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J. Pathol.

187: 127137 (1999)


. . *
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbor, NY 11724, U.S.A.

The dogma that antineoplastic treatments kill tumour cells by damaging essential biological functions has been countered by the
notion that treatment itself initiates a programmed cellular response. This response often produces the morphological features of
apoptosis and is determined by a network of proliferation and survival genes, some of which are differentially expressed in normal and
malignant cells. Correspondingly, mutations that interfere with the initiation or execution of apoptosis may produce tumour-cell drug
resistance. Remarkably, many of the genes that modulate apoptosis in response to cytotoxic drugs also affect apoptosis during tumour
development; hence, the process of apoptosis provides a conceptual framework for understanding how cancer genes can influence the
outcome of cancer therapy. Although the relative contribution of apoptosis to radiation and drug-induced cell death remains
controversial, clinical studies have associated anti-apoptotic mutations with treatment failure. While careful preclinical and clinical
studies will be necessary to resolve this point, our current understanding of apoptosis should facilitate the design of rational new
therapies. Copyright  1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
KEY WORDSanti-cancer treatment; resistance; DNA damage; clinical outcome; p53; programmed cell death


Apoptosis is a process of cell death that was initially At the molecular level, the best understood cell death
described by its morphological characteristics, including pathways involve those initiated by death receptors,
cell shrinkage, membrane blebbing, chromatin conden- including Fas/CD95, tumour necrosis factor (TNF)
sation, and nuclear fragmentation.1 Apoptosis acts in receptor type 1 (TNFR1), DR3, DR4 and DR5.8,11,12
embryonic development and tissue homeostasis,2 and For example, binding of TNF to TNFR1 results in
can also be induced by pathological insults. The fact that its trimerization and the subsequent recruitment of
apoptosis is controlled by genes reveals its clinical the signal transducing molecules TRADD (TNFR1-
relevance: as in other developmental or homeostatic associated death domain protein) and FADD
processes, cell death can be disrupted by mutations. (Fas-associating protein with death domain) through
Hence, a variety of disease states involve either hyper- conserved protein interaction regions known as death
activation or suppression of apoptosis, including domains. This complex then associates with caspase-8, a
neurodegenerative diseases and cancer, respectively.3 cell death protease that becomes activated in the
While the terms apoptosis and programmed cell death receptor/adapter complex. Activated caspase-8 initiates
are often used synonymously, cell deaths can be pro- a protease cascade that cleaves cellular targets and
grammed without undergoing the morphological char- results in apoptotic cell death.10,13,14 Hence, disruption
acteristics of apoptosis4,5 and can occur long after the of FADD can prevent activation of caspase-8, thereby
death-initiating event.6 producing defects in receptor-mediated cell death (e.g.
A comprehensive overview of apoptosis is beyond the ref. 15). Importantly, TNF-induced apoptosis can be
scope of this discussion (for review, see refs 2 and 710). modulated by TRADDs ability to bind TRAF2 (TNF
However, as a general summary, most apoptotic path- receptor-associated factor), which facilitates nuclear
ways involve a sensor that detects a death-inducing factor kappa B (NF-B)-mediated cell survival.16,17
signal, a signal transduction network, and an execution
machinery that actively carries out the process of cell DNA damage-induced apoptosis
death. The probability with which each signal activates
the execution machinery is controlled by a series of DNA damage can also induce apoptosis through a
regulators that, in turn, are influenced by cellular con- central player, p53, although p53-independent pathways
text. Hence, stimuli which induce apoptosis in one clearly exist. Current evidence suggests that DNA strand
setting may not in another. In order to lay the ground- breaks are sensed by kinases such as the DNA-
work for therapy-induced apoptosis, two different dependent protein kinase (DNA-PK) or the ataxia-
apoptotic pathways are outlined below. telangiectasia-mutated gene product (ATM) leading to
phosphorylation and activation of p53.18,19 p53 trans-
*Correspondence to: S. W. Lowe, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, mits the apoptotic signal by a complicated mechanism
1 Bungtown Road, P.O. Box 100, Cold Spring Harbor, NY 11724, that involves, at least in part, its ability to transactivate
U.S.A. E-mail: target genes such as bax and a series of p53-inducible
Contract grant sponsor: Dr Mildred Scheel Cancer Foundation. genes (PIGs).20,21 The next step is poorly understood,
Contract grant sponsor: National Cancer Institute; Contract grant but may involve changes in mitochondrial membrane
number: CA13106. potential and release of cytochrome c.22 In any case,
CCC 00223417/99/01012711$17.50
Copyright  1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

once in the cytosol, cytochrome c can interact in a genes should create selective pressure for disruption of
multi-protein complex with Apaf1 and pro-caspase-9, apoptosis during tumour progression. That pro- and
leading to caspase-9 activation and the initiation of a anti-apoptotic mutations co-operate during tumour
protease cascade similar to that described above.23,24 development has extensive support from animal
Concordantly, inactivation of caspase-9 disrupts apop- models.33,4749
tosis in situations where p53 is required for programmed
cell death.25,26
Apoptosis induced by DNA-damaging agents can be APOPTOSIS LINKS CANCER GENETICS WITH
dramatically affected by cellular context, including tissue CANCER THERAPY
type and genetic background (see below). One of the
most important modulators is Bcl-2, owing to its ability The importance of programmed forms of cell death is
to affect cytochrome c release from mitochondria9,27 not restricted to tumour development, but has relevance
and/or modulate the Apaf1/caspase-9 interaction.24,28,29 for cancer therapy and mechanisms of drug sensitivity
Given these complexities, the scenario described above and resistance. However, until recently, the tumour-
must be considered a conceptual framework for further specific toxicity of most anticancer agents was attributed
research and discussion. In reality, the apoptotic net- to their debilitating effects on actively proliferating cells.
work is much too complicated to be accurately described The interaction of an agent with its primary intercellular
by simple linear pathways. target was presumed to produce massive cellular dam-
age, thereby disrupting vital metabolic functions and
causing catastrophic cell death. Based on this view,
APOPTOSIS IN NEOPLASIA efforts to understand drug resistance have focused on
mutations that disrupt or prevent the drugtarget inter-
Failure to maintain an appropriate balance of cell action. More recently, it has become apparent that most
numbers is a hallmark of neoplasia. Apoptosis is the anticancer agents induce apoptosis. Thus, the effective-
counterweight to proliferation, and disruption of ness of anticancer drugs may not simply reflect their
apoptosis is a key event in tumourigenesis. For ability to cause cellular damage, but also the cells ability
example, Bcl-2 was cloned by virtue of its high frequency to detect and respond to this damage.1,50 Conversely,
of constitutive activation following translocation in since drugs with distinct primary targets can induce
follicular lymphomas.30 Indeed, several key players in apoptosis through similar mechanisms, mutations
apoptosis were originally identified by their role in apoptotic programmes can produce multi-drug
in oncogenic transformation or as genes mutated in resistance.50,51
human tumours.31,32 Moreover, inactivation of p53 Cytotoxic anticancer agents are effective only when
is an extremely common event in human tumours: tumour cells are more readily killed than the surround-
while p53 functions in several cellular processes, its ing normal tissue. If the efficacy of these agents is partly
role in apoptosis clearly contributes to tumour determined by their ability to induce apoptosis, then
development.33,34 tumour cells must be more susceptible to apoptosis than
Paradoxically, the forces of tumour development can the normal tissue from which they arose. Interestingly,
actually promote apoptotic cell death, owing largely to pro-oncogenes such as E1A and c-myc dramatically
cellular mechanisms that couple excessive proliferation increase cellular radio- and chemosensitivity in cultured
to apoptosis. Specifically, studies using cultured cells cells and xenografts.5153 Since changes induced by these
demonstrate that many mitogenic oncogenes (e.g. myc, oncogenes are unique to malignant cells, it has been
E1A, E2F-1, cdc25, ras) force uncontrolled proliferation suggested that this effect contributes to the therapeutic
but at the same time can enhance apoptosis.2 Of note, index of cytotoxic agents.51,54 Conversely, disruption of
apoptosis in oncogene-expressing cells is markedly p53 or overexpression of Bcl-2 can produce pleiotropic
potentiated by growth inhibitory signals prevalent in resistance to anticancer agents by preventing apoptosis
developing tumours, including low concentrations of (see below).
survival/growth factors35,36 and low oxygen (hypoxia).37 It is remarkable that the same genetic alterations that
Hence, these developing tumour cells strike a balance influence apoptosis during tumour development also
between proliferation and apoptosis which is dependent modulate drug sensitivity and resistance. For example,
on environmental cues. c-myc enhances apoptosis in low concentrations of sur-
Promotion of apoptosis by oncogenes may function as vival factors or oxygen and following treatment with
a cellular fail-safe mechanism that limits tumour devel- diverse cytotoxic agents;35,37,53 conversely, loss of p53
opment. Consistent with this view, molecules that modu- and overexpression of Bcl-2 suppress apoptosis induced
late oncogene-induced cell death in cultured cells are by oncogenes and depletion of survival factors, hypoxia,
commonly mutated in tumours. For example, the p53 and cytotoxic drugs.35,37,39,51 As such, the concept of
tumour suppressor is activated by a variety of mitogenic apoptosis provides an attractive link between the forces
oncogenes. p53 is necessary for oncogene-induced apop- of tumour development and factors influencing drug
tosis in a variety of settings,3841 and recent studies have sensitivity and resistance. Indeed, this association may
demonstrated that yet another tumour suppressor, explain the phenomenon of de novo drug resistance in
p19ARF, mediates this effect.4246 Moreover, oncogene- advanced solid tumours: selection against apoptosis
induced cell death is efficiently blocked by Bcl-2.2,9 during tumour development can simultaneously produce
Importantly, these data predict that pro-apoptotic onco- drug-resistant cells.
Copyright  1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Pathol. 187: 127137 (1999)

APOPTOSIS AND THE CLASSIC VIEW OF engineered cells to ask whether controlled alterations in
DRUG TOXICITY the expression of apoptotic genes can increase or
decrease cellular sensitivity to radiation or various
Although the role of apoptosis in treatment is a recent chemotherapeutic agents. Although these systems are
concept, the predictions arising from this model can be artificial, they clearly demonstrate that defects in apop-
integrated with classic views of drug action to explain tosis can produce resistance to anticancer agents. A
previous observations. The classic view is based on the sampling of some apoptotic genes and their relationship
drugtarget interaction and its relation to a distinct to drug toxicity under preclinical conditions are
cell-cycle phase. For example, pharmacological S-phase discussed below.
synchronization was thought to sensitize tumour cells to
anticancer drugs most toxic to DNA synthesis or the
replication machinery.55,56 Apoptosis links the cell-cycle The p53 tumour suppressor
phase preference of anticancer agents to a DNA The most well-studied gene in terms of its impact on
damage-checkpoint-initiated cell death programme. DNA damage-induced cell death is p53. Early studies
Given an intact checkpoint control, drug-mediated cell linking p53 loss with radiation and drug resistance came
death is now understood as a checkpoint response to from model systems using p53 knockout mice. For
DNA damage. example, loss of p53 markedly attenuates radiation
DNA damage-induced cell death can occur immedi- and drug-induced apoptosis in a variety of murine
ately or be delayed. The majority of drugs target DNA tissues.6065 Importantly, oncogenically transformed
synthesis, whereas others are more related to cell metab- cells derived from p53-deficient fibroblasts are cross-
olism and division. Hence, some drugtarget interactions resistant to a variety of cytotoxic agents both in cell
mediate immediate genomic injury while others cause culture and in nude mice.51,66 In addition, studies using
delayed genotoxicity, shedding light on the phenomenon the more complicated genetic background of tumour-
of acute versus delayed apoptosis.6 The acuteness and derived lines also found a high dependency of most
severity of the drug-induced DNA damage are not only clinically established anticancer drugs on functional
related to the drugtarget interaction, but also depend p53.67,68 Moreover, many studies document an increase
on the dose and the time [the area-under-the-curve in radiation and chemosensitivity following transfer of
(AUC)]. While low doses resulting in minor, repairable p53 genes into p53-deficient tumour cells in culture and
damage may only delay cell-cycle progression, higher in xenografts.69,70
doses leading to severe DNA damage can initiate
apoptosis or even necrosis. Furthermore, the onset
of apoptosis is dose-dependent: topoisomerase in-
Bcl-2 family
hibitors like adriamycin execute cell death directly in the
affected S-phase without proceeding to the following Overexpression of Bcl-2 in human tumour cells pro-
checkpoint; however, lower doses result in apoptosis duces resistance to a wide variety of toxic agents.71
in subsequent cell-cycle phases following checkpoint Unlike classic modes of drug resistance, Bcl-2 does not
controls.57 inhibit drug uptake or the ensuing cellular damage but
Thus, the present concept of drug-mediated cyto- instead blocks apoptosis.72 Experiments using antisense
toxicity, improved by new insights into programmed cell technology to interfere with Bcl-2 function have shown
death, dependency on checkpoint control, AUC, and the an inverse correlation between chemosensitivity and
kind of genomic injury, reflects the complexity of the Bcl-2 levels, indicating that endogenous Bcl-2 contrib-
cellular response to anticancer treatment. While this utes to the drug-resistant state.73 This also suggests that
concept provides an exciting new perspective on how agents designed to disrupt Bcl-2 function might be
anticancer drugs work, it also underlines that individual effective therapeutics.
effects are highly dependent on cell type, specific treat- Bcl-2 is the founding member of an expanding gene
ment, and environmental conditions. In addition, it family74 that includes other anti-apoptotic molecules
elucidates why modified treatment conditions may cause such as Bcl-xL as well as pro-apoptotic members such as
apoptotic cell death even in a formerly resistant setting. bax. Preclinical studies have shown that Bcl-xL over-
This aspect may be important for the understanding expression can confer resistance to anticancer drugs and
of high-dose strategies, which are able to override radiotherapy.75,76 By contrast, other members of the
resistance.58 Bcl-2 family like bax, bcl-xS, and bak appear to promote
apoptosis.77 While bax deficiency mediates drug resist-
ance,78 Bax overexpression enhances radiation sensitiv-
APOPTOTIC GENES AND ANTICANCER AGENT ity or sensitizes to anticancer drugs.79,80 The activity of
CYTOTOXICITY the Bcl-2 family members involves their ability to form
homodimeric or heterodimeric complexes. Several
Studies performed nearly 25 years ago noted that studies suggest that cell viability following an apoptotic
apoptosis accompanies tumour regression during cancer stimulus is associated with the Bcl-2/Bax ratio,81 but
therapy.59 However, the view that the integrity of apop- exactly how these complexes regulate apoptosis is
totic pathways can affect the outcome of cancer therapy unclear. Interestingly, antitubulin agents like paclitaxel
stems from basic and preclinical studies on the apoptotic or vincristine induce Bcl-2 hyperphosphorylation and
genes themselves. Typically, these studies use genetically inhibit its ability to heterodimerize with Bax.82
Copyright  1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Pathol. 187: 127137 (1999)

Fig. 1DNA damage and oncogenes initiate pathways involved in apoptosis, cell-cycle arrest,
or survival. p53 is activated by mitogenic oncogenes such as E1A and myc with p19ARF as an
intermediary, or by kinases such as the DNA-dependent protein kinase (DNA-PK) or the
product of the ataxia-telangiectasia gene (ATM) in response to DNA damage. The apoptotic
p53 pathway includes bax, cytochrome c release, activation of Apaf1, and the caspase family,
while the p53-target p21 mediates cell-cycle arrest. Oncogenes may also contribute to p53-
independent apoptosis by sensitization of the Fas/FasL death receptor pathway or by other
pro-apoptotic pathways. Induction of NF-B results in subsequent activation of survival genes

Death receptors and therapy the contribution of dysregulated caspases to anticancer

treatment resistance have not yet been published. How-
Some studies suggest that classic anticancer agents
ever, exogenous inhibition of caspases has conferred
require the FasL/Fas system to induce cell death,
resistance to different anticancer drugs.91 The potential
although this remains highly controversial. For example,
adriamycin-induced apoptosis of human T-cell leukae- impact of caspases and their activators on resistance is
mia cells can be blocked by anti-Fas antibodies or also supported by knock-out mouse models with germ-
up-regulation of FasL expression.83,84 In contrast, both line disruptions of the Apaf1, caspase-3 or caspase-9
Fas-resistant Jurkat cells and FADD-deficient cells are gene, which are resistant to various apoptotic stimuli in
defective in Fas-induced death but not chemotherapy- different tissues.4,25,26,92
induced apoptosis.15,85 In principle, cross-resistance
against Fas- and drug-induced apoptosis may be due to
escape mechanisms of shared downstream components Cell survival pathways
of the apoptotic machinery8587 (Fig. 1). Alternatively, Extracellular survival factors play an important role
the relationship may be more direct. In this regard, p53 in maintaining cell viability.93 Although these cell sur-
can transcriptionally activate DR5 in some contexts, vival pathways may not directly act downstream of
suggesting a mechanism whereby these pathways anticancer drugs, recent studies indicate that they can
could facilitate drug-induced death.88,89 Still, much synergize with anti-apoptotic mutations to reduce
work is needed to understand when and how these chemosensitivity.94 One critical factor in cell survival is
death receptor pathways contribute to radio- and NF-B, a transcription factor that is induced by a
chemosensitivity. variety of signals including oncogenes, cytokines, and
anticancer drugs.9599 Remarkably, inactivation of
NF-B dramatically enhances apoptosis following treat-
The terminal apoptotic cascade ment with TNF- and certain anticancer agents,100
At the final stage of apoptosis, the different death owing, at least partially, to NF-Bs ability to modulate
pathways converge to activate members of the caspase the expression of components of death receptor com-
family.90 Preclinical studies on tumour cells analysing plexes.17 Another survival signal cascade, the PI3K/Akt
Copyright  1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Pathol. 187: 127137 (1999)

pathway, may link extracellular survival signals to the resistance in human tumours. However, not all studies
apoptotic machinery by phosphorylation of specific cell find correlations between sensitivity to apoptosis and
death-related molecules such as Bad.98 Recent evidence radio- and chemosensitivity. For example, some studies
suggests that the PI3K/Akt cell survival pathway can be fail to correlate p53 mutations with reduced anticancer
negatively regulated by the PTEN tumour suppressor, a agent toxicity and, indeed, others see loss of p53 enhanc-
lipid phosphatase that itself induces apoptosis.101,102 ing cell death.118,119 Moreover, in some settings, Bcl-2
Since PTEN is mutated in diverse tumour types, it will does not enhance cell viability following irradiation or
be interesting to determine whether loss of PTEN can drug treatment and in fact, some studies suggest that
influence the cytotoxicity of anticancer agents. Bcl-2 expression is indicative of a good prognosis and
outcome in breast cancer.120,121 These results confound
our understanding of the overall impact of apoptosis
APOPTOTIC MUTATIONS AND DRUG on cancer therapy. Although more research will be
RESISTANCE IN PATIENTS needed to resolve these inconsistencies, both methodo-
logical and technical problems contribute to this
Although laboratory studies like those described confusion.
above have established that mutations in apoptotic
programmes produce treatment-resistant tumours, the
Apoptosis and clonogenic survival
extent to which similar mechanisms operate in cancer
patients remains to be established. With varying degrees In some contexts, anti-apoptotic changes such as
of success, investigators have attempted to extend these Bcl-2 overexpression simply delay radiation or drug-
preclinical observations to patients. These studies can be induced apoptosis but do not enhance clonogenic
extremely difficult, as suitable clinical material is often survival, raising the possibility that non-apoptotic
hard to obtain and the genetics of human tumours are so mechanisms are ultimately responsible for cell
variable as to preclude simple comparisons. Neverthe- death.122124 While it is likely that delayed cell death can
less, emerging evidence suggests that mutations that contribute to the toxicity of anticancer agents, several
suppress apoptosis may indeed contribute to treatment caveats are worth mentioning. While the clonogenic
failure in human cancer. In fact, p53 mutations were survival assays are often considered the gold standard,
found to be associated with poor prognosis, de novo or recent evidence of the role of p21 in response to
acquired resistance, and relapse in a broad field of solid irradiation indicates that clonogenic survival may not
and haematological malignancies.67,103110 accurately reflect in vivo cell death and regrowth of
Recent data underline the link between extragenic long-term arrested cells.125 It is possible that autocrine
alterations of the apoptotic p53 pathway and impaired or paracrine survival factorsinfluenced by cell density
response to therapy. Mdm2 overexpression, resulting in or micro-environmentcan impact the mechanisms of
p53 degradation, correlates with early treatment failure drug toxicity. Indeed, a recent study has confirmed that
in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukaemia.111 Loss-of- Bcl-2 has dramatically different effects on the long-term
function mutations of the p53-target bax confer resist- survival of lymphoma cells depending on the culture
ance in haematopoietic malignancies.112 Expression conditions used in the clonogenic assay.94
levels of Bax are positively correlated with response to Despite the exceptions, a large number of studies
cytotoxic treatment and survival in breast cancer indicate that apoptotic genes can affect clonogenic sur-
patients.113,114 Increased Bcl-2/Bax ratios were observed vival and, as indicated above, can affect tumour regres-
in B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukaemia cells and were sion in animal models or patients. However, in addition
particularly pronounced in leukaemia cells from patients to acute apoptosis detectable in short-term survival
non-responsive to chemotherapy.115 Overexpression of assays, other forms of programmed cell death can
the anti-apoptotic long form of Bcl-x correlated strongly include delayed apoptosis and senescence-like tumour
with decreased response rates in multiple myeloma cell arrest.6,126 Genes that affect these latter processes
patient groups treated with different classes of anti- are poorly understood; therefore definitive experiments
cancer agents.116 Although fewer studies have focused are difficult to perform.
on apoptotic genes outside the p53 axis and Bcl-2 family,
overexpression of Bcr-Abl, a fusion protein arising from
Technical and conceptual considerations
the Philadelphia translocation in leukaemia, has been
shown to suppress apoptosis and reduce the therapeutic What other factors could explain a lack of correlation
outcome of relapsed childhood acute lymphoblastic between specific apoptotic genes and chemosensitivity
leukaemia.117 and/or therapeutic outcome in patients? A major issue
relates to the technical and conceptual problems that
accompany correlative studies examining the relation-
TO WHAT EXTENT DOES APOPTOSIS ship between single apoptotic genes, chemosensitivity,
CONTRIBUTE TO THE OUTCOME OF and/or therapeutic outcome. The problem can be illus-
CURRENT CANCER THERAPIES? trated by studying the issues associated with understand-
ing the role of one apoptotic gene, p53, in therapeutic
The above studies provide direct evidence that apop- outcome.
tosis can impact on therapy and correlative evidence In correlative studies using human cell lines or
that anti-apoptotic mutations can contribute to drug tumours, the ability to make statistically significant
Copyright  1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Pathol. 187: 127137 (1999)

comparisons requires that samples are accurately setting, leading to comparable and treatment-assessable
classified based on p53 status. Most clinical studies rely tumours. Since xenograft models have their own restric-
on p53 immunohistochemistry as a surrogate marker for tions rooted in the grafthost collision mice harbouring
p53 mutations, but evaluation is subjective and the germ-line mutations in apoptotic genes may be useful.
premise that detectable p53 reflects mutated p53 contrib- For example, we addressed the question of treatment-
utes to a potential misclassification of a subset of mediated apoptosis in the E-myc transgenic mouse.131
tumours.127 Direct sequencing of p53 is more accurate When crossed to mice heterozygous for p53, the F1
and can identify associations between p53 mutations and generation with wild-type p53 developed B-cell lym-
clinical parameters where immunohistochemistry can- phoma within the usual latency. However, lymphoma in
not,127 but is subject to normal cell contamination. In the p53 +/ mice occurred much faster. While the p53
studies with limited material, misclassification of even a wild-type tumours responded to radiation or adria-
few tumours can affect the conclusions. Even with mycin, two thirds of the p53 +/ derived tumours were de
accurate diagnosis of p53 status, tumour classification is novo-resistant and the responsive subgroup relapsed
confounded by the observation that not all p53 muta- after very short remission periods (C. Schmitt, R. R.
tions are functionally equivalent.128 Moreover, a large Wallace-Brodeur, M. E. McCurrach, and S. W. Lowe,
number of extragenic mutations can abolish p53 activity unpublished observations). This is exactly what one
in tumours that retain a wild-type p53 gene. Many such would predict with respect to p53s role in DNA
alterations are common in human tumours, including damage-mediated apoptosis and underlines the validity
HPV-E6 in cervical carcinomas, Mdm2 in a variety of of the model. In principle, this model or others may
tumours, and bax in HNPCC-type colon cancer.128130 become useful in genetically-oriented drug-discovery
In these settings, p53 status would be misclassified by programmes.
current technology. Given these caveats, it is impossible
to interpret negative results in clinical studies.
Finally, basic studies indicate that the role of p53 in NEW THERAPEUTIC APPROACHES
chemosensitivity is context-dependent. Specifically, the
prediction that p53 mutations should promote drug Irrespective of the relative extent to which apoptosis
resistance is largely based on the observations that contributes to the success of present-day cancer thera-
DNA-damaging agents can activate p53 to promote pies, our current understanding of apoptosis leaves no
apoptosis. However, p53 has additional biological doubt that these programmes can be manipulated to
activities, including the ability to promote cell-cycle produce massive changes in cell death. Hence, the genes
checkpoints and senescence, and little is known about and proteins that control apoptosis provide exciting new
how these activities modulate chemosensitivity. Perhaps targets for rational drug discovery. Of course, as indi-
positive correlations between p53 and chemosensitivity cated above, the clinic is filled with potent inducers of
will only occur where p53s apoptotic function predomi- tumour-cell apoptosismolecules which are also highly
nates. Whether p53 functions in an apoptotic mode will toxic due to their deleterious effects on normal cells.
depend on several criteria, including agent, dose, tissue Thus, strategies designed to identify novel compounds
type, and mutational background of the tumour cells that simply induce apoptosis are unlikely to provide
(see above). These are not understood in sufficient detail improvements over current therapies; rather, new strat-
to make accurate predictions as to p53s role in a given egies must exploit apoptosis in a selective manner. A
setting. sampling of current approaches to exploit apoptosis will
The question is: to what extent does apoptosis con- be discussed below.
tribute to the clinical outcome? Although p53 can be
used as an example to address the question of drug
sensitivity and resistance, the same caveats apply to Selective delivery
clinical studies investigating other single genes that One strategy to achieve selectivity is through tumour-
control apoptosis. Besides the difficulty in assessing specific delivery of apoptosis-inducing molecules. For
pathways instead of single genes, outcome not only example, viral vectors expressing apoptotic genes can be
depends on the therapeutic impact on cell death, but is directly introduced into the tumour, minimizing their
also the result of the tumour growth minus apoptosis uptake by normal cells (see, for example, refs 69, 132
equation. Progression under treatment may reflect resist- 134). This approach has proven particularly effective for
ance, but can occur in a fast-growing, sensitive tumour p53: intratumoural injection of p53-expressing adeno-
as well. On the one hand, poor prognosis can be solely viruses can induce apoptosis directly and synergizes with
due to an aggressive histological subtype, potentially cytotoxic anticancer agents to promote tumour regres-
due to genetic alterations of apoptotic genes. On the sion with minimal additional toxicity.69,135,136 Indeed,
other hand, it can be a result of an impaired treatment strategies using this approach are currently undergoing
response due to non-apoptotic mechanisms attenuating clinical trials.137 Alternatively, tumour-specific changes
the therapeutic efficacy. Between these extremes, a sub- in transcriptional regulation may allow selective expres-
stantial contribution of apoptotic dysregulation to treat- sion of apoptosis-inducing genes. One elegant approach
ment failure is likely, however, in patients technically takes advantage of the fact that E2F transcription
hard to prove. factors are often hyperactivated in tumour cells, owing
A promising approach to monitor drug-induced to defects in the Rb pathway. Toxic genes can be driven
apoptosis in vivo is animal models with a defined genetic from artificial promoters harbouring E2F binding sites,
Copyright  1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Pathol. 187: 127137 (1999)

leading to preferential activation of the apoptosis gene E1A mutants unable to bind Rb (but retaining the
in tumours.138 Finally, since adenovirus inefficiently p300/CBP interaction) promote apoptosis in Rb-
infects normal haemopoietic cells, adenoviral vectors deficient cells but not in normal cells.148 In principle,
expressing apoptotic genes can be used to purge the these E1A mutants, or small molecules which mimic
bone marrow of metastatic tumour cells.139,140 their action, may provide tumour-specific anticancer
agents by exploiting the fact that the Rb pathway is
disrupted in the majority of human cancers.
Tumour-specific alterations in apoptotic programmes
Although mutations in death receptors seem to be
Since tumour evolution involves genetic changes that very rare events in human tumours and, so far, no
both positively and negatively affect apoptosis, the regu- cancer-related mutations of their ligands have been
lation of apoptosis in tumour cells may be fundamen- described,149151 changes accompany tumourigenesis
tally different from normal tissues. In many instances, have dramatic effects on the regulation of these path-
apoptosis has been disabled by dominant oncogenes, ways. Mitogenic oncogenes like myc and E1A can
and disrupting their function can produce remarkable increase sensitivity to Fas and TNF- in cultured
increases in cell death. In chronic myelogenous leukae- cells,152,153 and many human tumours have alterations
mia (CML), a chromosomal translocation leading to the in TRAIL-mediated death pathways. TRAIL is a TNF-
production of the Bcr-Abl fusion protein is critical for related protein that initiates a p53-independent cell
tumour evolution and may act by suppressing apopto- death programme by binding to its receptors DR4 or
sis.141 Since this translocation is unique to these tumour DR5. Normal cells are resistant to TRAIL-induced
cells, the gene or protein may represent a unique target. apoptosis, apparently because normal cells express
Indeed, inactivation of Bcr-Abl using hammerhead decoy receptors that compete with DR4 and DR5 for
ribozymes provides evidence that this approach can TRAIL but do not transmit a death-inducing signal.154
enhance apoptosis.142 Through an unknown mechanism, the expression of the
In many instances, tumour evolution leads to decoy receptor 1 seems to be widely lost on tumour cells,
up-regulation of one or more members of the Bcl-2 making them exquisitely susceptible to TRAIL-
family. Although targeting these proteins with small mediated cell death.154 Interestingly, DR5 is a p53-
molecules is the ultimate goal, substantial progress has responsive gene; hence, combination therapy with
been made using antisense inhibition;143 in fact, anti- TRAIL and classic cytotoxics may be particularly
sense bcl-2 oligonucleotides can produce substantial effective in treating tumours with functional p53.88
tumour regression when combined with chemotherapy Consequently, the use of TRAIL or other strategies
in xenograft models.144 Another gene-based approach to exploiting these well-characterized apoptotic pathways
target this family uses bcl-xS, a dominant-negative are promising avenues for drug development.
repressor of Bcl-2 and Bcl-xL. Adenovirus-mediated
gene transfer of bcl-xS can synergize with chemo-
Viral proteins
therapy145 and promote tumour regression in
xenografts,146 but produces minimal apoptosis when In addition to E1A, a number of other viral proteins
introduced into normal epithelial cells.147 Why would are in preclinical studies as selective inducers of apopto-
such therapeutic strategies be selective? The answer is sis. The adenovirus E4orf4 protein is responsible for
not known, but perhaps inactivation of these proteins p53-independent apoptosis observed during adenovirus
reveals the pro-apoptotic forces of certain oncogenic infection and can produce rapid cell death when
mutations (see earlier discussion). expressed in tumour cells,155 although the specificity of
Indeed, preclinical studies have demonstrated that it is this effect remains to be determined. Another intriguing
possible to harness directly the pro-apoptotic forces viral protein is apoptin, the VP3 product of chicken
produced by certain oncogenic mutations. As mentioned anaemia virus (CAV). This protein is responsible for the
earlier, oncogenes like c-myc and inactivation of tumour cytopathic effects of CAV156 and induces apoptosis in
suppressors such as Rb force proliferation but at the tumour cells but not normal cells.157 Although its mech-
same time promote apoptosis, presumably as a cellular anism of action remains unknown, apoptin-induced
safe-guard against tumourigenesis. These pro-apoptotic apoptosis is independent of p53 and is enhanced by
activities would be even more potent if it were not for Bcl-2.158 At the very least, the remarkable effects of
the survival genes simultaneously induced by the family apoptin underscore the point that selective induction of
of NF-B transcription factors, as reported for the apoptosis in tumour cells is achievable.
adenoviral oncoprotein E1A95 or for oncogenic Ras.98
Hence, inactivation of NF-B function with I-B can
enhance oncogene-induced apoptosis as well as cellular Chemoprotection
radio- and chemosensitivity.97,100 In a similar approach, As indicated above, there would be no truly drug-
studies on the adenovirus E1A oncogene provide proof resistant cell if cytotoxic agents could be applied in
of concept data that tumour-specific mutations can be sufficient dose. However, toxicity to normal tissues
exploited to selectively enhance apoptosis in tumour presents a major limitation in the use of current
cells. E1A promotes apoptosis and enhances chemo- apoptosis-inducing cytotoxic drugs. Most tissues are
sensitivity through a dual mechanism that involves relatively insensitive to apoptosis; however, normal
inactivation of the retinoblastoma protein and binding haematologic cells and certain stem cells of the small
the p300/CBP transcription co-activators. As a result, intestine are remarkably sensitive to apoptosis following
Copyright  1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Pathol. 187: 127137 (1999)

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