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It is a religious group of North American origin and Christian tradition; the Mormons share a
common belief in Jesus Christ as the savior of the world. Their Church was based on the beliefs of
the old Church that Jesus Christ organized, due to they said that the traditional Church such as
Christian and Catholic Church changed when Jesus Christ died. They started to restore the Jesus
Christ Church, when the prophet Jose Smith found gold plates written with Egyptian characters,
which they called the book of Mormon.

The Book of Mormon is the word of God, just like the Bible. It is Holy Scripture, with a format and
content similar to the Bible.

The Book of Mormon is the word of God, just like the Bible. It is Holy Scripture, with a format and
content similar to the Bible, The Mormon book responds to essential questions as is there life after
the death?What is the purpose of the life? Does God know me and he listen my prayers?

In this moment the Mormons is everywhere of the world, 1 out of 4 Mormons live in Latin America,
therefore there are 15 church working in Latin America, in addition they account with the greater
assistance to the church in USA.

People who usually assist to the Church wear their best clothes, which consist of suit, jacket and tie
for men, dresses or modest skirts for women. Children also dress up more elegantly for Sunday. The
members of the Church celebrate the Christmas and Easter, they consider that the events
commemorated in these days, such as the birth, suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ,
are the most significant in spiritual history.

They said that families are essential part of God's plan and their lives are focused on their families,
therefore they want to share the happiness that they enjoy with all people, through service,
missionary work and contributing to society.

All children must be born in the marriage to obtain a correct parenting, since the happiness is the

The Mormons who want to get married should comply with all constraints of law to be good with

The Mormon people baptize newborns and they perform baptisms in the name of family or friends
dead, since many people when was alive cannot be baptized.

Like the Mormons believe in Jesus Christ, they celebrate the Christmas in spite of they dont believe
that Jesus was born on December 25th; in this celebration they read the gospel in family before
Christmas dinner also they sing Christmas hymns to remember the importance of Jesus's birth. In
addition, they teach that Jesus Christ is the real Christmas spirit and Santa Claus is a symbol of this.

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