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HET 228 Tutorial 1 Semester 2, 2014


HET 228 Electrical Actuators & Sensors

Semester 2, 2014

Tutorial 1

Q1 A linear machine shown in Figure Q1 has a magnetic flux density of 0.5 T

directed into the page, a resistance of 0.25 , a bar length l = 1.0 m, and a
battery voltage of 100 V.

a) Determine the initial force on the bar at starting.

b) Determine the initial current flow.
c) Determine the no-load steady-state speed of the bar.
d) If the bar is loaded with a force of 25 N opposite to the direction of
motion, determine the new steady-state speed.
e) Under these circumstances, determine the efficiency of the machine.

(Hint: Efficiency, = 100% )

t=0s B = 0.5 T
(into the
R = 0.25

VB = 100 V

Figure Q1

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HET 228 Tutorial 1 Semester 2, 2014

Q2 The linear DC machine of Figure Q1 has been modified to have the following

Flux density, B = 5 T out of page

Resistance, R = 0.5

Battery voltage, VB = 150 V

Note: the bar length is maintained at 1 m.

a) If the bar has a load of 10 N attached to it opposite to the direction of

motion, determine the steady state speed of the bar.
b) If the bar runs into a region where the flux density falls to 4 T,
determine the final steady state speed of the bar.
c) If the circuit resistance is increased to 1 , with everything else running
as in part (b), determine the final steady state speed of the bar.
d) Suppose VB is further increased to 175 V, with everything else running
as in part (b), determine the new steady state speed of the bar.

Q3 A ferromagnetic core is shown in Figure Q3. The depth of the core (into the
page) is 0.05 m. The other dimensions of the core are as shown in Figure Q3.
The relative permeability of the core is 1000 and is assumed to be constant.

a) Determine the value of the current that will produce a flux of 0.005 Wb.
b) With the current from part (a), determine the flux density at the top of
the core.
c) With the current from part (a), determine the flux density at the right
side of the core.

0.05 m
0.1 m 0.2 m

0.15 m


500 turns 0.15 m

0.15 m

Core depth = 0.05 m

Figure Q3

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HET 228 Tutorial 1 Semester 2, 2014

Q4 A ferromagnetic core with a constant relative permeability of 1500 is shown in

Figure Q4. The dimensions are as shown in Figure Q4, and the depth of the
core (into the page) is 0.07 m. The air gaps on the left and right sides of the
core are 0.0007 m and 0.0005 m respectively. Because of fringing effects, the
effective area of the air gaps is 5 percent larger than their physical size.

a) If there are 300 turns in the coil wrapped around the centre leg of the
core and if the current in the coil is 1.0 A, determine the flux in each of
the left, centre, and right legs of the core.
b) Determine the flux density in each air gap.

0.07 m 0.07 m 0.07 m

0.3 m 0.3 m

0.07 m

0.3 m 0.0007 m 300 turns 0.0005 m

0.07 m

Figure Q4 Core depth = 0.05 m

Q5 A ferromagnetic core with three legs is shown in Figure Q5(a). Its depth (into
the page) is 0.08 m, and there are 400 turns on the centre leg. The remaining
dimensions are shown in Figure Q5(a). The core is composed of a steel
having the magnetization curve shown in Figure Q5(b). The relative
permeability is not constant. Answer the following questions about the curve
shown in Figure Q5(b) :

a) Determine the required current to produce a flux density of 0.5 T in the

centre leg of the core.
b) Determine the required current to produce a flux density of 1.0 T in the
centre leg of the core. Is it twice the current in part (a)?
c) Determine the reluctances of the centre and right legs of the core
under the conditions in part (a).

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HET 228 Tutorial 1 Semester 2, 2014

d) Determine the reluctances of the centre and right legs of the core
under the conditions in part (b).
e) Draw conclusions about reluctances in real magnetic cores.

0.08 m

N = 400 turns 0.16 m

0.08 m

0.08 m 0.08 m 0.16 m 0.08 m Core depth = 0.08 m

0.16 m

Figure Q5(a)






Flux density B, (T)









10 20 30 40 50 100 20 30 40 50 1000 2000 5000
Magnetizing intensity H, (A.turns/m)

Figure Q5(b)

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