Khalid's Robot Dragon

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Staying focussed

Ki-ora Khalad. September has been a very big month for you,
you have been using your imagination to create and design
things. Today you found the construction blocks and
proceeded to create something fantastic. When I first asked
you what you were creating you said silly teacher Lynda, cant
you see its a robot?, see these (pointing to the blue rods at
the front) are the magic petrol tanks and these ones are the
fire guns (pointing to the green rods) these ones are the legs,
and these ones are the other legs, teacher Lynda its actually
a robot dragon, you know? And the underside of his body is
the switch off button, and you know, it stops moving then.
Also all the spots are, hhmmm, they do something, these
spots are called parachutes, you know that? wow no I didnt,
thats a pretty impressive robot Khalad. You continued to
make changes to your robot-dragon and asked if we could
leave it so you could show your daddy, so at tidy-up time you
brought it over and asked to put it on the teachers desk till
daddy comes to get you.

It was great to see you staying focussed on what you were

What learning is
doing, even when your friends asked you to play, you said you
happening here? Khalid,
wanted to finish your robot-dragon. I was so impressed with
I noticed in your individual
you Mahsa Allah Khalid good job.
learning goals for this
term that you are learning Contribution/Mana Tangata: Children develop by participating
to find experiences and actively in the opportunities that are available to them. They
activities that will guide experience an environment where they are affirmed as
you in deepening and individuals, recognising and appreciating their own ability to
extending your interests.
learn /te rangatiratanga.
I can see through this
creation you are using your Exploration / Mana Aotuuroa: Over time and with guidance and
imagination to its fullest encouragement, children become increasingly capable of
capacity. You are playing, imagining, inventing and experimenting. Children use
staying on task and creative, critical and metacognitive processes to make sense
becoming more of information, experiences and ideas. Intellectual curiosity
imaginative. I wonder is at the heart of this competency.
what you will come up
with next? T. Lynda September 2017

T. Lynda September 2017

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