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Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

University of Waterloo

ECE 222
Digital Computers

Hiren Patel

Special thanks to Prof. Bill Bishop, Prof. Gord Agnew,

and Prof. Anwar Hasan. These slides heavily borrow


Students enrolled in ECE 222 are permitted to print copies of

these lecture notes for their personal use in this course.
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of Waterloo

Instruction Sets and Addressing



ECE 222 (Patel, H.): ISAs and Addressing Modes 3

Memory Addressing

Memory systems do not allow instructions to directly address

a single bit in memory
Single bits of memory are not used frequently
If one did, then youd need as many unique addresses as bits

The range of addresses is known as the address space

The number of unique addressable locations in memory

depends upon the width of the address signal:
A 24 bit address generates an address space of 224 (16 777 216)
addressable locations
A 32 bit address generates an address space of 232 (4 294 967 296)
addressable locations

ECE 222 (Patel, H.): ISAs and Addressing Modes 4

Byte Addressable Memory Systems

Memory systems are typically byte addressable

Instructions may refer to a particular byte or a particular word

in memory
Each byte has a unique address
Adjacent bytes are located in addresses that differ by 1
Adjacent words are located in addresses that differ by the number of
bytes in a word

For example, the first word in memory would be located at

address 0x0000 and the second word in memory would be
located at address 0x0004 if words consist of 4 bytes

Given a 24 bit address, a byte addressable memory system

supports 16 MiB of memory
16 MiB of memory is exactly 16 777 216 bytes.
ECE 222 (Patel, H.): ISAs and Addressing Modes 5
SI Prefixes vs. Binary Prefixes

In 2005, IEEE adopted a set of binary prefixes to replace SI

prefixes in the labelling of storage devices
The binary prefixes were introduced to address the confusion over the
size of kilobytes, megabytes, and gigabytes

Prior to the adoption of this standard, some companies and

textbooks used a 1 kB to represent 1 000 bytes while others
used 1 kB to represent 1 024 bytes

Using SI prefixes, 1 kB refers to exactly 1 000 bytes

Using binary prefixes, 1 KiB refers to exactly 1 024 bytes

Often used as KB

For us, we always mean exact number of bytes

whether we use KiB or KB

ECE 222 (Patel, H.): ISAs and Addressing Modes 6

Important Binary Prefixes (IEEE 1541)

Binary Prefix Symbol Base 2 Base 10

kibi Ki 210 1 024
mebi Mi 220 1 048 576
gibi Gi 230 1 073 741 824
tebi Ti 240 1 099 511 627 776
pebi Pi 250 1 125 899 906 842 624
exbi Ei 260 1 152 921 504 606 846 976

The IEEE 1541 standard for binary prefixes was
officially adopted by the IEEE in 2005 but the binary
prefixes have not yet seen widespread use in the
computer industry.

ECE 222 (Patel, H.): ISAs and Addressing Modes 7

Word Addressable Memory Systems

In a word addressable memory system, instructions may only

refer to a particular word in memory
Each word has a unique address
Adjacent words are located in addresses that differ by 1
Memory accesses transfer data 1 word at a time

For example, the first word in memory would be located at

address 0x0000 and the second word in memory would be
located at address 0x0001, regardless of the word size

Given a 24 bit address, a word addressable memory system

supports 64 MiB of memory if a word consists of 4 bytes

Word addressable memory systems are rarely used

ECE 222 (Patel, H.): ISAs and Addressing Modes 8

Word and Byte Encoding

A common word length is 32 bits

Such a word can store a 32-bit signed integer or four 8-bit bytes (e.g.,
ASCII characters)

For 32-bit integer encoding, bit b31 is sign bit

ECE 222 (Patel, H.): ISAs and Addressing Modes 9

Byte Ordering

Defines how addresses are assigned to bytes of a word

Big-endian byte ordering assigns the lower byte addresses to

the more significant bytes within a word of memory
Low addresses to left most bytes

Little-endian byte ordering assigns the lower byte addresses

to the less significant bytes within a word of memory
Low addresses to right most bytes

ECE 222 (Patel, H.): ISAs and Addressing Modes 10

Big-Endian vs. Little-Endian
MSB Byte Address LSB MSB Byte Address LSB

Word 1 0 1 2 3 Word 1 3 2 1 0

Word 2 4 5 6 7 Word 2 7 6 5 4

The most significant byte is The least significant byte is
assigned to address 0. assigned to address 0.

2k-4 2k-3 2k-2 2k-1 2k-1 2k-2 2k-3 2k-4

a) Big-endian assignment b) Little-endian assignment

Bits within a byte are labelled in the same way

B31, B30, , B2, B1,B0

ECE 222 (Patel, H.): ISAs and Addressing Modes 11

Example of Byte Ordering

Given a 32 bit hexadecimal value of 0x0A0B0C0D stored at

memory address 0x0000, the bytes are arranged as follows
for each of the popular byte orderings:

Byte Values
Memory Address
Big-Endian Little-Endian
0x0000 0x0A 0x0D
0x0001 0x0B 0x0C
0x0002 0x0C 0x0B
0x0003 0x0D 0x0A

The least significant byte is 0x0D and
the most significant byte is 0x0A.

ECE 222 (Patel, H.): ISAs and Addressing Modes 12

Word Alignment

Aligned addresses are those that begin at a byte address that

is a multiple of the number of bytes of a word
A 4 byte word has aligned addresses at 0, 4, 8, 12, 16,

Most processors require words of data to be aligned

0x0000 Word 0
0x0004 Word 1
0x0008 Word 2
4n Word n

ECE 222 (Patel, H.): ISAs and Addressing Modes 13

Instruction Types

A computer must have instructions capable of performing four

types of operations:
Data transfers between the memory and the processor registers
Load, store
Arithmetic and logic operations on data
Add, subtract,
Program sequencing and control
Branch, jump,
I/O transfers (typically memory operations for memory mapped)
Load, store,

An instruction-set architecture (ISA) defines the set of

opcodes (machine language), and native commands
implemented by a processor

ECE 222 (Patel, H.): ISAs and Addressing Modes 14


RISC ISA characteristics

Each instruction fits in a single word
E.g. 32 bits
Load-store architecture
Memory operands are accessed only using Load and Store instructions
All operands for arithmetic and logical operations must be in processor registers
or one of the operands may be given explicitly in the instruction

CISC ISA characteristics

Variable length for an instruction
Many instructions can access memory, and multiple operands can be
locations to the memory

ECE 222 (Patel, H.): ISAs and Addressing Modes 15

Register Transfer Level (RTL) Notation

Expressing semantics of instructions as data transfers:

1. Memory locations are identified by symbolic names
For example, LOC1 and LOC2 may be symbolic names for two particular
addresses in memory
2. Registers are identified by register names
For example, R0 and R1 may be names for general-purpose registers
3. The contents of memory locations are denoted by placing square brackets
around the names of the locations
For example, [LOC1] refers to the contents of memory location LOC1
4. Control signals are identified by symbolic names
For example, T1 and T2 may be symbolic names for control signals
produced by the control unit within the CPU

Convention for us: [X]

If X is a register, means contents of register
If X is a memory address, means contents of memory pointed by address X

ECE 222 (Patel, H.): ISAs and Addressing Modes

Register Transfer Level Statements

Assignment statements transfer and manipulate data

Right-hand side denotes a value,
Left-hand side denotes the name of a location where the value is to be
Example: R1 [LOC1]

Conditional statements allow the evaluation of control signals

prior to performing assignment statements
Example: If (T1 = 1) then (R2 [R1])


ECE 222 (Patel, H.): ISAs and Addressing Modes

Examples of RTL Statements

R1 [LOC1]

This assignment statement transfers the contents of memory

location LOC1 into register R1

R3 [LOC1] + [LOC2]

This assignment statement adds the contents of memory

locations LOC1 and LOC2 and stores the sum in register R3

LOC1 [R1]

Transfer contents of register R1 to the memory location

addressed by LOC1


ECE 222 (Patel, H.): ISAs and Addressing Modes

Assembly Language Notation

Assembly language is a type of notation used to represent

machine instructions and programs

Assembly language instructions may specify

One or more source operands and
One or more destination operands

Transfer contents from memory location LOC1 to register R1 is the
Load dest, src Load R1, LOC1
Store the contents of register R1 to the memory location addressed by
Store src, dest Store R1, LOC1

ECE 222 (Patel, H.): ISAs and Addressing Modes 19

Arithmetic Instruction

An example of an arithmetic instruction is the following:

Destination Source
Operand Operands

Add R2,R3,R4

R2 [R3] + [R4]

This is an example of a 3 operand instruction

R3 and R4 are the source operands
R2 is the destination operand

ECE 222 (Patel, H.): ISAs and Addressing Modes 20

Addition Example: C = [A] + [B]

Paper-simulate this example

i Load R2,A
These memory locations
i+4 Load R3,B store the program
i+8 Add R4,R2,R3
i + 12 Store R4, C R2 12
R3 12
A 12 R4 12
B 24 These memory locations
store the data values
C 10
222 used by the program.

ECE 222 (Patel, H.): ISAs and Addressing Modes 21

Additional Example: Sum N numbers

Paper-simulate this example ?

ECE 222 (Patel, H.): ISAs and Addressing Modes 22

More Instructions in the Arsenal

Subtract R2, R2,#1

R2 [R2] 1
#1 is known as an immediate value specified in the bits of the

Branch_if_[R2]>0 LOOP
If ([R2] > 0) then PC LOOP
Conditional branch
Condition: ([R2] > 0)
Branch target: LOOP

Branch_if_[R4]>[R5] LOOP
Branch_greater_than R4,R5,LOOP

ECE 222 (Patel, H.): ISAs and Addressing Modes 23

Branching Example

Consider the following assembly language program that

illustrates branching:
Load R2,N NOTE:
Clear R3 Due to space limitations,
LOOP only a portion of the entire
Determine address of program is shown. The
These memory locations next number, load the complete example is
store the instructions next number into R5, provided in Figure 2.6 of the
that loop when the and add it to R3 textbook.
branch is taken.
Subtract R2,R2,#1
Branch_if_[R2]> 0, LOOP

Store R3,SUM NOTE:

I have only illustrated NUM1
SUM and NUM2. Many more
data values might be used
by the program.

ECE 222 (Patel, H.): ISAs and Addressing Modes 24

Comments on the Previous Example

LOOP, SUM, N, NUM1, and NUM2 are all examples of labels

In assembly language programs, labels are used to represent the
addresses of instructions and data values within memory

A simple loop that iterates n times is created using the

following steps:
1. A count value stored in a register is initialized to n
2. Every time the loop iterates, the count value is decremented
3. The program branches to the start of the loop if the count value is
greater than 0

The program exits the loop when the count value in register
R2 is 0

ECE 222 (Patel, H.): ISAs and Addressing Modes 25

Specifying Operands

Addressing modes
Different ways for specifying the locations of instruction operands

The location of instruction operands are specified using an

effective address

The effective address is computed differently depending on

the addressing mode

Instructions may have a source effective address, a

destination effective address, or a combination of both

Most processors support a large set of addressing modes

ECE 222 (Patel, H.): ISAs and Addressing Modes 26

Addressing Modes
Addressing Mode Assembler Syntax Function
Immediate #Value Operand = Value
Register Ri EA = Ri
Absolute (Direct) LOC EA = LOC
(Ri) EA = [Ri]
Register Indirect
(LOC) EA = [LOC]
Index X(Ri) EA = [Ri] + X
Base with Index (Ri,Rj) EA = [Ri] + [Rj]
PC-Relative X(PC) EA = [PC]+ X

There can be many more addressing modes

Some more to come

ECE 222 (Patel, H.): ISAs and Addressing Modes 27

Immediate Addressing

Immediate addressing is used when an operand is a

#Value Operand = Value

Example: Move R0, #200 moves a constant value of 200

expressed as a decimal quantity to register R0
RTL: R0 200

Example: a program to compute A = [B] + 6 could be written

in assembly language as follows:
Load R1, B Absolute addressing for B; Register addressing for R1

Add R1,R1,#6 Immediate addressing for 6; Register addressing for R1

Store R1, A Register addressing for R1; Absolute addressing for A

ECE 222 (Patel, H.): ISAs and Addressing Modes 28

Register Addressing

Register addressing is used when an operand is a register

Ri EA = Ri

When general-purpose registers are used, the notation Rn is

used to represent register n
Example: Add R2, R3, R4
RTL: R2 [R3] + [R4]

Load R1, B Absolute addressing for B; Register addressing for R1

Add R1,R1,#6 Immediate addressing for 6; Register addressing for R1

Store R1, A Register addressing for R1; Absolute addressing for A

ECE 222 (Patel, H.): ISAs and Addressing Modes 29

Absolute (Direct) Addressing

Absolute addressing is used when the address of an

operand in memory is known

An example of absolute (direct) addressing is:

Load R3, LOC

Load R1, B Absolute addressing for B; Register addressing for R1

Add R1,R1,#6 Immediate addressing for 6; Register addressing for R1

Store R1, A Register addressing for R1; Absolute addressing for A

ECE 222 (Patel, H.): ISAs and Addressing Modes 30

Register Indirect Addressing

Indirect addressing is used when the address of an operand

is stored in a register or a memory location
(Ri) EA = [Ri]
(LOC) EA = [LOC]

Example: Load R0, (R1) moves the contents of the memory

location pointed to by register R1 to register R0:
Note that the round brackets denote the use of indirect addressing
RTL: R0 [[R1]]

Indirect addressing is analogous to the use of pointers in a

high-level language

ECE 222 (Patel, H.): ISAs and Addressing Modes 31

Register Indirect Addressing Example 1

Consider the operation of the Load R0,(R1) instruction

illustrating the use of indirect addressing:

Load R0, (R1) R0 10


R1 1000

1000 20

In this case, R1 contains the address of one of the operands to be used in the
calculation. Indirect addressing is similar to dereferencing a pointer.

ECE 222 (Patel, H.): ISAs and Addressing Modes 32

Summation Example

We are now ready to write the sum N numbers with a loop!

ECE 222 (Patel, H.): ISAs and Addressing Modes 33

Summation Example

Given the addressing modes introduced, it is now possible to

show the complete assembly language program for calculating
the sum of n numbers:
Load R2,N
Clear R3 Initialization code
Move R4,#NUM1
LOOP Load R5,(R4) Indirect addressing
Add R3, R3,R5
Summation loop
Add R4,R4,#4
Subtract R2,R2,#1
Branch_if_R2>0 LOOP
Store R3,SUM

New Instruction
Move R4,#NUM1 Data values in memory
Semantics: R4 NUM1 NUM2

ECE 222 (Patel, H.): ISAs and Addressing Modes 34

Index Addressing

Index addressing is used when the operand address is

known to be at a constant offset from a known memory
X(Ri) EA = [Ri] + X

Index addressing is particularly useful for arrays of data

If the starting address of the array is known and the size of the data
elements is fixed, index addressing can be used to calculate the effective
address of a particular element

For example, Load R1,20(R0) copies the data value stored at

the effective address to register R1
The effective address is calculated as the sum of the contents of index
register R0 with a constant offset of 20
RTL: R1 [[R0] + 20]

ECE 222 (Patel, H.): ISAs and Addressing Modes 35

Index Addressing Example 1

Consider the operation of the following Load R1,20(R0)

instruction illustrating the use of index addressing:

Load R1, 20(R0) R0 1000


1000 12

1020 36

The final value in R1 is 36

ECE 222 (Patel, H.): ISAs and Addressing Modes 36

Index Addressing Example 2

Assume List of Student Records

List of scores for a course
N n
Starts at address LIST
LIST Student ID
4-word memory block = record LIST + 4 Test 1 Student
Word length is 32-bits LIST + 8 Test 2 Record 1

Each student has ID followed LIST + 12 Test 3

by 3 test scores Student ID
Student Test 1
Compute sum of test scores Record 2
Test 2
obtained on each of the Test 3
tests and store these sums
in SUM1, SUM2, and SUM2 Student
Record 3

ECE 222 (Patel, H.): ISAs and Addressing Modes 37

Index Address Example 2

List of Student Records Assembly Language Program

N n Move R2,#LIST
Clear R3
LIST Student ID Clear R4
LIST + 4 Test 1 Student
Clear R5
LIST + 8 Test 2 Record 1 Load R6,N
LOOP: Load R7,4(R2)
LIST + 12 Test 3 Add R3,R3,R7
Student ID Load R7,8(R2)
Student Add R4,R4,R7
Test 1
Record 2 Load R7,12(R2)
Test 2 Add R5,R5,R7
Test 3 Add R2,R2,#16
Subtract R6,R6,#1
Branch_if_[R6]>0 LOOP
Student Store R3,SUM1
Record 3
Store R4,SUM2
Store R5,SUM3

ECE 222 (Patel, H.): ISAs and Addressing Modes 38

Comments on the Previous Example

The program on the previous slide computes sums of test

scores on three different tests:
The sum of Test 1 scores is accumulated in R3
The sum of Test 2 scores is accumulated in R4
The sum of Test 3 scores is accumulated in R5

Index addressing is used to access the data within the

student records
The size of a student record is fixed so the address of the individual test
scores can be easily computed using the base address stored in register
R2 and a constant offset
Register R2 is updated to reflect the starting address of the current
student record as student records are processed

Notice that this is an example of a list data structure

ECE 222 (Patel, H.): ISAs and Addressing Modes 39

Base with Index Addressing

Base with index addressing is used when it is more

convenient for a second register to compute the offset from a
known memory location
(Ri,Rj) EA = [Ri] + [Rj]

For example, Load R2, (R0,R1), uses base with index

addressing for the source operand to copy data from the
effective address to register R2:
The effective address is computed as the sum of an index register R0 and
a base register R1
RTL: R2 [[R0]+[R1]]

ECE 222 (Patel, H.): ISAs and Addressing Modes 40

Base with Index and Offset Addressing

Base with index and offset addressing is used when there

is a need to compute an offset from a known memory location
using a constant offset and two register values:
X(Ri,Rj) EA = [Ri] + [Rj] + X

This type of addressing is useful for 3-dimensional arrays:

The first register stores the row of the record within the matrix
The second register stores the column of the record within the matrix
The constant offset indicates the specific field within the records of data

For example, Load R2,10(R0,R1) uses base with index and

offset addressing for the source operand to copy data from
the effective address to register R2:
The effective address is computed as the sum of index register R0, base
register R1, and a constant offset of 10
RTL: R2 [[R0]+[R1]+10]

ECE 222 (Patel, H.): ISAs and Addressing Modes 41

PC-Relative Addressing

PC-relative addressing is very similar to index addressing:

Instead of an index register, the program counter register is used

PC-relative addressing is useful for specifying addresses

relative to the current program counter

For example, Move R0, -16(PC)

The effective address for the destination operand R0 is calculated as the
sum of the program counter and a constant offset of -16
RTL: R0 [PC] + -16

Relative addressing is most often used to specify the

destination for branch instructions

ECE 222 (Patel, H.): ISAs and Addressing Modes 42

Calculating Offsets for a Branch

Assume that the LOOP label corresponds with address 1000 in

the following assembly language program:
The addresses for the instructions have
Load R2,N been shown to the right of the instructions.
Clear R3 Assumed instructions have a constant size
of 4 bytes.
Move R4,#NUM1
LOOP Load R5,(R4) 1000 When the branch instruction is executed,
Add R3, R3,R5 1004 the program counter already refers to
address 1020.
Add R4,R4,#4 1008
Subtract R2,R2,#1 1012
To branch to the start of the loop, the offset
Branch_if_[R2]>0 LOOP 1016 required will be -20.
Store R3,SUM 1020

The assembler calculates a relative
N address for a branch automatically when
NUM1 given a label for the start of the loop. J

ECE 222 (Patel, H.): ISAs and Addressing Modes 43

Auto Increment Addressing

Auto increment addressing is designed to simplify the task

of accessing data items in successive locations in memory
(Ri)+ EA = [Ri]; Increment Ri

Auto increment addressing is similar to register indirect

addressing using a register:
The key difference is that the register is automatically incremented
in value after the data in the register has been read
This is sometimes called post-increment addressing

For a byte addressable memory system, the size of the

increment depends on the number of bytes read

E.g. Load R2, (R3)+

RTL: R2 [[R3]] ; R3 [R3] + inc

ECE 222 (Patel, H.): ISAs and Addressing Modes 44

Auto Decrement Addressing

Auto decrement addressing is similar to auto increment

The key difference is that the register is automatically
decremented in value prior to the data in the register being read

For a byte addressable memory system, the size of the

decrement depends on the number of bytes read

This is sometimes called pre-decrement addressing

E.g. Load R2, -(R3)

RTL: R3 [R3] inc ; R2 [[R3]]

ECE 222 (Patel, H.): ISAs and Addressing Modes 45

Comments on Auto Increment Addressing and
Auto Decrement Addressing

Neither of these addressing modes are essential:

Instructions using these addressing modes can always be rewritten as a
sequence of two instructions

Auto increment addressing and auto decrement addressing

are provided out of convenience:
These addressing modes are particularly useful when working with stacks
and queues
While it might not be apparent, it is important that auto increment
addressing performs a post-increment while auto decrement addressing
performs a pre-decrement

ECE 222 (Patel, H.): ISAs and Addressing Modes 46

Stacks in General

A stack is a list of data elements of a particular size with

access restrictions:
Add or remove elements from only one end of the list
Stacks implement LIFO (last-in-first-out) behaviour

Analogy: Pile of trays at cafeteria

Student picks up a tray before getting food (Pop a tray)
Clean trays are put on top of the pile (Push a tray)

Perhaps another analogy: Stack of homework

ECE 222 (Patel, H.): ISAs and Addressing Modes 47

Stacks in Computers

Stack resides in the main memory

The top of the stack (most recent element) is stored at the lowest
memory address
The bottom of the stack (least recent element) is stored at the highest
memory address

Special CPU register points to the top of the stack (stack

Assume SP is the stack pointer register

Push: Data elements are pushed onto the stack

A push involves decrementing the SP and then copying data into the new
location pointed to by the SP

Pop: Data elements are popped from the stack

A pop involves copying data from the location pointed to by the SP and
then incrementing the SP
ECE 222 (Patel, H.): ISAs and Addressing Modes 48
Illustration of a Stack

Low Memory Addresses


SP -28 Current Top Element


43 Current Bottom Element


High Memory Addresses

ECE 222 (Patel, H.): ISAs and Addressing Modes 49

Pushing onto the Stack

Low Memory Addresses

Subtract SP,SP,#4
Store R2,(SP)
SP -28 Current Top Element


43 Current Bottom Element

R2 100
High Memory Addresses

ECE 222 (Patel, H.): ISAs and Addressing Modes 50

Popping from the Stack

Low Memory Addresses

Load R2,(SP)
Add SP,SP,#4

SP 100 Current Top Element


43 Current Bottom Element


R2 100
High Memory Addresses

ECE 222 (Patel, H.): ISAs and Addressing Modes 51


A subroutine is a block of instructions that is executed


Subroutines have the following desirable features:

Avoid unnecessary duplication of code
Permit code reuse
Enable modularization

Subroutines do the following:

Program invokes subroutine by executing Call instruction
Subroutine executes
Subroutine returns to the main program by executing Return instruction

ECE 222 (Patel, H.): ISAs and Addressing Modes 52

Calling and Returning from Subroutines

Calling is implemented using subroutine linkage method

Save return address to a specific location
May be stored on the stack
But it may be stored in a special register called the link register

A Call is a special branch instruction that invokes a

subroutine by performing the following steps:
1. Store the contents of the PC to the link register
This is to know where to return back to once the subroutine completes
2. Branch to the target address specified by the instruction

Returning from a subroutine performs the following step:

1. Branch back to the address in the link register

ECE 222 (Patel, H.): ISAs and Addressing Modes 53

Example: Subroutine Linkage Method

ECE 222 (Patel, H.): ISAs and Addressing Modes 54

Nesting Subroutines and the Stack

We can permit one subroutine (SUB1) to call another (SUB2),

which results in subroutine nesting

Potential problem
Link register contents after SUB1 call are overwritten after second SUB2

SUB1 should save the address in the link register on the stack
before second call to SUB2
Before returning from SUB1, SUB1 should restore the contents of link

Notice that we use the stack to save the return address

Problems will occur if either of the following are true:
1. The stack is full so the calling of a subroutine causes the stack to overflow
2. The stack is not properly maintained during program execution

ECE 222 (Patel, H.): ISAs and Addressing Modes 55

Parameter Passing

A program may call a subroutine many times with different

data to obtain different results
Information exchange to/from a subroutine is called parameter passing

Three different schemes to pass parameters:

1. Parameters may be passed using registers
2. Parameters may be passed using memory locations
3. Parameters may be passed on the stack

In general, parameters are passed using registers if and only

if all of the following conditions are true:
1. A small number of parameters are required
2. The subroutine is not recursive
3. The subroutine does not call other subroutines that will use the same

ECE 222 (Patel, H.): ISAs and Addressing Modes 56

Example of Parameter Passing Using
Registers: Sum n numbers
Calling program
Load R2,N R2 contains n
Move R4,#NUM1 R4 points to the address of NUM1
Store R3,SUM R3 holds the result

LISTADD: Subtract SP,SP,#4 Push [R5] on stack. Because its
Store R5,(SP) used in LISTADD
Clear R3
LOOP: Load R5,(R4)
Add R3,R3,R5
Add R4,R4,#4 Summation in a LOOP as before
Subtract R2,R2,#1
Can you identify
Branch_if_[R2]>0 LOOP
pass by reference
and pass by value Load R5,(SP) Restore [R5] in preparation to
in this example? Add SP,SP,#4 Return

ECE 222 (Patel, H.): ISAs and Addressing Modes 57

Example of Parameter Passing Using
Stack: Sum n numbers
Move R2,#NUM1 LISTADD: Subtract SP,SP,#16
Subtract SP,SP,#4 Push #NUM1 Store R2,12(SP)
Store R2,(SP) Store R3,8(SP)
Load R2,N Store R4,4(SP)
Subtract SP,SP,#4 Push N Store R5,(SP)
Store R2,(SP) Load R2,16(SP)
Call LISTADD Load R4,20(SP)
Load R2,4(SP) Clear R3
Store R2,SUM Get SUM and LOOP: Load R5,(R4)
Add SP,SP,#8 restore stack Add R3,R3,R5
Add R4,R4,#4
Subtract R2,R2,#1
Branch_if_[R2]>0 LOOP
Store R3, 20(SP)
[R5] Level 3 Load R5,(SP)
[R4] Load R4,4(SP)
Load R3,8(SP)
Load R2,12(SP)
[R2] Add SP,SP,#16
n Level 2 Return
Level 1

ECE 222 (Patel, H.): ISAs and Addressing Modes 58

Stack Frames

Locations at the top of the processor stack are used as a

private work space by subroutines
This is called a stack frame
A frame pointer (FP) register enables access to private work space for
current subroutine

A stack frame consists of all of the items pushed onto the

stack prior to the calling of a subroutine and during the
execution of a subroutine

ECE 222 (Patel, H.): ISAs and Addressing Modes 59

Stack Frames

Prior to calling a subroutine, the following items are pushed

onto the stack in order:
1. Parameters (if applicable)

Once the subroutine executes, the following items are pushed

onto the stack in order:
1. Return address (link register content)
2. Frame pointer to indicate the start of a stack frame
3. Local variables
4. Register values for all registers that will be modified by the subroutine

ECE 222 (Patel, H.): ISAs and Addressing Modes 60

Example of a Stack Frame

Stack Pointer (SP) Saved [R4]

Registers Pushed at the
Saved [R3] Start of Subroutine Call
Saved [R2]
Local Variable 3
Local Variable 2
Data Pushed / Reserved at
Local Variable 1 Time of Subroutine Call
Frame Pointer (FP) Saved [FP]
Return Address
Parameter 1
Parameters Pushed Prior
Parameter 2 to Subroutine Call
Parameter 3

This is a complex stack frame that illustrates the use of parameter passing,
creation of a frame pointer, allocation of local variables, and the saving of
registers R2, R3, and R4 prior to modification.

ECE 222 (Patel, H.): ISAs and Addressing Modes 61

The Use of the Frame Pointer

The stack frame on the previous slide illustrates the use of a

frame pointer to provide a convenient reference point for
accessing parameters and local variables:
Any general purpose register with the exception of the stack pointer may
be used as the frame pointer

Using the frame pointer, these values are accessed as follows

(assuming all values are stored as one word):
Parameter 1 : 8(FP)
Parameter 2 : 12(FP) NOTE:
Parameter 3 : 16(FP) Regardless of the number of local
variables, the parameters will
Local Variable 1 : -4(FP) always be in the same location
Local Variable 2 : -8(FP) relative to the frame pointer.
Local Variable 3 : -12(FP)

ECE 222 (Patel, H.): ISAs and Addressing Modes 62

Manipulating SP and FP for Stack Frames

Before calling subroutine Saved [R4]

Calling program saves four parameters on stack Saved [R3]
Saved [R2]
Call is executed
Local Variable 3
SP points to return address
Local Variable 2
Local Variable 1
When entering subroutine Saved [FP]
Return address (link register) saved Return Address
Parameter 1
Save FP to stack first!
Parameter 2
Subtract SP,SP,#4
Store FP,(SP) Parameter 3
Move FP,SP Parameter 4
Make space for 3 local variables
Make space and store R2, R3, and R4

ECE 222 (Patel, H.): ISAs and Addressing Modes 63

Manipulating SP and FP for Stack Frames

When returning from subroutine Saved [R4]

Pop R4, R3, R2 into those registers Saved [R3]
Saved [R2]
De-allocate local variables
Local Variable 3
Save old value of FP back into FP
Local Variable 2
Restore link register Local Variable 1
Return Saved [FP]
Return Address
Parameter 1
Parameter 2
Parameter 3
Parameter 4

ECE 222 (Patel, H.): ISAs and Addressing Modes 64

Example: Stack Frames with Nested
Subroutines - Main

ECE 222 (Patel, H.): ISAs and Addressing Modes 65

Example: Stack Frames with Nested
Subroutines SUB1

ECE 222 (Patel, H.): ISAs and Addressing Modes 66

Example: Stack Frames with Nested
Subroutines- SUB2

ECE 222 (Patel, H.): ISAs and Addressing Modes 67

Additional Instructions

Logic instructions
AND, OR, and NOT operations
Using RISC-style instructions, all operands are in registers or specified as
immediate values:
Or R4, R2, R3
And R5, R6, #0xFF
16-bit immediate is zero-extended to 32 bits

Shift and rotate instructions

Shifting binary value left/right = mult/div by 2
Arithmetic shift preserves sign in MS bit
Rotate copies bits from one end to other end
Shift amount in register or given as immediate
LShiftL R3, R3, #2 (mult by 4)
RotateL R3, R3, #2 (MS bits to LS bits)

ECE 222 (Patel, H.): ISAs and Addressing Modes 68

Additional Instructions

ECE 222 (Patel, H.): ISAs and Addressing Modes 69

Encoding of Machine Instructions

Assembly-language instructions express the actions to be

performed by processor circuitry

A program that converts to machine instructions

Three-operand RISC instructions require enough bits in single

word to identify registers
16-bit immediate must be supported
Instruction must include bits for OP code
Call instruction also needs bits for address

ECE 222 (Patel, H.): ISAs and Addressing Modes 70

Encoding of Machine Instructions

One possible encoding

ECE 222 (Patel, H.): ISAs and Addressing Modes 71


Big vs. Little endian

Addressing modes



Parameter passing

Additional instructions

Encoding of machine instructions

ECE 222 (Patel, H.): ISAs and Addressing Modes 72

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