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ZMa-15 Modelleri
zel says
acV-15 Modelling special ssiue
FNSS Model Magazin
iinDeKiler 10 . YILA ZEL - ZMA-15 Modelleri zel Says

FNSS Model Magazine

conTenTs DECENNIAL SPECIAL - ACV-15 Modelling Special Issiue

04 Zrhl Muharebe Aracnn Ksa Tarihesi

The Short History of the ACV

14 ACV-15 Kamuaj rnekleri

ACV-15 Camouage Painting

16 Diorama: FNSS Tesislerinde Sradan Bir Gn

Diorama: An Ordinary Day at FNSS Facilities

26 ZMA-15 Model Galeri

ACV-15 Model Gallery

o r M o D e l n g S H O W 28 1/35 lek ZMA-15 Modeli: Sokak Savas ZMA

FNSS arM 35 Scale ACV-15 Model: Street Warrior AIFV

36 1/35 lek ZMA-15 Modeli: Trk ZMA-15 Bosnada
35 Scale ACV-15 Model: Turkish ACV-15 in Bosnia


44 Fotoraarla ZMA
AIFV in Reference

katkda bulunanlar Contributors

Ayhan Toplu, Burak Glboy, Cem Altnk, Engin Kayral, Murat zgl, Murat Ylmazer ve zgr Gner


On-line Registration Model Ceremony 11.00-16.00
VOLKER BEMBENNEK - Germany Award Ceremony 12.00-13.00
Workshop on Diorama Building Techniques (Hours: 12.00-14.00) Contestants Model Delivery Live Vehicle Demo 13.00-13.30
All contestants models to be delivered on Coctail 13.45-14.15
RADEK PITUCH - Poland 16th September between 09:30 to 13:30 Competition Assesment Seminar
Workshop on 1:35 Scale Figure Sculpting Techniques (Hours: 14.15-16.15) hours at FNSS facilities. with the Jury 14.15-16.00
End of Exhibition 16.00

16-17 SEP. 2017

FNSS Savunma Sistemler A.. Facilities, Glba - Ankara, Turkey
for more information:
4 5

Ksa Tarihe Short History

Zrhl Muharebe Aracnn The Short History
Ksa Tarihesi of the ACV
kinci Dnya Sava henz bitmemiken ABD Ordusu, kinci Dnya Sava srasnda hafif The experiences gained from the usage of the light armored, open topped and half tracked
zrhl, st ak, yar paletli M3A1 personel tayclardan edinilen tecrbeler dorultusunda; M3A1 personnel carriers that were used during the Second World War led US Army to search for an
daha stn bir personel taycya ynelik araylar balatr. advanced vehicle which would suit the same purpose.
Zrhl Personel Tayclarn Geliimi The Evolution of Armored Personnel Carrier In the last 50 years, the production of M113 totaled more than 80.000. Since
1944 ylnn son eyreinde henz sava srmekte iken, ABD Kara Kuvvetleri During 1944, when the war was still raging on, US Army Ordnance Office be- 1960, when the production begun, M113s where serving under different
Ordu Donatm Dairesi tamam paletli Zrhl Personel Tayc (ZPT) ara geli- gun working on the plans of a full tracked Armored Personnel Carrier (APC). armies in worldwide. Many M113 were modified in several different configu-
tirme almalarna giriir. rations. Some configurations were made directly by the countries that were
Due to the experiences from the battlefield, the M44 prototype which had using the vehicle due to meet their tactical and technical needs.
Muharebe alannda elde edilen tecrbeler nda, ara personeli ve ieri- good characteristics of personnel protection and cross country performance
sindeki piyadeyi daha iyi koruyan ve zor arazide daha fazla hareket kabili- revealed the new APC concept. After extensive tests from 1945 to 1951, M75 The Modernization of M113
yetine sahip Zrhl Personel Tayc konsepti, M44 (T16) prototipiyle balar. (T18E1) which had the same transacting process system with the than-new Though the production of M113 have ended long ago, the APC is still kept in
1945den 1951e kadar yaplan kapsaml denemeler neticesinde, Zrhl Per- M41 Walker Bulldog Tank was accepted as the new APC of the US Army. service in armies of 50 countries and Turkish Army is among the primary us-
sonel Tayc Projesi M41 Walker Bulldog tankyla ortak hareket sistemine ers of the vehicle. Until 2000s M113 was subsequently modernized in levels
sahip M75 (T18E1) ZPTnin kabulyle neticelenir. From 1951 onwards, 1,729 M75 APCs were produced and delivered to the designated as E1, A1, A2, A3. Recently a new modernization package is be-
US Army. M75 showed its worth in Korean War and was kept in service until ing progressed by FNSS Savunma Sistemleri (FNSS) of Turkey for an export
M75 ZPTlerden 1951den itibaren; 1,729 adet retilir. M75, Kore savanda 1959. Though the success of M75 was proved in battle, the US Army found project, by developing a capability & sustainment program on M113 family
baaryla kullanlm ve 1959a kadar hizmette kalmtr. ABD Kara Kuv- MA3A1 the production of the vehicle costly and begun to look for a replacement of vehicles (FoV). With the recent modernization by FNSS which includes
vetleri, her ne kadar M75 (T18E1) den memnun kalsa da yksek adetlerde which could be produced in high numbers but with a lower cost. improvements of mobility, survivability and mission equipments, M113A4
temin edilebilmesi iin bu aralarn ok maliyetli olduklarna kanaat getirir. would represent the most advanced model of the M113 family.
In 8 November 1951, The US Army contracted FMC (Food Machinery and
8 Kasm 1951de ABD Kara Kuvvetleri, T18E1le benzer yeteneklere sahip, Chemical Corporation) to work on a new vehicle which would have the same
ancak daha dk maliyetli bir Zrhl Personel Taycnn tasarlanmas g- characteristics of M75 but with a relatively cheaper cost in production. FMCs
revini FMC (Food Machinery and Chemical Corporation) firmasna verir. FMC proposal of the new vehicle was M59 (T59E1) which was had a steel hull
firmasnn 19,3 ton arlnda elik gvdeli, 146 BGlik g paketine sahip weighed 19,3 tons and 146 HP drive train. The proposal was subsequently
M59 (T59E1) modeli kabul grr. 1953 ylnda hizmete giren ve 1960 ylna accepted by the US Army and the production had begun immediately. The
kadar envanterde kalan M59lardan 6,000 adedin zerinde retilir. vehicle was kept in service until 1960 and more than 6,000 units were pro-
M113 Zrhl Personel Taycnn Sahneye k
Haziran 1954de Detroit Arsenal Tank Tesisleri (DATP) hafif ara tasarm iin The Emergence of M113 APC
konsept almalarn balatr. Bu yeni aracn, azami 7,3 ton arla sahip, In 1954, Detroit Tank Arsenal Plant (DATP) begun to work on a new concept of
hava yoluyla nakledilebilen, 1nci faz hava indirme harekat kapsamnda light armored vehicle. The new vehicle would weigh 7,3 tons, can be dropped
paratle uaktan atlabilen ve yzme kabiliyetine sahip bir ara olmas by parachute to troops in the field, and would have amphibious capability.
hedeflenmitir. Ayn zamanda; Zrhl Piyade Tayc, Silah Platformu, Zrhl
M75 Also the new vehicle was desired to perform as armored personnel carrier,
Ambulans Arac ve Zrhl Lojistik Tayc gibi ortak gvdeye sahip bir ara gun carrier, armored ambulance and armored supply vehicle without major
ailesi olmas istenmitir. Taktik tekerlekli aralar da bu kapsama alnarak Geen 50 yl ierisinde 80.000 adetten fazla M113 arac retilmitir. lk re- modificationsto be applied on the basic platform. Tactical wheeled vehicles
almalar devam eder. Ancak 1955 ylnda Kara Kuvvetleri, paletlilere naza- time baland 1960 ylndan itibaren deiik varyantlarda retilen M113 were also considered within the same project scope. However by 1955, the
aralar ok sayda lkede hizmete girer. retilen M113 aralar 40tan faz- M59
ran zor arazide hareket kabiliyeti daha kstl olan Taktik Tekerlekli konseptini US Army left aside the tactical wheeled concept due to the problems of the
kapsam d brakr. la deiik konfigrasyonda modifiye edilir. Bu konfigrasyonlarn bir ksm limitations in cross country mobility.
aralar kullanan lkeler tarafndan gerekletirilmitir.
Takip eden dnemde, FMCnin alminyum alaml gvdeden imal edilmi As the options were narrowed, the work progressed with FMCs aluminum
T113 modeli ile devam edilmitir. 1957 ylnda artname revize edilerek daha M113 Modernizasyon Faaliyetleri alloy hullT113 model. However in 1957 the US Army revised the specifica-
dk maliyetli bir g grubu kullanlmas ve zrh korumasnn arttrlmas Uzun sre nce retimi duran M113 aralar, bata Trkiye Cumhuriyeti Kara tions and proposed for a lower cost power train but better armor protection.
talep edilmitir. Arlktan feragat etmek pahasna yaplan bu deiiklikler Kuvvetleri olmak zere 50 lke tarafndan halen kullanlmaktadr. 2000lere FMC presented the T113E2 model which fulfilled the specifications and with
neticesinde, FMCnin tm isterleri karlayan T113E2 modeli kabul grr. gelene kadar yaplan iyiletirmeler ve gelitirme almalar kapsamnda a reduction in weigh and subsequently this model was accepted. In 1959 two
1959 ylnda M113 kod adyla iki adet pilot prototip uygulamasnn ardndan M113 aralar E1, E2, A1, A2, A3 seviyesinde modernize edilmitir. Gn- pilot prototypes were built under the codename M113 and in 1960 the serial
1960da M113 seri imalatna balanr. mzde FNSS Savunma Sistemleri A.. tarafndan bir krfez lkesinde A4 production of M113 has started.
seviyesinde modernizasyon almalar yrtlmektedir. M113A4; hareket
yetenei, beka kabiliyeti ve bilgi sistemleri alannda, modern teknolojilerin
uyguland, M113 ailesinin en gelimi yesidir.

10 . YILA ZEL FNSS Model Magazin DECENNIAL SPECIAL FNSS Model Magazine
6 7
Zrhl Muharebe Aracnn Ksa Tarihesi
Yazan Author Cem Altnk
The Short HIstory of the ACV


Trkiyede KKKnn 1009. Ana Tamir Fabrikasnda yaplan M113 yeniletir-

me almalar kapsamnda M113A2T2 olarak adlandrlan konfigrasyon
gerekletirilmitir. A2 seviyesindeki bu almada M113lerin benzinli mo-
torlar 212 BG dizel motor ile deitirilmitir. Ayrca, balistik denge levhas, The modernization process which was held in the 1009th. Main Mainte-
TX100-1 transmisyon, transfer kutusu, soutma sistemi, harici yakt tanklar nance Facilities of the Turkish Army resulted in a new configuration labelled ZMA-15 Zrh Muharebe Arac The AIFV-15
ve personel stc gibi ilaveler de eklenmitir. as M113A2T2. As an improvement to A2 level, the gas powered engines of ok gemeden FMC, XM765 ve M113A1 modellerinde karlalan btn Soon enough, all the flaws that had existed on the XM765 and M113A1 pro-
m113s were replaced with 212 Hp diesel engines. Also many new features sorunlarn stesinden gelmeyi baarr. M113 ailesi ile ortak lojistik destek totypes were substantially corrected by FMC . The desired common logistics
Personel Tayc Savaya Dnyor such as ballistic trim vane, TX100-1 transmission, transfer case, engine kolayl hedeflerine ulalm, balistik alminyum gvde ve katmanl e- with the M113 family was met and also the ballistic aluminum alloy hull and
Souk savan trmana getii 60l yllarn sonuna doru, ABD ordusu, cooling system, external fuel tanks and personnel heating system were lik zrh plakalaryla yksek dzeyde beka kabiliyeti salamtr. 1974 ylna laminated steel armor provided improved protection and survivability. Finally
envanterinde yer alan M113 Zrhl Personel Tayclarn muharebe alann- added. gelindiinde AIFV (ZMA); 13,5 ton muharebe arlna, 10 kiilik personel in 1974, the AIFV project stood out as the best of its kind, weighing 13,5 tons,
da Sovyet BMP tipi Zrhl Muharebe Aralaryla denkleemeyeceine kanaat kapasitesine sahip ve 25 mm otomatik top ile 7.62 mm e eksenli makineli personnel capacity of 10, armed with a 25mm auto cannon and a coaxial
The Carrier transforms to Warrior tfek monteli tek kiilik kuleyle tehiz edilmi, dneminin en gelimi zrhl machine gun in a single man turret.
getirir. 1967 ylnda ABD Ordusu, Ordu Donatm Dairesi; mevcut M113lerle
While the tension of the Cold War was on the rise in 1960s, the US Army ana- muharebe aracdr.
benzer alt sistem ve yedek para olanana sahip, M113lerle ortak eitim ve
lyzed that the M113s in service was no match with the BMP armored Infantry Though the proposed AIFV fulfilled all the requirements, the US Army sud-
lojistik destek kolayl tayan ve gerektiinde hafif zrhl aralar tahrip veya
fighting vehicle (AIFV) in service with the Soviet Army. In 1967, the US Army AIFV (ZMA) bata tm isterleri karlar ancak ABD Kara Kuvvetleri bataki denly came out with another set of new requirements which shifted the
imha yeteneine sahip, yeni bir zrhl aracn tasarlanmasn talep eder. Bu i
Ordinance Office requested a new armored vehicle which would have basic isterlerini deitirince AIFVden edinilen deneyimlerle ara gelitirme a- work on AIFV to another level. Taking the designation XM723, the new proj-
iin FMC firmasn grevlendirerek Zrhl Muharebe Arac gelitirme projesi-
similarities with M113 APC in terms of sub systems and spare parts, would lmalar baka bir alanda devam eder. Mekanize Piyade Muharebe Arac ect would develop to the production model labelled as mechanized infantry
ni balatr. yl gibi ksa bir srede FMC, XM765 ve M113A1 prototiplerini
operate with M113 in terms of training and logistics but would also have projesi adyla balayan XM723 almalar daha sonra BRADLEY Muharebe fighting vehicle BRADLEY.
ABD ordusunun karsna karr (1970). Ancak XM765 prototipinde nemli
some fire power which could keep off or destroy light armored enemy vehi- Arac Projesi adn almtr.
sorunlar vardr. Bunlardan, Personel blmnde atelenen silahlardan ya-
cles when needed. Upon this demand FMC started a new project of devel- In 1975, another NATO member, Royal Netherlands Army who had been
ylan gazlarn ieriye szmas; kapal silah istasyonunun arkasnda yer alan
oping the Infantry Fighting Vehicle which could satisfy such a requirement. ABDde bu gelimeler devam ederken almalar yakndan izleyen NATO monitoring the developments closely found the AIFV concept suited to her
komutan kupolasnn gr asnn kstl olmas; yakt depolarnn personel
blmnde bulunmasnn yaratt tehlike belirgin olarak gze arpar. lkesi Hollanda AIFV aracn ihtiyalarna uygun bulup 1975 ylnda FMCye own military needs and ordered 880 vehicles for production from FMC. After
It took a short term of three years for FMC to design and produce the first 880 adet sipari verir. lk paketi teslim alan Hollanda 1977de AIFVleri FMC receiving the delivery of the first batch, Netherlands obtained the license
XM765 and M113A1 prototypes (1970). However there were serious flaws in lisansyla kendi lkesinde retmeye devam eder. Hollanda AIFV aralarna from FMC for domestic production. The domestic production vehicles were
the XM765 prototype. The primary problems included the flow of gasses from YPR 765 ismini verir (YPR; Hollanda dilinde Paletli Zrhl Ara anlamna gelen designated as YPR 765 (YPR is the abbreviation that is made of the initials of
the weapons to the personnel compartment; poor situational awareness for ksaltmann ba harflerini tar). 1981 ylnda Hollanda Ordusu 119u Emer- Armored Fighting Vehicle in Dutch). Belgium followed the Dutch by ordering
BMP-1 commanders cupola and the danger exposed to the crew compartment in son ITV TOW lanerli olmak zere toplam 840 aralk ilave bir sipari verir. 514 vehicles from FMC. In 1981, the Dutch Army placed a second order batch
terms of the location of the fuel tanks. Hemen arkasndan Filipinler (45 adet) ve 1979da Belika (514 adet) FMCye composed of 840 vehicles which 119 of them would be armed with Emer-
sipari vererek Hollanday takip eder. son ITV TOW launchers. Immediately following the Dutch order, Philippines
placed an order of 45 vehicles to FMC.
1980li yllara gelindiinde Trk Kara Kuvvetleri; piyade mangalarn zrh
korumas altnda muharebe sahasna tayabilen, zrhl birliklerle mterek During the early 1980s, according to its own needs, the Turkish Army had
harektta tanklarla uyumlu hareket edebilen, her trl arazide yksek ha- started to work on a new AIFV project of a vehicle which has the capabili-
reket kabiliyetine ve yzme zelliine sahip zrhl muharebe arac ihtiyacn ties to supply armor protection while carrying infantry squads to battlefields,
karlamak amacyla kendi ZMA projesini balatr. Kapsaml testler ve de- perform harmoniously with tanks and cross country mobility as well as fully
erlendirmeler sonucunda Trk Kara Kuvvetleri de ZMAlar (AIFV) tedarik amphibious capabilities. After extensive tests, the Turkish Army decided that
etme ynnde karar verir. Proje kapsamnda Hollanda ve Belika modeli AIFV was the best option. The project was finalized in favor of Dutch and
uygulanarak aralarn lisans altnda Trkiyede retilmesi planlanr. Belgian models being produced under license domestically.

10 . YILA ZEL FNSS Model Magazin DECENNIAL SPECIAL FNSS Model Magazine
8 9
Zrhl Muharebe Aracnn Ksa Tarihesi
Yazan Author Cem Altnk
The Short HIstory of the ACV

1989 ylnda Savunma Sanayii Mstearl (SSM) ile yaplan anlama er- In 1989 Turkish Defense Industry Undersecretary (Savunma Sanayi
evesinde ortak gvdeye sahip 4 farkl konfigrasyonda toplam 1698 adet ZMA-15 (ACV-15) ZMA (AIFV) Mstearl - SSM) contracted FNSS (FMC Nurol Defence Industries) for the
ZMA tipi aracn FNSS (FMC NUROL Savunma Sanayi) tarafndan retimine production of 1698 AIFVs in 4 different configurations. The first batch of 200
balanr. Teslim edilen lk 200 arada 265 Beygir Gcne Sahip Detroit Diesel vehicles that were delivered had 265 HP Detroit Diesel 6VT3T engines and
6V53T dizel motor ve Allison TX100-1A transmisyonlu g paketi kullanl- TX100-1A transmission power packs.
While the further production was in progress, changes were made to 305 HP
retim devam ederken, kullancdan gelen talepler dorultusunda daha diesel engines and full automatic X200-4 transmissions. Also the first batch
verimli olan 305 BGlik dizel motor ve tam otomatik X200-4 transmisyona of 200 vehicles were updated with the new standards. In 2000, a new con-
geilmitir. Bilahare teslim edilen ilk 200 adet, 265 beygirlik motora sahip tract was signed between SSM and FNSS for the production of 551 Advanced
aralar da 305 BGlik yeni g paketleriyle deitirilmilerdir. 2000 ylnda Armored Personnel Carrier (GZPT) which eventually have better character-
SSM, FNSS firmas ile daha stn beka kabiliyetine sahip, 551 adet Geliti- istics of survivability.
rilmi Zrhl Personel Tayc (GZPT) aracn temin edilmesine ynelik ilave bir
szleme imzalamtr. The comparison between the FNSS built AIFV and the M113 and YPR 765 re-
veals some differences. The FNSS model has extended survivability capacity,
FNSS retimi ZMAlar, M113 ve YPR 765lerle kyaslandnda, ortaya kan greater improvement over mobility features and improved cargo capacity.
temel farklar; beka kabiliyetindeki art, hareket kabiliyetinde meydana ge- Other features include the lever driving system is replaced with a steering
len olumlu yndeki byk fark ve yk tama kapasitesinde salanan iyile- wheel, night vision system for the driver, NBC protection, a better electric
tirmeler olarak sralanabilir. lave olarak levyeli kullanmdan direksiyon sis- system that includes an improved control panel and a fuse box that has a
temine geilmesi, src gece gr sistemi, NBC koruma sistemi, elektrik ZMA-15 (ACV-15) ZMA-15 (ACV-15) capacity to include further subsystems, improved level of armor protection
sistemi (Daha kullanl kontrol paneli, alt sistem ilavesine olanak salayan without any negative effect to amphibious capacity, advanced cooling sys-
datm kutusu), yzme zelliini etkilemeyen gelitirilmi zrh koruma se- tem and improved firing ports for the infantry.
viyesi, daha iyi bir soutma sistemi ve at mazgallar saylabilir.
Regarding the contracts that were signed, FNSS has delivered over 2000
Yaplan szlemeler kapsamnda 4 deiik tipte toplam 2000in zerinde vehicles in four configurations until 2003. The configurations are labelled
ara retilmi ve 2003 ylnda retim ve teslimatlar tamamlanmtr. Bu as Armored Fighting Vehicle (armed with either 25mm DAF or 25mm GIAR
aralar: Zrhl Muharebe Arac (25 mm DAF ve 25mm Giat kuleli), Geliti- DRAGAR turrets), Advanced Armored Personnel Carrier (armed with either
rilmi Zrhl Personel Tayc (12.7 mm koruma kalkanl kupola ve 12.7mm 12.7 armored cupola or 12.7 Cadillac Cage Turret), Armored TOW Vehicle and
Cadillac Gage kuleli), Zrhl TOW Arac ve 81mm Havanl Zrhl Havan Arac Armored 81mm Mortar Carrier. Regardless of their configurations, all vehi-
dr. Aralarda standart olarak; KBRN koruma sistemi, at mazgallar, peris- cles have subsystems NBC protection, firing ports, periscopes, night vision
koplar, src gece gr cihaz gibi alt sistemler bulunmaktadr. ZMAlarn for the driver. With their extensive mobility and high degree of armor protec-
stn hareket kabiliyeti ve zrh korumas TSKya nemli kabiliyet art ge- tion, these vehicles expanded the Turkish Armys capabilities widely.
Apart from Turkish Armys demands, FNSS has developed several different
FNSS, Kara Kuvvetleri iin retilen bu 4 modelin dnda ihracat projeleri configurations for the export market. These vehicles were exported to Unit-
kapsamnda ZMAlarn deiik modellerini de gelitirip, reterek Birleik ed Arab Emirates, Malaysia, Bahrein and Philippines. The configurations of
Arap Emirlikleri, Malezya, Bahreyn ve Filipinler ordularna teslim etmi- the export vehicles varied: Armored Engineering Vehicle, Armored Recovery
tir. Gelitirilen ve teslim edilen aralar; Zrhl stihkam Manga Arac, Zrhl Vehicle, Armored Forward Artillery Observation Vehicle, Armored Command
Kurtarma Arac, Zrhl Topu leri Gzetleme Arac, Zrhl Komuta Kontrol ZMA-15 (ACV-15) ZMA-15 (ACV-15) and Control Vehicle, Armored Ambulance, Armored Anti-Tank Vehicle, Ar-
Arac, Zrhl Ambulans Arac, Zrhl Anti-Tank Arac, Zrhl Ate Destek Arac, mored Fire Support Vehicle, Armored Infantry Fighting Vehicle. The vehicles
Zrhl Muhabere Arac, Zrhl Ambulans Arac, 12.7mm Makineli Tfek Kuleli, are equipped with 12.7mm machine gun or 40mm grenade launcher cupo-
40mm Otomatik Bomba Kuleli ve 25mm Keskin Nianc Kuleli Zrhl Muha- las and 25mm Sharpshooter Turrets. FNSS referred her own production line
rebe Arac konfigrasyonlarnda retilmitir. FNSS kendi retim standard of vehicles as ZMA-15 (ACV-15).
olan aralara ZMA-15 (ACV-15) adn vermitir.
Upon requests from the users, FNS integrated many subsystems to the pro-
FNSS tarafndan bu aralarn bazlarnda kullanc istek ve ihtiyalar do- duction vehicles. These include air conditioning systems, CBRN detection and
rultusunda yeni alt sistemler entegre edilmitir. Bu sistemlere rnek olarak; positive pressure protection system, laser detection and warning system,
iklimlendirme sistemi, KBRN tespit ve pozitif basnl koruma sistemi, lazer navigation systems, thermal cameras and monitoring systems, automated
tespit ve ikaz sistemi, seyrsefer sistemleri, termal src kamera ve g- fire suppression system, mine blast seats, 350 HP power pack.
rnt sistemi, Otomatik yangn bastrma sistemi, mayn korumal koltuklar,
350 BG g paketi saylabilir. Until recently ACV-15s were used in NATO and UN operations by the Turkish
Army and the UAE Army proving their worth and gaining the respect of their
Geen zaman ierisinde ZMAlar Trk Silahl Kuvvetleri ve Birleik Arap users.
Emirlikleri ordusu tarafndan NATO ve BM operasyonlar esnasnda baaryla
hizmet etmi ve kullancnn gvenini kazanmtr.

10 . YILA ZEL FNSS Model Magazin DECENNIAL SPECIAL FNSS Model Magazine
10 11
Zrhl Muharebe Aracnn Ksa Tarihesi
Yazan Author Cem Altnk
The Short HIstory of the ACV


Gerek alt sistemler kapsamnda gelien teknolojiler ve yenilikler, gerekse Due to the new technologies with in the subsystems and new expectations AKINCI ZHA120 (ACV-19 SPM120)
kullanc seviyesinde zrhl muharebe aralarndan beklentilerin artmasyla for capability improvements from the user side FNSS came forward with a
FNSS firmas ZMAlar yeni batan tasarlar. new ACV design preceding to its existing models.

2000 ylnda FNSS ZMAlarla ortak alt sistem ve lojistik destek olanana sa- In 2000, FNSS developed the first prototype of its new ACV design which
hip, yeni nesil AKINCI ZMAnn ilk prototipini gelitirir. AKINCI Zrhl Muharebe had common sub systems and logistic maintenance features with the older
Arac, byk lde ZMAdan gelitirilmitir. AKINCI, daha stn hareket per- production models. Named as ACV-19, the new vehicle is basically an ad-
formans ile arazide hareket yeteneine sahip, zrh korumasnda ve ek yk vanced model of the ACV-15. However ACV-19 has much better cross coun-
tama kapasitesinde nemli art salayan zellikleri ile daha gelimi bir try performance, better armor protection and has more payload capacity
aratr. AKINCI, 350 veya 400 BGlik elektronik kontroll DD 6V53TA motoru than its predecessor. ACV-19 is powered by 350 Hp or 400 Hp electronically
ve Allison X200-4B hidrokinetik transmisyon sistemiyle glendirilmitir. controlled DD 6V53TA engine and Allison X200-4B hydrokinetic transmission
system though other power packages can also be used upon request.

Ancak bu aralarda deiik g aktarma grubu seenekleri de mevcuttur. The main developments in the superstructure are longer and wider hull, ad-
Arataki belli bal gelimeler, daha uzun ve daha geni gvde, daha s- vanced suspension system and electronic power control system. Also the
tn sspansiyon sistemi ve elektronik motor kontrol sistemidir. AKINCInn improved payload capacity enables the integration of heavier equipment
arttrlm ek yk tama kapasitesi; gdml anti-tank sistemleri, hava such as guided anti-tank systems, air defense systems, 120mm mortar
savunma sistemleri, 120 mmlik havan sistemleri ve son kuak 30mmlik systems and last generation 30mm gun turrets. The design also can be pro-
toplu iki kiilik kuleler gibi daha ar sistemlerin araca entegre edilebilme- duced in different configurations such as 90mm fire support command and
sini salamaktadr. Bunun yan sra ara, 90mm Ate Destek, komuta yeri control vehicle, armored ambulance and tracked logistics carrier..
arac, zrhl ambulans ve paletli lojistik tayc gibi dier konfigrasyonlarda
da retilebilmektedir. The interchangeable parts that are used in ACV-19 and which are common
with ACV-15 and M113 have proven their long term reliability and supported
AKINCIda kullanlan ve ZMA ile M113 ara ailesinde ortak olan aksam ve with a worldwide network of supply and well established maintenance facil-
paralar yksek gvenilirlikleri, temin ve bakm kolaylklarna ek olarak ba- ities, the ACV family presents a distinguished option in its class.
km teknikleri ve iyi kurulmu dnya apnda yaygn bir lojistik destek a
bakmndan da stn nitelikler sunar. ACV-19 is being introduced and is exported with the designation ACV-19
(Armored Combat Vehicle 19 ton Class) to the foreign market. Recently ACV-
AKINCI ZMA d pazarlarda ACV-19 (Armored Combat Vehicle 19 ton Class) 19 Command Post Vehicle has been delivered to Gulf Countries and ACV-19
adyla lanse edilmekte olup, ihracat faaliyetleri devam etmektedir. Yakn za- 120mm Mortar Carrier has entered service in the Malaysian Army.
manda bu konfigrasyonlardan AKINCI Komuta Yeri Arac; Krfez lkelerin-
de ve AKINCI 120mm kunda motorlu havan arac da Malezya ordusunda Further studies are being made in Turkey for the upgrading of the vehicles
hizmete girmitir. with the integration of latest technologies.

leriye dnk olarak Trkiyede aralara yeni teknolojilerin uygulanmas y-

nnde almalara devam edilmektedir.

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Zrhl Muharebe Aracnn Ksa Tarihesi
Yazan Author Cem Altnk
The Short HIstory of the ACV

Gunumuz tehditlerine uygun olarak aralarn durumsal farkndalklarnn To increase the situational awareness of vehicles in accordance with the re-
artrlmasna ynelik; yakn mesafe durumsal farkndalk sistemi, akustik cent threats; Close distance situational awareness system, acoustic gunfire
silah at yeri tespit sistemi, lazer uyar sistemi uygulamalar deerlendi- detection system, laser warning system applications are being evaluated.
Regarding the improvement of fire power, FNSS engineers, considered for
Ate gucu asndan; GZPTler iin (akustik silah at yeri tespit sistemi ile the application of Remotely Operated Weapon Systems. Also further up-
entegre) Uzaktan Komutal silah sistemi (UKSS) silah sistemi ve mevcut at grades are being planned for improving the power pack and running gear to
sistemlerinin iyiletirilmesi gz nunde bulundurulmaktadr. Bunlarla bir- provide enhance mobility.
likte aralarn yuruyu takmlar ve gu grubunun iyiletirilmesi ile hareket
kabiliyetinde nemli iyiletirmeler salanmas hedeflenmektedir. If being approved, FNSS would employ these improvements and solutions to
the existing AAPCs which are in service with the Turkish Army.
Kullanc tarafndan kabul grd takdirde FNSSnin bu zm Kara Kuv-
vetleri Komutanlnn elinde bulanan GZPTlerin bir ksmna uygulanacaktr. ACV-15 vehicles, which have been on the Turkish Land Forces inventory
since 1993, will continue to function for the oncoming years thanks to their
1993 ylndan bu yana TSK envanterinde bulunan ZMA-15 tipi aralar, orta medium weight class, amphibious capability, and cost-effective moderniza-
arlk snf olmas, yzme kabiliyeti ve maliyet etkin modernizasyon avan- tion advantages.
tajlar sayesinde uzun bir sre daha grev yapmaya devam edecektir.

ZMA-15 Ate Gc ve Beka Modernizasyonu ZMA-15 Fire Power and Survivability

lk ZMA modelleri, 1970l yllarn sonunda, souk savan harp konseptine The first AIFV models that were designed in the early 1970s carried the tech-
gre tasarlandndan, tm teknik gereksinimler; zrhl birlik harekatnda iki nical characteristics of the military concepts of the Cold War in which two
byk gcn kar karya arpaca esas etrafnda ekillendirilmiti. mechanized adversaries would meet on the battlefield and fight in a tactical
armored warfare.
Tanklarla beraber veya bamsz olarak harekt icra eden ZMA ve GZPTler
halen kullanld zrhl birlik harekatlarnda Trk piyadesinin belkemiini AIFVs and APCs, which operate independently or together with tanks, consti-
oluturmaktadr. Aralarn, yakn gemite katld harektlarda, operasyon tute the backbone of the Turkish infantry in the armored combat operations
sahasndan alnan geri bildirimlere uygun olarak beka, durumsal farkndalk, still being carried out. Comprehensive modernization work has been carried
ate gucu ve hareket kabiliyetinin iyiletirilmesine ynelik kapsaml moder- out to improve survivability, situational awareness, firepower and mobility
nizasyon almalar gerekletirilmitir. Bu sayede GZPT, asimetrik tehdit- in accordance with the feedback received from the field of operations re-
lere kar operasyon icra edecek kabiliyetlere kavumutur. garding the recent short-term performance of the vehicles. Consequently,
AAPC (GZPT) has gained the ability to carry out operations against asym-
Aralarn deien tehdit alglarna gre gncellenmesi, performansnn ar- metric threats. There are further plans to update the vehicles according to
trlmas ve envanterde kalaca sure boyunca daha iyi hizmet verebilmesi the changing threat perceptions, to improve the performance and to provide
hedeflenmektedir. better service during the period in which the vehicles will be kept in the in-
Beka konusunda; mayn ve balistik koruma seviyelerinin artrlmas, mayn
korumal koltuklar, koruma Astar (parack kalkan) uygulamas, ift kade- To improve survivability primary concern is being given for the improvement
meli otomatik yangn sndurme ve bastrma sistemi, KBRN Sistemi (yerli- of mine and ballistic protection, placement of mine protected seats, spall
letirilmi yeni filtreler), Personel iin klima, RPG koruma a ncelikli olarak liners, dual level fire suppression system, CBRN system, air conditioning &
yer almaktadr. RPG protection systems.

KAYNAKLAR Janes Information Group: Janes Armour and Artillery 1999-2000 (Christopher F. Foss), SOURCES Janes Information Group: Janes Armour and Artillery 1999-2000 (Christopher F. Foss)
Presido Publications: BRADLEY A History of American Fighting and Support Vehicles 1999 (R.P. Hun- Presido Publications: BRADLEY A History of American Fighting and Support Vehicles 1999 (R.P. Hun-
nicutt) Squadron/Signal Publications: M113 in Action 1978 (Stephen Tunbridge) Bernard & Graefe nicutt) Squadron/Signal Publications: M113 in Action 1978 (Stephen Tunbridge) Bernard & Graefe
Verlag: Thanks of the World 2001 (Wolfgang Scheider) Verlag: Tanks of the World 2001 (Wolfgang Scheider)

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Kamuflaj Camouflage Painting

ACV-15 KAMUFLAJ ACV-15 camouflage
RNEKLER painting
ZMA-15, 25 mm Keskin Nianc Kulesi ZMA-15, Zrhl stihkam Manga Arac
ACV-15, 25mm Sharp Shooter Turret ACV-15, Armored Engineering Squad Vehicle

NATO Yeili
NATO Black

NATO Kahverengisi NATO Kahverengisi

NATO Brown NATO Brown

NATO Siyah Koyu l Rengi

NATO Black Desert Tan (RAL 686)

ZMA-15, Topu leri Gzetleme ve Ate dare Merkezi ZMA-15, Gelitirilmi Zrhl Personel Tayc
ACV-15, AFDC Artillery Fire Direction Center ACV-15, Advanced Armored Personnel Carrier

NATO Yeili
NATO Black

NATO Kahverengisi NATO Kahverengisi

NATO Brown NATO Brown

Koyu l Rengi NATO Siyah

Desert Tan (RAL 686) NATO Black

ZMA-15, Zrhl Havan Arac ZMA-15, Kurtarma ve Bakm Arac

ACV-15 SPM, 81mm Armored Mortar Vehicle ACV-15, Recovery & Maintenance Vehicle

NATO Yeili
NATO Black

NATO Kahverengisi
NATO Brown

NATO Siyah Koyu l Rengi

NATO Black Desert Tan (RAL 686)

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1/35 lek Scale Diorama

Modelci Modeller ENGN KAYRAL
Diorama yapm; balamadan nce dnme ve karar verme, aratrma, planlama ve model seimi gibi hazrlk 2
sreleri olan, daha sonra temizlik, montaj, detaylandrma, boyama ve eskitme gibi temel modelcilik yapm
aamalarndan geen ve son aamada modellerin gerei yanstacak, mantkl ve estetik bir ekilde zemine
yerletirilmesinden oluan uzun, zorlu ve sabr gerektiren bir sretir.

Uzun zamandr aklmda retim aamasnda bir Figrlerin resimdeki pozlara dntrlmesi iin The goal of this article is not only to share the Unfortunately, the information and photos that I
zrhl ara dioramas yapma dncesi vard. kolayca kesilebilir ve ilenebilir olmas gerekiyor- stages of my diorama, but also to show that reached were not enough for me to build an over
Kapaklar taklmam, tm i detaylar gzken du, bu nedenle amacma uyacak plastik bir figr building a diorama is not just about placing a set view for my project. Since I did not have much at
bir ara, aracn zerinde alan iiler, evrede kiti ile daha nce yaptm kitlerden artan, yakn of assembled and painted vehicles, figures and hand, I thought the most competent place to get
bir ok alet ve aksesuar olan bir fabrika grn- pozlarda olan gvde, kol ve bacaklar setim. Ka- accessories on a base in such a way that pleas- support would be FNSS and therefore I contacted
ts. Hangi arac yapacam dnrken, aklma falar daha detayl ve gereki bir grnm iin es the eye. Diorama construction is a long and 1 my friend, Cem Altnk who is FNSS Savunma
baka bir fikir daha geldi. Yllardr PlasticBattle Hornet Modelsin resin setlerinden olanlarla de- hard process that requries patience with patient Sistemleri Public Relations Coordinator.Thanks to
model yarmalarna ev sahiplii yapan ve mo- itirdim. Yapm aamasna gemeden yaptm preparation period which includes thinking and him, my e-mail was full of with reference pho-
delcileri zverili bir ekilde arlayan FNSS ve son hazrlk ; bu almada en ok kullanacam decision making, research, planning and model tos next day. After a careful inspection of these
alanlarna bu desteklerinden dolay minnettar- malzemeyi yani i ve d detaylandrma ile dier selection and then fallowed with subsequently references, I decided to build a diorama scene in-
lm gstermek istiyordum. Bu iki dncemi aksesuarlar iin gereken bol miktarda deiik basic modelling stages such as cleaning, as- spired by the photographs of an ACV-15 armored
birletirip; kitaplardan ve internetten yararlanabi- kalnlkta plastik levha, kare ve yuvarlak plastik sembling, detailing, painting and weathering, and combat vehicle which was on the assembly line
leceim kaynak aratrmasna baladm. Ulaa- ubuklar, aluminyum ve pirin levha, bakr tel ve finally in the last stage placing of the models to at Ankara Glba FNSS facilities in 2003. (1-2)
bildiim bilgi ve resimler, ne yazk ki tasarladm lehim telini hazrlamak oldu. the base in a realistic, logical and aesthetic way.
dioramay yapmaya yeterli deildi. Bu konuda
destek alabileceim en yetkili yerin FNSS olaca PREPARATION
dncesi ile konuyu arkadam, FNSS Savunma For a long time, I had in mind building a diorama
Sistemleri Halkla likiler Koordinatr, Cem Alt- which represents the construction of an armored
nka ilettim. Bir gn sonra e-posta kutum refe- vehicle in the assembly line. The presentation
rans fotoraflarla doldu. Tm resimleri inceleyip, would be a factory scene which includes a ve-
2003 ylnda Ankara Glba FNSS tesislerinde hicle that the doors and the hatches are not yet
montaj hattnda olan bir ZMA-15 zrhl muhare- attached and all the interior details are visible
be aracnn ekilen fotoraflarndan esinlenerek with technicians working on it and a lot of tools
bu grntye benzer bir diorama yapmaya karar and accessories are spread around. The idea was
verdim. (1-2) there but yet no decisions were made on the ve-
hicle, but suddenly the best option materialised
ZMA-15 yapmak iin pek fazla seim ans olma- in my mind. I wanted to show my gratitude to
dndan, bir ok modelcinin bu arac yaparken FNSS and its employees for hosting Plastic Battle
kulland AFV Club 35016 NATO AIFV kitini tercih Model Shows and welcoming AFV modellers in a
ettim. Kit olduka iyi, belirgin kalp izleri ve apak self-sacrificing manner for many years. The best
bulunmuyor, ciddi bir temizlik gerektirmiyor an- choice for the diorama that I wish to build from
cak zellikle arka ksmnda ve yan zrhlarda baz the combination of these two projections, in that
para uyumu sorunlar var. Aracn ii ve motoru- sense, I immediately started a search for docu-
na ait hi bir detay paras iermiyor. Projeye ba- mentation from the books and over the internet.
larken, aracn i detaylarn ve motorunu kendim
yapmay planladmdan bu benim iin bir sorun

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1/35 lek Scale Diorama by Engin Kayral

YAPIM As the options of building or converting an ACV- Then I added screw heads and drilled holes on
Paralar hzlca gzden geirip kaba bir te- 3 15 in 1/35 is scarce, I decided to work on AFV the support bars. This scratch built-interior was 7
mizlik yaptktan sonra; modelin st blm ile Clubs 35016 NATO AIFV kit, which was the choice reworked and plugged in and out many times un-
ie baladm. lk olarak, kapal ekilde verilmi of many modellers who built the model of this til the gaps between walls were no more visible
olan src blm, komutan blm kapa vehicle. The kit looks pretty good. There is no ob- and the perfect fit is achieved. Then I glued it into
ve yan duvarlardaki periskop deliklerini ve piya- vious mold marks or flash so it doesnt require the vehicle, filled the gaps and made the details
de at mazgallarn ince ulu el matkab, bisturi any serious cleaning. But there are some fitting on the rear walls. (5) Regarding engine deck
ve zmpara yardm ile atm. Ara henz retim problems especially on the back of the hull and and driver compartment construction; I thought I
hattnda olduundan gvdeye monte etmeyece- sides. The ki does not include any detail parts for could get some help from M113 kits with interior
im paralara ait montaj deliklerini doldurdum ve the interior and the engine. Before I start this proj- details because of the similarity of the frames of
taklmas gereken paralar yaptrdm. Plastik ect, I planned scratchbuillding all the interior de- both vehicles. Parts inside the Academy M113A1
paralar kullanarak mazgallarn ve periskopla- tails of the vehicle and the engine, so the lack of Vietnam kit was a bit smaller for ACV-15, so I cal-
rn i erevelerini, yedek palet asklarn ve NBC these parts was not a problem for me. The figures culated the dimensions in milimeters and made a
sistemini yaptm. (3) Yapm plannda kapal ola- that would be used were needed to be cut easily template for the wall of the engine deck for the
rak verildii iin hibir i detay iermeyen Manga for conversions that would be necessary for the enlargement work. Using this template, I built the
Blm st kapan ak pozisyonda yapmam transformations which would suit o the poses on wall, drilled holes for hoses and made the sup-
gerekiyordu. Bu nedenle plastik levha, zincir ve the photos. I chose bodies, arms and legs from ports of power cables. (6)
vida ba gibi paralarla kapan i yzeyini de- my scrap box which seemed close to the poses 8
taylandrdm, ak pozisyonda montaj iin yeni bir that I intend to project and I also replaced the Referring the photos at hand, I scratchbuilted the
mentee taktm. (4) heads with resin Hornet Models heads for a more interior components of the vehicle such as driv-
detailed and realistic look. ers seat, dashboard, comm. device, automatic
Alt blmde; nce ara tabanna uyacak ller- fire extinguisher, ventilation filters, lockers and
de bir ablon hazrlayp, bu lde kaln plastik Finally, before moving on to construction, I put to- shelves, and placed them inside. (7-8-9)
bir levha kestim ve aracn dnda bu levhann gether the materials which are essential to make
zerine yan duvarlar, asi desteklerini, tekerlek the interior and exterior details and other acces- Although they would be hardly be visible when
balant ubuklarn, vida balarn ekleyip ve uy- sories present on the vehicle. These materials the upper hull was fitted, I couldnt help myself
gun yerlere delikleri deldim. Tabann aracn iine can be summed up as polystyrene- plastic sheets making the steering wheel, pedals and other
tam yerlemesi ve belirgin boluklar kalmamas in various thicknesses, square and round plastic details in the drivers area.. a typical modelers
iin yaptrmadan nce defalarca takp kardm. rods of different sizes, aluminum and brass foil, approach! (10)
Daha sonra bunu aracn iine yaptrdm ve arka 5 lots of copper wire and soldering wire.
duvar detaylarn yaptm. (5) Motor ve src b-
lmlerine geldiimde; aracn benzerlii nedeniyle Construction 10
i detay ieren M113 kitlerinden yararlanabile- After a quick look, dry-fit and fast cleaning, I
ceim aklma geldi. Nitekim Academy M113A1 started working on the upper hull of the model.
Vietnam kitinin iindeki paralar biraz kk ol- First, I opened the periscope holes on the Drivers
masna ramen iime yarad. Bu paralar mili- hatch, over the Commanders hatch, on the side
metrik llerde byterek ZMAn iine uyacak walls and four firing ports on both sides with a pin
ekilde bir ablon hazrladm ve bu ablonu kul- vise tool, scalpel and sandpaper. Since the AFV
lanarak motor blmn ayran duvarlar yaptm, would be presented on the assembly line, some 9
motoru eklediimde kablolarn girecei delikleri parts of the kit will not be needed. So I filled the
deldim ve elektrik kablolarnn geecei paralar existing holes with putty. Using plastic parts, I
duvara ekledim. (6) made the inner frames of periscopes and firing
ports, spare track supports and NBC system.(3)
Elimdeki referans resimlerin yardmyla aracn
src koltuu, gsterge paneli, telsiz, otomatik The Upper hatch of the squad compartment was
yangn sndrc, havalandrma filtreleri, ka- shown in closed position on the instruction sheet
pakl dolaplar ve raflar gibi i detaylarn yaptm of the model and no interior details were sup-
ve aracn iine yaptrdm. (7-8-9) Modelin st plied on the suprues. As my model required open
blm takldnda nerdeyse hi grlmeyecek hatches, I rebuilt the interior of the hatch with
olmasna ramen tipik modelci yaklamyla s- plastic sheet, chain and bolts. I also changed the
rc blmndeki direksiyon, pedallar ve dier right hinge with a scratch one to mount it in open
detaylar yapmay ihmal etmedim. (10) position. (4)

On the lower hull; I prepared an in-scale template

of the vehicles floor, cut a thick plastic sheet on
this size and built the sidewalls, chassis support
bars and wheel connector rods.

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1/35 lek Scale Diorama by Engin Kayral

11 14 17 18 19

Bu yapmda en zor ksmn motoru yapmak oldu- I had the feeling that the main challenge of the
15 16 unu biliyordum ama dioramann n blmnde project was modelling the diesel engine, but I
yer almas ve ilk gze arpan paralardan biri also knew that if properly done, it would be the
olmas nedeniyle mmkn olduu kadar gzel jewel of the diorama which would be located in
bir motor yapmam gerekiyordu. Dizel motorlar the front of the scene and act as the eye catcher.
konusunda hibir fikrim olmad iin bu konuda Since I had no idea about diesel engines, I goo-
biraz aratrma yaptm. Edindiim bilgilerle bir gled and learned that I have to make an engine
motor ve bir transmisyon blou yapmam gerek- and a transmission block. I studied the photos
tiini rendim. ZMA-15 lerde bulunan Detroit and drawings of the Detroit Diesel Model 6V-53T
Diesel Model 6V-53T ile ilgili resim ve izimleri in ZMA-15, compared them to my reference pho-
inceledim, bulduklarm referans resimlerle kar- tos and started with a proper drawing. (15)
latrdm ve uygun bir izimle ie baladm. (15)
I made the main blocks using spare parts from
Daha nceki yapmlardan artm olan maket par- previous builts, plastic sheet and rods but result
alar, plastik levha ve ubuklar kullanarak ana was not very satisfying initially. Then I improved
bloklar yaptmda ortaya kan motorun grn- it with more plastic parts, copper and soldering
ts pek tatmin edici deildi. Fakat plastik ubuk, wires, nuts from Meng Models set and connector
As interior detailing was done,I airbrushed the
lehim teli, bakr tel ve Meng Models Nuts&Bolts cables. As primed, it really looked like a diesel en-
inner surfaces of the upper and lower hull with a
setindeki vida balar ile kk detaylar ve ba- gine and I felt happy for what I did. (16-17-18-19)
gray primer, followed by a mixture of Vallejo 951
lant kablolar eklenip astarlandnda ortaya -
White + 918 Ivory. Small pieces such as wheel
kan sonu beni mutlu etti. (16-17-18-19)
rods, drivers seat, automatic fire extinguisher,
dashboard were hand painted, then decals were
added and glued to their places. I used black elec-
trical cables for piping by crossing them inside
12 the holes on the chassis supports, adding plastic
joints and fixing them to the appropriate places
in the body according to the references. (11-12-
Detaylandrma bittikten sonra modelin st ve 13). After I decided that the interior detailing was
alt paralarnn i yzeylerini nce gri bir astar, sufficient and I carried on the work with the hull
ardndan Vallejo 951 White + 918 Ivory karm parts. (14)
ile beyaza boyadm. Tekerlek balant parala-
r, src koltuu, otomatik yangn sndrc,
gsterge paneli gibi kk paralar nce boyanp
ve dekalleri eklenip sonra yerlerine yaptrld.
Zemindeki borular iin kullandm siyah renkli
elektrik kablolarn asi desteklerindeki delikler-
den geirerek, aralara plastik balant paralar
ekleyerek ve resimlerde grdm ekilde gv-
dedeki uygun yerlere yaptrarak i detaylandr-
may bitirdim. (11-12-13) Detaylandrma ile-
minin yeterli olduuna karar vererek gvdenin
montajn yaptm. (14)


22 23
1/35 lek Scale Diorama by Engin Kayral
Resimdeki pozlara uygun figrler yapmak iin I mentioned earlier that I preferred plastic figures
kolay ilenebilir plastik figr paralarn setiimi which were easy to convert to give them suitable
daha nce belirtmitim. Ara stnde ne eilen poses in order to model the technicians in the
ve motor blmnde oturan figrler iin Dio- photos. I used two of the figures from Dioparks
parkn 35012 South Vietnamese setinden kan 35012 South Vietnamese set for the figures lean-
figrlerden ikisini kullandm. Bu seqet; bisiklet ing forward on the left back and sitting in the
veya motorsiklet bulunmamakla birlikte, bunlara engine deck. This set includes two females and
binen pozda iki erkek ve iki kadn figr ieriyor. two males in riding poses, but no bicycles or mo-
Sivil kyafetleri olmas, gereken pozlara yakn torbikes included in the set. Cast in civilian cloth-
ekillerde durmas ve yumuak bir plastie sa- ing, having close poses to desired positions and
hip olmasyla iimi kolaylatrd. Gvde, bacak ve workable quality of plastic they were excellent
kollar pozlara uygun ekillerde kestim, yaptr- choices for my project. I cut the body parts, arms
dm ve boluklarn doldurdum. stlerindeki baz and legs for proper poses, reposed them, glued
detaylar kazdm ve Magic Sculpt kullanarak cep, and filled the gaps. I carved some of the details
kemer, elbise kvrmlar ekleyerek i elbiselerine on the clothing and converted them into work
evirdim. Boyun ksmlarn oyarak resin kafalar clothes adding pockets, belts, cloth folds and
taktm. Aracn iinde ve stnde olan figrlerin wrinkles using the Magic Sculpt. I drilled holes on
Motoru boyayp kurumasn beklerken, kom- I painted the engine and let it dry .Meanwhile, I yapm olduka kolay oldu, ancak motor kom- necks and put resin heads. The figures inside and
partman duvarlarndaki kablolamalar yaptm, wired the power cables on engine deck walls partmannda oturan figr gerek yer darl, ge- over the vehicle were very easy to build, but the
kelerdeki kvrlmalar nedeniyle epey uratrc which was a painstaking work because of the rekse evredeki baka paralara dokunmamas figure sitting in the engine deck was a bit hard
bir i oldu. Sonunda motor yatana oturdu, ba- curls on corners. Finally, engine was placed, iin epey uratrd. (21-22) because of the limited space. (21-22)
lant kablolar duvardaki deliklere takld ve ara connection cables were plugged into the holes
boyanmaya hazr hale geldi. (20) Ara retim and the vehicle was ready to paint. (20) My ref- Aracn evresine yerleecek aksesuarlara gelin- As for the accessories around the vehicle; I start-
hattnda henz gvde boyas atlmam, sadece erence photos showed that the ACV-15 in my ce; ie alet arabalarn yaparak baladm. Resim- ed by modelling the tool carts. I calculated the ap-
astarlanm bir ekilde durduundan buna uygun project was not painted yet when it stood on the lerdeki arabalar ZMA ile lekleyerek yaklak proximate dimensions by scaling the carts next
ekilde boyanmas gerekliydi. blmn boyas- assembly line but instead was undercoated in Ol- ebatlarn hesapladm, bunu 1/35 lee evirip to ZMA on reference photos, converted measures
nn bozulmamas iin tm boluklar karton ab- ive Drab. I planned the same appearance and first plastik levha ve ubuklardan arabalar olutur- to 1/35 scale and scratchbuilt them from polysty-
lonlar, maskeleme band ve snger paralar ile covered all gaps using cardboard sheets cut in dum. (23) Daha sonra zerinde duran alet kutula- rene plastic sheet and rods. (23) Then I replicated
kapatarak d yzeyi Vallejo 608 Olive Drab astar shape, masking tape and sponge parts to protect rn, matkap, silikon tabancas, bo ve dolu silikon tool boxes, drill bits, silicon guns, empty and full
ile boyadm. Henz arazi koullaryla tanmad painted interior, then sprayed hull in Vallejo 608 tpleri, aracn zerinde duran sprey kutusu, boya silicone tubes, spray box and paint bottle. I used
iin temiz bir grnm olduundan ar bir es- Olive Drab Surface Primer. Since the vehicle was iesi ve benzer bir ok detay ayn malzemeleri Eduard TO094 US Tool Box and Aber 068 Hand
kitme yerine sadece bir ka kat ak tonda filtre still on production and didnt already weathered kullanarak yaptm. Kutulardaki kk el aletleri Tools PE sets for hand tools inside the toolboxes.
uyguladm. Vida balarn ve lambalar renklen- with field dirt or dust, it should be quite clean. So iin Eduard TO094 US Tool Box ve Aber 068 Hand I painted all in the proper colors, glued them and
dirip, ara gvdesinde baz izikler ve eskitmeler I only applied a few coats of light filters instead Tools PE setlerinden yararlandm. Tmn uygun weathered for dirt and oil effects. (24) Wooden
yaptm. of a heavy weathering. I painted screw heads on renklere boyadm, fotorafa bakarak yerlerine pallets on both sides are made of balsa, blue
the hull and side armors, lamps, signal lights and
yaptrdm, kir ve ya efektleriyle eskitmeye pipes on the ground are painted soldering wire
reflectors. I finished the work on the vehicle by altm. (24) Aracn her iki yannda duran tahta and cardboard boxes are self-made printouts.
20 adding scuff marks and paint defects. paletleri iin balsa, yerdeki mavi borular iin le-
him teli ve karton kutular iin kendi hazrladm
bilgisayar ktlarn kullandm.

23 24

10 . YILA ZEL FNSS Model Magazin DECENNIAL SPECIAL FNSS Model Magazine
24 25
1/35 lek Scale Diorama by Engin Kayral

Gerek bir fotoraftan esinlenerek, ona yakn bir Inspired by a real-time photo, I intended to cre-
grnt yaratmay amaladm iin bu alma- ate a scene close to this image. Therefore, I
da; bak as, denge ve simetri gibi genel dio- didnt need to pay attention to general concepts
rama kavramlarn dikkate almama gerek yoktu of diorama such as perspective, balance and
yani yaptm model, figr ve dier paralar fo- symmetry. I just had to place the vehicle, fig-
torafta bulunduklar ayn yerlere yerletirmem ures and other pieces in the same places as in
yeterliydi. Zemini yapmak iin 20x23 cm. boyutla- the photo. I used 0,3 cm. thickness PVC Foam
rnda 3 mm.lik PVC kpk kullandm. Dekota ola- in 20x23 cm dimensions for the base. This ma-
rak da adlandrlan bu malzeme sert ve salam terial, also called Dekota, has a hard and robust
olmasna ramen kolayca ilenebilen ve boyama, structure but can be easily processed and is not
yaptrma, ykama ve eskitme gibi ilemlerde damaged by chemicals used in paints, glues,
kullanlan kimyasallardan zarar grmeyen bir washes and other weathering products. I started
yapya sahip. Zemini yapmaya beton bloklarn to make the floor by drawing the lines between
arasndaki izgileri izerek baladm, daha sonra the concrete blocks , then deepened them with a
bu izgileri ince ulu bir tornavida ile zerlerinden thin-tipped screwdriver and deepened more with
geerek derinletirdim. Anm grnm ver- a star-studded one. This also made some cracks
mek iin izgileri yldz ulu bir tornavida ile daha and broken parts on the lines to give a worn out
derinletirdim ve yer yer krlmalar yaptm. Farkl look. I painted with a few shades of gray and tint-
gri tonlaryla boyadktan sonra bir ka ykama ed with a several washes. I made a darker pin
ile tonlandrdm. Blok izgilerine, krk ve atlak wash on concrete edges and cracks and to make
ksmlara pin-wash uygulayarak belirgin hale ge- them apparent and added oil stains on the floor.
tirdim ve zemine ya lekeleri ekledim. Dioramay I assembled diorama components and blue pipes
oluturan paralar ve mavi kablolar zemine ya- on the floor by PA glue and matt medium. I fin-
ptrdm. Toprak rengi toz pastel tonlaryla ok ished my work by applying some shades in earth
hafif bir eskitme yaparak almay bitirdim. tone pastel chalks.

Bu dioramann her aamas benim iin ok fayda- Every step of this built was individually chal-
l ve zevkli bir sre oldu. Dizel motorlar hakknda lenging but enjoyable for me. I indeed got quite
bilgi sahibi oldum, ZMA-15 zrhl muharebe arac- a knowledge on diesel engines. I almost learned
nn iini nerdeyse kendi arabam kadar rendim. the whole interior of ACV-15 as good as my own
Bylece gelecekteki FNSS etkinliklerinde sergi- car so I will be more conscious and delighted on
lenen arac daha bilinli ve zevk alarak kurcala- examining the ACV-15 on the next ACV exhibi-
yabileceim. Yapm srecinde hem gzel bir kit tions and demos at FNSS events. I had the plea-
yapma, hem de ortada bir kit olmadan bireyler sure of both materializing a self-desired project
yaratma zevkini yaadm. and building a kit almost from scratch.

Baka dioramalarda grmek dileiyle. See you on next dioramas.

10 . YILA ZEL FNSS Model Magazin DECENNIAL SPECIAL FNSS Model Magazine
26 27

1/35 lek Scale


Murat Ylmazer

Cem Altnk


28 29

1/35 lek Scale Model

sokak savas street
Modelci Modeller AYHAN TOPLU
zma Warrior aifv
Yapmaya altm model, 2015 ylnn Temmuz ayndan itibaren Yapm Construction
Kit ok yeni tarihli (2003) ve sorunsuz olarak bir- The AFV Club kit which appeared on market in
Trkiyenin gneydousunda balayan terrle mcadele operasyonlarnn ehir leen modellerden deil. Benim ansma ase de 2003, is not among the new multimedia kits and
ksmnda yer alm olan ZMAlardan birisi. zaman ierisinde yamulmu ve bu sorunu biraz has many flaws in case of cohesion of the parts.
daha artrmt. Ama gznz korkmasn, zel- For my luck, my example had a bent and shrunk-
likle dikkat etmeniz gereken yer arkadaki k en part for the chassis. Skipping the personal
GR Introduction kapsnn hemen sandaki ve solundaki alanlar. issues, the the main attention in building the kit
Bu arac yapmak isterseniz piyasada ok fazla The model that I would like to present is an AIFV
1 Burada st gvde parasn alt gvde paras- should be given to the places which are on both
seeneiniz yok. Farkl kutulamalara sahip olma- that took part in the urban warfare during the an- na-hani yamuk olan- aamal olarak yaptrarak sides of the rear exit ramp. With careful and pa-
sna ramen hepsi ayn ve AFV30516 nolu model ti-terror operations which had started after July ok da hasar almadan atlatmak mmkn. Ana tient work, it is possible to glue the upper hull to
kit. Bu kit ile Trk Silahl Kuvvetlerinde kullanlan 2015 in South East Turkey. gvde paralar makul seviyede sayya sahip the lower chassis without any major gaps. The
DAF kuleli, 25 mmlik ana silaha sahip ZMAy ama sizi zorlayabilecek olan aracnda stne parts count for the main body of the vehicle is not
yapabilmeniz mmkn. Elbette kutudan kt To model this vehicle, theres not much option on gelen saysz para. Bunlarn hepsini ereveden much but the parts given for the details on the
gibi modeli bir Trk arac olarak bitiremiyorsunuz. the market, making the AFV Clubs kit no: 30516 skp tesviyesini yapp ilgili alana yaptrmak upper hull is quite challenging both in form and
Ama rkmeyin yapmanz gereken at sistemini the only option. Though presented in different saatlerinizi alabilir. Bu ara iin piyasada ok af- in numbers. It would take quite a time to cut, to
deitirip hemen taretin yannda bulunan alter- packages, basically all are the same kit. The kit termarket rn yok. Kitten kan paletlerin detay clean and to place them on the model. I need to
natif silaha Mg-3 (Mg-42 olarak daha rahat bula- contains all the necessary parts to build a Turkish seviyesi iyi olmasna ramen tuhaf bir ekilde bir mention that I had some trouble with the tracks.
bilirsiniz) namlusu eklemeniz yeterli. (1) AIFV with a DAF turret armed with 25mm cannon. tanesi uzun dieri de ksa. Bunu ok dert ederse- Though the detail on the tracks is fine, oddly one
Unfortunately, it is not possible to build a Turkish niz Friulmodelin ge tip M-113 paletlerini alarak of the tracks was shorter than the other. If this
version out of the box, however the good news ie balayabilirsiniz. Dediim gibi ok fazla after- substitutes a problem for you, you may choose
is that, the conversion is rather basic. Once the market rn yok, ben de yapmda sadece RB to replace the tracks with Fruil Models Late M113
firing system is changed and the turret coaxial Modelin NATO tipi telsiz ayaklarn kullandm. Ha Tracks. Other than that theres not much after-
machine gun is replaced with MG-3 (Mg-42), the ok gerekir miydi, bilemiyorum sadece stoumda market sets for this vehicle. I only replaced the
job is almost done. (1) varm bir ekilde. antenna bases with RB Models NATO type anten-
na bases. This was not a necessary addition but I
had the set in my spares, so I chose to use them
with this occasion.

10 . YILA ZEL FNSS Model Magazin DECENNIAL SPECIAL FNSS Model Magazine
30 31
sokak savas zma
1/35 lek Scale Model by AYHAN TOPLU
street WarrIor aIfv

2 3

Arac giri aamasnda da belirttiim zere ehir As my model would present a vehicle taking part
atmalarnda kullanlan ara olarak modelle- in urban warfare, I added wire mesh used as slat
mek istediim iin yan zrh eklemesi yaptm. e- armor which appeared on the vehicles that Ive
hir atmasnn ilk etaplarnda -byk ihtimalle- seen on the reference photos. Probably, during
yakn mesafeden kullanlan anti zrh silahlarndan the initial phases of the operations, such field
dolay bir bakma arazi zm olarak, evreden modifications were made unofficially on individ-
bulunabilen, tel rg, it gibi malzemeler gayet ual vehicles by the operating troops for defense
muntazam olmayan bir ekilde aralara sabit- against RPGs. The references show that wire
lenmi. Bu fotoraflarn birouna Google ara- mesh or wooden fence or simply what is useful
mas ile ulaabilmek mmkn. Bu yan zrhlar at hand were put in use and attached on the sides
iin ABERin bu lek iin uygun saylabilecek irregularly. It is possible to find dozens of refer-
Photo Etched hazr zgara setlerinden kullandm. ences on Google for these modified vehicles. I
Bu zrhlar tamas iin ise Evergreenin styrene used ABERs photoetch mesh set because it fitted
ubuklar yeterli oldu. Gerekte de ok iptidai bir perfectly for this scale. I built the frames for the
ekilde bu ilem yapld iin bu scratch ekleme mesh from Evergreen styrene parts. As the actual
ksm ok uzun srmedi. (2) modification is quite simple, it did not take a long
time to scratchbuilt the conversion. (2)
Bu aamay getikten sonra grsellii biraz daha
artrmak istedim. Yine incelediim fotoraflarda After adding the mesh, I wanted to enrich the
grdm zere, ara ekibi zrh korumasn ar- appearance of my built. The references relieved
trabilmek adna zellikle n tarafa ciddi bir mik- that vehicle crew tended to place a great sum of
tarda kum torbas dizdiklerini grdm ve bunu sandbags on the front of their vehicles for further
kendi modelime de eklemek istedim. Bu torbalar protection, therefore I wanted to simulate this
iin Tamiyann yeil bir kutudan kan ift bile- feature on my model. I used Tamiyas epoxy putty
enli puttysini kullandm. erit haline getirdikten for building the sandbags and placed them on the
sonra istediim boyda kestim ve aracn n ks- front of the vehicle. I also used some rope which
mna dizdim. Elbette bunlar aracn zerinde tu- would fit to scale, to tie them down to the plate.
tabilmek iin ise lee uygun ip kullandm. Bu Finally, I flattened a thin layer of putty dough
aamada hamur gibi atm ayn malzemenin bir which would simulate the Turkish flag after being
ksmn n tarafa Trk bayra yapabilmek adna painted, I also placed it on the front of the vehicle.
ekledim. Yaklak bir gnlk kuruma sresinin After a day of curing, this material becomes rock
ardndan bu malzeme neredeyse talayor ve hard and may be moved apart to be painted. (3)
ara zerinden skerek boyayabiliyorsunuz. (3)

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32 33
sokak savas zma
1/35 lek Scale Model by AYHAN TOPLU
street WarrIor aIfv

4 5 6 7

Bu tip eklemelerin ardndan asl elence yani After the construction is finally over, the painting
boyama balad. Modelin zerinde birden ok which is the real fun had started. As there are
materyale ait eklemeler olduu iin ilk bata Ta- many additions to the basic model, I applied a
miyann parlak siyahn (X-1) modele uyguladm. base color of black with Tamiya X-1 Black. (4)
Than I sprayed an overall green with Tamiyas XF-
Daha sonra modeli genel olarak yine Tamiyann 67 NATO Green. The black base helped to simu-
XF-67 Nato Greeni ile boyadm. Alttaki siyah as- late the dark shadows. (5)
tar fazladan k glge efekti de yaratt. (5)
After spraying the main color, I toned the model
Modelin genel rengi olan yeilin ardndan mono- to break the monotonous appearance. For that I
tonluu krmak adna arac tonladm. Bunun iin used Gunze Sangyo H74 sky. (6)
yine ayn yeil ve Gunze Sangyo H74 Sky rengini
kullandm. (6) After this stage I begun to apply the camouflage
Bu aamadan sonra kamuflajn dier renklerini
uyguladm. (7) Finally I brush painted the gear and other small
details on the model. As the painting is done, I
Aracn stndeki avadanlklar ve dier kk de- sealed the paint on the model by spraying gloss
taylar fra marifetiyle boyadktan sonra modelin varnish over all. To say the truth, there were not
boyamas bitmiti. Hereyi koruma altna almas much decals to apply on the vehicle. For stencil-
ve dekal uygulanabilir bir yzey oluturmas a- ing and for the crescent and star on the Turkish
sndan modele parlak vernik attm. Dekal olarak flag, I use the excess decals from my spares. As
aslnda pek bir ey yoktu. Plakay yapabilmek iin I had already fixed the flag on the vehicle and
yedek kutumdan rakamlar ve Trk bayran ya- painted it red, I only placed the crescent and the
pabilmek iin ay-yldz yeterli oldu. Bu arada ek- star at their proper positions. (8)
lemek isterim ki bayrak iin zemini de krmzya
boyam ve aracn stne sabitlemitim. (8)

10 . YILA ZEL FNSS Model Magazin DECENNIAL SPECIAL FNSS Model Magazine
34 35
soKaK saVas ZMa
1/35 lek Scale Model by AYHAN TOPLU
sTreeT Warror afV

After the decals are applied, I sealed them with

9 another coat of gloss varnish. This second coat
also acted as a base for the weathering to be
done with oil paints. Next I did some dot filtering.
I randomly placed dots of Buff on surfaces on the
model and then I dispersed the dots on to the sur-
face with the help of a hard tipped brush. (9)

I finalized the weathering process after applying

pin washes and finally sprayed matt varnish for
the finish. The surface was ready for the applica-
tion of pigments. (10)

After attaching the other parts on the model

which were previously painted, all was done.

I wish all the best to fellow modelers

Dekalleri korumak iin ikinci kat parlak verniin

ardndan arac genel olarak soldurmak iin yal
boyaya bavurdum. Yan iyice emdirdiim Bu
boyasn araca geliigzel olarak nokta eklinde
dedirdim. Ardndan kt ulu bir fra ile model
yzeyine bunu yaydm. (9)

Soldurmadan sonra modele pin wash yapp mat

vernii attm. Mat vernikten ardndan pigment
uygulamas iin gereken yzeye kavumu ol-
dum. (10)

Bu aamaya kadar darda boyadm dier

paralar modele sabitledikten sonra modelimi

Herkese iyi modeller...


10 . YILA ZEL FNSS Model Magazin DECENNIAL SPECIAL FNSS Model Magazine
36 37

1/35 lek Scale Model

Modelci Modeller ZGR GNER
Modelci dostlarmn ayn ara deiik blge, kamuflaj ve grevlerde
modelledii bu projede, benim setiim ZMA, 90l yllarn sonunda Bosna-Hersekte
SFOR grevinde bulunan bir ara.

SFOR (Stabilization Force, Trke: stikrar G); Kullandm kit, hepimiz gibi, AFV Clubn kiti. ok Modeli, bulduum bir referans grseline gre
Bosna Sava sonras, gergin atmosterdeki co- baarl bir kit olduunu syleyemeyeceim. yi yapp, boyayacam. Burdaki ara tipik NATO
rafyada krlgan olan bar korumak iin olutu- bir sonu alabilmek iin dikkatli calmak gerek- renklerine boyanm olmakla beraber kullanlan
rulan, NATOya bal, ok uluslu bir askeri gt. li. Baz yerlerde detaylar olduka kaba, paletler renklerin (zellikle yeil rengin) tonlar farkl.
Trkiyede, bar amal bu silahl gcn iinde, kalitesiz vinil. Buna karn, yeterli boyutta PE Elimden geldiince, bu fotoya sadk bir model
hem personeli hem de ekipman ile bulunmutur. plakas iermekle beraber, ierii ile SFORda g- yapmaya alacam.
rev yapm bir ZMA-15 yapmak mmkn. Dekal
olarak benim yapacama uygun olmasa da, UN
grevinde bulunmu, beyaza boyal bir Trk ara
yapmak mmkn.

10 . YILA ZEL FNSS Model Magazin DECENNIAL SPECIAL FNSS Model Magazine
38 39
TrK ZMa-15 bosnaDa
1/35 lek Scale Model by ZGR GNER
TurKsh acV-15 n bosna

Gvde, birka parann birlemesi ile oluuyor. 1
Burda, yapm klavuzundan ok tecrbelerinizi
izlemenizi neririm. Bazi ksmlarn birleiminde
zm basit sorunlar mevcut. Yan duvarlarda
bulunan, alet edavat asmak iin kullanlan kan-
calar benim yapacam versiyonda olmad iin,
o ksmlar yontup, zmparaladm. (1)

Tekerlekler ve gvdeye gelen eitli kapaklarn

montaj ile bu aama devam etti. Kit iinden ol-
duka kalitesiz vinil malzemeden yaplm pa-
letler kyor. Biraz uraarak bunlardan estetik
manada faydal bir sonu almak mmkn fakat
ben Friul Modelin metal paletlerini kullanacam.
Eer vinil paletler ile devam edecekseniz dikkat,
bir tarafn palet uzunluu dierinden fazla. Hangi 2 3
parann hangi tarafa geleceine dikkat ediniz.

Yan duvalar kanca asklarndan temizleyip, iyice

zmparaladm iin, Mr. Surafacer 500 ile yzeye
uygulama yaparak zmparalamann izlerini mi-
nimize ettim. Srada, kulenin byk paralarn
toplamak var. (3)

Kule akllca tasarlanm birka paradan olu-

uyor. Namlu yukar ve asaya doru hareket 4
edebiliyor fakat makineli tfek kit iinde mevcut
deil. Dier taraftan, 30 mm Oerlikon silahnn
alev gizleyici deliklerini ince ulu bir matkap ile
amak gerekiyor. (4)

Metal paleter ile viniler tip olarak birbirlerinin

ayns deil. Benim kullandm paleter, ZMAnn
atas olan M113 paletleri. Metal paletlerin yan du-
varlar ve er dislisi ile uyumu biraz sorunlu fakat
detay anlamnda katks pozitif ynde. (5)

Kulenin de toplanmas ile aran ana hatlar orta-

ya kt. Kit iinden kan az ama yeterli PE par-
alarnn ve baz baka detaylarn eklenmesi bir
sonraki aama oldu.

Bylelikle, ksa saylabilecek bir srede montaj

aamas tamamlanm oldu.

10 . YILA ZEL FNSS Model Magazin DECENNIAL SPECIAL FNSS Model Magazine
40 41
1/35 lek Scale Model by ZGR GNER

Boyama SFORun boyanmasndan sonra sra dekallere

Boyama ncesinde, tm modele, kendi kar- 6 7 geldi. Kit iinden sadece Trk bayran kullandm
mm olan Vallejo renklerinden bir gri ile astar (ki bayran karakteristii ve boyut olarak maale-
attm. (6) sef yanllar, elimde baka seenek olmadi iin
kullanmak zorunda kaldm. Uak maketiiliinde
Boyamada, Vallejonun AFV Painting System se- bulunan ok daha doru Trk bayraklar bu i iin
risinden NATO setini kullanacam. Fakat bu set daha uygun olacaktr). Plakalarn zeminini SFOR
iindeki yeil, standart NATO yeili olduu iin, yazs ile beraber beyaza boyayarak hazrladm ve
onun yerine elimdeki renklerden, orjinal grsele rakamlar elimdeki yedek dekallerden ayarladm.
uygun bir ton yakalamaya caltm. Farkl yeil Dekal ncesi herhangi bir parlak vernik uygula-
tonlarn giderek aydnlaacak ekilde aadan madm, bu asamada sadece Vallejo Decal Medi-
yukarya dogru uyguladm. (7) um ve Fix kullandm.

Kahverengi ve siyah iin, set iindeki renkleri

kullanacam. lk olarak fra ile kamuflajn d
hatlarn izdim, ardndan ince uclu Airbrush ve
iyice inceltilmi boyalar ile bu hatlarn iini dol-
durdum. (8-9)

Paletleri, farkl tonlarda pas renklerine boyadm. 8

Ana renklern ak tonlarn kullanarak, eitli
soldurmalar sonraki aama oldu.

Srada, detay boyamalar var. Bunun iin fra ve

yine Vallejo boyalar kullandm. Kit icinde SFOR
dekali olmadndan, bunlar ablon yaparak
boyamak gerekli. Sevgili Murat zgln doru
fontlarla hazrlad SFOR yazsn, lee uygun
olarak kltp, bastm. Bu basknn stne
maskeleme band yaptrdm ve yazy keskin bir
bakla ablon haline getirdim.

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42 43
TrK ZMa-15 bosnaDa
1/35 lek Scale Model by ZGR GNER
TurKsh acV-15 n bosna

Ardndan tm modele saten vernik pskrttm.

Srada ykamalar var. Vallejo Dark Brown Washu
daha karanlk olmasn istediim yerlere srp,
fazlalklar suyla temizledim. (10)

Srada boya dklmeleri var. Burda standart

uygulamadan farkl bir renk kullanmak gerekli.
ZMAlar alminyum gvdeli olduklar iin pas-
lanmazlar. Boya dklme ve eskitme ilemleri-
nin buna uygun olarak yaplmas gerekli. Aran
boyanmasnda ilk renk olan yeilin ak bir tonu
eitli yerlere lee uygun dklmeler yaptm,
ardndan en cok anacak yerlere Vallejo Dull al-
minyum ile uygulamada bulundum. (11)
Boyalar iyice kuruduktan sonra, wet on wet
isimli uygulamaya geldi sra. Bunun iin, uygun 11
renkleri suyla iyice inceltip, daha nceden suy-
la nemlendirilmi yzeylere ince ulu fra ile
dedirdim. Biraz zaman isteyen bir sre ama
sonucta ortaya ckan efektler ve grnm buna
deer. (12)

Sonraki aama pigmentler olacak. Pigmentlerin

kolayca tutanabilecei ideal bir yzey iin modele
mat vernik pskrttm. Elimdeki referans foto-
su tek bir adan ve grntlenen ara oldukca
temiz. Buna sadk kalarak, oldukca az miktarda
pigmenti kuru olarak yzeye serptim, ardndan
pipetle su damlatarak yzeye yedirdim, tamamen
kuruduktan sonra fazlaleklare ferca yada kulak
cubuu ile temizledim.

Grafiti kalemin ucu ile, en cok anacak yerlere

kk dokunular yaptm.(13)

Gvde stne, ya, yakt ve eitli lekeler ekle-

dim. (14)
Antenlerin ve aynalarn eklenmesi ile modeli ta-

Kit ok iyi olmasa da, yapm kolay ve zevkli bir
proje oldu benim iin. Trk aralarna ilgi duyan-
lar iin iyi bir baslang noktas olduunu d-

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44 45

Kaynaka Reference
ZMA-15 GZPT Modernizasyonu ZMA-15, Gelitirilmi Zrhl Personel Tayc
ACV-15 AAPC Modernization ACV-15, Advanced Armored Personnel Carrier

ZMA-15, Gelitirilmi Zrhl Personel Tayc

ACV-15, Advanced Armored Personnel Carrier

ZMA-15, Zrhl Muharebe Arac (Dragar Kuleli)

ACV-15, Armored Fighting Vehicle (with Dragar Turret)

10 . YILA ZEL FNSS Model Magazin DECENNIAL SPECIAL FNSS Model Magazine
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ZMA-15, Zrhl Muharebe Arac (DAF Kuleli) ZMA-15, Zrhl Muharebe Arac (DAF Kuleli)
ACV-15, Armored Fighting Vehicle (with DAF Turret) ACV-15, Armored Fighting Vehicle (with DAF Turret)

ZMA-15, Zrhl Muharebe Arac (Dragar Kuleli) ZMA-15, Zrhl Muharebe Arac (Dragar Kuleli)
ACV-15, Armored Fighting Vehicle (with Dragar Turret) ACV-15, Armored Fighting Vehicle (with Dragar Turret)

ZMA-15, Gelitirilmi Zrhl Personel Tayc ZMA-15, Gelitirilmi Zrhl Personel Tayc
ACV-15, Advanced Armored Personnel Carrier ACV-15, Advanced Armored Personnel Carrier

10 . YILA ZEL FNSS Model Magazin DECENNIAL SPECIAL FNSS Model Magazine
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ZMA-15, Somali - NATO Grevi ZMA-15, Bosna-Hersek (NATO Grevi)

ACV-15, Somalia - NATO ACV-15, Bosnia and Herzegovina - NATO

ZMA-15, Somali - NATO Grevi ZMA-15, Bosna-Hersek (NATO Grevi)

ACV-15, Somalia - NATO ACV-15, Bosnia and Herzegovina - NATO

ZMA-15, Somali - NATO Grevi ZMA-15, Bosna-Hersek (Birlemi Milletler Grevi)

ACV-15, Somalia - NATO ACV-15, Bosnia and Herzegovina - UN

10 . YILA ZEL FNSS Model Magazin DECENNIAL SPECIAL FNSS Model Magazine
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ZMA-15, Zrhl stihkam Manga Arac ACV-15, 25 mm Keskin Nianc Kulesi

ACV-15, Armored Engineering Squad Vehicle ACV-15, 25mm One Man Sharpshooter Turret

ZMA-15, Topu leri Gzetleme ve Ate dare Merkezi Arac ACV-15, Kurtarma ve Bakm Arac
ACV-15 AFOV, Artillery Forward Observation Vehicle ACV-15 FITTERS, Recovery & Maintenance Vehicle

ZMA-15 ZMA, Zrhl stihkam Manga Arac ZMA-15, Zrhl Ambulans Arac
ACV-15 AESV, Armored Engineering Squad Vehicle ACV-15, Armored Ambulance

10 . YILA ZEL FNSS Model Magazin DECENNIAL SPECIAL FNSS Model Magazine
FNSS asKeri Kara aralar MODEL YARIMASI




ATLYE ALIMALARI - 16 EYLL 2017 16 EYLL 2017 17 EYLL 2017

evrim ii kayt: Model Sergisi 11.00-16.00
VOLKER BEMBENNEK - Almanya dl Treni 12.00-13.00
Diorama Yapm ve Teknikleri zerine Uygulamal Atlye almas (Saat: 12.00-14.00) Yarma Modellerinin Teslimi Ara Gsterisi 13.00-13.30
Modeller, 16 Eyll 2017 gn saat 09.30- Kokteyl 13.45-14.15
RADEK PITUCH - Polonya 13.30 aras FNSS Savunma Sistemleri A.. Jri ile Yarma Deerlendirme
1/35 Figr Yapm ve Teknikleri zerine Uygulamal Atlye almas (Saat: 14.15-16.15) tesislerine teslim edilmelidir. Semineri 14.15-16.00
Modellerin Toplanmas 16.00

16-17 EYLL 2017

FNSS Savunma Sistemler A.. Tesisleri, Glba - Ankara
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