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Lactational mastitis
Leila Cusack
Meagan Brennan and breast abscess
Diagnosis and management in general practice

Lactational mastitis affects approximately 20%
Lactational mastitis is common, affecting one in 5 breastfeeding women. As well as
of breastfeeding Australian women in the first 6
causing significant discomfort, it is a frequent reason for women to stop breastfeeding.
months postpartum.7 It is most common in the first 6
Objective weeks of breastfeeding1,5 with the highest incidence
This article outlines an evidence based approach to the diagnosis and management of occurring during the second and third weeks.6,9 It is
lactational breast infections in general practice.
initially localised to one segment of the breast, but
Discussion untreated can spread to affect the whole breast.5
Lactational mastitis is usually bacterial in aetiology and can generally be effectively Around 3% of lactating women with mastitis will
managed with oral antibiotics. Infections that do not improve rapidly require further develop a breast abscess,1,10 although an incidence
investigation for breast abscess and nonlactational causes of inflammation, including of up to 11% has been reported.10
the rare cause of inflammatory breast cancer. In addition to antibiotics, management of
lactational breast infections include symptomatic treatment, assessment of the infants Risk factors and prevention
attachment to the breast, and reassurance, emotional support, education and support
The main risk factor for mastitis is breastfeeding
for ongoing breastfeeding.
during the early postpartum period.6 Milk stasis
Keywords: mastitis; breast abscess; lactation; general practice and cracked nipples may contribute to the
development of mastitis,1,36 although the evidence
for this is inconclusive.1 Other implicated factors
include previous mastitis,6 maternal fatigue1,3 and
Lactational mastitis is an inflammatory primiparity.9 Reported risk factors for breast abscess
process affecting the lactating breast.14 include a past history of mastitis, maternal age over
It is usually bacterial in aetiology. It 30 years and gestational age greater than 41 weeks.5
affects the breast parenchyma, causing There are no interventions that have been
localised pain, tenderness, erythema and consistently proven to prevent mastitis. Encouraging
engorgement,36 and may be accompanied emptying of milk from the breast is often
by systemic features such as fever, recommended, however, evidence for its efficacy
malaise, rigors, nausea and vomiting.48 is inconclusive.6 The most commonly practised
intervention is the prevention and management of
A breast abscess, a localised collection in the damaged nipples; in some settings this may reduce
breast tissue that results in a painful breast lump, the risk of developing mastitis.3 A Cochrane review
is potentially secondary to bacterial mastitis found that anti-secretory factor cereal, mupirocin
that is rapidly progressive or is not managed ointment, fusidic acid ointment and breastfeeding
expeditiously. Effective management is essential advice had no significant impact on the initiation
to control the discomfort and reduce the likelihood or duration of breastfeeding or the incidence of
of discontinuation of breastfeeding, which may symptoms of mastitis.11
occur as a consequence of mastitis.6,7 Mastitis
and breast abscess may develop in women who
are not breastfeeding; this article will focus on The most common causative organism for mastitis
lactational breast infections. is Staphylococcus aureus.8,10 Strains of methicillin

976 Reprinted from Australian Family Physician Vol. 40, No. 12, December 2011
Lactational mastitis and breast abscess diagnosis and management in general practice clinical

resistant S. aureus (MRSA) have been identified, may distinguish inflammation (mastitis) from a lump remains, no fluid is obtained or fluid is
particularly in hospital acquired infections. Other collection of pus in the breast (abscess) (Figure bloodstained rather than purulent, then core
organisms include streptococci and S. epidermidis. 2). Ultrasound also allows guided aspiration of biopsy is recommended to exclude breast cancer.13
Patients who suffer with recurrent breast abscesses any abscess providing drainage and fluid for Mammography is not a first line investigation
have a higher incidence of mixed flora, including microscopy and culture. A malignant lesion may in lactating women but is indicated if there are
anaerobic organisms.5 On rare occasions Candida mimic an inflammatory collection on ultrasound. clinical, sonographic or biopsy features suspicious
albicans, not an uncommon cause of nipple pain in Hence, following aspiration, if a significant for malignancy.13
lactating women,9 can cause parenchymal infection.12

Clinical assessment
History and physical examination
Breast pain is the primary symptom of mastitis.7
High fever is common, along with other generalised
flu-like symptoms including malaise, lethargy,
myalgia, sweating, headache, sometimes nausea
and vomiting and occasionally rigors.1,57
Clinical examination of the breast should focus
on looking for signs of inflammation (erythema, Figure 1. Mastitis is characterised by a Figure 2. Ultrasound of a breast abscess.
localised tenderness, heat, engorgement and tender area of localised erythema Image shows a heterogeneous area which
swelling) (Figure 1) and signs of nipple damage. Photo Science Photo Library, 2011. All has the typical appearance of a breast
General observations including temperature, pulse rights reserved abscess

and blood pressure are important to exclude sepsis,

which requires hospital admission. Table 1. Common breast problems in the puerperium
Breast abscess is characterised by symptoms Benign conditions
similar to mastitis, with the additional sign of Conditions related to lactation
a discrete tender lump, which may be tense or
fluctuant. The mass may have overlying skin
Breast infection (mastitis or abscess)
necrosis suggesting that the abscess is pointing
bacterial infection usually S. areus
(abscess is sitting close to the surface of the skin).
fungal infection (C. albicans; uncommon)
Less frequently, breast abscess presents as a non-
viral (herpes; very rare)
tender lump without erythema (cold abscess).
Galactocoele (noninfected milk-filled cyst)
Examination of the infant and Nipple pain
attachment to the breast cracked/damaged nipples
incorrect attachment: misalignment of mothers nipple and babys mouth
The infant should be examined to ensure adequate
infant causes: poor sucking, tongue-tie, cleft palate
growth and hydration. Examination of the babys
incorrect use of breast pump
mouth can exclude candida infection (white film
C. albicans nipple infection
adherent to the buccal mucosa),2 or anatomical
Other conditions
conditions such as cleft palate or tongue-tie which
Benign breast disease: fibroadenoma, fibrocystic change, cyst, benign phyllodes
may interfere with attachment.6,9 Observation of tumour
breastfeeding can determine if there are difficulties Musculoskeletal conditions
with attachment to the breast. A lactation tender costochondral junctions (Tietze syndrome)
consultant may be helpful. sleeping or breastfeeding in an uncomfortable position
Raynaud disease of the nipple
Malignant causes
Mastitis is a clinical diagnosis and investigations
Breast cancer
are not indicated in the initial assessment.1
lobular and ductal carcinoma
Breast infection that does not improve
inflammatory breast cancer (may mimic bacterial mastitis)
with a course of appropriate antibiotics should
malignant phyllodes tumour
be investigated with breast ultrasound.5 This

Reprinted from Australian Family Physician Vol. 40, No. 12, December 2011 977
clinical Lactational mastitis and breast abscess diagnosis and management in general practice

Differential diagnosis
Table 2. Management approach to breast infections
Other less common breast problems may present in
Clinical assessment
the puerperium (Table 1). These differentials should
Localised inflammatory features (pain, erythema, heat, swelling)
be kept in mind, particularly if the clinical features
Systemic features (fever, malaise, myalgia)
are not of a classic nature.
Assessment of infant hydration and weight
Inflammatory breast cancer is a rare
Symptom management
presentation but should be considered if mastitis is
Simple analgesia
not responding to treatment1,2 (Figure 3). Nonbreast
Hot packs before feeding
causes of fever (such as urinary tract infection Cold packs after feeding
or endometritis, ie. following complications of
Antibiotic therapy
Caesarean delivery) should be considered where the
Flucloxacillin or dicloxacillin 500 mg qid for at least 5 days
presentation is with fever rather than breast pain For abscess guided by microbiological culture and sensitivity
and erythema.2
Support continued breastfeeding
Education and reassurance
Regular and complete drainage of breast (use breast pump if needed)
The key components of management are symptom Observe feeding and attachment
control, oral antibiotics and encouraging continued Referral to lactation consultant
milk flow from the affected breast (Table 2). The Referral to Australian Breastfeeding Association
patient should be reassured that antibiotics and Early and frequent review
simple analgesics will not harm her baby. Women Review in 2448 hours; investigate if not settling
should be encouraged to continue breastfeeding, to If not settling, ultrasound to look for breast abscess and rare causes of
rest whenever possible and to drink plenty of fluids. inflammation such as inflammatory breast cancer
Close monitoring is required to ensure that the Aspiration of abscess collection
infection resolves. Biopsy lesions suspicious for malignancy
Management of breast abscess if present
Management of symptoms Aspiration with antibiotic cover is a safe first line approach where specialist
breast clinics or ultrasound guidance are available
Simple analgesia
Incision and drainage if not settling or aspiration is unavailable
Regular oral paracetamol is first line treatment.
Other management (as per mastitis)
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can be added.
Psychological support
Both are safe in breastfeeding.1,2
Reassurance and support
Hot and cold packs to breast Evaluation for depression
Referral to Australian Breastfeeding Association
Evidence is inconsistent, however, breastfeeding
authorities recommend: application of cold packs after feeding (may help options include cephalexin or clindamycin.15
gentle massage and warm compress prior to alleviate pain).1,4,9 Alternatives used overseas include amoxycillin/
feeding (may encourage milk flow)1,4,6 Cabbage leaves have demonstrated inconsistent clavulanic acid and macrolides (erythromycin,
effects; producing postfeeding symptom relief clarithromycin).5 Avoid tetracycline, ciprofloxacin
similar to-ice packs in some studies,5 while and chloramphenicol as they are unsafe for use in
demonstrating no effect in others.9 lactating women.5 Hospitalisation for intravenous
antibiotics is rarely required but is indicated if
Antibiotic therapy there are systemic signs of sepsis.5,15 Candida is a
Adequate antibiotic therapy is essential. Where rare cause of mastitis and is characterised by the
possible this should be guided by microbiological presence of intense pain, particularly noted after
culture and sensitivity (such as when fluid is the breast empties, and the absence of breast
aspirated from an abscess).14 As S. aureus is the erythema.2,9,12
common causative organism, antibiotic therapy
Figure 3. Inflammatory breast cancer may
of choice at least 5 days of flucloxacillin or
Support for continued
mimic mastitis. Classically it presents with a breastfeeding
poorly defined clinical mass with erythema, dicloxacillin in a dose of 500 mg four times per
skin thickening and peau dorange (orange day.15 Due to antibiotic packaging in Australia The aim of therapy is to continue breastfeeding
peel appearance to the skin)
this may require two consecutive 6 day courses and to empty the breast as fully as possible with
Photo Slaven, 2011. All rights reserved
of antibiotics. For patients allergic to penicillin, each feed. This relieves symptoms and reduces

978 Reprinted from Australian Family Physician Vol. 40, No. 12, December 2011
Lactational mastitis and breast abscess diagnosis and management in general practice clinical

the likelihood of progression to breast abscess. Identification and drainage of breastfeeding women including telephone and
breast abscess email counselling and helpful resources:
There is no evidence of risk of harm to a healthy
Breastfeeding Helpline 1800 mum 2 mum (1800
infant feeding from an infected breast.1,4,6 If Lactating women with a breast abscess often 686 286)
attachment is painful, a breast pump can be used present late when the abscess is established and
to drain the breast until the infection settles of large volume.5 The traditional management of Lactation Resource Centre
enough to allow the baby to feed from the breast breast abscess was surgical incision and drainage
(Figure 4). Infant attachment to the breast should under general anaesthetic. This has been largely
Leila Cusack BSc, MBBS(Hons) is a junior medical
be checked and corrected. Referral to a lactation replaced by percutaneous (outpatient) aspiration officer, currently living in Europe. leilacusack@
consultant may be helpful. The Australian under local anaesthetic where specialist breast
Breastfeeding Association is also useful for clinics or radiology services are available. Meagan Brennan BMed, FRACGP, DFM, FASBP,
mother-to-mother support (see Resource). Surgery can usually be avoided and outcomes is a breast physician, The Poche Centre, North
Despite support and encouragement, some are better for outpatient clinic management Sydney and Clinical Senior Lecturer, Northern
women choose to cease breastfeeding. These than surgical management (including reduced Clinical School, Sydney Medical School, University
of Sydney, New South Wales.
women should be supported in their decision and pain and scarring and increased likelihood
encouraged to wean gradually, preferably after of continued breastfeeding).5,10,14 Access to Conflict of interest: none declared.
the infection has resolved. Sudden cessation specialist breast clinics may be limited in some
of breastfeeding may exacerbate the infection, areas, particularly in rural areas, so surgical 1. Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine Protocol
increasing the risk of abscess formation.1,4 incision and drainage may be the treatment of Committee. ABM Clinical Protocol #4: Mastitis.
Medication to suppress milk production is not choice in this setting. Revision, May 2008. Breastfeed Med 2008;3:17780.
2. Amir LH. Breast pain in lactating women: mastitis or
recommended in this situation. something else? Aust Fam Physician 2003;32:1415.
Psychological issues 3. Amir LH, Forster DA, Lumley J, McLachlan H. A
Early and frequent review As well as the severe physical pain, mastitis descriptive study of mastitis in Australian breast-
feeding women: incidence and determinants. BMC
Women with mastitis should be reviewed within is often associated with complex emotions. It Public Health 2007;7:62.
2448 hours to ensure that the inflammation is occurs at a time of great physical, hormonal 4. Betzold CM. An update on the recognition and
management of lactational breast inflammation. J
settling. If minimal improvement occurs, breast and lifestyle change.7 Depression, distress, Midwifery Womens Health 2007;52:595605.
ultrasound is indicated (Figure 2). Ultrasound anxiety, tearfulness, helplessness and concerns 5. Dixon JM, Khan LR. Treatment of breast infection.
helps detect any abscess and can guide about milk supply have been associated with BMJ 2011;342:d396.
6. Spencer JP. Management of mastitis in breastfeed-
aspiration.1,4,5 Ultrasound can identify or exclude episodes of mastitis.7 By acknowledging the ing women. Am Fam Physician 2008;78:72731.
other causes of inflammatory breast signs such difficulties involved in breastfeeding, general 7. Amir LH, Lumley J. Womens experience of lacta-
as inflammatory breast cancer and can facilitate practitioners can help mothers while providing tional mastitis I have never felt worse. Aust Fam
Physician 2006;35:7457.
ultrasound guided biopsy if indicated by the support, encouragement and reassurance that 8. Francis-Morrill J, Heinig MJ, Pappagianis D, Dewey
imaging findings. their milk is extremely valuable to the health of KG. Diagnostic value of signs and symptoms of
mammary candidosis among lactating women. J
their child, and is safe for their baby when they
Hum Lact 2004;20:288.
are taking appropriate antibiotics. The Australian 9. Mass S. Breast pain: engorgement, nipple pain and
Breastfeeding Association is an excellent source mastitis. Clin Obstet Gynecol 2004;47:67682.
10. Amir LH, Forster D, McLachlan H, Lumley J. Incidence
of free information and support and women of breast abscess in lactating women: report from an
should be encouraged to use this resource. Australian cohort. BJOG 2004;111:137881.
11. Crepinsek MA, Crowe L, Michener K, Smart NA.
Summary Interventions for preventing mastitis after childbirth.
Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2010;(8):CD007239.
Lactational breast infections are common and 12. Amir LH. Candida and the lactating breast: predis-
posing factors. J Hum Lact 1991;7:177.
require prompt and effective management to
13. National Breast Cancer Centre. Investigation of a
minimise associated morbidity. Management new breast symptom: a guide for general practition-
of mastitis includes antibiotic therapy and ers. NBCC report: Evidence relevant to guidelines
for the investigation of breast symptoms. 2nd edn.
encouragement of milk flow from the affected February 2006.
breast, ideally with ongoing breastfeeding. Close 14. Elder EE, Brennan M. Nonsurgical management
monitoring is important to detect poor responders, should be first-line therapy for breast abscess. World
J Surg 2010;34:22578.
Figure 4. Continued breastfeeding is trigger investigation and identify breast abscess to 15. Antibiotic Expert Group. Therapeutic Guidelines:
encouraged for women with mastitis and/or allow urgent referral for specialist management. antibiotic. Version 14. Melbourne: Therapeutic
breast abscess. Emptying of the breast can Guidelines Ltd, 2010.
be helped by the use of a breast pump
The Australian Breastfeeding Association provides
advice for health professionals and support for

Reprinted from Australian Family Physician Vol. 40, No. 12, December 2011 979

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