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Project Basic 8

Good mornig techaer and clasmates today we are going our project

J: Good morning this is your favorite program health in the icpna, this morning we have a
excelent profesional of medicine her name is Gianella. She is majoring in medicine of the Harvard

( aplausos)

J: Welcome Dra gianella!

G: Good Mornig everybody, it is an honor to be with you this time

J:Dr gianella tell us about you

G: Sure, When I was younger I liked all about medicine, So I decided to study very hard to get a
schoolship at Harvard university. Because I like to help people, I travel around the world and
give my assistence to poor people

J:Thats interesting story!Thats amazing

J: Well, For this occasion we are going to choose someone from the public ... you from behind

B: Good Mornig Juan Diego and Dra. Gianella ( I am a fan give a autgrafo ok no )

J: What is your name?

B: I am Brigitte

J: Brigitte, How are you doing?

B: Uhmm So- So

J: Whats the matter?

B: I dont feel well. I am very stressed because I have a lot of test this week

J: And, What are you doing here? If you dont have time

B: Well I heard that Dra. Gianella would come to the program So I decided to come here
because I need to help.

J: It is the perfect occasion for you to take a chance for solve your case. Brigitte follow me!, Sit
down please

G: Hi Brigitte, tell me about your problem, Whats wrong?

B: Well I got sick a lot

G: How often do you get sick?

B: I get sick 3 times a month

G: What are you getting sick of?

B: I usually get sick with flu and sore throat

J: Why do you think you get sick of them?

B: Because I take a shower at 5 am in the morning everyday and I like drink cold drinks during
of day Then I eat ice cream four times a week in the night

J: Uhmmm I see that problem! You eat and drink cold things. Its back for you

G: Youre right Juan Diego, Brigitte What do you do When you have a flu or sore throat?

B: I usually go to the pharmacy and ask for a pill

J: this is the problem the people usually buy a pill without a prescription. That should dont do!

Doctor gianella let's say what to do in these cases

G: Dont self-medicate.Its too dangerous!You can get worse becouse the pharmacists dont
know the solution, they can prescribe you antibiotics badly

B: So what should I do?

G: go to the doctor. Its important for you

B: but if i dont have time What should I do?

G: well dont eat ice cream or cold drinks then .. So you dont get sick with sore throat, but
remember always its important to go to the doctor because if you dont go to the doctor, you
can get worse

J: In conclusin

in our contry the self medicate is a big problem , the people don't know to care their health .

when you have a any problem of health you need to visit a specialist in the hospital , this is
the best option .

Brigitte need to change her style of life becouse in the future she maybe have a lot of
problems with your health.

B: thanks

J: Do you have any questions?

B: Yes, I have

G: Tell us

B: I'm worried about my mom

G: whats the matter?

B: she dont feel well ..

( es por si nos sobra tiempo)

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