Team Up 1 DVD Worksheet 3 The School Day

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3 The school day

Before watching
1 Dopasuj wyrazy i wyraenia z ramki do obrazkw.
school school uniform break time packed lunch school lunch

3 4

5 6 7

8 9 10

2 Odpowiedz na pytania dotyczce twojej Comprehension check

szkoy. Potem obejrzyj film. Wska
podobiestwa i rnice. 3 $ Obejrzyj film i odpowiedz na
ponisze pytania. Zakrel a, b lub c. Potem
1 What year are you in at school? obejrzyj Comprehension check i sprawd
2 Whats your favourite subject? 1 What colour is the school uniform at Marlborough
3 Has your school got a school uniform? a blue b red c grey
2 What time is the first lesson?
4 Has your school got a canteen? a at eight oclockb at nine oclock
c at quarter to nine
5 What time is registration? 3 What subject have the students got after break?
a Geography b Science c French

PHOTOCOPIABLE Oxford University Press The school day DVD worksheet TEAM UP 1
3 The school day
While watching
4 $ Obejrzyj film jeszcze raz. Ktre przedmioty s ulubionymi Joego, Anjoli,
Jenny i Megan? Wstaw znak X we waciwych kratkach.
1 Joe History P.E. Art Maths Science D.T.
2 Anjola History P.E. Art Maths Science D.T.
3 Jenna History P.E. Art Maths Science D.T.
4 Megan History P.E. Art Maths Science D.T.

5 Dopasuj podpisy af do zdj.

a After lunch, its Science. d Its half past three. Its home time.
b Some students have got packed lunches at school. e The first lesson is French.
c Break time is at eleven oclock. f Its one oclock. Its lunch time.

1 2 3

4 5 6

6 Uzupenij plan lekcji. After watching

7 Przeczytaj ponisze zdania i ustal, czy s
08.45 French
zgodne z treci filmu. Wstaw znak X we
09.30 1 waciw kratk obok kadego zdania.
2 Tak Nie
1 Marlborough school has got 1,100 students.
Break 2 The students uniform is grey.
11.30 3 Lessons are one hour long.
4 Break is at half past eleven.
12.15 5 All the students eat school lunch.
Lunch time
8 Napisz krtki tekst o sobie i swojej szkole.
14.00 Uyj odpowiedzi w w. 2 i 7 jako wzoru.
Im Magda and Im in Class 6. My favourite
subjects are

PHOTOCOPIABLE Oxford University Press The school day DVD worksheet TEAM UP 1

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