Reviewer Corporation

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WHAT IS A CORPORATION To grant the right of eminent domain to purely

A corporation is an artificial being created by private entities exercising functions, which are not
operation of law, having a right of succession and public in nature, would be using the right to take
the powers, attributes and properties expressly property for private use.
authorized by law or incident to its existence.
ATTRIBUTES OF A CORPORATION A corporation has a capacity of continuous
ALS-PAPI existence irrespective of the death, withdrawal,
It is an ARTIFICIAL BEING insolvency, or incapacity of the individual
Created by operation of LAW stockholders or members and regardless of the
It enjoys the right of SUCCESSION transfer to their interest or shares of stock.
PROPERTIES expressly authorized by law A corporation may exist up to the period stated in
or INCIDENT to it existence the articles of incorporation as long as not
exceeding 50 years from the date of incorporation,
RULES FOR CREATION OF A CORPORATION unless sooner dissolved or unless said period is
GR: A legislative grant or authority is necessary for extended (Sec 11, CC).
the creation of a corporation
XPN: For corporations by prescription, such RULE ON WHETHER A DEFECTIVE
authority is not necessary (De Leon, 2010). INCORPORATION RESULT INTO
A corporation by prescription is one which has The answer depends on whether or not there is a
exercised powers for an indefinite period without clear intent to participate in the management of the
interference on the part of the sovereign power and business affairs on the part of the investor.
which by fiction of law, is given the status of
corporation. Parties who intends to participate or has actually
participated in the business affairs of the proposed
THE CREATION OF A CORPORATION IS BY corporation would be considered as partners under
OPERATION OF LAW: de facto partnership.
No corporation can exist without the consent or
grant of the sovereign, and the power to create On the other hand, parties who took no part
corporations is one of the attributes of sovereignty. notwithstanding their subscriptions do not become
Corporations cannot come into existence by mere partners with other subscribers (Pioneer Insurance
agreement of the parties. vs. CA).

The Philippine Jurisprudence adopted the QUESTION:

Concession or Fiat Theory, which states that a Q: University Publishing Company (UPC), through
corporation is conceived as an artificial person its president, entered into a contract with Albert to
owing existence through creation by a foreign publish the commentaries on the Revised Penal
power. Further, has without any existence until it Code. UPC published the commentaries but it did
has received the imprimatur of the state according not remit the amount due to Albert. This prompted
to law through the SEC (Tayag vs Benguet Albert to file a collection suit. RTC decided against
Consolidated, Inc.) UPC. When the sheriff were about to implement
the writ of execution against the company, he
THE POWER TO INSTITUTE EXPROPRIATION discovered the UPC is not a registered corporation.
PROCEEDINGS IS NOT GRANTED TO ALL Consequently, the president of UPC was
CORPORATIONS substituted in the writ of execution. The president
Only quasi-public corporations or those affected invoked the separate legal personality of the
with public interest are given the power to institute corporation as his defense.
condemnation proceedings against owner of
private property. 1. Is UPC a de facto corporation?
2. Can the defense that the UPC is a incorporation. Once filed, a separate juridical
corporation by estoppel be invoked by the character is acquired which is separate and distinct
president? from his natural character.
3. Who is liable for the debts of corporation?
Note: A corporation sole is not required to file by-
ANSWER: laws, it is governed by the rules, regulations and
1. No. UPC cannot be considered a de facto discipline of its religious denomination, sect or
corporation because it was not registered church.
with the SEC.
2. No. One who has induced another act NATIONALITY OF A CORPORATION SOLE
upon his willful misrepresentation that a A corporation sole does not have any nationality
corporation was duly organized and but for purposes of applying nationalization laws,
existing under the law, cannot thereafter nationality is determined not by the nationality of
set up against his victim the principle of its presiding elder but by the nationality of its
corporation by estoppel. members, constituting the sect in the Philippines.
3. The president, who negotiated with Albert
is liable. A person acting or purporting to Thus, the Roman Catholic Church can acquire
act on behalf of a corporation which has no lands in the Philippines even if it is headed by the
valid existence assumes such privileges and Pope (Roman Catholic Apostolic Church v Land
obligations and becomes personally liable Registration Commission).
for contracts entered into or for other acts
performed as such agent. ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY BY A
RULES GOVERNING A CORPORATION BY A corporation sole may acquire property even
ESTOPPEL without court intervention by purchase, donation
1. All persons who assume to act as a and other lawful means.
corporation knowing it to be without
authority to do so shall be liable as general QUESTION:
partners for all debts, liabilities and A special audit team from COA audited the
damages incurred or arising as a result. accounts of Leyte Metropolitan Water District
2. When any such ostensible corporation is (LMWD). Subsequently, LMWD received a request
sued on any transaction entered by it as a for payment of auditing fees from COA.
corporation or on any tort committed by it
as such, it shall not be allowed to use as a As general manager of LMWD, Engr. Feliciano sent
defense its lack of corporate personality. a reply informing COA that the water district could
3. One who assumes an obligation to an not pay the auditing fees. Feliciano cited as basis of
ostensible corporation as such, cannot resist his action PD 198 as well as RA 6758. Thereafter,
performance thereof on the ground that Feliciano asked COA for refund of all auditing fees
there was in fact no corporation (Sec 21, LMWD previously paid to COA.
The COA chairman denied LMWDs request.
A RELIGIOUS GROUP IS NOT REQUIRED TO Feliciano maintains that LWDs are not GOCCs with
BE REGISTERED AS A CORPORATION original charters. He argues that LWDs are private
The corporation Code does not require any corporations, and thus, LWDs are not subject to
religious groups to be registered as a corporation COAs jurisdiction.
but if it wants to acquire legal personality, its
members should incorporate under the Code. Is the Local Water District created under PD 198, as
amended a government-owned or controlled
ORGANIZATION OF A CORPORATION SOLE corporation subject to the audit of COA?
A corporation sole is organized by mere filing of
verified articles of incorporation by the head of any ANSWER:
religious denomination, sect or church with the
SEC without the need of an issuance of certificate of
Yes. LWDs are GOCCs subject to the audit and of MIAA are owned by the Republic of the
jurisdiction of COA. An LWD is a GOCC with an Philippines and thus exempt from real estate tax.
original charter. The constitution recognized two
classes of corporations. The first refers to private What about the collection of terminal fees and other
corporations created under a general law. The charges? (Mactan Cebu v Judge Marcos)
second refers to GOCCs created by special charters.
The fact that MIAA collects terminal fees and
Congress cannot enact a law creating a private other charges from the public does not remove the
corporation with a special charter. Such legislation character of the Airport Lands and Building as
would be unconstitutional. Private corporations properties for public use.
may exist only under general law. The Constitution
authorizes the Congress to create GOCCs through The Airport Lands and Buildings of MIAA are
special charters. Since private corporations cannot devoted to public use and thus are properties of
have special charters, it follows that the congress public dominion. As properties of public dominion,
can create corporations with special charters only if the Airport Lands and buildings are outside the
such corporations are government-owned or commerce of man.
Obviously, LWDs are not private corporations TO REAL PROPERTY TAX?
because they are not created under the Corporation No. GSIS is not a GOCC but an instrumentality
Code (Engr. Ranulfo C. Feliciano vs COA). of the National Government. GSIS capital is not
divided into unit shares. Also, GSIS has no
MIAA is not organized as a stock or non-stock
corporation. MIAA is not a stock corporation The real property under the GSISs name are
because it has no capital stock divided into shares. likewise owned by the Republic. The GSIS is a mere
MIAA has no stockholders or voting shares. trustee of the subject properties which have either
been ceded to it by the Government or acquired for
Under its Charter, MIAA does not have capital the enhancement of the system.
stock that is divided into shares. MIAA has capital
but it is not divided into shares of stock. MIAA has This particular property arrangement is clearly
no stockholders or voting shares. Hence, MIAA is shown by the fact that the disposal or conveyance
not a stock corporation. MIAA is also not a non- of said subject properties are either done by or
stock corporation because it has no members. through the authority of the President of the
What is the legal status of MIAA within the
National Government? MIAA is a government TESTS IN DETERMINING THE NATIONALITY
instrumentality vested with corporate powers to OF CORPORATIONS
perform efficiently its governmental functions. 1. Place of Incorporation test
2. Control test
MIAA is like any other government 3. Grandfather rule the Nationality is
instrumentality, the only difference is that it is attributed to the percentage of equity in the
vested with corporate powers. corporation used in nationalized or partly
nationalized area. This test is an exception
MIAA vs CA to the Control Test and was applied by the
SEC in several cases.
IS THE MIAA SUBJECT TO REAL PROPERTY 4. Domiciliary test determined by the
TAX principal place of business of the
No. MIAA is not a GOCC but an instrumentality PLACE OF INCORPORATION TEST
of the National Government, (b) the real properties In using the place of incorporation test, the
nationality of the corporation is determined by the
state of incorporation, regardless of the nationality SEC-registered enterprise, at least 60% of the
of the stockholders. capital stock outstanding and entitled to vote of
both corporations and at least 60% of the members
XPN: A corporation organized/incorporated of the board of directors of both corporations must
abroad and registered as doing business in the be Filipino citizens (Double 60% Rule)
Philippines under the Corporation Code, of
which 100% of the capital stock outstanding and 2. Corporations organized abroad and
entitled vote is wholly owned by Filipinos, may registered as doing business in the
be considered a Philippine National under the Philippines under the Corporation Code of
Foreign Investment act of 1991. which 100% of the capital stock entitled to
vote belong to Filipinos.
This is the only exception to the place of
In determining the nationality of the corporation, FOREIGN COUNTRY, BUT OWNED 100% BY
the control test uses the nationality of the FILIPINOS? (1198 BAR QUESTION)
controlling stockholders or members of the
corporation. ANSWER: Under the control test of corporate
nationality, a corporation organized and
This test was adopted by the Foreign Investment incorporated under the laws of a foreign country,
Act of 1991 as a general guideline in determining but owned 100% by Filipinos is classified as a
the nationality of corporations engaged in a Philippine National.
nationalized activity.
Where the grounds for piercing the veil of
REQUISITES FOR CONTROL TEST (CFC) corporate entity are present, the corporation will
1. Control, not mere majority or complete follow the nationality of the controlling members or
stock control but Complete domination, not stockholders, since the corporation will then be
only of finances but of policy and business considered as one and the same.
practice in respect to the transaction
attacked such that the corporate entity as to APPLICATION OF THE GRANDFATHER RULE
this transaction had at that time no separate IN DETERMINING THE NATIONALITY OF
mind, will or existence of its own. THE CORPORATION
2. Such control must have been used by the To ensure compliance with the constitutional
defendant to commit fraud or wrong, to limitation(s) of corporations engaging in
perpetuate the violation of a statutory or nationalized activities, the nationality of a
other positive or legal duty, or dishonest or corporation must be determined by ascertaining if
unjust act in contravention of plaintiffs legal 60% of the investing corporations outstanding
right; and capital stock is owned by Filipino citizens, or as
3. The control and the breach of duty must interpreted, by natural or individual Filipino
proximately cause the injury or unjust loss Citizens.
complained of.
If such investing corporation is in turn owned to
WHO ARE CONSIDERED AS PHILIPPINE some extent by another investing corporation, the
NATIONALS same process must be observed (Redmond
Under RA 7042, the following are considered as Consolidated Mines Corporation vs McArthur
Philippine Nationals: Mining Corporation).
1. Corporations organized under Philippine
Laws of which 60% of the capital stock REASON: One must not stop until the citizenships
outstanding and entitled to vote is owned of individual or natural stockholders of layer after
and held by Filipino citizens. layer of investing corporations have been
Note: RA 7042 provides that where a corporation established, for this is the very essence of the
and its non-Filipino stockholders own stocks in a Grandfather Rule.
RULES GOVERNING THE APPLICATION OF 1. Contracts for the construction and repair of
THE GRAND FATHER RULE LOcally-funded public works except:
1. The grandfather rule should be used in infrastructure/development covered in RA
determining the nationality of a corporation 7718; and which projects are foreign funded
engaged in a partly nationalized activity. or assisted and required to undergo
This applies in cases where the stocks of a international competitive bidding.
corporation are owned by another 2. Private Recruitment, whether for local or
corporation with foreign stockholders overseas employment
exceeding 40% of the capital stock of the 3. Contracts for the construction of Defense-
corporation. related structures.
2. The grandfather rule will not apply in cases 4. Under the Flag Law, purchase of articles for
where the 60-40 Filipino-alien equity the government, preference shall be given to
ownership in a particular natural resource materials and supplies produced, made or
corporation is not in doubt. If the manufactured in the Philippines, and to
stockholders corporation is 60% or more domestic entities. Domestic entities means
owned by Filipinos, all the stocks held by any citizen of the Philippines or commercial
the stockholder corporation is deemed to be company at least 75% of the capital of which
held by Filipinos. is owned by citizens of the Philippines.
3. When there is doubt as to the actual extent
of Filipino equity in the investee INDUSTRIES REQUIRED TO BE 70% FILIPINO
corporation, the SEC is not precluded from OWNED (UP TO 30% FOREIGN EQUITY)
using the Grandfather Rule. (AdPawn)


FILIPINO OWNED (ZERO % FOREIGN 2. Corporations engaged in Pawnshop
EQUITY) (CODE: CoFi AMMaN Co. ProMiSe- business.
2. Manufacture of Firecrackers and other FILIPINO OWNED (40% FOREIGN EQUITY)
pyrotechnic devices
3. Manufacture, repair, stockpiling and/or 1. Contracts for supply of materials, goods
distribution of biological, chemical and and commodities to GOCC, agency or
radiological weapons and Anti-personnel municipal corporation.
mines. 2. Ownership of Private Lands
4. Mass media except recording 3. Ownership/establishment and
5. Utilization of MArine resources administration of Educational institutions.
6. Manufacture, repair, stockpiling and/or 4. Adjustment companies
distribution of Nuclear weapons 5. Culture, production, milling, processing,
7. COckpits trading, except retailing, of rice and corn
8. Practice of all PROfessions and acquiring, by barter, purchase or
a. Law otherwise, Rice and Corn and the by-
b. Medicine and other allied product thereof.
professions 6. Exploration, development and utilization of
c. Accountancy Natural Resources
9. Small-scale Mining 7. Ownership of Condominium units where
10. Private SEcurity agencies the common areas in the condominium
11. Retail trade enterprises with paid-up capital project are co-owned by the owners of the
of less than US$ 2.5M separate units or owned by a corporation.
8. Operation and management of public
9. Project Proponent and Facility Operator of a RIGHT TO ACQUIRE AND POSSESS
BOT project requiring a public utilities PROPERTY Property conveyed to or acquired by
franchise the corporation is in law the property of the
10. Manufacture, repair, storage and/or corporation itself as a distinct legal entity and not
distribution of products/ Ingredients that of the stockholders or members
requiring PNP clearance
11. Operation of Deep sea commercial fishing ACQUISITION OF JURISDICTION Service of
vessel summons may be made on the president, general
12. Corporations engaged in Coastwise manager, corporate secretary, treasurer or in-house
shipping counsel


OWNED (60% FOREIGN EQUITY) corporation remains unchanged and unaffected in
its identity by changes in its individual
1. Financing companies regulated by the SEC membership or ownership of its stocks.
2. Investment houses regulated by the SEC
PERSONALITY The corporation is liable for every tort which it
The doctrine of corporate judicial personality states expressly directs or authorizes (PNB v. CA)
that a corporation is a juridical entity with legal
personality separate and distinct from those acting REASON FOR LIABILITY IN CASES OF TORTS
for and in its behalf and, in general, from the A corporation is civilly liable in the same manner
people comprising it (Francisco vs Mallen Jr.) as natural persons for torts, because generally
speaking, the rules governing the liability of a
1. Liability for acts or contracts As a general principal or master for a tort committed by an
rule, the obligation of the corporation is not agent be a natural or artificial person
the liability of the stockholders, officers or
a. A corporation may not, generally, be CRIMES
made to answer for acts or liabilities GR: A corporation is not liable in cases of crimes.
of its stockholders or those of the Since a corporation is a mere creation of legal
legal entities to which it may be fiction, it cannot be held liable for a crime
connected, and vice versa (Cease vs committed by its officers, since it does not have the
CA) essential element of malice; in such case the
responsible officers would be criminally liable
Corporations are entitled to the following rights XPN: If the penalty of the crime is only fine or
under constitution; forfeiture of license or franchise (Ching vs Secretary
of Justice)
1. Right to Due Process
2. Right against unreasonable searches and RECOVERY OF MORAL DAMAGES
seizures GR: A corporation is not entitled to moral damages
However, the corporation is not entitled to the right because it has no feelings, no emotions, no senses
against self-incrimination, being a mere creature of (ABS-CBN Broadcasting Corporation vs CA)
law. (Bataan Shipyard & Engineering vs PCGG)
RIGHT TO BRING ACTIONS A corporation 1. The corporation may recover moral
may bring civil and criminal actions in its own damages under item 7 of Article 2219of the
name in the same manner as natural persons. New Civil Code because said provision
expressly authorizes the recovery of moral
damages in cases of libel, slander, or any Therefore, a juridical person such as a corporation
other form of defamation. can validly complain for libel or any other form of
a. Article 2219 (7) does not qualify defamation and claim of moral damages. (Filipinas
whether the injured party is a Broadcasting Network, Inc. v AMEC BCCM)
natural or juridical person.
Therefore, a corporation, as a DOCTRINE OF PIERCING THE CORPORATE
juridical person, can validly VEIL
complain for libel or any other form The doctrine of piercing the corporate veil is the
of defamation and claim for moral doctrine that allows the State to disregard the
damages (Filipinas Broadcasting notion of separate personality of a corporation for
Network, Inc. v. AMEC-BCCM) justifiable reason/s.
2. When the corporation has a reputation that
is debased, resulting in its humiliation in NOTE: This is an exception to the Doctrine of
the business realm (Manila Electric Separate Corporate Entity
Company v T.E.A.M. Electronics
Expose is a radio documentary program hosted In order to justify the piercing of the corporate veil,
by Rima and Alegre. It is aired every morning over allegation or proof of fraud or other public policy
DRZC-AM which is owned by FBNI. One morning, considerations is needed (Hacienda Luisita
Rima and Alegre exposed various alleged Incorporated vs. Presidential Agrarian Reform
complaints from students, teachers and parents Council)
against AMEC and its administrators.
Claiming that the broadcasts were defamatory, CORPORATE VEIL
AMEC and Ago, as Dean of AMECs College of It is a doctrine that allows the State to disregard for
Medicine, filed a complaint for damages against certain justifiable reasons the notion that a
FBNI, Rima and Alegre. The trial court ruled in corporation has a personality separate and distinct
favor of AMEC and Dean Ago. The CA affirmed. from the persons composing it.

Among others, FBNI claims that AMEC is not 2.It applies upon the following circumstances
entitled to moral damages because it is a
corporation. Is AMEC entitled to moral damages? a) if the fiction is used to perpetrate fraud (Fraud
ANSWER: b) the complete control of one corporate entity to
YES. AMEC is entitled to moral damages. A another which perpetuated the wrong is the
juridical person is generally not entitle to moral proximate cause of the injury (Control Test)
damages because, unlike a natural person, it cannot c) if a certain corporation is only an adjunct or an
experience physical suffering or such sentiments as extension of the personality of the corporation
wounded feelings, serious anxiety, mental anguish (Alter ego or Instrumentality Test) and
or moral shock. d) if the fiction is pierced to make the stockholders
liable for the obligation of the corporation
Nevertheless, AMECs claim for moral damages (Objective Test)
falls under item 7 of Article 2219 of the Civil Code.
This provision expressly authorizes the recovery of CIRCUMSTANCES WHICH DO NOT
moral damages in cases of libel, slander or any WARRANT THE PIERCING OF CORPORATE
other form of defamation. Article 2219 (7) does not VEIL
qualify whether the plaintiff is a natural or juridical The mere fact that:
1. A corporation owns 50% of the capital stock
of another corporation, or the majority
ownership of the stocks of a corporation is fiction of separate corporate personalities. (Land
not per se a cause for piercing the veil. Bank of the Philippines vs CA)
2. Two corporation have common directors or
same or single stockholder who has all or Neither is the fact that the name ECO represents
nearly all of the capital stock of both the first three letters of Onates name sufficient
corporations is not in itself sufficient reason to pierce the veil. Even if it did, it does not
ground to disregard separate corporate mean that the said corporation is merely a dummy
entities. of Onate.
3. There is a substantial identity of the
incorporators of the 2 corporations does not A corporation may assume any name provided it is
necessarily imply fraud and does not lawful. There is nothing illegal in a corporation
warrant piercing the corporate veil. acquiring the name or as in this case, the initials of
one of its shareholders (Land Bank of the
QUESTION: Philippines vs CA)
Land Bank of the Philippines (LBP) extended a
series of credit accommodations to ECO using the QUESTION:
trust funds of PVTA. The proceeds of the credit X owns 99% of the capital stock of SSS Corporation.
accommodations were received on behalf of ECO X also owns 99% of TTT Corporation. SSS
by Emmanuel Onate. Upon maturity of loans, ECO Corporation obtained a loan from VW Bank. On
failed to pay the same. Despite demands, ECO was due date, SSS Corp defaulted. TTT Corporation is
unable to pay. financially healthy. Which statement is most
accurate? (2012 Bar Question)
ECO then submitted a Plan of Payment to LBP,
however, the latter rejected the same. LBP filed a a. X being a controlling owner of SSS
complaint for collection of sum of money against Corporation can automatically be
ECO and Onate. The RTC rendered judgment held personally liable for the loan of
against ECO and absolved Onate from personal SSS Corporation.
liability. The CA affirmed. LBP contends that the b. TTT Corporation, owned 99% by X,
personalities of Onate and of ECO should be can automatically be held liable.
treated as one, for the particular purpose of holding c. SSS Corporation and TTT
Onate liable for the loans incurred by ECO from Corporation, although both are
Land Bank. Is Onate jointly and severally liable owned by X , are two (2) distinct
with ECO for the loans incurred from LBP? corporations with separate juridical
personalities hence, the TTT
ANSWER: Corporation cannot automatically
NO. Onate should not be held jointly and severally held liable for the loan of SSS.
liable with ECO. A corporation, upon coming into Corporation.
existence, is invested by law with a personality d. The principle of piercing the veil of
separate and distinct from those persons corporate can be applied in this case.
composing it as well as from any other legal entity
to which it may be related. TEST IN DETERMINING APPLICABILITY OF
By this attribute, a stockholder may not, generally, CORPORATE VEIL
be made to answer for acts or liabilities of the said The following are the tests in determining the
corporation, and vice versa. The mere fact that applicability of the doctrine of piercing the
Onate owned the majority of the shares of ECO is corporate veil: (ECAO)
not a ground to conclude that Onate and ECO is
one and the same. 1. When the corporation is used to defeat of
public convenience as when the corporate
Mere ownership by a single stockholder of all or fiction is used as a vehicle for the evasion of
nearly all of the capital stock of a corporation is not an existing obligation; (Equity Cases)
by itself sufficient reason for disregarding the
2. In fraud cases or when the corporate entity NUMER AND THE QUALIFICATIONS OF
is used to justify a wrong, protect fraud, or INCORPORATORS IN A STOCK
defend a crime; (Control Test) CORPORATION (N5L R1)
3. In Alter ego cases, where a corporation is 1. GR: Natural Person
merely a farce since it is a mere alter ego or a. XPN: Under the Rural Banks Act of
business conduit of a person, or where the 1992, incorporated cooperatives are
corporation is so organized and controlled allowed to be incorporators of rural
and its affairs are so conducted at make it banks.
merely an instrumentality, agency, conduit, 2. GR: Incorporators must not be less than 5
or adjunct of another corporation (Timoteo but not more than 15
H. Sarona vs NLRC) a. XPN: Corporation Sole
4. The Objective test where the end result in 3. An incorporator must be of legal age
piercing the veil of corporate fiction is to 4. Majority of the incorporators must be
make the stockholders liable for debts and Residents of the Philippines.
obligations of the Corporation not to make 5. Each must own or subscribe to at least 1
the Corporation liable for the debts and share
obligations of the stockholders (Umali vs
CA) QUESTION: Must all incorporators and directors
be residents of the Philippines?
ANSWER: No. The Corporation Code only
Plaintiffs filed a collection action against X
Corporation. Upon execution of the courts provides that majority of incorporators and
decision, X Corporation was found to be without directors of a corporation must be residents of the
assets. Philippines (Sec. 10 and Sec 23, Corporation Code)

Thereafter, plaintiffs filed an action against its QUESTION: What is the minimum and maximum
present and past stockholder Y Corporation number of incorporators required to incorporate a
which owned substantially all of the stocks of X stock corporation? Is this also the same minimum
Corporation. and maximum number of directors required in a
stock corporation?
The two corporations have the same board of
directors and Y Corporation financed the ANSWER: Any number of natural persons not less
operations of X Corporation. than five but not more than fifteen may form a
private corporation (sec. 10 CC). Likewise, the
May Y Corporation be held liable for the debts of number of directors must not be less than five nor
X Corporation? Why? (2001 Bar Question) more than fifteen as indicated in the AOI (Sec. 14,
Yes. Y Corporation may be held liable for the debts QUESTION: X is a Filipino immigrant residing in
of X Corporation. The doctrine of piercing the veil Sacramento, California. Y is a Filipino residing in
of corporation fiction applies to this case. Quezon City, Philippines. Z is a resident alien
residing in Makati City. GGG Corporation is a
The two corporations have the same board of domestic corporation 40% owned by foreigners
directors and Y Corporation owned substantially and 60% owned by Filipinos, with T as authorized
all of the stocks of X Corporation, which facts representative. CCC Corporation is a foreign
justify the conclusion that the latter is merely an corporation registered with the Philippine
extension of the personality of the former, and that Securities and Exchange Commission. KKK
the former controls the policies of the latter. Corporation is a domestic corporation (100%)
Filipino owned. S is a Filipino, 16 years of age, arid
Added to this is the fact that Y Corporation controls the daughter of Y.
the finances of X Corporation which is merely an
adjunct, business conduit or alter ego of Y 1. Who can be incorporators? Who can be
Corporation (CIR v Norton & Harrison Company). subscribers?
2. What are the differences between an TERMS OF CORPORATE EXISTENCE
incorporator and a subscriber, if there are
any? GR: The period stated in the AOI which in no case
3. Who are qualified to become members of shall exceed 50 years.
the board of directors of the corporation?
4. Who are qualified to act as Treasurer of the XPN: Unless sooner dissolved or unless said period
company? is extended (Sec. 11, CC.)
5. Who can be appointed Corporate Secretary?
NOTE: Extension may be made for periods not
Q1: exceeding 50 years in any single instance by an
A: X, Y, Z, and T can be incorporators. The amendment of the articles of incorporation,
corporations and S cannot be incorporators since However, extension must be made within 5 years
the former are not natural persons and the latter is
before the expiry date of the corporate term, unless
not of legal age (sec 10 CC.). All of the forgoing can
become subscribers except S since she is not yet of there are justifiable reasons for an earlier extension
legal age. as may be determined by the SEC (sec 11, CC.).

Q2: Extension must also comply with procedural

A: The difference between the two is as follows: requirements for amendment of AOI.
a) an incorporator is a signatory of the AOI while a
subscriber is not;
b) there is a limit for the number of incorporators
while there is no limit in the number of subscribers;
c) an incorporator must be a natural person while a
subscriber can be either natural or juridical person
d) incorporators has a residence requirement while
there is no such requirement in case of subscribers.


A: A natural person, of legal age, and who owns at

least one share of stock registered in his name in
the books of the corporation and must have all the
qualifications and none of the disqualifications
provided for by the law and AOI or the by-laws of
corporation (sec 23, CC.)


A: A natural person, of legal age, whether or not a

Filipino Citizen but under the SEC rules he must be
resident of the Philippines and provided that he is
not the president of the same corporation at the
same time.

A natural person, of legal age, and a Filipino

resident citizen may become a secretary of the
corporation provided that he is not the president of
the same corporation at the same time.

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