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1 The United Kingdom

Before watching
1 Uzupenij brakujce litery.

br i dg e

1 c stl 2 p l c 3 s t d m

6 s h ps

4 m s m 5 n v rs ty

7 c l ck 8 r v r 9 c th dr l

2 Co wiesz o Wielkiej Brytanii? Comprehension check

1 Wymie kolory znajdujce si na brytyjskiej fladze. 3 $ Obejrzyj film i odpowiedz na
2 Wymie kilka znanych miejsc w Londynie. ponisze pytania. Zakrel a, b lub c. Potem
3 Wymie kilku sawnych ludzi pochodzcych obejrzyj Comprehension check i sprawd
z Wielkiej Brytanii. odpowiedzi.
4 Wymie kilka nazw brytyjskich miast. 1 How many countries are in the United Kingdom?
a three b four c five
2 What are the languages in Wales?
a English and Irish b Scottish and Welsh
c English and Welsh
3 Which country is Glasgow in?
a Scotland b Wales c England

PHOTOCOPIABLE Oxford University Press The United Kingdom DVD worksheet TEAM UP 1
1 The United Kingdom
While watching
4 $ Dopasuj czci skadowe Wielkiej Brytanii do ich stolic.
1 England a Cardiff
2 Scotland b Belfast
3 Wales c Edinburgh
4 Northern Ireland d London

5 Zaznacz elementy, ktre wystpuj w filmie.

palace school museum cathedral stadium clock
bridge shops castle restaurant university boat

6 Dopasuj podpisy af do zdj.

a The cathedral in York d Buckingham Palace
b The Millennium Stadium in Cardiff e Tower Bridge in London
c Edinburgh Castle f The Albert Memorial Clock in Belfast

1 2 3

4 5 6

7 Przeczytaj ponisze zdania i ustal, czy s After watching

zgodne z treci filmu. Wstaw znak X we 8 Odpowiedz na pytania.
waciw kratk obok kadego zdania.
1 What is the capital city of Poland?
Tak Nie
2 Tick () the famous places in the capital city.
London is the capital of England and
palace river museum
the United Kingdom. park castle stadium
1 Belfast is a city in Scotland.
shops clock cathedral
2 The stadium in Cardiff is very old.
3 Manchester is famous for its two
football teams.
9 Napisz krtki tekst o Polsce.
4 Oxford is famous for its cathedral.
The capital city of Poland is

PHOTOCOPIABLE Oxford University Press The United Kingdom DVD worksheet TEAM UP 1

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