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You recently interviewed for one of two positions as a cub reporter in a regional magazine You have
been offered the job and have been told that you will be in charge of reporting on ways that different
people are promoting their identity in their communities.

One of your first tasks as a cub reporter will be to help create and issue of a local magazine that
addresses the impact of globalization on different communities in that society. You will be researching
and writing on different aspects of identity and globalization.

Your magazine must include

1. ONE news article with reference list reporting on specific events, people or groups that are
sharing culture within their communities. This can be through art, ceremony, festivals, music
etc. This must be reported on by you - not other reporters. Please include a reference list.

2. ONE article discussing the challenges of globalization on a specific community - this could be
written about the Lubicon Cree, Communities involved in the banana wars or any other
communities that have been affected by globalization. Please make sure to include a reference

3. ONE Editorial
Your editorial should be written from your point of view. It should address the opportunities
and challenges of globalization and address the possible solutions to the challenges.
Remember to use sound logic and to support your reasoning with specific evidence. (3-4

3. TWO article related photographs. These photographs may be taken from websites, magazines,
or drawn by you. They should show the impact globalization has had on your chosen articles.
You must also include captions and sources for your photographs.

As this is your first assignment on this job, your editor (me) is expecting a polished product that
demonstrates the depth of your understanding of the impacts of globalization.

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