscross s!rfrcc \hich the tisron
rig! can wea in to a good wortirg surlncc. In some ca\es
j! i! recomnended at piston rings be latpcd ro cllinder
walls. A cyljnder honlns rnachine is showll m Fig 10 45.
Ilost nrinteance technicians are not expected to grirxl
cylinderbncls because this ca be done ros satisl.toril)
in a specially equilped shop set up ft)r this tyfe of \ork
Technicians lnusl be able Io inspeci lhc cylin.lcr batl xnd
detenline whal tlpe 01 ealnlenr is ecessry ro r.\rirt the
bael io salislc{L} oteraling conclitio Thcy rrst clrcck
he op, middle. and borlon ol lhe cr-lnalcr lr our ol:round
conditio as set forth in e Table ol Lini(!. While doin-g
tbjs dre,! should lso check rr ihe chok ofthe banel. pro
10-44 Croshtcired ptierr licLed thn! the banel is desjgned $,]th.hoke. A choked bar
r. ,rrJl le.c edriLr .,1 \'r ' ,l"e,.,. '
. ! p '. r .'r .' .t r B :,, r.l.e ope..'.r .. ,( r

pcralure! el th tot of the .)linder. .hoke hore fRr-

\h.thcr thc cylidcr bncls dc nilrided (surlnce-hard- vicles a slfuighi borc duirg ngrc oler,rioD
encd) or chro.rium plated. Nitrided balcls usually shoukl Clhr.lcr\ i opettun for sereral hundred hours will
not be gtuurd 1(r or Ih 0.010 h [i].251 nlrnl olersize usually hle a stef. or ridge. \rom nerr the r| of the ba-
Llcc:rusc ol rhc clngcr ot grindng throngh
e hardened su- rel. This rnigc is fornr.d at thc poit lahere the tof ed! {f
lce U (orn belonrl acceprable lirnis. chroniun plated he op piston iing dots $cD lhc pistoD is at TDC Whclr a
bturels should be chemcalll slipped and replated to san cr-linde ls .egroud, the ridge is rercved by the gnnderi
hoireler, ifthe cllinder banel is \l'ihin liniLs rd ocs not
Crindn: rd cluoltrium plaing shorLld be accomtlished require grin{ling, dre idge should be lel{rled or strunhcd
by rn operator hose process has been xpproled b) the ou by hand ho|ing.Ilthe ridge is otrenr(trd,lheloppis
FAA. The.rdranage of clnomiLm platins is hat the cylnl ton ring $il1be damaged $her the engjne i! assembled nd
der banel $ ill sho$ \'ery hftle \1ear ber\reen overbaul! and
\ril1 usuall) ren,ri !er!iceible Fith sandrd dimcDsiors When the cylinde barrels of ar ersine ha\e been
1r sci.ral thousod hous of opertio. g()nd to !t llandard oversize or $'hen the barrels have leen
\vh/.1 ht trlitltlrt\ rf a t is| hr bte .htunLon chroiur tlalcd to siDdard slze, an olersize lrdlctor
plLne, ht tis(ri titts use tu the\r L.t-liitlts n lst ot b? rnust bc fro!ided o. exch cyli.der. OveJlsizig of alrcrii
th rrinn t)lee. The olerhrul technicim nusl delermlne cngnrc cylinders is limited because of the rellivel) thin
rrherlrer cylLnders ha|e Lleen chron]ium'pllledi il so, the cylindcr walls. The color xd locxtion of rhe indicato. r\
pDrol rig! I]usl bc unplre cst u or neel. The flaing be spcilicd try the nrrnufacturer
lcihlv erntloled to cl]loLrunr plte lhc cylindels can sup-
plf ihe froper pislor ri|gs to atch is ulique plaing
Skirt, FlanEe, ad Fs
If i. a pxiutrlar engife one or lllore cylindcrs rust bc Duing the handling of cyiindels, crc nnrl be ereirised Lo
ground 10 o\ersi7e. rben all the clLLders in thc .ngie a!oid damaging he skins. Appoled practice calls tor
should be given the lrme netne.t l he crxkshar_i. pio nn)unling he crlider on a ooilen cylinder block when iI
rrd, and pi\ton ssemhll rli1l be seriously out ol balance il is Do! being \l orked on. Ifc)-linder biocks are nol alailable.
orcr\jre tisL.s rre i!t{lled in lome cyljders while orhcrs the cr"hder ]l1ay be placed on its side olr a woodel rack 11
pushrod housings are attac|e.L. rhe cylifder mLrsr be plced
Clli.ler grifding is acconrplished by mcas ol high on rrs side in a monner lhat does no put sress or the hous-
qualir! prccisiLm gnxtin.r cquitrct. Thc cllnrler is li 1-
l) rnouled olr thc grirlding mchirc. nd the griding
$heel is adjused so I l1 $ill rake e requied cut from
he ctllnder qlt
to produce lhe corre.t dxnension. fhe
operntor oflhe grmdins nchi|e must ltlke sure o use the
colrec l]pe ol grirdlns $hee] !o thar rhe flish $'i1l be as
steciiied. Firish is specilied micronrches. !in, usually SfONES
liorn l0 to 30 [0 000 25.1 Io 0.000 ]61 nlnl. lf a surface is
groL'd to l0 !tin. lhe depth of he ginrljng scrache,i q'ill
ro exceed l0 l1]illlonhs ola rnch.
A cJlinde. honing machinc is used ro producc thc finl
fiiish ofthe cyl;nder \1alls. lhe hone uslxlly consists of
tiN high.tlit) reclangul stones nronnled oD firle.
\\hen the .) li.der is nxrrred o the nrrchie an.l thc hoc
j\ j.seed in be.flinder. the siones nrke.otacL $ith Llr
cylinder \all\ lorg rheir lull leDgth. The honc is routed FlG. 10-45 tv ndr hon q m.h re

260 Chapter 10 Rec procating Engine overhul Pr.tices

r.3r. Thc cylnxlcr must nor bc liliecl or canled by grsping coneclig rcds rs the! rrsfcr the force of he pison
r: pushrod housfigs. ihruf lo the conccring ro.ljoumals. The repair of the
Il lhe cylinde is hrdled trroperly, here is no re.Non crankshrti rxst therefbrc bc acconrpli\hed with great ca.e
:h\ thc skirl shonld become damaged. Usualll such drnl' and pecislon ifthe crankshali i\ 1o pcrlom reljbl\ for the
r: is caused by carclessly allowing lhe skirt to frike a hundreds of hoxrr bet$een o\erhaLrl\.
:jrd mctl obiecr. I1 sll ick or scrach should be Cankshaft main jounal! or crankpins loud o be o\il
:rund on e skir. n cn be removed bt caretul sloning xnd (out of roud) u) be ground urdersize wirhi thc mau
:lishig. fc1rer's linrils. Crxnkshalis thnt re grond undersize
The cylinder mounting Ua:e must tre ci{rniccl lr nru\t be reitrided. Il oly snull lmotri of rouslxress js
::cks. \.rrpage, damaged bolt holcs, an.t bendlrg. noted. the iour]lrl surfaccs ry bc foljshcd lt is best ) 1o
'; arpage of c flange caD be ohcckcd b) nrounting he this hile Lhe shLli is rdatecl slo\ly i lnrhc. A line dbr!
:.lider on a speciall)' desiged sufacc tlale aDd using si\. clorh is hcl ganrsr rhc jounal or pnr Lr) rcns of a
rL.kness gge o deermine the nrounl of walp. ,{nother spccil block rntil ll rcughncss is rcnrvcd. Th. jourals
:r n]o method is to piace a slraightedge crss thc tlange and prns rnusr Lrc rcncasuird rrd die dinlesions recorded
:: locadons aborr 45' apn and !o .heck e gap Lrder lhe tbr comparlson !rilh bealirg measxremen$ ar a later rime
.:ightedge eirh a thickess gage. A lcry snrll arnount of to deernine beng clearances.
. urp c be r.nro\.d by l.iptng Llre botlom ol the Uange Sol1re manufaurcrs a ow lilniied sailhtenlU ol the
:r.he crlindcr sudacc platct othcrwise. ary pfreciable trol)eller llarge. lhis ray be done only on llnges tht
::i.ct! requirc that thc c!lnrdcrbc discarded. have not been n1lrided. Consul lhe Illrnufactwefs oler
The c!lider lhDge should be gl1'en an especially care hrul mnrl for insrructions concenr ng pro|eller flfge
:l exmjnLion jf n," ol lhe cylinder hold-do$ bolls or srightenlnS.
::ij !rer. foud 1i) bc loosc al e lime ot' disarsembly A \o arelnF shonld be lnade o stuishter crnLiralls thar
r.)s. hold dosD nut or bolr $,illcrule exceptio|al srelses have an excessile rroun! of runou. Any bedirg ol Lhe
1. ' 'tro!.. o re | . Jr.l I rr(. rJr .F shfl will fmctnrc thc nitridcd {l.faces and lead to corn,
Stccl brrel iis \rhich have been bent c{n be rraighl plctc frilurc of thc .rdksh{lt.
::.d wilh log-ose tlier or a sfecixl sloLLccl lool $h. r crnkshall is .csround. thc c\!t rdii 01 lhc
i:iigned to1 the purpose. odginl jo'.nal ends be tr\er!d ro \oid thc possi
Ir rai be necessary. in so]ne c.r\cs. lo inslall a re$ 'usl
,.JrlL-. or, fr^fe, , I ..r. .ope .ret .
:j linder barel on he cylinder head. To do this. thc c]l- lefi in lhe
etal ar the radius loction, the ihafr is likel! to
::. is put in n oven rmd heaed to 600 to 650'F f3l o develop cracks \r'hich ma,v lead ro failure ofdrejon al
:-:'Cl. The ho cylinder is the ph.ed i li\rurc $hich
:rlds the cylinder ose ond strys cold water on lhe iNide
ihe lider ltt the thrcadcd cnd. This shrlnks lhe brrel Counterweights
r.d alli^vs it to b uscre$,ed 1r.,m 1he c,llinder hend. l he The crashalis of mant englnes are dl|anicllr bl.rrced
r:\r b{rrcl is installcd br heating the cyljnder head and by meas of counrerFeighrs and dyranic balances monnG
:.:n tlferdig thc rc$ banel lto tle bead lhe cylinder ed on eltensloN of the crank cheeks. Tlre size and rounc
_:trd shrinks onlo lhe threaded en{l ollhe barel os it cools.
irg ofthese coLr|Ier$ellhts and llrces llr surh lll the)
-les are drilled ir lhe neu cylinder fl.r:e. afd fial danp out lreduce) the orsiolrrl \ibrliojr shich occurs rs a
.::.hinnrg i\ doe ll lhe barrel is inslalled in the head. esul of he connecring rod tblusr. The pmper method l
Rbarreling is usurlly done in cases where cyliDdcr rerno!inS xnd the cotrteNeights dilTers annm!
:::cniblies are ot alailnble. xd th.n ol) bJ eell- \aiious tlpcs d nodcls ol engm.\! thercfore. thc oler
::uipped shops or br he rlnufrtur.r. haul lechnician sholcl n)ke sure thl the excr trocedure
outlined nr rhe o\e aul LnrLr]. 1or e nlodel ofendre on
Nhich $ r,rk is beirs done. is tlloiled.
:rsic nuDulnctrtrtls reconxned thxt pisr(rs be rcplaced
:: \crhaul. Hfwcver, if the pisons xv. ot scc nruch sludge chambers and ol Passages
-trg Iime or nre fructurallf and dncnsturlly rccepc Somc crakshalts rc n1nulcrlrc $11h hollo\ cnnkpjns
,r1.. he) ma) be reused. $hich sel!e s sludge removers. Drilled on passxres
\ ert shallo scoing is not causc lr rejection nd ,! Ihrongh lhe crrk cheeks cl1-i lhe oil fiorn insjde the m.ti
:.1eft on the piston. o {ttenpt should be rnade io remove joLrrnls o the chambers in he crarkpins. The rludg.
i:ht scorig \ith sndppcr or crLicus cloh because ti! chambers rnry be lbrttred bl leans ol stooi slaped tlLbe!
::r\ chage the coftlrur of thc skir1. crlled sludge tubes, p1ssed iLlto lhe hollo$ crankpirs. The
iudgc lubcs ur be removed t orerhaul Lrd the rolt-car-
bon slL.:lgc clered fioln the sludge chanbers. Ne$ sludge
Cankshafts tubei lnst be treised back uno dre holloi:, crnkpin\. The
r: crankshaft of an engine is. witln)ur ctuestion. one ot' the overhaul echnician must nrake cenin drt the r!be\ r.
.:.rt ciical pas. The dime1xrn\ 01 lhe journals, ad the reinstlled co e.rly t() a\oid corcring thc cncls of the oil
r.:lace ind 1ignren of thc shal( nLrst be withi loler or else the engine will vibrale ard may ultimtely The fn)nt oteDrg ol lhc crankshlt n)y bc \crl.rl ( iill
.:il lt js eily undeNtoo.{ lhat the cankshalt is snbjectcd n .ipansioD fltrg il the ergine ls eqLripted qrlh ir:.
: e\tremcl) riSorcus lr'crtmcnl durlng lhe operltjon of thc fiLch pro|cllcr. This phg rust be rcmored ar o\erlr::r .:
:iqine becaus. it \1 bcar lhe confant hanxnerine of thc clcr thc sludgc liorn rhe tlaLrse end ofe crnntrhr.

Rep r nd Rep acement 261

The oil passages in rhe crankshafl should ha\e bccn Replacement of Studs
.leaned at the time tha e shaft was originlly cleac.l:
ho\!e!e. thc), should be checkccl .rgrin belbre ihe cank SIucls or dud bolt\ arc reial pis rhrcrded on erch eDd tha
shafi is dcclred ready ior eas\c:rnbly in 1fie engire. Sofr ar'e uscd for the trchrenl ot' pas ro oe noer. Oc .nd
coppcr \irc passeil throngh rhe prssa:es will verifi ihar i! lroyided $iih eobe (NCi threncls and ihe oher rjrh
thet r. clcr ofdifi ard olher obsrctions. linc (NF) dveds. The coarse,hrecl.d ed is desisncd to
be tcrmnentl! scro\ed into a cjLin8 snch as (hc
Conne<ting-Rod Bushing Replacement crankcrse. and dre line lhrcr.led end has a rr nrsllled fbr
holding r rLrLachcd par.
lI the piston p1lr cleaancc in dre connecting-od burhins is Suds rhich lre danrged, bct, or trokel rusr be
eicesslve. il is ecessrr) Lo rcplre the bushing. Thrs is reroved ard reticc.1 wi r ne\r srud\. Studs s,hich ar. Do
rccomplished by pressjng out the old bushing nd pressig broken can bc r.nryed rith a stud renover or \rith
in a ne\' burhing !1itlr n arbor press The neiv bushrg srall pipe wrcnch. The \ud sholJ be tumed slon'l! ro
should be hbncaled bcforc it i,, jDllal]ed and must be ter ,. ille r, . .iJ 8o... ..r I. n,,. rro D

tly parallel wi the borc into which it is pressed. Afer a gnfted by stld romo\er or lipe \11e.h re rcmo!|d b)
e$ pistorin b!shnrs is istalld in lhe conecing rcd. ir 'I 1,. loe ,r....,- )e.'. ,d',.r ,-
i! lsually nccess J to ream or borc thc bushing to the cor- scrn xtrctor, The scr.$ extr.or oxrr lia\c srraj:ht
cl size. This operation is paficlr'ly critical tre.ause the spllnes or heli.rl flutcs Thc Eslour e\rrcLLrr hs helical
ahgnmcr ol dle bnshrg must be hcld wirhin 0.0005 in Unles s shoiv l]1Flg. 10 41.
f{).012 7 mnl fer I in 125.1l}lnl. as prcliousl.- explalned. Atler ud is renlLr'!.d. rhc coarse-helcd cnd should
T.e b I.lrr" . ,. - .) r,o e v r" .fi. ..,a' ifr ,e I e eranricd o determinc wherher rhe srud is rudrrl or
desisncd 1. rhi\ fupose. One such devic. is the hJdro- o\ersirc. Thi! is idiclcd br mxchifed or shnrpcd mark
burc '1.. ur r li- . . r lr r.. r.l 'c.,. ,.. =
ings on the coarse-tbrdcd or1. ldentilicrn) arkings re
rod is mounied on a fceflte, es shoilr. so thl il is c{rcy sho$r in Fig. l0 +ll. The replcement siud drould be ore
pe4redicLrlr ro e iis of rhc cufter bar roatior. The bor r Lhc stud remored.
size larger
ig tool js then broughl inlo con!ct wi he inrer surlicc A botlomng l p of ihe salne \izc rs the irrerr)l rhr.ail!
01 rhe burhing while trnrig al a slow rate.,{ rnall cur is should be used (o .1.n the threcled holc If rhe rhreads i
t.tke wih a snrooth cullig Ll f as rany passes s nec e:re .r 'i J. .I 'reo. .rd ^-. '. ,l
cssary to provide he desired dirension lrill be neessarl, to rclp dre ho e wilh bor
Lonins ap ad j.\ta I a Hell-Chii nr\crl lirr a sind si/e
Crankcases and Accessory Cases
B.fore the c$ stud i; irrllcd. rhc coarse rhreads
Rcpin of crankcases and acccssory .ases are generall) shoul.l be coatecl rth c.rporid 5fccilicd b! rhe mnnu
limiled lo ol studs and drssings and fixing of facturcr. Th s compouri lubricares rrd\ rhe ihreds
snall nickr. or \cmtches. Crankcase hlvc\ are manufac- :rn.l my lso seal lhc thrllds !o prelenl the lekage of
red s nfuchcd tirs. lloth hahe\ osL bc rc|lnced if o|e lubdcarug olL tiom insidc dre eng e Thc srrLd sboutd be
hx f is eiecLd Som. facjliies hale FAA approval tbr inrrll.d wih,r stud drire rfd screfccl irrro Lhc cle h!
r.,l ,_.(t t1"r ., ..k ",rri ,r:r-fJ.. ''1\. e
bring beairs borcs bck \rlthjn lirnib.

FlG. 10-46 Hydobore Lr5ed or bor g conect q rod blsh

nss FlG. 10-47 A E;5rori nc sr: nht-l i-.d !.er e1r.i.r
262 chapter 10 Re( procating Engie Overhaut pract ces
Opiional identification
marks on .oarse thread end

XXXXXX Srandard

@ Red

@ Blue

@ Gn

@ BlLre

XXXXXXPOl2 0.012 @ Gren

=. 1G-48 detiraion dt l.,r oversize rudt

Hl-coil lnserts {n engine, lrch coalig! shor'1d be exanied 3d restorcd

if neccs\ary. Oe comnoly cmploled coLiS ls Alodinc,
- Feli-Coil inset is hclici coil ol $ire haling a dia- ad iL js csily re\tored by tullo$ing rhe maufrcter's
.:-:'ihaped c()ss sectio. When thls coil ls properly istructios. Thc r.ltorlion prccc!\ nrvohcs clcDDg the
-.r..ed in x thEaded hole, il ftulides a durable thead o barc luminun rhoroughl) $irh ppro\cd, nolsrcsy
;-::: e irandard studs or scrcw!. sol\ct d then applling tbe corrcclive solulior s
a threaded hoie has bccn danraged or oversized iDstrcLed. The v)ltrlio! is rlloNed Lo rnrin lbr a lw min
-: "irn
:;rd accepted linrits, it can be r.pand by itrpprng and uLes until thc.lesircd colo. is obLxined. The re is lhen
.1 in3 x Heli Coil inse. The tap and insialling tools are Nashed thorughlr and dried In all crses. he rrnutcur-
-: :ij b) thc nanulcturer of he Heli-Coil mses D.l er's overhaul itstruciors should be lollo$ed lbr erch l]lake
:-.: !: used ccoding Io instructions. T]le inses nre uscd and model of engine.
: :rl:rderi lo rpart tlug holes and sud holes and j oth.r
:--. n. slud holes and screw holes.
::llcoil iserts n]ay be remoled ad replxced if they Recommended and Mandatory
-:: -e !!orn o danaged. The special extructi.g nr)l prl Replacement Parts
r-=: ) he manufaclurer mLst be used rr remoral. Hcli Nlar- parts arc rcjccted bec.ruse ol dclecrs ad xear foirnd
I :r r:j:ns and iools are illuslraied i lrjg. l0 -19.
dun g Le nrspection lhase of the overhaul, and ohers nre
lagged 1s serliceable onl,v alier rcpirs are nrxde. l\ln!
teatment of lnterior Engine Surfaces factre$ have designated leleril pas as re.ormedcd or
manda(n! replcereL iLems rt o!erhdul rcgrctldss of
-:: Lenor sufaces of sol1le egine craDkcases, accessory !heir condirion. N4arf{ctLtrcrs gcncrll! grcc tht these
-,-. :nd sitilar parts are pro\ided with prrccli!e coac pa! sbould be replaccd al ovcrhauli
:i.::liminate corosion dnmage. During lhc orerhul of

Pislon rmgs

N{in ancl.ocl bearings! allbushings

Connccting rod bolts and nuts
All hoses, g{skeLs, scls. coLLer pis. circlits, lock
fllles, nd r.tairrg r rgs

All seiccable rnd new engine pans shtn'ld be orsan7.d

on trrts ack prior lo reasserbly. These parts llcludi
:lG. 10-49 Heliao rsefts nd took. those Iht replace pts found no longer ser\icea1..

Ressemb y 263
,.,d.r\,(1.. .r
a....e. A.t p. I Lr\c i\ ipc.itied tr!.ihc r ur,ct!r.,.
rrP.. u,r J. 2. Thc nrs \,iU o t)lt lnsrlc rh. end. shou.l r:,
, l ,. < . I r l : . rJl r. .c t. l ,, r, o
prls ar'e install.d o lh. errgie. j. 'lhcre is lea\r .ne 1i| lhrer{t p(nrdins be\ofii i:
T smal er oyerhlut shop\. the rornt rcsserbt) process
.,,..,u.t ,J-.. ,J.;e .1. Coller pi or ]ock\rirc trole5
ii lhc boh.r srud h.r:
'rJrr.'r. ,l- I ,.r beer rouldcd so the) ritt f ot crr rhc tiber of tjre n.
\ -r.-. (:.... ...,t -i. The ellcci\cness ol rtre scli:tockinr: fctur hs h.:r
o,ie-'ite t- u,,r...,pt ., ,\e. ., .,,. ,.
reasscnrblj nd rocked $irh riscc|atreous harNrre su.h
l. |-
lts bolr\. nrt!. lrrd\, s, rd lock wshers Nh\r fcit
Engine arc.'\!oric\ ihould be ttLchcd n) rhc.fqine h!
. .r'Jtle h.' 1 1.. the r\ires ol rs liLrnishe.l $irh the engnc 0,, urai
I -J'rr .r. .Jo ..i -. .. .... , ,,, ..,
''I l.. e .,.. 1,."-.,,," r' L, ' I Lt I "., "
I he echni.ia should be tarjjlirr $iil \elerl .ceDnal le he\ie- \u.h \ srarters xnd
.'.\f.! sen.rroi\
e 1..( :,, e..r. .. \ Of lrrn) ensie\. ttre r"tinler bat} e5. rocker bo! co\
ter' o1 these pr.rcicc\ \riU bc relie{ed belr. e dc\clre en drile aers drd t.]s. a[d tcessol anLj sl)cr.hruger
the reassenrhh fn)!-ess.
holsjngs lLr. irh flbcr ifserr iockLrrs (ich a.c
.' dr" ,r p . -5nt
Use of Safety Wre . '. ,5 .1r., . ,.ttet
\equentlf lr:is. is locking chrecei\ic.
Dur S lh. fural isembl,- ol rn cDeine d
nrlr llt(rr rtre !ftisr eginc\ require sore sfcrirlh
ol ccessories. iL i\ oie; nece*ai, 1o sfetv-wire Io.k den!.rt.ul! to
wircl drilled head botts, crp rcLe*i. ti]isrc;head !.rels.
caslc furs. .d or The \rire scd tr hi\ D. t"
degrees of t qhtcning or lo.kmg bitit) $.hich slrrrill1e\
Doe.. ,1. D o .ire.. I reqLnes I strong.r. specill) her rrelcd rnareri1. a
fied bl the mrnLrfacrurer. hcil-
re1 r\s scct or1. or n spci.rl to.kin! mfls: t.
Th tLrcipal reqlirenret ror tocksjre jlra Lation i! lo t)tu\ide
arplc bear;ng mer under rhe ur ro re!.c ull tor;ir! i,
(ee lhrt the tensio ol the \1ife
tenrjs ro tjgt[.n the bo]r. fur. soilcr Dlerl\: a|d Lo pr.e\ cfr 1oo\cnjng ()I snrs rher;uti
r rl ,,.d..11ei..,.,
,ie". , ri(p .o, ,1.. .'.c.., . Lcd or rl!t to e](en a ]htcnin etl(et
\'e,,ot ..e\ . Washers
'/\'.r(,.".. "".t.r,.(., .,;, orhe.
hrnd or rirlr a rc.ixi salerv-lne toot. The tenJLh ot rhi Flt $rsheb iA\ r. ured trnder
''.r. t.a:.a "j' -.. t, , ,,.' ...' L; ot , . . { t._ hc\tcoxl nrjr\
ort r-
he q ire is (hcn lsced rhroush thc Det hole. ard rhe i:,o " '' P a(lr
erd\ rre agai riristcd together. Thc \.ies arc trisrd richt
, t. e. \'l
" .,r:rhe .lnragcd shool.l be discarded. 'a
{iier the job is rorfiee.1. c{cess qir. j! clr off lo
l.-,, ,t..b Lock $.!her\ tnn) be use j. sourc rres btrr onlr \t
'e er \..1 ,, . a e, I t. .. I-r.r . I
\. ' ,,.,. I r. .. . ,t. . e
. . .
. .

s1'rs xre sh.,$ in Fig. 10-50.

I \ .,. r '
r.r'.er. ..t ..,1r to., ^.. | |
Self-Lockng Nuts becuse ol rhe drge rtiich occ,[s ech trrne Lte n ,

\e-^ r,ei r,., ue.t b lo..-,-.l..t. ,., .... .t ..e ,..

trl ,\ ir! corJrrLLr.\ .' , r -r rnk rlre! ren o\e t

Torque Values
:JD ) I'r.. re r .l
-il- u
( ).r r r. or.rr
..... ..t ,... ,,,.
s th torquc a rtted ro rj!trl. ;t\

and b
d Required t(JrqLe values for irtoui nrr\ rd botr\l
''I 'ie'

\ T.. .i,.,..,-.,
''-. .i. i. , ' ptti(.. ,. , . " .

,[r'l '' .. 1 .< . e. , i'(h-pund.

FlG. 10 50 Em! !i'! r !l

t' rpuun.l-inche\ .,, i tr,...r ..r.r,r'.
States lor smll to mcditrn bots mr nos. For b]]. I
.' . i. i'
os nore co\'enrct lo crtlov foot-pounds (f.:
264 (rp.e 0 o".oo"-.or19 ro.e,r", D.".!,"s
' r-:.c lb.r'). l the meic s!ser. he nl)rrton-mctcr dre ej(Ien\ion,1 L') Lhc lcngth ofthe torque \rrerlch . nd I
. i.d xs nrexsure of n}que. One foLrt rnnd is !o the quolieDl. nd di\ c rhc r.\olt in the to.que to be
:i \.n1 rfflied to e iarcner I Nhc. 7 is ser or rexd on he
,. \honn on the srei.h in totrnd inche\ is eq l turq e (ench. e prpel rouDL ol r(nqre $jll be xfpl e.L
-- ..ptlicd j. pounds a he hand. rultitlj.d b,-
:- l inchc\ ilegh) frorl the cefter of rhe h.dlc 1l rhe ioque wrench i\ use ith oll\ct d.lafler. rhe
.::: ol thc turDing ris ovcr thc nut. Thi\ i\ ills i\ or the leDgttr of rhe arfrer bur dre inn.c rcasurcd
.:i 10 51 Il lhc tdrtu. lrcDch is uscd $ilh bct\rccn two lies fefpendilir to the rii ol e $Fch
. i]\ ur Fig l0 52. Ihc lergth ot the .latter handlc. oDc pd\\i.g thrush the )trt oxl !t\li of the
: - :r! llrd ad the rotl rorqL compLrred qrench ar) dre orh.r prssig lhrough thc cc.t.i .f lhe tr!
rLn! lirrrnula is u\ed ibr lir.ling lhe torque or boll being lrned. Tl)js is illtr\!rc,l i. Fig l0 5:.
.::::rg r, Ih:L( *ill gi\e r \tecilied moul of Ericessi\e 01lsc(\ nroulcl bc !oidc!t. A..rtri anro!nt ol
:. .' I Io {he llrc.r: eor ma\ be inlroducetl -\ {hc xnglc icrc\cs \rn lhough
ihe crecl1n!!i i\ !\(d.
nrge ol boh or nut i\. licdl. !d icor
The orque
+l recl \rlue oi lorque alplied duing assembh $ill ofren
L ctrlc fuilurc ln rll .r..!cmbl] oper.riioDs. thc echlcinr
rr\t co!uk drc orltn. !ltrc chirls supplied b1 the lnr-
'- 1.. !\!.
= : :ruc 10 L1e pPli!'d to ii\r!'ner
= :.ylh i{ f\lcunc1
= ::iglh i,l rrqu. $Icr)th Prelubrication of Parts
: be rtplied to lhe laslener 4, crr be rol'rd N,l!1uficturea! recorr)LeldlirrN lor pelubi!.tlion ol
.:rlllre. s thle ol roques To xnlve al dre trl.r! frior to r(senrbh nrnr he oblerrcd tu \oid prclL-
: : r rS or r.JinS / , di!idc the len3rh of tur. filure .f engine fxrls I'jrofe. lubricatlt:ln 01 part! t
r\s.rbl) i;ll frotc.t thc fr|t( dtrri.f rhc iirst lc(
n(nncnG ol ofcr|ttion. bciore .gine oll lur cirlulllte L0
te. Nfnul{crurcrs li\L Lh. prelubricllnt! o be u\ed in
o\c rulrx.!ls or reNice publifntif!
eilhcr thcir

f.ll.r x (equen.e
Thc dsscrbl! of xf .ngi.e nru!1
:::.rr.i_r oj tor!!c
,. d o ,. t , 1., ,. L .: l
bted Sir).c Ih. core ol r cngin. i\ rh. crrli\hr11.
rbl r I


Connectirg Rods. Ne!\' con]recll!rS rod berrirS

is.rt\ \lr.uld e snafFd iJrlo rhe rods ltnd rod crps drr.
rn wilh c oi rhc inscrs fjttc.l into rhc cutdrs l]ro
lillccl Ech bcding i\ lubricxrcd \iLh rpFo\cd oil. Tlicn
the rcd ad cap rc jstll.d on Lhc cr.lnlipnrs c.ordng Io
the rumberi furpcJ on thc (is i .ps Thc rrurlic-
turcr's o!eihrul innunl stccilics +hcllc l]rc ioJ rLicl !ap
runrben lLce dos of up.
:: : :--.,.1 -r.h rtr .]pt. Since diller.nt r DllictLrreA 01 .gies do not neces
!rilt ilesigne eDgrre .\ljrxler rurnlrers fronl he sarne
:: . : -=\GTH, WRENCH IA] TN OFFSET AOAPER end of the egine. the o\edrxnl lech rin musr nrle .ure
-. _' --. (L2 & A2) lo hen fdxlli3 |rr! rcoll]in! t(,
use the conec order
.yliil.r lor c\nrtl.. l.lcorlS .ngln.. hr\. Lh.
.y indcb fumbered i\irh no. L beirg ihc right fruDt crl;
der. hereas rhe nu l .)l;nrler of ( onrinefrxl erine. s the
!'. .,,c lr tur ler .c(.r,..
lhe .onecti3 ul. rre in\txlled \ illr fe\ \Nh
- cr\. nul!. il conosion r.\rstdnt cottcr pL t$hc.
and cch ur is tighlerecl sith r {ritle (orque rrerrch Io
e brqre recilicd. -\ nul muf rrot be backed ff r af
ellod o obli]r a ceriain orqne l:rhle brlr \horlkl ahilt r
pproach lhe corect lrlLre irh le being rjghlened Ilrhe.r
Ierpin hole carol be rlilreLl \!ith he r'i rhef rhe nLrr h!.
_ . ..rF.1, .1e. beer orqLred proferlt. i l1lal e\ar! ro lLrbnli ri:

Rea$emb y 265

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