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Unit 9 Communicate Communicate Vocabulary 1 2 Dopasyj nazwy ceynnote! do rysunkéw Postuchs} tagrana, sprawl swoje odpowiedl povtére te nazwy. dive do ‘gymmstics Karate fish thang out with friends le on the beach ply basketball @) fooxbal ing pong tenis volleyball shop stateboad 36 sunbathe surt 1 BG 0B Qiusavaiiie wikomsjestjatas exjnosecs | Niech kolega ole: eas 4: What ar doing? B: Areyou skiing? Chat on the phone 3 3 Postuchaj nagrania i unupetni dialog, lle Hi joe, its lle. Joe Heyslie! How! areyou? Elie Great, thanks. Are you”___ a good holiday? Joo ’sbrillant!| Elie What you Joe Oh, you know. I'm football and ying onthe beac. Elle What? Ac the moment? Joe Nottm eating an ice cream andi'm* __ to you! Elie ops! cant talk now! fm" mymum’s® See you? Joe! Joo Bye.tllie, —_ forcaling, 4 Powtéracie dialog w parach. 5 Wyobratsobe, ie jestes na wakacjach i roxmawiast prez telefon zkoleggolelanka. Opowiedz co wlanierebis. W rozmowie uty) ponitszych zwrotow, + Ws. + leant talknow, + iiieiitey! = Bye! + How are you? +See you latet 5 thm oir © ©) Communicate sons Ban T namwgt hey css 1@ ‘ Ps , Gk 4 coo 2 Unupatnj dialog wyrateniamizramki, *3 Dokoncradania, oreyou areyou Bye Eddie Hello| thanks yeu play _yousoon Peter aie Peter Eddie Peter Eddie Peter 1 Hon _are you? ‘thanks. *__Hlo calling eter e's . How Iinfine Hey, Him playing volleyball with Mark end jen.Can > Yes, canplay. Where A school Great! See

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