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ENDOCRINE CMED 213 (5 Marks each question)

1. Differentiate between type 1 and 2 diabetes Meletus

2. List 5 differences between hypo and hyperthyroidism
3. List at leat 4 cells of the islets of Langerhans and the hormones they produce
4. Explain why the endocrine system is so closely related to the nervous system
5. Distinguish between an endocrine gland and an exocrine gland
6. Describe how calcium levels are maintained in the blood
7. Distinguish between dwarfism, giantism, and acromegaly
8. Distinguish between Addisons Disease and Cushings Syndrome
9. Describe the microscopic anatomy of thyroid follicle
10. Describe the location, function and applied clinical anatomy of pineal glad

ENDOCRINE CMED 213 (5 Marks each question)

1. Differentiate between type 1 and 2 diabetes Meletus

2. List 5 differences between hypo and hyperthyroidism
3. List at leat 4 cells of the islets of Langerhans and the hormones they produce
4. Explain why the endocrine system is so closely related to the nervous system
5. Distinguish between an endocrine gland and an exocrine gland
6. Describe how calcium levels are maintained in the blood
7. Distinguish between dwarfism, giantism, and acromegaly
8. Distinguish between Addisons Disease and Cushings Syndrome
9. Describe the microscopic anatomy of thyroid follicle
10. Describe the location, function and applied clinical anatomy of pineal glad

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