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Nutritionnutricin Wasteresiduos
Building materialselementos Digestiondigestin
constructivos Digestive systemaparato digestivo
Energyenerga Respirationrespiracin
Provideproporcionar Oxygenoxgeno
Carbohydratescarbohidratos Releaseexpulsar
Pulseslegumbres Carbon dioxidedixido de carbono
Fatsgrasas Respiratory systemaparato respiratorio
Proteinsprotenas Circulationcirculacin
Growthcrecimiento Circulatory systemaparato circulatorio
Vitaminsvitaminas Excretionexcrecin
Mineralsminerales Excretory system...aparato excretor
Properly.apropiadamente Sweat grandsglndulas sudorparas

Nutrition provides our body with the building materials and the energy we need to live.

Food contains nutrients. These nutrients give us building materials andenergy. There are five
types of nutrients:
Carbohydrates provide us with energy (cereals, pulses, potatoes, bread, pasta)
Fats provide us with slow energy (oils and butter)
Proteins help us to grow (fish, meat, milk, eggs and pulses)
Vitamins and minerals help our body to function properly (fruit, vegetables and dairy
Water is very important because it transports nutrients and waste around the body.

Four processes work in nutrition:

Digestion. The digestive system obtains nutrients from the food.
Respiration. The respiratory system obtains oxygen and releases carbon dioxide.
Circulation. The circulatory system transports nutrients and waste around the body.
Excretion. The excretory system and the sweat glands eliminate waste substances.


Digestive tubetubo digestivo bilebilis

Helper glandsglndulas de ayuda liverhgado
Salivary glandsglndulas salivales pancreaspncreas
Bolusbolo alimenticio chylequilo
mixmezclar villivellosidades
pharinxfaringe faecesexcrementos
oesophagusesfago anusano
stomachestmago balanced diet..dieta equilibrada
gastric juicesjugos gstricos healthysaludable
chyme..quimo fiberfibra
small intestineintestino delgado
large intestine intestino grueso

In the digestion process, the digestive system transforms food into nutrients.

The digestive system consists of the digestive tube and the helper glands.
The food goes along the digestive tube: from the mouth, through the pharinx, the
oesophagus, the stomach, the small intestine, and the large intestine to the anus.
The helper glands help in the digestion. They are: the salivary glands, the liver and the

The food mixes with the saliva in the mouth and it is called bolus. In the stomach, it mixes with
gastric juices and it is called chyme. In the small intestine, it mixes with the bile and it is called

The villi in the small intestine absorb nutrients into blood. Waste remain in the large intestine
and they are called faeces. They are expulsed by the anus.

It is very important to have a balanced diet. Food high in fibre is necessary for our digestive
system. We mustnt eat a lot of food that are high in fats and sugar

Carbon dioxidedixido de carbono nostrilsfosas nasales

Expulsedespulsado pharynxfaringe
Exhaleexhalar trachea ..trquea
Healthsalud bronchibronquios
wash lavar lungspulmones
mustnt no debes bronchioles bronquiolos
smoke fumar air sacsalveolos pulmonares
polluted contaminado exchange intercambio
passageways vas respiratorias breathe respirar
through a travs de bloodsangre

In the respiration process, we breath in oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide.

The respiratory system

Respiration takes place in the respiratory system.

When we breathe in, air travels through the air passageways (nostrils, pharynx, trachea and
bronchi) to the lungs.
In the lungs, air goes through the bronchioles to the air sacs, where gas exchange happens.

Gas Exchange

In the air sacs, oxygen passes to the blood and the blood transports it around our body.
Blood also transports the carbon dioxide from all the body to the air sacs. It is expulsed when
we exhale.

Respiration and health

It is good for our respiratory system to do exercise, to eat vitamins and minerals, to drink
water, to wash your hands.
You mustnt smoke and breathe polluted air.

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