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Name of Drug Hypersensitivity to lidocaine and any other component.

Brand Primatene Mist .
Classification Adrenergic agonist agent, antidote
Mechanism of action Name of Drug
Stimulates alpha, beta and beta 2 adrenergic receptors resulting in Generic Nalbuphine
relaxation of smooth muscle of bronchial tree, cardiac Brand Nubain
stimulation. And dilation in muscle vusculature (skeletal) Classification Narcotic and opoiod analgesic
Adverse effects Mechanism of action
Pounding heart beat, tachycardia, nervousness, restlessness, flushing, Binds with receptors in the CNS, altering both receptors
hypertension, dizziness Adverse effects
Nursing precautions Headache, sedation, dizziness, vertigo, depression
Patients should be cautioned to avoid the use of over the counter Nursing precautions
epinephrine inhalation products Reassess level of pain at least 15 minutes for parenteral
ContraIndications administration monitor circulatory status and bladder and bowel
Hypersensitivity to epinephrine or any other component, cardiac function
arrhythmias, angle closure glaucoma Contraindications
Hypersensitivity to nalbuphine and any other component

Name of Drug Name of Drug Tramadol Hydrochloride

Generic HYDRALAZINE Classification Narcotic and analgesic
Brand Apresoline Mechanism of action
Classification Antihypertensive A centrally acting synthetic analgesic compound not chemically
Mechanism of action related to drug is thought to bind to opoiod receptors and
A direct acting vasodilator that mainly relieves arterial smooth inhibit recep take of norepinephrine and serotonin
muscle Adverse effects
Adverse effects Dizziness, vertigo, headache, vasodilation of CV, nausea, vomiting,
Neuritis, headache, dizziness, hypotension, tachycardia, edema, constipation
nasal congestion Nursing precautions
Nursing precautions Monitor CV and respiratory status, monitor patient for drug
Monitor vital signs closely dependence, monitor patient at risk for seizures
ContraIndications ContraIndications
Hypersentivie to hydralazine and any other component Hypersensitivity to tramadol or other opoiods and IM those with
acute intoxication from alcohol

Name of Drug
Brand Isordil Generic Nitroglycerine Patch
Classification Antianginals Brand Transderm Nitro
Mechanism of action Classification Antianginal agent
Thought to reduce cardiac demand by decrease blood flow through Mechanism of action
the collateral coronary vessels Reduce cardial oxygen demand by decreasing left ventricular
Adverse effects pressure and systemic vascular resistance, dilates coronary arteries
Headache, dizziness, weakness, tachycardia, burning sensation and improves collateral floxy to ischemic regions
Nursing precautions Adverse effects
Monitor BP and intensity and duration to drug Headache, hypotension. Increase angina, lightheadedness, syncope,
ContraIndications pallor, restlessness
Hypertension, ventricular filling pressure, hypersensitivity to Nursing precautions
isosorbide dinitrate IV must be prepared in glass bottles and use special sets intended for
nitroglycerine, transdermal patches labeled as MG/hour, do
Name of Drug not crush sublingual drug product
Generic Lidocaine ContraIndications
Brand Xylocaine Hypersensitivity to nitroglycerine or any component.
Classification Antiarrhythmic (local anesthesia)
Mechanism of action
Effects on myocardial contractility and Name of Drug
intraventricular completion, cardiac output Generic TRANEXAMIC ACID
and adrenal treasure in ebuvalent doses Classification Antihemophillic agent
Adverse effects Mechanism of action
Drowsiness, lightheadedness, restlessness, Forms a reversible complex that displaces plasminogen from fibrin
bradycardia, dizziness resulting in inhibition of fibrinolysis; it also inhibits the proteolytic
Nursing precautions activity of plasmin
Stop immediately infusion if ECG shows excessive cardiac Adverse effects
depression Diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, hypotension, thrombosis, blurred vision
Nursing precautions
Monitor Dosage modification required in patients with renal
Acquired defective colored vision, active Intravascular clotting

Name of Drug
Brand Veracaps
Classification Antianginal, antiarrythmic agent
Mechanism of action
Inhibits calcium ion from entering the “slow channels” or select
sensitive area of vascular smooth muscle and myocardium
Adverse effects
Gingival hyperplasia, bradycardia, peripheral edema, severe
tachycardia, dizziness, fatigue
Nursing precautions
Do not crush sustained release drug product ContraIndications
Sinus bradycardia, advanced heart block, ventricular tachycardia,
cardiogenic shock

Name of Drug
Brand Brethine
Classification Beta 2 adrenergic antagonist agent;
Mechanism of action
Relaxes bronchial smooth muscle by action on beta 2 receptors with
less effect on heart rate.
Adverse effects
Nervousness, restlessness, trembling, hypertension, tachycardia,
dizziness, drowsiness, headache
Nursing precautions
Assess vital signs, monitor adverse effect
and monitor symptoms
Hypersensitivity to terbuatline or any

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