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How does the American value system affect your personal and professional life
and how can that value system be justified to the rest of the world?
a. English
i. Crucible
ii. The Last Lecture
b. Social Studies
i. Constitution/Bill of Rights
ii. Mayflower Compact
iii. McCarthy
iv. Alien/Sedition Acts
v. Marbury v. Madison, McCulloch v. Maryland
c. Current News/Events
i. Iraq/Afghanistan
ii. Gitmo
d. Products
i. Photostory
ii. Personal Narrative
iii. Trial/Tribunal
e. Authentic Audience
i. Elected Officials
1. BD- Hinkle
2. Pike- Mike Delph, Vanessa Summers
3. Broad Ripple- Scott Schneider, Cindy Noe
4. Nat’l- Andre Carson, Trent Deckard (Baron Hill)
ii. Human Resource/ Personnel
1. Dave Marcotte
2. Mike Gaerte
3. Kyle Lacy
4. Bowie Grant

2. Why do people choose to come to America, and should we want them here?
a. English
i. Immigration
ii. Cultural Diffusion
iii. Equiano
iv. Eyes are Watching God
b. Social Studies
i. Westward Expansion
ii. Immigration (Legal/Illegal, Documented/Undocumented)
iii. Push/Pull Factors
iv. Slavery
vi. Boom/Bust
c. Products
i. Prezi
ii. Personal Narrative (Family History)
iii. Video/Documentary
iv. Resume
v. Citizenship Ceremony
d. Authentic Audience
i. Matt Tucker (Border Patrol)
ii. Citizenship Ceremony
iii. Student Examples (Current and Former)

3. How can we ensure the lessons learned in African Americans’ struggle for equal
rights are passed down to future generations?
a. English
i. Birmingham Letter
ii. Lesson Before Dying
iii. Life on the Color Line
b. Social Studies
i. MLK
ii. X
iii. Chavez
iv. Jim Crow
v. Reconstruction
vi. Civil Rights Era
c. Products
i. PBS- Movie Maker (News clip, 60 Minutes Interview)
d. Authentic Audience
ii. News Professionals
iii. NAACP- Sherman Woodard (BDHS)

4. How should we protect the rights of marginalized groups in society? Should the
rights of marginalized groups in society be protected?
a. English
i. The Jungle
ii. Nickel and Dime
b. Social Studies
i. Trail of Tears
ii. Japanese Internment
iii. Labor Movement
iv. Robber Barons or Barons of Industry
c. Products
i. PowerPoint
ii. Prezi
iii. Public Service Announcement
iv. Persuasive Essay
d. Authentic Audience
i. Real World Examples (ACLU, UAW, Miami Indians, etc.)
ii. Presentations (Attorneys)
iii. Rafael Sanchez, Matthew Tully, NUVO

5. How does one person effect change? Would President Obama be president
without the media?
a. English
i. Inaugural Address
ii. Famous Address
iii. State of Union Address’
b. Social Studies
i. Key Events
ii. Key Scandals/Results
iii. Popular Opinion, Legacy
c. Products
i. Wiki
ii. Media Literacy
d. Authentic Audiences
i. Speech Writers
ii. Jon Easter (Dem. Party contacts)
iii. Trent Deckard (Clodfelter)
iv. Mike Gaerte

6. How can we create a successful business for the 20th Century society?
a. English
i. The Great Gatsby
b. Social Studies
i. Labor Barons
ii. Labor Movement
c. Products
i. Business Plan (?)
d. Authentic Audience
i. Chamber of Commerce
ii. Kyle Lacy
iii. Business Leaders

7. Why should Americans trust their government?

a. English
i. Media Literacy
b. Social Studies
i. Assassinations
ii. Wars
iii. Events
c. Products
i. Media Literacy
ii. Research Essay
iii. Youtube Propaganda
d. Authentic Audience
i. Jeff Jones
ii. Professors

8. Can global conflict be prevented?

a. English
i. Red Badge of Courage
ii. Animal Farm
iii. The Things They Carried
b. Social Studies
i. NATO/Warsaw Pact
ii. UN League of Nations
iii. Roosevelt Corollary/Monroe Doctrine/Marshall Plan
iv. War Cause/Effect
c. Products
i. Website
d. Authentic Audience
i. Soldiers
ii. Joe Carrillo
iii. Immigrant Students

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