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Eris is loaded with many different types of individuals with unique lifestyles.

A few of us live in icy

atmospheres in the mountains, others in hot atmospheres. Some of us work as farmers and others in
offices. We speak many different languages and are from various ethnic backgrounds. Given that our
nation is so diverse, we have a government that regards the rights and needs of a wide range of
individuals all through the nation, regardless of their ethnicity, position, sexual orientation, financial
foundation, age or conjugal status. We have a government that permits everybody in the nation to accept
what they wish, practice any religion they want and express their own political assessments. We also have
an administration that does not put the inclinations of one gathering of individuals over another. I
encourage the people from various countries to consider coming to Eris since we are diverse which would
make easier to fit in with others, we offer higher employment which would make it easier to land a
position and bolster a family, and we have good governance that listens to what the people have to say.
The type of government that exists in my country is democratic. This is because democracy provides
opportunities for the participation of citizens in the political process. Citizens of all backgrounds are
encouraged to speak their minds and make demands on their government. Within a democracy, the
citizens of the country are encouraged to help shape government policy. Democracy is also an important
factor of controlling government power and prevents the people who hold power abusing it and using it
for their own gain rather than for the peoples. In Eris, we always put the people first and listen to what
they have to say.
In Eris, there are three levels of government which incorporates Federal, Provincial, and Municipal. These
three levels of government play very big roles that have made our country to what it is today. The Federal
government deals with areas of law and things that generally affect the whole country. The Provincial
government is in charge of many things, for example, education, health care, some natural resources,
and road regulations. Sometimes they share duty with the federal government. Lastly, the Municipal
government is usually responsible for things based in a city, town or district such as libraries, parks,
community water systems, local police, roadways, and parking.
In Eris, decisions will be made by a democratic government. Which means voters have an associate
degree of equal say within the decisions that have an effect on their lives. Democracy grants people to
participate equallyeither directly or through non appointive delegatesin the proposition,
advancement, and making of laws.
Freedom to express their opinion
Freedom to express their religious views
Freedom to freely vote
The criminal justice system is exclusive within the world. There are two legal traditions (common law
and civil law) that co-exist within our system of justice. As citizens of Eris, we are all responsible for
knowledge of our rights and freedoms and our obligations as participants of society. Courts resolve
disputes, and in doing so, they interpret and establish the law for all citizens.

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