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Otto Totzke

Language Arts A2


Origin Story

Land Of Fire And Ice

By Otto Totzke

In the beginning there was only a world of fire and ice constantly being consumed and

reborn. The lord of fire and ice EldrIss loved the world he lived in in the mornings he would

survey his world and make sure that everything was either burning or frozen then he would hunt

the Eright Deart (it is essentially a demonic bear), then he would sleep and the world would be

consumed and reborn. However he grew tired of this routine of consume and create for he was

lonely. So he killed the Eright Deart took one of its ribs and willed it to live. The Deity created

from the rib was AltininUm (the mother of dragons) EldrIss and Altininum lived peacefully

for a couple millennium and AltininUm lived up to her name and gave birth to the entire dragon

race. After this EldrIss and AltininUm slept peacefully for one hundred million years. And so

came the age of dragons.

During the age of dragons there was one dragon that Ruled over them all, he was the

eldest, he was TaninMaesaghirasliha(Dragon With Small Arms. We shall call him Asliha).

Now he Ruled Peacefully for millions of years but some of his brethren did not like the way he

ruled and decided it was time for a change. So the two dragons who disliked him the most

TaninMaethlathqurun(Dragon With Three Horns. We shall call him Qurun) and

TaninMae'ajnihayunfahk(Dragon With Wings Of Wind. We shall call her Yunfahk) started a

Otto Totzke

Language Arts A2


Origin Story

rebellion this war lasted ten thousand years. During this war the rebels went to there parents

resting place and spent 500 Years trying to wake EldrIss and Altininum finally they woke and

asked their children why they were fighting and what they wanted, the rebels told their parents

about the beginning of the war, then they told their parents they wanted a unstoppable warrior

who could defeat Asliha and Eldriss told them he would grant their request so he took a toenail

and threw it into the ground and he told the rebels that if they fasted for one hundred day and one

hundred nights the toenail would sprout two unstoppable warriors and they were to call them

Bashrialdhikr and Bashri'iinathana (This is a translation lost to time however they too took to

calling themselves humans. Their individual names were Bash and Ri.) Bash Asked he rebels

what their purpose was and Yunfahk told them their job was to destroy the dragons. Immediately

Yunfakh realized this was a mistake as they were dragons as well she watched as Bash took a

pebble and threw it up in the sky as the pebble came down it grew in size and it hit the earth in

the place we now call the Chicxulub crater in the Gulf of Mexico. All that was left standing was

the fish in the sea and Bash and Ri. Now this is not the End of Bash and Ri or the Dragons

themselves for there was one left and its name was Taninyabqaa (Dragon that Survived).

Now Bash and Ri lived Happily for quite some time however they wanted more humans

to be friends with, so they swam to the center of the ocean where

( we do not actually

know the english translation as the language of the Qarash has been lost to time.) is located.

is the land of the Qarash, the Qarash had a leader name Fatira. Now Bash and Ri asked

Fatira if he had the power to create moe humans and he said he did and he said he could also
Otto Totzke

Language Arts A2


Origin Story

make them have to power to multiply by themselves, but they would not be as powerful as Bash

and Ri. Bash and Ri begged him to create more humans and he told them he would if they could

get him one item this item was a chip of bone from EldrIss hip. Ri was wary about this mission

as EldrIss was their creator but Bash begged here to come along and helped, Finally she

submitted to his request.

Bash and Ri Returned to their homes in the mountains to prepare for battle. They grabbed

every weapon they could think of and their magical armour they had gotten from EldrIss

himself. Now they returned to EldrIss resting place in the gulf of mexico and bash took his

sword and stabbed him in the ear to wake him up. A piece of EldrIss ear fell on the ground and

created the substance we now call oil. EldrIss woke up and demanded the reason why they woke

him up, Bash told him about the the piece of hip bone they needed and how he wanted a

honourable fight now Eldriss response to this surprised Bash and Ri as he just laughed and

laughed and continued laughing for one hundred years even now you can hear him laugh to

himself about it when he laughs he shakes the earth and creates earthquakes. When he finally

stopped laughing Ri asked him why he laughed and he told him they did not need to fight him

they just needed to ask and so they did ask. They returned triumphantly to the Qarash with a

piece of his hip and Fatira reluctantly Created more humans. Bash and Ri lived on for tenthosand

more years they watvched humanity grow and shrink have peace and war but finally it was their

time and they passed away peacefully. All of humanity gathered in peace to honour Bash and Ri,
Otto Totzke

Language Arts A2


Origin Story

the party lasted 100 days and 100 nights but in the end it stopped like all things. And like all

things must end this story must end as well. Goodbye.

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